Results for 'Consecration'

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  1.  29
    Reacting to Consecrating Science: What Might Amateurs Do?Sarah E. Fredericks - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):354-381.
    In Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge, and the Natural World, Lisa H. Sideris makes a compelling case that a new cosmology movement advocates for a new, universal, creation story grounded in the sciences. She fears the new story reinforces elite power structures and anthropocentrism and thus environmental degradation. Alternatively, she promotes genuine wonder which occurs in experiences of the natural world. As Sideris focuses on the likely logical outcome of the assumptions and arguments of the new cosmologies, she does not investigate (...)
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    Consécration d'armes galates à Delphes.Pierre Amandry - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (2):571-586.
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  3. The Consecration of Sound: Sublime Musical Creation in Haydn, Weber and Spohr.Benedict Taylor - 2020 - In Sarah Hibberd & Miranda Stanyon (eds.), Music and the sonorous sublime in European culture, 1680-1880. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Consécration et sécularité dans le concile Vatican II : La contribution des instituts séculiers.Fermina Álvarez Alonso - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):457-472.
    Fermina Álvarez Alonso | : Contrairement à ce qui avait été reconnu précédemment, on a été frappé du surprenant silence et du manque de réception théologico-juridique des instituts séculiers durant le concile Vatican II. Beaucoup de membres de ces instituts s’attendaient à ce que le concile Vatican II accorde une attention particulière aux nouvelles formes de vie consacrée, en précise la nature, l’action, indique le lieu qui leur convienne dans le corps organique de l’Église et, enfin, exprime un jugement positif (...)
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    Consécration d’un enclos funéraire à Ennodia Ilias à Larisa.Bruno Helly - 2010 - Kernos 23:53-65.
    Dans deux études à paraître, José Luis Garcia Ramón et moi avons proposé de nouvelles interprétations de quelques épiclèses de la déesse thessalienne Ennodia : Ennodia est Κορουταρρα, « celle qui fait grandir », et plus précisément « celle qui dote de nourriture / de croissance », Στροπικά, déesse « aux éclairs », porteuse de lumière, et encore Μυκαικα, « déesse des tombeaux ». Cette interprétation nouvelle de l’épiclèse Μυκαικα apporte un témoignage supplémentaire sur le caractère de déesse protectrice des (...)
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  6. Consecration to Culture”: Nietzsche on Slavery and Human Dignity.Andrew Huddleston - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):135-160.
    In the Infamous Opening Sections from Part IX of Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche celebrates a strident kind of elitism and countenances, in however attenuated a form, the institution of slavery. “Every enhancement of the type ‘man,’” he writes, “has so far been the work of an aristocratic society—and it will be so again and again—a society that believes in the long ladder of an order of rank and difference in worth [Werthverschiedenheit] between man and man, and that needs slavery (...)
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    A Theory of Consecration: A Philosophical Exposition of A Biblical Phenomenon.James M. Arcadi - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (6):913-925.
    I employ William Alston’s account of speech act theory in order to analyze the concept of consecration. I describe consecrations as EXERCITIVE-type illocutionary acts, whereby objects are distinguished for God’s use. I test my reasoning and definition on the first instance of consecration in Scripture, the consecration of the Sabbath. This allows me to probe further the necessary and sufficient conditions for veridical consecrations. Finally, I describe that the speech act of consecration brings about an ownership (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel and the Consecrated States.Mark Tunick - 2012 - In Angelica Nuzzo (ed.), Hegel on Religion and Politics. State University of New York Press. pp. 19.
    Edmund Burke characterizes the state as consecrated, or sacred. There is a sense in which Hegel, too, consecrates the state: Hegel says the state is based on religion and that to preserve the state, religion “must be carried into it, in buckets and bushels.” This paper discusses the sense in which Hegel’s state is consecrated by juxtaposing his views with Burke’s. Both Burke and Hegel reject the theory of the divine right of kings, while recognizing religion’s ability to connect people (...)
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  9. Consecration in igbo traditional religion-a definition.E. Onwurah - 1992 - Journal of Dharma 17 (3):210-219.
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    Consecration of Images and Stupas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.H. G. & Yael Bentor - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):183.
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    Lay or Consecrated, Subjected and Subtracted.Mario Resta - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):177-188.
    The present paper provides a comparative analysis of imperial and canonical legislation concerning the abduction of lay or consecrated women in the 4th century, when both legislations delineated the distinctive features of the abovementioned crimen. The imperial law showed both an extreme severity towards abductors and a leniency towards lay and consecrated women, who were considered innocent; however, women were not allowed to live together with their abductors. The canonical legislation also severely punished abductors and considered lay women innocent; however, (...)
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  12. The consecration of virgins in the Frankish Church from the seventh to ninth centuries.R. Metz - 1957 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 31 (1):105-121.
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  13. Consecrated Thought.William Desmond - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 2 (2).
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    Consécration de deux esclaves à Poseidon.Paul-François Foucart - 1879 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 3 (1):96-99.
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  15. The Consecration of History: an Essay On the Genealogy of the Historical Consciousness: To Jean Ullmo.Kostas Papaioannou & Wells F. Chamberlin - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (31):29-55.
    How did it become possible to philosophize about history? Man has generally sought to locate himself in natural space rather than in historical time. The various oriental philosophies give no place to history. “Humanistic” Greece herself, in other respects so eager to explore human conduct in all its characteristic dimensions and in all its aspects, prudently recoiled from anything which might give value to time or cause history to appear as the specifically human mode of existence. No other culture, perhaps, (...)
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    The Shape of This Wonder? Consecrated Science and New Cosmology Affects.Courtney O'Dell-Chaib - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):387-395.
    In response to Lisa Sideris's provocative new book Consecrating Science: Wonder, Knowledge and the Natural World and in conversation with voices from feminist technoscience, this article challenges the deracinated wonder of new cosmology encounters in two senses. First, by tracing how it is uprooted from critical perspectives on scientific knowledge production. And second, by contending deracinated wonder is ripped from cultural and historical contexts thus erasing embodied inequalities. Deracinated wonder attached to uncritical forms of science, I argue, solidifies new cosmology (...)
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    The Ancient Indian Royal Consecration.J. A. B. van Buitenen & J. C. Heesterman - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (3):252.
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    Hasidic Hallowing and Christian Consecration: Awakening to Authenticity in Denise Levertov's "Matins".Avis Hewitt - 1997 - Renascence 50 (1-2):97-107.
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    Rousseau as Author: Consecrating One’s Life to the Truth.Christopher Kelly - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    Rousseau as Author will be a groundbreaking book not just for Rousseau scholars, but for anyone studying Enlightenment ideas about authorship and responsibility.
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    The Moment of Consecration and the Elevation of the Host.Vincent L. Kennedy - 1944 - Mediaeval Studies 6 (1):121-150.
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    Christian discipleship and consecrated life.David Walker - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (2):131.
    Walker, David 'When our first parents were driven out of Paradise, Adam is believed to have remarked to Eve; My dear, we live in an age of transition'. When we look back at the past decades, and look ahead, we could consider we too are living in an age of transition. Looking back we often take the Second Vatican Council as the point where change began. However, the seeds of what flowered at the council and have continued to bear fruit (...)
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    On the symbolism of the mirror in indo-tibetan consecration rituals.Yael Bentor - 1995 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 23 (1):57-71.
    The Mahāyāna ideal isaprati $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{s} \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{t} $$ hā-nirvā $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{n} $$ a — liberation with a basis in neithersa $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{m} $$ sāra nornirvā $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{n} $$ a, that is to say, neither in the conventional world nor in the true nature of all things (Nagao 1981). Through the consecration proceedings ayidam, Buddha, or Bodhisattva is established insa $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\cdot}$}}{m} $$ sāra. Through the employment of the mirror in the consecration ritual, thatyidam, Buddha, or Bodhisattva participates in the actual nature of all (...)
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    Economics as symbolic capital: The consecration of elite business schools.Mikael Holmqvist - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):435-455.
    Ever since the first elite business schools were founded in Europe and the United States during the late 1800s and early 1900s, they have enjoyed an intimate relationship with economics. Despite some notable analyses of economics’ importance for the successful institutionalization of business schools, an understanding of the relation between economics and elite business schools requires further development. As such, this paper focuses on ‘economics as symbolic capital’ for the consecration of business schools as elite settings, with particular emphasis (...)
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    Features of contemporary institualisational processes in the communities of consecrated life of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.Olga Nedavnya - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:350-357.
    The article considers the dynamics of various religious orders and other institutes of consecrated life in the UGCC and the characteristics of their institutionalization in the context of the needs of Ukrainian society.
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    Sartre on Genet’s Consecration of Evil.Rivca Gordon & Haim Gordon - 1993 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 67 (2):185-200.
  26. The missionaries of god's love: A new expression of consecrated life in a new ecclesial context.Ken Barker - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):208.
    Barker, Ken One of the lasting fruits of the wide-spread experience of the renewal in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council has been the surprising emergence of new expressions of consecrated life. The Missionaries of God's Love (MGL) is an Australian example of this renaissance. Founded in Canberra in 1986 as a small fraternity of young men around a priest, the MGL brothers have now grown to more than twenty in final vows and more than thirty in formation. (...)
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    Speaking in Christ’s Person: Thomas Aquinas on the Semantics and Pragmatics of the Words of Consecration.Milo Crimi - 2023 - In Gyula Klima (ed.), The Metaphysics and Theology of the Eucharist: A Historical-Analytical Survey of the Problems of the Sacrament. Springer Verlag. pp. 125-152.
    Thomas Aquinas says that the eucharistic words of consecration – ‘This is my body’ (‘Hoc est corpus meum’) – are uttered by the consecrating priest both ‘significatively’ (‘significative’) and ‘recitatively’ (‘recitative’). This allows him to simultaneously account for the reference of the indexicals ‘this’ and ‘my’, the first of which must apply to some present substance, and the second of which must refer not to the priest but to Christ. This joint significative and recitative use can be distinguished from (...)
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    Dédicace athénienne : Consécration faite par les prytanes de la tribu Aegéis en l'année 341/0 av. J.-C.Amédée Hauvette-Besnault - 1881 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 5 (1):361-371.
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    Rousseau as Author: Consecrating One’s Life to the Truth.Damjan de Krnjevic-Miskovic - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):625-628.
    The subtitle of Rousseau as Author refers to Rousseau’s motto, which elegantly describes the gist of Rousseau’s now commonly practiced ideas of authorship and responsibility, and concerns three overlapping issues: Rousseau’s well-known truthtelling in matters public and private, his devotion to a peculiar understanding of philosophy as a way of life, and his singular boldness in making statements that he knew could result in literary and political persecution. As Kelly says, the focus of the book is on the third issue, (...)
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    Death: Border or Membrane? Ascetic–eschatological Dimension of Consecrated Life as 3D Transformation.Krista Mijatović - 2018 - Disputatio Philosophica 19 (1):51-62.
    This article discusses the ascetic–eschatological dimension of consecrated life through the lens of death. Death is not understood as an impenetrable border which separates the two worlds but as a fluid cell membrane which binds time and eternity. The phenomenon of death in consecrated life is perceived in three ritual events: baptism, religious consecration and physical death. These three moments make the so–called 3D transformation which is not only in these three events but through asceticism it is extended to (...)
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  31. Vocation and Formation Consecration and Vows. [REVIEW]Ofm Liam Costello - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:357-360.
    The merits of these two books speak for themselves. The topic chosen by the author is one that is very much alive today and one that has provoked much discussion, some superficial, some quite definitely soul-searching. To this latter the author has made a very valuable contribution. Religious of either sex will be the poorer for ignoring these two works. He states clearly some biting truths which lay bare the deep laden fears which militate against really choosing fully a vocation—a (...)
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    Should the Language and Legislation of Women's Rights be Implemented in the Arguments for Consecrating Women as Bishops in the Church of England?Rachel Wood - 2008 - Feminist Theology 17 (1):21-30.
    This article explores some of the benefits and pitfalls of applying rights language and legislation to the debate over whether to consecrate women as bishops in the Church of England. Secular feminists have pointed out tensions between the concept of women's rights and religious freedom which highlight conflicts in law between religious and gender identities. Women priests have not, as yet, used equal opportunities legislation as a tool to allow women to be consecrated as bishops and faith communities are exempt (...)
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    Becoming Socrates: Five elements of the consecration process and the case of Jan Patočka.Dominik Želinský - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):370-388.
    This article explores the phenomenon of consecration, which, so far, has been neglected by sociologists of intellectuals. Contrary to the common Bourdieusian approach to consecration, which conflates it with legitimization, consecration is conceptualized as a process of the symbolic elevation of a figure, or an object, to the level of sacred symbols relevant to a particular community. Five analytically distinctive elements are identified that constitute the consecration process and a proposed framework is applied to disentangle the (...)
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    The infinitization of selfhood: a philosophical treatise consecrated to the destruction of the ego.Michael David Robbins - 1997 - Mariposa, Calif.: University of the Seven Rays Pub. House.
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    Beauty and Hermeneutic Identity in Consecrated Life: Gadamer and the “Icon of the Transfigured Christ”.Mary Eucharista - 2016 - Quaestiones Disputatae 6 (2):94-107.
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    Une Messe sans paroles de consécration? A propos de la validité de l'Anaphore d'Addaï et Mari.Guy Vanhoomissen - 2005 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 127 (1):36-46.
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    Pierre Bénichou, The Consecration of the Writer, 1750–1830: Mark K. Jensen (trans.); University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 1999, pp. 512, price £16.95 paper, ISBN 0-8032-6152-7, price £43.50 cloth, ISBN 0-8032-1291-7. [REVIEW]Philip Connell - 2002 - History of European Ideas 28 (3):223-226.
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    Discourses of the Reappearing: The Reenactment of the “Cloth-Bridge Consecration Rite” at Mt. Tateyama.Irit Averbuch - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 38 (1):1-54.
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    Questions of Canon Law Concerning The Election and Consecration of A Bishop for The Church of Utrecht.Jan Hallebeek - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (1):17-50.
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    Une prière eucharistique valide, sans paroles de consécration?: L'Anaphore syrienne d'Addaï et Mari.André Haquin - 2006 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 37 (4):532-544.
    Trop peu connu des théologiens et des communautés chrétiennes, l'accord oecuménique Guidelines for Admission to the Eucharist Between the Chaldean Church and the Assyrian Church of the East n'en est pas moins significatif au plan ecclésiologique, liturgique et dogmatique. Il invite à accueillir les différences légitimes et suggère aux catholiques occidentaux de revisiter la théologie médiévale de l'eucharistie.
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  41. The crown and the ring in the consecration of virgins.R. Metz - 1954 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 28 (2):113-132.
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  42. The Canonical Significance of the Synod of Bishops of 1994 on Consecrated Life.Johnson Michael Kallidukil - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (4):504.
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    Given to a Deity? Religious and Social Reappraisal of Human Consecrations in the Hellenistic and Roman East.Stefano G. Caneva & Aurian Delli Pizzi - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):167-191.
    The adjective ἱερός is a central term in Greek religion and is used in various contexts. Generally translated ‘sacred’, it indicates that an object has been conceded to the gods and is now in relation with them (relation of belonging, protection, etc.). It appears frequently in Greek inscriptions in the expression τὰ ἱερά, to designate sacred objects or, in a more abstract meaning, sacred matters.
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  44. (2 other versions)Everyone a poet, written for the consecration of the song-river-poetry-garden in taipei.Qing Dai - 1996 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 27 (2):36-39.
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    The Canonical Significance of the Synod of Bishops of 1994 on Consecrated Life [Book Review].Helen M. Delaney - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (4):504.
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    In Quest of Meaning: A Study of the Ancient Egyptian Rites of Consecrating the Meret-Chests and Driving the Calves.Erhart Graefe & A. Egberts - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):447.
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    Caesar's Consecration[REVIEW]J. P. V. D. Balsdon - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (1):62-64.
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    Becoming the Buddha: The Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand by Donald K. Swearer. Pinceton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. [REVIEW]Paul Fuller - 2009 - Buddhist Studies Review 26 (2):252-255.
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    The Christian Academic in Higher Education: The Consecration of Learning. By John Sullivan. Pp. xvi, 335, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, £96.50. [REVIEW]Brendan Carmody - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):864-865.
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    Filosofia și perspectiva umană: sustenabilitatea gândirii filosofice în societatea post-pandemie: materialele Conferinței Științifice consecrate Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei: 19 noiembrie 2020, Chișinău.Ana Pascaru (ed.) - 2020 - Chișinău: Institutul de Istorie, Secţia Filosofie.
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