Damiano Costa [18]Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa [13]Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa [5]Davide Costa [5]
Dennis Costa [3]Diana Costa [2]David Costa [2]Daiane Rodrigues Costa [2]

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  1. Location and Mereology.Cody Gilmore, Claudio Calosi & Damiano Costa - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  2. Relativity and Three Four‐dimensionalisms.Cody Gilmore, Damiano Costa & Claudio Calosi - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (2):102-120.
    Relativity theory is often said to support something called ‘the four-dimensional view of reality’. But there are at least three different views that sometimes go by this name. One is ‘spacetime unitism’, according to which there is a spacetime manifold, and if there are such things as points of space or instants of time, these are just spacetime regions of different sorts: thus space and time are not separate manifolds. A second is the B-theory of time, according to which the (...)
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  3. The Transcendentist Theory of Persistence.Damiano Costa - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (2):57-75.
    This paper develops an endurantist theory of persistence. The theory is built around one basic tenet, which concerns existence at a time – the relation between an object and the times at which that object is present. According to this tenet, which I call transcendentism, for an object to exist at a time is for it to participate in events that are located at that time. I argue that transcendentism is a semantically grounded and metaphysically fruitful. It is semantically grounded, (...)
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  4. The Multi-location Trilemma.Damiano Costa & Claudio Calosi - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1063-1079.
    The possibility of multi-location—of one entity having more than one exact location—is required by several metaphysical theories such as the immanentist theory of universals and three-dimensionalism about persistence. One of the most pressing challenges for multi-location theorists is that of making sense of exact location—in that extant definitions of exact location entail a principle called ‘functionality’, according to which nothing can have more than one exact location. Recently in a number of promising papers, Antony Eagle has proposed and defended a (...)
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  5. Aristotelian universals, strong immanence, and construction.Damiano Costa & Alessandro Giordani - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-15.
    The Aristotelian view of universals, according to which each universal generically depends for its existence on its instantiations, has recently come under attack by a series of ground-theoretic arguments. The last such arguments, presented by Raven, promises to offer several significant improvements over its predecessors, such as avoiding commitment to the transitivity of ground and offering new reasons for the metaphysical priority of universals over their instantiations. In this paper, we argue that Raven's argument does not effectively avoid said commitment (...)
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  6. An argument against Aristotelian universals.Damiano Costa - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4331-4338.
    I provide an argument against the Aristotelian view of universals, according to which universals depend for their existence on their exemplifiers. The argument consists in a set of five jointly inconsistent assumptions. As such, the argument can be used to argue in favour of other conclusions, such as that exemplification is no relation or that plausible principles concerning ontological dependence or grounding do not hold.
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  7. Multilocation, Fusions, and Confusions.Claudio Calosi & Damiano Costa - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):25-33.
    The paper provides a new and detailed critique of Barker and Dowe’s argument against multi-location. This critique is not only novel but also less committal than previous ones in the literature in that it does not require hefty metaphysical assumptions. The paper also provides an analysis of some metaphysical relations between mereological and locational principles.
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  8. From times to worlds and back again: a transcendentist theory of persistence.Alessandro Giordani & Damiano Costa - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):210-220.
    Until recently, an almost perfect parallelism seemed to hold between theories of identity through time and across possible worlds,as every account in the temporal case(endurantism,perdurantism, exdurantism) was mirrored by a twin account in the modal case (trans-world identity, identity-via-parts, identity-via-counterparts). Nevertheless, in the recent literature, this parallelism has been broken because of the implementation in the debate of the relation of location. In particular, endurantism has been subject to a more in-depth analysis, and different versions of it, corresponding to different (...)
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  9. Mereological Endurantism Defined.Damiano Costa - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):2063-2073.
    I develop a definition of mereological endurantism which overcomes objections that have been proposed in the literature and thereby avoids the charge of obscurity put forward by Sider against the view.
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  10. Fine’s Monster Objection Defanged.Damiano Costa, Alessandro Cecconi & Claudio Calosi - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):435-451.
    The Monster Objection has often been considered one of the main reasons to explore non-standard mereological views, such as hylomorphism. Still, it has been rarely discussed and then only in a cursory fashion. This paper fills this gap by offering the first thorough assessment of the objection. It argues that different metaphysical stances, such as presentism and three- and four-dimensionalism, provide different ways of undermining the objection.
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  11. Was Bonaventure a Four-dimensionalist?Damiano Costa - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):393-404.
    Bonaventure is sometimes taken to be an ante litteram champion of the four-dimensional theory of persistence. I argue that this interpretation is incorrect: Bonaventure was no four-dimensionalist.
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  12. What is priority monism? Reply to Kovacs.Damiano Costa - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Priority monism is the view that the cosmos is the basic concrete entity on which each of its parts depend. Kovacs has recently argued that none of the classical notions of dependence could be used to spell out priority monism. I argue that four notions of dependence – namely rigid existential dependence, generic existential dependence, explanatory dependence, and generalised explanatory dependence – can indeed be used to spell out priority monism, and specify the conditions under which this is possible.
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  13. In Defence of Transcendentism.Damiano Costa & Alessandro Giordani - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (2):225-234.
    How do objects persist through time? According to endurantism, objects persist through time and do not have temporal parts. According to the transcendentist version of endurantism, objects exist at times by participating in events that occur at those times. This version of transcendentism offers specific metaphysical and semantical advantages over other versions of endurantism. In this paper, we defend transcendentist endurantism against a series of criticisms that have been recently offered by Kristie Miller.
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  14. Persistence in Time.Damiano Costa - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Persistence in Time No person ever steps into the same river twice—or so goes the Heraclitean maxim. Obscure as it is, the maxim is often taken to express two ideas. The first is that everything always changes, and nothing remains perfectly similar to how it was just one instant before. The second is that nothing … Continue reading Persistence in Time →.
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  15. Aquinas, Geach, and existence.Damiano Costa - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (3):175-195.
    Aquinas’ theory of being has received a growing amount of attention from contemporary scholars, both from a historic and a philosophical point of view. An important source of this attention is Geach’s seminal Form and Existence. In it, Geach argues that Aquinas subscribes to a tensed notion of existence and a theory of time according to which past and future entities do not exist in act. Subsequent commentators, such as Kenny in his Aquinas on Being, have agreed with Geach on (...)
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    Altered states of consciousness are related to higher sexual responsiveness.Rui M. Costa, José Pestana, David Costa & Marc Wittmann - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42 (C):135-141.
  17.  33
    The Action of Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Religious Discourse about People with Disabilities: Reflections Based on Bakhtin and the Circle.Dennis Souza da Costa & Ivana Siqueira Teixeira - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e63573p.
    RESUMO Este artigo analisa a atuação das forças centrípetas e centrífugas em enunciados da esfera religiosa que evidenciam cosmovisões do segmento cristão evangélico acerca da deficiência. Para tanto, selecionamos um vídeo disponível na plataforma YouTube contendo enunciados dos apresentadores Tito Rocha e Leandro Quadros relativos à temática da deficiência, bem como a resposta de uma internauta acerca do posicionamento desses sujeitos. A reflexão teórico-metodológica fundamenta-se na orientação dialógica da linguagem, sobretudo nas considerações acerca das relações dialógicas, vozes e forças centrípetas (...)
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  18. Aquinas on the Existence of the Future: A Response to Gili.Damiano Costa - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):225-235.
    I defend my paper “Aquinas, Geach, and Existence”[1]against objections from Luca Gili, who argued that, according to Aquinas, future contingents do not enjoy genuine existence but exist in God’s mind only.[1] Damiano Costa, “Aquinas, Geach, and existence”, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11, no. 3.
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    Promoting Science Communication for the Purpose of Pandemic Preparedness and Response: An Assessment of the Relevance of Pre-COVID Pandemic “early warnings”.Marcelo de Araujo & Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (2):269-294.
    Given the abrupt global disruption caused by SARS-CoV-2, one might think that the COVID pandemic was an unpredictable event. But in the years leading up to the emergence of the COVID pandemic, several documents had already been warning of the increasing occurrences of new disease outbreaks with pandemic potential and lack of corresponding policies to promote pandemic preparedness and response. In this article, we call these documents “early warnings”. We argue that a survey of early warnings can help science communicators (...)
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    On the neutrality and values of artifacts.Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa & Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    This paper criticizes the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, and makes the case for a proposal known as Value Sensitive Design, which states that moral values must be considered in the construction and analysis of artifacts. First, (1) we will present the best defense of the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, made by Joseph Pitt. In the following, (2) we will criticize each of the arguments presented by Pitt in favor of the (...)
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  21. Being in Time: a theory of persistence and temporal location.Damiano Costa - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Geneva
    In Being in Time I articulate and defend a theory of diachronic identity based on a new account of the relation between objects and time. Traditionally, the relation between objects and time has been considered to be a direct one, analogous to the one they have with space, and accordingly called location. In my dissertation, I argue that this locative approach is metaphysically problematic insofar as it commits us to questionable consequences about the nature of objects or about the metaphysics (...)
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    Entrevista com professoras(es) de filosofia do ensino médio do ceará (bloco II).Dayane Evellin de Sousa Costa, Emilson Silva Lopes, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):334-347.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFESSORAS(ES) DE FILOSOFIA DO ENSINO MÉDIO DO CEARÁ – BLOCO IICom: Dayane Evellin de Sousa Costa, Emilson Silva LopesPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima.
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    Clarice Como Uma Experiência Filosófica.Maria dos Remédios de Brito & Dhemersson Warly Santos Costa - 2019 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 1 (2):17.
    Literatura e filosofia, filosofia e literatura, há tensionamentos e algumas vezesressonâncias, outras vezes um movimento de completa crítica e tentativas de separação radical. Pensa-se nos possíveis toques desses saberes e como os mesmos podem se enriquecer com seus limites. As perguntas que movem esse ensaio são: A filosofia passa pela obra de Clarice Lispector? De que forma Clarice promove uma experiência filosófica? Os argumentos são tangenciados pela filosofia francesa de Gilles Deleuze. Clarice Lispector, escritora, contudo, configura em sua obra fabulatória (...)
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    Educação e Formação Do Espírito Burguês: Um Retrato Do Papel da Escola Na Manutenção Do Sistema Capitalista.Diego Silva Rodrigues da Costa & José Mateus Bido - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):218-233.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as bases nacionais que constituem a formação do homem burguês e a estruturação do processo educacional que se inicia a partir do século XVII, culminando no florescimento da escola pública na França no século XIX, estendendo-se paulatinamente no Brasil no século XX. O artigo tem como problema investigar se o modelo formativo estruturado na sociedade brasileira contemporaneamente envolve a formação integral do cidadão ou apenas o seu ajustamento à dinâmica social. Face às condições histórico-sociais (...)
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    Social capital in chronic disease: an ethnographic study.Davide Costa, Michele Andreucci, Nicola Ielapi, Umberto Marcello Bracale & Raffaele Serra - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):29-50.
    Chronically ill conditions are particularly difficult to manage because of their impact both on the social and on the corporal sphere to such an extent as to involve a series of problems that negatively alter the quality of life of affected patients. Chronicity has also a considerable ef-fect on social capital. In the current literature, it is known that social capital may contribute to a range of advantages to people health. Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) includes several pathologi-cal alterations of the (...)
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    Podem ações morais serem belas? Sobre a possibilidade de uma estética moral a partir de David Hume.Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (2).
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo defender a possibilidade da existência da beleza moral a partir da teoria moral e estética de David Hume. A relação entre a estética e a moralidade será analisada, na primeira parte. A hipótese da beleza moral será colocada como uma destas possíveis relações. Dentro das possibilidades de se fundamentar a beleza moral, será argumentado que a melhor seria através da compreensão humeana da estética e da moralidade. A segunda parte do artigo analisa o conceito (...)
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    Molecular dynamics and small-angle neutron scattering of lysozyme aqueous solutions.M. C. Abramo, C. Caccamo, M. Calvo, V. Conti Nibali, D. Costa, R. Giordano, G. Pellicane, R. Ruberto & U. Wanderlingh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2066-2076.
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    Reseña de "El concepto de acción en Hegel" de Quante, Michael.Agemir Bavaresco & Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146):187-190.
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    Estudos linguísticos em foco: perspectivas sincrônica e diacrônica.Dayme Rosane Bençal, Daniela de Souza Silva Costa, Fabiane Cristina Altino & Abdelhak Razky (eds.) - 2019 - Londrina, PR: EDUEL, Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
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    The Association Between Eating-Compensatory Behaviors and Affective Temperament in a Brazilian Population.Sabrina Chapuis-de-Andrade, Carmen Moret-Tatay, Dalton Breno Costa, Francielle Abreu da Silva, Tatiana Quarti Irigaray & Diogo R. Lara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Conflict between creation and destruction, a sociological proposal.Davide Costa - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (1):139-156.
    Sociology, conflicts, and sensitivity, the triad that supports, that constitutes, the bed on which and in which this discipline moves its steps. Since sociology is a meta-science, it can make use of methodological-cognitive tools of other disciplines related to itself: in this specific case, we are referring to psychoanalysis, and its way of conceiving intra-subjective conflict, especially in the field of human relations. Simmel's far-sighted sociology and his way of conceiving conflict as an instrument of balance between closeness and distance, (...)
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    A educação do homem interior.Daiane Costa & Angelo Vitório Cenci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):273-299.
    A educação do homem interior: O cultivo da vontade em Agostinho de Hipona Resumo: O estudo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo principal a investigação da formação humana nas obras filosóficas Comentários Literal ao Gênesis, A Trindade e O livre-arbítrio, de Agostinho de Hipona. Para isso, aborda-se a noção da antropologia do referido autor; a sua compreensão de corpo e alma (dimensão humana no homem animal) e, por último, objetiva-se explicitar alguns pressupostos de uma educação do ser humano orientada a uma (...)
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    Esistenza e Persistenza.Damiano Costa - 2018 - Milan, IT: Mimesis.
    Nel nostro universo, qualunque cosa, dalla più piccola particella alla più smisurata galassia, esiste in un qualche tempo e in un qualche luogo. Ma cosa significa esistere in un qualche tempo? Il fenomeno dell’esistenza temporale gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella comprensione dell’universo e di noi stessi quali creature temporali. Eppure è un fenomeno profondamente misterioso. L’esistenza temporale è da intendersi come una relazione? Che legami ha con l’esistenza dell’ontologia? L’esistenza temporale e la localizzazione spaziale sono due fenomeni essenzialmente differenti o (...)
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    Gender affirming pathways in Italy between law, health issues and social considerations.Davide Costa - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (1):89-106.
    The transgender experience predicts that the gender affirming pathway is undertaken. The gender affirmation process is not mandatory, and the process is not the same for all people. Affirmation of gender is a social determinant of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) health, but which also has a multidimensional structure: social, legal, psychological, and medical. At this point, however, it is necessary to understand the type of pathway that TGD people can undertake in Italy, so the purpose of this paper is (...)
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    No title available.Danilo Vaz Curado R. M. Costa - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):275-280.
  36. More than watchmen" : Dante on urgency in ritual.Dennis Costa - 2019 - In Carlos Montemayor & Robert R. Daniel (eds.), Time's urgency. Boston: Brill.
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    O dever do amor ao próximo para Kierkegaard.Daiane Rodrigues Costa - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (2):428-442.
    O estudo apresentado aqui trata da investigação do conceito de amor para o filósofo dinamarquês Søren Kierkegaard. Nessa perspectiva, o devido conceito está relacionado ao mandamento cristão de amor ao próximo. Esclarecemos, portanto o sentido do “dever amar” e o “próximo” a quem se refere. A partir disso, observamos algumas críticas a essa noção de amor elaboradas pelo filósofo alemão Theodor Adorno, onde expõe a impossibilidade do amor ser um dever e de amar um sujeito que, a priori, não deve (...)
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    O ‘núcleo racional’ da dialética hegeliana.Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):75-92.
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    O problema da extensão do conhecimento na hipótese regulacionista da iluminação em agostinho de hipona.Daniel Rodrigues da Costa - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (146):363-380.
    RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o problema da extensão e do conteúdo da iluminação uma vez que se adote a interpretação regulacionista para a teoria do conhecimento de Agostinho. O regulacionismo, tese defendida por Etienne Gilson, afirma que a iluminação divina do intelecto humano diz respeito ao caráter necessário dos conhecimentos alcançados pela inteligência, e não sobre o conteúdo do conhecimento; assim, a iluminação não teria por função auxiliar na formação de conceitos, mas teria a função de julgar (...)
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    Silva, Geraldo Euclides da. Consequências da liberdade. Recife: Editora Universitária da UFPE, 2011. 115 p.Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):185-186.
    A obra Consequências da liberdade, publicada no ano de 2011 pela Editora Universitária da UFPE, é primeira obra do escritor e filósofo Geraldo Euclides da Silva, e que certamente se firmará no cenário de exegese das pesquisas sobre o pensamento existencialista de corte sartreano.
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    SEDGWICK, Sally. Hegel’s critique of Kant – From dichotomy to identity. Chicago: Oxford University Press, 2012. 194 p.Danilo Vaz-Curado Ribeiro de Menezes Costa - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (1):1-8.
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    The Existential Deficit in Ethics.Daniel De Vasconcelos Costa - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Much of the ethical theory posit the moral value in the action and believe in the rational systematization of morality. However, these theories are not able to deal with one of the most interesting and relevant questions in our moral lives, namely, moral dilemmas. They argue that moral dilemmas are not possible since they cannot be integrated into an ethical system without accepting inconsistence. On the contrary, moral theories that deny the possibility of systematization recognize the importance of moral dilemmas (...)
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    The influence of social capital on health issues among transgender and gender diverse people: a rapid review.Davide Costa - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (2):109-131.
    This article aims to analyze the current literature on the social capital of transgender and gender diverse(TGD) people, given their fragility in social and health terms. The paper followed the guidelines developed by Tricco, Langlois, and Straus. The results of this paper reveal significant gaps in the literature relating to the social capital of TGD people and highlight how the various types of shared capital are for sexual health to be considered in future research on transgender health. This is the (...)
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    TINLAND, Olivier. L’idéalisme hégélien. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2013.Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):171-176.
    RESUMEN:El siguiente escrito ensaya una interpretación del rendimiento del mito de los metales expuesto por Platón en su diálogo llamado Politeia a propósito de la siguiente interrogación: ¿Cómo se constituye el orden social en la pólis platónica? Para responder a esta pregunta debemos esclarecernos respecto de: i) El papel de la educación en la constitución del orden social. ii) La correlación entre el mito de los metales y el orden social. iii) La constitución tripartita de la psykhḗ humana. Una vez (...)
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    Uma Filosofia (original) com crianças.Dalva Costa, Ines Cardoso & Lisa Celestino - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    No Brasil os estudos pedagógicos limitam-se a áreas que não desenvolvem o raciocínio lógico racional da criança; preferimos reproduzir as ideologias e regras normativas do sistema. Acreditar que os sujeitos têm que estudar a fim de obter apenas um emprego considerado “bom” é insuficiente para a construção de cidadãos realmente críticos, que não caiam no conformismo, mas questionem os objetos que estudamos, sabendo lutar contra ideologias e a manipulação de valores, com a formação de conceitos, e tendo um pensamento criativo, (...)
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    An Action-Independent Role for Midfrontal Theta Activity Prior to Error Commission.João Estiveira, Camila Dias, Diana Costa, João Castelhano, Miguel Castelo-Branco & Teresa Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Error-related electroencephalographic signals have been widely studied concerning the human cognitive capability of differentiating between erroneous and correct actions. Midfrontal error-related negativity and theta band oscillations are believed to underlie post-action error monitoring. However, it remains elusive how early monitoring activity is trackable and what are the pre-response brain mechanisms related to performance monitoring. Moreover, it is still unclear how task-specific parameters, such as cognitive demand or motor control, influence these processes. Here, we aimed to test pre- and post-error EEG (...)
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  47. Analisys of induction generators application in a distribution system.Júlio C. C. Ferreira, João A. Moor Neto, Diogo R. Costa Jr, Edson H. Watanabe & Luís G. B. Rolim - 2004 - Complexity 1:2.
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    Apresentação da Tradução Brasileira da Filosofia do Direito de G. W. F. Hegel.Paulo Meneses, Agemir Bavaresco, Alfredo de Oliveira Moraes, Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa, Greice Ane Barbieri & Paulo Roberto Konzen - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (3):251-258.
    Dados da tradução brasileira de HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Linhas Fundamentais da Filosofia do Direito ou Direito Natural e Ciência do Estado em Compêndio. Tradução, notas, glossário e bibliografia de Paulo Meneses et alli. Apresentações de Denis Lerrer Rosenfield e de Paulo Roberto Konzen. São Paulo: Loyola; São Leopoldo: UNISINOS, 2010.
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    Sharing specialist skills for diabetes in an inner city: A comparison of two primary care organisations over 4 years.Abdu Mohiddin, Smriti Naithani, Dan Robotham, Olubukola Ajakaiye, Dominic Costa, Steve Carey, Richard H. Jones & Martin C. Gulliford - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (5):583-590.
  50. Os impactos do Pibid nas licenciaturas e na educação básica // The impacts of Pibid in licensure and in Basic Education.Adair Neitzel, Valéria Ferreira & Denise Costa - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (s):98-121.
    Este artigo discute os impactos do PIBID UNIVALI – Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência – na Educação Básica. O PIBID é uma política pública brasileira de valorização do magistério implementada pela CAPES, a partir de 2007. A pesquisa seguiu a abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa e a coleta de dados deu-se a partir da pesquisa documental. Os dados apresentados revelam que uma política pública bem articulada pode promover a parceria entre a Educação Superior e a Educação Básica, voltadas (...)
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