Results for 'R. Ruberto'

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  1.  36
    Molecular dynamics and small-angle neutron scattering of lysozyme aqueous solutions.M. C. Abramo, C. Caccamo, M. Calvo, V. Conti Nibali, D. Costa, R. Giordano, G. Pellicane, R. Ruberto & U. Wanderlingh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2066-2076.
  2. The Typicality Effect in Basic Needs.Thomas Pölzler & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-26.
    According to the so-called Classical Theory, concepts are mentally represented by individually necessary and jointly sufficient application conditions. One of the principal empirical objections against this view stems from evidence that people judge some instances of a concept to be more typical than others. In this paper we present and discuss four empirical studies that investigate the extent to which this ‘typicality effect’ holds for the concept of basic needs. Through multiple operationalizations of typicality, our studies yielded evidence for a (...)
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  3. Moralization and Mismoralization in Public Health.Steven R. Kraaijeveld & Euzebiusz Jamrozik - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):655-669.
    Moralization is a social-psychological process through which morally neutral issues take on moral significance. Often linked to health and disease, moralization may sometimes lead to good outcomes; yet moralization is often detrimental to individuals and to society as a whole. It is therefore important to be able to identify when moralization is inappropriate. In this paper, we offer a systematic normative approach to the evaluation of moralization. We introduce and develop the concept of ‘mismoralization’, which is when moralization is metaethically (...)
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  4. What Counts as a Disease, and Why Does It Matter?Quill R. Kukla - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 2:130-156.
    I argue that the concept of disease serves such radically different strategic purposes for different kinds of stakeholders that coming up with a unified philosophical definition of disease is hopeless. Instead, I defend a radically pluralist, pragmatist account of when it is appropriate to mobilize the concept of disease. I argue that it is appropriate to categorize a condition as a disease when it serves legitimate strategic goals to at least partially medicalize that condition, and when the condition is pathological (...)
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  5. Analytic Philosophy has a Language Problem.Filippo Contesi, Louise R. Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2022 - Institute of Art and Ideas News.
    Some time ago, the philosopher Luciano Floridi suggested that Western philosophy, and the mainstream contemporary approach to it traditionally called ‘analytic philosophy’, is in dire need of a reboot. The concern was that the discipline might be in a period of decadence. Analytic philosophy would be benefited by greater internationalization, wider and more transparent decision-making, and the reduction (as much as possible) of conflicts of interest as well as of its current habit of hiring and providing publication opportunities on the (...)
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  6. Avoiding the Stereotyping of the Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories: A Reply to Hill.M. R. X. Dentith - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (8):41-49.
    I’m to push back on Hill’s (2022) criticism in four ways. First: we need some context for the debate that occurred in the pages of the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective that so concerns Hill. Second: getting precise with our terminology (and not working with stereotypes) is the only theoretically fruitful way to approach the problem of conspiracy theories. Third: I address Hill’s claim there is no evidence George W. Bush or Tony Blair accused their critics, during the build-up (...)
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    Supermeasured: Violating Bell-Statistical Independence Without Violating Physical Statistical Independence.Jonte R. Hance, Sabine Hossenfelder & Tim N. Palmer - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-15.
    Bell’s theorem is often said to imply that quantum mechanics violates local causality, and that local causality cannot be restored with a hidden-variables theory. This however is only correct if the hidden-variables theory fulfils an assumption called Statistical Independence. Violations of Statistical Independence are commonly interpreted as correlations between the measurement settings and the hidden variables. Such correlations have been discarded as “fine-tuning” or a “conspiracy”. We here point out that the common interpretation is at best physically ambiguous and at (...)
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  8. Neutrality and Excellence.Mark R. Reiff - 2022 - In Mark McBride & Visa A. J. Kurki, Without Trimmings: The Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy of Matthew Kramer. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 271-296.
    In Liberalism with Excellence, Matthew Kramer makes an argument for how excellence may enter in into liberalism, despite liberalism’s strong commitment to neutrality. Kramer seeks to challenge not only the uncompromising rejection of this position by liberals such a Jonathan Quong, but also the so-called “blended” approach of “soft-perfectionist” scholars such as Joseph Raz and George Sher. In this essay, I do not so much challenge Kramer’s approach as offer an alternative for accomplishing the same thing. Under my proposal, certain (...)
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    The person of the category: the pricing of risk and the politics of classification in insurance and credit.Greta R. Krippner & Daniel Hirschman - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (5):685-727.
    In recent years, scholars in the social sciences and humanities have turned their attention to how the rise of digital technologies is reshaping political life in contemporary society. Here, we analyze this issue by distinguishing between two classification technologies typical of pre-digital and digital eras that differently constitute the relationship between individuals and groups. In class-based systems, characteristic of the pre-digital era, one’s status as an individual is gained through membership in a group in which salient social identities are shared (...)
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    Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies.Bailey R. House, Joan B. Silk, Joseph Henrich, H. Clark Barrett, Brooke A. Scelza, Adam H. Boyette, Barry S. Hewlett, Richard McElreath & Stephen Laurence - 2013 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (36):14586-14591.
    Humans are an exceptionally cooperative species, but there is substantial variation in the extent of cooperation across societies. Understanding the sources of this variability may provide insights about the forces that sustain cooperation. We examined the ontogeny of prosocial behavior by studying 326 children 3–14 y of age and 120 adults from six societies (age distributions varied across societies). These six societies span a wide range of extant human variation in culture, geography, and subsistence strategies, including foragers, herders, horticulturalists, and (...)
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  11. Middle Knowledge and the Grounding Objection: A Modal Realist Solution.Joshua R. Sijuwade - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):1-42.
    This article aims to provide a defense of the coherence of the doctrine of middle knowledge against the Grounding Objection. A solution to the Grounding Objection is provided by utilising the metaphysical thesis of Modal Realism proposed by David K. Lewis (as further developed by Kris McDaniel and Philip Bricker). Utilising this metaphysical thesis will enable the Counterfactuals of Creaturely Freedom, that are part of God’s middle knowledge, to have pre-volitional truthmakers, and thus, ultimately, we will have a means to (...)
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  12.  39
    Enactive and simondonian reflections on mental disorders.Enara García & Iñigo R. Arandia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As an alternative to linear and unidimensional perspectives focused mainly on either organic or psychological processes, the enactive approach to life and mind—a branch of 4-E cognitive theories—offers an integrative framework to study mental disorders that encompasses and articulates organic, sensorimotor, and intersubjective dimensions of embodiment. These three domains are deeply entangled in a non-trivial manner. A question remains on how this systemic and multi-dimensional approach may be applied to our understanding of mental disorders and symptomatic behavior. Drawing on Gilbert (...)
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  13.  49
    Values and Perceptions of Invertebrates.Stephen R. Kellert - 1993 - Conservation Biology 7 (4):845-855.
    In this paper I explore the value of invertebrates to human society. I initially examine various ecological, utilitarian, scientific, and cultural benefits provided by invertebrate organisms. I then explore the extent of appreciation and understanding of these values among the American public. This assessment was based on a study of residents of the state of Connecticut, including randomly selected members of the general public, farmers, conservation organization members, and scientists. The general public and farmers were found to view most invertebrates (...)
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    Mimicry eases prediction and thereby smoothens social interactions.M. E. Kret & R. Akyüz - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):794-798.
    In their “social contextual view” of emotional mimicry, authors Hess and Fischer (2022) put forward emotional mimicry as a social regulator, considering it a social act, bound to certain affiliative contexts or goals. In this commentary, we argue that the core function of mimicry is to ease predicting conspecifics’ behaviours and the environment, and that as a consequence, this often smoothens social interactions. Accordingly, we make three main points. First, we argue that there is no good reason to believe that (...)
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  15. Hitting the barriers – Women in Formula 1 and W series racing.Olivia R. Howe - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (3):454-469.
    In this article, it will be concluded that the major automotive racing league, Formula 1, is failing in its efforts to be a truly unisex sport. In the current Formula 1 series, there are no female drivers. Although women have never been officially prohibited from competing in Formula 1, there have been fewer than 10 female drivers since its inception. This inquiry focuses on why women drivers have been prevented from securing professional driving positions in Formula 1 and racing on (...)
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  16. Spinozan Meditations on Life and Death.Julie R. Klein - 2021 - In Susan James, Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 125-156.
    In Ethics 4, Spinoza argues that “A free man thinks of nothing less than of death, and his wisdom is a meditation on life, not on death” (E4p67). Spinoza’s argument for this claim depends on his view of imagination, reason, and scientia intuitiva and on his notion of conatus. I explicate Spinoza’s view of life in terms of power (potentia) and show that Spinozan death amounts to reconfiguration rather than absolute annihilation. I then show that E4p67 reflects Spinoza’s well-known account (...)
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  17. Somatic Markers and Response Reversal: Is There Orbitofrontal Cortex Dysfunction in Boys With Psychopathic Tendencies?R. J. R. Blair, E. Colledge & D. G. V. Mitchell - 2001 - Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 29 (6):499-511.
    This study investigated the performance of boys with psychopathic tendencies and comparison boys, aged 9 to 17 years, on two tasks believed to be sensitive to amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex func- tioning. Fifty-one boys were divided into two groups according to the Psychopathy Screening Device (PSD, P. J. Frick & R. D. Hare, in press) and presented with two tasks. The tasks were the gambling task (A. Bechara, A. R. Damasio, H. Damasio, & S. W. Anderson, 1994) and the Intradimensional/ (...)
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  18.  37
    God and Emotion.R. T. Mullins - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    An introductory exploration on the nature of emotions, and examination of some of the critical issues surrounding the emotional life of God as they relate to happiness, empathy, love, and moral judgments. Covering the different criteria used in the debate between impassibility and passibility, readers can begin to think about which emotions can be predicated of God and which cannot.
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    Recognition and the moral nexus.R. Jay Wallace - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):634-645.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 29, Issue 3, Page 634-645, September 2021.
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  20.  35
    Apocalyptic claims and the everyday: Tosaka Jun, history, and journalism.Emerson R. Bodde - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (4):383-397.
    In this paper, drawing upon Tosaka Jun’s response to Interwar debates on historicism and his account of everydayness, I offer an explanation for why contemporary secular apocalyptic claims lack convergence by focusing on the historical dimension of such claims. Everydayness, organized the routines of work and rest, is shown to be the basis for a sense of historical time, and theoretical journalism is outlined as the kind of collective epistemic procedure needed to produce a collective sense of a community’s place (...)
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  21.  34
    Contextual Exceptionalism After Death: An Information Ethics Approach to Post-Mortem Privacy in Health Data Research.Marieke A. R. Bak & Dick L. Willems - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-20.
    In this article, we use the theory of Information Ethics to argue that deceased people have a prima facie moral right to privacy in the context of health data research, and that this should be reflected in regulation and guidelines. After death, people are no longer biological subjects but continue to exist as informational entities which can still be harmed/damaged. We find that while the instrumental value of recognising post-mortem privacy lies in the preservation of the social contract for health (...)
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  22.  36
    Response: The Compatibility of Evolution and Design.Erkki V. R. Kojonen - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1108-1123.
    Denis Alexander, David Glass, Peter Jeavons, Meghan Page, Bethany Sollereder, and Mats Wahlberg have offered interpretations, critique, and defenses of E. V. R. Kojonen's book The Compatibility of Evolution and Design. Here, Kojonen responds to their comments on wideranging issues related to the teleology and evolution, from models of God as Creator to the meaning of randomness and design.
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    Cinsiyetçiliğin ve Türcülüğün Kesiştiği Noktada Feminist Bir Mevzu Olarak İnsan Dışı Hayvanların Yaşama Hakkı.Itır Güneş - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):127-144.
    Makale feminizmin genel olarak insan dışı hayvanların, özel olarak da tarımda kullanılan insan dışı hayvanların özgür ve özerk yaşama haklarını savunması gerektiğini savlamaktadır. Tarımda kullanılan insan dışı hayvanlardan elde edilen ürünlerin üretim süreçleri sadece onların bedenlerinin insanların arzuları uyarınca üretilip tüketilmelerini değil, ömürleri boyunca doğalarına aykırı şartlarda yaşayarak, sürekli eziyete maruz bırakılmalarını kapsamaktadır. Üstelik mevcut pratikler dişi insan dışı hayvanları, özellikle süt ve yumurta endüstrilerinde, biyolojik üreme yetilerinden faydalanmak adına ek eziyetlere maruz bırakmaktadır. Bu temel savı desteklemek için bell hooks (...)
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  24.  56
    Universality Without Normativity: Interpreting the Demand of Kantian Judgements of Taste.R. Kathleen Harbin - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):589-612.
    RÉSUMÉKant affirme que nous exigeons l'accord des autres quand nous rendons des jugements de goût. Je soutiens que cette affirmation fait partie d'une explication de la façon dont la phénoménologie des jugements esthétiques familiers appuie son affirmation selon laquelle les jugements de goût sont universels. La théorie esthétique de Kant n'est plausible que si nous rejetons l'affirmation répandue selon laquelle cette exigence est normative. Je propose une lecture non normative des jugements de goût kantiens basée sur une étude des textes, (...)
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  25.  31
    Humanity as an object of attachment.R. Jay Wallace - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (7):686-698.
    ABSTRACT In Why Worry about Future Generations?, Samuel Scheffler argues that we typically love humanity, and that this attachment gives us reasons to care about future generations. The paper explores this idea with an eye to understanding better the sense in which humanity is an object of attachment. The paper argues that the humanity we love should be understood in an enriched rather than a reductively biological sense, as a species that has historically sustained a complex set of cultural and (...)
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  26. Bodily Alienation, Natality and Transhumanism.Eduardo R. Cruz - 2023 - Arendt Studies 6:139-168.
    Transhumanism proposes human enhancement while regarding the human body as unfit for the future. This fulfills age-old aspirations for a perfect and durable body. We use “alienation” as a concept to analyze this mismatch between human aspirations and our current condition. For Hannah Arendt alienation may be accounted for in terms of earth- and world-alienation, as well as alienation from human nature, and especially from the given (“resentment of the given”). In transhumanism, the biological body is an impediment to human (...)
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  27. Have Compatibilists Solved the Luck Problem for Libertarians?Stephen Kearns & Alfred R. Mele - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries 2 (2):9-36.
    A pair of compatibilists, John Fischer (2012: ch. 6; n.d.) and Manuel Vargas (2012) have responded to a problem about luck that Alfred Mele (2005, 2006) posed for incompatibilist believers in free will and moral responsibility. They offer assistance to libertarians - at least on this front. In this paper, we assess their responses and explain why what they offer is inadequate for libertarian purposes.
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  28. Idealism, quietism, conceptual change: Sellars and McDowell on the knowability of the world.Michael R. Hicks - 2022 - Giornali di Metafisica 44 (1):51-71.
    Both Wilfrid Sellars and John McDowell reject Kant’s conclusion that the world is fundamentally unknowable, and on similar grounds: each invokes conceptual change, what I call the diachronic instability of a conceptual scheme. The similarities end there, though. It is important to Sellars that the world is only knowable at “the end of inquiry” – he rejects a commonsense realism like McDowell’s for its inability to fully appreciate diachronic instability. To evaluate this disagreement, I consider Timothy Williamson’s argument that the (...)
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    Motives of contributing personal data for health research: (non-)participation in a Dutch biobank.R. Broekstra, E. L. M. Maeckelberghe, J. L. Aris-Meijer, R. P. Stolk & S. Otten - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundLarge-scale, centralized data repositories are playing a critical and unprecedented role in fostering innovative health research, leading to new opportunities as well as dilemmas for the medical sciences. Uncovering the reasons as to why citizens do or do not contribute to such repositories, for example, to population-based biobanks, is therefore crucial. We investigated and compared the views of existing participants and non-participants on contributing to large-scale, centralized health research data repositories with those of ex-participants regarding the decision to end their (...)
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  30. Materializing Spinoza's Account of Human Freedom.Julie R. Klein - 2019 - In Noa Naaman Zauderer, Freedom Action and Motivation in Spinoza's Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge Press. pp. 152-71.
    Spinoza is often conceived as a highly intellectualist philosopher, and it is tempting to read human freedom without attention to its material basis. In this paper, I study Spinoza's claim that the more the body can undergo, the more the mind can know in order to establish Spinoza's view of freedom under the attribute of extension.
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    A systematic methodology for cognitive modelling.R. Cooper, J. Fox, J. Farringdon & T. Shallice - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 85 (1-2):3-44.
  32.  28
    Kazmierski, C R 1996 - John the Bapist: Prophet and evangelist.William R. Domeris - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (1).
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    A puzzle about business ethics.R. Edward Freeman & Gordon G. Sollars - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):272-273.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Galen's Epistemology: Experience, Reason, and Method in Ancient Medicine.R. J. Hankinson & Matyáš Havrda (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Determining what has gone wrong in a malfunctioning body and proposing an effective treatment requires expertise. Since antiquity, philosophers and doctors have wondered what sort of knowledge this expertise involves, and whether and how it can warrant its conclusions. Few people were as qualified to deal with these questions as Galen of Pergamum. A practising doctor with a keen interest in logic and natural science, he devoted much of his enormous literary output to the task of putting medicine on firm (...)
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    What puts the jointness into joint attention?R. Peter Hobson - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler, Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 185.
    This chapter argues that joint attention needs to be understood in terms of one person's engagement with another person's engagement with the world. It is pivotal from a developmental perspective that we have an appropriate view of what is involved when we share experiences, or when we perceive and align with another person's ‘attention’ as a bodily-expressed and affectively toned relation with the environment. The chapter explores these theoretical issues through studies involving children with autism, who have limited ability to (...)
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  36.  72
    Psychology, Physiology, Medicine: The Perspectivist Interpretation of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality.Daniel R. Rodríguez-Navas - 2022 - The Monist 105 (4):487-506.
    This article introduces the perspectivist interpretation of Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality, characterized by two core theses. According to the results thesis, the three treatises of GM introduce three types of critical results, respectively: psychological claims about the value of morality for the interests of various character types; physiological claims about its value for the ‘progress of the species’; and medical claims about its value for health. According to the distinction thesis, the critical results of GM are descriptive, while (...)
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  37.  20
    The Concept of Welfare.R. B. Brandt - 1966 - In S. R. Krupp, The Structure of Economic Science: Essays on Methodology. pp. 257-76.
    One area in which the moral philosopher might say something useful for the thinking of economists is that of welfare economics – not by improving formalizations or criticizing proofs as to conditions necessary or sufficient for an optimum situation, much less by suggesting what particular state of society would be optimal. Rather, he can do this by pointing out some distinctions, by suggesting how some terms used by economists can profitably be defined, and by questioning some assumptions which seem to (...)
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    Nonlinear Dynamics of the Quadratic-Damping Helmholtz Oscillator.R. Fangnon, C. Ainamon, A. V. Monwanou, C. H. Miwadinou & J. B. Chabi Orou - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-17.
    In this paper, the Helmholtz equation with quadratic damping themes is used for modeling the dynamics of a simple prey-predator system also called a simple Lotka–Volterra system. From the Helmholtz equation with quadratic damping themes obtained after modeling, the equilibrium points have been found, and their stability has been analyzed. Subsequently, the harmonic oscillations have been studied by the harmonic balance method, and the phenomena of resonance and hysteresis are observed. The primary and secondary resonances have been researched by the (...)
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    On being able to intend.Alfred R. Mele - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):51-71.
    What is it to be able to intend to do something? At the end of her ground-breaking book, Agents’ Abilities, Romy Jaster identifies this question as a topic for future research. This article tackles the question from within the framework Jaster assembled for understanding abilities. The discussion takes place in two different spheres: intentions formed in acts of deciding, and intentions not so formed. The gradability of abilities has an important place in Jaster’s framework, and it is explained how abilities (...)
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    The Powers of Dignity: The Black Political Philosophy of Frederick Douglass.Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (2):312-315.
    Frederick Douglass (1817?–1875) is a monumental American figure. As a runaway slave and leading black thinker, speaker, and writer in the abolitionist movement and during Reconstruction and its tragic collapse, his legacy in American history is singular. His ideals and scorching criticisms have marked American political thought about democracy, religion, race, racism, liberty, and equality. American political parties claim him, especially the Republican Party, with which he has an early connection and which has used his figure as cover for their (...)
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    Evolution, Chance, Necessity, and Design.Denis R. Alexander - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1069-1082.
    This article represents comments arising from The Compatibility of Evolution and Design by Rope Kojonen (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) concerning the role of chance and randomness in evolution (citations from this book are shown as page numbers in brackets). The various meanings of chance and randomness as used in descriptions of biological evolution are discussed and contrasted with their meanings in mathematics and metaphysics. The discussion relates to the role of contingency in evolution and to ideological and rhetorical extrapolations from biology (...)
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    Why Fallibilistic Evidence is Insufficient for Propositional Knowledge.Elliott R. Crozat - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (2):143-150.
    In this article, I argue that fallibilistic justification is insufficient for propositional knowledge if veritic luck is involved. I provide a thought experiment to demonstrate that even very strong non-factive evidence is insufficient for knowledge if veritic luck is present. I then distinguish between precise justification, which I suggest is required for knowledge in cases of veritic luck, and loose justification, which is sufficient for practical cases in which beliefs are reasonable to hold even if they fall short of being (...)
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    Understanding Logical Evidence, With Lessons From The Paradoxes.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Research 47:177-194.
    In this paper, I discuss the relation between logical theory and evidence in the context of an anti-exceptionalist approach to logic. I hold not only that current versions of anti-exceptionalism failed to appreciate the fact that logical evidence is theory laden, but also that benefits for the view are expected when we engage with the appropriate philosophy of science. I make the discussion more vivid by considering the cases of both the Liar and Russell paradoxes, and disputes between the classical (...)
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    When the Nation Conquered the State: Arendt’s Importance Today.Kathleen R. Arnold - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (2):355-381.
    This essay focuses on the contemporary relevance of Hannah Arendt’s work insofar as it relates to US racism, imperialism, and migration. While Arendt denied that US migration policy and racism were linked or even similar to exercises of racialized sovereignty, totalitarian tactics, and mass displacement in Europe, I suggest that her analyses help us to understand important racialized dialectics between prison and camp, citizen and stateless, and external displacement and internal displacement. In effect, this essay suggests that many of Arendt’s (...)
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    Newman's Mature Mariology: Traditional, Ecumenical, Evangelical.R. James Lisowski - 2022 - Newman Studies Journal 19 (1):18-36.
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    Advances in Experimental Political Philosophy.Matthew Lindauer, James R. Beebe & Justin Sytsma (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    Brings together cutting-edge research on the use of empirical scientific methods to illuminate traditional and contemporary issues in political philosophy.
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    Making decisions affecting oneself versus others: The effect of interpersonal closeness and Dark Triad traits.Jessica R. Carré, Shelby R. Curtis & Daniel N. Jones - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):328-340.
    Actions that financially benefit one person may present risk to another person. For example, the payment incentives of portfolio managers and investors are often asymmetrical such that actions that benefit a portfolio manager can pose financial risk to clients. Despite the presence and potential harm of these asymmetries, few have addressed the question of who exploits these asymmetries and how to mitigate potential harm. Our study examined the effect of selfish personality traits (the Dark Triad) and interpersonal bonding on decision-making (...)
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  48.  33
    Gender equality in Catholic religious and character education: A multiculturalism perspective.Dody S. Truna, R. F. Bhanu Viktorahadi & Mochamad Z. Haq - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    Gender equality continues to be important because it strengthens society. One of the efforts to promote gender equality in Indonesia is gender equality education. For Catholics in Indonesia, the existence of the 2013 Curriculum Ethics and Catholic Education (PAK Kurtilas) had a strategic role in mainstreaming gender equality education. This research used library sources to research these textbooks with adequate ethical and multicultural analysis. Here, information was conveyed through a qualitative approach through annotations and descriptive data on the texts studied. (...)
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    Dialética E evolução.Carlos R. V. Cirne-Lima - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (160):701-727.
    Dialéticos e analíticos não se entendemporque falam línguas com sintaxes parcialmentediferentes. Não obstante esta diferença, hátrês princípios básicos que regem e estruturamtanto a lógica dialética como a lógica analítica: osprincípios de identidade, de diferença e de coerênciauniversal. Os mesmos três princípios regemtambém a natureza em seu processo de evoluçãoe constituem o indivíduo e a espécie,as mutações por acaso ea seleção natural.
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    Correction: Non-classical probabilities invariant under symmetries.Alexander R. Pruss - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-4.
    A serious error in the proof of a recent characterization of the existence of full conditional probabilities invariant under symmetries is corrected.
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