Results for 'Deborah Bunker'

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  1.  40
    Philosophy of Data and its importance to the discipline of Information Systems.Brian Ballsun-Stanton & Deborah Bunker - unknown
    In this document, we explore the Philosophy of Data and its roots amongst other disciplines. The Philosophy of Data seeks to understand the nature of data through experimental philosophy. In order to understand the many different ontologies of data, information, and knowledge out there, this paper will describe part of the problem space in terms of other disciplines and make an argument for the establishment of this new philosophical field. Furthermore, we will show how the PoD is very important to (...)
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    Physicians and execution: Highlights from a discussion of lethal injection.Atul Gawande, Deborah W. Denno, Robert D. Truog & David Waisel - manuscript
    This article constitutes excerpts of a videotaped discussion hosted by the New England Journal of Medicine on January 14, 2008, concerning a range of topics on lethal injection prompted by the United States Supreme Court's January 7 oral arguments in Baze v. Rees. Dr. Atul Gawande moderated the roundtable that included two anesthesiologists - Dr. Robert Truog and Dr. David Waisel - as well as law professor Deborah Denno. The discussion focused on the drugs used in lethal injection executions, (...)
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  3. Why do people participate in epidemiological research?Claudia Slegers, Deborah Zion, Deborah Glass, Helen Kelsall, Lin Fritschi & Beatrice Loff - unknown
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  4. Chaos, complexity and conflict.Bryan Hanson & L. Deborah Sword - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
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  5. The Sturm und Drang of Mathematics: Casualties, Consequences, and Contingencies in the Math Wars.Sal Restivo & Deborah Sloan - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 20.
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    Assessing Quality of Stakeholder Engagement: From Bureaucracy to Democracy.Brian Wynne, Deborah H. Oughton, Astrid Liland & Yevgeniya Tomkiv - 2017 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 37 (3):167-178.
    The idea of public or stakeholder engagement in governance of science and technology is widely accepted in many policy and academic research settings. However, this enthusiasm for stakeholder engagement has not necessarily resulted in changes of attitudes toward the role of stakeholders in the dialogue nor to the value of public knowledge, practical experience, and other inputs (like salient questions) vis-à-vis expert knowledge. The formal systems of evaluation of the stakeholder engagement activities are often focused on showing that the method (...)
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  7. Why we enjoy condemning sentimentality: A meta-aesthetic perspective.Deborah Knight - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (4):411-420.
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  8. Employee selection and the ethic of care.Beverly Kracher & Deborah L. Wells - 1998 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial ethics: moral management of people and processes. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocs.. pp. 81.
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    Intersectorial actions in early stimulation of the language.Déborah Magaly López Salas & Puebla Caballero - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):659-675.
    Se realizó un análisis del proyecto "Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje" con el objetivo propiciar un estudio social sobre la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación tecnológica en la dirección de programas para la estimulación del desarrollo de menores en edad preescolar, desde la visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se muestran conceptos afines al tema, necesarios en la comprensión de la idea de reorganización de los servicios vinculados a la estimulación y atención temprana del (...)
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  10.  22
    Russell's Causal Theory of Meaning.Deborah Hansen Soles - 1981 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1 (1):27.
  11.  7
    Lost Lullaby.Deborah Golden Alecson & Kathleen Nolan - 1995 - University of California Press.
    _Lost Lullaby_ makes one think the unthinkable: how a loving parent can pray for the death of her child. It is Deborah Alecson's story of her daughter, Andrea, who was born after a full-term, uneventful pregnancy, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, perfectly formed and exquisitely featured. But an inexplicable accident at birth left her with massive and irreversible brain damage. On a vitality scale of one to ten, her initial reading was one. And so begins Deborah Alecson's heart-rending (...)
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  12. Memory, Myth, and Seduction: Unconscious Fantasy and the Interpretive Process.Deborah L. Browning (ed.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    _Memory, Myth, and Seduction_ reveals the development and evolution of Jean-Georges Schimek's thinking on unconscious fantasy and the interpretive process derived from a close reading of Freud as well as contemporary psychoanalysis. Contributing richly to North American psychoanalytic thought, Schimek challenges local views from the perspective of continental discourse. A practicing psychoanalyst, teacher, and consummate Freud scholar, Schimek sought to clarify Freud's concepts and theories and to disentangle complexities borne of inconsistencies in Freud's assumptions and expositions. This book is divided (...)
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  13.  11
    Humanities Education and Gadamer: Three Clarifications.Deborah Kerdeman - 2023 - Philosophy of Education 79 (1):210-214.
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    Aristotle and Other Platonists (review).Deborah K. W. Modrak - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):315-317.
    Deborah K. W. Modrak - Aristotle and Other Platonists - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.2 315-317 Lloyd P. Gerson. Aristotle and Other Platonists. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2005. Pp. ix + 335. Cloth, $49.95. This book is a heroic effort to defend the thesis that the Neoplatonists' embrace of Aristotle as another Platonist is well grounded in Aristotle's own texts and not a product of Neoplatonic eclecticism. If this (...)
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    Knowledge as power: The impact of normativity on epistemology.Deborah L. Kasman - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):20 – 22.
  16.  9
    Angles on Listening.Deborah Kerdeman - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:11-14.
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    Being Affected by Art: A Gadamerian Perspective.Deborah Kerdeman - 2012 - Philosophy of Education 68:277-280.
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    Critique as Situated Practice.Deborah Kerdeman - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:646-650.
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    Education and Rhythm: A Short Refrain.Deborah Kerdeman - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:195-197.
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    Education, Dialogue, and Hermeneutics.Deborah Kerdeman - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (1):86-93.
  21.  7
    Extending Gadamer’s Corrective: No Child Left Behind and Hermeneutic Conversation.Deborah Kerdeman - 2004 - Philosophy of Education 60:150-153.
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    Back to Basics: Film/Theory/Aesthetics.Deborah Knight - 1997 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (2):37.
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    Film Art from the Analytic Perspective.Deborah Knight - 2019 - In Noël Carroll, Laura T. Di Summa & Shawn Loht (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Springer. pp. 357-379.
    This chapter examines the emergence of a distinctively analytic approach to film as art. I begin with an overview of Berys Gaut’s claim that the philosophy of film art is, roughly speaking, organized around three levels of analysis: the film medium; film narrative and aesthetics; and philosophical themes that emerge in films. Next I trace the emergence of an analytic philosophy of film as art in the work of Alexander Sesonske and Francis Sparshott. Sesonske and Sparshott each draw attention to (...)
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  24.  79
    Literature from an aesthetic point of view.Deborah Knight - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (1):41 - 47.
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    Not an actual demonstration: A reply to Iseminger.Deborah Knight - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (1):53-58.
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    Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies.Deborah Knight - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (2):109.
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    Whose genre is it, anyway? Thomas Wartenberg on the unlikely couple film.Deborah Knight & George McKnight - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (2):330–338.
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    Asphodel Long: Contexts and Paradigms.Deborah Knowles - 2002 - Feminist Theology 11 (1):35-45.
    This article charts Asphodel's development in political and theological terms, from her dialectic with her political roots, through the maelstrom of 1970s socialism and feminism. Asphodel's clearsightedness recognized and challenged sexism in left-wing politics as well as in religion. She also challenged the scientific ideal of objectivity by recovering subjectivity as a source of knowledge. For the present day, Asphodel provides the same clearsightedness, m recognizing the reliance of various postmodernisms on patriarchal paradigms. The challenge comes in the relation between (...)
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    A Response to Commentators on “Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Performance Expectations for Quality Improvement”.Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah Cummins, David Fleming, Kari Karsjens, Amber Orr, James Sabin, Inger Saphire-Bernstein & Renee Witlen - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W40-W42.
    Patients and physicians often perceive the current health care system to be unfair, in part because of the ways in which coverage decisions appear to be made. To address this problem the Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort to create quality improvement tools for ethics in health care, has developed five content areas specifying ethical criteria for fair health care benefits design and administration. Each content area includes concrete recommendations and measurable expectations for performance improvement, which can be used by (...)
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  30. Deweyan Multicultural Democracy, Rortian Solidarity, and the Popular Arts: Krumping into Presence.Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, Sean J. Westwood & David M. Peña-Guzman - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (5):441-457.
    Curiously, while the efficacy of the arts for the development of multicultural understandings has long been theorized, empirical studies of this effect have been lacking. This essay recounts our combined empirical and philosophical study of this issue. We explicate the philosophical considerations that shaped the development of the arts course we studied, which was grounded in rather traditional humanist educational thought, informed by Deweyan considerations for pedagogy and multiculturalism. We also provide an overview of the course and of the study (...)
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    Complexity science conflict analysis of power and protest.L. Deborah Sword - 2007 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 9 (3).
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    The Case for Metaphysical Realism.Deborah C. Smith - 2002 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 40 (3):411-419.
    This work defends a modest version of metaphysical realism. The commitments of the view are spelled out and the strongest argument for it is presented. It is suggested that failure to find this argument persuasive frequently arises from either a failure to distinguish between trivial and nontrivial dependence of minds on minds or a tendency to equivocate between metaphysical and theoretical timelines. The notion of mind-dependence is then explored in more detail. It is argued that, while the metaphysical realist has (...)
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  33.  36
    How do Universities Make Progress? Stakeholder-Related Mechanisms Affecting Adoption of Sustainability in University Curricula.Deborah E. de Lange - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):103-116.
    This paper develops a theoretical model to explicate stakeholder-related mechanisms that affect university adoption of sustainability in curricula. This work combines stakeholder and institutional theories so as to extend both. By examining change in the university context wherein there is confusion about sustainability adoption, this research adds to previous institutional theory focusing on strongly contested practices, primarily in the for-profit firm setting. Sustainability is a transformational challenge and may be adopted reactively or proactively. Also, stakeholder theory is extended in a (...)
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    Integration Research for Natural Resource Management in Australia: an introduction to new challenges for research practice.Gabriele Bammer, Deborah O'Connell, Alice Roughley & Geoff Syme - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (2):Article - E1.
    This special issue of the Journal of Research Practice focuses on integration research, also known as integrated or integrative research. Integration between disciplines and between research and practice is increasingly recognised as essential to tackle complex problems more effectively. But there is little to guide researchers about how to undertake integration research. This special issue provides a number of case studies of how integration has been approached and exemplifies the challenges facing researchers seeking to embed integration in both existing and (...)
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  35.  79
    A Hole in the Defense of Pure Reason.Deborah C. Smith - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Research 28:345-360.
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    Composition, Contingency, and Local Supervenience.Deborah C. Smith - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (4):589-612.
    A growing number of philosophers have argued against the orthodoxy that the correct principle of composition will be a metaphysically necessary truth. With contingentism about composition a seemingly viable option, it would appear that would‐be necessitarians shoulder the burden of proof. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the contingentist, too, has a significant burden. I argue that nonbrutal principles of composition satisfy a principle according to which facts about whether or not a collection composes supervene on noncomposition (...)
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    Introduction and Elimination Rules vs. Equivalence Rules in Systems of Formal Logic.Deborah C. Smith - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (4):379-390.
    This paper argues that Lemmon-style proof systems (those that consist of only introduction and elimination inference rules) have several pedagogical benefits over Copi-style systems (those that make use of inference rules and equivalence rules). It is argued that Lemmon-style systems are easier to learn as they do not require memorizing as many rules, they do not require learning the subtle distinction between a rule of inference and a rule of replacement, and deriving material conditionals is more straightforward. Finally, it is (...)
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  38.  44
    Liquid Assets: Investing in Water Solutions.Deborah Smith - 1997 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 11 (6):20-22.
  39.  53
    Moral Realism, Skepticism and Anti-Realism: A critical analysis of the criteria for moral realism.Deborah C. Smith - 2001 - Disputatio 1 (11):1 - 10.
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    Properties, laws, and worlds.Deborah C. Smith - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):471-489.
    Jonathan Schaffer argues against a necessary connection between properties and laws. He takes this to be a question of what possible worlds we ought to countenance in our best theories of modality, counterfactuals, etc. In doing so, he unfairly rigs the game in favor of contingentism. I argue that the necessitarian can resist Schaffer’s conclusion while accepting his key premise that our best theories of modality, counterfactuals, etc. require a very wide range of things called ‘possible worlds’. However, the necessitarian (...)
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  41.  45
    Anti-Cartesian Epistemology.Deborah Hansen Soles - 2003 - Southwest Philosophy Review 19 (1):1-22.
  42.  18
    Error.Deborah Soles - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (1):1-24.
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    On the indeterminacy of action.Deborah Hansen Soles - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (4):475-488.
  44.  9
    How to cut the psychiatric pie: The dilemma of character.Deborah Spitz - 1999 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (4):311-316.
  45.  13
    O passado como rememoração e redenção em Walter Benjamin.Deborah Spiga - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):164-181.
    A intenção deste artigo é tematizar o pensamento de Benjamin sobre o passado, mostrando não somente como este é o verdadeiro centro propulsor das Teses, mas também como é somente através deste que um novo conceito de história se torna possível. De fato, o passado não somente não é algo concluído, mas é também revolucionário na medida em que permite vingar milhares de oprimidos em seu encontro com o presente. Um passado que contrasta com a versão oficial e com a (...)
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    The lost meaning, abandonment and the experience of freedom in Jean-Luc Nancy.Deborah Spiga - 2024 - Griot 24 (3):256-267.
    We will start from the diagnosis of the desolate end of meaning, from the end of an extra-mundane beyond that means our hereafter, to ask ourselves what is the meaning of meaning? We will question ourselves about its more everyday meaning and how philosophy has always tried to mobilize it to express its worldview. In the time of the ends, it will be a question of looking for the meaning of our abandoned existences. Thus, a new concept of freedom will (...)
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  47.  18
    Callimachus' second "iamb" and its predecessors: framing the box.Deborah Steiner - 2010 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 130:97-107.
    This article treats the figure of the fox that appears as one of the members of the embassy sent by the animal s to Zeus in Callimachus' second ¡ambo By exploring previous appearances of the fox in the poetic repertoire, I identify a series of Archaic and early Classical works that Callimachus uses by way of 'intertexts', and argue that the Hellenistic author draws on the animal's place within the interconnected iambic and fable traditions that inform his poem. Already visible (...)
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    Diverting Demons: Ritual, Poetic Mockery and the Odysseus-Iros Encounter.Deborah Steiner - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (1):71-100.
    This article treats the verbal and physical altercation between the disguised Odysseus and the local beggar Iros at the start of Odyssey 18 and explores the overlapping ritual and generic aspects of the encounter so as to account for many of its otherwise puzzling features. Beginning with the detailed characterization of Iros at the book's start, I demonstrate how the poet assigns to the parasite properties and modes of behavior that have close analogues in later descriptions of pharmakoi and of (...)
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  49.  18
    Mies and Shiva's Ecofeminism: A New Testament?Deborah Lynn Steinberg & Maxine Molyneux - 1995 - Feminist Review 49 (1):86-107.
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    Reading Sleep through Science Fiction: The Parable of Beggars and Choosers.Deborah Lynn Steinberg - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (4):115-135.
    s This article examines the iconic `Beggars' trilogy by feminist science fiction writer, Nancy Kress. These novels, produced in the early to mid-1990s, take as their `thought experiment' two points of rupture and contemporary cultural contestation: the advent of human genetic engineering and sleep, or, more specifically, the prospect of a sleepless society. I shall begin by situating my analysis of the Kress trilogy in this nexus of fields. I shall consider the interest of Kress's works for the sociology of (...)
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