Results for 'Cyrille Granget'

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  1.  26
    The use of the relational function of address pronouns in L2 French before and after study abroad: do interaction and exposure to media make a difference?Emmanuella Annan, Catherine Collin & Cyrille Granget - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    This study focuses on the acquisition of the two basic relational functions of the French address pronouns: tu for solidarity with friends and vous for deference with an unknown person or a known person with higher social status. Previous research has found that L2 learners of French become more target-like in their choice between tu and vous when they spend time in a French community. This is due to the fact that study-abroad offers L2 learners exposure to naturalistic interaction involving (...)
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    Comments on Sister Cyril Edwin Kinney’s Paper.Cyril Edwin Kinney - 1954 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 28:159-162.
  3. Opium's Virtus Dormitiva.Cyrille Michon - 2007 - In Max Kistler & Bruno Gnassounou (eds.), Dispositions and Causal Powers. Ashgate. pp. 133--150.
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  4. Karl Marx and the Future of the Human.Cyril Smith - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Cyril Smith shows that Marx developed a far richer and liberatory vision of humanity and the alternative to capital than that which has characterized his followers, and he makes a powerful argument that it is essential to return to Marx's original body of thought in order to reconstitute a viable critique of existing capitalist society.
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    Understanding and Assessing Heidegger’s Topic in Phenomenology in Light of His Appropriation of Dilthey’ s Hermeneutic Manner of Thinking.Cyril McDonnell - 2007 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 4:31-54.
    This paper analyses Heidegger’s controversial advancement of Husserl’s idea of philosophy and phenomenological research towards ‘the Being-Question’ and its relation to ‘Dasein’. It concentrates on Heidegger’s elision of Dilthey and Husserl’s different concepts of ‘Descriptive Psychology’ in his 1925 Summer Semester lecture-course, with Husserl’s concept losing out in the competition, as background to the formulation of ‘the Being-Question’ in Being and Time (1927). It argues that Heidegger establishes his own position within phenomenology on the basis of a partial appropriation of (...)
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    In Search of a Stable Consensus.Cyril Hédoin - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (2).
    Rawls’s political turn is the result of his struggle with the problem of stability in his theory of justice. Rawls’s late solution uses the concept of public reason. It requires that the members of the well-ordered society should abide by a political conception of justice for shared public reasons, thus fostering an overlapping consensus. This solution has been criticized by post-Rawlsian scholars endorsing a Diversity-Convergence account of the stability problem. I complement Rawls’s model of public reason by arguing that the (...)
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  7. The Lite Everlasting.Cyril Alington - 1947
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    Is there more to visual attention than meets the eye?Cyril Latimer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):690-691.
    Models of saccade generation and visual selective attention must explain how and why particular targets are selected. Findlay & Walker do an excellent job of explaining the how of visual selection, but not the why. For a salience map to be more than a description of the relative importance of potential targets, there must be some account of the learning and inheritance that fashion its peaks and troughs. Point of gaze is not necessarily region of attention, and it may be (...)
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  9.  28
    The chorus scheme: Representation or isomorphism, holistic or analytic?Cyril Latimer - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):476-477.
    The Chorus scheme could be an important step in the search for solutions to the symbol grounding problem (Harnad 1990), but Edelman does not address the potential difficulties inherent in downgrading differences in favor of similarities in a categorization device. Isomorphism rather than representation is a more coherent way of thinking about Chorus whose modules are probably analytic rather than holistic.
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    Ambition de la sociologie.Cyril Lemieux - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie 76 (4):591-608.
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  11. Truth.Cyril Baker Marshall - 1945 - New York,: Skeffington.
  12.  20
    (1 other version)A philosophical critique of Ignocentric search for political Messiah in Nigeria.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji - 2015 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 4 (2):46-67.
    Many of the philosophers of African politics who have argued that the political challenges of Nigeria, and of Africa as a whole are as a result of the impunity and corruption of post-independence Nigeria leaders also give the impression that the people of Nigeria are mere innocent victims because in their arguments all the ills of the Nigerian state exist only because the country have not experienced or discovered an honest and capable political leader. The scholars argue to the effect (...)
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  13. The Book of Job.Cyril S. Rodd - 1990
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  14.  28
    The Gifted Child.Cyril Burt - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (3):273-275.
  15.  77
    The concept of consciousness.Cyril Burt - 1962 - British Journal of Psychology 53:229-42.
  16.  43
    Robust Correlation Analyses: False Positive and Power Validation Using a New Open Source Matlab Toolbox.Cyril R. Pernet, Rand Wilcox & Guillaume A. Rousselet - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  17.  43
    Collective intentionality in economics: making Searle's theory of institutional facts relevant for game theory.Cyril Hédoin - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):1.
    Economic theories of team reasoning build on the assumption that agents can sometimes behave according to beliefs or preferences attributed to a group or a team. In this paper, I propose a different framework to introduce collective intentionality into game theory. I build on John Searle’s account, which makes collective intentionality constitutive of institutional facts. I show that as soon as one accepts that institutions are required to solve indetermination problems in a game, it is necessary to assume a form (...)
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  18.  11
    The Greek atomists and Epicurus: a study.Cyril Bailey - 1928 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  19.  23
    Intentionality and Proto Thoughts.Cyrille Michon - 2001 - In Dominik Perler (ed.), Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality. Leiden: Brill. pp. 76--325.
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  20.  17
    Wittgenstein on ethics and religious belief.Cyril Barrett - 1990 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    This text expounds and relates the ethical and religious views of a philosopher that are usually discussed in terms of language. (Philosophy).
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  21.  51
    Sen’s criticism of revealed preference theory and its ‘neo-samuelsonian critique’: a methodological and theoretical assessment.Cyril Hédoin - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (4):349-373.
    This paper evaluates how Amartya Sen’s critique of revealed preference theory stands against the latter’s contemporary, ‘neo-Samuelsonian’ version. Neo- Samuelsonians have argued that Sen’s arguments against RPT are innocuous, in particular once it is acknowledged that RPT does not assume away the existence of motivations or other latent psychological or cognitive processes. Sen’s claims that preferences and choices need to be distinguished and that external factors need to be taken into account to analyze the act of choice then appear to (...)
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  22.  18
    From Utilitarianism to Paternalism: When Behavioral Economics meets Moral Philosophy.Cyril Hédoin - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 2:73-106.
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  23.  18
    VI—Concepts and Concept Formation.S. J. Cyril Barrett - 1963 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 63 (1):127-144.
    S.J. Cyril Barrett; VI—Concepts and Concept Formation, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 1963, Pages 127–144,
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  24.  98
    The morality of artistic production.Cyril Barrett - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (2):137-144.
  25.  21
    Practical reasoning, rule-following and belief revision: an account in terms of Jeffrey’s rule.Cyril Hédoin - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7627-7645.
    This paper provides a conceptual exploration of the implication of Jeffrey’s rule of belief revision to account for rule-following behavior in a game-theoretic framework. Jeffrey’s rule reflects the fact that in many cases learning something new does not imply that one has full assurance about the true content of the information. In other words, the same information may be both perceived and interpreted in several different ways. I develop an account of rule-following behavior according to which, in the context of (...)
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  26.  42
    Binary oppositions and what focuses in focal attention.Cyril Latimer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):383-384.
    Pylyshyn makes a convincing case that early visual processing is cognitively impenetrable, and although I question the utility of binary oppositions such as penetrable/impenetrable, for the most part I am in agreement. The author does not provide explicit designations or denotations for the terms penetrable and impenetrable, which appear quite arbitrary. Furthermore, the use of focal attention smacks of an homunculus, and the account appears to slip too easily between the perceptual, the cognitive, and the neurophysiological.
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  27.  91
    Byzantinism and romantic hellenism.Cyril Mango - 1965 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 28 (1):29-43.
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  28.  21
    ’What is the Good?’: a comparison of young people's responses to two unfinished sentences about values.Cyril Simmons & Winnie Wade - 1982 - Educational Studies 8 (2):113-121.
    (1982). ’What is the Good?’: a comparison of young people's responses to two unfinished sentences about values. Educational Studies: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 113-121.
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  29.  8
    Le constructivisme juridique: essai sur l'épistémologie des juristes.Cyril Sintez - 2014 - Paris: Éditions mare & martin.
    Comment les juristes pensent-ils les fondements du droit? Le constructivisme juridique apporte une réponse inédite à cette interrogation. Cet essai le révèle en tant que modèle épistémologique permettant de refonder le droit par la science juridique. Inexploré jusqu'alors en droit, le constructivisme apparaît comme une structure de la pensée des juristes qui se manifeste en période de crise à travers un processus en forme de boucle révolutionnant successivement les méthodes, le concept et les valeurs de la connaissance juridique (fig. de (...)
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  30.  50
    (1 other version)Relevance, Not Invariance, Explanatoriness, Not Manipulability: Discussion of Woodward’s Views on Explanatory Relevance.Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):625-636.
    According to Woodward’s causal model of explanation, explanatory information is relevant for manipulation purposes and indicates by means of invariant causal relations how to change the value of certain target explanandum variables by intervening on others. Therefore, the depth of an explanation is evaluated through the size of the domain of invariance of the generalization involved. In this article, I argue that Woodward’s account of explanatory relevance is still unsatisfactory and claim that the depth of an explanation should be explicated (...)
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  31.  11
    Personal Knowledge, Art, and the Humanities.Cyril Burt - 1969 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (2):29.
  32.  43
    A framework for community-based salience: Common knowledge, common understanding and community membership.Cyril Hédoin - 2014 - Economics and Philosophy 30 (3):365-395.
    This article presents a community-based account of salience as an alternative and a complement to the ‘natural salience’ approach which is endorsed by almost all game theorists who use this concept. While in the naturalistic approach, salience is understood as an objective and natural property of some entities, the community-based account claims that salience is a function of community membership. Building on David Lewis’s theory of common knowledge and on some of its recent refined accounts, I suggest that salience acts (...)
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  33.  66
    Intuition und Erkenntnis.Cyrill Mamin - 2020 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Was ist Intuition? Gibt es intuitive Erkenntnis? Intuition beschäftigt Philosophie, Psychologie und Alltagsdenken. Einschätzungen reichen dabei von "höchste Erkenntnisart" bis "höchst unzuverlässig." Cyrill Mamin zeichnet zentrale Bestimmungen der Intuition in Philosophie und Psychologie nach. Wesentliche Fragen sind dabei: Wie ist es, eine Intuition zu haben? Wie kommt eine Intuition zustande? Auf dieser Grundlage bestimmt Mamin Intuition als massgeblich nicht-propositionale Erkenntnisart, welche unsere intuitiven Überzeugungen rechtfertigen kann. Im Zentrum steht ein neuartiges Modell der intuitiven Rechtfertigung, das psychologische mit erkenntnistheoretischen Elementen verbindet. (...)
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  34.  22
    Fabuler la fin du monde: La puissance critique des fictions d'apocalypse by Jean-Paul Engélibert (review).Cyril Camus - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):163-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Fabuler la fin du monde: La puissance critique des fictions d’apocalypse by Jean-Paul EngélibertCyril CamusJean-Paul Engélibert. Fabuler la fin du monde: La puissance critique des fictions d’apocalypse [Fabulating the end of the world: The critical power of apocalypse fiction]. Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 2019. 239 pp. Print. 20€. ISBN 978-2-348-03719-1.Jean-Paul Engélibert is a well-established expert on apocalyptic and postapocalyptic fiction. His exploration of the genre thus far includes (...)
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  35.  70
    Brentano's revaluation of the scholastic concept of intentionality into a root-concept of descriptive psychology.Cyril McDonnell - 2006 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society 2006:124-171.
  36.  43
    Institutions, rule-following and game theory.Cyril Hédoin - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (1):43-72.
    :Most game-theoretic accounts of institutions reduce institutions to behavioural patterns the players are incentivized to implement. An alternative account linking institutions to rule-following behaviour in a game-theoretic framework is developed on the basis of David Lewis’s and Ludwig Wittgenstein's respective accounts of conventions and language games. Institutions are formalized as epistemic games where the players share some forms of practical reasoning. An institution is a rule-governed game satisfying three conditions: common understanding, minimal awareness and minimal practical rationality. Common understanding has (...)
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  37.  24
    Darwin and the Darwinian revolution.Cyril Bibby - 1959 - The Eugenics Review 51 (3):169.
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    Leslie Brubaker / John Haldon, Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680-850): The Sources. An Annotated Survey.Cyril Mango - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):290-291.
    The title led me to expect a somewhat different kind of book. What we are offered is not so much a dossier on Iconoclasm, like André Grabar's, as a dossier on the Dark Age of Byzantium. It falls into two parts: the first and more original is devoted to material culture, while the second is a checklist of written sources, largely overlapping the Prolegomena volume of PmbZ. Aimed at university students, this is essentially a work of reference. A further volume (...)
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    La causalité formelle du raisonnement pratique.Cyrille Michon - 2003 - Philosophie 76 (1):63-81.
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    La responsabilité pour ce qui est inévitable.Cyrille Michon - 2018 - Acta Philosophica 27 (1):27-44.
    I argue that one can be responsible for a certain state of affairs, one has brought about, or one has let happen, only if one could have avoided it, by omitting or by performing a certain action. I limit my argument to the consequences of actions and omissions, and to the conditional ability of avoiding the consequences by an alternative behaviour. Even within those limits, the argument challenges the Causal Conception of Moral Responsibility and the strategy mounted by Frankfurt against (...)
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  41.  56
    (1 other version)Analogy and Univocity in the Philosophy of Duns Scotus.Cyril Shircel - 1942 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 18:143-164.
  42. Wittgenstein on Ethics and Religious Belief.Cyril Barrett - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (4):577-579.
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  43.  32
    Liberal Perfectionism and Epistocracy.Cyril Hédoin - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (4):307-330.
    This essay explores the possible justification that liberal perfectionism may provide to an epistocratic regime. I suggest that epistocratic mechanisms and rules can maintain and improve epistemic autonomy, which itself contributes to the form of personal autonomy to which perfectionists grant a moral priority. Though not decisive, I claim that the Perfectionist Argument for Epistocracy partially justifies epistocracy. Because this argument is developed in the context of liberal social forms, this indicates the conceptual possibility of liberal epistocracy.
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    Improving deliberations by reducing misrepresentation effects.Cyrille Imbert, Thomas Boyer-Kassem, Vincent Chevrier & Christine Bourjot - 2020 - Episteme 17 (4):403-419.
    ABSTRACTDeliberative and decisional groups play crucial roles in most aspects of social life. But it is not obvious how to organize these groups and various socio-cognitive mechanisms can spoil debates and decisions. In this paper we focus on one such important mechanism: the misrepresentation of views, i.e. when agents express views that are aligned with those already expressed, and which differ from their private opinions. We introduce a model to analyze the extent to which this behavioral pattern can warp deliberations (...)
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  45. The Factors of the Mind.Cyril Burt - 1942 - Mind 51 (202):170-180.
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  46.  79
    De-Moralizing Gay Rights– an overview.Cyril Ghosh - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (7):1056-1060.
    In this overview, I begin by situating De-Moralizing Gay Rights within the field of queer studies/queer theory. I then delineate the book’s principal arguments. The book critically interrogates three sets of distortions in 21st century public discourse on LGBT+ rights in the United States. The first relates to the critique of pinkwashing, often advanced by scholars who claim to be proponents of a radical politics. I suggest that this critique sometimes suffers from analytical overreach. The second concerns a recent US (...)
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    The ‘Epistemic Critique’ of Epistocracy and Its Inadequacy.Cyril Hédoin - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (5):502-514.
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  48.  29
    Inheritance of mental ability.Cyril Burt - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 49 (3):137.
  49. Marc aurèle et Justin martyr: Deux discours sur la raison.Cyrille Crépey - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (1):51-77.
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  50. Art as ‘Covert Metaphysics’.S. J. Cyril Barrett - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:141-153.
    ‘ANY state of mind in which anyone takes a great interest is very likely to be called “knowledge”, because no other word in psychology has such emotive virtue’, wrote Ogden and Richards apropos of those who claim that art affords us a kind of knowledge uniquely its own. While one may agree with the implications of this remark, and it is a salutary warning to anyone tempted to make extravagant claims for art, it does less than justice to the intentions (...)
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