Results for 'Daniel A. Kealey'

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  1.  16
    Revisioning Environmental Ethics.Daniel A. Kealey - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (1):192-195.
  2.  24
    Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths. [REVIEW]Daniel A. Kealey - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):406.
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    Daniel A. Dombrowski, Analytic Theism, Hartshorne, and the Concept of God.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 44 (2):126-128.
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    Explanation classification depends on understanding: extending the epistemic side-effect effect.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld & Tania Lombrozo - 2020 - Synthese 197 (6):2565-2592.
    Our goal in this paper is to experimentally investigate whether folk conceptions of explanation are psychologistic. In particular, are people more likely to classify speech acts as explanations when they cause understanding in their recipient? The empirical evidence that we present suggests this is so. Using the side-effect effect as a marker of mental state ascriptions, we argue that lay judgments of explanatory status are mediated by judgments of a speaker’s and/or audience’s mental states. First, we show that attributions of (...)
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    Reinhold Niebuhr’s Paradox: Paralysis, Violence, and Pragmatism by Daniel Malotky, and: Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics by Reinhold Niebuhr, and: An Interpretation of Christian Ethics by Reinhold Niebuhr.Daniel A. Morris - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):207-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reinhold Niebuhr’s Paradox: Paralysis, Violence, and Pragmatism by Daniel Malotky, and: Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics by Reinhold Niebuhr, and: An Interpretation of Christian Ethics by Reinhold NiebuhrDaniel A. MorrisReinhold Niebuhr’s Paradox: Paralysis, Violence, and Pragmatism By Daniel Malotky LANHAM, MD: LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2011. 124 PP. $52.50Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics By Reinhold Niebuhr, (...)
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  6. Anthropic Concepts.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2020 - Noûs 54 (2):451-468.
    Natural kind concepts have the function of tracking categories that exist independently of our beliefs and purposes. But not all ways of tracking categories in the natural world involve conceiving of them as natural kinds. Anthropic concepts represent groups of natural, mind‐independent entities that are apt for serving various human interests, goals, and projects. They represent the natural world under a practical mode of presentation, as a set of material resources that can be transformed to further a host of functions (...)
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    A word from the editors.Daniel A. Kaufman - 1999 - Philosophical Forum 30 (1):1–1.
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    Review of Daniel A. Dombrowski: The Philosophy of Vegetarianism[REVIEW]Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1985 - Ethics 95 (3):748-749.
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  9. Compound Nominals, Context, and Compositionality.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2007 - Synthese 156 (1):161-204.
    There are good reasons to think natural languages are compositional. But compound nominals (CNs) are largely productive constructions that have proven highly recalcitrant to compositional semantic analysis. I evaluate existing proposals to treat CNs compositionally and argue that they are unsuccessful. I then articulate an alternative proposal according to which CNs contain covert indexicals. Features of the context allow a variety of relations to be expressed using CNs, but this variety is not expressed in the lexicon or the semantic rules (...)
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    A Platonic Philosophy of Religion: A Process Perspective.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (1):61-62.
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  11. MUDdy understanding.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4).
    This paper focuses on two questions: Is understanding intimately bound up with accurately representing the world? Is understanding intimately bound up with downstream abilities? We will argue that the answer to both these questions is “yes”, and for the same reason-both accuracy and ability are important elements of orthogonal evaluative criteria along which understanding can be assessed. More precisely, we will argue that representational-accuracy and intelligibility are good-making features of a state of understanding. Interestingly, both evaluative claims have been defended (...)
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    Proclus and his Legacy.Danielle A. Layne & David D. Butorac (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    his volume investigates Proclus' own thought and his wide-ranging influence within late Neoplatonic, Alexandrine and Byzantinian philosophy and theology. It further explores how Procline metaphysics and doctrines of causality influence and transition into Arabic and Islamic thought, up until Richard Hooker in England, Spinoza in Holland and Pico in Italy. John Dillon provides a helpful overview of Proclus' thought, Harold Tarrant discusses Proclus' influence within Alexandrian philosophy and Tzvi Langermann presents ground breaking work on the Jewish reception of Proclus, focusing (...)
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    Process philosophy and political liberalism: Rawls, Whitehead, Hhartshorne.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2019 - Edinburgh,: Edinburgh University Press.
    Argues for political liberalism as a process-oriented view and process philosophy as a politically liberal view Daniel A. Dombrowski brings together the thought of the 20th-century philosophy's greatest political liberal, John Rawls, with the thought of the great process philosophers, Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. He shows that political liberalism is intimately linked with process philosophy, renaming it 'process liberalism'. He justifies this process liberalism in contrast to four potentially troublesome sources or influences: metaphysics, religion, right-wing politics and (...)
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  14.  16
    A history of the concept of God: a process approach.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A history of the concept of God through the lens of process thought.
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    Invention and Evolution of Correlated Conventions.Daniel A. Herrmann & Brian Skyrms - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    An important feature of many conventions is that the agents use an asymmetry to coordinate their behaviour. We call these ‘correlated conventions’. However, a puzzle arises: since any asymmetry works as well as any other, what are the relevant asymmetries on which a given population founds its correlated conventions? In order to gain traction on this question we need an account of both the invention and evolution of correlated conventions. Invention has remained largely unexplored in the literature. In this article (...)
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    Prediction with expert advice applied to the problem of prediction with expert advice.Daniel A. Herrmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-24.
    We often need to have beliefs about things on which we are not experts. Luckily, we often have access to expert judgements on such topics. But how should we form our beliefs on the basis of expert opinion when experts conflict in their judgments? This is the core of the novice/2-expert problem in social epistemology. A closely related question is important in the context of policy making: how should a policy maker use expert judgments when making policy in domains in (...)
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  17.  34
    When law and ethics come apart: Constraints versus guidance.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld & Christine Durmis - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1430-1440.
    The generally agreed upon principle that legality and ethics can come apart is frequently overlooked in our professional ethics education and decision-making procedures. The crux of the issue is that we teach in our philosophy classes that the law can sometimes be unethical, but then clearly state in nursing codes of ethics that students should always follow the law. The law could no doubt give us some reason to choose action A over action B, but in professional contexts we frequently (...)
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    A reply to ‘Scepticism about the virtue ethics approach to nursing ethics’ by Stephen Holland: the relevance of virtue in nursing ethics.Daniel A. Putman - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):142-145.
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  19. A Communitarian Critique of Liberalism.Daniel A. Bell - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27 (2):215-238.
    Communitarian thinkers have argued that liberalism devalues community in modern societies. This essay assesses the three main strands of the contemporary debate betweeen communitarianism and liberalism: (1) the communitarian critique of the liberal universalism, (2) the communitarian critique of liberal individualism, and (3) the communitarian critique of liberal politics. In each case, it is argued that the debate has moved from fairly abstract philosophical controversies to more concrete engagement with political disputes in Western as well as East Asian societies.
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    Not Pictured.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld - 2014 - In George Dunn & James South, Veronica Mars and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 184–197.
    There's so much more to being a detective than just seeing the clues right in front of your eyes. What makes a detective great is that she can figure out the truth she's not seeing—the hidden explanation behind an otherwise scattered array of facts and appearances. She can puzzle through the observed facts to get at the hidden truth. That's where Veronica Mars excels, and that's what makes her special. Veronica is, of course, no stranger to fieldwork. Being a detective (...)
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  21.  65
    Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World.Daniel A. Bell - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    A trenchant defense of hierarchy in different spheres of our lives, from the personal to the political All complex and large-scale societies are organized along certain hierarchies, but the concept of hierarchy has become almost taboo in the modern world. Just Hierarchy contends that this stigma is a mistake. In fact, as Daniel Bell and Wang Pei show, it is neither possible nor advisable to do away with social hierarchies. Drawing their arguments from Chinese thought and culture as well (...)
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    What are We Asking Patients to Do? A Critical Ethical Review of the Limits of Patient Self-Advocacy in the Oncology Setting.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld & Teresa Hagan Thomas - 2022 - The New Bioethics 29 (2):181-190.
    Increasing emphasis on patient self-management, including having patients advocate for their needs and priorities, is generally a good thing, but it is not always wanted or attainable by patients. The aim of this critical ethical review is to deepen the current discourse in patient self-advocacy by exposing various situations in which patients struggle to self-advocate. Using examples from oncology patient populations, we disambiguate different notions of self-advocacy and then present limits to the more demanding varieties (i.e., health-related, trust-based, and psychological); (...)
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    Confucianism and Ubuntu: Reflections on a Dialogue between Chinese and African Traditions (repr.).Daniel A. Bell & Thaddeus Metz - 2012 - In Chung-Ying Cheng, Confucian Philosophy: Innovations and Transformations. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. ch. 7.
  24. The Functional Unity of Special Science Kinds.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2):233-258.
    The view that special science properties are multiply realizable has been attacked in recent years by Shapiro, Bechtel and Mundale, Polger, and others. Focusing on psychological and neuroscientific properties, I argue that these attacks are unsuccessful. By drawing on interspecies physiological comparisons I show that diverse physical mechanisms can converge on common functional properties at multiple levels. This is illustrated with examples from the psychophysics and neuroscience of early vision. This convergence is compatible with the existence of general constraints on (...)
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    Teaching Ethics: The Moral Development of Educators.Daniel A. Stout & Elizabeth M. Tucker - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (2):107-118.
    The moral development of advertising educators is important to an understanding of how they teach ethics. This article describes a survey that explores how advertising educators define and think about ethics. It examines the theoretical foundations of moral development in relation to teaching advertising ethics and provides a summary describing advertising educators' ideas about the nature of ethics. We conclude by predicting today's advertising students' ability to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas.
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  26. Understanding as compression.Daniel A. Wilkenfeld - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (10):2807-2831.
    What is understanding? My goal in this paper is to lay out a new approach to this question and clarify how that approach deals with certain issues. The claim is that understanding is a matter of compressing information about the understood so that it can be mentally useful. On this account, understanding amounts to having a representational kernel and the ability to use it to generate the information one needs regarding the target phenomenon. I argue that this ambitious new account (...)
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  27. Standards for Belief Representations in LLMs.Daniel A. Herrmann & Benjamin A. Levinstein - 2024 - Minds and Machines 35 (1):1-25.
    As large language models (LLMs) continue to demonstrate remarkable abilities across various domains, computer scientists are developing methods to understand their cognitive processes, particularly concerning how (and if) LLMs internally represent their beliefs about the world. However, this field currently lacks a unified theoretical foundation to underpin the study of belief in LLMs. This article begins filling this gap by proposing adequacy conditions for a representation in an LLM to count as belief-like. We argue that, while the project of belief (...)
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    Consciousness as a subject matter.Daniel A. Helminiak - 1984 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14 (July):211-230.
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    Arab Christianity in the Monasteries of Ninth-Century Palestine.Daniel A. Madigan & Sidney H. Griffith - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):307.
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    5. What’s Wrong with Active Citizenship? A Comparison of Physical Education in Ancient Greece and Ancient China.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 121-151.
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    Assessing China’s Political System. A Response to Comments.Daniel A. Bell - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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  32. Folk attributions of understanding: Is there a role for epistemic luck?Daniel A. Wilkenfeld, Dillon Plunkett & Tania Lombrozo - 2018 - Episteme 15 (1):24-49.
    As a strategy for exploring the relationship between understanding and knowledge, we consider whether epistemic luck – which is typically thought to undermine knowledge – undermines understanding. Questions about the etiology of understanding have also been at the heart of recent theoretical debates within epistemology. Kvanvig (2003) put forward the argument that there could be lucky understanding and produced an example that he deemed persuasive. Grimm (2006) responded with a case that, he argued, demonstrated that there could not be lucky (...)
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  33. An ideal disorder? Autism as a psychiatric kind.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (2):175-190.
    In recent decades, attempts to explain autism have been frustrated by the heterogeneous nature of its behavioral symptoms and the underlying genetic, neural, and cognitive mechanisms that produce them. This has led some to propose eliminating the category altogether. The eliminativist inference relies on a conception of psychiatric categories as kinds defined by their underlying mechanistic structure. I review the evidence for eliminativism and propose an alternative model of the family of autisms. On this account, autism is a network category (...)
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    Music and the metaphor of touch.Daniel A. Putman - 1985 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (1):59-66.
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    (1 other version)Equality and Coequality Relations on the Cartesian Product of Sets.Daniel A. Romano - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (5):471-480.
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    Qurʾān and Its Biblical Subtext. By Gabriel Said Reynolds.Daniel A. Madigan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    The Qurʾān and Its Biblical Subtext. By Gabriel Said Reynolds. Routledge Studies in the Qurʾan, vol. 10. London: Routledge, 2010. Pp. xi + 304. $130.
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    Representing and coordinating ethnobiological knowledge.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84 (C):101328.
    Indigenous peoples possess enormously rich and articulated knowledge of the natural world. A major goal of research in anthropology and ethnobiology as well as ecology, conservation biology, and development studies is to find ways of integrating this knowledge with that produced by academic and other institutionalized scientific communities. Here I present a challenge to this integration project. I argue, by reference to ethnographic and cross-cultural psychological studies, that the models of the world developed within specialized academic disciplines do not map (...)
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  38. L'étang de feu et de soufre.Daniel A. Bertrand - 1999 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 79 (1):91-99.
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  39. Confucianism for the Modern World.Daniel A. Bell & Hahm Chaibong (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    While Confucian ideals continue to inspire thinkers and political actors, discussions of concrete Confucian practices and institutions appropriate for the modern era have been conspicuously absent from the literature thus far. This volume represents the most cutting edge effort to spell out in meticulous detail the relevance of Confucianism for the contemporary world. The contributors to this book - internationally renowned philosophers, lawyers, historians, and social scientists - argue for feasible and desirable Confucian policies and institutions as they attempt to (...)
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    Not Even a Sparrow Falls: The Philosophy of Stephen R. L. Clark.Daniel A. Dombrowski (ed.) - 2000 - Michigan State University Press.
    Since the mid-1970s an amazing philosopher has blazed across the philosophic sky—Stephen R. L. Clark. To date he has written twelve books, including _From Athens to Jerusalem, Aristotle's Man, Animals and Their Moral Standing, Civil Peace and Sacred Order, God's World and the Great Awakening, The Mysteries of Religion, The Moral Status of Animals, The Nature of the Beast, and A Parliament of Souls,_ as well as dozens of articles. Critics find him "arresting," "profound," "amusing," and, paradoxically, "irritating." In this (...)
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    From Irony to Enigma: Discovering Double Ignorance and Socrates’ Divine Knowledge.Danielle A. Layne - 2010 - Méthexis 23 (1):73-90.
    To dismiss the problems of Socratic moral intellectualism as well as Socratic irony (with respect to his claims of ignorance) in the following we shall first discuss how there are different forms of not-knowing in the Platonic dialogues. By referencing various passages throughout Plato’s entire corpus we shall see that like his nuanced understanding of knowledge, Plato also delineated between kinds of ignorance with only one denying virtue and the good life to individuals. This will prove that Socrates does not (...)
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    (1 other version)Construction of a Coideal of a Ring Compatible with a Principal Ideal.Daniel A. Romano - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (2):183-184.
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    (1 other version)Rings and Fields, a Constructive View.Daniel A. Romano - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (1):25-40.
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    Art in and out of context.Daniel A. Siedell - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (1):118-122.
    Philosopher David E. W. Fenner walks a fine line. In Art in Context: Understanding Aesthetic Value, he attempts to throw out the dirty bathwater of formalism while leaving the baby, the work of art itself, unscathed. He defines formalism as the approach to art in which the viewer “restricts her attention to the formal properties of the object, properties that are accessible through the senses . . . in the object” (xv). Fenner is not interested in defining art, which is (...)
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  45. Embodied cognition and linguistic understanding.Daniel A. Weiskopf - manuscript
    Traditionally, the language faculty was supposed to be a device that maps linguistic inputs to semantic or conceptual representations. These representations themselves were supposed to be distinct from the representations manipulated by the hearer.s perceptual and motor systems. Recently this view of language has been challenged by advocates of embodied cognition. Drawing on empirical studies of linguistic comprehension, they have proposed that the language faculty reuses the very representations and processes deployed in perceiving and acting. I review some of the (...)
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    ‘Impossible to provide an accurate estimate’: the interested calculation of the Ottoman public debt, 1875–1881.Daniel A. Stolz - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (4):477-493.
    When the Ottoman Empire defaulted on its public debt in 1875, British bondholders launched a campaign to win government intervention on their behalf. This article interprets the unprecedented success of this campaign as a matter of knowledge production. Mobilizing the newly established Corporation of Foreign Bondholders as a kind of ‘centre of calculation’, bondholders argued that they deserved assistance because of the unique size of the Ottoman default and the proportion of it that was held by British subjects. Yet neither (...)
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    Chen, Lai, Tradition and Modernity: A Humanist View Trans. Edmund Ryden : Leiden: Brill, 2009, x + 386 pages.Daniel A. Bell - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (3):391-393.
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    The Case for Expanding the Canon in Teaching Western Musical History.Daniel A. Binder - 1992 - Listening 27 (3):222-239.
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    Ethical Decisions and Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals.Daniel A. Putman - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):47 - 55.
    I WANT TO EXPLORE in this paper the relationship between ethical decisions, possible worlds, and certain types of emotions that Moravscik has called "Platonic attitudes." I will argue that what constitutes reflection in ethical decision-making involves imagining the possible world of another entity, a world that is contingent on an action that we have the power to perform. Ethical counterfactuals posit materially possible worlds or logically possible worlds and in both cases always include an affective element. That is, along with (...)
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    Integrative Modeling and the Role of Neural Constraints.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):647-685.
    Neuroscience constrains psychology, but stating these constraints with precision is not simple. Here I consider whether mechanistic analysis provides a useful way to integrate models of cognitive and neural structure. Recent evidence suggests that cognitive systems map onto overlapping, distributed networks of brain regions. These highly entangled networks often depart from stereotypical mechanistic behaviors. While this casts doubt on the prospects for classical mechanistic integration of psychology and neuroscience, I argue that it does not impugn a realistic interpretation of either (...)
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