Results for 'Dave Laing'

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  1.  16
    From Structuralism to Points of Rupture.Dave Mesing - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):115-137.
    This paper considers the ontological and political implications of the concept of the subject within structuralism. I turn first to Balibar in order to articulate structuralism as a tendency or movement rather than fixed set of positions, using some indications he has provided in order to demonstrate how thoroughly embedded the subject is as a problem within this tendency. I argue that Laclau and Mouffe’s work on hegemony deepens the political stakes of this problem while also introducing the grammar of (...)
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    Territorialité et identités linguistiques en Belgique.Dave Sinardet - 2008 - Hermes 51:141.
    Bien que le paysage institutionnel de la Belgique reflète une gestion politique assez complexe des identités linguistiques, la logique et la dynamique sous-jacente est celle d'une institutionnalisation des identités linguistiques, basée sur deux principes récurrents: la territorialité et la bipolarité. En introduction, est présentée une esquisse de la construction des identités linguistiques en Belgique au cours du XIX siècle. Ensuite sont exposés quatre principes fondamentaux qui furent instaurés dans la législation belge durant le XX siècle. Ceux-ci visaient à régler le (...)
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    The invisible dragon: essays on beauty and other matters.Dave Hickey - 2023 - Los Angeles, California: Art Issues Press. Edited by Gary Kornblau.
    An expanded edition of Hickey's controversial and exquisitely written apologia for beauty--championed by artists, reviled by art critics, and as powerful as ever 30 years on 1993: the AIDS pandemic rages through yet another decade, leaving society and the arts devastated and bereft. Dave Hickey sits down to produce a slim volume, The Invisible Dragon. The book ignites a firestorm, and from its ashes "beauty" again rises as a dominant force in artistic life. Academics argue about theoretical minutiae. Artists (...)
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    The Intervening Prince: Althusser, Foucault, and a Theory of Strategy.Dave Mesing - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    This paper stages an encounter between Foucault and Althusser on the question of strategy. By contrasting a few passages in La Volonté de savoir with some of Althusser’s writings on Machiavelli and Lenin, I propose an alternative between the two thinkers according to a schema of strategic thought (Foucault) and a philosophy for strategy (Althusser). This narrow focus enables me to generate a working definition of strategy as the anticipation of an encounter which modifies, abolishes, or otherwise alters the relations (...)
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    Entre libération et représentation réductrice : La pornographie gaie masculine comme véhicule de stéréotypes.Simon Corneau, Geneviève Rail & Dave Holmes - 2010 - Mediatropes 2 (2):136-166.
    Inspirée d’un cadre poststructuraliste, cette étude qualitative de « réception d’un médium » nous a permis de mettre en lumière les « lectures » que font une vingtaine de consommateurs de pornographie des notions de masculinité, de race et ethnicité, du milieu gai et du genre en lien avec la pornographie qu’ils consomment. Les résultats qui émergent de notre analyse critique de discours sont à l’effet que les lectures des consommateurs sont majoritairement dominantes, reproduisant ainsi les stéréotypes présents en société (...)
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    Espions, détectives et hors-la-loi synesthètes : des vérités troublantes découvertes à travers un processus synesthésique.Patricia Lynne Duffy - 2019 - Iris 39.
    This article focuses on portrayals of fictional characters with neurological synesthesia in seven selected 20th and 21st century English-language novels in the detective-spy genre. Characters are discussed in terms of the five categories of literacy depiction of synesthete characters as outlined in the chapter, “Synesthesia and Literature” in the Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. I will suggest that depictions of synesthete characters in the detective genre link synesthetic perceptions with glimpses of ultimate truth, and trace these tendencies back to descriptions of (...)
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    Sixteenth-Century Patterns of Art Patronage: Qiu Ying and the Xiang Family.Ellen Johnston Laing - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):1-7.
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  8. Vegetative State – The Untold Story.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2002 - New Law Journal 152:1272.
    Airedale NHS Trust v Bland establishes three principles among which is the controversial idea that people in a PVS, though not dying, have no best interests and no meaningful life. Accordingly, it is argued, they may have their food and fluids, whether delivered by tube or manually, removed, with the result that they die. Laing challenges this view arguing that not only is this bad medical science, it is unjustly discriminatory and at odds with our duties to the severely (...)
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  9. Making Sense of Shame.James Laing - 2022 - Philosophy 97 (2):233-255.
    In this paper, I argue that we face a challenge in understanding the relationship between the ‘value-oriented’ and ‘other-oriented’ dimensions of shame. On the one hand, an emphasis on shame's value-oriented dimension leads naturally to ‘The Self-Evaluation View’, an account which faces a challenge in explaining shame's other-oriented dimension. This is liable to push us towards ‘The Social Evaluation View’. However The Social Evaluation View faces the opposite challenge of convincingly accommodating shame's ‘value-oriented’ dimension. After rejecting one attempt to chart (...)
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    The Natural Law Reader.Jacqueline A. Laing & Russell Wilcox (eds.) - 2013 - Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
    The Natural Law Reader features a selection of readings in metaphysics, jurisprudence, politics, and ethics that are all related to the classical Natural Law tradition in the modern world. Features a concise presentation of the natural law position that offers the reader a focal point for discussion of ancient and contemporary ideas in the natural law tradition Draws upon the metaphysical and ethical categories put forth and developed by Aristotle and Aquinas Points to the historical significance and contemporary relevance of (...)
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    The new biology: new hope, new threat, or new dilemmas.E. Laing - 1989 - Accra: Ghana Universities Press.
  12. The harm of humiliation.James Laing - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):532-547.
    My aim in this paper is to show that the natural idea that humiliation is harmful calls explanation and to argue that the most straightforward ways of responding to this explanatory demand fall short in important ways. I end by considering a line of response which I take to be promising, which appeals to our need, as social animals, for interpersonal connection.
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    A Creed for Sceptic. By C. A. Strong LL.D. (London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. viii + 98. Price 6s. net.).B. M. Laing - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):353-.
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    Descartes on Material Things.B. M. Laing - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (64):398 - 411.
    According to tranditional philosophical terminology and to most interpretations of Cartesianism, Descartes is a dualist. This dualism is expressed in his fundamental distinction between two substances—mind and matter—and, though admitted to be full of difficulties and by many to be untenable, it has very generally been regarded as at least a clearly intelligible doctrine, consistently held by Descartes. That this is not so has been shown by Professor Boyce Gibson in his able and careful analysis of Cartesianism. The aim of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Conception of Reality as A Whole.B. M. Laing - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (21):3-.
    The subject of the present paper is the central conception of a philosophy that has been particularly dominant and influential, and the following remarks are prompted because of difficulties experienced in the attempt to understand that philosophy. The aim of the paper is to point out what seems to be a serious defect in that type of philosophy; but it is even more its aim to emphasize the danger into which philosophy in all its forms may easily fall, and against (...)
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  16. Managerialising Death.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2013 - Law Society Gazette.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway is intended as a palliative care regime at the end of life. Even its critics agree that certain of its recommendations may be useful and appropriate. Additionally, critics are aware that there are occasions when death may be a foreseen side effect of perfectly licit palliation whose primary ends are not homicidal at all. It is evident that treatment may be over-expensive, over-burdensome or simply futile. There is no suggestion that critics of the Pathway adhere irrationally (...)
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  17. When Eyes Touch.James Laing - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (9):1-17.
    How should we understand the special way in which two people are connected when they make eye contact? In this paper, I argue that existing accounts of eye contact —Peacocke’s Reductive Approach and Eilan’s Second Person Approach— are unsatisfactory. In doing so, I make a case for thinking that the source of this dissatisfaction and the path forward can be identified by reflecting on our tendency to describe eye contact on the model of touch. On this basis, I outline a (...)
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    Amusing ourselves to death? Superstimuli and the evolutionary social sciences.Bart du Laing & Andreas de Block - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (6):821-843.
    Some evolutionary psychologists claim that humans are good at creating superstimuli, and that many pleasure technologies are detrimental to our reproductive fitness. Most of the evolutionary psychological literature makes use of some version of Lorenz and Tinbergen’s largely embryonic conceptual framework to make sense of supernormal stimulation and bias exploitation in humans. However, the early ethological concept “superstimulus” was intimately connected to other erstwhile core ethological notions, such as the innate releasing mechanism, sign stimuli and the fixed action pattern, notions (...)
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  19. Law, Liberalism and the Common Good.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2004 - In David Simon Oderberg & T. Chappell, Human Values: New Essays on Ethics and Natural Law. 1st Edition. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    There is a tendency in contemporary jurisprudence to regard political authority and, more particularly, legal intervention in human affairs as having no justification unless it can be defended by what Laing calls the principle of modern liberal autonomy (MLA). According to this principle, if consenting adults want to do something, unless it does specific harm to others here and now, the law has no business intervening. Harm to the self and general harm to society can constitute no justification for (...)
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    The Living Mind. By Warner Fite. (London: Williams & Norgate Ltd. 1931. Pp. ix + 317. Price 10s. 6d. net.).B. M. Laing - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):499-.
  21. Natural law reasoning in applied ethics.Jacqueline Laing - 2017 - In George Duke & Robert P. George, The Cambridge companion to natural law jurisprudence. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Metaphysics of Nietzsche's Immoralism.Bertram A. Laing - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:386.
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  23. Ordinary self‐consciousness as a philosophical problem.James Laing - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):709-724.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 709-724, June 2022.
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  24. Interpersonal connection.James Laing - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):162-178.
    We are social animals that seek to connect with others of our kind. This common thought stands in need of elaboration. In this article, I argue for three theses. First, that we pursue certain forms of communicative interaction for their own sake insofar as they are ways of connecting with another. Second, that interpersonal connection is a metaphysically primitive emotional relation which resists reductive analysis in terms of the states of individuals. And finally, that our desire for interpersonal connection has (...)
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    David Hume.B. M. Laing - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):220-225.
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  26. Information Technology and Biometric Databases: Eugenics and Other Threats to Disability Rights.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2008 - Journal of Legal Technology Risk Management 3.
    Laing contends that the practice of eugenics has not disappeared. Conceptually related to the utilitarian and Social Darwinist worldview and historically evolving out of the practice of slavery, it led to some of the most spectacular human rights abuses in human history. The compulsory sterilization of and experimentation on those deemed “undesirable” and “unfit” in many technologically developed states like the US, Scandinavia, and Japan, led inexorably and most systematically to Nazi Germany with the elimination of countless millions of (...)
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    Resurrection and Reason: A Patristic Consolation of the Bereaved1.Stefana Dan Laing - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (1):8-27.
    This article examines the dual consolatory approach of Theodoret of Cyrus, a fifth-century Syriac bishop. Theodoret's method of grief counseling may be examined by drawing upon several of his letters of consolation as guiding examples. Using the philosophical theme of reason's control of the passions together with the Christian hope of the resurrection, Theodoret consoled his mourning friends, yielding an instructive model for contemporary pastors and counselors to consider. Theodoret practiced letter writing as a valid and constructive consolatory medium, demonstrated (...)
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  28. Art and Morality.James Laing - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:98.
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  29. Monotheism.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - In George Kurian, Encyclopaedia of Christian Civilisation. Blackwell.
    A consideration of monotheism. The term ordinarily suggests belief in one God and derives from the Greek monos meaning “one” and theos meaning “god.” In the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the one god is regarded as supreme lord and creator of the universe, almighty, all-knowing, and all-good. Traditionally, Christianity has taught that God revealed himself to our first parents, Adam and Eve, as the one true God in Genesis. The Old Testament reveals a jealous God who forbids the (...)
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  30. Middle knowledge.John D. Laing - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)No Title available.B. M. Laing - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):100-100.
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  32. Innocence and Consequentialism.Jacqueline A. Laing - 1997 - In David S. Oderberg & Jacqueline A. Laing, Human lives: critical essays on consequentialist bioethics. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press. pp. 196--224.
    A critic of utilitarianism, in a paper entitled “Innocence and Consequentialism” Laing argues that Singer cannot without contradicting himself reject baby farming (a thought experiment that involves mass-producing deliberately brain damaged children for live birth for the greater good of organ harvesting) and at the same time hold on to his “personism” a term coined by Jenny Teichman to describe his fluctuating (and Laing says, discriminatory) theory of human moral value. His explanation that baby farming undermines attitudes of (...)
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    A Symptomatology of Civilisation: on Order and Suggestion.Pierluca D'Amato - 2018 - la Deleuziana 7:67-88.
    ‘À quoi sert la littérature?’, Deleuze opens his book on Leopold von Sacher-Masoch with a question that this paper will pose again, trying to propose an answer to it, and to put to test the methodological approach that can be obtained from that answer: what are the uses of literature and, more specifically, how could the philosopher use literature, what could be done with it? To this end, this paper will focus on Deleuze’s symptomatological conception of literature. The second part (...)
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    A Companion to Luis de Molina ed. by Matthias Kaufmann, Alexander Aichele.John D. Laing - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):159-160.
  35.  60
    Molinism, Question-Begging, and Foreknowledge of Indeterminates.John D. Laing - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (2):55-75.
    John Martin Fischer’s charge that Molinism does not offer a unique answer to the dilemma of divine foreknowledge and human freedom can be seen as a criticism of middle knowledge for begging the question of FF -compatibilism. In this paper, I seek to answer this criticism in two ways. First, I demonstrate that most of the chief arguments against middle knowledge are guilty of begging the question of FF-incompatibilism and conclude that the simple charge of begging the question cannot be (...)
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  36. Raison et violence.R. D. Laing, D. Cooper, Cottereau & J. Sartre - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:466-467.
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    (1 other version)A study in moral problems.Bertram Mitchell Laing - 1922 - New York,: Macmillan.
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  38. Reason & violence: a decade of Sartre's philosophy, 1950-1960.R. D. Laing - 1983 - New York: Pantheon Books.
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  39. (1 other version)Reason & violence: a decade of Sartre's philosophy, 1950-1960.R. D. Laing - 1964 - New York: Humanities Press. Edited by D. G. Cooper.
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  40. The realisation of human rights in mental health law : Larry Gostin's 'the ideology of entitlement : the application of contemporary legal approaches to psychiatry'.Judy Laing - 2024 - In Sara Fovargue & Craig Purshouse, Leading works in health law and ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
  41. Disabled Need Our Protection.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2004 - Law Society Gazette 101:12.
    The Mental Incapacity Bill not only paves the way for euthanasia, but invites wholesale abuse and homicide, writes Jacqueline Laing. On 19 October 2004, when the Mental Capacity Bill was at its crucial committee stage, the Law Society issued a statement of ‘strong support’, claiming that it empowers patients and in no way introduces euthanasia. Laing argues that the Bill threatens the incapacitated by granting a raft of new third parties power to require that health professionals withhold ‘treatment’, (...)
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  42. On the Wrong Track.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2010 - Solicitors Journal 154:2.
    The House of Lords in Purdy forced the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue offence-specific guidance on assisted suicide, but Jacqueline Laing argues that the resulting interim policy adopted by the Director of Public Prosecutions is unconstitutional, discriminatory and illegal.
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    The Background and Consequences of the Reproductive Revolution.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - Catholic Medical Quarterly 62:24-37.
    By the mid-1960s the sexual revolution was in full swing. The persuasive rhythms of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones urged new personal freedoms, Carl Djerassi’s Pill was introduced to widespread acclaim, and feminists were setting their underwear ablaze. Most Christian denominations had long ago overturned their previous teaching on contraception. John Calvin, had at one time, called the act "condemned" and "doubly monstrous", while John Wesley had said contraception was "very displeasing to God", and the "evidence of vile affections." (...)
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  44. The Right to Live: Reply to the Chief Executive of the Law Society.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2005 - Law Society Gazette 102:11.
    The chief executive of the Law Society proposes that the Mental Capacity Bill is a progressive initiative enhancing personal autonomy. Laing replies to this by showing that the Bill, for from enhancinging personal autonomy explodes it by inviting homicide by unaccountable third parties, allowing non-therapeutic research and organ-removal without consent and creating a secret and unaccountable court with a lethal power over the vulnerable incapacitated.
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  45. Annunciation.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - In George Kurian, Encyclopaedia of Christian Civilisation. Blackwell.
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    Amplitude-modulated stimuli reveal auditory-visual interactions in brain activity and brain connectivity.Mark Laing, Adrian Rees & Quoc C. Vuong - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Contradiction, Logic, anel Reality.B. M. Laing - 1930 - The Monist 40 (4):559-580.
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    Human Rights in the Age of Eugenics.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2014 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  49. Penance.Jacqueline A. Laing - 2012 - In George Kurian, Encyclopaedia of Christian Civilisation. Blackwell.
    A consideration of the concept of repentance both theologically and in law. Penance generally refers to repentance or contrition for sin. It refers, more particularly in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions, to a sacrament, or an outward sign of an inward grace. In these traditions, the authority for regarding penance a sacrament is scriptural: “As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. When He had said this, He breathed on them; and He said to them: Receive ye (...)
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    The facts of life.Ronald David Laing - 1976 - London: Allen Lane.
    The controversial British psychiatrist describes, explores, and reflects on facts and feelings, imaginings and memories, repressions and discoveries, and pains and joys of his life as child and man.
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