Results for 'Deus Ex'

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  1. Ion Storm.Deus Ex - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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  2. Deus ex Machina.Rudolf Arnheim - 1992 - British Journal of Aesthetics 32 (3):221-226.
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  3. Deus ex machina: eschatologies of automation in seventeenth-century Lullism and present-day post-scarcity utopias.Florian Cramer - 2018 - In Armador Vega & Peter Weibel (eds.), Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
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    DEUS EX MACHINA” REDIVIVUS: The “Synthetic A Priori” in the Computer Age.J. Fang - 1989 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):217-232.
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    DEUS EX MACHINA - Aesthetics within Theology The concepts of experience and interpretation in Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy.Jari Kauppinen - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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  6. Deus Ex Macihne” ye Karşı Zerdüşt”.Barış Acar - forthcoming - Cogito.
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    The Deus ex Machina in Euripides.R. B. Appleton - 1920 - The Classical Review 34 (1-2):10-14.
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    Deus ex machina: animales, dioses y máquinas en la génesis de la soberanía moderna, la economía y el liberalismo político.Antón Fernández de Rota - 2014 - España: Editorial Melusina.
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  9. Deus Ex Machina: A Cautionary Tale for Naturalists.Cailin O'Connor, Nathan Fulton, Elliott Wagner & P. Kyle Stanford - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (1):51-62.
    In this paper we critically examine and seek to extend Philip Kitcher’s Ethical Project to weave together a distinctive naturalistic conception of how ethics came to occupy the place it does in our lives and how the existing ethical project should be revised and extended into the future. Although we endorse his insight that ethical progress is better conceived of as the improvement of an existing state than an incremental approach towards a fixed endpoint, we nonetheless go on to argue (...)
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    Il Deus ex Machina nella Tragedia Greca. By Benjamino Stumpo. Pp. 43. Palermo: Edizioni Sandron, 1928. Lire 2.50. [REVIEW]J. T. Sheppard - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (5):203-204.
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    (1 other version)Deus Ex Machina. [REVIEW]H. C. Baldry - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (2):129-131.
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  12. Of a Farcical Deus ex Machina in Heidegger and Derrida.Tziovanis Georgakis - 2016 - In Lisa Foran & Rozemund Uljée (eds.), Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida: The Question of Difference. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Le satellite, deus ex machina des programmes scolaires.Ariane Giannoni-Pasco - 2002 - Hermes 34:151.
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    Evolution and the modern deus ex Machina.Margaret Betz - 2012 - Think 11 (30):111-114.
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  15. The Grotius Sanction: Deus Ex Machina. The legal, ethical, and strategic use of drones in transnational armed conflict and counterterrorism.James Welch - 2019 - Dissertation, Leiden University
    The dissertation deals with the questions surrounding the legal, ethical and strategic aspects of armed drones in warfare. This is a vast and complex field, however, one where there remains more conflict and debate than actual consensus. -/- One of the many themes addressed during the course of this research was an examination of the evolution of modern asymmetric transnational armed conflict. It is the opinion of the author that this phenomenon represents a “grey-zone”; an entirely new paradigm of warfare. (...)
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  16. Darwin's triumph: Explaining the uniqueness of the human mind without a deus ex Machina.Derek C. Penn, Keith J. Holyoak & Daniel J. Povinelli - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):153-178.
    In our target article, we argued that there is a profound functional discontinuity between the cognitive abilities of modern humans and those of all other extant species. Unsurprisingly, our hypothesis elicited a wide range of responses from commentators. After responding to the commentaries, we conclude that our hypothesis lies closer to Darwin's views on the matter than to those of many of our contemporaries.
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    The special resiliency of commercial speech as deus ex Machina.Michael Davis - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (1):121 - 128.
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  18. Conceptual knowledge: Grounded in sensorimotor states, or a disembodied deus ex machina?Ezequiel Morsella, Carlos Montemayor, Jason Hubbard & Pareezad Zarolia - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):455-456.
    If embodied models no longer address the symbol grounding problem and a conceptual system can step in and resolve categorizations when embodied simulations fail, then perhaps the next step in theory-building is to isolate the unique contributions of embodied simulation. What is a disembodied conceptual system incapable of doing with respect to semantic processing or the categorization of smiles?
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    Emanation Ex Deus: A Defense.Robert Oakes - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2):163 - 171.
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    Ex 5,22-6,1: A oração de Moisés e a resposta divina.Marcos Eduardo Melo dos Santos - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):71-83.
    Ex 5,22-6.1 presents Moses appealing to the Lord and God's answer to the prophet. Moses' prayer is configured as a cry of despair stemming from a bewilderment of his vocation as a promoter of liberty, subdued by human conditions. The prophet of failure is paradoxical, since it reveals both as a personal and divine failure. For these reasons, Moses has faith put to the test. His reaction shown by a fiery prayer and full of fervor. God responds with the renewal (...)
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    Crítica a la noción moderna de corporalidad: Una reflexión medieval a partir del Cur Deus Homo de San Anselmo de Canterbury.José Luis Gaona Carrillo - 2023 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 16 (30-31):1-27.
    La ciencia moderna ha reducido el estudio de la realidad a una sola postura mostrando una tendencia reductiva de lo real solamente exclusiva al hecho contrastable de la experiencia sensible. La propuesta es mostrar una contraparte desde una perspectiva filosófica. La filosofía contemporánea, especialmente el denominado nuevo realismo ha comenzado a problematizar esta visión única de lo real. La ontología del siglo XXI permite revalorar las nociones filosóficas de ser, existencia, realidad y cuerpo. Este artículo cuestiona críticamente los resultados científicos (...)
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    On Franco-Ferraz, Theism and the Theatre of the Mind.Miguel A. Badía-Cabrera - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (2):131-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Franco-Ferraz, Theism and the Theatre of the Mind MiguelA. Badia-Cabrera In "Theatre andReligiousHypothesis,"1 MariaFranco-Ferraz offersan eloquent and reasoned argument in favour ofa fresh and different sort of hermeneutic approach to the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion as a suitable means to disentangle the web of proverbially difficult philosophical questions posed by Hume in that work. In order to arrive at a coherent understanding ofthe Dialogues as a whole and (...)
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    The Nature of Technological Knowledge. Are Models of Scientific Change Relevant?Rachel Laudan - 1984 - Springer Verlag.
    One of the ironies of our time is the sparsity of useful analytic tools for understanding change and development within technology itself. For all the diatribes about the disastrous effects of technology on modern life, for all the equally uncritical paeans to technology as the panacea for human ills, the vociferous pro- and anti-technology movements have failed to illuminate the nature of technology. On a more scholarly level, in the midst of claims by Marxists and non-Marxists alike about the technological (...)
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  24. Reincarnation redux.Steven D. Hales - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):359-367.
    This paper is a rejoinder to Robert Almeder's "On Reincarnation: A Reply to Hales". I argue that even if we stipulate the case studies of the reincarnationists to be good data, the explanatory hypothesis of reincarnation is a deus ex machina. Without a comprehensive scientific or philosophical theory of the mind that embeds the reincarnation hypothesis, the view should not be taken seriously. The fact that reincarnation is the first explanation of the case studies that comes to mind says (...)
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    Fernando Pessoa’s Art of Living: Ironic Multiples, Multiple Ironies.Rehan P. Visser - 2019 - Philosophical Forum 50 (4):435-454.
    In The Art of Living, Alexander Nehamas argues that Michel de Montaigne, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Michel Foucault undertook a particularist art of living—a unique project of self‐construction. In so doing, argues Nehamas, they based their lives on the life of Socrates, that quintessentially ironic character. To this list of self‐fashioning philosophers, I add Fernando Pessoa, the twentieth‐century Portuguese writer. I argue that Pessoa, via the writings of his heteronyms, also took Socrates as the model for constructing a self. Moreover, Pessoa (...)
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    A Thousand Machines: A Concise Philosophy of the Machine as Social Movement.Gerald Raunig - 2010 - Semiotext(E).
    The machine as a social movement of today's “precariat”—those whose labor and lives are precarious. In this “concise philosophy of the machine,” Gerald Raunig provides a historical and critical backdrop to a concept proposed forty years ago by the French philosophers Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze: the machine, not as a technical device and apparatus, but as a social composition and concatenation. This conception of the machine as an arrangement of technical, bodily, intellectual, and social components subverts the opposition between (...)
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    Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy (review).David Engel - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):316-320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of PhilosophyDavid EngelAndrea Wilson Nightingale. Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xiv + 222 pp. Cloth, $57.95.The old saw "Everybody's a comedian" has its counterpart in contemporary academia: "Everybody's a philosopher." Biologists. Psychologists. Linguists. Physicists. Anthropologists. Historians. Even jurists. Many scholars of comparative literature, English, and history can be heard describing what they (...)
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    A Thousand Machines: A Concise Philosophy of the Machine as Social Movement.Aileen Derieg (ed.) - 2010 - Semiotext(E).
    In this "concise philosophy of the machine," Gerald Raunig provides a historical and critical backdrop to a concept proposed forty years ago by the French philosophers Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze: the machine, not as a technical device and apparatus, but as a social composition and concatenation. This conception of the machine as an arrangement of technical, bodily, intellectual, and social components subverts the opposition between man and machine, organism and mechanism, individual and community. Drawing from an unusual range of (...)
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    Suffering, Victims, and Poetic Inspiration.Raymund Schwager & Patrick O'Liddy - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):63-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Suffering, Victims, and Poetic Inspiration Raymund Schwager University ofInnsbruck Poetic inspiration has something to do with the divine. The Greek tragedies are classic examples of that. The poets regarded themselves as inspired by the divine Muses, and in their works the gods are quite naturally present in the lives of human beings. Sometimes the gods treat them in a friendly way, sometimes they spur on conflicts or even inspire (...)
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    Erictho and Demogorgon: Poetry against Metaphysics.David Quint - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):1-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Erictho and Demogorgon: Poetry against Metaphysics DAVID QUINT Epic without the gods? The Roman poet Lucan (39–65 ce) created a secular counter-epic inside classical epic, removing the genre’s usual pantheon of Olympian deities and replacing them with Fortune. His Bellum civile (titled De bello civili in manuscripts, alternately titled Pharsalia) a poem about the conflict between Julius Caesar and Pompey, thereby delegitimizes the emperors who succeeded the dying Roman (...)
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    C. S. Peirce on Miracles.Robert H. Ayers - 1980 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 16 (3):242 - 254.
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    The word of light: piercing the veil of chaos.Shlomo Shoham - 2009 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    One of the fundamental enigmas of our existence, and for that matter, God's existence, is the act of creation. Has the cosmos been created ex nihilo or was it an intelligent design by God? Does God, having created the world, let it evolve and develop on its own, subject to the rules of evolution and chance; or does God intervene in every step of evolution in a deus ex machina manner? What is the role of man in creation? Is (...)
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    Le principe alliance.Philippe Capelle-Dumont - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    L’alliance est la grammaire principale du monde. Phénomène commun, local et universel, le plus pauvre et le plus noble. Elle se trouve cependant aujourd’hui plus que jamais contrariée. Le monde est en dés-alliance sur le plan social, politique, anthropologique, écologique, techno-scientifique, métaphysique. Les demandes répétées de « recréer du lien » en corroborent le fait plus qu’elles n’en dessinent une alternative : affranchies de tout « principe », elles échouent à leur tour sur les rives du nihilisme. C’est que le (...)
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    Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion seit der Antike : Imaginationsräume, Narrationen und Selbstverständnisdiskurse.Oliver Müller & Kevin Liggieri - 2019 - In Kevin Liggieri & Oliver Müller (eds.), Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Handbuch Zu Geschichte – Kultur – Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 3-14.
    Es ist vermutlich kein Zufall, dass zu den ersten Maschinen, mit denen Menschen interagierten, auch Illusionsmaschinen gehörten. Die Theater im antiken Griechenland besaßen kranartige Vorrichtungen, die es erlaubten, Schauspieler überraschend in die Bühnenhandlung hineinschweben und eingreifen zu lassen, Götter mimend, die das Geschehen nach ihren Wünschen lenken konnten. Bekannt ist diese Theatertechnik als ›Deus ex machina‹.
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    Le symptôme Avatar.Frank Pierobon - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Avatar, le film de James Cameron (2009), aura ete un succes commercial d'une ampleur exceptionnelle, a considerer davantage comme le symptome d'une certaine societe en crise spirituelle, que comme l'expression personnelle d'un createur, fut-il exceptionnel. Sur cette base, Frank Pierobon, au terme d'une deconstruction tres poussee, en extrait l'embleme de notre postmodernite finissante: un Deus ex Fantasma, soit une derisoire redemption par le reve, faute de tout autre salut.
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    Platon im Theater: Der Gorgias im Dialog mit Euripides’ Antiope.Michael Schramm - 2020 - Hermes 148 (3):286.
    This paper examines the influence of Euripides on Plato, reflecting the intertextuality between Euripides‘ Antiope und Plato’s Gorgias (esp. the agon between Zethos and Amphion and the agon between Callicles and Socrates, then the deus ex machina in the Antiope and the myth of the afterlife in the Gorgias). It is argued that the final part of the Gorgias is a serious philosophical answer to the tragic aporias, which Euripides dramatically staged in his Antiope (that is the aporia of (...)
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  37. Fashion Seen as Something Imitative and Foreign.Nickolas Pappas - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1):1-19.
    Philosophers have recently begun to write about fashion in dress. They acknowledge that philosophy traditionally ignored the subject altogether or else disparaged fashion. They do not observe that those past philosophers who slighted fashion characterized it as mass imitativeness; but in fact that one-sided characterization is what permitted commentators to overlook innovativeness in fashion. Indeed the figure of the foreigner that recurs in philosophical remarks about fashion only makes sense given a reading of fashion as imitative uniformity. The foreigner becomes (...)
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    Political Discourses at the End of Sophokles' Philoktetes.Kevin Hawthorne - 2006 - Classical Antiquity 25 (2):243-276.
    Sophokles' Philoktetes is a response to the oligarchic takeover and restoration of democracy in Athens in 411–10 BC. The play explores the grounds, strengths, and weaknesses of democratic discourse, and measures it against alternatives. The final agon between Neoptolemos and Philoktetes defines a model of legitimate persuasion that can replace Odysseus' sophistic and oligarchic modes of interacting with others. The deus ex machina, in turn, brings in an authoritative aristocratic discourse that is superior even to democratic deliberation.
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  39. The Zero Ontology - David Pearce on Why Anything Exists.Arthur Witherall - unknown
    David Pearce has described a proposal which outlines an explanation space within which the question "Why is there something instead of nothing? " can be given a legitimate answer. This is how he describes his endeavour, and he makes it clear that his ideas are purely speculative. He does not have a straightforward answer to the question, nor even a theory. All that he has is a sketch of what a theory which "explains existence" might be like, and how it (...)
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  40. Democracy in America: An Appreciation On the Occasion of the Centennial of Tocqueville's Death.Bernard Rosenberg & Dennis H. Wong - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (33):127-137.
    Like a great work of literary art, which indeed it is, Alexis de Tocqueville's extraordinary analysis of American society grows more impressive with each exposure to it. Everything has changed and nothing has changed since Democracy in America was published in the 1830’s. Its author grasped with remarkable perception both the mutable and the immutable qualities of man. There could be nothing more salutary for us today than to assimilate his fine sense of what was permanent in a world which, (...)
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    Fifth-century tragedy and comedy: a "synkrisis".Oliver Taplin - 1986 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 106:163-174.
    At the very end of Plato's Symposium our narrator awakes to find Socrates still hard at it, and making Agathon and Aristophanes agree that the composition of tragedy and comedy is really one and the same thing:… προсαναγκάӡειν τὸν Σωκράτη ὁμολογεῖν αὐτοὺс τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀνδρὸс εἷναι κωμωιδίαν καὶ τραγωιδίαν ἐπἰсταϲθαι ποιεῖν, καὶ τὸν τέχνηι τραγωιδοποιὸν ὄντα καὶ κωμωιδοποιὸν εἷναι. ταῦτα δὴ ἀναγκαӡομένουϲ αὐτοὺϲ … the two playwrights succumb to sleep, leaving Socrates triumphant. Socrates had to ‘force’ his case; and it (...)
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    Perceiving and remembering.Edward S. Casey - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):407-436.
    THE FATES of perceiving and remembering have been inextricably intertwined in Western philosophy and psychology. It has been asserted from Plato’s Theaetetus onwards that there can be no remembering without perceiving and, though much less frequently, no perceiving without remembering of some sort. Just how either of these forms of interdependency occurs, however, has given rise to continual controversy. Little discernible progress has been made since Plato first proposed, in the Theaetetus, a model of the mind as an aviary in (...)
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    Creative Suffering of the Triune God: An Evolutionary Theology.Gloria L. Schaab - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The global reality of suffering and death has always demanded an authentic theological response and impelled debate concerning Gods relationship to suffering, as well as the conceivability of the suffering of God. The scope and impact of this suffering in the last century have driven this debate to an acute pitch, demanding to know how one can speak rightly of God in view of the suffering that is inherent and inflicted in the cosmos. While in former ages, some looked to (...)
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    Uma Definição de Loucura.Rui Gabriel Silva Caldeira - 2021 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 30 (59):99-144.
    Pretendo formular uma definição positiva de loucura: o sentimento de comoção e vertigem psíquica resultante da perceção de conhecimento extra do indivíduo sobre si próprio. Farei um percurso histórico‑filosófico e literário sobre o tópico com alguns dos principais pensadores contemporâneos, de Kant e Pinel, Hegel, Hölderlin e Nietzsche, até Wittgenstein e Derrida. Apresento uma perspetiva diferente da atual convenção cultural humanística que estabelece uma relação de causalidade eficiente entre a entidade nosológica «esquizofrenia», funcionando como Deus ex‑machina, e a produção (...)
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    Une histoire de l'homme sans fil d'Ariane.Fabrice Garcia - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Pour de nombreuses théories contemporaines, la nature est devenue le Deus ex machina. Nos sentiments, nos comportements et notre pensée dépendraient de la vie, des mutations, de la sélection naturelle, de la sélection de groupe. Adaptation, mutations, fonctions, utilité, rapport coût/bénéfice, régulation affective ou sociale : ce lexique n'est plus inconnu pour l'amateur. Cet ouvrage prétend repenser l'évolution de l'homme dans un contexte plus différent...
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    The Time of the King: Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio.Joan Ramon Resina - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):49-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 49-77 [Access article in PDF] The Time of the King Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio Joan Ramon Resina There is something paradoxical about José Zorrilla's revision of the Don Juan legend, a certain contradiction between the play's structure and the logic of the action. The character of the protagonist, the form and implications of Don Juan's salvation, the strategies and temporality of seduction, (...)
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    Ask Not What You Can Do for Yourself: Cartesian Chaos, Neural Dynamics, and Immunological Cognition. [REVIEW]Seán Ó Nualláin - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (1):79-92.
    This paper focuses on the disparate phenomena we psychologize as “selfhood”. A central argument is that, far from being a deus ex machina as required in the Cartesian schema, our felt experience of self is above all a consequence of data compression. In coming to this conclusion, it considers in turn the Cartesian epiphany, other traditional and contemporary perspectives, and a half-century’s empirical work in the Freeman lab on neurodynamics. We introduce the concept of consciousness qua process as a (...)
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  48. The problem with reason.Kaius Ikejezie - manuscript
    Reason is the tool of our knowledge but in philosophy this tool encounters difficulties, especially, when it is faced with the big questions - the source of philosophy's deep disagreements. Another difficulty arises from the fact that philosophy and religion cross each other's path: the first draws deductions from rational principles in its approach to religion while the second does not remain firm on its terrain - it keeps looking for rational answers. In essence, this is what this article deals (...)
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    The Brothers Bonhoeffer on science, morality, and theology.Larry Rasmussen - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):97-113.
    On one level this is a case study in science, religion, and morality, with special attention to the consequences for morality of science's embeddedness in society. On another level this is the science-and-theology dialogue between the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his brother Karl-Friedrich, a physicist. The influence of Karl-Friedrich and the brothers' exchanges on Dietrich's prison theology receives special attention. Because this study is set in Germany in the 1930s and 40s, and Karl-Friedrich's work intersected Germany's efforts to develop a (...)
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    Solo Sailing as Spiritual Practice.Richard Hutch - 2012 - In Patrick Goold & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), Sailing – Philosophy for Everyone. Blackwell. pp. 36–46.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Phenomenology of Moral Presence at Sea Tragic Comedy (or Comic Tragedy): The Paradox of Sailing.
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