Results for 'Darius Skusevich'

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  1.  9
    Āmīzish-i ufuqhā: muntakhabātī az ās̲ār-i Dāryūsh Shāyigān.Darius Shayegan - 2010 - [Tihrān]: Nashr-i Farzān-i Rūz. Edited by Muḥammad Manṣūr Hāshimī.
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    The Influence of Ethical Codes of Conduct on Professionalism in Tax Practice.Darius Fatemi, John Hasseldine & Peggy Hite - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):133-149.
    Professional integrity is a fundamental principle of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics. This does not apply directly to members of a particular professional body, but rather member organizations from around the globe are required to adopt a code no less stringent than the principles in the IESBA Code. Hence, all professional accountants are required to possess integrity as a core ethical principle. In the USA, certified public accountants must, in addition, also adhere to the principle (...)
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    Politikos veidrodis: kaip atpažinti gerą ir blogą politiką = Speculum politicum.Darius Baronas & Alvydas Jokubaitis (eds.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademija.
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    Die mens geaffekteer deur kanker: Voorlopige bakens geidentifiseer met die oog op die prediking na aanleiding van Jesus se afskeidsgesprek in die Johannes-evangelie.Darius Botha - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2).
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    Kants Beweis der Subjektivität der reinen Anschauung in der transzendentalen Ästhetik.Darius Koriako - 1999 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 81 (1):55-70.
  6. Unerweisliche sätze, erdichtete Begriffe: Kant über den gebrauch mathematischer Argumente in Philosophie.Darius Koriako - 1998 - Studia Leibnitiana 30 (1):24-48.
    In this study we consider Kant's numerous attempts at finding a secure path to metaphysical truth via mathematical arguments. In 1756, he thinks that in natural philosophy we cannot do without metaphysical speculation, although he admits that there is no way to explain natural phenomena without the aid of experience and geometry. Kant's ideas in this matter have been mainly shaped by the influence of Euler, who proposed that the evident principles of mechanics ought to be taken as starting point (...)
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    Latest Developments in the Regulation of ccTLDs: Comparative Analysis of, and.Darius Sauliūnas - 2014 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (2):555-577.
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    Legislation on Cybercrime in Lithuania: Development and Legal Gaps in Comparison with Convention on Cybercrime.Darius Sauliūnas - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):203-219.
    The Convention on Cybercrime (the Convention) adopted in the framework of the Council of Europe is the main international legislative tool in the fight against cybercrime. It is the first international treaty on crimes committed via the Internet and other computer networks, dealing particularly with infringements of copyright, computer-related fraud, child pornography and violations of network security. Lithuania is among its signatory states, therefore, the provisions of the Convention have become binding on its legislator, obliging it to take all necessary (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Adyān va maktabhā-yi falsafī-i Hind.Darius Shayegan - 1967 - Tihrān: [Dānishgāh-i Tihrān].
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    Psychology of openness: phenomenological-existential approach to experience and action.Darius Sleszynski - 2001 - Białystok: Trans Humana University Press.
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    Preconditions for Legal Regulation of Personal Identification in Cyberspace.Darius Štitilis, Paulius Pakutinskas, Inga Dauparaitė & Marius Laurinaitis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):703-724.
    The article analyses legal preconditions for personal identification in physical and electronic space (hereinafter – cyberspace). Analysis of legal governing of identification in physical space is followed by the analysis of the same in cyberspace. Compulsory elements of identification in physical space and compulsory and non-compulsory elements of identification in cyberspace are provided which leads to conclusions about problem aspects concerning personal identification in cyberspace and related legal governing. This scientific article consists of four main chapters. The first chapter „Identity (...)
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    Why People Do Violence?Darius Rejali - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (1):143-149.
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    Kants Philosophie der Mathematik: Grundlagen - Voraussetzungen - Probleme.Darius Koriako - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Diese erste, umfassende Darstellung von Kants Philosophie der Mathematik unternimmt es, die Aussagen Kants über Mathematik im Kontext seiner jeweiligen philosophischen Problemkonstellation zu verorten. Darüber hinaus werden die Ergebnisse dieser Zuweisungen einer systematischen Evaluation unterworfen. Der Befund: Kants Mathematikbegriff ist durch Prämissen geprägt, die sich aus seinen generellen philosophischen Einstellungen ergeben. Es sind also nicht so sehr die immanenten Probleme der Mathematik, die Kants Bild vom Wesen des Mathematischen bestimmten, sondern vielmehr die systematischen Probleme der Philosophie, die ihn zu einer (...)
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  14.  50
    Was sind und wozu dienen reine Anschauungen? Kritische Fragen und Anmerkungen zu Kants Raumtheorie.Darius Koriako - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (1):20-40.
    Zu den interessantesten, aber auch umstrittensten Abschnitten der „Kritik der reinen Vernunft“ zählt ohne Zweifel die transzendentale Ästhetik. Kant präsentiert hier eine völlig neuartige Theorie von Raum und Zeit, wonach diese „reine Anschauungen“ sind und als solche keine „transzendentale Realität“ besitzen. Dennoch – oder gerade deshalb – sollen die mathematischen Wahrheiten mit apodiktischer Sicherheit auf die raumzeitlich erscheinende Welt applizierbar sein. Kant behauptet sogar, dass nur seine Theorie von Raum und Zeit als reinen Anschauungen die Anwendbarkeit von Mathematik verständlich macht. (...)
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    Religijos geografija: šventųjų kultas Lietuvoje.Darius Liutikas - 2016 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 89:121-128.
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    Šv. Benedikto ikonografija Lietuvos altoriniuose atvaizduose.Darius Žukauskas - 2018 - Logos 95:185-202.
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    Kants Schematismuslehre und ihre Relevanz für die Philosophie der Mathematik.Darius Koriako - 2001 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 83 (3):286-307.
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  18. Etninio ir nacionalinio identiteto raiška ribinėse zonose: antropologinė perspektyva.Darius Daukšas - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    Straipsnyje, remiantis antropologine literatūra, nagrinėjami etninio ir nacionalinio identiteto konstravimo ypatumai specifinėse, ribinių zonų (paribio), situacijose. Parodoma, kad ribinėse zonose gyvenantys žmonės neretai etniškai identifikuojasi su kaimyninėmis valstybėmis, yra veikiami jų politikos. Pastarosios daro įtaką žmonių supratimui apie priklausymą / nepriklausymą valstybei(-ėms), kuris remiasi tiek etniniais, tiek pilietybės (nacionalinio identiteto sritis) kriterijais. Tokio pobūdžio problemas nagrinėja politinė antropologija, kurios vienas iš tikslų yra atskleisti kasdienes žmonių ir valstybės(-ių) sąveikas. Ši politinės antropologijos sritis neretai įvardijama kaip ribų (angl. border) antropologija. Straipsnis (...)
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    „Savas“ ir „kitas“ Norvegijos visuomenėje: Norvegijos lietuvių atvejis.Darius Daukšas - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:131-141.
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    Ist die linguistische theorie Des logischen apriori obsolet?Darius Koriako - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (1):43-68.
    The linguistic theory of the logical A Priori: is it obsolete In holistic interpretations, the logical truths are considered as continuous with empirical science: they are revisable, a posteriori, though very near to the centre of our web of belief. In this paper, we consider the merits and demerits of this approach, and we propose that it is necessary to revaluate holistic philosophies of logic. Some arguments are put forward which point in favour of the logical empiricists’ theory of logical (...)
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  21.  41
    Kants Theorie der Mathematik: Versuch einer Neubewertung.Darius Koriako - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (2):257 - 283.
    Diese Studie versucht, die Grundlinien der kantischen Mathematiktheorie zu entwickeln. Es zeigt sich, dass das Problem des "epistemischen Bezugs" zu mathematischen Gegenständen im Mittelpunkt steht. Kant entwickelt hierzu zwei Strategien: unter der Voraussetzung, dass mathematische Erkenntnis "Erkenntnis in concreto", also anschaulich ist, zeigt er 1762, dass diese sich von der empirischen in der Methode der Begriffsbildung unterscheidet. Dies führt auf einen "schwachen" Aprioritätsbegriff. 1770 entwickelt Kant eine anspruchsvollere Theorie: er zeigt, dass die Anschaulichkeit und Apriorität mathematischer Erkenntnis uns nötigen, ein (...)
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    Nusikalstamos veikos ir administracinio teisės pažeidimo atribojimo problemos: teisės pažeidimai, susiję su disponavimu narkotinėmis ar psichotropinėmis medžiagomis.Darius Pranka - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (4):1510-1523.
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    Realtime polymorphic malicious behavior detection in blockchain-based smart contracts.Darius GaliŞ, Ciprian PungilĂ & Viorel Negru - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):210-223.
    This paper proposes an innovative approach to achieving real-time polymorphic behavior detection, and its direct application to blockchain-focused smart-contracts. We devise a method based on a non-deterministic finite state machine to perform approximate pattern-matching, using a look-ahead mechanism implemented through a concept similar to that of a sliding window, and using threshold-based similarity checking at every state in the automaton. We introduce and formalize our approach, discuss the challenges we faced and then test it in a real-world environment. The experimental (...)
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  24.  35
    Crusius über die Unmöglichkeit einer Letztbegründung der Logik.Darius Koriako - 1999 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (1):99-108.
    In this paper we examine some passages of a logical treatise by Christian August Crusius. It seems that Crusius anticipated what might be called the circle of deduction, first discussed by Lewis Carroll. The question now emerges: why was it possible for Crusius to have deeper logical insights than his contemporaries, given that he was not a brilliant logician? The answer here proposed traces these insights back to his very peculiar philosophical premisses, which have been important for Kant's development in (...)
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    Finnish Aesthetics in Academic Databases.Darius Pacauskas & Ossi Naukkarinen - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (1):169-180.
    The academic databases such as Scopus or Web of Science are commonly used to measure performance of universities, departments, and even single researchers. However, to what extent such databases can represent real outcomes of aforementioned units especially in the field of art and humanities where local languages and cultural phenomena play an important role is not clear. This article focuses on understanding how research in this field, as seen through the case of aesthetics in non-English speaking countries, Finland in particular, (...)
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  26.  15
    Je näher, desto ähnlicher. Ein koloniales Klischee, das räumliche Entfernung in kulturellen Termini interpretierte.Darius J. Piwowarczyk - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):419-428.
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    Domain Name Disputes in Lithuanian Courts: Silent Steps towards Fairness on the Net.Darius Sauliūnas - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):943-961.
    National <.lt> domain name disputes in Lithuania are the ones which courts must decide without having any specific legal regulation. In such cases courts shall apply analogy of law, customs and general principals of law. Last but not least, the courts must address international legal practice as regards the domain name disputes, i.e. take into account the famous ICANN Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy adopted in 1999 and mostly applied by the panels of WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre while (...)
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  28. Adyān va maktabhā-yi falsafī-i Hind.Darius Shayegan - 1977 - Tihrān: Markaz-i Īrānī-i Muṭālaʻah-ʼi Farhangʹhā.
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    Versionen: Soziologie sozialer Welten.Dariuš Zifonun - 2016 - Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
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    It's all about Sex. The Peculiar Case of Technology and Gender.Alexander Darius Ornella - 2013 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 42 (1-3):183-213.
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  31. Flow and intuition: a systems neuroscience comparison.Steven Kotler, Darius Parvizi-Wayne, Michael Mannino & Karl Friston - 2025 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 2025 (1).
    This paper explores the relationship between intuition and flow from a neurodynamics perspective. Flow and intuition represent two cognitive phenomena rooted in nonconscious information processing; however, there are clear differences in both their phenomenal characteristics and, more broadly, their contribution to action and cognition. We propose, extrapolating from dual processing theory, that intuition serves as a rapid, nonconscious decision-making process, while flow facilitates this process in action, achieving optimal cognitive control and performance without [conscious] deliberation. By exploring these points of (...)
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    How preferences enslave attention: calling into question the endogenous/exogenous dichotomy from an active inference perspective.Darius Parvizi-Wayne - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1.
    It is easy to think of attention as a purely sensorimotor, exogenous mechanism divorced from the influence of an agent’s preferences and needs. However, according to the active inference framework, such a strict reduction cannot be straightforwardly invoked, since _all_ cognitive and behavioural processes can at least be described as maximising the evidence for a generative model entailed by the ongoing existence of that agent; that is, the minimisation of variational free energy. As such, active inference models could cast an (...)
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    Will You Forgive Your Supervisor’s Wrongdoings? The Moral Licensing Effect of Ethical Leader Behaviors.Rong Wang & Darius K.-S. Chan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422676.
    Moral licensing theory suggests that observers may liberate actors to behave in morally questionable ways due to the actors’ history of moral behaviors. Drawing on this view, a scenario experiment with a 2 (high vs. low ethical)×2 (internal vs. external motivation) between-subject design (N = 455) was conducted in the current study. We examined whether prior ethical leader behaviors cause subordinates to license subsequent abusive supervision, as well as the moderating role of behavior motivation on such effects. The results showed (...)
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  34. Forgetting ourselves in flow: an active inference account of flow states and how we experience ourselves within them.Darius Parvizi-Wayne, Lars Sandved-Smith, Riddhi Pitliya, Jakub Limanowski, Miles Tufft & Karl Friston - 2024 - Frontiers in Psychology 15.
    Flow has been described as a state of optimal performance, experienced universally across a broad range of domains: from art to athletics, gaming to writing. However, its phenomenal characteristics can, at first glance, be puzzling. Firstly, individuals in flow supposedly report a loss of self-awareness, even though they perform in a manner which seems to evince their agency and skill. Secondly, flow states are felt to be effortless, despite the prerequisite complexity of the tasks that engender them. In this paper, (...)
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    Review Essays: “American Torture Debates”: Sanford Levinson, Ed. Torture: A Collection. , 2004. 320 pages. Tom Head, Ed. Is Torture Ever Justified? , 2005. 92 pages. Karen Greenberg, Ed. The Torture Debate in America. , 2006. 414 pages. [REVIEW]Darius Rejali - 2008 - Human Rights Review 9 (3):393-400.
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    Münzel, Mark: Anthropophagie oder: Wer sind die wahren Kannibalen? Marburg: Verlag Blaues Schloss, 2019. 125 pp. ISBN 978-​3-​96577-​004-​1. Preis: € 17,90. [REVIEW]Darius J. Piwowarczyk - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):259-260.
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    Ordinary betrayals: Conceptualizing refugees who have been tortured in the global village. [REVIEW]Darius Rejali - 2000 - Human Rights Review 1 (4):8-25.
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    An Introduction to Utilitarianism: From Theory to Practice.Richard Yetter Chappell, Darius Meissner & William MacAskill - 2024 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. Edited by Darius Meissner & William MacAskill.
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    What Could “Fair Allocation” during the Covid‐19 Crisis Possibly Mean in Sub‐Saharan Africa?Keymanthri Moodley, Laurent Ravez, Adetayo Emmanuel Obasa, Alwyn Mwinga, Walter Jaoko, Darius Makindu, Frieda Behets & Stuart Rennie - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):33-35.
    The Covid‐19 pandemic has sparked rapid and voluminous production of bioethics commentary in popular media and academic publications. Many of the discussions are new twists on an old theme: how to fairly allocate scarce medical resources, such as ventilators and intensive care unit beds. In this essay, we do not add another allocation scheme to the growing pile, partly out of appreciation that such schemes should be products of inclusive and transparent community engagement and partly out of recognition of their (...)
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  40. Legal issues concerning judicial control of the legality of normative administrative acts.Dainius Raižys & Darius Urbonas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):167-186.
  41. Detection of GPT-4 Generated Text in Higher Education: Combining Academic Judgement and Software to Identify Generative AI Tool Misuse.Mike Perkins, Jasper Roe, Darius Postma, James McGaughran & Don Hickerson - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):89-113.
    This study explores the capability of academic staff assisted by the Turnitin Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection tool to identify the use of AI-generated content in university assessments. 22 different experimental submissions were produced using Open AI’s ChatGPT tool, with prompting techniques used to reduce the likelihood of AI detectors identifying AI-generated content. These submissions were marked by 15 academic staff members alongside genuine student submissions. Although the AI detection tool identified 91% of the experimental submissions as containing AI-generated content, only (...)
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  42.  18
    Responding to the COVID-19 emergency: student and academic staff perceptions of academic integrity in the transition to online exams at three Australian universities.Leonie Ellis, Laura Rook, Darius Pfitzner & Alison Reedy - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    This paper explores the perceptions of academic staff and students to student cheating behaviours in online exams and other online assessment formats. The research took place at three Australian universities in July and August 2020 during the emergency transition to online learning and assessment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study sought to inform decision making about the future of online exams at the participating universities. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using online surveys. The findings of the study (...)
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    Allocation of scarce resources in Africa during COVID‐19: Utility and justice for the bottom of the pyramid?Keymanthri Moodley, Stuart Rennie, Frieda Behets, Adetayo Emmanuel Obasa, Robert Yemesi, Laurent Ravez, Patrick Kayembe, Darius Makindu, Alwyn Mwinga & Walter Jaoko - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):36-43.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has raised important universal public health challenges. Conceiving ethical responses to these challenges is a public health imperative but must take context into account. This is particularly important in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). In this paper, we examine how some of the ethical recommendations offered so far in high‐income countries might appear from a SSA perspective. We also reflect on some of the key ethical challenges raised by the COVID‐19 pandemic in low‐income countries suffering from chronic shortages in (...)
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  44.  23
    Correlates of Acceptance of Wealth Inequality: A Moderated Mediation Model.Grand H.-L. Cheng, Darius K.-S. Chan & Dannii Y. Yeung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Wealth inequality is a prevalent social issue. The present study focuses on acceptance of wealth inequality, and considers personal income, perceived upward mobility, and future time perspective as its antecedents, and collective action intention as its outcome. With reference to the social identity literature and socioemotional selectivity theory, we posit a conditional indirect effect of income on collective action intention through acceptance of wealth inequality: only when mobility and future time perspective are relatively high, higher income is associated with higher (...)
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    Mikołaj Gładysz, The Forgotten Crusaders: Poland and the Crusader Movement in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. (The Northern World: North Europe and the Baltic c. 400–1700 A.D., Peoples, Economies and Cultures 56.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2012. Pp. xxv, 433; maps. $243. ISBN: 9789004185517. [REVIEW]Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński - 2013 - Speculum 88 (4):1099-1100.
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    Specifics of the Emotional Response of Patients Suffering From Major Depressive Disorder to Imagined Basic Tastes of Food.Laura Jarutiene, Virginija Adomaitiene, Vesta Steibliene, Grazina Juodeikiene, Darius Cernauskas, Dovile Klupsaite, Vita Lele, Egle Milasauskiene & Elena Bartkiene - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nowadays, the major depressive disorder is a common disease that negatively affects the life quality of many people around the world. As MDD symptoms are closely related with the changes in food and eating, the relation between patients’ emotional responses and food tastes could be used as criteria for diagnostic. Until now, studies on the emotional response to different food tastes for patients affected by MDD have been poorly described in literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate (...)
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    In the Service of Many Masters.Svenja Tams, Paul Caulfield & Darius Nedjati-Gilani - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:502-510.
    This paper examines the influence of service learning as a pragmatic skills-based teaching intervention. Conceptually, it builds on literature, legitimizing servicelearning in terms of four educational logics– civic engagement, practical relevance, skill development, and responsibility. We investigate whether service learning can always achieve this broad range of educational objectives, in view of students being increasingly exposed to a logic of ‘educational performance’, which they may perceive to be in conflict with the logics of 'civic engagement' and ‘responsibility’. The theoretical part (...)
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    When Love Meets Money: Priming the Possession of Money Influences Mating Strategies.Yi Ming Li, Jian Li, Darius K.-S. Chan & Bo Zhang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    From computerised thing to digital being: mission (Im)possible?Julija Kiršienė, Edita Gruodytė & Darius Amilevičius - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):547-560.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main drivers of what has been described as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, as well as the most innovative technology developed to date. It is a pervasive transformative innovation, which needs a new approach. In 2017, the European Parliament introduced the notion of the “electronic person”, which sparked huge debates in philosophical, legal, technological, and other academic settings. The issues related to AI should be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this paper, we examine (...)
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  50. Darius the Mede: A Study in Historical Identification.J. C. WHITCOMB - 1959
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