Results for 'Cédric Mesnage'

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  1. Research Proposal: Design & Evaluation of Social Software.Cédric Mesnage - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 7:8.
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    Bare syntax.Cedric Boeckx - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cedric Boeckx focuses on two core components of grammar: phrase structure and locality.
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  3. The Subject of Consciousness.Cedric Oliver Evans - 1970 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Elementary Syntactic Structures: Prospects of a Feature-Free Syntax.Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most syntacticians, no matter their theoretical persuasion, agree that features are the most important units of analysis. Within Chomskyan generative grammar, the importance of features has grown steadily and within minimalism, it can be said that everything depends on features. They are obstacles in any interdisciplinary investigation concerning the nature of language and it is hard to imagine a syntactic description that does not explore them. For the first time, this book turns grammar upside down and proposes a new model (...)
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    Linguistic Minimalism: Origins, Concepts, Methods, and Aims.Cedric Boeckx - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Minimalist Program for linguistic theory is Noam Chomsky's boldest and most radical version of his naturalistic approach to language. Cedric Boeckz examines its foundations, explains its underlying philosophy, exemplifies its methods, and considers the significance of its empirical results. He explores the roots and antecedents of the Program and shows how its methodologies parallel those of sciences such as physics and biology. He disentangles and clarifies current debates and issues around the nature of minimalist research in linguistics and shows (...)
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  6. Constraints on Joint Action.Cedric Paternotte - 2014 - In Mattia Gallotti & John Michael (eds.), Perspectives on Social Ontology and Social Cognition. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 103 - 123.
    There exist many competing philosophical definitions of joint action and no clear criteria to decide between them; so far the search for definitions has by and large been a semantical enterprise rather than an empirical one. This chapter describes and assesses several constraints that could help converge towards a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for joint action. The tightness constraint favours definitions that fit joint actions in which the links between agents are as relaxed as possible, so as to (...)
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    Science et liberté: crise de la conscience et transformation de la science au tournant du XXe siècle.Cédric Chandelier - 2016 - Paris: Hermann.
    La 4e de couverture indique: "Une synthèse paradoxale s'opère en France, au tournant du XXe siècle, entre les notions de liberté et de convention, de création et d'accord. En partant de la tension critique qui accompagne l'introduction du concept poincaréen de convention en mathématiques et en physique, Cédric Chandelier montre comment se forme un nouveau positivisme. La crise de la conscience née des transformations de la science a le caractère structurel d'un état qui se prolonge à travers la philosophie (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Choice Intentions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.Dawkins Cedric, Jamali Dima, Charlotte Karam, Lin Lianlian & Jixin Zhao - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):854-888.
    A theory of planned behavior framework was employed to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility perceptions on the job choice intentions of American, Chinese, and Lebanese college students. Attitudes toward CSR, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control explained moderate levels of the variance in job choice intention in all three countries. Attitudes toward CSR, which entailed individual evaluations of CSR, were positively related to job choice intentions among Lebanese and American respondents, but not Chinese respondents. Subjective norm, the importance (...)
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  9. Chomsky's lost dialogue.Cedric Boeckx & Angel J. Gallego - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):191-197.
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    Understanding minimalist syntax: lessons from locality in long-distance dependencies.Cedric Boeckx - 2008 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    Understanding Minimalist Syntax introduces the logic of the Minimalist Program by analyzing well-known descriptive generalizations about long-distance dependencies. Proposes a new theory of how long-distance dependencies are formed, with implications for theories of locality, and the Minimalist Program as a whole Rich in empirical coverage, which will be welcomed by experts in the field, yet accessible enough for students looking for an introduction to the Minimalist Program.
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    Politiques de la violence: Essai sur l'impuissance citoyenne.Cédric Cagnat - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur nous propose ici une analyse du fonctionnement des mécanismes d'extermination de la vie politique dans nos sociétés. La thèse qu'il soutient : le "démocratisme", soit l'idéologie des formes de pouvoir légitimées, est cela même qui refoule et tue la démocratie. Selon lui, cette idéologie fonctionne comme un agencement de discours destinés à faire prévaloir auprès de la population cette "évidence" fallacieuse, discréditant toute autre figure de la politique ou de l'activité démocratique.
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    Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things: Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman.Cedric Degremont, Laurent Keiff & Helge Ruckert (eds.) - 2008
    Non-classical views about important issues in logic and its philosophy are a distinctive trait of Shahid Rahman's work. This volume has been designed, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, as a gathering place for unconventional approaches, original ideas and attempts to question well-established standards. Some of the world top philosophers and logicians contributed to a brilliant collection of papers, some of which doubtlessly leave their mark on the work to come in logic and in philosophy of formal sciences. Contributors (...)
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    On theTractability of Comparing Informational Structures.Cédric Dégremont, Lena Kurzen & Jakub Szymanik - 2011 - In J. van Eijck & R. Verbrugge (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop 'Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives. WEUR Proceedings.
  14. Daniel marguerat (éd.), Quand la bible se raconte (lire la bible, N 134), Paris, Cerf, 2003, 211p.Cédric Fischer - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:405.
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    Per verba magistri: Anselme de Laon et son école au XIIe siècle.Cédric Giraud - 2010 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  16. Histoire des sciences et des techniques: Des rapports enchevetrés.Cédric Grimoult - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (18):127-147.
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    L'inspiration des Grecs.Cédric Lagandré - 2000 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.
  18. Discours sur le pouvoir et pouvoir du discours en interprétation de conférence.Cédric Lenglet - 2012 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 131:171-202.
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  19. Theorising curriculum and assessment policy statement : teachers' reflections.Cedric Bheki Mpungose - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Des animaux sur la terre.Cédric Stolz - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  21. Joint Action: Why So Minimal?Cedric Paternotte - 2020 - In Anika Fiebich (ed.), Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency. Springer. pp. 41 - 58.
    The repeated attempts to characterise joint action have displayed a common trend towards minimalism – whether they focus on minimal situations, minimal characterisations, cognitively minimal agents or minimal cognitive mechanisms. This trend also appears to lead to pluralism: the idea that joint action may receive multiple, equally valid characterisations. In this paper, I argue for a pluralist stance regarding joint action, although one stemming from maximalism. Starting from the description of three cases of "maximal" joint action – demonstrations, deliberations and (...)
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    Self-Representation and Illusion in Senecan Tragedy.Cedric A. J. Littlewood - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Seneca the Younger's tragedies are adaptations from the Greek. C. A. J. Littlewood emphasizes the place of these plays in the Latin literature and in the philosophical context of the reign of the emperor Nero. Stoics dismissed public reality as theatre, as illusion. The artificiality of Senecan tragedy, the consciousness that its own dramatic worlds are literary constructs, responds to this contemporary philosophical perception.
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    Rational Choice Theory.Cedric Paternotte - 2011 - In I. Jarvie & J. Zamorra-Bonilla (eds.), Chapter 14 of The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Sage Publications. pp. 307.
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    Histoire de l'histoire des sciences: historiographie de l'évolutionnisme dans le monde francophone.Cédric Grimoult - 2003 - Genève: Librarie Droz.
    Comment écrit-on l'histoire des sciences et des techniques? Ce livre présente les réponses que plusieurs générations successives ont apportées à ce problème essentiel des sciences humaines contemporaines. A partir du domaine extrêmement controversé de la biologie et de la paléontologie évolutionnistes, il étudie les débats épistémologiques et idéologiques entre historiens, philosophes, scientifiques et journalistes, qui développent des thèses souvent opposées à partir de l'étude de la dynamique culturelle. Peut-on parler de «précurseur» dans l'histoire des idées? Quel est le rôle du (...)
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  25. The reception of Socrates in Roman satire.Cedric Littlewood - 2019 - In Christopher Moore (ed.), Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    Fields with few types.Cédric Milliet - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):72-84.
    According to Belegradek, a first order structure is weakly small if there are countably many $1$-types over any of its finite subset. We show the following results. A field extension of finite degree of an infinite weakly small field has no Artin-Schreier extension. A weakly small field of characteristic $2$ is finite or algebraically closed. A weakly small division ring of positive characteristic is locally finite dimensional over its centre. A weakly small division ring of characteristic $2$ is a field.
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    Groupes Fins.Cédric Milliet - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (4):1120-1132.
    We investigate some common points between stable structures and weakly small structures and define a structureMto befineif the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the topological space${S_\varphi }\left} \right)$is an ordinal for every finite subsetAofMand every formula$\varphi \left$wherexis of arity 1. By definition, a theory isfineif all its models are so. Stable theories and small theories are fine, and weakly minimal structures are fine. For any finite subsetAof a fine groupG, the traces on the algebraic closure$acl\left$ofAof definable subgroups ofGover$acl\left$which are boolean combinations of (...)
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  28. A challenge to conceptual change.Cedric J. Linder - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):293-300.
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    Agir Ensemble.Cedric Paternotte - 2017 - Paris: Vrin.
    Marcher ensemble, porter une table à plusieurs, participer à une manifestation, et même discuter, sont autant d’exemples de coopération humaine – d’action conjointe. Par opposition, les mouvements d’une foule dans la rue, la course simultanée d’individus vers un abri lorsque l’orage se déclare ne sont que des actions collectives. Mais comment distinguer les unes des autres? Quand pouvons-nous dire que des personnes ont vraiment agi ensemble? Et comment expliquer qu’ils coopèrent même lorsque le risque d’échec est considérable? Cet ouvrage se (...)
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    Agreement Theorems in Dynamic-Epistemic Logic.Cédric Dégremont & Oliver Roy - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (4):735-764.
    This paper introduces Agreement Theorems to dynamic-epistemic logic. We show first that common belief of posteriors is sufficient for agreement in epistemic-plausibility models, under common and well-founded priors. We do not restrict ourselves to the finite case, showing that in countable structures the results hold if and only if the underlying plausibility ordering is well-founded. We then show that neither well-foundedness nor common priors are expressible in the language commonly used to describe and reason about epistemic-plausibility models. The static agreement (...)
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    Making Drawings Speak Through Mathematical Metrics.Cédric Sueur, Lison Martinet, Benjamin Beltzung & Marie Pelé - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (4):400-424.
    Figurative drawing is a skill that takes time to learn, and it evolves during different childhood phases that begin with scribbling and end with representational drawing. Between these phases, it is difficult to assess when and how children demonstrate intentions and representativeness in their drawings. The marks produced are increasingly goal-oriented and efficient as the child’s skills progress from scribbles to figurative drawings. Pre-figurative activities provide an opportunity to focus on drawing processes. We applied fourteen metrics to two different datasets (...)
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    The analogy between decision and inference.Cedric A. B. Smith - 1977 - Synthese 36 (1):71 - 85.
  33. Virtues and vices in scientific practice.Cedric Paternotte & Milena Ivanova - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    The role intellectual virtues play in scientific inquiry has raised significant discussions in the recent literature. A number of authors have recently explored the link between virtue epistemology and philosophy of science with the aim to show whether epistemic virtues can contribute to the resolution of the problem of theory choice. This paper analyses how intellectual virtues can be beneficial for successful resolution of theory choice. We explore the role of virtues as well as vices in scientific inquiry and their (...)
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    Genetics and personality affect visual perspective in autobiographical memory.Cédric Lemogne, Loretxu Bergouignan, Claudette Boni, Philip Gorwood, Antoine Pélissolo & Philippe Fossati - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):823-830.
    Major depression is associated with a decrease of 1st person visual perspective in autobiographical memory, even after full remission. This study aimed to examine visual perspective in healthy never-depressed subjects presenting with either genetic or psychological vulnerability for depression. Sixty healthy participants performed the Autobiographical Memory Test with an assessment of visual perspective. Genetic vulnerability was defined by the presence of at least one S or LG allele of the polymorphism of the serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region . Psychological vulnerability was defined (...)
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    From slot mereology to a mereology of slots.Cédric Tarbouriech, Laure Vieu, Adrien Barton & Jean-François Éthier - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (2):181-230.
    In 2013, Bennett proposed a mereological theory in which the parthood relation is defined on the basis of two primitive relations: a is a part of b iff a fills a slot owned by b. However, this theory has issues counting how many parts an entity has. We explore the various counting problems and propose a new theory to solve them. Keeping the core idea of Bennett’s slots, this theory introduces mereological relations between slots. This theory enables us to solve (...)
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  36. What’s New in Addiction Prevention in Young People: A Literature Review of the Last Years of Research.Cédric Kempf, Pierre-Michel Llorca, Frank Pizon, Georges Brousse & Valentin Flaudias - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37. Connaissance formelle.Cedric Paternotte - 2018 - Encyclopédie Philosophique.
  38. Seneca's Thyestes: The Tragedy with no Women?Cedric Littlewood - 2008 - In John G. Fitch (ed.), Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    SME owner-managers as key drivers of corporate social responsibility in Uganda.Cedric Marvin Nkiko - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (4):376.
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    Recent developments in computational approaches for uncovering genomic homology.Cedric Simillion, Klaas Vandepoele & Yves Van de Peer - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1225-1235.
    Identifying genomic homology within and between genomes is essential when studying genome evolution. In the past years, different computational techniques have been developed to detect homology even when the actual similarity between homologous segments is low. Depending on the strategy used, these methods search for pairs of chromosomal segments between which either both gene content and order are conserved or gene content only. However, due to fact that, after their divergence, homologous segments can lose a different set of genes, these (...)
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  41. Don Isaac Abravanel: an intellectual biography.Cedric Cohen Skalli - 2021 - Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press. Edited by Avi Kallenbach.
    An intellectual biography of Don Isaac ben Judah Abravanel, a 15th century Portuguese rabbi, scholar, Bible commentator, philosopher, and statesman.
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  42. Don Yitsḥaḳ Abravanel =.Cedric Cohen Skalli - 2017 - Yerushalayim: Merkaz Zalman Shazar le-ḥeḳer toldot ha-ʻam ha-Yehudi.
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  43. The shape of the human language-ready brain.Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    ‘Leave Your Ego at the Door’: A Narrative Investigation into Effective Wingsuit Flying.Cedric Arijs, Stiliani Chroni, Eric Brymer & David Carless - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  45. Exploring the tractability border in epistemic tasks.Cédric Dégremont, Lena Kurzen & Jakub Szymanik - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):371-408.
    We analyse the computational complexity of comparing informational structures. Intuitively, we study the complexity of deciding queries such as the following: Is Alice’s epistemic information strictly coarser than Bob’s? Do Alice and Bob have the same knowledge about each other’s knowledge? Is it possible to manipulate Alice in a way that she will have the same beliefs as Bob? The results show that these problems lie on both sides of the border between tractability (P) and intractability (NP-hard). In particular, we (...)
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    Further notes on cell decomposition in closed ordered differential fields.Cédric Rivière - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):100-110.
    In [T. Brihaye, C. Michaux, C. Rivière, Cell decomposition and dimension function in the theory of closed ordered differential fields, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic .] the authors proved a cell decomposition theorem for the theory of closed ordered differential fields which generalizes the usual Cell Decomposition Theorem for o-minimal structures. As a consequence of this result, a well-behaving dimension function on definable sets in CODF was introduced. Here we continue the study of this cell decomposition in CODF by proving three (...)
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  47. Coopération et altruisme.Cedric Paternotte - 2014 - In Eric Bapteste, Thierry Hoquet, Anouk Barberousse, Francesca Merlin, Frédéric Bouchard & Vincent Devictor (eds.), Précis de Philosophie de la biologie [Handbook Philosophy of Biology]. Vuibert Press. pp. 291 - 304.
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    Le débat sur le ponctualisme en France : Le colloque international de Dijon en 1982.Cédric Grimoult - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (2):423-454.
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    The construction of legal professionalism in special education teacher training: The role of the extended relational circle in a professional situation.Cédric Laheyne - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):56-71.
    Referring mainly to theories of transformation engineering, this article focuses on an experimental vocational training system bringing together special education teachers in initial training, under apprenticeship contracts and in employment. It uses the issue of the construction of emerging professionalism to analyze the formation of legal skills among educators. This contribution offers a broader vision of the conditions that make this learning possible, pointing to their effects on the feeling of personal effectiveness. The analysis of the traces collected makes it (...)
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    Martial on Ovid on Ovid: Mart. 11.104, The Remedia Amoris, and Saturnalian Poetics.Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (3):319-345.
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