Results for 'Contentment. '

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  1. Happiness, Contentment and the Good Life.Thomas L. Carson - 1981 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (4):378.
    tentment and its relationship to the notions of happiness and the good life. Many philosophers have argued that the concept of happiness can be defined or analyzed simply in terms of "contentment" or "being satisfied (or pleased) with one' s life."' Others have made the more modest claim that being satisfied with one' s..
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    Kantian Self-Contentment as Own Reward of Virtue. 김종국 - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 70:25-37.
    이 글에서 나는 칸트가 덕 의식에 동반되는 행복과 비슷한 것이라고 말한 ‘자신의 인격에 대한 만족’의 함의를 분명히 하고, 이 개념의 칸트 윤리학 내 중요성을 점검해 보고 싶다. 나는 덕에 의해 생겨났다는 점에서 행복과 비슷한 것인 칸트적 자기 만족이, 그럼에도 불구하고 즐거움이 아니라는 점에서 이 행복과 구별된다는 것을 보이고, 이러한 자기 만족이 도덕적 강함에 대한 덕의 자기 보상이라는 것을 보일 것이다.
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    Approximate number sense theory or approximate theory of magnitude?Alain Content, Michael Vande Velde & Andrea Adriano - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  4. Happiness Vs Contentment? A Case for a Sociology of the Good Life.Jordan McKenzie - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (3):252-267.
    Despite the enormous growth in happiness research in recent decades, there remains a lack of consistency in the use of the terms happiness, satisfaction, contentment and well-being. In this article I argue for a sociologically grounded distinction between happiness and contentment that defines the former as positive affect and the latter as positive reflection. Contentment is therefore understood as a fulfilling relationship with the self and society and happiness involves pleasurable experiences. There is a history of similar distinctions in philosophy (...)
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    Science and nationalism: portugal in the late 18th century.Francisco Contente Domingues - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):91-96.
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    Power Made Perfect in Weakness: Aquinas's Transformation of the Virtue of Courage.I. Christian Purposes—Christian Content - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 11:147-180.
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  7. The renaissance in Soviet interpretation : from "progressive revolution" to "type of culture" (1960s-1970s).Iva Manovavi Contents - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori (eds.), Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
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  8. Consciousness and Contentment: Understanding the lack of contentment and logical thinking in wise men or so called ‘Homo sapiens’.Contzen Pereira - forthcoming - Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness.
    We are considered to be highly evolved conscious beings, but if we look at ourselves, do we actually feel that we are there; wise men or Homo sapiens as we call ourselves? In today’s world, reward based conditioning forms our contemporary culture that deeply defines how we look at life and how we intuitively perceive our consciousness. Presently, acquisitions are our priority and we behave as narcissistic conditioned puppets and let governments and corporations rule our lives. We are hypocrites that (...)
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    Why we are restless: on the modern quest for contentment.Benjamin Storey - 2021 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Edited by Jenna Silber Storey.
    We live in an age of unprecedented prosperity, yet everywhere we see signs that our pursuit of happiness has proven fruitless. Dissatisfied, we seek change for the sake of change - even if it means undermining the foundations of our common life. In Why We Are Restless, Benjamin and Jenna Storey offer a profound and beautiful reflection on the roots of this malaise and examine how we might begin to cure ourselves. Drawing on the insights of Montaigne, Pascal, Rousseau, and (...)
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    Slavery, contentment, and social freedom.G. W. Smith - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (108):236-248.
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    The way of contentment.Ekiken Kaibara - 1913 - London,: J. Murray. Edited by Ken Hoshino.
    Introduction.--I. The philosophy of pleasure.--II. Precept on popular morals.--III. Miscellaneous sayings.
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  12. Examining a Late Development in Kant’s Conception of Our Moral Life: On the Interactions among Perfectionism, Eschatology, and Contentment in Ethics.Jaeha Woo - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (1):30-51.
    In the first half, I suggest that Kant’s conception of our moral life goes through a significant shift after 1793, with reverberations in his eschatology. The earlier account, based on the postulate of immortality, describes our moral life as an endless pursuit of the highest good, but all this changes in the later account, and I point out three possible reasons for this change of heart. In the second half, I explore how the considerations Kant brings up to argue for (...)
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  13. Putting Meaning Before Truth.R. Waugh & Non-Conceptual Content - 1995 - In P. Pyllkkänen & P. Pyllkkö (eds.), New Directions in Cognitive Science. Finnish Society for Artificial Intelligence.
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    Segmental Analysis Abilities Constitute a Powerful Accelerator of Reading Acquisition.Alain Content - 1991 - Mind and Language 6 (2):113-121.
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  15. Happiness and Contentment: A Reply to Benditt.Thomas Carson - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):101.
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    Recipes from the Garden of Contentment. By Yuan Mei, translated and annotated by Sean J. S. Chen.Hilary A. Smith - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4).
    Recipes from the Garden of Contentment. By Yuan Mei, translated and annotated by Sean J. S. Chen. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire, 2019. Pp. xxxiii + 428. $125.
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  17. Back volumes.Externalizing Content Matjaz Potrc - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44:140.
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    Knowing What Is Sufficient” and the Embodied Nature of Contentment in the Laozi and the “Neiye.Matthew Duperon - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (2):205-219.
    The idea of contentment or sufficiency is an important theme throughout the Laozi 老子, and Western readings of this text have especially emphasized an understanding of contentment in terms of satisfaction with an existence free of excessive material possessions. Building on recent scholarship that suggests a close connection between the kind of early breath cultivation described in the “Neiye 內業” chapter of the Guanzi 管子 and the form and content of the Laozi, this article explores how the concept of contentment (...)
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    A scientist between religion and politics in Portugal : Teodoro de Almeida.Francisco Contente Domingues - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):325-329.
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    Early Sensitivity to Morphology in Beginning Readers of Arabic.Carole El Akiki & Alain Content - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current study investigated the influence of morphological structure on the earliest stages of Arabic reading acquisition. More specifically, we aimed at examining the role of root and pattern units in beginners from Grade 1 to 3. A first set of reading tasks evaluated the presence of a morphology facilitation effect in word and pseudoword reading by manipulating independently the familiarity of roots and patterns. The second one pursued to examine the contribution of morphological awareness to reading performance. The results (...)
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    A philosopher's contentment.Irwin Edman - 1937 - Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):93-97.
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    Honour is in Contentment: Life Before Oil in Ras Al-Khaimah (UAE) and Some Neighbouring Regions.William Lancaster & Fidelity Lancaster - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Based on interviews and field research, the authors explore the sets of ideas Arab tribespeople from Ras Al-Khaimah had about tribe and community; social and economic networks, and jural contracts for livelihoods and profits; their uses of their environments; the moral relations of credit, debt and labour; ruling; economic and political transformations; and ideas of regional history where conflicts were regarded as disputes over sets of ideas, and informal accounts of tribal and local histories.Their lively descriptions and explanations of life (...)
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    The Enchiridion: a Stoic's guide to contentment and tranquility. Epictetus - 2023 - Garden City, New York: Ixia Press. Edited by George Long.
    Epictetus maintained that all people are free to control their lives and live in harmony with nature. This book offers practical guidelines for those seeking contentment and those who have already made some progress in that direction.
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    Letter-Like Shape Recognition in Preschool Children: Does Graphomotor Knowledge Contribute?Lola Seyll & Alain Content - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on evidence that learning new characters through handwriting leads to better recognition than learning through typing, some authors proposed that the graphic motor plans acquired through handwriting contribute to recognition. More recently two alternative explanations have been put forward. First, the advantage of handwriting could be due to the perceptual variability that it provides during learning. Second, a recent study suggests that detailed visual analysis might be the source of the advantage of handwriting over typing. Indeed, in that study, (...)
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    The impact of graphic motor programs and detailed visual analysis on letter-like shape recognition.Lola Seyll, Florent Wyckmans & Alain Content - 2020 - Cognition 205:104443.
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    A Neglected Interpretation of Das Kontinuum.Michele Contente - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-25.
    Hermann's Weyl Das Kontinuum has inspired several studies in logic and foundations of mathematics over the last century. The book provides a remarkable reconstruction of a large portion of classical mathematics on a predicative basis. However, diverging interpretations of the predicative system formulated by Weyl have been proposed in the literature. In the present work, I analyze an early formalization of Weyl's ideas proposed by [Casari, E. 1964. Questioni di Filosofia Della Matematica, Milano: Feltrinelli] and compare it with other, more (...)
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    Evaluating the Key Elements Contributing to Visitor Contentment at Cultural Festivals.Shikhar Gupta, Dr Amit Kumar, Ameya Ambulkar, Danish Kundra, Kuthalingam Venkadeshwaran, Shubhi Goyal & Dr Shanthanu Chakravarthy - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:694-702.
    This study analyzes the elements that influence visitor contentment at cultural events by developing and testing several hypotheses. This framework considers visitor contentment as the dependent variable (DV) with independent variables (IVs) including program content, event logistics, social atmosphere, facilities, customer service, and accessibility. A survey of 270 visitors was conducted to evaluate these variables and their impact on visitor contentment. Statistical analysis was evaluated using SPSS 25. ANOVA, multiple linear regression, and chi-square tests were among the statistical techniques used (...)
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    Cartesian Concept of Love and Egoisme of Contentment - Early Modern Theories of Affect and Ethics of Power (I) -. 김은주 - 2018 - The Catholic Philosophy 30:155-186.
    데카르트가 정의하는 사랑의 정념은 자기 보존과 유용성 중심의이기적인 것으로도 해석될 여지가 있고, 사랑의 대상을 위해 자기희생까지 감수하는 이타적인 것으로 해석될 여지도 있다. 여기서나는 데카르트의 입장을 이기주의에 가까운 것으로 보되, 그가 심신합일의 바탕에 심신이원론을 설정함으로써 이타주의나 공동체주의와 완전히 양립 가능한 독특한 에고이즘을 벼려냄을 보여준다. 이를 위해 나는 첫째, 사랑에 대한 데카르트의 정의가 ‘대상의 좋음’을 사랑의 핵심에 두는 아퀴나스적 관점과 결별하고 있음을 보여준다. 둘째, 사랑의 동기가 대상에서 주체로 옮겨온다고 해서, 데카르트의 사랑 개념이 홉스 류의 생물학적 이기주의를 함축한다고볼 수는 없음을 보여준다. 마지막으로, 사랑이 (...)
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    Why universities should seek happiness and contentment.Paul Gibbs - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    The totalising effect of consumerism, well-being and satisfaction is a discourse which may negate the value of struggle and mastery of complex subjects and a realization of personal potentiality. Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment considers the consequences of a hedonistic and well-being centred model of student education as one of the goals of higher education and proposes an alternative goal for higher education. In a globalised consumer society where the anxiety for an identity leads to the fear of (...)
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    A Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Security and Contentment for Latency Aged Children in Shared-time Parenting Arrangements.Christina Sadowski & Jennifer E. McIntosh - 2015 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46 (1):69-104.
    This study explored the lived experience of security and contentment, and their absence, for latency-aged children living in shared-time parenting arrangements following their parents’ separation. A descriptive phenomenological methodology was utilized. Sixteen children living in shared-time were interviewed about their experiences of two phenomena: “feeling secure and content living in shared-time” and “not feeling secure and content living in shared-time.” The eight richest protocols were selected for analysis. The two resultant general structures and their core constituents are presented, and individual (...)
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    "The Culture of Contentment," by John Kenneth Galbraith; with allusions to "The Party System," by Hilaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton. [REVIEW]Jim Parr - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (3):385-393.
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    Calibration and the epistemological role of bayesian conditionalization, Marc Lange.Wide Content Individualism - 1998 - Mind 107 (427).
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    ‘I’m Not Getting Anywhere with my Meditation …’: Effort, Contentment and Goal-Directedness in the Process of Mind-Training.Ajahn Amaro - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):47-64.
    This article draws on the teachings of the Pali Canon and the contemporary lineages that are guided by its principles. In particular, reference is made to the author’s mentors in the Thai Forest Tradition. It explores the respective roles of goal-directed effort and contentment in the process of meditative training, and skilful and unskilful variations on these. Effort is needed, but can be excessive, unreflectively mindless, unaware of gradually developed results, or misdirected. Contentment can be misunderstood to imply that skilful (...)
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  34. Part V of Spinoza's Ethics: Intuitive knowledge, contentment of mind, and intellectual love of God.Kristin Primus - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12838.
  35. Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment [Book Review].Richard Rymarz - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (3):382.
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    A strange state of mournful contentment: The role of compassion in moral betterment.Laura Candiotto - 2023 - Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion 1 (2):139-153.
    In this paper, I will consider a unique case where changing one’s character is part of a process of moral betterment when facing oppression. By engaging with the Dutch-Jewish intellectual and Holocaust victim Etty Hillesum, I will highlight the situated dimension of moral betterment as a practice that is driven by the pressure of concurrent events. I will claim that moral betterment does not just come out of an internal will to change for the better. Instead, I will argue that (...)
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    Karma yoga: the philosophy of contentment.Harvey Day - 1972 - Wellingborough: (Denington Estate, Wellingborough, Northants.), Aquarian Press.
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    Why universities should seek happiness and contentment.Craig A. Hammond - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (3):406-408.
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    Automatic detection of bunches of grapes in natural environment from color images.M. J. C. S. Reis, R. Morais, E. Peres, C. Pereira, O. Contente, S. Soares, A. Valente, J. Baptista, P. J. S. G. Ferreira & J. Bulas Cruz - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (4):285-290.
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    A Neglected Interpretation of Das Kontinuum.Michele Contente Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague & Czech Republic - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-25.
    Hermann's Weyl Das Kontinuum has inspired several studies in logic and foundations of mathematics over the last century. The book provides a remarkable reconstruction of a large portion of classical mathematics on a predicative basis. However, diverging interpretations of the predicative system formulated by Weyl have been proposed in the literature. In the present work, I analyze an early formalization of Weyl's ideas proposed by [Casari, E. 1964. Questioni di Filosofia Della Matematica, Milano: Feltrinelli] and compare it with other, more (...)
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    Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey, "Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment".Stefan Koppert - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (3):26-28.
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    Edgar A. Singer, jr., on contentment.Elizabeth F. Flower - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (19):576-584.
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    Content and Justification: Philosophical Papers.Paul A. Boghossian - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents a series of influential essays by Paul Boghossian on the theory of content and on its relation to the phenomenon of a priori knowledge. The essays are organized under four headings: the nature of content; content and self-knowledge; knowledge, content, and the a priori; and colour concepts.
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    The Content of the Form.Hayden White - 1987 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins.
    Hayden White probes the notion of authority in art and literature and examines the problems of meaning - its production, distribution, and consumption - in different historical epochs. In the end, he suggests, the only meaning that history can have is the kind that a narrative imagination gives to it. The secret of the process by which consciousness invests history with meaning resides in the content of the form, in the way our narrative capacities transforms the present into a fulfillment (...)
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    The Content Analysis of the Russian Federal and Regional Basic Legislation on the Cultural Policy.Natalia P. Koptseva, Vladimir S. Luzan, Veronica A. Razumovskaya & Vladimir I. Kirko - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):23-50.
    The content-analysis of the Russian federal and regional basic legislation on the cultural policy has indicated a need in a deep revision of all existing regulatory legal acts, which support the state cultural policy implementation towards building a universal terminology and vesting the functions on the cultural policy implementation in the government as opposed to the statement of the departmental specific approach to the culture.
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    Content and Comportment: On Embodiment and the Epistemic Availability of the World.Michael O'Donovan-Anderson - 1997 - Lanham: Rowman &Amp; Littlefield.
    "Content and Comportment argues persuasively that the answer to some long-standing questions in epistemology and metaphysics lies in taking up the neglected question of the role of our bodily activity in establishing connections between representational states—knowledge and belief in particular—and their objects in the world. It takes up these ideas from both current mainstream analytic philosophy—Frege, Dummett, Davidson, Evans—and from mainstream continental work—Heidegger and his commentators and critics—and bings them together successfully in a way that should surprise only those who (...)
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  47. The Contents of Experience: Essays on Perception.Tim Crane - 1992 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Tim Crane.
    The nature of perception has long been a central question in philosophy. It is of crucial importance not just in the philosophy of mind, but also in epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of science. The essays in this 1992 volume not only offer fresh answers to some of the traditional problems of perception, but also examine the subject in light of contemporary research on mental content. A substantial introduction locates the essays within the recent history of the subject, and (...)
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  48. Assertoric content, responsibility, and metasemantics.Andrew Peet - 2021 - Mind and Language 37 (5):914-932.
    I argue that assertoric content functions as a means for us to track the responsibilities undertaken by communicators, and that distinctively assertoric commitments are distinguished by being generated directly in virtue of the words the speaker uses. This raises two questions: (a) Why are speakers responsible for the content thus generated? (b) Why is it important for us to distinguish between commitments in terms of their manner of generation? I answer the first question by developing a novel responsibility based metasemantics. (...)
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  49. Propositional Content in Signalling Systems.Jonathan Birch - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 171 (3):493-512.
    Skyrms, building on the work of Dretske, has recently developed a novel information-theoretic account of propositional content in simple signalling systems. Information-theoretic accounts of content traditionally struggle to accommodate the possibility of misrepresentation, and I show that Skyrms’s account is no exception. I proceed to argue, however, that a modified version of Skyrms’s account can overcome this problem. On my proposed account, the propositional content of a signal is determined not by the information that it actually carries, but by the (...)
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    The Content-Independence of Political Obligations.Kevin Walton - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (2):218-222.
    George Klosko rejects the standard assumption that political obligations, at least insofar as they are conceived as moral requirements to obey the law, must be content-independent. He thereby neglects the familiar distinction between obedience to and mere compliance with legal norms. The present article insists on this distinction by identifying a plausible alternative to the understanding of content-independence that Klosko correctly, even if not for the most obvious reason, dismisses and mistakenly, though not unreasonably, attributes to several philosophers with whose (...)
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