Results for 'Craig Stewart'

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  1.  96
    Open Texture and Mathematics.Stewart Shapiro & Craige Roberts - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (1):173-191.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the extent to which mathematics is subject to open texture and the extent to which mathematics resists open texture. The resistance is tied to the importance of proof and, in particular, rigor, in mathematics.
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    “A Real Bucket of Worms”: Views of People Living with Dementia and Family Members on Supported Decision-Making.Craig Sinclair, Kate Gersbach, Michelle Hogan, Meredith Blake, Romola Bucks, Kirsten Auret, Josephine Clayton, Cameron Stewart, Sue Field, Helen Radoslovich, Meera Agar, Angelita Martini, Meredith Gresham, Kathy Williams & Sue Kurrle - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):587-608.
    Supported decision-making has been promoted at a policy level and within international human rights treaties as a way of ensuring that people with disabilities enjoy the right to legal capacity on an equal basis with others. However, little is known about the practical issues associated with implementing supported decision-making, particularly in the context of dementia. This study aimed to understand the experiences of people with dementia and their family members with respect to decision-making and their views on supported decision-making. Thirty-six (...)
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    Ontology via semantics? Introduction to the special issue on the semantics of cardinals.Craige Roberts & Stewart Shapiro - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (4):321-329.
    As introduction to the special issue on the semantics of cardinals, we offer some background on the relevant literature, and an overview of the contributions to this volume. Most of these papers were presented in earlier form at an interdisciplinary workshop on the topic at The Ohio State University, and the contributions to this issue reflect that interdisciplinary character: the authors represent both fields in the title of this journal.
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    Cognitive and temperamental vulnerability to depression: Longitudinal associations with regional cortical activity.Elizabeth P. Hayden, Stewart A. Shankman, Thomas M. Olino, C. Emily Durbin, Craig E. Tenke, Gerard E. Bruder & Daniel N. Klein - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (7):1415-1428.
  5.  11
    Equity Issues for Today's Educational Leaders: Meeting the Challenge of Creating Equitable Schools for All.Betty J. Alford, Julia Ballenger, Dalane Bouillion, C. Craig Coleman, Patrick M. Jenlink, Sharon Ninness, Lee Stewart, Sandra Stewart & Diane Trautman (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book returns the reader to an agenda for addressing equity in schools, emphasizing the need to reexamine past reform efforts and the work ahead for educational leaders in reshaping schools and schooling.
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  6. Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument.Stewart C. Goetz - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 6 (1):99-102.
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    Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiaeCarl Friedrich Gauss G. W. Stewart.Craig Fraser - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):660-661.
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  8. Hume's Letter to Stewart.Edward Craig - 1975 - Hume Studies 1 (2):70-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:70 HUME'S LETTER TO STEWART A Note on a Paper by D. C. Stove In a recent paper, D. C. Stove raises an historical problem. There exists a letter, written in 1754 by Hume to John Stewart, then Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh, in which the following words occur:. „. J never asserted so absurd a Proposition, as that any thing might arise without a Cause: (...)
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  9. Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part Ii.Terrell M. Peace, Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones, Anne Chodakowski, Julia Cote, Cheryl J. Craig, Joyce M. Dutcher, Kieran Egan, Ginny Esch, Sharon Friesen, Brenda Gladstone, David Jardine, Kathryn L. Jenkins, Gillian C. Judson, Dixie K. Keyes, Beverly J. Klug, Chris Lasher-Zwerling, Teresa Leavitt, Shaun Murphy, Jacqueline Sack, Kym Stewart, Madalina Tanase, Kip Téllez, Sandra Wasko-Flood & Patricia T. Whitfield (eds.) - 2011 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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  10. Stewart Shapiro. Introduction—intensional mathematics and constructive mathematics. Intensional mathematics, edited by Stewart Shapiro, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 113, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 1–10. - Stewart Shapiro. Epistemic and intuitionistic arithmetic. Intensional mathematics, edited by Stewart Shapiro, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, pp. 11–46. - John Myhill. Intensional set theory. Intensional mathematics, edited by Stewart Shapiro, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, pp. 47–61. - Nicolas D. Goodman. A genuinely intensional set theory. Intensional mathematics, edited by Stewart Shapiro, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, pp. 63–79. - Andrej Ščedrov. Extending Godel's modal interpretation to type theory and set theory. Intensional mathematics, edited by Stewart Shapiro, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, pp. 81–119. - Robert C. Flagg. Church's. [REVIEW]Craig A. Smorynski - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1496-1499.
  11. Identity, indiscernibility, and Ante Rem structuralism: The tale of I and –I.Stewart Shapiro - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (3):285-309.
    Some authors have claimed that ante rem structuralism has problems with structures that have indiscernible places. In response, I argue that there is no requirement that mathematical objects be individuated in a non-trivial way. Metaphysical principles and intuitions to the contrary do not stand up to ordinary mathematical practice, which presupposes an identity relation that, in a sense, cannot be defined. In complex analysis, the two square roots of –1 are indiscernible: anything true of one of them is true of (...)
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  12. Review of The Kalam Cosmological Argument, by William Lane Craig[REVIEW]Stewart C. Goetz - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 9:99-102.
  13. Vagueness, Open-Texture, and Retrievability.Stewart Shapiro - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (2-3):307-326.
    Just about every theorist holds that vague terms are context-sensitive to some extent. What counts as ?tall?, ?rich?, and ?bald? depends on the ambient comparison class, paradigm cases, and/or the like. To take a stock example, a given person might be tall with respect to European entrepreneurs and downright short with respect to professional basketball players. It is also generally agreed that vagueness remains even after comparison class, paradigm cases, etc. are fixed, and so this context sensitivity does not solve (...)
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  14. Robert B. Stewart: Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski & Michael Ruse in Dialogue. [REVIEW]Logan Paul Gage - 2008 - Journal of Lutheran Ethics 8 (10).
    A review of Robert. B. Stewart's edited volume concerning a discussion between William Dembski and Michael Ruse. Further contributions are included from William Lane Craig and others.
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  15. Habermas and the Public Sphere.Craig Calhoun (ed.) - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Harry C. Boyte. Craig Calhoun. Geoff Eley. Nancy Fraser. Nicholas Garnham. JürgenHabermas. Peter Hohendahl. Lloyd Kramer. Benjamin Lee. Thomas McCarthy. Moishe Postone. Mary P.Ryan. Michael Schudson. Michael Warner. David Zaret.
  16. A Defense of the (Almost) Equal Weight View.Stewart Cohen - 2013 - In David Christensen & Jennifer Lackey, The Epistemology of Disagreement: New Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 98-117.
  17. Business Ethics from the Standpoint of Redemption: Adorno on the Possibility of Good Work.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (4):500-523.
    Given his view that the modern world is ‘radically evil’, Adorno is an unlikely contributor to business ethics. Despite this, we argue that his work has a number of provocative implications for the field that warrant wider attention. Adorno regards our social world as damaged, unfree, and false and we draw on this critique to outline why the achievement of good work is so rare in contemporary society, focusing in particular on the ethical demands of roles and the ideological nature (...)
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  18. Logical Consequence: Models and Modality.Stewart Shapiro - 1998 - In Matthias Schirn, The Philosophy of Mathematics Today: Papers From a Conference Held in Munich From June 28 to July 4,1993. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. pp. 131–156.
  19. Totally Administered Heteronomy: Adorno on Work, Leisure, and Politics in the Age of Digital Capitalism.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (2):285–301.
    This paper aims to demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Adorno’s thought for business ethicists working in the critical tradition by showing how his critique of modern social life anticipated, and offers continuing illumination of, recent technological transformations of capitalism. It develops and extrapolates Adorno’s thought regarding three central spheres of modern society, which have seen radical changes in light of recent technological developments: work, in which employee monitoring has become ever more sophisticated and intrusive; leisure consumption, in which the algorithmic (...)
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  20. Logical consequence, proof theory, and model theory.Stewart Shapiro - 2005 - In Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 651--670.
    This chapter provides broad coverage of the notion of logical consequence, exploring its modal, semantic, and epistemic aspects. It develops the contrast between proof-theoretic notion of consequence, in terms of deduction, and a model-theoretic approach, in terms of truth-conditions. The main purpose is to relate the formal, technical work in logic to the philosophical concepts that underlie reasoning.
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  21. The incompleteness theorems.Craig Smorynski - 1977 - In Jon Barwise, Handbook of mathematical logic. New York: North-Holland. pp. 821 -- 865.
  22.  43
    Conceptualising the Political Imaginary: An Introduction to the Special Issue.Craig Browne & Paula Diehl - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):393-397.
    ABSTRACTThe political is changing its shape. Ideologies are no longer stable, but instead build hybrid combinations. Populism is getting popular. In addition, there are new forms of political exper...
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    Appraisal components, core relational themes, and the emotions.Craig A. Smith & Richard S. Lazarus - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7 (3):233-269.
    This study experimentally tests the contributions of specific appraisals, considered at both molecular (appraisal components) and molar (core relational themes) levels of analysis, to the experience of four emotions (anger, guilt, fear/anxiety, and sadness) using a two-stage directed imagery task. In Stage 1, subjects imagined themselves in scenarios designed to evoke appraisals hypothesised to produce either anger or sadness. In Stage 2, the scenarios unfolded in time to produce a second manipulation designed to systematically evoke the appraisals hypothesised to produce (...)
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  24. Needs, Creativity, and Care: Adorno and the Future of Work.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2023 - Organization 30 (5):851–872.
    This paper attempts to show how Adorno’s thought can illuminate our reflections on the future of work. It does so by situating Adorno’s conception of genuine activity in relation to his negativist critical epistemology and his subtle account of the distinction between true and false needs. What emerges is an understanding of work that can guide our aspirations for the future of work, and one we illustrate via discussions of creative work and care work. These are types of work which (...)
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    J. L. Lagrange's changing approach to the foundations of the calculus of variations.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 32 (2):151-191.
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    The status of logic.Stewart Shapiro - 2000 - In Paul Artin Boghossian & Christopher Peacocke, New Essays on the A Priori. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 333--366.
  27.  37
    The Modern Political Imaginary and the Problem of Hierarchy.Craig Browne - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):398-409.
    Hierarchy has been a central concern of work on the modern political imaginary. The need to elucidate hierarchy’s deeper sources and its legitimations were some of the motivations behind Cornelius Castoriadis’ development of the notion of the imaginary. The work of Claude Lefort on the political imaginary similarly commences from a critical analysis of the hierarchical form of bureaucracy and its place in the constitution of totalitarian political regimes. In a different vein, Charles Taylor’s conception of the imaginary details a (...)
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  28.  87
    Adorno, Ethics and Business Ethics.Craig Reeves, Jaakko Nevasto & Matthew Sinnicks - 2025 - In Carolina Machado, Ethics in Management and Business. Springer. pp. 1-20.
    Theodor W. Adorno was one of the twentieth century’s most potent and influential European thinkers, whose impact is felt across the humanities and social sciences. However, Adorno’s thought has been almost entirely absent from the business ethics conversation. This chapter explores the relevance of Adorno’s thought for business ethics that has emerged in recent scholarship. It does so through an engagement with topics such as positivistic management, consumer culture, social media and political discourse, and the possibility of good work, and (...)
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  29. Skepticism, relevance, and relativity.Stewart Cohen - 1991 - In Brian P. McLaughlin, Dretske and his critics. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 17--37.
  30.  34
    I’m Not Welcome There: Why I Am Not Attending IAB 2024.Craig M. Klugman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):34-36.
    Despite the promise of international collaboration and sharing by bringing together bioethicists from throughout the world at the 2024 IAB conference in Qatar, I will not be attending. The authors...
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    Response to Van Inwagen and Welty.William Lane Craig - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (2):277-286.
    In response to my critics, I argue that Peter van Inwagen, despite his protestations, is an advocate of an indispensability argument for Platonism. What remains to be shown by van Inwagen is that his version of the argument overcomes his own presumption against Platonism and survives defeat by besting every anti-Platonist alternative. While acknowledging Greg Welty’s helpful responses to my worries about divine conceptualism as a realist alternative to Platonism, I express ongoing reservations about some of those responses.
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  32.  23
    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Improve Gait in Multiple Sclerosis: A Timing Window Comparison.Craig D. Workman, John Kamholz & Thorsten Rudroff - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  33.  35
    Seeing through the Scholium: Religion and Reading Newton in the Eighteenth Century.Larry Stewart - 1996 - History of Science 34 (2):123-165.
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  34. Adorno’s Critique of Work in Market Society.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2022 - Business Ethics Journal Review 10 (1):1-7.
    Jaakko Nevasto has offered a number of thoughtful criticisms of our attempt to show that Adorno’s work can fruitfully be brought to bear on topics in business ethics. After welcoming his constructive clarifications, we attempt to defuse Nevasto’s main objections and defend our application of Adorno, focusing in particular on the topics of moral epistemology, needs, and the possibility of genuine activity – and thus good work – within capitalist society.
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    Are individual rights necessary? A Confucian perspective.Craig K. Ihara - 2004 - In Kwong-loi Shun & David B. Wong, Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 11--30.
  36. (1 other version)ch. 22. Reasons, actions, and the will : the fall and rise of causalism.Stewart Candlish & Nic Damnjanovic - 2013 - In Michael Beaney, The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    When Donald Davidson published his influential article ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’ [1963], many of his contemporaries were convinced that reasons for action could not be causes of anything, so that even an explanation such as ‘Gilbert knelt because he had decided to propose to Gertrude’ did not work by citing Gilbert’s decision as a cause of his kneeling. Davidson was mainly responsible for demolishing that consensus and reinstating causalism—the thesis that psychological or rationalizing explanations of human behaviour are a species (...)
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  37. Anthropomorphism: a definition and a theory.Stewart E. Guthrie - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles, Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 50--58.
  38.  31
    At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy.Craig Lundy & Daniela Voss (eds.) - 2015 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This collection situates Deleuze's work and several of his most important concepts in the context of his post-Kantian predecessors, further illuminating both the breadth of his philosophical heritage and the manner in which he moves beyond it. Through a series of studies by leading scholars in the field, At the Edges of Thought sheds new light on key philosophical encounters with thinkers such as Maimon, Kleist, Hölderlin, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer and Feuerbach in Deleuze's texts. Readers are invited to join with (...)
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  39. Anti-realism and modality.Stewart Shapiro - 1993 - In J. Czermak, Philosophy of Mathematics. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. pp. 269--287.
  40.  97
    Is Penal Substitution Unsatisfactory?William Lane Craig - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):153-166.
    It might be objected to penal substitutionary theories that punishing Christ could not possibly meet the demands of divine retributive justice. For punishing another person for my crimes would not serve to remove my guilt. The Anglo-American system of justice, in fact, does countenance and even endorse cases in which a substitute satisfies the demands of retributive justice. Moreover, Christ’s being divinely and voluntarily appointed to act not merely as our substitute but as our representative enables him to serve as (...)
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    Eleonore Stump’s Critique of Penal Substitutionary Atonement Theories.William Lane Craig - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy 36 (4):522-544.
    The first three chapters of Eleonore Stump’s Atonement are devoted to a critique of atonement theories she styles “Anselmian,” including penal substitutionary theories. I focus on her critique of the latter. She presents three groups of objections labeled “internal problems,” “external problems,” and “further problems,” before presenting what she takes to be “the central and irremediable problem” facing such accounts. The external and further problems are seen to be irrelevant to penal substitutionary theories once they are properly understood. Her four (...)
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  42. Between persecution and reconciliation : criminal justice, legal form and human emancipation.Craig Reeves, Alan Norrie & Henrique Carvalho - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni, Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    Time, flow, and space.Craig Callender - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Does a temporal dual process theory explain the illusive flow of time? I point out one shortcoming of such a theory and propose an alternative that does not require either dual cognitive processes or demand such a stark asymmetry between space and time in the brain.
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    Gamble evaluation and evoked reference sets: Why adding a small loss to a gamble increases its attractiveness.Craig R. M. McKenzie & Shlomi Sher - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104043.
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    Reaching for the unknown: Multiple target encoding and real-time decision-making in a rapid reach task.Craig S. Chapman, Jason P. Gallivan, Daniel K. Wood, Jennifer L. Milne, Jody C. Culham & Melvyn A. Goodale - 2010 - Cognition 116 (2):168-176.
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  46.  47
    The absolute artwork meets the absolute commodity.Stewart Martin - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 146:15.
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    Markets or democracy for education 1.Stewart Ranson - 1993 - British Journal of Educational Studies 41 (4):333-352.
    This paper critically evaluates the effect of introducing markets into the institutional system of education and promotes the claim of a learning democracy to underpin a richer conception for developing the powers and capacities of all citizens.
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  48.  67
    Lexical effects on speech perception in individuals with “autistic” traits.Mary E. Stewart & Mitsuhiko Ota - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):157-162.
  49.  44
    Plato.M. A. Stewart - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (98):80.
  50.  18
    Progress toward the statistical and psychological significance of expectancy effects.Charles G. Stewart - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):406-408.
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