Results for 'Desidero Biró'

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    Teoría ondulatoria de la historia.Desidero Biró - 1936 - Buenos Aires,: J. Menéndez.
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    Knowability, believability and begging the question: A reply to Sanford.J. I. Biro - 1984 - Metaphilosophy 15 (3-4):239-247.
  3. Hume's new science of the mind.John Biro - 1993 - In David Fate Norton & Jacqueline Taylor (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Hume. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Rescuing ?Begging the question?J. I. Biro - 1977 - Metaphilosophy 8 (4):257-271.
  5. Conventionality In Speech Acts.John Biro - 1978 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 3.
    The question of the relative importance and precise delineation of conventional and non-conventional elements in speech acts was regarded as central in their analysis by Austin himself, and has continued to exercise subsequent writers on the subject.
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  6. Dretske on phenomenal externalism.John Biro - 1996 - Philosophical Issues 7:171-178.
  7.  20
    The Neo-Fregean Argument.John Biro - 1995 - In Petr Kotatko & John Biro (eds.), Frege: Sense and Reference one Hundred Years later. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 185--206.
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  8. A szerbek és 1848.Bíró László - 1998 - História 3:23-25.
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  9. BREDIN Hugh and Liberato Santoro-Brienza: Philosophies of Art and.Biro Matthew & Anselm Kiefer - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (3):571-575.
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    Mind, Brain, and Function: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind.John Ivan Biro & Robert W. Shahan (eds.) - 1982 - Oklahoma University Press.
    With the discovery in 1995 of the first planet orbiting another star, we know that planets are not unique to our own Solar System. For centuries, humanity has wondered whether we are alone in the Universe. We are now finally one step closer to knowing the answer. The quest for exoplanets is an exciting one, because it holds the possibility that one day we might find life elsewhere in the Universe, born in the light of another sun. Written from the (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Consciousness and subjectivity.John I. Biro - 1991 - Philosophical Issues 1:113-133.
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    Hume and Cognitive Science.J. I. Biro - 1985 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 2 (3):257 - 274.
  13. Persons as corporate entities and corporations as persons.John I. Biro - 1981 - Nature and System 3 (September):173-80.
  14.  38
    Isomorphic but not lower base-isomorphic cylindric algebras of finite dimension.Balázs Biró - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (2):262-267.
  15. A point of view on points of view.John Biro - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (1):3-12.
    A number of writers have deployed the notion of a point of view as a key to the allegedly theory-resistant subjective aspect of experience. I examine that notion more closely than is usually done and find that it cannot support the anti-objectivist's case. Experience may indeed have an irreducibly subjective aspect, but the notion of a point of view cannot be used to show that it does.
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    Profán mitológia: a film és mágikus gondolkodás.Yvette Bíró - 1999 - Budapest: Osiris.
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  17. One‐year‐old infants use teleological representations of actions productively.Gergely Csibra, Szilvia Bíró, Orsolya Koós & György Gergely - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (1):111-133.
    Two experiments investigated whether infants represent goal‐directed actions of others in a way that allows them to draw inferences to unobserved states of affairs (such as unseen goal states or occluded obstacles). We measured looking times to assess violation of infants' expectations upon perceiving either a change in the actions of computer‐animated figures or in the context of such actions. The first experiment tested whether infants would attribute a goal to an action that they had not seen completed. The second (...)
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  18. Epistemic Normativity, Argumentation, and Fallacies.Harvey Siegel & John Biro - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (3):277-292.
    In Biro and Siegel we argued that a theory of argumentation mustfully engage the normativity of judgments about arguments, and we developedsuch a theory. In this paper we further develop and defend our theory.
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    The pragma-dialectician’s dilemma: Reply to Garssen and van Laar.Harvey Siegel & John Biro - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (4):457-480.
    Garssen and van Laar in effect concede our main criticism of the pragma-dialectical approach. The criticism is that the conclusions of arguments can be ‘P-D reasonable’ yet patently unreasonable, epistemically speaking. The concession consists in the claim that the theory “remains restricted to the investigation of standpoints in the light of particular sets of starting points” which are “up to individual disputants to create” and the admission that all the relevant terms of normative appraisal have been redefined. We also discuss (...)
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  20. What's in a belief?J. I. Biro - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (7):267.
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    Hume on Self-Identity and Memory.J. I. Biro - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (1):19 - 38.
    Ashley and Stack couple their claim that Hume holds a logical-construction theory with the remarkable suggestion that, so understood, his views yield "... at least a recognizable facsimile of the identity most of us believe in." The highly implausible suggestion that the non-philosopher regards his self as a logical construct should be enough to provide a motive for re-examining the arguments Ashley and Stack offer for their interpretation. These arguments make use of the distinction Hume develops between perfect and imperfect (...)
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    Consideraciones en torno a la pragma-dialéctica.Jhon Biro & Harvey Siegel - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (2):193-201.
    El presente trabajo complemenJa las referencias a la lengua aut6ctona de los día­ guitas chilenos, en la encrucijada histórica de la conquista hispana en el siglo Xlll , cuya primera parte se publicó en WGOS N 2 l.En este número conJrastamos las hipó­ tesis de don Ricardo Latcham con la crftica de don Jorge /ribarren; se ofrece, aderruís, un suscinJo panorama de la situación lingüística en el noroeste argenJino, y las anota­ ciones espedficamenJe lingüísticas sobre el "cacán" de Antonio Tovar, (...)
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  23. Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes.Olli Koistinen & John Biro - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (217):627-628.
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  24. Consideraciones en torno a la pragma-dialéctica.John Biro - 2014 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (2):193-201.
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  25. Frege: Sense and Reference One Hundred Years Later.John Biro & Petr Kotatko - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (3):433-439.
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    Intelligence, behavior and internal processing/Inteligência, comportamento e processamento interno.John Biro - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):291-315.
    Ned Block has recently adduced some new arguments to show that “psychologism is true and thus a natural behaviorist analysis of intelligence that is incompatible with psychologism is false”. He introduces a thought experiment in which a machine is programmed to exhibit intelligent-seeming behavior and appeals to our intuition that such a machine is nevertheless not really inteligent; he traces that intuition to the fact that the machine is being thought of as operating with internal processes that, first, lack a (...)
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  27. List of Contents: Volume 14, Number 5, October 2001.T. S. Biró, S. G. Matinyan & B. Müller - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (1).
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    Primacy of Information About Means Selection Over Outcome Selection in Goal Attribution by Infants.Stephan Verschoor & Szilvia Biro - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (4):714-725.
    It has been shown that, when observing an action, infants can rely on either outcome selection information (i.e., actions that express a choice between potential outcomes) or means selection information (i.e., actions that are causally efficient toward the outcome) in their goal attribution. However, no research has investigated the relationship between these two types of information when they are present simultaneously. In an experiment that addressed this question directly, we found that when outcome selection information could disambiguate the goal of (...)
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    What is Evidence of Evidence Evidence of?Fabio Lampert & John Biro - 2017 - Logos and Episteme 8 (2):195-206.
    Richard Feldman’s well-known principle about disagreement and evidence – usually encapsulated in the slogan, ‘evidence of evidence is evidence’, (EEE) – invites the question, what should a rational believer do when faced by such evidence, especially when the disagreement is with an epistemic peer? The question has been the subject of much controversy. However, it has been recently suggested both that the principle is subject to counterexamples and that it is trivial. If either is the case, the question of what (...)
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  30. Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes.Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This collection of previously unpublished essays on Spinoza provides a representative sample of new and interesting research on the philosopher. Spinoza's philosophy still has an underserved reputation for being obscure and incomprehensible. In these chapters, Spinoza is seen mostly as a metaphysician who tried to pave the way for the new science. The essays investigate several themes, notably Spinoza's monism, the nature of the individual, the relation between mind and body, and his place in 17th century philosophy including his relation (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Action and the Public in Hannah Arendt’s Theory.Noémi BÍRÓ - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:87-103.
    Feminist Interpretations of Action and the Public in Hannah Arendt’s Theory. Arendt’s typology of human activity and her arguments on the precondition of politics allow for a variety in interpretations for contemporary political thought. The feminist reception of Arendt’s work ranges from critical to conciliatory readings that attempt to find the points in which Arendt’s theory might inspire a feminist political project. In this paper I explore the ways in which feminist thought has responded to Arendt’s definition of action, freedom (...)
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    (1 other version)Calculated values: finance, politics and the quantitative age.Gábor Bíró - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):865-867.
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    From red spirit to underperforming pyramids and coercive institutions: Michael Polanyi against economic planning.Gábor István Bíró - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):811-847.
    ABSTRACT This paper examines the evolution of Michael Polanyi’s critique of economic planning. It portrays how the focal point of his critique shifted from addressing the ‘spirit,’ ‘social consciousness,’ and ‘public emotion’ of the people supporting planned economies to addressing the administrative ‘unmanageability’ and the logical impossibility of economic planning. Polanyi developed thought experiments of imaginary economies, contrasted the ‘pyramid of authority’ with the polygons of liberty, and explained organic and inorganic ways of adjusting economic relations. He attempted to relax (...)
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    The obituary of AI.Gábor István Bíró - forthcoming - Metascience:1-3.
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    Where the pasts and futures of science and technology studies meet: U. Felt, R. Fouché, C. A. Miller and L. Smith-Doerr The handbook of science and technology studies, fourth edition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1208pp, US$ 75 HB.Gábor István Bíró - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):169-172.
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  36. In Defense of the Objective Epistemic Approach to Argumentation.John Biro & Harvey Siegel - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (1):91-101.
    In this paper we defend a particular version of the epistemic approach to argumentation. We advance some general considerations in favor of the approach and then examine the ways in which different versions of it play out with respect to the theory of fallacies, which we see as central to an understanding of argumentation. Epistemic theories divide into objective and subjective versions. We argue in favor of the objective version, showing that it provides a better account than its subjectivist rival (...)
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    Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes.Olli I. Koistinen & John Biro (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This collection of previously unpublished essays on Spinoza provides a sample of new and interesting research on the philosopher. The essays investigate such themes as Spinoza's monism, the nature of the individual, the relation between mind and body, and his place in 17th century philosophy.
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    A logically transparent approach to discourse reporting.Corey Washington & John Biro - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (2):146–172.
    In this essay we develop a theory of discourse reports. The theory provides a common set of structural and interpretive principles that together account for the truth conditions of direct, indirect and mixed reports. A distinguishing feature of our view is the assumption that the complement sentence of a report divides exclusively and exhaustively into regions that characterize the content of the reported utterance and regions that characterize the form of the utterance. This assumption implies that mixed reports do not (...)
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    Review of Angela Coventry, Hume's Theory of Causation: A Quasi-Realist Interpretation[REVIEW]John Biro - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (4).
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    (1 other version)Sex, death & politics – taboos in language.Melanie Keller, Philipp Striedl, Daniel Biro, Johanna Holzer & Benjamin Weber - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (1):1-4.
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    Capacity, Vulnerability, and Informed Consent for Research.Michelle Biros - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):72-78.
    This article presents an overview for clinician investigators on the concepts of decision-making capacity and vulnerability as related to human subjects research. Tools for capacity assessment and unacknowledged sources of vulnerability are discussed, and the practical gaps in current informed consent requirements related to impaired capacity and potential vulnerability are described. Options are suggested for research discussions when full regulatory consent is not possible and an exception from informed consent does not apply.
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  42. Non-finite-axiomatizability results in algebraic logic.Balázs Biró - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):832 - 843.
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    Are There Scattered Objects?John Biro - 2017 - Metaphysica 18 (2).
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    Pareto optimal allocation under uncertain preferences: uncertainty models, algorithms, and complexity.Haris Aziz, Péter Biró, Ronald de Haan & Baharak Rastegari - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 276 (C):57-78.
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    Rationality, Reasonableness, and Critical Rationalism: Problems with the Pragma-dialectical View. [REVIEW]Harvey Siegel & John Biro - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (2):191-203.
    A major virtue of the Pragma-Dialectical theory of argumentation is its commitment to reasonableness and rationality as central criteria of argumentative quality. However, the account of these key notions offered by the originators of this theory, Frans van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst, seems to us problematic in several respects. In what follows we criticize that account and suggest an alternative, offered elsewhere, that seems to us to be both independently preferable and more in keeping with the epistemic approach to arguments (...)
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    Constitution and Identity.John Biro - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (6):1127-1138.
    A widely held view has it that sometimes there is more than one thing in exactly the same place, as is the case, allegedly, with a clay statue. There is the statue, but there also is a piece of clay—both obviously in the same place yet distinct in virtue of their differing properties, if only modal ones. Those holding this view—pluralists—often describe the relation between such objects as one of constitution, with the piece of clay being said to constitute the (...)
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    “Dogmatism” and Dogmatism.John Biro - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2):540-544.
    The so-called paradox of dogmatism has it that it seems that one is both entitled and not entitled to ignore evidence against what one knows. By knowing something, one knows it to be true, and one also knows that there can be no non-misleading evidence against what is true. But to ignore evidence against what one believes – and, surely, one believes what one knows – is to be dogmatic, something one should not be. I argue that there is no (...)
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  48. Saving the Ship.John Biro - 2017 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 13 (2):43-54.
    In defending the startling claim that that there are no artifacts, indeed, no inanimate material objects of the familiar sort, Peter van Inwagen has argued that truths about such putative objects can be paraphrased as truths that do not make essential reference to them and that we should endorse only the ontological commitments of the paraphrase. In this note I argue that the paraphrases van Inwagen recommends cannot meet his condition. Read one way, they lose us some truths. Read another, (...)
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    Intentionalism in the Theory of Meaning.J. I. Biro - 1979 - The Monist 62 (2):238-258.
    The object of this paper is to argue that the relationship between intentions and meaning has been misconstrued by some influential recent theories of meaning. The theories I have in mind derive from earlier work by H. P. Grice, but have undergone extensive development and modification in the hands of Grice himself,, Stephen Schiffer, Jonathan Bennett and others. There have been, during much the same period, developments of Austin’s work on speech acts in which the same Gricean influence is unmistakable; (...)
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