Results for 'Alma Harris'

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  1.  97
    Improving schools in difficult contexts: Towards a differentiated approach.Alma Harris & Christopher Chapman - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (4):417-431.
    This article focuses on 'improving' schools in difficult or disadvantaged contexts. It explores the contemporary policy discourse and intervention strategies aimed at improving schools in such circumstances. It argues that contemporary approaches to improvement are unlikely to succeed because the approaches adopted are not sufficiently differentiated or context specific. Drawing on two recent empirical studies, the article offers an alternative perspective on school improvement within this group of schools. It argues against standardised solutions in favour of a differentiated approach to (...)
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  2. Review Symposium. [REVIEW]Robert Archer, Helen Gunter, Alma Harris, Dean Fink & Michael Strain - 2002 - Educational Management and Administration 30 (3):327-350.
  3. Wonderwoman and Superman: the ethics of human biotechnology.John Harris - 1992 - Oxford University Press.
    Since the birth of the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, in 1977, we have seen truly remarkable advances in biotechnology. We can now screen the fetus for Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, and a wide range of genetic disorders. We can rearrange genes in DNA chains and redirect the evolution of species. We can record an individual's genetic fingerprint. And we can potentially insert genes into human DNA that will produce physical warning signs of cancer, allowing early detection. In fact, biotechnology (...)
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    SSRIs as Moral Enhancement Interventions: A Practical Dead End.Harris Wiseman - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (3):21-30.
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have gained a degree of prominence across recent moral enhancement literature as a possible intervention for dealing with antisocial and aggressive impulses. This is due to serotonin's purported capacity to modulate persons’ averseness to harm. The aim of this article is to argue that the use of SSRIs is not something worth getting particularly excited about as a practicable intervention for moral enhancement purposes, and that the generally uncritical enthusiasm over serotonin's potential as a moral (...)
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  5. Taking liberties with free fall.John Harris - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):371-374.
    In his ‘Moral Enhancement, Freedom, and What We Value in Moral Behaviour’,1 David DeGrazia sets out to defend moral bioenhancement from a number of critics, me prominently among them. Here he sets out his stall: "Many scholars doubt what I assert: that there is nothing inherently wrong with MB. Some doubt this on the basis of a conviction that there is something inherently wrong with biomedical enhancement technologies in general. Chief among their objections are the charges that biomedical enhancement is (...)
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  6. Is there a coherent social conception of disability?J. Harris - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):95-100.
    Is there such a thing as a social conception of disability? Recently two writers in this journal have suggested not only that there is a coherent social conception of disability but that all non-social conceptions, or “medical models” of disability are fatally flawed. One serious and worrying dimension of their claims is that once the social dimensions of disability have been resolved no seriously “disabling” features remain. This paper examines and rejects conceptions of disability based on social factors but notes (...)
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  7. The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Robert Leech, Peter J. Hellyer, Murray Shanahan, Amanda Feilding, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Dante R. Chialvo & David Nutt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8. Of liberty and necessity: the free will debate in eighteenth-century British philosophy.James A. Harris - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The eighteenth century was a time of brilliant philosophical innovation in Britain. In Of Liberty and Necessity James A. Harris presents the first comprehensive account of the period's discussion of what remains a central problem of philosophy, the question of the freedom of the will. He offers new interpretations of contributions to the free will debate made by canonical figures such as Locke, Hume, Edwards, and Reid, and also discusses in detail the arguments of some less familiar writers. (...) puts the eighteenth-century debate about the will and its freedom in the context of the period's concern with applying what Hume calls the "experimental method of reasoning" to the human mind. His book will be of substantial interest to historians of philosophy and anyone concerned with the free will problem. (shrink)
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  9. Free will.Sam Harris - 2012 - New York: Free Press.
    In this enlightening book, Sam Harris argues that free will is an illusion but that this truth should not undermine morality or diminish the importance of social and political freedom; indeed, this truth can and should change the way we think about some of the most important questions in life.
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  10. From simulation to folk psychology: The case for development.P. F. Harris - 1992 - Mind and Language 7 (1-2):120-144.
  11.  98
    One principle and three fallacies of disability studies.John Harris - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):383-387.
    My critics in this symposium illustrate one principle and three fallacies of disability studies. The principle, which we all share, is that all persons are equal and none are less equal than others. No disability, however slight, nor however severe, implies lesser moral, political or ethical status, worth or value. This is a version of the principle of equality. The three fallacies exhibited by some or all of my critics are the following: Choosing to repair damage or dysfunction or to (...)
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    Would We Even Know Moral Bioenhancement If We Saw It?Harris Wiseman - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):398-410.
    :The term “moral bioenhancement” conceals a diverse plurality encompassing much potential, some elements of which are desirable, some of which are disturbing, and some of which are simply bland. This article invites readers to take a better differentiated approach to discriminating between elements of the debate rather than talking of moral bioenhancement “per se,” or coming to any global value judgments about the idea as an abstract whole. Readers are then invited to consider the benefits and distortions that come from (...)
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  13. The Work of the Imagination.Paul L. Harris - 2000 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book demonstrates how children's imagination makes a continuing contribution to their cognitive and emotional development.
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    Biochemical Individuality: The Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept. Roger J. Williams.Ruth Koski Harris - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (2):140-141.
  15. The good engineer: Giving virtue its due in engineering ethics.Charles E. Harris - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):153-164.
    During the past few decades, engineering ethics has been oriented towards protecting the public from professional misconduct by engineers and from the harmful effects of technology. This “preventive ethics” project has been accomplished primarily by means of the promulgation of negative rules. However, some aspects of engineering professionalism, such as (1) sensitivity to risk (2) awareness of the social context of technology, (3) respect for nature, and (4) commitment to the public good, cannot be adequately accounted for in terms of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Sins of Moral Enhancement Discourse.Harris Wiseman - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83:35-58.
    The chapter will argue that the way current enthusiasm for moral enhancement is articulated in the extant literature is itself morally problematic. The moral evaluation of the discourse will proceed through three stages. First, we shall look at the chequered history of various societies’ attempts to cast evil, character, and generally undesirable behaviour, as biological problems. As will be argued, this is the larger context in which moral enhancement discourse should be understood, and abuses in the recent past and present (...)
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  17. Vexing expectations.Harris Nover & Alan Hájek - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):237-249.
    We introduce a St. Petersburg-like game, which we call the ‘Pasadena game’, in which we toss a coin until it lands heads for the first time. Your pay-offs grow without bound, and alternate in sign (rewards alternate with penalties). The expectation of the game is a conditionally convergent series. As such, its terms can be rearranged to yield any sum whatsoever, including positive infinity and negative infinity. Thus, we can apparently make the game seem as desirable or undesirable as we (...)
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    Cloning and Human Dignity.John Harris - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):163-167.
    The panic occasioned by the birth of Dolly sent international and national bodies and their representatives scurrying for principles with which to allay imagined public anxiety. It is instructive to note that principles are things of which such people and bodies so often seem to be bereft. The search for appropriate principles turned out to be difficult since so many aspects of the Dolly case were unprecedented. In the end, some fascinating examples of more or less plausible candidates for the (...)
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  19. Moral enhancement and freedom.John Harris - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (2):102-111.
    This paper identifies human enhancement as one of the most significant areas of bioethical interest in the last twenty years. It discusses in more detail one area, namely moral enhancement, which is generating significant contemporary interest. The author argues that so far from being susceptible to new forms of high tech manipulation, either genetic, chemical, surgical or neurological, the only reliable methods of moral enhancement, either now or for the foreseeable future, are either those that have been in human and (...)
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  20. Sex selection and regulated hatred.J. Harris - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (5):291-294.
    This paper argues that the HFEA’s recent report on sex selection abdicates its responsibility to give its own authentic advice on the matters within its remit, that it accepts arguments and conclusions that are implausible on the face of it and where they depend on empirical claims, produces no empirical evidence whatsoever, but relies on reckless speculation as to what the “facts” are likely to be. Finally, having committed itself to what I call the “democratic presumption”, that human freedom will (...)
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    Three Argentine Thinkers.Marjorie S. Harris - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (3):470-470.
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    One principle and a fourth fallacy of disability studies.John Harris - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):204-204.
    This brief paper shows that the idea of benefits to the subject compensating for the harms of disability is at best self defeating and at worst sinister. Equally benefits to third parties while real are dubious as compensating factors. This shows that disabilities are just that, a net loss and not a net gain.
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  23.  28
    The substance of Spinoza.Errol E. Harris - 1995 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Harris offers his unique interpretation of Spinoza as a dialectical thinker and addresses other commentators' misunderstandings of some of Spinoza's primary principles. The opening chapters discuss Spinoza's metaphysics and epistemology, the problem of relating finite to infinite in his system, the infinity of the attributes of substance, human nature and the body-mind relation, politics, and religion. The latter part of the book addresses Spinoza's influence on later philosophers and their interpretations of his doctrine. In the course of his discussion, (...)
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  24. Stem Cells, Sex, and Procreation.John Harris - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (4):353-371.
    Sex is not the answer to everything, though young men think it is, but it may be the answer to the intractable debate over the ethics of human embryonic stem cell research. In this paper, I advance one ethical principle that, as yet, has not received the attention its platitudinous character would seem to merit. If found acceptable, this principle would permit the beneficial use of any embryonic or fetal tissue that would, by default, be lost or destroyed. More important, (...)
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  25. Ignorance, information and autonomy.John Harris & Kirsty Keywood - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):415-436.
    People have a powerful interest in geneticprivacy and its associated claim to ignorance,and some equally powerful desires to beshielded from disturbing information are oftenvoiced. We argue, however, that there is nosuch thing as a right to remain in ignorance,where a right is understood as an entitlementthat trumps competing claims. This doesnot of course mean that information must alwaysbe forced upon unwilling recipients, only thatthere is no prima facie entitlement to beprotected from true or honest information aboutoneself. Any claims to be (...)
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  26.  43
    Meaning and Embodiment in Ritual Practice.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):772-796.
    The article explores the interaction of verbal and nonverbal semantic levels in the performance of Christian ritual. The article maps the distinction between theoretical and performative knowledge onto Barnard and Teasdale's Interacting Cognitive Systems model to give a (partial) account of how meaning emerges in ritual participation. With Christian ritual, both know-how and know-that are needed. Above all, it is their interaction that generate the richness of meaning in ritual performance. Three core claims are made. First, many contemporary concepts of (...)
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  27. What's So Logical about the “Logical” Axioms?J. H. Harris - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (2-3):159 - 171.
    Intuitionists and classical logicians use in common a large number of the logical axioms, even though they supposedly mean different things by the logical connectives and quantifiers — conquans for short. But Wittgenstein says The meaning of a word is its use in the language. We prove that in a definite sense the intuitionistic axioms do indeed characterize the logical conquans, both for the intuitionist and the classical logician.
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    In praise of unprincipled ethics.J. Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):303-306.
    In this paper a plea is made for an unprincipled approach to biomedical ethics, unprincipled of course just in the sense that the four principles are neither the start nor the end of the process of ethical reflection. While the four principles constitute a useful “checklist” approach to bioethics for those new to the field, and possibly for ethics committees without substantial ethical expertise approaching new problems, it is an approach which if followed by the bioethics community as a whole (...)
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    Spiritual Intelligence: Participating with Heart, Mind, and Body.Harris Wiseman & Fraser Watts - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):710-718.
    This introductory article to the thematic section on “Spiritual Intelligence” sets out the ways in which spiritual intelligence is currently conceptualized. Most prominently, spiritual intelligence is understood as an adaptive intelligence which enables people to develop their values, vision, and capacity for meaning. Questions arise as to whether spiritual intelligence is a distinct form of intelligence, and how to frame it if it is. It is questionable whether psychometric approaches justify concluding there is a distinct spiritual intelligence, and the authors (...)
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  30. Bisexual mentality.D. F. Fraser-Harris - 1933 - Hibbert Journal 31:571-581.
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    Knowing Slowly: Unfolding the Depths of Meaning.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):719-743.
    The article explores an aspect of spiritual intelligence characterized as a lifelong search for meaning. Slow knowing involves wrestling with perplexity. Periods of such tarrying gradually facilitate an unfolding of meaning. More than just the content of one's knowledge, it is the relationship, the how or manner of one's relationship with meaning that grounds the spiritual generativity of the seeking. Slow knowing is presented as an existential orientation, a lifelong process akin to ongoing conversion. Part 1 distinguishes such slow knowing (...)
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    Theoria to Theory (and Back Again): Integrating Masterman's Writings on Language and Religion.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):797-825.
    This article explores three aspects of Masterman's language work and applies them to questions of spiritual intelligence: metaphor, coherence, and ambiguity. First, metaphor, which is ubiquitous in ordinary language, both leads and misleads in religious and scientific understanding. Masterman's case for a “dual-approach” to thinking, both speculative and critical, is explored and tied to concepts of moral-spiritual development per Pierre Hadot and Hannah Arendt. Second, Masterman's work on machine translation presents semantic disambiguation as an emerging coherence wherein one gradually hones (...)
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    Xenophilia as a Cultural Trap: Bridging the Gap Between Transpersonal Psychology and Religious/ Spiritual Traditions.Harris Friedman - 2009 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 28 (1):107-111.
    Xenophilia, seen as a type of romanticism, is proposed as an explanation for the tendency within transpersonal psychology to privilege so-called exotic religious and spiritual traditions, as opposed to the xenophobic tendency within mainstream Western psychology of religion and spirituality to privilege the Judeo-Christian tradition. Claims made in a recent article published in a major psychology journal that Buddhism does not rest on supernatural faith and is the most psychological spiritual tradition are challenged as examples of this type of romanticism. (...)
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  34. Confession-Building, Long-Distance Networks, and the Organization of Jesuit Science.Steven J. Harris - 1996 - Early Science and Medicine 1 (3):287-318.
    The ability of the Society of Jesus to engage in a broad and enduring tradition of scientific activity is here addressed in terms of its programmatic commitment to the consolidation and extension of the Catholic confession and its mastery of the administrative apparatus necessary to operate long-distance networks. The Society's early move into two major apostolates, one in education and the other in the overseas missions, brought Jesuits into regular contact with the educated elites of Europe and at the same (...)
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  35. Data models and the acquisition and manipulation of data.Todd Harris - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1508-1517.
    This paper offers an account of data manipulation in scientific experiments. It will be shown that in many cases raw, unprocessed data is not produced, but rather a form of processed data that will be referred to as a data model. The language of data models will be used to provide a framework within which to understand a recent debate about the status of data and data manipulation. It will be seen that a description in terms of data models allows (...)
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    A long view of fashions in cancer research.Henry Harris - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):833-838.
    Despite the spectacular contributions to knowledge made by molecular biology during the last half century, cancer research has not delivered an agreed explanation of how malignant tumours originate. The models assiduously investigated in molecular terms largely reflect waves of fashion, and time has revealed their inadequacy: cancer is (1) not caused by the direct action of oncogenes, (2) not fully explained by the impairment of tumour suppressor genes, (3) not set in motion by mutations controlling the cell cycle, (4) not (...)
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    Midrash for the Masses: The Uses (and Abuses) of the Term ‘Midrash’ in Contemporary Feminist Discourse.Deborah Kahn-Harris - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (3):295-308.
    This paper begins by attempting to define midrash as a distinct genre of classical rabbinic literature in order to understand the significance of the term in contemporary discourse. It will then examine what Jewish feminists mean when they apply the term, midrash, to their work and consider the extent to which such appropriation is useful or reasonable. The paper will then outline, with my own suggestions, how midrash might be usefully appropriated for feminist ends and the paper will conclude with (...)
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    The Link between the Shape of the Spirit Known as “Beautiful Soul” and the “Bad Infinite” in the Philosophy of Hegel.Carlos Víctor Alfaro - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:158-181.
    Resumen: Varios comentaristas han sostenido que la ontología de la concepción hegeliana de “alma bella” se funda en la determinación conocida como “mal infinito”, desarrollada en la Doctrina del Ser. En correlación con lo antedicho, comentaristas como Paha, Hinchman, Solomon y Harris sostienen que Hegel pensaba en el sistema filosófico fichteano al momento de desarrollar su concepción de “alma bella”. Sin embargo, esta hipótesis de lectura adolece de algunas falencias que serán desarrolladas a continuación. En primer lugar, (...)
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  39. Friendship as Shared Joy in Nietzsche.Daniel I. Harris - 2015 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 19 (1):199-221.
    Nietzsche criticizes the shared suffering of compassion as a basis for ethics, yet his challenge to overcome compassion seeks not to extinguish all fellow feeling but instead urges us to transform the way we relate to others, to learn to share not suffering but joy. For Schopenhauer, we act morally when we respond to another’s suffering, while we are mistrustful of the joys of others. Nietzsche turns to the type of relationality exempli!ied by friendship, understood as shared joy, in order (...)
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    If Only AIDS Were Different!John Harris & Søren Holm - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):6-12.
    In most Western European countries and North America, strategies to contain the spread of AIDS have emphasized civil liberties. This may be due more to the epidemiology of the disease than to moral progress.
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    Performance Measurement for Voluntary Codes: An Opportunity and a Challenge.Howard Harris - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):549-566.
  42. Organizing knowledge syntheses: A taxonomy of literature reviews.Harris M. Cooper - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (1):104-126.
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    (1 other version)The Oxford handbook of the phenomenology of music cultures.Harris M. Berger, Friedlind Riedel & David VanderHamm (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A source of profound insights into human existence and the nature of lived experience, phenomenology is among the most influential intellectual movements of the last hundred years. The Oxford Handbook of the Phenomenology of Music Cultures brings ideas from the phenomenological tradition of Continental European philosophy into conversation with theoretical, ethnographic, and historical work from ethnomusicology, anthropology, sound studies, folklore studies, and allied disciplines to develop new perspectives on musical practices and auditory cultures.
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  44. The concept of the person and the value of life.John Harris - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (4):293-308.
    : The concept of the person has come to be intimately connected with questions about the value of life. It is applied to those sorts of beings who have some special value or moral importance and where we need to prioritize the needs or claims of different sorts of individuals. "Person" is a concept designating individuals like us in some important respects, but possibly including individuals who are very unlike us in other respects. What are these respects and why are (...)
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    The age-indifference principle and equality.John Harris - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (1):93-99.
    The question of whether or not either elderly people or those whose life expectancy is short have commensurately reduced claims on their fellows, have, in short, fewer or less powerful rights than others, is of vital importance but is one that has seldom been adequately examined. Despite ringing proclamations of justice and equality for all, the fact is that most societies discriminate between citizens on the basis both of age and life expectancy.
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    A new look at Austin's linguistic phenomenology.James F. Harris - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (3):384-390.
  47. Assisted reproductive technological blunders (ARTBs).John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):205-206.
    When things go wrong with assisted reproduction we should look at what’s best for everyone in the particular circumstancesA RTBs, as we must now call them, are becoming more and more frequent. In the recent United Kingdom case Mr and Mrs A, a “white” couple, gave birth to twins described as “black”. The mix up apparently occurred because a Mr and Mrs B, a “black” couple, were being treated in the same clinic and Mrs A’s eggs were fertilised with Mr (...)
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    Editors’ Introduction.Harris Friedman & Douglas A. MacDonald - 2005 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 24 (1):ii-iii.
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    Transpersonal and Other Models of Spiritual Development.Harris Friedman, Stanley Krippner, Linda Riebel & Chad Johnson - 2010 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 29 (1):79-84.
    This chapter focuses on exploring various models of spiritual development. It first addresses philosophical dilemmas underpinning the concept of spiritual development by questioning whether these can be addressed without metaphysical assumptions embedded in religious worldviews and thus understood in any consensual way across different historical and cultural contexts. Traditional models of spiritual development are then reviewed, drawing from indigenous, Eastern, and Western cultures. Integrative-philosophical and scientific models, including those from the psychology of religion, transpersonal psychology, and neurobiology, are then presented. (...)
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    Beyond the postmodern: space and place for the early 21st century.Harris Breslow & Antje Ziethen (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    Almost as rapidly as it was conceived, the claim that we have entered an era characterised as 'postmodern' has become highly disputed, and many of the contesting claims do so by mobilising conceptions of space and place and their relationship to apparatuses of movement. Recent scholarship has explored the fact that we are living in a world characterised by an exponential increase of flow, mobility, virtuality and technology. Hence, the notion of postmodernity has been rivalled by alternative concepts such as (...)
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