Results for 'David Bendig'

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  1.  32
    The Role of Share Repurchases for Firms’ Social and Environmental Sustainability.Mario Vaupel, David Bendig, Denise Fischer-Kreer & Malte Brettel - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):401-428.
    This article embarks on ethical trade-offs at the sustainability/finance interface by contrasting shareholders’ interest in short-term financial returns with society’s interest in counteracting ecological and social grievances. Scrutinizing share repurchases, we investigate a firm’s communicated sustainability orientation (i.e., its environmental and social value orientation) as well as its environmental and social sustainability performance. Our results are based on a large-scale panel dataset of 491 U.S. firms observed from 2004 to 2016. The dataset combines share buyback data with sustainability orientation scores (...)
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  2.  15
    Religion in Family Firms: A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective on Top-Level Executives with Perceived Religiosity.Fabian Ernst, David Bendig & Lea Puechel - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (3):707-730.
    The extent and mechanisms through which religion intertwines with decision-making processes in family firms remain inadequately understood. Family firm owners, driven by their commitment to ethical business practices and the safeguarding of their socioemotional wealth, actively seek cues to inform their decision-making processes. This research demonstrates that, among these guiding cues, top-level executives’ perceived religiosity emerges as a relevant factor. Building upon the socioemotional wealth perspective and conducting a longitudinal analysis based on listed family firms between 2009 and 2018, our (...)
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    Situating the Self in the Kingdom of Ends: Heidegger, Arendt, and Kantian Moral Phenomenology.David Zoller - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):159-190.
    In the eyes of many “classical” phenomenologists, Kantianism has seemed to invite individuals to leave the rich, complexly motivated environment of lived experience in favor of a shadowy, formal kingdom of abstract duties and rights. Yet there have been notable attempts within the phenomenological tradition to articulate a richer vision of Kantian moral consciousness and to exhibit, from a first-person perspective, the shape of mental life and the standing dispositions that befit membership in a Kantian kingdom of ends. Here I (...)
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  4. Sour Grapes, Self-Abnegation and Character Building.David Zimmerman - 2003 - The Monist 86 (2):220-241.
    We usually withhold attributions of moral responsibility when a person acts on preferences that are induced without her consent by other people by means of conditioning, post-hypnotic suggestion, neurological fiddling and similar techniques. However, this is not generally the case when a person induces preferences in herself by the process of character building. However, the distinction between non-responsibility and responsibility for preferences does not map neatly onto the distinction between psychological induction by other and by self. Sometimes responsibility-grounding freedom of (...)
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  5. The Persian War as Civil War in Plataea's Temple of Athena Areia.David Yates - 2013 - Klio 95 (2):369-390.
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    “A Christian, Holy People” Martin Luther on Salvation and the Church.David S. Yeago - 1997 - Modern Theology 13 (1):101-120.
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  7. Martin Luther on grace, law, and moral life: Prolegomena to an ecumenical discussion of Veritatis splendor.David S. Yeago - 1998 - The Thomist 62 (2):163-191.
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  8. Psychology's defence of the faith.David Yellowlees - 1930 - New York,: R. R. Smith.
  9. Queens Botanical Garden Visitor and Administration Center.David J. Yocca & Gerhard Hauber - 2008 - Topos 65:89.
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    Variability of irrelevant discriminative stimuli.David Zeaman & Joseph Denegre - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):574.
  11.  47
    Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy.David J. Zoller - 2010 - International Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2):272-275.
  12.  51
    Moral Theory and Moral Motivation in Dilthey’s Critique of Historical Reason.David J. Zoller - 2016 - Idealistic Studies 46 (1):97-118.
    Dilthey’s moral writings have received scant attention over the years, perhaps due to his apparent tendency toward relativism. This essay offers a unified look at Dilthey’s moral writings in the context of his Kantian-styled “Critique of Historical Reason.” I present the Dilthey of the moral writings as an observer of reason in the spirit of Kant, watching practical reason devolve into error when it applies itself beyond the bounds of possible experience. Drawing on moral writings from across Dilthey’s corpus, I (...)
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  13. Pains that Don't Hurt.David Bain - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (2):305-320.
    Pain asymbolia is a rare condition caused by brain damage, usually in adulthood. Asymbolics feel pain but appear indifferent to it, and indifferent also to visual and verbal threats. How should we make sense of this? Nikola Grahek thinks asymbolics’ pains are abnormal, lacking a component that make normal pains unpleasant and motivating. Colin Klein thinks that what is abnormal is not asymbolics’ pains, but asymbolics: they have a psychological deficit making them unresponsive to unpleasant pain. I argue that an (...)
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  14. The Quantum Theory of Fields.David Wallace - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    I give an introduction to the conceptual structure of quantum field theory as it is used in mainstream theoretical physics today, aimed at non-specialists. My main focuses in the article are the common structure of quantum field theory as it is applied in solid-state physics and as it is applied in high-energy physics; the modern theory of renormalisation.
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  15.  82
    The Necessity of Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics.David Wallace - unknown
    In discussions of the foundations of statistical mechanics, it is widely held that the Gibbsian and Boltzmannian approaches are incompatible but empirically equivalent; the Gibbsian approach may be calculationally preferable but only the Boltzmannian approach is conceptually satisfactory. I argue against both assumptions. Gibbsian statistical mechanics is applicable to a wide variety of problems and systems, such as the calculation of transport coefficients and the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of mesoscopic systems, in which the Boltzmannian approach is inapplicable. And the (...)
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  16.  45
    The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1999 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Will democracy figure prominently in China's future? If so, what kind of democracy? In this insightful and thought-provoking book, David Hall and Roger Ames explore such questions and, in the course of answering them, look to the ideas of John Dewey and Confucius.
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  17.  48
    A new method for making treatment decisions for incapacitated patients: what do patients think about the use of a patient preference predictor?David Wendler, Bob Wesley, Mark Pavlick & Annette Rid - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):235-241.
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  18. Thermodynamics as Control Theory.David Wallace - unknown
    I explore the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics by treating the former as a control theory: a theory of which transitions between states can be induced on a system by means of operations from a fixed list. I recover the results of standard thermodynamics in this framework on the assumption that the available operations do not include measurements which affect subsequent choices of operations. I then relax this assumption and use the framework to consider the vexed questions of Maxwell's (...)
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  19.  66
    Ethics and the Rule of Law.David Lyons - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An introduction to the philosophy of law, which offers a modern and critical appraisal of all the main issues and problems. This has become a very active area in the last ten years, and one on which philosophers, legal practitioners and theorists and social scientists have tended to converge. The more abstract questions about the nature of law and its relationship to social norms and moral standards are now seen to be directly relevant to more practical and indeed pressing questions (...)
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  20.  75
    Philosophical Advice.David Archard - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (4):603-623.
    Philosophers who publish articles that make practical ethical recommendations are thereby offering advice. I consider what obligations they incur in advising. I analyse the giving of advice as a communicative act whose defining and characteristic aim is to secure acceptance of what is advised. Such advice need not be solicited or taken up. I distinguish advice from incitement and threats and specify the scope of the adviser's responsibility for others acting upon the advice. I explore how advice can be bad (...)
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  21. Protecting Subjects Who Cannot Give Consent: Toward a Better Standard for "Minimal" Risks.David Wendler - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (5):37.
    When children and incapacitated adults are enrolled in research that cannot directly benefit them, they can be exposed to no more than “minimal” risks, according to guidelines accepted around the world. We need a new standard for what “minimal” risks are, however—one that recognizes that participating in nonbeneficial research is like participating in a charitable activity. Such a standard appears likely to provide more stringent protections for these vulnerable populations.
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    Aristotelis De anima.David Ross (ed.) - 1956 - Clarendon Press.
    The Oxford Classical texts, of Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxeniensis, are renowned for their reliability and presentation. The series consists of a text without commentary but with a brief apparatus critics at the foot of each page. There are now over 100 volumes, representing the greater part of classical Greek and Latin literature.
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  23.  62
    Relationships between shame and guilt in the socializing process.David P. Ausubel - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (5):378-390.
  24.  67
    Breaking the Rules: Examining the Facilitation Effects of Moral Intensity Characteristics on the Recognition of Rule Violations.David M. Wasieleski & Sefa Hayibor - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):275-289.
    This research project seeks to discover whether certain characteristics of a moral issue facilitate individuals’ abilities to detect violators of a conditional rule. In business, conditional rules are often framed in terms of a social contract between employer and employee. Of significant concern to business ethicists is the fact that these social contracts are frequently breached. Some researchers in the field of evolutionary psychology argue that there is a biological basis to social contract formation and dissolution in business. However, although (...)
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  25.  58
    Extending Gurwitsch’s field theory of consciousness.Jeff Yoshimi & David W. Vinson - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34 (C):104-123.
    Aron Gurwitsch’s theory of the structure and dynamics of consciousness has much to offer contemporary theorizing about consciousness and its basis in the embodied brain. On Gurwitsch’s account, as we develop it, the field of consciousness has a variable sized focus or "theme" of attention surrounded by a structured periphery of inattentional contents. As the field evolves, its contents change their status, sometimes smoothly, sometimes abruptly. Inner thoughts, a sense of one’s body, and the physical environment are dominant field contents. (...)
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  26.  22
    Zhuangzi and the becoming of nothingness.David Chai - 2018 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Explores the cosmological and metaphysical thought in the Zhuangzi from the perspective of nothingness. Zhuangzi and the Becoming of Nothingness offers a radical rereading of the Daoist classic Zhuangzi by bringing to light the role of nothingness in grounding the cosmological and metaphysical aspects of its thought. Through a careful analysis of the text and its appended commentaries, David Chai reveals not only how nothingness physically enriches the myriad things of the world, but also why the Zhuangzi prefers nothingness (...)
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  27.  36
    The Natural Meaning of Crime and Punishment: Denying and Affirming Freedom.David Chelsom Vogt - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):339-358.
    The article discusses the link between freedom, crime and punishment. According to some theorists, crime does not only cause a person to have less freedom; it constitutes, _in and of itself_, a breach of the freedom of others. Punishment does not only cause people to have more freedom, for instance by preventing crimes; it constitutes, _in and of itself_, respect for mutual freedom. If the latter claims are true, crime and punishment must have certain _meanings_ that make them denials/affirmations of (...)
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  28.  48
    Modus Vivendi Liberalism: Theory and Practice.David McCabe - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A central task in contemporary political philosophy is to identify principles governing political life where citizens disagree deeply on important questions of value and, more generally, about the proper ends of life. The distinctively liberal response to this challenge insists that the state should as far as possible avoid relying on such contested issues in its basic structure and deliberations. David McCabe critically surveys influential defenses of the liberal solution and advocates modus vivendi liberalism as an alternative defense of (...)
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  29.  90
    The Child’s Right to a Voice.David Archard & Suzanne Uniacke - 2020 - Res Publica (4):1-16.
    This article provides a philosophical analysis of a putative right of the child to have their expressed views considered in matters that affect them. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 is an influential and interesting statement of that right. The article shows that the child’s ‘right to a voice’ is complex. Its complexity lies in the problem of contrasting an adult’s normative power of choice with a child’s weighted views, in the various (...)
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    Capturing the representational and the experimental in the modelling of artificial societies.David Anzola - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-29.
    Even though the philosophy of simulation is intended as a comprehensive reflection about the practice of computer simulation in contemporary science, its output has been disproportionately shaped by research on equation-based simulation in the physical and climate sciences. Hence, the particularities of alternative practices of computer simulation in other scientific domains are not sufficiently accounted for in the current philosophy of simulation literature. This article centres on agent-based social simulation, a relatively established type of simulation in the social sciences, to (...)
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  31.  32
    (1 other version)A New Condition for Transitivity of Probabilistic Support.David Atkinson & Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2021 - Erkenntnis (1):1-13.
    As is well known, implication is transitive but probabilistic support is not. Eells and Sober, followed by Shogenji, showed that screening off is a sufficient constraint for the transitivity of probabilistic support. Moreover, this screening off condition can be weakened without sacrificing transitivity, as was demonstrated by Suppes and later by Roche. In this paper we introduce an even weaker sufficient condition for the transitivity of probabilistic support, in fact one that can be made as weak as one wishes. We (...)
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  32.  77
    Authenticity and Learning: Nietzsche's Educational Philosophy.David E. Cooper - 1983 - Boston: Routledge.
    David E. Cooper elucidates Nietzsche's educational views in detail, in a form that will be of value to educationalists as well as philosophers. In this title, first published in 1983, he shows how these views relate to the rest of Nietzsche's work, and to modern European and Anglo-Saxon philosophical concerns. For Nietzsche, the purpose of true education was to produce creative individuals who take responsibility for their lives, beliefs and values. His ideal was human authenticity. David E. Cooper (...)
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  33. McDowell and the Presentation of Pains.David Bain - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (1):1-24.
    It can seem natural to say that, when in pain, we undergo experiences which present to us certain experience-dependent particulars, namely pains. As part of his wider approach to mind and world, John McDowell has elaborated an interesting but neglected version of this account of pain. Here I set out McDowell’s account at length, and place it in context. I argue that his subjectivist conception of the objects of pain experience is incompatible with his requirement that such experience be presentational, (...)
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  34.  90
    The Moral and Political Status of Children.David Archard & Colin M. Macleod (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    The book contains original essays by distinguished moral and political philosophers on the topic of the moral and political status of children. It covers the themes of children's rights, parental rights and duties, the family and justice, and civic education.
  35.  30
    Separating club-guessing principles in the presence of fat forcing axioms.David Asperó & Miguel Angel Mota - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (3):284-308.
  36.  31
    Beyond the Search for Truth: Dewey's Humble and Humanistic Vision of Science Education.David I. Waddington & Noah Weeth Feinstein - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):111-126.
    In this essay, David Waddington and Noah Weeth Feinstein explore how Dewey's conception of science can help us rethink the way science is done in schools. The authors begin by contrasting a view of science that is implicitly accepted by many scientists and science educators — science as a search for truth — with Dewey's instrumentalist, technological, and nonrealist conception of science. After demonstrating that the search-for-truth conception is closely linked to some ongoing difficulties with science curricula that students (...)
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  37.  20
    “Doc, I’m Going for a Walk”: Liberalizing or Restricting the Movement of Hospitalized Patients—Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Considerations.David Alfandre, Sara Stream & Cynthia Geppert - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):253-267.
    When patients are admitted to the hospital, they are generally expected to remain in or within close proximity to their assigned rooms in order to promote their safety and appropriate medical care. Although there are circumstances when patients may safely leave their hospital room or floor, guidance within the medical literature for the management of patient movement within the hospital are lacking. Excessive restrictions on patient movement may be seen as overly paternalistic, while lax requirements may interfere with high quality (...)
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  38.  33
    “Are We Fighting Yet?” Can Traditional Just War Concepts Cope with Contemporary Conflict and the Changing Character of War?David Whetham - 2016 - The Monist 99 (1):55-69.
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    The Epiphenomena Argument for Symmetry-to-Reality Inference.David John Baker - unknown
    A new argument is given for the thesis that only symmetry-invariant physical quantities are real. Non-invariant quantities are dynamically epiphenomenal in that they have no effect on the evolution of invariant quantities, and it is a significant theoretical vice to posit epiphenomenal quantities.
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  40. Confucius, Cars, and Big Government: Impact of Government Involvement in Business on Consumer Perceptions Under Confucianism.David Ackerman, Jing Hu & Liyuan Wei - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):473-482.
    Building on prior research in Confucianism and business, the current study examines the effects of Confucianism on consumer trust of government involvement with products and company brands. Based on three major ideas of Confucianism – meritocracy, loyalty to superior, and separation of responsibilities – it is expected that consumers under the influence of Confucianism would perceive products from government-involved enterprises to have more desirable attributes and show preference for their company brands. Findings from an empirical study in the Chinese automobile (...)
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  41.  10
    Solidarity and the root of the ethical.David Wiggins - 2008 - Kansas: Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas.
  42.  37
    Incompatible bounded category forcing axioms.David Asperó & Matteo Viale - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 22, Issue 02, August 2022. We introduce bounded category forcing axioms for well-behaved classes [math]. These are strong forms of bounded forcing axioms which completely decide the theory of some initial segment of the universe [math] modulo forcing in [math], for some cardinal [math] naturally associated to [math]. These axioms naturally extend projective absoluteness for arbitrary set-forcing — in this situation [math] — to classes [math] with [math]. Unlike projective absoluteness, these higher bounded category forcing (...)
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  43.  86
    The ethics of patriotism.David Archard - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):e1-e3.
  44.  9
    “All Existing is the Action of God”: The Philosophical Theology of David Braine.David Bradshaw - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):379-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"ALL EXISTING IS THE ACTION OF GOD": THE PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY OF DAVID BRAINE DAVID BRADSHAW University ofTexas at Austin Austin, Texas Thou lovest all the things that are, and abhorrest nothing which thou hast made: for never wouldest thou have made any thing, if thou hadst hated il And how could any thing have endured, if it had not been thy will? or been preserved, if not (...)
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  45.  20
    Ethics for digital journalists: emerging best practices.Lawrie Zion & David Craig (eds.) - 2015 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The rapid growth of online media has led to new complications in journalism ethics and practice. While traditional ethical principles may not fundamentally change when information is disseminated online, applying them across platforms has become more challenging as new kinds of interactions develop between journalists and audiences. In Ethics for Digital Journalists, Lawrie Zion and David Craig draw together the international expertise and experience of journalists and scholars who have all been part of the process of shaping best practices (...)
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    An historical holistic thread in the dynamical fabric of psychology.Frederick David Abraham - 1997 - World Futures 49 (1):159-201.
    (1997). An historical holistic thread in the dynamical fabric of psychology. World Futures: Vol. 49, The Dialatic of Evolution: Essays in Honor of David Loye, pp. 159-201.
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  47.  25
    An Intelligent Parents Guide to Prenatal Testing: Having a Well-Born Child Without Genomic Selection.David Wasserman - 2021 - In Megan A. Allyse & Marsha Michie, Born Well: Prenatal Genetics and the Future of Having Children. Springer Verlag. pp. 125-136.
    This imaginative guide to decision-making about prenatal genomics is situated in a not-too-distant future in which parents can easily choose among embryos from gametes that have been produced in a laboratory using their own skin cells. Readers are invited into a future vision of conscientious parenting that involves testing to protect, rather than to select, a future child.
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    Healthcare and anomaly detection: using machine learning to predict anomalies in heart rate data.Edin Šabić, David Keeley, Bailey Henderson & Sara Nannemann - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):149-158.
    The application of machine learning algorithms to healthcare data can enhance patient care while also reducing healthcare worker cognitive load. These algorithms can be used to detect anomalous physiological readings, potentially leading to expedited emergency response or new knowledge about the development of a health condition. However, while there has been much research conducted in assessing the performance of anomaly detection algorithms on well-known public datasets, there is less conceptual comparison across unsupervised and supervised performance on physiological data. Moreover, while (...)
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    The extended phenotype: a comparison with niche construction theory.David A. Wells - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):547-567.
    While niche construction theory locates animal artefacts in their constructors’ environment, hence treating them as capable of exerting selective pressure on both the constructors and their descendants, the extended phenotype concept assimilates artefacts with their constructors’ genes. Analogous contrasts apply in the case of endoparasite and brood parasite genes influencing host behaviour. The explanatory power of these competing approaches are assessed by re-examining the core chapters of Richard Dawkins’ _The Extended Phenotype_. Because animal artefacts have multiple evolutionary consequences for their (...)
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    Presuppositions of Collective Moral Agency: Analogy, Architectonics, Justice, and Casuistry.David Ardagh - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (2):5-28.
    This is the second of three papers with the overall title: “A Quasi-Personal Alternative to Some Anglo-American Pluralist Models of Organisations: Towards an Analysis of Corporate Self-Governance for Virtuous Organisations”.1 In the first paper, entitled: “Organisations as quasi-personal entities: from ‘governing’ of the self to organisational ‘self’-governance: a Neo-Aristotelian quasi-personal model of organisations”, the artificial corporate analogue of a natural person sketched there, was said to have quasi-directive, quasi-operational and quasi-enabling/resource-provision capacities. Its use of these capacities following joint deliberation in (...)
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