Results for 'ConcepciÓ Real'

961 found
  1.  33
    Concepció Bauçà de Mirabò Gralla, La Real Cartuja de Jesús de Nazaret de Valldemossa: Formación y evolución de su patrimonio histórico-artístico. Preface by, Mercè Gambús Saiz. Photographs by Enric Calafell Alemany. [Barcelona]: L'Illa de la Calma; Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2008. Pp. 504; color frontispiece and many black-and-white and color figures. [REVIEW]Eileen McKiernan González - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):930-931.
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    Filosofía del derecho: bases para una concepción onto-antropológica del Derecho.José de Faria Costa - 2022 - Madrid: Reus Editorial. Edited by Milagros Otero Parga.
    En este volumen José de Faria ofrece una muestra de los fundamentos que brindan una forma propia de pensar en cuanto pensamiento pensado, pero también en tanto que pensamiento pensante, con todo lo que esto acarrea de frágil, de nuevo, e incluso de ruptura a la filosofía del derecho a partir de un étimo onto-antropológico. -- En esta perspectiva es donde el derecho, en cuanto orden sumergido en la historia, se concibe como un enorme y genuino pedazo de lo (...) construido que pertenece a la galaxia de la razón práctica.No se trata simplemente de un (válido) deber-ser que es. -- En realidad, y sobre todo, se trata de un válido es que debe ser. -- A lo largo del texto, el lector podrá encontrar reflexiones actuales e importantes, no sólo sobre el problema de la obediencia al derecho, con la búsqueda de una respuesta posible de nuestro tiempo, sino que también podrá indagar sobre aspectos más analíticos de la normatividad jurídica, especialmente en lo referente a la dimensión del derecho como categoría del pensamiento, realizado en el horizonte de una lógica comprensiva.Todo eso sin perder de vista la necesidad de analizar una vertiente crucial para la fundamentación antropológica del Derecho: su dimensión temporal, críticamente reflejada en la temporalidad de lo justo. (shrink)
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    L’ésser en l’aparença. Estètica, imaginari i ontologia en les fenomenologies de Husserl i Merleau-Ponty.Annabelle Dufourcq - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 57:121-139.
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  4. El español en México : orígenes y caracterización histórica.Concepción Company Company - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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    2003: Arte y pensamientos en la era tecnológica.Mungi A., Concepción Elorza & Iñaki Billelabeitia (eds.) - 2003 - [Bilbao]: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua.
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    Violencias soterradas y el retorno de la alteridad radical: ensayos sobre la comunidad por venir seguidos de la mano de Derrida.Delgado Parra & Ma Concepción - 2010 - Delegación Álvaro Obregón, México, D.F.: Luna de Barro.
  7.  9
    Teoría de la educación: un análisis epistemológico.Concepción Naval Durán - 2008 - Pamplona: EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarrra.
  8.  14
    Interpretación y derecho: análisis de la obra de Riccardo Guastini.Gimeno Presa & María Concepción - 2001 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia. Edited by Riccardo Guastini & Alexei Julio Estrada.
    Interesante y muy bien lograda aproximación al universo teórico construido por Ricardo Guastini, filósofo del derecho italiano.
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    De la vida i de la mort: reflexions i propostes per a educadors i pares.Concepció Poch I. Avellán - 1996 - Barcelona: Editorial Claret.
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  10. Miguel Reale: estudos em homenagem a seus 90 anos.Miguel Reale, Urbano Zilles, Antônio Paim, Luís Alberto De Boni & Ubiratan Borges de Macedo (eds.) - 2000 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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  11. Intervista a Giovanni Reale.Giovanni Reale & Vincenzo Cicero - 2012 - Philosophical News 5.
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  12. Iv Congresso Brasileiro de Filosofia Do Direito Em Homenagem a Miguel Reale ; Espaðco Cultural, Joäao Pessoa, Para'iba, 9 a 15 de Dezembro de 1990.Miguel Reale - 1990 - S.N.
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    The Second Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems.Object-Oriented Real-Time - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Family Firms’ Corporate Social Performance: A Calculated Quest for Socioemotional Wealth.Réal Labelle, Taïeb Hafsi, Claude Francoeur & Walid Ben Amar - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):511-525.
    This study investigates the engagement of family firms in corporate social responsibility. We first compare their corporate social performance to non-family firms. Then, following recent evidence on the heterogeneity of family firms, we examine two factors that may influence CSP within family firms: the level of family control and the governance orientation of the country in which they operate. This research is based on a theoretical framework which considers both agency and socioemotional wealth influences on family firms CSR engagements. Overall, (...)
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  15. Estudos em homenagem a Miguel Reale.Miguel Reale & Teófilo Cavalcanti Filho (eds.) - 1977 - São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo.
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  16. New Images of Plato Dialogues on the Idea of the Good /Ed. By Giovanni Reale and Samuel Scolnicov.Giovanni Reale & Samuel Scolnicov - 2002
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    Seconda navigazione: omaggio a Giovanni Reale.Roberto Radice, Glauco Tiengo & Giovanni Reale (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.Giovanni Reale - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale's monumental work establishes the exact dimensions of Aristotle's concept of first philosophy and proves the profound unity of concept that exists in Aristotle's Metaphysics.
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  19. Historia filozofii starożytnej.Giovanni Reale & Roberto Radice - 2002 - Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Edited by Roberto Radice.
    -- v. 5. V. słownik, indeksy i bibliografia.
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    Per una nuova interpretazione di Platone: rilettura della metafisica dei grandi dialoghi alla luce delle "Dottrine non scritte".Giovanni Reale & Hans Joachim Krämer - 1987 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    A History of Ancient Philosophy Iv: The Schools of the Imperial Age.Giovanni Reale - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale (history of ancient philosophy, Catholic U. of Milan) covers the first 500 years of the common era.
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  22.  32
    Should healthcare workers be prioritised during the COVID-19 pandemic? A view from Madrid and New York.Diego Real de Asua & Joseph J. Fins - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (6):397-400.
    While COVID-19 has generated a massive burden of illness worldwide, healthcare workers (HCWs) have been disproportionately exposed to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. During the so-called ‘first wave’, infection rates among this population group have ranged between 10% and 20%, raising as high as one in every four COVID-19 patients in Spain at the peak of the crisis. Now that many countries are already dealing with new waves of COVID-19 cases, a potential competition between HCW and non-HCW patients for scarce resources can (...)
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  23.  76
    (2 other versions)A History of Ancient Philosophy I: From the Origins to Socrates.Giovanni Reale - 1985 - State University of New York Press.
    Beginning with the origins of Western philosophy, the profound creation of the Hellenic genius, Reale presents an appreciation of the Naturalists, the Sophists, Socrates, and the Minor Socratics.
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    Français canadiens ou Canadiens? Construction et mutation d’une identité originale au XVIII siècle.Réal Ouellet - 2002 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 21:21.
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    Foucault contra Taylor: Whose Sources? Which Self?Réal Robert Fillion - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (4):663-.
    Foucault appears now and again in the work of Charles Taylor, but fleetingly, almost hauntingly. This is not surprising because Taylor and Foucault share many ideas and yet remain starkly opposed. This is especially true of Taylor's most recent work, his monumental Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. In it he is characteristically brilliant, in the sense that he attempts to illuminate a great many things all at once. Foucault is mentioned here and there in that (...)
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  26. Testimonianze e frammenti, « La nuova Italia ». Melisso & Giovanni Reale - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (1):124-124.
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    Bibliografia e estudos críticos.Miguel Reale & Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro - 1999 - Centro de Documentac~ao Do Pensamento Brasileiro.
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  28. La Metafisica,, volume primo, volume secondo. Aristotele & Giovanni Reale - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 31 (3):584-584.
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    Metafisica. Aristotle & Giovanni Reale - 1971 - Bari: Laterza. Edited by Russo, Antonio & [From Old Catalog].
    Aristoteles (384-322 a.C.), es uno de los pensadores mas influyentes de la historia de la humanidad. Filosofo y cientifico, su obra incorpora una gran variedad de conocimientos que, a traves de la pedagogia directa, transmitio a sus alumnos. Metafisica es una obra magna del pensamiento occidental, compuesta de catorce libros -de los que presentamos una seleccion- representa un compendio de todo el saber aristotelico en el campo de la filosofia y, tambien, un elemento basico de la misma como ciencia del (...)
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    Metafisica: saggio intoduttivo, testo greco con traduzione a fronte e commentario. Aristotle & Giovanni Reale - 1993 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Giovanni Reale.
    1. Saggio introduttivo e indici -- 2. Testo greco con traduzione a fronte -- 3. Sommari e commentario.
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  31. Entre la virtud y la eficiencia: Teoría económica y ética.F. J. Martínez Real - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (136):473-519.
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  32. Una economía amiga de la persona. Lectura antropológico-económica de Caritas in veritate.Francisco Javier Martinez Real - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (3):577-629.
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  33. Ethics, Diversity Management, and Financial Reporting Quality.Réal Labelle, Rim Makni Gargouri & Claude Francoeur - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):335-353.
    This article proposes and empirically tests a theoretical framework incorporating Reidenbach and Robin’s (J Bus Ethics 10(4):273–284, 1991 ) conceptual model of corporate moral development. The framework is used to examine the relation between governance and business ethics, as proxied by diversity management (DM), and financial reporting quality, as proxied by the magnitude of earnings management (EM). The level of DM and governance quality are measured in accordance with the ratings of Jantzi Research (JR), a leading provider of social and (...)
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  34.  24
    The New Civil Rights of the Person.J. Alberto del Real Alcalá - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (4):527-538.
    The Constitutional State, in its initial configuration as a liberal Constitutional State, recognised a series of basic individual rights as fundamental rights. Subsequently, in the second half of the 20 th century, social, economic and cultural rights were integrated into the Constitution, creating the social Constitutional State. However, although said group of rights are always mentioned as a compact group, or a package of rights, in fact the second recognition only took place, in the strictest sense, with respect of social (...)
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  35. The Schools of the Imperial Age.Giovanni REALE - 1990
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  36. Harriet Ritvo.Real Life - 1993 - In George Levine, Realism and Representation. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 235.
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  37. Freedom, Truth, and Possibility in Foucault's Ethics.Réal Fillion - 2005 - Foucault Studies 3:50-64.
    Like Kant, Foucault challenges us to rethink the way we relate freedom and truth by stressing the idea of "maturity" understood as a release from the "self-incurred tutelage" (the expression is from Kant) that otherwise characterizes so much of our lives. Though, rather than linking freedom and truth via the concept of autonomy (or lawfulness), as Kant does, Foucault outlines a possible experience of ethics as an individualizing ideal that contrasts with the model of establishing codes within a conception of (...)
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    Foucault after Hyppolite: Toward an A-Theistic Theodicy.Réal Fillion - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):79-93.
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    FREEDOM IN THE ARCHIVE: On Doing Philosophy through Historiography.Réal Fillion - 2018 - Foucault Studies 25:103-119.
    It is argued in this article that Foucault’s most distinctive contribution to philosophical practice is to be found in his distinctive mode of taking up historiography, exploring critically the conditions and limits of knowledge through archival work. The focus on knowledge would seem to place him in the critical lineage of Kant; however, his appeal to history and archival explorations reconfigure the relation between sensibility and the understanding in a way that suggests a different concern with the conditions of “a (...)
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    Moving beyond biopower: Hardt and Negri's post-foucauldian speculative philosophy of history.Real Fillion - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (4):47–72.
    I argue in this paper that the attempt by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri in Empire and Multitude to “theorize empire” should be read both against the backdrop of speculative philosophy of history and as a development of the conception of a “principle of intelligibility” as this is discussed in Michel Foucault’s recently published courses at the Collège de France. I also argue that Foucault’s work in these courses can be read as implicitly providing what I call “prolegomena to any (...)
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    Realizing Reason in History.Réal Robert Fillion - 1991 - The Owl of Minerva 23 (1):77-92.
    The expression, “Realizing Reason in History,” has at least two senses, both of which Hegel tries to bring out in his philosophy of history. The first suggests that there is reason in history. That is, the task of the philosopher is to show how reason has developed itself through history. The second sense suggests that, not only does history show us that reason has developed over time, but the task of history is precisely to develop or realize reason in time. (...)
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  42. Filosofia do Direito.Miguel Reale - 1957 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 13 (1):102-104.
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  43. Melisso Testimonianze e frammenti.G. Reale - 1971
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  44. (1 other version)Storia della Filosofia antica.Giovanni Reale - 1976-1980 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 37 (1):218-219.
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    Eros, dèmone mediatore, e il gioco delle maschere nel Simposio di Platone.Giovanni Reale - 1997 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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  46.  64
    We don’t need unilateral DNRs: taking informed non-dissent one step further.Diego Real de Asúa, Katarina Lee, Peter Koch, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Trevor Bibler - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):314-317.
    Although shared decision-making is a standard in medical care, unilateral decisions through process-based conflict resolution policies have been defended in certain cases. In patients who do not stand to receive proportional clinical benefits, the harms involved in interventions such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation seem to run contrary to the principle of non-maleficence, and provision of such interventions may cause clinicians significant moral distress. However, because the application of these policies involves taking choices out of the domain of shared decision-making, they face (...)
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  47. Estudos de filosofia brasileira.Miguel Reale - 1994 - Instituo de Filosofia Luso-Brasileira.
  48.  12
    Introduzione a Proclo.Giovanni Reale - 1989 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Paradigmas da cultura contempor'nea.Miguel Reale - 1996
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  50. Il trattato Sul cosmo per Alessandro attribuito ad Aristotele. Monografia introduttiva, testo greco con traduzione a fronte, commentario, bibliografía ragionata e indici.Giovanni Reale, Abraham P. Bos, G. Girgenti & F. Sarri - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (2):372-374.
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