Results for 'Avis Hewitt'

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  1.  43
    Hasidic Hallowing and Christian Consecration: Awakening to Authenticity in Denise Levertov's "Matins".Avis Hewitt - 1997 - Renascence 50 (1-2):97-107.
  2.  23
    Barriers in implementing the dying patient law: the Israeli experience - a qualitative study.Avi Zigdon & Rachel Nissanholtz-Gannot - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Coping with end-of-life issues is a major challenge for governments and health systems. Despite progress in legislation, many barriers exist to its full implementation. This study is aimed at identifying these end-of-life barriers in relation to Israel. Methods Qualitative in-depth interviews using professionals and decision makers in the health-care and related systems were carried out, along with two focus groups based on brainstorming techniques consisting of nurses and social workers. Data was managed and analyzed using Naralyzer software. Results Qualitative (...)
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  3. Real and Abstract Analysis.E. Hewitt - 1965
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  4. A Cardinal Worry for Permissive Metaontology.Simon Hewitt - 2015 - Metaphysica 16 (2):159-166.
    Permissivist metaontology proposes answering customary existence questions in the affirmative. Many of the existence questions addressed by ontologists concern the existence of theoretical entities which admit precise formal specification. This causes trouble for the permissivist, since individually consistent formal theories can make pairwise inconsistent demands on the cardinality of the universe. We deploy a result of Gabriel Uzquiano’s to show that this possibility is realised in the case of two prominent existence debates and propose rejecting permissivism in favour of substantive (...)
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  5. Modalising Plurals.Simon Thomas Hewitt - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (5):853-875.
    There has been very little discussion of the appropriate principles to govern a modal logic of plurals. What debate there has been has accepted a principle I call (Necinc); informally if this is one of those then, necessarily: this is one of those. On this basis Williamson has criticised the Boolosian plural interpretation of monadic second-order logic. I argue against (Necinc), noting that it isn't a theorem of any logic resulting from adding modal axioms to the plural logic PFO+, and (...)
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  6. A Note on Gabriel Uzquiano’s “Varieties of Indefinite Extensibility”.Simon Hewitt - unknown - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (3):455-459.
    It is argued that Gabriel Uzquiano's approach to set-theoretic indefinite extensibility is a version of in rebus structuralism, and therefore suffers from a vacuity problem.
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  7. What do our intuitions about the experience machine really tell us about hedonism?Sharon Hewitt - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (3):331 - 349.
    Robert Nozick's experience machine thought experiment is often considered a decisive refutation of hedonism. I argue that the conclusions we draw from Nozick's thought experiment ought to be informed by considerations concerning the operation of our intuitions about value. First, I argue that, in order to show that practical hedonistic reasons are not causing our negative reaction to the experience machine, we must not merely stipulate their irrelevance (since our intuitions are not always responsive to stipulation) but fill in the (...)
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    The Metaphysical, Epistemological, and Mystical Aspects of Happiness in the Treatise on Ultimate Happiness Attributed to Moses Maimonides.Avi Elqayam - 2018 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 26 (2):174-211.
    _ Source: _Volume 26, Issue 2, pp 174 - 211 This article explores the metaphysical, epistemological, and mystical aspects of happiness in the Judeo-Arabic _Treatise on Ultimate Happiness_, of which only two chapters have survived from what is thought to have been a more comprehensive text. Although the treatise is attributed to Moses Maimonides, the conception of happiness it presents is clearly that of the Pietists, the Jewish-Sufi circle of thirteenth-century Egypt. The discussion of happiness in this short treatise constitutes (...)
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    Ethical decisions during COVID-19: level of moral disengagement and national pride as mediators.Avi Kay & Yael Brender-Ilan - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):25-48.
    COVID-19 created a global crisis of unprecedented comprehensiveness affecting personal and professional lives of individuals worldwide. The pandemic and various governmental guidelines associated with it had numerous consequences for the workplace and the marketplace. In light of the global nature and multiplicity of the consequences of the pandemic, this study examines the impact of individual characteristics of respondents from three countries from various areas of the world: China, Israel, and the USA toward COVID-19 related business ethics decisions in three different (...)
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    Neuroanalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis, and Psychiatry.Avi Peled - 2008 - Routledge.
    _NeuroAnalysis _investigates using the neural network and neural computation models to bridge the divide between psychology, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience when diagnosing mental health disorders and prescribing treatment. Avi Peled builds on Freud's early attempts to explain the neural basis of mental health by introducing neural computation as a bridging science to explain psychiatric disorders. Peled describes the brain as a complex system of interconnected units and goes on to suggest that conscious experience, feelings, and mood are emergent properties arising from (...)
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  11.  14
    Logical philosophy: a compendium.Avi Sion - 2013 - Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
    Logical Philosophy: A Compendium brings together five works by Avi Sion published in 2002-06, namely: Phenomenology (2003), Volition and Allied Causal Concepts (2004), Meditations (2006), Ruminations (2005), and Buddhist Illogic (2002). These works together define what may be termed 'Logical Philosophy', i.e. philosophical discourse distinguished by its steadfast reliance on inductive and deductive logic to resolve epistemological and ontological issues. This collection does not include work done on The Logic of Causation in the same period (published in 2003, 2005).
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    God and the Creative Imagination: Metaphor, Symbol, and Myth in Religion and Theology.Paul D. L. Avis - 1999 - Routledge.
    'A mere metaphor', 'only symbolic', 'just a myth' - these tell tale phrases reveal how figurative language has been cheapened and devalued in our modern and postmodern culture. In God and the Creative Imagination, Paul Avis argues the contrary: we see that actually, metaphor, symbol and myth, are the key to a real knowledge of God and the sacred. Avis examines what he calls an alternative tradition, stemming from the Romantic poets Blake, Wordsworth and Keats and drawing on (...)
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  13.  9
    Plato: Images, Aims, and Practices of Education.Avi I. Mintz - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book opens by providing the historical context of Plato’s engagement with education, including an overview of Plato’s life as student and educator. The author organizes his discussion of education in the Platonic Corpus around Plato’s images, both the familiar – the cave, the gadfly, the torpedo fish, and the midwife – and the less familiar – the intellectual aviary, the wax tablet, and the kindled fire. These educational images reveal that, for Plato, philosophizing is inextricably linked to learning; that (...)
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  14. The Logic of Finite Order.Simon Hewitt - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (3):297-318.
    This paper develops a formal system, consisting of a language and semantics, called serial logic ( SL ). In rough outline, SL permits quantification over, and reference to, some finite number of things in an order , in an ordinary everyday sense of the word “order,” and superplural quantification over things thus ordered. Before we discuss SL itself, some mention should be made of an issue in philosophical logic which provides the background to the development of SL , and with (...)
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  15.  63
    Transactive memory systems scale for couples: development and validation.Lauren Y. Hewitt & Lynne D. Roberts - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  16.  52
    Need anything follow from a contradiction?Simon Thomas Hewitt - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (3):278-297.
    ABSTRACT Classical and intuitionistic logic both validate Ex Contradictione Quodlibet, according to which any proposition whatsoever follows from a contradiction. Many philosophers have found ECQ counter-intuitive, but criticisms of the principle have almost universally been directed from a position of support for relevance or other orthodox paraconsistent logics, according to which some, but not necessarily all, propositions follow from a contradiction. This paper draws attention to the historically significant view that nothing whatsoever follows from a contradiction – Ex Contradictione Nihil. (...)
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  17.  24
    Platonic character education.Avi I. Mintz - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (3):708-723.
    In A Platonic Theory of Moral Education, Mark Jonas and Yoshiaki Nakazawa have argued that Plato outlines a theory of virtue education. Alkis Kotsonis has similarly argued that Plato articulated a theory of intellectual character education. I think that Jonas, Nakazawa, and Kotsonis have opened a productive line of enquiry on this matter, and I expand on their work in this paper by identifying connections between Plato’s work and the contemporary discourse on character education, which features four domains of virtues: (...)
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  18.  95
    Scope dominance with monotone quantifiers over finite domains.Gilad Ben-Avi & Yoad Winter - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (4):385-402.
    We characterize pairs of monotone generalized quantifiers Q1 and Q2 over finite domains that give rise to an entailment relation between their two relative scope construals. This relation between quantifiers, which is referred to as scope dominance, is used for identifying entailment relations between the two scopal interpretations of simple sentences of the form NP1–V–NP2. Simple numerical or set-theoretical considerations that follow from our main result are used for characterizing such relations. The variety of examples in which they hold are (...)
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  19. When Do Some Things Form a Set?Simon Hewitt - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (3):311-337.
    This paper raises the question under what circumstances a plurality forms a set, parallel to the Special Composition Question for mereology. The range of answers that have been proposed in the literature are surveyed and criticised. I argue that there is good reason to reject both the view that pluralities never form sets and the view that pluralities always form sets. Instead, we need to affirm restricted set formation. Casting doubt on the availability of any informative principle which will settle (...)
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  20. Language as a Means and an Obstacle to Freedom: The Case of Moses Mendelssohn.Avi Lifschitz - 2020 - In Quentin Skinner & van Gelderen Martin, Freedom and the Construction of Europe. Cambridge University Press.
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  21. The Poetic Enlightenment: Poetry and Human Science, 1650–1820.Avi Lifschitz - 2013
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  22.  31
    Dewey’s Ancestry, Dewey’s Legacy, and The Aims of Education in Democracy and Education.Avi I. Mintz - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    In Democracy and Education, in the midst of the pivotal chapter on “The Democratic Conception in Education,” Dewey juxtaposes his educational aims with those of Plato, Rousseau, Fichte and Hegel. Perhaps Dewey believed that an account of their views would help elucidate his own, or he intended to suggest that his own ideas rivaled or bested theirs. I argue that Dewey’s discussion of historical philosophers’ aims of education was also designed to critique his contemporaries subtly and by analogy. My analysis (...)
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  23.  26
    Damon, Prodicus, and Socratic Matchmaking.Avi I. Mintz - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):377-379.
  24.  25
    vCJD Donor Notification Exercise: 2005.P. E. Hewitt, C. Moore & K. Soldan - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (3):172-178.
    UK blood services, supported by the Health Protection Agency/Health Protection Scotland, carried out an exercise over the summer of 2005 to notify 110 donors whose blood was transfused to three recipients who later developed vCJD. These donors were to be informed that they were now considered 'at risk of vCJD for public health purposes'. The notification began on 20 July 2005 and was completed (barring follow-up) at the end of the first week of October 2005. Apart from two donors who (...)
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    Singlehood in Treatment: Interrogating the discursive alliance between postfeminism and therapeutic culture.Avi Shoshana & Kinneret Lahad - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3):334-349.
    This article offers a critical discourse analysis of the Israeli television series In Treatment. The series unfolds the therapy sessions of a 40-year-old single female attorney with her therapist. The main objective of the study was to identify the scripted tactics or narrative strategies that establish and maintain singlehood. The findings indicate that the therapeutic discourse plays a central role in the construction and interpretation of single women’s subjectivities, prompting a narrative that encourages the ‘discarding’ of singlehood as well as (...)
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  26.  31
    ANNEX to The Logic of Causation.Avi Sion - manuscript
    Avi Sion's book The Logic of Causation (2010) could not include all relevant tables (which either justified or applied various doctrines in the book), due to their sizes or quantity. These additional tables were made available to interested readers at time of publication in the author's website The Logician. The present 'Annex' collects in one pdf file the numerous original pdf files, to facilitate download. The file is almost 0.5 Gb in size, and contains almost 108,000 pages.
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  27.  9
    Comments on C. Hewitt, viewing control structures as patterns of passing messages, Artificial Intelligence 8 (1977) 323–364. [REVIEW]C. Hewitt - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (3):317-318.
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  28. Schizophrenia, mental capacity, and rational suicide.Jeanette Hewitt - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):63-77.
    A diagnosis of schizophrenia is often taken to denote a state of global irrationality within the psychiatric paradigm, wherein psychotic phenomena are seen to equate with a lack of mental capacity. However, the little research that has been undertaken on mental capacity in psychiatric patients shows that people with schizophrenia are more likely to experience isolated, rather than constitutive, irrationality and are therefore not necessarily globally incapacitated. Rational suicide has not been accepted as a valid choice for people with schizophrenia (...)
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  29.  29
    How Gender Diversity Shapes Cities: Evidence from Risk Management Decisions in REITs.Avis Devine, Isabelle Jolin, Nils Kok & Erkan Yönder - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):723-741.
    In this paper, we study the impact of CEO and board gender diversity on the risk management decisions of 179 U.S. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) during the 2001–2018 period. Using a bottom-up analysis on the properties in REIT portfolios, we find significant risk reduction associated with gender-diverse REIT leadership. We document that REITs with a woman CEO, in combination with more women on the board, display less active trading and a longer hold period for assets. In addition, REITs with (...)
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  30. Grammatical Thomism.Simon Hewitt - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
  31. (1 other version)Tuples all the Way Down?Simon Thomas Hewitt - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):161-169.
    We can introduce singular terms for ordered pairs by means of an abstraction principle. Doing so proves useful for a number of projects in the philosophy of mathematics. However there is a question whether we can appeal to the abstraction principle in good faith, since a version of the Caesar Problem can be generated, posing the worry that abstraction fails to introduce expressions which refer determinately to the requisite sort of object. In this note I will pose the difficulty, and (...)
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  32.  92
    Democratic education: A Deweyan reminder.Randall S. Hewitt - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (2):43-60.
    : Educational historians, philosophers, and sociologists have long warned that the increasing encroachment of business logic in public schools bodes ill for democracy as a way of life. Many have concluded that the business person's interest in affecting public education is to bring about a greater bottom line, which, of course, is profit, albeit secured in the name of democratic freedom and social progress. These scholars have noted that the corporate parasite is eating away the insides of our public schools (...)
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  33.  21
    Negative Theology and Philosophical Analysis.Simon Hewitt - 2020 - London: Palgrave.
    This book is the first treatment at length of negative, or apophatic, theology within the analytic tradition. Apophatic theology holds that there is a significant sense in which we cannot say what God is. Important negative theological elements are present in a host of Christian thinkers, from Gregory of Nyssa to Aquinas, and yet apophaticism is neglected in philosophical theology as practiced within the analytic tradition. By contrast, Hewitt shows how apophatic theology is integral to how Christians have thought (...)
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  34.  49
    Opinion: Paradigms, methods, and the failed striving for methodological diversity in educational psychology published research.Avi Kaplan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Living with the Other: The Ethic of Inner Retreat.Avi Sagi - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The book grapples with one of the most difficult questions confronting the contemporary world: the problem of the other, which includes ethical, political, and metaphysical aspects. A widespread approach in the history of the discourse on the other, systematically formulated by Emmanuel Levinas and his followers, has invested this term with an almost mythical quality—the other is everybody else but never a specific person, an abstraction of historical human existence. This book offers an alternative view, turning the other into a (...)
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  36. The Godel Phenomenon in Mathematics: A Modern View.Avi Wigderson - 2011 - In Matthias Baaz, Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics: horizons of truth. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 475.
  37.  37
    Language and Enlightenment: The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century.Avi Lifschitz - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    What is the role of language in human cognition? Could we attain self-consciousness and construct our civilisation without language? Such were the questions at the basis of eighteenth-century debates on the joint evolution of language, mind, and culture. Language and Enlightenment highlights the importance of language in the social theory, epistemology, and aesthetics of the Enlightenment. While focusing on the Berlin Academy under Frederick the Great, Avi Lifschitz situates the Berlin debates within a larger temporal and geographical framework. He argues (...)
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  38.  88
    If an ontologist could speak we couldn’t understand him.Simon Hewitt - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (4):444-460.
    It is common for contemporary ontologists to claim that they are not concerned with what exists simpliciter, but rather with what exists ’fundamentally’, or what ’really’ exists. I argue that positions of this sort cannot satisfy reasonable constraints concerning the acquisition of language. I assess and dismiss possible responses to this complaint before commenting on the prospects for a metaphysics without bespoke existence claims.
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  39.  19
    Managed Care Discounting: Evidence from the MarketScan Database.Avi Dor, Siran M. Koroukian & Michael Grossman - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):159-169.
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  40. An Introduction to Many Worlds in Quantum Computation.Clare Hewitt-Horsman - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (8):869-902.
    The interpretation of quantum mechanics is an area of increasing interest to many working physicists. In particular, interest has come from those involved in quantum computing and information theory, as there has always been a strong foundational element in this field. This paper introduces one interpretation of quantum mechanics, a modern ‘many-worlds’ theory, from the perspective of quantum computation. Reasons for seeking to interpret quantum mechanics are discussed, then the specific ‘neo-Everettian’ theory is introduced and its claim as the best (...)
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  41. Memory, community, and opposition to mosques: the case of Badalona.Avi Astor - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (4):325-349.
    A number of recent studies have examined the sources of conflict surrounding the presence of Muslim minorities in Western contexts. This article builds upon, and challenges, some of the principal findings of this literature through analyzing popular opposition to mosques in Badalona, a historically industrial city in Catalonia where several of the most vigorous anti-mosque campaigns in Spain have occurred. Drawing upon 46 semi-structured interviews and ethnographic observation conducted over a two-year period, I argue that opposition to mosques in Badalona (...)
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    Religion and its modifiers: making sense of the definition and subtypification of a contested concept.Avi Astor - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (2):213-232.
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    Mahi todaʻah: madaʻim, filosofyah, misṭiḳah = What is conciousness? Sciences, philosophy, mysticism.Avi Elqayam & Oded Maimon (eds.) - 2018 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
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  44. Editor in Chief's Letter.Hugh Hewitt - 1998 - Nexus 3:1.
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    Moral and Pastoral Theology.Robert A. Hewitt - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (4):683-687.
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  46. Times They Are a Changing, The.Hugh Hewitt - 2006 - Nexus 11:1.
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    Introduction.Avi I. Mintz - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):369-370.
  48.  45
    Understanding evil and educating heroes.Avi Mintz - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (1):185-196.
    Why do people do horrific things to one another? This article reviews two recent books that attempt to answer that question, Philip Zimbardo's The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil and Barbara Coloroso's Extraordinary Evil: A Brief History of Genocide . The author discusses the educational implications of these works and raises preliminary considerations for an education for heroism.
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    Religious Zionism and the Six Day War: From Realism to Messianism.Avi Schwartz Sagi & Dov Schwartz - 2018 - Routledge.
    The book offers a new insight into the political, social, and religious conduct of religious-Zionism, whose consequences are evident in Israeli society today. Before the Six-Day War, religious-Zionism had limited its concern to the protection of specific religious interests, with its representatives having little share in the determination of Israel's national agenda. Fifty years after it, religious-Zionism has turned into one of Israeli society's dominant elements. The presence of this group in all aspects of Israel's life and its members' determination (...)
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    Making a New Myth of Greece: Lawrence Durrell, Rex Warner, and the “Captain” of Modern Greek Letters.Avi Sharon - 2015 - Arion 23 (1):119.
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