Results for 'Cristiano Vezzoni'

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  1.  18
    Territorial Context and Voting Behaviour in the 2006 Elections: A Multilevel Approach.Cristiano Vezzoni - 2008 - Polis 22 (2):193-220.
  2.  19
    Stuck Outside and Inside: An Exploratory Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Italian Parents and Children’s Internalizing Symptoms.Cristiano Crescentini, Susanna Feruglio, Alessio Matiz, Andrea Paschetto, Enrico Vidal, Paola Cogo & Franco Fabbro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  3.  20
    Roberto Cartocci, Geografia dell'Italia cattolica.C. Vezzoni - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (3):435-438.
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    The Cognitive-Motivational Compound of Emotional Experience.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Maria Miceli - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):223-231.
    We present an analysis of emotional experience in terms of beliefs and desires viewed as its minimal cognitive constituents. We argue that families of emotions can be identified because their members share some of these constituents. To document this claim, we analyze one family of emotions—which includes the feeling of inferiority, admiration, envy, and jealousy—trying to show that the distinctiveness of each emotion is due to the specific compound of beliefs and desires it implies, whereas the kinship among related emotions (...)
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  5.  15
    Modelling social action for AI agents.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):157-182.
  6.  49
    Decolonizing Philosophy of Technology: Learning from Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Decolonial Technical Design.Cristiano Codeiro Cruz - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1847-1881.
    The decolonial theory understands that Western Modernity keeps imposing itself through a triple mutually reinforcing and shaping imprisonment: coloniality of power, coloniality of knowledge, and coloniality of being. Technical design has an essential role in either maintaining or overcoming coloniality. In this article, two main approaches to decolonizing the technical design are presented. First is Yuk Hui’s and Ahmed Ansari’s proposals that, revisiting or recovering the different histories and philosophies of technology produced by humankind, intend to decolonize the minds of (...)
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  7.  26
    Formalising the informal?Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2003 - Journal of Applied Logic 1 (1-2):47-92.
  8.  33
    The rise of a microparadigm in oncology.Paolo Vezzoni, Maria Rosa Pozzi & Anna Villa - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (1):57-67.
    The study of the history of ideas is usually devoted to big problems and to concluded debates. We have attempted to analyze a current theory whose fate and explanatory power is still not determined. The term microparadigm is used to define a currently and widely accepted theory limited in time and in the field of application, compared to the greater problems usually investigated by historians of science. Among the characteristics defining a microparadigm we found: 1) the status of an accepted (...)
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    Why argue? Towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (1):71-91.
    This article proposes a cost-benefit analysis of argumentation, with the aim of highlighting the strategic considerations that govern the agent's decision to argue or not. In spite of its paramount importance, the topic of argumentative decision-making has not received substantial attention in argumentation theories so far. We offer an explanation for this lack of consideration and propose a tripartite taxonomy and detailed description of the strategic reasons considered by arguers in their decision-making: benefits, costs, and dangers. We insist that the (...)
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  10.  30
    Research ethics and Indigenous Peoples: Repercussions of returning Yanomami blood samples.Cristiano Guedes & Silvia Guimarães - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):209-215.
    This work presents the case of the Yanomami indigenous people from Brazil that were the object of US ethnography initiated in the 1960s. The research brought harmful repercussions to the life of the Indigenous people of Brazil for several decades, and it took more than 40 years until the beginning of a process of reparation involving the Brazilian government and American universities. Objective: to discuss the meaning of the return of Yanomami blood samples, as well as contributions from the epistemologies (...)
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    Decolonial Approaches to Technical Design.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz - 2022 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):115-146.
    Decolonial approaches to technical design are part of a broader category of design methodologies, which actualize unfulfilled sociotechnical potentialities. In this paper, I present some decolonial theory concepts and discuss three decolonial approaches to illuminate philosophical debates that: 1) Can find in them clear traces of a third set of elements that shape every design/technology, along with the well-analyzed technical-scientific and ethical-political ones. In dialogue with Walter Vincenti and some others, I call these elements structured procedures, imagery lexicon, and aesthetical (...)
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  12.  13
    Valores estéticos, acervos imagéticos e procedimentos estruturados: ampliando e descolonizando a reflexão filosófica sobre a tecnologia.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (spe):207-230.
    ABSTRACT: Since the 1980s, technical-scientific knowledge, instrumental and cognitive values as well as ethical-political values are acknowledged as constitutive parts of technology and its development. However, a fourth category of elements that shapes design continues to be largely neglected or unknown: image collections, aesthetical values, and structured procedures. Disregarding such elements impose limits on the technical development. In this manuscript, I present this fourth category elements, its impact on the designing practice, and a way of pluralizing its contents. I also (...)
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  13.  33
    Paulo Freire, ensino, história e os desafios da contemporaneidade.Cristiano Biazzo Simon & Joan Pagès Blanch - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (1):117-142.
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  14. (1 other version)Seccion monografica: Cristianos de al-Andalus y mozarabes.Cristianos de al-Andalus - forthcoming - Al-Qantara Xv/2.
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  15. The role of beliefs in goal dynamics: prolegomena to a constructive theory of intentions.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2007 - Synthese 155 (2):237-263.
    In this article we strive to provide a detailed and principled analysis of the role of beliefs in goal processing—that is, the cognitive transition that leads from a mere desire to a proper intention. The resulting model of belief-based goal processing has also relevant consequences for the analysis of intentions, and constitutes the necessary core of a constructive theory of intentions, i.e. a framework that not only analyzes what an intention is, but also explains how it becomes what it is. (...)
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    Alan Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):293-299.
  17.  19
    The Micro-Macro Constitution of Power.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2003 - ProtoSociology 18:208-265.
    Our focus is the dialectic relationship between personal, social, collective, and institutional powers; that is the Proteus-like nature of power; “how power produces power”, how one form of power founds another form of it. Even the magic, “count as”, performative power of institutional acts is given from the institution to the lay-agent, but hidden is given to the institution by the acceptance and conformity of the mass of people. We provide an ‘ontology’ of personal powers, deriving from them (plus the (...)
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  18.  28
    Making Heredity Matter: Samuel Butler’s Idea of Unconscious Memory.Cristiano Turbil - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (1):7-29.
    Butler’s idea of evolution was developed over the publication of four books, several articles and essays between 1863 and 1890. These publications, although never achieving the success expected by Butler, proposed a psychological elaboration of evolution, called ‘unconscious memory’. This was strongly in contrast with the materialistic approach suggested by Darwin’s natural selection. Starting with a historical introduction, this paper aspires to ascertain the logic, meaning and significance of Butler’s idea of ‘unconscious memory’ in the post-Darwinian physiological and psychological Pan-European (...)
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  19.  21
    O projeto de memória de Aarão Reis.Cristiano Alencar Arrais - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (3).
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  20.  49
    Pretense as deceptive behavioral communication.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2016 - Pragmatics and Cognition 23 (1):16-52.
    Our claim in this paper is that a theory of “pretense” (in all its crucial uses in human society and cognition) can be built only if it is grounded on the general theory of “behavioral implicit communication” (BIC), which is not to be confused with non-verbal communication (with distinct notions being frequently conflated, such as “signs” vs. “messages”, or goal as “intention” vs. goal as “function”). Pretense presupposes some BIC-based human interaction, where a normal, practical behavior is used for signifying (...)
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  21. Bom, completo, funcionando. Estágios e experiências temporárias de jovens pesquisadores na Argentina.Javier Cristiano, Ana Inés Lázzaro & Guido Montali - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:367-393.
    O artigo apresenta resultados iniciais de uma investigação sobre o modo como os jovens pesquisadores do Conicet utilizam e vivenciam o tempo em suas práticas cotidianas. O ponto de partida é que a inserção de lógicas competitivas de avaliação e acreditação tem como efeito o aumento dos níveis de produtividade necessários para alcançar e sustentar postos de trabalho, o que em termos temporais se traduz numa racionalização da equação tempo/resultados e em diferentes formas, ambas objetivas e subjetivo, da pressão do (...)
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  22.  11
    Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity.Cristiano Casalini (ed.) - 2019 - Brill.
    In _Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity_ Cristiano Casalini collects eighteen contributions by renowned specialists to track the existence and distinctiveness of Jesuit philosophy during the first century since the inception of the order.
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  23.  21
    Aprender, pesquisar e filmar: dimensões de atuação do documentarista-cartógrafo em oficinas de cinema.Cristiano Barbosa - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (63).
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  24.  24
    A questão da invenção- Uma reflexão sobre O conhecimento em Leibniz.Cristiano Bonneau - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:89-104.
    Leibniz é um contumaz crítico das filosofias da tradição e de seus contemporâneos. No que se refere à questão do conhecimento, existe na filosofia leibniziana uma oposição clara às gnosiologias mais influentes e determinantes de seu tempo, no caso do cartesianismo, do empirismo e até mesmo do intuicionismo espinoseano. O ecletismo de Leibniz tomou forma a partir de suas críticas, que, segundo algumas interpretações, intentavam conciliar os mais diletos pontos de vista. No entanto, o pensamento de Leibniz envereda por outros (...)
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  25.  18
    The Goals of Norms.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2011 - In Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski (eds.), Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag. pp. 173-190.
    Norms are tools for manipulating human conduct through the manipulation of our goals and choices. It is impossible to understand the efficacy and working of norms without a modeling of how Ns work in our mind and how do they cut or give us goals. They are built for that. Thus, a sophisticated ontology of goals is necessary. Ns also have goals and have “functions”: a different kind of goal. We do not understand and intend all the functions of Ns. (...)
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  26.  15
    Virgilian Echoes in the Aenigmata Symposii: Two Unnoticed Technopaignia.Cristiano Castelletti & Pierre Siegenthaler - 2016 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 160 (1):133-150.
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  27.  23
    Criticando e avançando o construtivismo crítico a partir do sul global.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):61-84.
    Andrew Feenberg is an essential author in the field of philosophy of technology. His ideas are particularly relevant in revealing the political dimension of technology, be it shaping society or being shaped by society. However, current Feenberg’s reflection fails to consider the internal domain of technical disciplines more rigorously. Indeed, he usually stops his analysis in the border between lifeworld (where the democratizing mobilizations occur and new/different requirements or values arise) and the technical disciplines. To identify and overcome this failure, (...)
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    La filosofia di Carlo Sini: semiotica, ermeneutica e pensiero delle pratiche.Luciano Cristiano - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  29. Quilombos virtuais: as novas expressões de (re)territorialização, resistência, ativismo e empoderamento negro nas redes sociais.Cristiano Henrique dos Santos & Renata Nascimento da Silva - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 26 (1).
    O presente artigo busca analisar os processos, fluxos e refluxos, de desterritorialização e territorialização, no contexto da diáspora negra no Brasil. Através dos conceitos de quilombismo e comunidade, examinará as comunidades virtuais “Ponte para Pretx” e “Intelectuais Negras: escrita de si mesma” localizadas no Facebook, articulando ponderações e reflexões em torno dos processos de empoderamento negro, ativismo, solidariedade e resistência negra, nucleados na ideia de comunidade virtual. Desta maneira, através dos pressupostos da hermenêutica histórica, a pesquisa demonstrará de que maneira (...)
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  30.  22
    Mindfulness meditation and explicit and implicit indicators of personality and self-concept changes.Cristiano Crescentini & Viviana Capurso - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  31.  79
    Intentions in the Light of Goals.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):103-116.
    This paper presents a systematic analysis of the various steps of goal-processing and intention creation, as the final outcome of goal-driven action generation. Intention theory has to be founded on goal theory: intentions require means-end reasoning and planning, conflict resolution, coherence. The process of intention formation and intentional action execution is strictly based on specific sets of beliefs (predictions, evaluations, calculation of costs, responsibility beliefs, competence, etc.). The origin of an intention is not necessarily a “desire” (which is just a (...)
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  32.  26
    Effects of an 8-week meditation program on the implicit and explicit attitudes toward religious/spiritual self-representations.Cristiano Crescentini, Cosimo Urgesi, Fabio Campanella, Roberto Eleopra & Franco Fabbro - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:266-280.
  33.  25
    Marginal Themes.Cristiano Vidali - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):201-219.
    Among the research that nowadays deals with the impact of digital technologies on attention, little is concerned with problematizing the theoretical premises about the nature of this cognitive faculty. Hence, even highly credited studies on digital distraction draw their conclusions from underexamined models of attention, despite them not being the only ones available. In our article we intend to focus on this problem, starting by discussing two case studies in the field of cognitive psychology and trying to show their theoretical (...)
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  34.  12
    Dinâmica do conhecimento.Cristiano Bonneau - 2021 - In Marcos Nicolau (ed.), Nada é sem Razão. pp. 3-11.
    O tema “predicado no sujeito” (praedicatum inest subjecto) constitui-se em um importante fundamento na filosofia de Leibniz, na medida em que esta noção organiza do ponto de vista lógico, várias questões da filosofia leibniziana, como a lógica, a linguagem, a epistemologia e a metafísica. Nesse texto, trataremos dessa noção a partir de uma leitura metafísica da substância em Leibniz, que busca dar o máximo de realidade possível aos seres criados por Deus. O ser, na dimensão do sujeito e de suas (...)
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  35.  6
    Antrum platonicum: l'ombra dell'alterità antropologica e la sfinge gnoseologica.Cristiano Camporesi - 1999 - Milano: Franco Angeli.
  36. A questão das competências na formação profissional do professor: elementos para impulsionar o debate.Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi, Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite & Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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  37.  55
    Prescribed mental attitudes in goal-adoption and Norm-adoption.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (1):37-50.
    The general aim of this work is to show the importance of the adressee's mind as planned by the author of a speech act or of a norm; in particular, how important are the expected motivations for goal adoption. We show that speech acts differ from one another for the different motivations the speaker is attempting to obtain from the hearer. The description of the participants' social positions is not sufficient. Important conflicts can arise which are not relative to what (...)
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  38.  56
    Is it a promise or a threat?Cristiano Castelfranchi & Marco Guerini - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (2):277-311.
    In this paper we analyse the concepts of Promise and Threat and their inter-relations. Our objective is to study the uses of P and T in persuasion and to shed some light on related concepts such as requesting, ordering, giving prizes, punishing, etc. First, we show that some Ps and Ts are used for persuasion and some are conditional in nature. Using general definitions of P and T and a broad notion of persuasion, four different typologies of P and T (...)
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  39.  21
    Organization, Maturation, and Plasticity of Multisensory Integration: Insights from Computational Modeling Studies.Cristiano Cuppini, Elisa Magosso & Mauro Ursino - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  40.  91
    Minds as social institutions.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):121-143.
    I will first discuss how social interactions organize, coordinate, and specialize as “artifacts,” tools; how these tools are not only for coordination but for achieving something, for some outcome (goal/function), for a collective work. In particular, I will argue that these artifacts specify (predict and prescribe) the mental contents of the participants, both in terms of beliefs and acceptances and in terms of motives and plans. We have to revise the behavioristic view of “scripts” and “roles”; when we play a (...)
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  41.  64
    Through the agents' minds: Cognitive mediators of social action.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2000 - Mind and Society 1 (1):109-140.
    Thesis: Macro-level social phenomena are implemented through the (social) actions and minds of the individuals. Without an explicit theory of the agents' minds that founds, agents' behavior we cannot understand macro-level social phenomena, and in particular how they work. AntiThesis: Mind is not enough: the theory of individual (social) mind and action is not enough to explain several macro-level social phenomena. First, there are pre-cognitive, objective social structures that constrain the actions of the agents; second, there are emergent, unaware or (...)
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  42.  19
    Person Features and Lexical Restrictions in Italian Clefts.Cristiano Chesi & Paolo Canal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441807.
    In this paper, we discuss the results of two experiments, one off-line (acceptability judgment) and the other on-line (eye-tracking), targeting Object Cleft (OC) constructions. In both experiments, we used the same materials presenting a manipulation on person features: second person plural pronouns and plural definite determiners alternate in introducing a full NP (“it was [ DP1 the/you [ NP bankers]] i that [ DP2 the/you [ NP lawyers]] have avoided _ i at the party”) in a language, Italian, with overt (...)
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  43.  22
    Heidegger e Leibniz: a abertura do conceito de Mônada.Cristiano Bonneau - 2009 - Cadernos Espinosanos 21:130.
    Este texto trata da reflexão heideggeriana sobre o conceito de mônada em Leibniz e suas determinações. Os apontamentos de Heidegger sobre o ser a partir do pensamento leibniziano promovem uma abertura fundamental da mônada, trazendo entre outras conseqüências, o perspectivismo e a idéia do ente enquanto pulsão. A limitação ontológica da mônada e sua capacidade de movimentar-se a partir de si mesma resultam em uma noção de representação e delineiam os contornos do ente. Esta discussão intenta demonstrar as possibilidades de (...)
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  44.  31
    Alienation: Marx's Concept of Man in Capitalist Society.Cristiano Camporesi - 1972 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1972 (13):138-140.
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    Commentary: Novelty seeking and reward dependence-related large-scale brain networks functional connectivity variation during salience expectancy.Cristiano Crescentini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  46. Una variazione sul tema delle origini.Cristiano Grottanelli - forthcoming - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica.
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    Health of Non-binary and Genderqueer People: A Systematic Review.Cristiano Scandurra, Fabrizio Mezza, Nelson Mauro Maldonato, Mario Bottone, Vincenzo Bochicchio, Paolo Valerio & Roberto Vitelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. Genetic influences on moral capacity. What genetic mutants can teach us.Giovanni Boniolo & Paolo Vezzoni - 2006 - In Giovanni Boniolo & Gabriele De Anna (eds.), Evolutionary Ethics and Contemporary Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 77--96.
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    For a Science-oriented, Socially Responsible, and Self-aware AI: beyond Ethical Issues.Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2022 - Laboratorio Dell'ispf 2022.
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  50. Schubert e le Moire.Cristiano Basso - 2001 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 22:89-112.
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