Results for 'Jan Almäng'

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  1.  89
    Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday.Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.) - 2013 - Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    During the last decades, Ingvar Johansson has made a formidable contribution to the development of philosophy in general and perhaps especially to the development of metaphysics. This volume consists of original papers written by 50 philosophers from all over the world in honour of Ingvar Johansson to celebrate his 70th birthday. The papers cover traditional issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, applied ethics and applied metaphysics, the nature of human rights, the philosophy of economics and sports. Some of (...)
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  2. Time, Mode and Perceptual Content.Jan Almäng - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (4):425-439.
    Francois Recanati has recently argued that each perceptual state has two distinct kinds of content, complete and explicit content. According to Recanati, the former is a function of the latter and the psychological mode of perception. Furthermore, he has argued that explicit content is temporally neutral and that time-consciousness is a feature of psychological mode. In this paper it is argued, pace Recanati, that explicit content is not temporally neutral. Recanati’s position is initially presented. Three desiderata for a theory of (...)
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  3. Perceiving Exploding Tropes.Jan Almäng - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (1):42-62.
    The topic of this paper is the perception of properties. It is argued that the perception of properties allows for a distinction between the sense of the identity and the sense of the qualitative nature of a property. So, for example, we might perceive a property as being identical over time even though it is presented as more and more determinate. Thus, you might see an object first as red and then as crimson red. In this case, the property is (...)
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    (1 other version)An Argument Against Disjunctivism.Jan Almang - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--15.
    According to disjunctivism the object of perception is a part of the perceptual experience. This however raises the question of what the other constituents of the perceptual experience might be. In this paper I suggest that there may be no answer to this question that does not violate another core claim of disjunctivism, viz. that veridical perceptual experiences are experiences of different kinds than hallucinatory experiences.
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    War, vagueness and hybrid war.Jan Almäng - 2019 - Defence Studies 19 (2):189-204.
    It has frequently been observed in the literature on hybrid wars that there is a grey zone between peace and war, and that hybrid wars are conflicts which are not clear cases of war. In this paper, I attempt to illuminate this grey zone and the concept and nature of war from the philosophical discussions of vagueness and institutional facts. Vague terms are characterized by the fact that there is no non-arbitrary boundary between entities which lie in their extension, and (...)
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  6. Affordances and the nature of perceptual content.Jan Almäng - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (2):161-177.
    According to John McDowell, representational perceptual content is conceptual through and through. This paper criticizes this view by claiming that there is a certain kind of representational and non-conceptual perceptual content that is sensitive to bodily skills. After a brief introduction to McDowell's position, Merleau-Ponty's notion of body schema and Gibson's notion of affordance are presented. It is argued that affordances are constitutive of representational perceptual content, and that at least some affordances, the so-called 'conditional affordances', are essentially related to (...)
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  7. Tense as a Feature of Perceptual Content.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (7):361-378.
    In recent years the idea that perceptual content is tensed in the sense that we can perceive objects as present or as past has come under attack. In this paper the notion of tensed content is to the contrary defended. The paper argues that assuming that something like an intentionalistic theory of perception is correct, it is very reasonable to suppose that perceptual content is tensed, and that a denial of this notion requires a denial of some intuitively very plausible (...)
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  8.  88
    Chalmers’ Argument from Relativity.Jan Almäng - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):2047-2052.
    David Chalmers has recently argued that Relativity Theory supports the notion that shapes are Twin-Earthable. In this paper this argument is challenged. I reconstruct the argument in five steps where the last step is the conclusion. I proceed to argue that one step in the argument can be interpreted in two different ways. The problem is that on the first interpretation of the step, the conclusion does not follow. And on the second interpretation of the step, it contradicts a previous (...)
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  9.  65
    A problem for extensional theories of time-consciousness.Jan Almäng - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14865-14880.
    Extensionalist theories of the specious present suggest that every perceptual experience is extended in time for a short while, such that they are co-extensive in time with the time experienced in them. Thus, there can be no experience of time, unless the experience itself is extended in time. Accordingly, there must be something that unites the temporal parts of a perceptual experience into temporally extended wholes. I call this the “glue-problem for extensionalism”. In this paper I suggest three desiderata that (...)
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  10. The Causal Self‐Referential Theory of Perception Revisited.Jan Almäng - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (1):29-53.
    This is a paper about The Causal Self-Referential Theory of Perception. According to The Causal Self-Referential Theory as developed by above all John Searle and David Woodruff Smith, perceptual content is satisfied by an object only if the object in question has caused the perceptual experience. I argue initially that Searle's account cannot explain the distinction between hallucination and illusion since it requires that the state of affairs that is presented in the perceptual experience must exist in order for the (...)
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  11. An Argument for Shape Internalism.Jan Almäng - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):819-836.
    This paper is a defense of an internalist view of the perception of shapes. A basic assumption of the paper is that perceptual experiences have certain parts which account both for the phenomenal character associated with perceiving shapes—phenomenal shapes—and for the intentional content presenting shapes—intentional shapes. Internalism about perceptions of shapes is defined as the claim that phenomenal shapes determine the intentional shapes. Externalism is defined as the claim that perceptual experiences represent whatever shape the phenomenal shape reliably tracks. The (...)
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  12. Perception, Non-Propositional Content and the Justification of Perceptual Judgments.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Metaphysica 15 (1):1-23.
    It is often argued that for a perceptual experience to be able to justify perceptual judgments, the perceptual experience must have a propositional content. For, it is claimed, only propositions can bear logical relations such as implication to each other. In this paper, this claim is challenged. It is argued that whereas perceptions and judgments both have intentional content, their contents have different structures. Perceptual content does not have a propositional structure. Perceptions and judgments can nevertheless have the same cognitive (...)
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  13. Two Kinds of Time-Consciousness and Three Kinds of Content.Jan Almäng - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (1):61-80.
    This paper explores the distinction between perceiving an object as extended in time, and experiencing a sequence of perceptions. I argue that this distinction cannot be adequately described by any present theory of time-consciousness and that in order to solve the puzzle, we need to consider perceptual content as having three distinct constituents: Explicit content, which has a particular phenomenal character, modal content, or the kind of content that is contributed by the psychological mode, and implicit content, which lacks phenomenal (...)
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  14. Russellian Propositions and Properties.Jan Almäng - 2012 - Metaphysica 13 (1):7-25.
    This paper discusses a problem for Russellian propositions. According to Russellianism, each word in a sentence contributes its referent to the proposition expressed by the sentence. Russellian propositions have normally been conceived of as problematic for two reasons, viz. they cannot account for the unity of the proposition and they have problems with non-referring singular names. In this paper, I argue that Russellianism also faces a problem with respect to properties. It is inconsistent with both traditional realism and trope-theories. The (...)
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  15. Perceptual Transparency and Perceptual Constancy.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (1):1-19.
    A central topic in discussions about qualia concerns their purported transparency. According to transparency theorists, an experience is transparent in the sense that the subject having the experience is aware of nothing but the intended object of the experience. In this paper this notion is criticized for failing to account for the dynamical aspects of perception. A key assumption in the paper is that perceptual content has a certain temporal depth, in the sense that each act of perception can present (...)
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  16.  96
    The Impoverished Representations of Brains in Vats.Jan Almäng - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (3):475-494.
    In the present paper, the notion that brains in vats with perceptual experiences of the same type as ours could perceptually represent other entities than shapes is challenged. Whereas it is often held that perceptual experiences with the same phenomenal character as ours could represent computational properties, I argue that this is not the case for shapes. My argument is in brief that the phenomenal character of a normal visual experience exemplifies shapes – phenomenal shapes – which functions as the (...)
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  17.  77
    Twin Earth and perceptual content.Jan Almäng - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6089-6109.
    This paper presents a framework for analysing perceptual Twin Earth thought experiments. Visual content normally has an analogue character, and it is argued in this paper that this sets certain constraints on the extent to which Twin Earth thought experiments can be successful. The argumentation in the paper is developed by using examples from visual spatial content. It is argued that visual spatial content can only be “twin-earthed” in a very limited way. Whereas the metrics of space can be twin-earthed, (...)
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  18.  60
    A Note on Shapes.Jan Almäng - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40:469-471.
    It has recently been argued that the Special Theory of Relativity entails that shapes are not intrinsic properties of objects. Rather, they are properties an object has only relative to an inertial frame. In this discussion note I argue that this position, while correct, is incomplete. Objects have frame-dependent shapes because they have an intrinsic property that is the same in all inertial frames.
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  19. Heidegger on Sinn.Jan Almäng - 2008 - Philosophical Communications.
    This paper is an exegetical study of Heidegger’s concept of Sinn (meaning). Heidegger’s comments regarding the notion is analysed from three different perspective: In the first section, the relationship between Sinn and worldhood is analysed. The conclusion is that an entity can have Sinn for Dasein, only insofar it can enter into the network of functional relations constituting the world. Since the world is constituted by social practices and customs, Sinn is also derivately thus constituted. In the second section, the (...)
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  20. McDowell's Naturalism.Jan Almäng - 2006 - In Björn Haglund & Helge Malmgren (eds.), Kvantifikator För En Dag - Essays Dedicated to Dag Westerståhl on His Sixtieth Birthday. Philosophical Communications.
    This is an essay on McDowell’s naturalism. It is, pace some commentators, argued that McDowell’s naturalism does not end up in any strange metaphysical positions in the philosophy of mind, because second nature non-reductively supervenes on first nature and have causal powers. Pace certain other commentators, it is also argued that McDowell can be read as drawing a clear line between ethical platonism, and his own naturalized platonism, but only at the cost of landing in standard naturalism.
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    Does Conditional Affordance Imply Representational Non-Conceptual Content?Huang Xiang - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8 (3):485-497.
  22. Kapten Mnemos Kolumbarium.Felix Larsson (ed.) - 2005 - Gothenburg, Sweden: Philosophical Communications.
    Festschrift for prof. Helge Malmgren. -/- Contents: • Kristoffer Ahlström: Two Levels of Epistemic Inquiry; • Jan Almäng: Till frågan om trancendentala argument; • Kent Gustavsson: Perceptionens gåta; • Björn Haglund: Some Notes on Induction; • Ingvar Johansson: Money and Fictions; • Frank Lorentzon: Intuition och kunskap; • Ingmar Persson: Double Effect Troubles; • Filip Radovic: Wittgenstein om tautologier och andra logiska satser; • Claes Strannegård: Anthropomorphic Artificial Intelligence; • Bolof Stridbeck: Den motbjudande slutsatsen & den plågade filosofen; • Christer (...)
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    Logique et mathématique chez Bernard Bolzano.Jan Sebestik - 1992 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  24.  7
    Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter.Jan Pinborg - 1985 - Aschendorff.
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
  26.  3
    You and the State: A Short Introduction to Political Philosophy.Jan Narveson (ed.) - 2008 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This unusual introduction to political philosophy draws on its history and main theories_classic liberal, democratic, socialist, radical_with an eye to how each sees the place of the individual in the political order.
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  27. Twardowski and the Distinction between Content and Object.Jan Wolenski - 1998 - Brentano Studien 8:15-35.
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  28. Naturalism and the Genesis of Logic.Jan Woleński - 2012 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 27 (40).
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    Kacířské eseje o filosofii dějin.Jan Patočka - 1990
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    Workspace and sensorimotor theories: Complementary approaches to experience.Jan Degenaar & Fred Keijzer - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):77-102.
    A serious difficulty for theories of consciousness is to go beyond mere correlation between physical processes and experience. Currently, neural workspace and sensorimotor contingency theories are two of the most promising approaches to make any headway here. This paper explores the relation between these two sets of theories. Workspace theories build on large-scale activity within the brain. Sensorimotor theories include external processes in their explanations, stressing the sensorimotor contingencies that arise from our interaction with the environment. Despite the basic differences, (...)
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  31. Bibliografia prac Henryka Elzenberga.Jan Zubelewicz - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 253 (12).
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    Liberté et sacrifice: écrits politiques#Btrad. du tchèque et de l'allemand Erika Abrams#Bpostf. Anne-Marie Roviello.Jan Patocka - 1990 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    Rassemblant douze textes rédigés entre 1934 et 1976, ce recueil remet les Essais hérétiques en perspective en permettant de saisir quelques-unes des principales lignes de force qui font l'unité intime de l'œuvre de Patocka et communiquent à sa pensée la tonalité et la tension éthiques qui lui donnent son éclat particulier à l'intérieur du mouvement phénoménologique. Ligne de force de la liberté en tant qu'expérience fondamentale de l'être historique qu'est l'homme, transcendance qui, dans sa négativité, rejoint le " pas en (...)
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  33. Ecological optics and the creative eye.Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. Van Doorn, Larry Arend & Heiko Hecht - 2002 - In D. Heyer (ed.), Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons.
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    Existe-t-il un canon définitif de la vie philosophique?Jan Patočka - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 10:186-189.
    L’inquiétude de la totalité de la vie, qui s’éveille chez certains esprits, les amène à créer des représentations canoniques, types de vie stylisée et unifiée. Les philosophes sont des créateurs de « canons » de vie philosophique ; mais on peut se demander s’il est possible de dresser un tableau idéal du philosophe qui pourrait lui servir en même temps de norme et de critère. Non, car la vie philosophique est un mouvement, un « acte imparfait » dont la fin (...)
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  35. Perception from the phenomenal stance.Jan Degenaar - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
  36. Etyka naturalna.Jan Trąbka - 2005 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 6:29-46.
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  37. Egzystencjalizacja przeżyć (selfu).Jan Trąbka - 2001 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 7.
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  38. Fenomenologia świadomości (S).Jan Trąbka - 1996 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 2.
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    Filozofia filmu i teatru.Jan Trzynadlowski (ed.) - 1992 - Wrocław: Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
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    Evropa a doba poevropská.Jan Patočka - 1992
  41. Is Government a Mistake? Exploring the Anarchist Option.Jan Narveson - unknown
    Bastiat's great contribution to economics, in his own view, was his identification of service as the source of economic value. What is anything worth to anybody? In the cases where we are not dealing with what our fellow men do for us, the answer is to be found in its utility - how much the thing contributes to our satisfaction. In the case where we deal with our fellows, we are interested specifically in what they can do for us, that (...)
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    Aristoteles, jeho předchůdci a dědicové.Jan Patočka - 1964 - Praha,: Nakl. Československé akademie věd.
    Monografie interpretuje a hodnotí pouze jeden rys Aristotelova učení, filosofii přírody, zejména ontologický problém pohybu. Tento problém sleduje od předsokratovských myslitelů až do doby, kdy Hegel obnovil původní.
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    The Craig, Robinson and Beth theorems for the modal logic of closure spaces.Jan Plaza - 1986 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 15 (1):15-18.
    The first order modal logic of closure spaces belongs to the class of equationally definable standard modal logics . One can say, it satisfies no version of the deduction lemma. Nevertheless the Robinson and Beth theorems can be proved by means of an interpretation of modal theories in classical ones. LCS is described in [1], [2], [3], [4]. The logics obtained by adjoining axioms of quasi-equality or of equality to LCS are denoted by LCSQE and LCSE.
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  44. Problemy semiotyki i logiki norm.Jan Woleński - 1993 - Studia Semiotyczne 18:141-149.
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    Remarks on Identity across Possible Worlds.Jan Wolenski - 2008 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 37 (3/4):273-287.
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  46. Uzupełnienia do \"Filozoficznej szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej\".Jan Woleński - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 253 (12).
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  47. Zawiść czy coś innego.Jan Woleński - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 32 (4):191-200.
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  48. Tocqueville’owska wizja despotyzmu.Jan Zubelewicz - 1989 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 34.
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    Phänomenologie und Egologie: Faktisches und transzendentales Ego bei Edmund Husserl.Jan M. Broekman - 1963 - Den Haag: Springer.
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  50. Libertarianism, Welfare Rights, and a Welfare State.Jan Wilbanks - 1988 - Reason Papers 13:8-18.
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