Results for 'Dei verbum'

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  1. Dei Verbum. L'Éxégèse catholique entre critique historique et renouveau des sciences bibliques.Olivier Artus - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (1):76-91.
    L'exégèse a une histoire récente qu'enrichissent les problématiques des sciences humaines ainsi que les réflexions théologiques. L'article expose les grandes lignes de cette évolution depuis l'encyclique Providentissimus Deus , qui reconnaît, bien que timidement encore, l'importance du point de vue historicocritique, jusqu'au document de la Commission biblique pontificale L'interprétation de la Bible dans l'Église , qui intègre l'herméneutique contemporaine attentive à la place du lecteur dans l'interprétation du texte offert à sa lecture. La constitution conciliaire Dei Verbum constitue un (...)
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    Constitución Dogmática Dei Verbum y los métodos de interpretación de las Escrituras.Luis Heriberto Rivas - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (33):109-136.
    El artículo valora en su conjunto la concisión y la claridad del número 12 de la Constitución Dei Verbum, en el que los Padres conciliares recogieron, en apretada síntesis, las enseñanzas del magisterio y abrieron caminos para que la Iglesia fuera avanzando cada vez con mayor seguridad en el conocimiento de la Palabra de Dios. Se despejó un campo que presentaba muchas dificultades y en el que había varios temas en conflicto. Los aportes posteriores al Concilio, como el documento (...)
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    (1 other version)<< Dei verbum >> sobre el fondo de << Dei filius >>: Explicitación, desarrollo y progreso en el concepto de revelación.Adolfo González Montes - 1996 - Salmanticensis 43 (3):341-364.
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  4. Dei Verbum Forty Years On: Revelation, Inspiration and the Spirit.Ormond Rush - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (4):406.
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  5. Pieter Smulders and Dei Verbum: 2. On De fontibus revelationis during Vatican II's First Period, 1962.Jared Wicks - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (3):559-593.
    Poursuivant une précédente recherche sur les travaux de P. Smulders , L'A. présente les résultats d'une étude sur la genèse du «Dei Verbum», examinant les acticités théologiques de Pieter Smulders au cours de la première période du deuxième Concile du Vatican, où il travailla comme expert théologique au service de la Conférence épiscopale d'Indonésie. Il élabore une analyse critique du projet «De fontibus revelationis» élaboré par Smulders à l'usage des évêques.
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  6. Pieter Smulders and Dei Verbum: 5. A critical reception of the schema De revelatione of the Mixed Commission (1963).Jared Wicks - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (1):92-134.
    This article, the fifth in our series on the genesis of Dei Verbum, presents the critical comments of P. Smulders on the work of the Mixed Commission on Revelation . During the final days of Vatican II's First Period, Smulders obtained a copy of the new prooemium on revelation itself presented to the Mixed Commission by Abp. G. Garrone, and in this Smulders saw the citation of the prologue of 1 John as a basic text on revelation, which he (...)
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    La especificidad de la exégesis histórico-crítica según Joseph Ratzinger. El debate sobre Dei Verbum 12, 1-4.Manuel Aroztegi Esnaola - 2022 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 25 (50):171-200.
    En el presente artículo se estudia cuál es, según Joseph Ratzinger, la especificidad de la exégesis histórico-crítica respecto de la exégesis dogmática. Desde mediados del siglo XX en el campo católico se está dando un debate muy intenso sobre este tema. Dicha discusión gira, en buena medida, en torno a Dei Verbum 12 y, más concretamente, sobre la naturaleza de las reglas hermenéuticas propuestas en los cuatro primeros párrafos. Ratzinger toma postura en el debate y considera que la exégesis (...)
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    A Palavra de Deus na Bíblia e a Missão Evangelizadora: cinquenta anos depois da Dei Verbum.Johan Konings - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2096-2114.
    Aos 50 anos da Dei Verbum retomam-se alguns textos da última década que atualizam esse documento, especialmente a exortação Verbum Domini de Bento XVI, o Documento de Aparecida, do CELAM, e a Evangelii Gaudium, do papa Francisco. Partindo da consideração da palavra dialogal como espaço para o deixar-ser do outro, sublinha-se o caráter humano-divino da palavra de Deus, criadora e humanada em Cristo. A Tradição viva da Igreja, em cujo seio se configura a Escritura cristã como regra primeira (...)
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    At the origins of 'dei verbum'.Gerald O'collins - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (1):5–13.
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  10. Pieter Smulders and Dei Verbum: 3. Developing the understanding of revelation to Israel, 1962-63.Jared Wicks - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):225-267.
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    Opening up a Dialogue: Dei Verbum and the Religions.Michael Barnes - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (4):10-31.
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    The bible, knowledge of God and Dei verbum.Anthony Baxter - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (2):173–191.
    How may an inquiring person fittingly look upon the Bible? In what manner can a person's attention to the Bible assist them to knowledge? For a Catholic Christian analysis, what ideas are suitable about the place of the Bible in relations between God and humans, and in appropriation by a person today of whatever divine disclosure or revelation is at hand? This article outlines reflections on these matters. Links are apparent with key points in Vatican II’s Dei Verbum.The first (...)
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  13. Pieter Smulders and Dei Verbum: 1. A consultation on the eve of Vatican II.Jared Wicks - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (2):241-297.
    Cet article relate le commencement des apports du jésuite Pieter Frans Smulders avant la première période du Concile Vatican II. Ce commencement s'est produit de la mi-août à début septembre 1962, avec l'analyse incisive par Smulders des sept schémas conciliaires initiaux comme faisant partie d'une consultation avant Concile au bénéfice de l'Archevêque Giuseppe Beltrami, Nonce apostolique des Pays-Bas. Cette analyse apparaît en annexe.
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  14. 40 años de la Dei Verbum.Rafael Sanz Valdivieso - 2005 - Verdad y Vida 63 (242):223-232.
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  15. Pieter Smulders and Dei Verbum: 4. Assessing the mixed commission's 1962 work on scripture/tradition and biblical inspiration. [REVIEW]Jared Wicks - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (2):242-277.
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    The inspiration and interpretation of scripture: Some recent work in the light of the constitution Dei verbum.Robert Murray - 1966 - Heythrop Journal 7 (4):428–434.
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  17. Revelacion divina e Iglesia. Reflexiones sobre la Dei Verbum.F. Fernandez Ramos - 1990 - Salmanticensis 37 (3):265-300.
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  18. Inspired Scripture as a Sacramental Vehicle of Divine Presence in the Gospel of John Dei Verbum.William M. I. V. Wright - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (1).
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  19. Cuarenta años de la constituciÓn Dei Verbum.Rafael Sanz - 2005 - Verdad y Vida 63 (242):223-232.
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    Desafíos para la elaboración de una idea de libertad El aporte de la oboeditio fidei en Dei verbum 5.Haddy Bello - 2019 - Teología y Vida 60 (4):525-550.
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    Interpreting Vatican II: The Importance of Deed in Dei Verbum.Robert J. Ryan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):260-276.
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    Revelación divina e Iglesia: reflexiones sobre la Dei Verbum.Felipe F. Ramos - 1990 - Salmanticensis 37 (3):265-300.
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    Pequeña historia de un breve pasaje ( n 17 ) de la constitución << dei verbum >> del concilio vaticano II.Lorenzo Turrado - 1988 - Salmanticensis 35 (3):369-372.
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  24. Joseph Ratzinger's Contribution to the Preparatory Debate of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum.Joseph Cong Quy Lam - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (1):35-54.
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  25. A favor de una teología de la Historia en Dei Verbum 7 y 19.F. Guillen Armendariz - 2000 - Verdad y Vida 58 (227):35-58.
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  26. Transmisión de la Revelación: Escritura, Tradición, Magisterio (A la luz de la «Dei Verbum» del Concilio Vaticano II).G. Sánchez Mielgo - 1992 - Ciencia Tomista 119 (2):251-289.
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  27. Révélation trinitaire et histoire du salut selon Dei verbum, nos 2-6: L'intégration de l'histoire dans l'énoncé dogmatique. [REVIEW]Emmanuel Durand - 2010 - Revue Thomiste 110 (2):275-291.
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    A Vox e o Verbum No Sermão 288: Algumas Notas Sobre o Discurso Interior Em Agostinho.Diego Fragoso Pereira - 2024 - Dissertatio 10 (supl.):437-451.
    Neste estudo sobre o Sermão 288 de Agostinho de Hipona, pretendo investigar o papel desempenhado no discurso interior pelos conceitos ‘uox’ e ‘uerbum’, ambos fundamentais para se compreender o uerbum in corde agostiniano. Em junho de 401, na solenidade de João Batista, Agostinho proclama esse sermão diante da assembleia de Cartago. O objetivo era diferenciar Jesus e João Batista. Para isso, Agostinho analisa dois conceitos: uerbum e uox. Jesus seria o Verbum Dei e João seria a uox que clama (...)
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    O papa Francisco na agenda do Concílio Vaticano II: por uma Igreja servidora e pobre, a serviço do Evangelho e do Reino.Pedro Rubens Ferreira Oliveira & Degislando Nóbrega de Lima - forthcoming - Horizonte:582-582.
    Postulating that Pope Francis continues the unfinished agenda of the Second Vatican Council, the authors propose, through bibliographical analysis, a re-reading of three important texts, showing their relationship with the pontificate of Francis, from the perspective of the conciliar reception: the document still little considered of the Pact of the Catacombs is rescued but inseparable from the council and its reception, especially in our continent, revealing a path of conversion and commitment of the Church of the poor and for the (...)
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    Menimbang (Ulang) Kekerasan Dalam Alkitab Dari Perspektif Katolik.Indra Tanureja - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):242-269.
    Abstrak: Kekerasan dalam Alkitab boleh dikatakan merupakan sebuah topik alkitabiah yang unik dan abadi, baik dari sudut pandang akademis maupun spiritual. Orang tidak hanya perlu memahaminya untuk orang lain, tetapi juga untuk diri sendiri. Sejak Marcion di abad pertama sampai saat ini, meskipun sudah amat banyak tulisan dihasilkan, tidak pernah ada suatu solusi yang memuaskan semua pihak. Tulisan ini menawarkan sudut pandang yang jarang disentuh, yaitu sudut pandang Gereja Katolik. Membaca Alkitab sebagai orang Katolik berarti membaca dengan memperhatikan juga ajaran-ajaran (...)
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  31. H. de Lubac: un maestro per leggere la Sacra Scrittura.Francesco Bertoldi - 1986 - Communio 87:60/7.
    [ita] Henri de Lubac, che ha dedicato alla Sacra Scrittura la poderosa “ Esegesi medioevale”, ho sottolineato l'importanza della costituzione conciliare “Dei Verbum” che recupera l'idea originaria della Rivelazione come rivelazione non di tanti “articoli di fede”, atomicamente concepiti, ma dell'unica Persona del Verbo incarnato. Per cui credere non è aderire a tante verità frammentate, ma aderire alla Presenza di Cristo, il Verbo fattosi carne. [en] Henri de Lubac, who dedicated the "Medieval exegesis" to sacred writing, underlined the importance (...)
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    A Conferência do Rio de Janeiro e a Bíblia.Reuberson Rodrigues Ferreira - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):168-177.
    This article aims to present a reflection on the Conference of the Bishops of Latin America in Rio de Janeiro in 1955. Lived in previous ecclesial context of the Second Vatican Council II, this conference reveals, in many ways, another ecclesiology. This study, so specifically, points out its relationship with Sacred Scripture. It is proposed to analyze the quotes that the Final Document of this Assembly makes the use of the Bible for animation of church’s life. In the same way, (...)
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  33. Le opere dei sei giorni: aritmetica ed esegesi secundum physicam in Teodorico di Chartres.Clelia Crialesi - 2016 - Medioevo 41.
    This paper focuses on the exegetical proposal of the Tractatus de sex dierum operibus by Thierry of Chartres and it is tasked with analyzing the twofold interpretative framework adopted by the Cancelor: first, the accordance between the narration of Genesis and the heuristic models of physical and cosmological causality; second, the mathematical theology, which revises the work of creation according to an arithmological approach. The study is divided into two parts which follow the structure of the Tractatus. In the first (...)
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    5. Imago Dei.Robert M. Doran Sj - 1997 - In Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas, Volume 2. University of Toronto Press. pp. 191-228.
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  35. Parola di Dio e συγκαταβασιζ divina.Nunzio Capizzi - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (2):396-419.
    Number 13 of Dei verbum, by means of the analogy of the incarnation and the perspective of the συγκαταβασιζ, invites us to look at the vast theological and historical-salvific background against which the Word of God, expressed in human language, is outlined. The present article, first, attends to the text of Dei Verbum 13 and its treatment in various commentaries on the dogmatic constitution as well as in official texts . Next, it focuses on the συγκαταβασιζ, in its (...)
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    Cur Deus Verba: Why the Word Became Words by Jeremy Holmes (review).James B. Prothro - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):393-398.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cur Deus Verba: Why the Word Became Words by Jeremy HolmesJames B. ProthroCur Deus Verba: Why the Word Became Words by Jeremy Holmes (San Francisco: Ignatius, 2021), 284 pp.This book's title plays on the incarnational analogy, and its argument begins and ends with God's purposes to draw humanity into communion with himself through revelation. In both aspects, Holmes echoes Dei Verbum (DV, §§2, 13). However, rather than (...)
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    The Reshaping of Catholicism: Current Challenges in the Theology of Church by Avery Dulles.Fr Thomas Hughson - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:156 BOOK REVIEWS of theological method in Aquinas (p. 193; see also pp. 57 and 173). But this is not sufficient. Farthing should have acknowledged that Biel's recurrent critique of the supposed ' positive ' use of reason in Aquinas is beside the point and that, by thinking that Thomas is trying to ' demonstrate ' the faith, Biel has carelessly dismissed much that is interesting and valuable in (...)
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    Patterns of Penance and the Sin of Cain: Approaching a Sacramental Biblical Theology.James B. Prothro - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1371-1389.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Patterns of Penance and the Sin of Cain:Approaching a Sacramental Biblical TheologyJames B. ProthroMy essay focuses particularly on the sacrament of reconciliation. I am currently composing a monograph on this sacrament for a series in biblical theology, surveying the Scriptures to see how, within them, the Church's sacraments are prefigured, revealed, and commanded, and to illustrate Scripture's witness in a way that will "strengthen" and "rejuvenate" our theology and (...)
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    La Révélation.Chr Theobald - 2005 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 36 (2):145-165.
    L’article propose une relecture « à rebours » de la Constitution Dei Verbum sur la Révélation divine à partir de son dernier chapitre sur « la Sainte Écriture dans la vie de l’Église», en tenant compte des transformations intervenues depuis Vatican II, tant dans la culture européenne que dans l’exégèse critique. Le rapport de nos sociétés aux traces culturelles du christianisme, surtout à la Bible dont est montrée la fonction « inspirante » ou « révélatrice », et une « (...)
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    Wrestling with God (review).Leo D. Lefebure - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):201-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Wrestling with GodLeo D. LefebureWrestling with God. By Paul O. Ingram. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2006. 116 + xii pp.Paul Ingram of Pacific Lutheran University is a long-time veteran of Buddhist-Christian dialogue and a generous contributor to the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies. His earlier book, Wrestling with the Ox, took the famous Zen ox herding pictures as an entry point for reflecting on the transformation of identity that (...)
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    Divine Repentance or Pedagogy? On the Rhetoric of Divine Repentance in 1 Samuel, Exodus, and Genesis.Israel McGrew - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1161-1198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Divine Repentance or Pedagogy?On the Rhetoric of Divine Repentance in 1 Samuel, Exodus, and Genesis*Israel McGrewCommitment both to the philosophical understanding of God as transcendent and immutable (as implied by reason as well as passages of Scripture) and to the inerrancy of Scripture can be a challenging position to hold. Since Scripture refers to God as repenting of things he intended to do, said he intended to do, or (...)
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  42. The beginning or the end of a theological agenda: tracing the methodological flows through Vatican II.Edward Fowley & Dianne Bergant - 2003 - Gregorianum 84 (2):315-345.
    Cette étude examine cinq principaux changements de méthodologie qui se trouvent dans cinq documents-clé de Vatican II, afin de discerner à quel point ces documents sont cohérents avec ou différents des principales caractéristiques de méthodologie de la période du concile. L'article commence par une introduction à trois approches théologiques en voque dans les écrits catholiques romains au temps du concile: néo-scolastique, transcendantalisme et correlationisme. La conscience historique est aussi examinée comme une note importante de méthode théologique. L'article examine ensuite Sacrosanctum (...)
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    Annoncer la vie éternelle.R. Bieringer - 2006 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 37 (4):489-512.
    Les documents officiels de l’Eglise catholique font grand usage de la Bible. La manière dont le texte scripturaire fonctionne dans les documents du magistère dépend de la théologie opératoire sous-jacente. Cet article examine les changements survenus dans la manière dont l’Eglise comprend et utilise l’Ecriture dans les documents du magistère, plus précisément dans des textes concernant la doctrine sociale de l’Église. Des exemples choisis dans les documents officiels permettent de reconnaître en gros trois paradigmes dans l’interprétation de l’Ecriture: 1) la (...)
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  44. Finché giungano a compimento le parole di Dio.Dario Vitali - 2003 - Gregorianum 84 (1):43-80.
    This report is an attempt to reread the event of Revelation in view of DV 8: «Ecclesia, volventibus saeculis, ad plenitudinem divinae veritatis iugiter tendit, donec in ipsa consummentur verba Dei». The text aims at clarifying the eschatological character of Revelation, raising however a theological problem of great importance: if and in what measure is it possible to think of Revelation as a never concluded process, if the theological tradition asserts that Revelation is concluded with the death of the last (...)
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    Сакраментальність біблії в католицькій традиції: Від тридентського до другого ватиканського собору.Sannіkov Serhii - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):110-115.
    The most of Christian traditions embrase the notion of sacrament. This notion deals with the church directives in a narrow meaning. According to Saint Augustine, the sacrament is a visible action of an invisible grace thus the Church, the Christ, the Bible, being material phenomena where two natures combine, are also considered to be sacraments. Therefore, the author of the article presents the Bible as the most outstanding and the most visible example of a sacrament in a broad meaning. Using (...)
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    Revelaçao, Fé e Anúncio.José de Souza Paim - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):103-115.
    On the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary since the publication of The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI published a Letter entitled Porta Fidei, in which it was promulgated the Year of Faith. It began on November 11th 2012 and expired onl November 24th 2013. The year of 2012 was also when the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops about The New Evangelization for the (...)
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  47. Reading scripture fifty years after Vatican II.Harold W. Attridge - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (4):459.
    Attridge, Harold W I am honoured to be with you this evening for this year's Knox lecture. When Master Shane McKinlay, and Associate Dean Rosemary Canavan invited me for tonight's lecture they indicated that during these fiftieth anniversary years of the Second Vatican Council the Knox lecturers are being asked to reflect on the significance of that watershed event in the life of the Church. I shall do so this evening from both scholarly and personal vantage points, since my experience (...)
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    Fides et Ratio et….Kevin Hart - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2):199-220.
    Although Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas are often cited in support of “faith and reason,” the doublet achieved prominence in that form only in the nineteenth century. The encyclical Fides et ratio can be seen as forming Aeterni patris, Humani generis, and Dei verbum into a tradition. Indeed, it looks back to the nineteenth century and remains at best uninterested in twentieth-century thought. One difficulty with the expression is that each of “faith” and “reason” can be defined against “experience,” and (...)
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    Consummatum est, ou la kénose de la parole.François Nault - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (1):125-147.
    The idea that Revelation had been brought to a close is presented in the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, Chap. 1, § 4) : “The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive covenant, will never pass away ; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord, Jesus Christ”. This article intends to interpret the idea of a “closed” revelation in terms of a “kenotic process”.
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    Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. [REVIEW]Gavin D'Costa - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):971-974.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum ed. by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P.Gavin D'CostaDogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's Ad Limina Apostolorum edited by Matthew Levering, Bruce L. McCormack, and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press of America Press, 2020), ix + 369 pp.In May 1966 Karl Barth visited Rome. He was invited (...)
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