Results for 'Culto. Almas. Salvação'

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  1.  69
    VILHENA, Maria Ângela. Salvação solidária - Resenha.Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):425-429.
    RESENHA VILHENA, Maria Ângela. Salvação solidária : o culto às almas à luz da teologia das religiões. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2012. 173 p.
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    A Igreja Apostólica: da “Tenda de Deus para Salvação e Cura” à “Igreja da Santa Vó Rosa” – Mutações Religiosas.Leonildo Silveira Campos - forthcoming - Horizonte:114-114.
    This text The Apostolic Church: from the “Tent of God for Salvation and Healing” to the “Church of the Santa Vó Rosa” - Religious Mutations aims to describe the emergence and mutations experienced by an initially Pentecostal Church, founded in São Paulo, in 1954, in the wake of the divine healing movement. We try to answer the question: Given these changes experienced over the course of six decades, what of Pentecostal features remained at the end of this trajectory marked by (...)
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    Orfeo en los Infiernos. Imágenes apulias del destino del alma.Paloma Cabrera - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:31-56.
    Un pequeño grupo de vasos apulios de la segunda mitad del siglo IV a.C. representan el descenso de Orfeo a los Infiernos, su llegada ante el palacio de Hades y Perséfone, donde logró con su canto conmover a los dioses infernales. El programa iconográfico de estos vasos, pleno de relatos míticos y de enseñanzas religiosas destinadas a proporcionar consuelo y esperanza de vida más allá de la muerte, nos permite conocer el imaginario del reino subterráneo y a esta figura religiosa (...)
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    Vicisitudes de la psique helénica.Nelson Orringer - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):15-50.
    Unamuno estimaba el libro Psyche de Erwin Rohde como la «obra capital» sobre la fe de los griegos en la inmortalidad del alma. La obra influía profundamente en la producción entera de D. Miguel. Aquí estudiamos su presencia en Del sentimiento trágico de la vida (1911-1912), en la «Oración fúnebre» de Orfeo al final de Niebla (1914) y en el drama El Otro (1926). Enfocamos el culto griego a las almas y la psique concebida como el Otro en Rohde y (...)
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    Ideais religiosos e expectativas (des)encantadas: uma análise dos ideais missionários da congregação redentorista bávara no Brasil.Robson Rodrigues Gomes Filho - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (1):581-600.
    A fundação da missão redentorista alemã no Brasil, em 1894, representou para os missionários bávaros uma possibilidade pessoal de realização plena daquilo que entendiam como sua vocação, qual seja, a salvação das “almas abandonadas” através do sacrifício pessoal. Todavia, a alteridade entre o que se espera e o que se encontra levou essas expectativas idealizadas ora ao desencantamento, ora ao reencantamento e reelaboração, o que impactou não somente nas expectativas e ações religiosas individuais, mas igualmente no modo como tais (...)
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    Locke E os pobres.Antônio Carlos Dos Santos - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:33-51.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o projeto de lei de Locke sobre os pobres à luz do debate que se estabeleceu no século XVII inglês sobre o combate à pobreza. A leitura desse projeto de lei com outros textos de Locke, como o _Segundo tratado_, por exemplo, conduz o leitor a uma flutuação interpretativa que parte de sua visão moral, de salvação da alma_ per_ _si_, passa por uma perspectiva de cunho econômico-utilitarista, baseada no trabalho, e chega a (...)
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    A assistência às crianças na viagem para o além, na Braga setecentista.Norberto Tiago Gonçalves Ferraz - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1300.
    O objetivo deste artigo é fornecer novos dados historiográficos sobre a assistência concedida às crianças da cidade de Braga, na ocasião do seu falecimento, no século XVIII. No trabalho que realizamos, foi possível analisar alguns dados sobre o anúncio da morte das crianças de Braga, os seus velórios, sepultamentos e a assistência às suas almas, através de fontes documentais das confrarias da cidade e das Constituições Sinodais do arcebispado. A análise testamental forneceu menos dados, mas revelou a provável preocupação de (...)
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    Matrimônio, família e lutas religiosas cotidianas na Gaudium et Spes (Marriage, family and daily religious conflicts in Gaudium et Spes) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p1072. [REVIEW]Ipojucan Dias Campos - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1072-1089.
    A proposta deste artigo é a de buscar entender as formas de como a Igreja Católica procurou adentrar nas bases psicológicas dos cristãos por meio da Constituição Pastoral Gaudium et Spes em seu Capítulo I intitulado “A promoção da dignidade do matrimônio e da família”. A Instituição insistiu no argumento segundo o qual a união entre homem e mulher constitui um sacramento essencial à família, à sociedade, à moralidade, à boa conduta, à ética e, por fim, à salvação da (...)
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  9. Intentionality and intersubjectivity.Jan Almäng - 2007 - Dissertation, Göteborg University
    1. Introduction. The problems of other minds ; Body, mind and other minds ; The analogical theory ; The critical theory ; Functionalism and mental states as theoretical entities ; A brief outline of things to come -- 2. Functionalism and the nature of mental representations. Functionalism and cognitive psychology ; Folk psychology and the representational theory of mind -- 3. Theory theory and simulation theory. A very short introduction to the world of theory theory and simulation theory ; A (...)
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    But I accepted these disadvantages! Can you be discriminated against by holding a right?Alma K. Barner - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):120-121.
    To show that discrimination against the terminally ill is a real and worrisome phenomenon Reed presents four examples1. Here, I focus on the final two: right-to-try and right-to-die laws. I argue that they are not instances of discrimination, because they grant rights. Reed appears to have overlooked that rights differ from obligations in ways that leave his argumentation unsuccessful. According to the most prominent theory of rights, rights function to protect the personal interests of their holders.2 For that reason, strengthening (...)
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  11.  44
    Chronologische Übersicht der Schriften von Eduard von Hartmann.Alma Hartmann - 1912 - Kant Studien 17 (1-3):501-520.
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    Begegungen mit Alma von Stockhausen: Festschrift der Freunde, Mitarbeiter, und Schüler zum 70. Geburtstag der Philosophin.Alma von Stockhausen & Tadeusz Guz (eds.) - 1997 - Weilheim-Bierbronnen: G.-Siewerth-Akademie.
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  13. Hearing and music in unilateral spatial neglect neuro-rehabilitation.Alma Guilbert, Sylvain Clement & Christine Moroni - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  14. Izbrane razprave.Alma Sodnik - 1975 - Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
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  15. Sense of Community Mediating Between Age-Friendly Characteristics and Life Satisfaction of Community-Dwelling Older Adults.Alma Au, Daniel W. L. Lai, Ho-Ming Yip, Stephen Chan, Simon Lai, Habib Chaudhury, Andrew Scharlach & George Leeson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Expanding Social Media Use Recommendations to Global, Multicentred, Industry Run Clinical Trials.Alma Linkeviciute & Kris Dierickx - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):23-24.
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    Setting Up an Ethical Oncofertility Practice in Developing Countries.Alma Linkeviciute, Giovanni Boniolo & Fedro A. Peccatori - 2014 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 5 (3):6-17.
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    Axiomatics: mathematical thought and high modernism.Alma Steingart - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The first history of postwar mathematics, offering a new interpretation of the rise of abstraction and axiomatics in the twentieth century. Why did abstraction dominate American art, social science, and natural science in the mid-twentieth century? Why, despite opposition, did abstraction and theoretical knowledge flourish across a diverse set of intellectual pursuits during the Cold War? In recovering the centrality of abstraction across a range of modernist projects in the United States, Alma Steingart brings mathematics back into the conversation about (...)
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    Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson.Alma Rosa Thorne - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (6):670.
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    VON ADAMOVICH, Eduardo y ZERNIKOW, Marcel (Eds.): Philosophical and Sociological Reflections on Labour Law in Time of Crisis.Alma Luna Ubero Paniagua - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
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    Richard Faber/Almut-Barbara Renger : Religion und Literatur. Konvergenzen und Divergenzen, Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann 2017, 440 S. [REVIEW]Alma Wallraff - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (3):293-294.
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    Improving schools in difficult contexts: Towards a differentiated approach.Alma Harris & Christopher Chapman - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (4):417-431.
    This article focuses on 'improving' schools in difficult or disadvantaged contexts. It explores the contemporary policy discourse and intervention strategies aimed at improving schools in such circumstances. It argues that contemporary approaches to improvement are unlikely to succeed because the approaches adopted are not sufficiently differentiated or context specific. Drawing on two recent empirical studies, the article offers an alternative perspective on school improvement within this group of schools. It argues against standardised solutions in favour of a differentiated approach to (...)
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  23.  19
    La Philosophie et la Sociologie d'Alfred Fouillee.Alma R. Thorne - 1914 - Philosophical Review 23 (1):100-101.
  24.  85
    Los peruanos en Santiago de Chile. Transformaciones urbanas y percepción de los inmigrantes.Alma Torres & Rodrigo Hidalgo - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    A partir de los años 90, la información estadística da cuenta de una masiva llegada de inmigrantes peruanos a la Región Metropolitana, concentrándose principalmente en las comunas de Santiago, Recoleta e Independencia. En este artículo se busca entender el efecto de los inmigrantes como factor de cambio en las áreas centrales de la capital, desde las transformaciones socio-espaciales, las que modifican el territorio, como el comportamiento de la población –evolución y distribución espacial-, y los cambios en la morfología y estructura (...)
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  25.  4
    Zum Konflikt in der Sittlichkeit in Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes.Alma Klein - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):407-415.
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    Over Spilt Milk: British Scientific Humanitarianism and the Quest for International Standards.Alma Igra - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):335-353.
    Humanitarian aid in Central Europe after World War I repositioned both food and food research on a global scale. This essay follows the British scientific delegation that worked in Vienna as part of the food aid program and shows how the city became a “lab” for international nutrition. Assuming a political role, British nutrition experts were motivated to collaborate with local experts. To examine what internationalism looked like in the lab, the essay reconstructs the forgotten Viennese NEM system, a scientific (...)
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    Regeren over onzekerheid.Alma Apt - 2019 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 39 (1):109-114.
    In Het regeren van precairen analyseert Isabell Lorey hoe het mogelijk is dat een aanzienlijk deel van de bevolking van neoliberale samenlevingen met onzekerheid leeft zonder zich te verzetten. Zij concludeert dat de logica van het liberalisme precariteit tegenover veiligstelling plaatst, waardoor individuen zichzelf middels zelfregeringstechnieken proberen af te schermen en zich niet verzetten tegen precariteit.
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    The constitution of the identity through the relationship with ghosts.Alma López - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 56:197-213.
    The problem of identity is one of the milestones of philosophical thinking. It is a complex question, a prism with multiple vertices. In this paper I will focus on two key-concepts related to identity, namely, death and community. Death stands as end of life, but as a possibility of it. The ghost "appears", then, in a privileged position for the dialogue and the understanding of this phenomenon. Moreover, as social beings, neither individuals can be separated from the community in which (...)
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  29. Analisis de ciertos fenomenos lingüisticos en el habla de Los universitarios Y su repercusión social.Alma Silvia Rodríguez Pérez - 1990 - Humanitas 23:465.
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    Of fallacies and curricula: A case of business ethics.Alma Acevedo - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (2):157-170.
  31.  44
    Potential Pitfalls in the Evaluation of Ethics Consultation: The Case of Ethical Counseling.Alma Linkeviciute, Kris Dierickx, Virginia Sanchini & Giovanni Boniolo - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (3):56-57.
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    Galería en tributo al pintor costarricense Rafa Fernández (1935-2018).Alma Fernández Tercero - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (23):69.
    El pintor Rafael Ángel Fernández Piedra, fallecido en 2018, es considerado uno de los artistas más representativos de Costa Rica, cuya obra ha tenido también una proyección internacional considerable, al formar parte de la Colección del Museo José Luis Cuevas en Ciudad de México, así como de la Colección del Museo Rally de Arte Contemporáneo, en Punta del Este, Uruguay, entre otros. Obtuvo el premio Aquileo J. Echeverría en Artes Plásticas en 1968, 1972 y 1975, así como el premio Nacional (...)
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  33.  23
    The effect of intensity of the preexposed stimulus on subsequent conditioning.Alma E. Lantz - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (4):381-383.
  34.  24
    Using Insights in Sen’s Capability Approach to Overcome Empirical Development Ethics Research Designing and Execution Challenges.Almas Mazigo & Johan Hattingh - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:45-65.
    _In this paper, we support the adoption of an empirical approach in development ethics research and show that the theoretical insights and methodological guidelines in Sen’s capability approach can offer helpful guidance to development ethicists on designing and execution of such research. To this end, we show how specific insights in the CA guide one to identify and engage with relevant stakeholders in extensive dialogues about the ethical issues underlying their development practices and in gathering empirical data for further ethical (...)
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  35.  18
    And the machine became flesh and dwelt among us: Refiguring the new human in Karol wojtyla’s Christian personalism.Alma Espartinez - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    Thomas brown's theories of association and perception as they relate to his theories of poetry.Alma Clara Rands - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (4):473-483.
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    A Combined Deep CNN: LSTM with a Random Forest Approach for Breast Cancer Diagnosis.Almas Begum, V. Dhilip Kumar, Junaid Asghar, D. Hemalatha & G. Arulkumaran - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    The most predominant kind of disease that is normal among ladies is breast cancer. It is one of the significant reasons among ladies, regardless of huge endeavors to stay away from it through screening developers. An automatic detection system for disease helps doctors to identify and provide accurate results, thereby minimizing the death rate. Computer-aided diagnosis has minimum intervention of humans and produces more accurate results than humans. It will be a difficult and long task that depends on the expertise (...)
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  38. El Derecho Comunitario de aguas y su reciente influencia sobre el Derecho Español.Alma Patricia Domínguez Alonso - 2009 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:102 - 129.
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    Keeping it simple: studying grammatical encoding with lexically reduced item sets.Alma Veenstra, Daniel J. Acheson & Antje S. Meyer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Sentimientos Como Base de la Moral Aplicada a la Época.Alma Guadalupe Lara Mares - 2018 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 8 (15):17.
    El tema sobre la moral es uno que, en calidad de sociedad, nos interesa mayormente debido a que es de una naturaleza práctica en lo que respecta a su estudio y a la vida en general, de hecho, no podríamos interesarnos más por este tema de lo que ya lo hacemos debido a que cotidianamente nos surgen dudas o preguntas con respecto a la moral. Esas preguntas, incesantes, de por qué está mal esto o aquello quegeneralmente salen de la boca (...)
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  41. Los principios generales del Derecho en el ámbito de la protección de las personas con discapacidad.Alma Patricia Domínguez Alonso - 2011 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:23 - 45.
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  42. Arte rupestre : 150 años de interpretaciones : guía MInima para aproximarse al estudio del arte rupestre.Alma N. Vega Barbosa - 2019 - In Bolaños Sánchez, Víctor Hugo, Adrián Espinosa Barrios, Fabiola Ortega Garnelo & Diego Reyes Baza (eds.), Temas de cultura científica y tecnológica: actitud crítica y ciudadanía responsable. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.
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    Changing doctors' behaviours: an educational program to disseminate a new clinical pathway for the hospital management of hip fractures in elderly patients in the Lazio Region, Italy.Alma Ciaschi, Andrea Caprara, Francesca Gillespie, Giacomo Furnari & Sílvia Mamede - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):811-818.
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    Karol Wojtyła on Self-Fulfillment in and through the Marital Act.Alma Espartinez - 2022 - Studia Gilsoniana 11 (2):181-206.
    Our whole discussion has focused on man’s self-fulfillment in and through the marital union. The mutual self-donation of man and woman is a participative act in that whenever acting is performed ‘together with the other,’ the husband and wife transcend themselves in action and thereby realize the authentically personalistic value of the action and man’s self-fulfillment in it. This mutual self-giving of husband and wife finds its expression in and through the body. This self-fulfillment, however, is attained only when the (...)
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    Atopien des Widerstands: Max Horkheimers platonische Akademie.Alma Koeppe - 2009 - Wien: Passagen. Edited by Selma Koeppe & Hartwig Zander.
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  46. Un método para la enseñanza de la lingüística.Alma Silvia Rodríguez - 2001 - Humanitas 28:185.
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    Making Political Hay of Sex and Slavery: Kansas Conservatism, Feminism and the Global Regulation of Sexual Moralities.Almas Sayeed - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):119-131.
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    Auge de Las Localizaciones Urbanas En la Videodanza.Alma Llerena Fernández - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    Este trabajo surge como resultado de una investigación cuyos objetivos son identificar los tipos de espacios escénicos, suelos y localizaciones que utiliza la videodanza. Para ello hemos analizado 152 videodanzas escogidas de las selecciones oficiales de los festivales españoles específicos, desde su creación, hasta el año 2018. Para el análisis hemos creado un modelo ad hoc de nueve variables y 44 categorías. Del análisis podemos concluir que la videodanza utiliza preferentemente encuadres centrados en espacios abiertos y normalmente planos, que se (...)
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  49. Dreams and disillusion : Moroccan Jewish leftists and the struggle for democracy.Alma Rachel Heckman - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    Humanitaires et Libertaires au Point de vue Sociologique et Moral.Alma Rosa Thorne & Alfred Fouillee - 1914 - Philosophical Review 23 (5):577-578.
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