Results for 'Debra Frost'

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  1.  48
    Enhancing Moral Agency: Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses.Ellen M. Robinson, Susan M. Lee, Angelika Zollfrank, Martha Jurchak, Debra Frost & Pamela Grace - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (5):12-20.
    One antidote to moral distress is stronger moral agency—that is, an enhanced ability to act to bring about change. The Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses, an educational program developed and run in two large northeastern academic medical centers with funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, intended to strengthen nurses’ moral agency. Drawing on Improving Competencies in Clinical Ethics Consultation: An Education Guide, by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, and on the goals of the nursing profession, CERN (...)
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    The Christian Cosmology of Crawford-Frost.William Albert Crawford-Frost & J. Douglas Rabb - 1989 - Kingston, Ont. : Ronald P. Frye.
  3. Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets.Debra Satz - 2010 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale, philosopher Debra Satz takes a penetrating look at those commodity exchanges that strike most of us as problematic. What considerations, she asks, ought to guide the debates about such markets? What is it about a market involving prostitution or the sale of kidneys that makes it morally objectionable? How is a market in weapons or pollution different than a market in soybeans or automobiles? Are laws and social policies banning the (...)
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    Consequences of clinical situations that cause critical care nurses to experience moral distress.Debra L. Wiegand & Marjorie Funk - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):479-487.
    Little is known about the consequences of moral distress. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical situations that caused nurses to experience moral distress, to understand the consequences of those situations, and to determine whether nurses would change their practice based on their experiences. The investigation used a descriptive approach. Open-ended surveys were distributed to a convenience sample of 204 critical care nurses employed at a university medical center. The analysis of participants’ responses used an inductive approach and (...)
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  5. Moral trust & scientific collaboration.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):301-310.
    Modern scientific knowledge is increasingly collaborative. Much analysis in social epistemology models scientists as self-interested agents motivated by external inducements and sanctions. However, less research exists on the epistemic import of scientists’ moral concern for their colleagues. I argue that scientists’ trust in their colleagues’ moral motivations is a key component of the rationality of collaboration. On the prevailing account, trust is a matter of mere reliance on the self-interest of one’s colleagues. That is, scientists merely rely on external compulsion (...)
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  6. Rational Choice and Social Theory.Debra Satz & John Ferejohn - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):71-87.
  7.  51
    Ethics, economics, and markets: an interview with Debra Satz.Debra Satz - 2010 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):68.
  8.  53
    A Conceptual Model for the Translation of Bioethics Research and Scholarship.Debra J. H. Mathews, D. Micah Hester, Jeffrey Kahn, Amy McGuire, Ross McKinney, Keith Meador, Sean Philpott-Jones, Stuart Youngner & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (5):34-39.
    While the bioethics literature demonstrates that the field has spent substantial time and thought over the last four decades on the goals, methods, and desired outcomes for service and training in bioethics, there has been less progress defining the nature and goals of bioethics research and scholarship. This gap makes it difficult both to describe the breadth and depth of these areas of bioethics and, importantly, to gauge their success. However, the gap also presents us with an opportunity to define (...)
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    The People of Plato: A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics.Debra Nails - 2002 - Hackett Publishing.
    The People of Plato is the first study since 1823 devoted exclusively to the identification of, and relationships among, the individuals represented in the complete Platonic corpus. It provides details of their lives, and it enables one to consider the persons of Plato's works, and those of other Socratics, within a nexus of important political, social, and familial relationships. Debra Nails makes a broad spectrum of scholarship accessible to the non-specialist. She distinguishes what can be stated confidently from what (...)
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  10. The identical rivals response to underdetermination.Greg Frost-Arnold & P. D. Magnus - 2009 - In P. D. Magnus & Jacob Busch, New waves in philosophy of science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The underdetermination of theory by data obtains when, inescapably, evidence is insufficient to allow scientists to decide responsibly between rival theories. One response to would-be underdetermination is to deny that the rival theories are distinct theories at all, insisting instead that they are just different formulations of the same underlying theory; we call this the identical rivals response. An argument adapted from John Norton suggests that the response is presumptively always appropriate, while another from Larry Laudan and Jarrett Leplin suggests (...)
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  11. What Do We Owe the Global Poor?Debra Satz - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (1):47-54.
    In this article, Satz critiques "both Pogge's use of the causal contribution principle as well as his attempt to derive all of our obligations to the global poor from the need to refrain from harming others.".
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  12. A Social Concept in Decline.Debra A. Arvanites & Burke T. Ward - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics.
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    Interview: John Rechy.Debra Castillo & John Rechy - 1995 - Diacritics 25 (1):113.
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    Dismissing the Moral Sceptic: A Wittgensteinian Approach.Sasha Lawson-Frost - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1235-1251.
    Cartesian scepticism poses the question of how we can justify our belief that other humans experience consciousness in the same way that we do. Wittgenstein’s response to this scepticism is one that does not seek to resolve the problem by providing a sound argument against the Cartesian sceptic. Rather, he provides a method of philosophical inquiry which enables us to move past this and continue our inquiry without the possibility of solipsism arising as a philosophical problem in the first place. (...)
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  15. Iris Murdoch on moral vision.Sasha Lawson-Frost & Samuel Cooper - 2021 - Think 20 (59):63-76.
    Iris Murdoch was a philosopher and novelist who wrote extensively on the themes of love, goodness, religion, and morality. In this article, we explore her notion of ‘moral vision’; the idea that morality is not just about how we act and make choices, but how we see the world in a much broader sense.
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    The Therapeutic “Mis”conception: An Examination of its Normative Assumptions and a Call for its Revision.Debra J. H. Mathews, Joseph J. Fins & Eric Racine - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (1):154-162.
    Dissecting Bioethics, edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Hayry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics. The department is dedicated to the idea that words defined by bioethicists and others should not be allowed to imprison people’s actual concerns, emotions, and thoughts. Papers that expose the many meanings of a concept, describe the different readings of a moral doctrine, or provide an alternative angle to seemingly self-evident issues are particularly appreciated. To submit a paper or to discuss (...)
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  17. Hobbes and the Matter of Self-Consciousness.Samantha Frost - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (4):495-517.
    Observing that René Descartes's dualistic philosophy haunts our conceptualization of matter, this essay argues that Thomas Hobbes develops a non-Cartesian materialism, which is to say that he articulates a materialism in which matter is not construed as essentially unthinking. Tracing his accounts of sense, perception, and thinking, this essay reconstructs Hobbes's account of self-consciousness and proposes that in a subject conceived as wholly embodied, self-knowledge or self-awareness takes the form of memory. The essay elaborates how Hobbes 's account of self-consciousness (...)
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  18. The No‐Miracles Argument for Realism: Inference to an Unacceptable Explanation.Greg Frost-Arnold - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (1):35-58.
    I argue that a certain type of naturalist should not accept a prominent version of the no-miracles argument (NMA). First, scientists (usually) do not accept explanations whose explanans-statements neither generate novel predictions nor unify apparently disparate established claims. Second, scientific realism (as it appears in the NMA) is an explanans that makes no new predictions and fails to unify disparate established claims. Third, many proponents of the NMA explicitly adopt a naturalism that forbids philosophy of science from using any methods (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Philosophical Method and Aspect-Seeing.Debra Aidun - 1982 - Philosophical Investigations 5 (2):106-115.
  20. On the Very Idea of Direction of Fit.Kim Frost - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (4):429-484.
    Direction of fit theories usually claim that beliefs are such that they “aim at truth” or “ought to fit” the world and desires are such that they “aim at realization” or the world “ought to fit” them. This essay argues that no theory of direction of fit is correct. The two directions of fit are supposed to be determinations of one and the same determinable two-place relation, differing only in the ordering of favored terms. But there is no such determinable (...)
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  21. “Me Too”: Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition.Debra L. Jackson - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    Congdon (2017), Giladi (2018), and McConkey (2004) challenge feminist epistemologists and recognition theorists to come together to analyze epistemic injustice. I take up this challenge by highlighting the failure of recognition in cases of testimonial and hermeneutical injustice experienced by victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault. I offer the #MeToo movement as a case study to demonstrate how the process of mutual recognition makes visible and helps overcome the epistemic injustice suffered by victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault. (...)
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  22.  63
    Children's eyewitness reports after exposure to misinformation from parents.Debra Ann Poole & D. Stephen Lindsay - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (1):27.
  23.  21
    Polishing the Apple: A Holistic Approach to Developing Public Health Law Educators as Leaders of Change.Debra Gerardi - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (s1):87-92.
    The RWJF public health law faculty fellowship provided an opportunity for legal and public health scholars to come together to develop innovative approaches for teaching public health law in schools of law, public health, medicine, and social work nationally. The fellowship program emphasized the importance of integrating individual change with organizational change as twin pillars of the core competencies necessary for advancing public health law education. This article describes the curriculum and learning formats used throughout the fellowship to guide the (...)
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  24. Plato's Republic in Its Athenian Context.Debra Nails - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (1):1-23.
    Plato's Republic critiques Athenian democracy as practised during the Peloponnesian War years. The diseased city Socrates attempts to purge mirrors Athens in crucial particulars, and his proposals should be evaluated as counter-weights to existing institutions and practices, not as absolutes to be instantiated. Plato's assessment of the Athenian polity incorporates two strategies -- one rhetorical, the other argumentative -- both of which I address. Failure to consider Athens a catalyst for Socrates' arguments has led to the misconception that Plato was (...)
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  25. Animals, agency, and absence : a discourse analysis of institutional animal care and use committee meetings.Debra Durham & Debra Merskin - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger, Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    Estructura digital accesible es un derecho humano de las personas con discapacidad visual.Claudia Libiert Frost Nájera - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-15.
    La educación en línea forzada por la pandemia del 2020, puede ser un trampolín de oportunidades para la inclusión de personas con discapacidad visual gracias a las tecnologías de asistencia; o bien, las puede dejar fuera por el analfabetismo que existe en la sociedad con respecto a dónde encontrar y cómo usar dichas tecnologías de asistencia para favorecer la inclusión de este colectivo. Por ello, es de vital importancia implementar tecnologías de asistencia y metodologías didácticas innovadoras, que permitan aprendizajes significativos (...)
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    In God’s House there are Many Rooms.Debra Phillips - 2016 - Feminist Theology 25 (1):96-110.
    In this article I make links between melancholia, creativity and communion with God at a personal level, referencing John’s gospel, ‘God’s house has many rooms’ and ‘The Mansions’, a text written by Theresa of Avila where the ‘mansion’ is an analogy for the space in which God’s omniscient love is realized. My paintings were formed from the day-to-day lived experience of ‘psycheache’ and are a graphic representation of a non-explainable reality. I see in these paintings a transcendent reality for they (...)
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    Bottom Up Ethics - Neuroenhancement in Education and Employment.Debra J. H. Mathews, Hilary Bok & Alisa Carse - 2018 - Neuroethics 11 (3):309-322.
    Neuroenhancement involves the use of neurotechnologies to improve cognitive, affective or behavioural functioning, where these are not judged to be clinically impaired. Questions about enhancement have become one of the key topics of neuroethics over the past decade. The current study draws on in-depth public engagement activities in ten European countries giving a bottom-up perspective on the ethics and desirability of enhancement. This informed the design of an online contrastive vignette experiment that was administered to representative samples of 1000 respondents (...)
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  29. Equality, adequacy, and education for citizenship.Debra Satz - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):623-648.
  30.  55
    Accounting for Cosmetic Surgery in the USA and Great Britain: A Cross-cultural Analysis of Women's Narratives.Debra Gimlin - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (1):41-60.
    The concept of ‘accounts’ (Scott and Lyman, 1968) – or linguistic strategies for neutralizing the negative social meanings of norm violation – has a long history in sociology. This work examines British and American women's accounts of cosmetic surgery. In the medical literature, feminist writings and the popular press, aesthetic plastic surgery has been associated with narcissism, psychological instability and self-hatred. Given these negative connotations, cosmetic surgery remains a practice requiring justification even as its popularity increases. Drawing on interview data, (...)
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    Food safety risks, disruptive events and alternative beef production: a case study of agricultural transition in Alberta.Debra J. Davidson, Kevin E. Jones & John R. Parkins - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):359-371.
    A key focus for agri-food scholars today pertains to emerging “alternative food movements,” particularly their long-term viability, and their potential to induce transitions in our prevailing conventional global agri-food systems. One under-studied element in recent research on sustainability transitions more broadly is the role of disruptive events in the emergence or expansion of these movements. We present the findings of a case study of the effect of a sudden acute food safety crisis—bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease—on alternative beef (...)
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    Facilitating Organ Transplants in Egypt: An Analysis of Doctors' Discourse.Debra Budiani - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (3):125-149.
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  33. Using the PET Assessment Instrument to Help Students Identify Factors that Could Impede Moral Behavior.Debra R. Comer & Gina Vega - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (2):129-145.
    We present an instrument developed to explain to students the concept of the personal ethical threshold (PET). The PET represents an individual’s susceptibility to situational pressure in his or her organization that makes moral behavior more personally difficult. Further, the PET varies according to the moral intensity of the issue at hand, such that individuals are less vulnerable to situational pressure for issues of high moral intensity, i.e., those with greater consequences for others. A higher PET reflects an individual’s greater (...)
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  34.  30
    Plato.Debra Nails - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:85-91.
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    Do first-impression bias effects in mismatch negativity (MMN) diminish with repeated exposure to sound sequences?Frost Jade, Provost Alexander, Winkler István & Todd Juanita - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Videotaping.Debra A. Kreidler - 1995 - Teaching Philosophy 18 (4):345-350.
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    Addictive agents and intracranial stimulation : Pressing for ICS under the influence of ethanol before and after physical dependence.Debra J. Magnuson & Larry D. Reid - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):364-366.
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    Some doubts about the pluralist enterprise.Mervyn Frost - 1977 - Philosophical Papers 6 (2):51-61.
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  39. Was Tarski's Theory of Truth Motivated by Physicalism?Greg Frost-Arnold - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (4):265-280.
    Many commentators on Alfred Tarski have, following Hartry Field, claimed that Tarski's truth-definition was motivated by physicalism—the doctrine that all facts, including semantic facts, must be reducible to physical facts. I claim, instead, that Tarski did not aim to reduce semantic facts to physical ones. Thus, Field's criticism that Tarski's truth-definition fails to fulfill physicalist ambitions does not reveal Tarski to be inconsistent, since Tarski's goal is not to vindicate physicalism. I argue that Tarski's only published remarks that speak approvingly (...)
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  40. The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities.Debra B. Bergoffen, Eva Lundgren-Gothlin, Linda Schenk, Karen Vintges & Anne Lavelle - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):181-188.
  41.  21
    Biocultural Creatures: Toward a New Theory of the Human.Samantha Frost - 2016 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Biocultural Creatures_, Samantha Frost brings feminist and political theory together with findings in the life sciences to recuperate the category of the human for politics. Challenging the idea of human exceptionalism as well as other theories of subjectivity that rest on a distinction between biology and culture, Frost proposes that humans are biocultural creatures who quite literally are cultured within the material, social, and symbolic worlds they inhabit. Through discussions about carbon, the functions of cell membranes, the (...)
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  42.  69
    New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    New Materialisms brings into focus and explains the significance of the innovative materialist critiques that are emerging across the social sciences and humanities. By gathering essays that exemplify the new thinking about matter and processes of materialization, this important collection shows how scholars are reworking older materialist traditions, contemporary theoretical debates, and advances in scientific knowledge to address pressing ethical and political challenges. In the introduction, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost highlight common themes among the distinctive critical projects that (...)
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  43. Who Should We Be Online?: A Social Epistemology for the Internet.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    From social media to search engines to Wikipedia, the internet is thoroughly embedded in how we produce, locate, and share knowledge around the world. Who Should We Be Online? provides an account of online knowledge that takes seriously the role of sexist, racist, transphobic, colonial, and capitalist forms of oppression. Frost-Arnold argues against analyzing internet users as a collection of identical generic people with smartphones. The novel epistemology developed in this book recognizes that we are differently embodied beings interacting (...)
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  44. Trustworthiness and truth: The epistemic pitfalls of internet accountability.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2014 - Episteme 11 (1):63-81.
    Since anonymous agents can spread misinformation with impunity, many people advocate for greater accountability for internet speech. This paper provides a veritistic argument that accountability mechanisms can cause significant epistemic problems for internet encyclopedias and social media communities. I show that accountability mechanisms can undermine both the dissemination of true beliefs and the detection of error. Drawing on social psychology and behavioral economics, I suggest alternative mechanisms for increasing the trustworthiness of internet communication.
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    Intimate Inmates: Wives, Households, and Science in Nineteenth-Century America.Debra Lindsay - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):631-652.
  46. The cognitive attitude of rational trust.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2014 - Synthese 191 (9).
    I provide an account of the cognitive attitude of trust that explains the role trust plays in the planning of rational agents. Many authors have dismissed choosing to trust as either impossible or irrational; however, this fails to account for the role of trust in practical reasoning. A can have therapeutic, coping, or corrective reasons to trust B to ${\phi}$ , even in the absence of evidence that B will ${\phi}$ . One can choose to engage in therapeutic trust to (...)
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    Gendering violence: Masculinity and power in men's accounts of domestic violence.Debra Umberson & Kristin L. Anderson - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):358-380.
    This article examines the construction of gender within men's accounts of domestic violence. Analyses of in-depth interviews conducted with 33 domestically violent heterosexual men indicate that these batterers used diverse strategies to present themselves as nonviolent, capable, and rational men. Respondents performed gender by contrasting effectual male violence with ineffectual female violence, by claiming that female partners were responsible for the violence in their relationships and by constructing men as victims of a biased criminal justice system. This study suggests that (...)
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    Managing Time in Domestic Space: Home-Based Contractors and Household Work.Debra Osnowitz - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (1):83-103.
    Much research shows that paid work performed at home supports a gendered division of household labor, leaving women disproportionately responsible for unpaid domestic work. For contract professionals, however, the flexibility to manage working time outside the constraints of a standard job allows both men and women to meld paid employment with household responsibilities. Interspersing paid and unpaid work, home-based contractors—both women and men—accommodate family needs. They arrange daily schedules to be available parents and household managers, and they develop longer-term career (...)
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    Highlighting Moral Courage in the Business Ethics Course.Debra R. Comer & Michael Schwartz - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):703-723.
    At the end of their article in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Business Ethics, Douglas R. May, Matthew T. Luth, and Catherine E. Schwoerer state that they are “hopeful in outlook” about the “evidence that business ethics instructors are….able to encourage students…to develop the courage to come forward even when pressures in organizations dictate otherwise”. We agree with May et al. that it is essential to augment students’ moral courage. However, it seems overly optimistic to believe that (...)
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  50. What is the'futures' they mention in VELS? Futures education at a glance.Debra Bateman - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 13 (2):8-11.
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