Results for 'Lin Lianlian'

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  1.  48
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Choice Intentions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.Dawkins Cedric, Jamali Dima, Charlotte Karam, Lin Lianlian & Jixin Zhao - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):854-888.
    A theory of planned behavior framework was employed to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility perceptions on the job choice intentions of American, Chinese, and Lebanese college students. Attitudes toward CSR, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control explained moderate levels of the variance in job choice intention in all three countries. Attitudes toward CSR, which entailed individual evaluations of CSR, were positively related to job choice intentions among Lebanese and American respondents, but not Chinese respondents. Subjective norm, the importance (...)
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    A dynamical approach to logical decisions.Eduardo Mizraji & Juan Lin - 1997 - Complexity 2 (3):56-63.
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  3. Asymmetrism about Desire Satisfactionism and Time.Eden Lin - 2017 - In Mark C. Timmons, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 161-183.
    Desire-satisfaction theories of welfare must answer the timing question: when do you benefit from the satisfaction of one of your desires? There are three existing views about this: the Time of Desire view, on which you benefit at just those times when you have the desire; the Time of Object view, on which you benefit just when the object of your desire obtains; and Concurrentism, on which you benefit just when you have the desire and its object obtains. This paper (...)
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  4. Why and When Employees Like to Speak up More Under Humble Leaders? The Roles of Personal Sense of Power and Power Distance.Xiaoshuang Lin, Zhen Xiong Chen, Herman H. M. Tse, Wu Wei & Chao Ma - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):937-950.
    Research investigating the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions under which leader humility influences employee voice remains underdeveloped. Drawing from approach–inhibition theory of power and leader humility literature, we developed a moderated-mediation model in which personal sense of power was theorized as a unique mechanism underlining why employees feel motivated to speak up under the supervision of humble leaders. Additionally, the cultural value of power distance was proposed to be a relevant boundary condition to influence such relationship. We tested the model (...)
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  5. On the Conditions of Possibility for Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy.Lin Ma & Jaap Van Brakel - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (3):297-312.
    In this essay, we present a theory of intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy, drawing on both hermeneutics and analytic philosophy. We advocate the approach of “de-essentialization” across the board. It is true that similarities and differences are always to be observed across languages and traditions, but there exist no immutable cores or essences. “De-essentialization” applies to all “levels” of concepts: everyday notions such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion(s) and qing 情, and philosophical categories such (...)
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  6.  53
    Revisiting W ittgenstein on Family Resemblance and Colour(s).Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (3):254-280.
    We argue that all general concepts are family resemblance concepts. These include concepts introduced by ostension, such as colour(s). Concepts of colour and of each of the specific colours are family resemblance concepts because similarities concerning an open‐ended range of colour or of appearance features crop up and disappear. After discussing the notion of “same colour” and Wittgenstein's use of the phrase “our colours”, we suggest family resemblance concepts in one tradition can often be extended to family resemblance concepts in (...)
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  7. Heidegger's Comportment Toward East-West Dialogue.Lin Ma & Jaap Van Brakel - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):519-566.
    The primary purpose here is to ascertain what Heidegger's comportment toward East-West dialogue is most plausibly like in the light of his philosophical concerns and orientations. Considering that one should not uncritically take at face value occasional remarks by Heidegger that seem to suggest that he is preparing an East-West dialogue, we will proceed from Heidegger's own path of thinking and bring to light fundamental presuppositions in his thought and the response he may accordingly give to the issue of East-West (...)
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    Heidegger’s thinking on the “Same” of science and technology.Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (1):19-43.
    In this article, we trace and elucidate Heidegger’s radical re-thinking on the relation between science and technology from about 1940 until 1976. A range of passages from the Gesamtausgabe seem to articulate a reversal of the primacy of science and technology in claiming that “Science is applied technology.” After delving into Heidegger’s reflection on the being of science and technology and their “coordination,” we show that such a claim is essentially grounded in Heidegger’s idea that “Science and technology are the (...)
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  9.  35
    Heidegger and the Riddle of the Early Greeks’ Encounter with das Asiatische.Lin Ma - 2024 - Sophia 63 (4):809-827.
    From the 1920s to the 1960s, Martin Heidegger on several occasions referred to the early Greeks’ encounter with what he called ‘the Asiatic’ (_das Asiatische_). Meanwhile, he was also concerned with a sort of ontological power of destruction and ruination that according to him should be understood in the Greek sense, which he also called _das Asiatische_. In this article, I first sketch the contributions made by Asian/African traditions to the origin of Greek philosophy and highlight Heidegger’s own recognition of (...)
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  10. Descartes and Spinoza on Judgment.Martin Lin - 2004 - In Martin Lin, Il Seicento e Descartes: Dibattiti cartesiani. pp. 269-291.
  11.  93
    The Effects of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate on Employee Ethical Behavior in the International Port Context.Chin-Shan Lu & Chi-Chang Lin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):209-223.
    This study empirically examined the effects of ethical leadership and ethical climate on employee ethical behavior in the international port context using survey data collected from 128 respondents who worked in Taiwan International Ports Corporation in Taiwan. Research hypotheses were formulated from the previous literature and tested using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that ethical leadership had a significant impact on ethical climate and the ethical behavior of TIPC employees. Ethical climate was found to be positively associated with employee ethical (...)
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  12.  52
    Confucius’s view of learning.Yuanbiao Lin - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (13):1180-1191.
    Drawing textual evidences from the Analects and other Confucian classics, this article attempts to clarify the contents, methods, and ultimately the nature of learning in the eyes of Confucius. The paper set out to argue that a better understanding of the concept of learning by Confucius must be angled on: Confucius’s political aspiration and life pursuit rather than his teaching; The personal preference of Confucius along with his zhi that has motivated his study and practice of the finer aspects of (...)
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    Heidegger's comportment toward east-west dialogue.Lin Ma & J. Brakevanl - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):519-566.
    : The primary purpose here is to ascertain what Heidegger's comportment toward East-West dialogue is most plausibly like in the light of his philosophical concerns and orientations. Considering that one should not uncritically take at face value occasional remarks by Heidegger that seem to suggest that he is preparing an East-West dialogue, we will proceed from Heidegger's own path of thinking and bring to light fundamental presuppositions in his thought and the response he may accordingly give to the issue of (...)
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  14.  70
    Improving Land Use Planning through the Evaluation of Ecosystem Services: One Case Study of Quyang County.Lin Liu, Yapeng Zhou, Haikui Yin, Ruiqiang Zhang, Ying Ma, Guijun Zhang, Pengfei Zhao & Jinxiong Feng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    Competition for land is increasing as demand for multiple land uses and ecosystem services rises. Land regulation of the principles of landscape ecology is necessary to develop more sustainable approaches to land use planning. The research evaluated the present land patterns and determined best practices for its regulation of Dongwang Township in Quyang County, located in the Taihang Mountain area of Hebei Province, China. The research used the landscape ecology theory to construct an index system for landscape pattern analysis based (...)
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  15.  46
    Countably Many Weakenings of Belnap–Dunn Logic.Minghui Ma & Yuanlei Lin - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):163-198.
    Every Berman’s variety \ which is the subvariety of Ockham algebras defined by the equation \ and \) determines a finitary substitution invariant consequence relation \. A sequent system \ is introduced as an axiomatization of the consequence relation \. The system \ is characterized by a single finite frame \ under the frame semantics given for the formal language. By the duality between frames and algebras, \ can be viewed as a \-valued logic as it is characterized by a (...)
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  16.  15
    Heidegger and the reversed order of science and technology.Lin Ma & Jaap Van Brakel - 2014 - The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology 70:183 - 205.
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  17.  51
    The Mutual Effect of Marital Quality and Parenting Stress on Child and Parent Depressive Symptoms in Families of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.Xiuyun Lin, Yulin Zhang, Peilian Chi, Wan Ding, Melissa A. Heath, Xiaoyi Fang & Shousen Xu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  18. [no title].Lin Ma - 2016
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  19.  20
    A Critical Review of Hu Zhihong, A Confucian Discourse in the Global Context: A Study of the New Confucian Thought of Tu Weiming.Lin Ma - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 5 (1).
  20.  18
    A Critical Review of Pan Derong, Language, Hermeneutics, and Tradition.Lin Ma - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (2):343-347.
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  21.  52
    What does Heidegger have to do with an east-west dialogue?Lin Ma - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (2):299-319.
  22.  19
    On the Holistic Control Technique of Core themes from the Perspective of Zou Xiangping's Chamber Music of Yufu Ji.Jiang Mao-Lin - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 5:023.
  23.  51
    A Deterministic Weakening of Belnap–Dunn Logic.Minghui Ma & Yuanlei Lin - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):283-312.
    A deterministic weakening \ of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \ is introduced to formalize the acceptance and rejection of a proposition at a state in a linearly ordered informational frame with persistent valuations. The logic \ is formalized as a sequent calculus. The completeness and decidability of \ with respect to relational semantics are shown in terms of normal forms. From an algebraic perspective, the class of all algebras for \ is described, and found to be a subvariety of Berman’s (...)
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  24.  21
    Transformational Leadership and Employees’ Thriving at Work: The Mediating Roles of Challenge-Hindrance Stressors.Chun pei Lin, Jialiang Xian, Baixun Li & Haimei Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25.  38
    Glycemic Control, Hand Activity, and Complexity of Biological Signals in Diabetes Mellitus.Hsien-Tsai Wu, Gen-Min Lin, Bagus Haryadi, Chieh-Ming Yang & Hsiao-Chiang Chu - 2017 - Complexity:1-9.
    Both glycemic control and handgrip strength affect microvascular function. Multiscale entropy of photoplethysmographic pulse amplitudes may differ by diabetes status and hand activity. Of a middle-to-old aged and right-handed cohort without clinical cardiovascular disease, we controlled age, sex, and weight to select the unaffected,the well-controlled diabetes, and the poorly controlled diabetes groups. MSEs were calculated from consecutive 1,500 PPG pulse amplitudes of bilateral index fingertips. Thesmall-, medium-,and large-scale MSEs were defined as the average of scale 1, scales 2–4, and scales (...)
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  26.  18
    Negative Problems Orientation Questionnaire for Chinese Adolescents: Bifactor Model and Measurement Invariance.Huiwen Xiao, Rongmao Lin, Qiaoling Wu, Saili Shen & Youwei Yan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Negative Problem Orientation Questionnaire is a widely used tool for assessing negative problem orientation. However, its construct and measurement invariance has not been adequately tested in adolescents. The present study explored the possible construct of the NPOQ and its measurement invariance in a sample of 754 Chinese adolescents. The results supported a bifactor model of the NPOQ that consists of a general factor NPO and three domain-specific factors including perceived threat, self-inefficacy, and negative outcome expectancy. A multiple-group CFA indicated (...)
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  27.  10
    Ge ming ling xiu de yu shi ju jin =.Bensi Xing & Jian'gong Lin (eds.) - 1993 - Chengdou: Sichuan ren min chu ban she.
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  28. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue du ben.Tie Zhang & Zhi Lin (eds.) - 1987 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning ren min chu ban she.
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  29.  10
    Property Taxes and Growth Patterns in China: Multiple Causal Inference Methods.Hejie Zhang & Shenghau Lin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    According to neoclassical growth theory, there are two main patterns of economic growth, namely, intensive growth, which depends on total factor productivity, and extensive growth, which relies on factor input. This study explores the impacts of property taxes on growth patterns by considering the property tax pilots in Shanghai and Chongqing as a quasi-natural experiment. For evaluation, we applied multiple causal inference methods, including DID, PSM-DID, and a panel data approach for program evaluation. We found that the pilot of Shanghai (...)
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  30.  22
    The Development of the Chinese Sentiment Lexicon for Internet.Jia-Lin Zhao, Meng-Zhu Li, Juan Yao & Ge-Hua Qin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Link Between (Not) Practicing CSR and Corporate Reputation: Psychological Foundations and Managerial Implications.Nick Lin-Hi & Igor Blumberg - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):185-198.
    It is often assumed that corporate social responsibility is a very promising way for corporations to improve their reputations, and a positive link between practicing CSR and corporate reputation is supported by empirical evidence. However, little is known about the mechanisms that underlie this relationship. In addition, the effects of not practicing CSR on corporate reputation have received little attention thus far. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the cause-and-effect relationships between practicing CSR and corporate reputation. To this (...)
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  32. Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism and Its Lessons for Modern Times.Ting-An Lin - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    In ‘Equity and Marxist Buddhism,’ Tzu-wei Hung engages with the Marxist Buddhism developed by Taiwanese philosopher Lin Qiu-wu in the 1920s, brings this underexplored theory to the table and discusses a few merits and insights of the theory. Building on Hung’s analysis, this paper paper elaborates on the lessons and insights that Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism provides for modern times. The first three lessons are distinctive points that Taiwanese Marxist Buddhism brings to the discussion on combining Marxism and Buddhism: the connections (...)
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  33.  60
    The Indirect Path From Mindful Parenting to Emotional Problems in Adolescents: The Role of Maternal Warmth and Adolescents’ Mindfulness.Yuyin Wang, Yiying Liang, Linlin Fan, Kexiu Lin, Xiaolin Xie, Junhao Pan & Hui Zhou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  34.  38
    Multiobjective Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Using Extreme Point Guided Evolutionary Computation.Qiuzhen Lin, Xiaozhou Wang, Bishan Hu, Lijia Ma, Fei Chen, Jianqiang Li & Carlos A. Coello Coello - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
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  35.  66
    Experimental individuation and philosophical retail arguments.Ruey-Lin Chen & Jonathon Hricko - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2313-2332.
    This paper aims to defend the use of the notion of experimental individuation, which has recently been developed by Ruey-Lin Chen, as a criterion for the reality of theoretical entities. In short, when scientists experimentally individuate an entity, a realist conclusion about that entity is warranted. We embed this claim regarding experimental individuation within a framework that allows for other criteria of reality. And we understand so-called retail arguments regarding the reality of a particular theoretical entity as arguments that concern (...)
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  36.  42
    Teaching beyond words: ‘silence’ and its pedagogical implications discoursed in the early classical texts of Confucianism, Daoism and Zen Buddhism.Lin Li - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7):759-768.
    In traditional Chinese philosophy, silence occupies a pivotal position by not being merely treated as the absence of speech, but also as the transcendence of it. Silence in early Confuciani...
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  37.  33
    The problem with a narrow - minded interpretation of CSR: Why CSR has nothing to do with philanthropy.Nick Lin-Hi - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):79.
    In recent years, the responsibility of corporations has been widely discussed. However, there is no general agreement as regards what CSR is exactly. Due to the indefinite nature of CSR, the term actually embraces several ideas and different contents. A very widespread understanding of CSR defines the subject as (strategic) corporate philanthropy, including operations such as corporate giving, corporate volunteering, corporate foundations, etc. The philanthropic approach to CSR implies that corporations must take responsibility beyond their core business activities. This article (...)
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  38.  19
    Using Different Error Handling Strategies to Facilitate Older Users’ Interaction With Chatbots in Learning Information and Communication Technologies.Weijane Lin, Hong-Chun Chen & Hsiu-Ping Yueh - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    To support older users’ accessibility and learning of the prevalent information and communication technologies, libraries, as informal learning institutes, are committed to information literacy education activities with friendly interfaces. Chatbots using Voice User Interfaces with natural and intuitive interactions have received growing research and practical attention; however, older users report regular frustrations and problems in using them. To serve as a basis for the subsequent design and development of an automated dialog mechanism in senior-friendly chatbots, a between-subject user experiment was (...)
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  39.  12
    What robots can do: robot programs and effective achievability.Fangzhen Lin & Hector J. Levesque - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):201-226.
  40.  15
    Relationships between proactive personality and creativity: Mindsets and golden mean thinking as parallel mediators among Chinese third language students.Weipeng Deng, Yanjing Dai, Yuhong Gao, Rongxin Lin, Fei Lei & Lin Lei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Third language learners have great potential in developing creativity; however, the factors affecting L3 learners’ creativity have received little attention. This study investigated the relationships between proactive personality, three different thinking patterns, and creativity among L3 learners. The participants were 220 Chinese students who attended an obligatory L3 course in college. The results showed that proactive personality, growth mindset, golden mean thinking, and creativity had significant intercorrelations. Moreover, the role of growth mindset and golden mean thinking as mediators of the (...)
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  41.  34
    Novel Mat Exergaming to Improve the Physical Performance, Cognitive Function, and Dual-Task Walking and Decrease the Fall Risk of Community-Dwelling Older Adults.Hsien-Te Peng, Cheng-Wen Tien, Pay-Shin Lin, Hsuen-Ying Peng & Chen-Yi Song - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Individual Differences in the Accuracy of Judgments of Learning Are Related to the Gray Matter Volume and Functional Connectivity of the Left Mid-Insula.Xiao Hu, Zhaomin Liu, Wen Chen, Jun Zheng, Ningxin Su, Wenjing Wang, Chongde Lin & Liang Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  43.  15
    Re-envisioning higher education: embodied pathways to wisdom and social transformation.Jing Lin, Rebecca L. Oxford & Edward J. Brantmeier (eds.) - 2013 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    A volume in Transforming Education for the Future Series Editors Jing Lin, University of Maryland and Rebecca L. Oxford, Alabama A & M University This book will expand the horizon of higher education, helping students, faculty and administrators to return to their roots and be in touch with their whole being. This book stresses that learning is much more than just accumulating knowledge and skills. Learning includes knowing ourselves-mind, body, and spirit. The learning of compassion, care, and service are as (...)
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  44.  18
    End-to-end neural event coreference resolution.Yaojie Lu, Hongyu Lin, Jialong Tang, Xianpei Han & Le Sun - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103632.
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  45.  14
    Matched design for marginal causal effect on restricted mean survival time in observational studies.Bo Lu, Ai Ni & Zihan Lin - 2023 - Journal of Causal Inference 11 (1).
    Investigating the causal relationship between exposure and time-to-event outcome is an important topic in biomedical research. Previous literature has discussed the potential issues of using hazard ratio (HR) as the marginal causal effect measure due to noncollapsibility. In this article, we advocate using restricted mean survival time (RMST) difference as a marginal causal effect measure, which is collapsible and has a simple interpretation as the difference of area under survival curves over a certain time horizon. To address both measured and (...)
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  46.  17
    An Evolutionary Algorithm with Clustering-Based Assisted Selection Strategy for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization.Naili Luo, Wu Lin, Peizhi Huang & Jianyong Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    In multimodal multiobjective optimization problems, multiple Pareto optimal sets, even some good local Pareto optimal sets, should be reserved, which can provide more choices for decision-makers. To solve MMOPs, this paper proposes an evolutionary algorithm with clustering-based assisted selection strategy for multimodal multiobjective optimization, in which the addition operator and deletion operator are proposed to comprehensively consider the diversity in both decision and objective spaces. Specifically, in decision space, the union population is partitioned into multiple clusters by using a density-based (...)
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  47.  70
    The drive laser system for dc-sc injector.Xiangyang Lu, Lin Lin, Fang Wang, Shengwen Quan & Kui Zhao - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 266.
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  48.  36
    A Three-Valued Fregean Quantification Logic.Minghui Ma & Yuanlei Lin - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):409-423.
    Kripke’s Fregean quantification logic FQ fails to formalize the usual first-order logic with identity due to the interpretation of the conditional operator. Motivated by Kripke’s syntax and semantics, the three-valued Fregean quantification logic FQ3 is proposed. This three valued logic differs from Kleene and Łukasiewicz’s three-valued logics. The logic FQ3 is decidable. A sound and complete Hilbert-style axiomatic system for the logic FQ3 is presented.
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  49.  23
    Critical success factors for adopting green supply chain management and clean innovation technology in the small and medium-sized enterprises: A structural equation modeling approach.Shoaib Maqsood, Yan Zhou, Xintong Lin, Shuai Huang, Ihsan Jamil & Khurram Shahzad - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Organizational sustainability in the form of environmental management and sustainable production is becoming more important for small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the world. This research evaluates the factors affecting the understanding of the CEO's and managers' intention to adopt practices of green supply chain management and clean innovation technology in the manufacturing SMEs of Pakistan. This empirical research identifies key determinants influencing the adoption of GSCM practices. Using structural equation modeling, we selected a sample size of 350 different manufacturing firms (...)
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  50.  16
    Flagellar export apparatus and ATP synthetase: Homology evidenced by synteny predating the Last Universal Common Ancestor.Nicholas J. Matzke, Angela Lin, Micaella Stone & Matthew A. B. Baker - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2100004.
    We report evidence further supporting homology between proteins in the F1FO‐ATP synthetase and the bacterial flagellar motor (BFM). BFM proteins FliH, FliI, and FliJ have been hypothesized to be homologous to FO‐b + F1‐δ, F1‐α/β, and F1‐γ, with similar structure and interactions. We conduct a further test by constructing a gene order dataset, examining the order offliH,fliI, andfliJgenes across the phylogenetic breadth of flagellar and nonflagellar type 3 secretion systems, and comparing this to published surveys of gene order in the (...)
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