Results for 'Ciprian Vlad'

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  1. ALEXANDRESCU Vlad and Robert THEIS (eds): Nature et Surnaturel.Vlad Alexandrescu (ed.) - 2010 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Depuis Kant, les philosophes ont appris à parler, avec prudence, du surnaturel et de sa relation avec la nature. En général le surnaturel n’est meme pas reconnu comme faisant partie de la philosophie. La situation n’aurait pu être plus différente aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, lorsque les philosophes comprenaient la relation entre Dieu et le monde comme l’un des problèmes les plus importants que la philosophie fût censée résoudre. Les solutions étaient bien sûr extrêmement diverses : Spinoza niera même que l’on puisse (...)
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    The Possible: A Sociocultural Theory.Vlad Petre Glǎveanu - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Possibility studies is an emerging field of research including topics as diverse as creativity, imagination, innovation, anticipation, counterfactual thinking, wondering, the future, social change, hope, agency, and utopia. The Possible: A Sociocultural Theory contributes to this wide field by developing a sociocultural account of the possible grounded in the notions of difference, position, perspective, dialogue, action, and culture.
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    Weak Business Culture as an Antecedent of Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland.Vlad Vaiman, Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson & Páll Ásgeir Davídsson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (2):259-272.
    The authors of this article contend that traditional corruption, which was largely blamed for the current situation in the Icelandic economy, was perhaps not the most fundamental reason for the ensuing crisis. The weak business culture and a symbiosis of business and politics have actually allowed for the bulk of self-erving and unethical decisions made by the Icelandic business and political elite. In order to illustrate this point, 10 expert interviews have been conducted within the period of 6 months in (...)
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  4. Polycentricity.Vlad Tarko - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
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  5. .Marilena Vlad - unknown
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  6. Nature et Surnaturel: Philosophies de la Nature et Métaphysique aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles.Vlad Alexandrescu & Robert Theis (eds.) - 2010 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Depuis Kant, les philosophes ont appris à parler, avec prudence, du surnaturel et de sa relation avec la nature. En général le surnaturel n’est même pas reconnu comme faisant partie de la philosophie. La situation n’aurait pu être plus différente aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, lorsque les philosophes comprenaient la relation entre Dieu et le monde comme l’un des problèmes les plus importants que la philosophie fût censé résoudre. Les solutions étaient bien sûr extrêmement diverses : Spinoza niera même que l’on puisse (...)
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  7. What Someone May Have Whispered in Elisabeth's Ear.Vlad Alexandresu - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 6:1-28.
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    Istvan Kiraly V., Moartea si experienta muririi/ Death and the Experience of Dying.Ciprian Cherhat - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):172-175.
    Istvan Kiraly V., Moartea si experienta muririi. In(tro)spectie metafizica si filosofico-aplicata Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Cluj-Napoca 2002, 154 p.
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  9. SU (2)× U (1) Gauge theory of bosonic and fermionic fields inS 3× R space-time.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina-Aura Dariescu - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1577-1582.
  10.  67
    You Only Die Thrice: Zombies Revisited in The Walking Dead.Vlad Dima - 2014 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 8 (2).
    This article explores notions of death and subjectivity, through the zombie, in the first four seasons of the AMC show, The Walking Dead. The body of the zombie elicits intriguing speculations. In its death, zombie lingers in the overlapping wedge between the grotesque and the sublime. Stemming from this idea, and through a re-analysis of the zombie as a concept, we propose an update to the Lacan/Zizek psychoanalytical models for death and subjectivity, as well as offer an explanation, through the (...)
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  11.  27
    The Greek-Catholic Church In Romania Facing The Challenges Of The Post-Modern Society.Ciprian Ghisa - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):195-219.
    Starting mostly with the second half of the 20th century, the churches and the religious communities are facing the challenges raised by the process of secularization, which is considered by some sociologists of religion as irreversible. The most affected ones were / are the traditional churches and the most obvious area where this phenomenon has become very visible is the Western Europe. This study aims to analyze the situation of the traditional churches in Romania, with a special focus on the (...)
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    Multilevel Selection and the Theory of Evolution: Historical and Conceptual Issues.Ciprian Jeler (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book puts multilevel selection theory into a much needed historical perspective. This is achieved by discussing multilevel selection in the first half of the twentieth century, the reasons for the energetic rejection of Wynne-Edwards’ group selectionist stance in the 1960s, Elisabeth Lloyd’s contribution to the units of selection debate, Price’s hierarchical equation and its possible interpretations and, finally, species selection in macroevolutionary contexts. Another idea also seems to emerge from these studies; namely, that perhaps a more sure-footed position for (...)
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    Pouvoir foucaldien et sélection naturelle. Une comparaison et une divergence.Ciprian Jeler - 2012 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 4 (2):318-342.
    This paper has a triple aim. First of all, it makes a comparison between Foucault’s notion of power relations and the notion of natural selection as it has been developed, since Darwin, by evolutionary biology. A number of common points between these two notions are analyzed here, such as acting on a spontaneity, facticity, fundamental visibility and global character. By analyzing these common points, this paper attempts – and this is its second aim – to indicate and criticize several preconceptions (...)
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  14.  22
    Why Meillassoux’s Speculative Materialism Struggles with Ancestrality.Ciprian Jeler - unknown
    This paper shows that Quentin Meillassoux’s speculative materialism doesn’t offer us the means to account for the ancestral statements that the modern sciences produce, i.e. for the scientific statements about events preceding all forms of life. An analysis of the reasons why Meillassoux thinks that the problem of ancestrality problematizes the contemporary self-evidence of correlationism is first offered. The results of this analysis are then applied to speculative materialism itself and the consequences are not very promising: very much like correlationism, (...)
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    Adrian Marino, Cenzura în România - Schitã istoricã introductivã/ Censorship in Romania.Ciprian-Paul Lupse - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):227-229.
    Adrian Marino, Cenzura în România - Schitã istoricã introductivã Ed. Aius, Craiova, 2000, 96 p.
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    Jean Servier, Terorismul/ The Terrorism.Ciprian Lupse - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):168-170.
    Jean Servier, Terorismul Institutul European, Iasi, 2002, Traducere de Bogdan Geangalau, Cu un studiu introductiv de Nicu Gavriluta.
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    Moshe Idel, Cabalistii nocturni/ Nocturnal Kabbalists.Ciprian Lupse - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (11):76-77.
    Moshe Idel, Cabalistii nocturni Editura Provopress, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, 81 pp.
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    Sensus communis: pentru o hermeneutică a cotidianului.Ciprian Mihali - 2001 - Pitești: Editura Paralela 45.
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    Comparative Constitutionalism and the Making of A New World Order.Vlad F. Perju - 2005 - Constellations 12 (4):464-486.
  20.  10
    The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body in the Theological Thought of Thomas Burnet.Ciprian Simuţ - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (2):31-45.
    The issue of the resurrection of the body has given rise to a plethora of interpretations. There is a natural need to clarify such issues, since there cannot be a separation between faith in Christ and the resurrection of the body. The two go hand in hand, because one cannot go without the other. In the context of debates spawned by the need to understand, Thomas Burnet seems like a study theologian and a clean hearted man, who wrote for the (...)
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  21. Self-governance solutions to social dilemmas : a polycentric approach.Vlad Tarko - 2024 - In David Thunder & Pablo Paniagua Prieto (eds.), Polycentric governance and the good society: a normative and philosophical investigation. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.
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  22. Dionysius the Areopagite on angels : self-constitution versus constituting gifts.Marilena Vlad - 2018 - In Luc Brisson, Seamus Joseph O'Neill & Andrei Timotin (eds.), Neoplatonic Demons and Angels. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
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    Genunchiul stîng sau genunchiul drept.Vlad Zografi - 1993 - [Bucharest]: Editura Eminescu.
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    Do Elliott Sober's arguments for group selection really account for the causal effect of natural selection?Ciprian Jeler - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4).
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  25. Damascius et la divination du principe incoordonné.Marilena Vlad - 2013 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 111 (3):469-490.
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  26. Regius and Gassendi on the Human Soul.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):433-452.
    Reshaping the neo-Aristotelian doctrines about the human soul was Descartes’s most spectacular enterprise, which gave birth to some of the sharpest debates in the Republic of Letters. Neverthe- less, it was certainly Descartes’s intention, as already expressed in the Discours de la méthode, to show that his new metaphysics could be supplemented with experimental research in the field of medicine and the conservation of life. It is no surprise then that several natural philosophers and doctors, such as Henricus Regius from (...)
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  27.  31
    Understanding and Imagination. A Kantian Interpretation of Hegel's “Inverted World”.Vlad Bilevsky - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):157-162.
    In this article, I discuss an interpretation of Hegel's concept of the “Inverted World”, which is present in the final part of the chapter on Force and Understanding in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Other than my own reading of the chapter, I also summarize the three most important interpretations of the verkehrte Welt from the last century: those of Jean Hyppolite, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Joseph Flay. I have chosen these three due to the typology of interpretation within them: the first (...)
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    An analysis of ethics and emotion in written texts about the use of animals for scientific purposes.Mikaela Ciprian, Laura D'Olimpio, Ram Pandit & Dominique Blache - unknown
    Ethical debate about the use of animals in science is argued within different ethical frameworks; mainly utilitarianism, deontology, relativism or emotional ethics, with some debaters preferring particular frameworks. Stakeholders to the debate are veterinarians, scientists using animals, animal welfare groups and the general public. To estimate the balance of ethical frameworks used, we ran a discourse analysis of written texts by each stakeholder . The discourse analysis targeted the description of animals, instances of emotional language and language associated with utilitarianism, (...)
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  29.  27
    Using language to find if Australian Animal Ethics Committees use emotion or ethics to assess animal experiments.Mikaela Ciprian, Laura D'Olimpio, Ram Pandit & Dominique Blache - unknown
    In Australia, the ethics of the use of animals for scientific purposes are assessed by Animal Ethics Committees that are comprised of the four major parties involved in the animal experimentation debate: veterinarians, scientists using animals, animal welfare representatives and members of the public. AECs are required to assess animal experiments as ethical based on a cost/benefit analysis, suggesting the use of consequentialist ethics. However, people are more likely to use a mixture of frameworks when making ethical decisions. Therefore, we (...)
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    Argumentul ontologic în filosofia analitică: o reevaluare din perspectiva conceptului de existență necesară.Vlad Vasile Andreica - 2013 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    The Sublime Gesture of Ideology. An Adornian Response to Žižek.Ciprian Calin Bogdan - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    One of the central charges that Žižek levels down against Adorno is that his critique of ideology comes dangerously close to a post-ideological position in which all ideological contents, political actions or rituals are reduced to a cynical consciousness which automatically obeys certain social imperatives though being aware of their falsity. Against this, Žižek comes up with an alternative understanding of cynicism as operating not at the level of consciousness, but everyday practices. What the present article tries to show is (...)
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    Der rumänische Kommunismus als Lügen-und Mythenkultur?Ciprian Cirniala - 2004 - In Steffen Greschonig & Christine S. Sing (eds.), Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag. pp. 103--109.
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  33. Between Despair and Bio-Chemistry. Notes on the Phenomenology of Addiction.Vlad Ichim - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:133-144.
    Although the phenomenon of addiction has existed, in one form or another, throughout the entire history, in contemporary society it takes new, more powerful forms, that need to be better understood. Also, today there are new methods and technologies of research, unavailable to past generations, that can shed new light on this complex matter. It is also advisable to use an interdisciplinary approach, as different areas of research can in fact cooperate to achieve a better understanding of addiction. It must (...)
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    The Political Plato.Vlad Ichim - 2008 - Cultura 5 (1):73-79.
    This study deals with the issue of Plato’s political interest. Some say he had none. We’ll try to show that in fact he was very political, to the extent that the core ofhis work is a political agenda, and is politically orientated. There’s also the aspect of the relation between metaphysics and politics in his work; that is a delicate issue, as some consider that Plato “disguised” his political convictions in myths. That too will be taken into consideration.1. The number (...)
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  35. Stem Cells Therapy and Research. Benefits and Ethical Challences.Pop Ionel-Ciprian, Grad Nicolae-Ovidiu & Mironiuc Ion-Aurel - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):190-205.
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    Estetica arhitecturii moderne si productia artistica/ The Aesthetics of Modern Architecture and the Artistic Production.Ciprian Lupse - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):75-83.
    The period that has begun after the last quarter of the 19th century brings an open conflict between the ‘histori- cal’ aspect of modernity and the ‘aesthetical’ one. The situation raises a question about the modern architectural shape’s dependency on architectonic function. Utility, production, profit become the keywords of the ideology; new social utopias and their reflection on the architecture- for-the masses projects emerge. This leads to the urban alienation of the modern man, in spite of the well-intended architectural functionalism (...)
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    Fenomenul religios la Lucian Blaga și Emil Cioran.Ciprian Bogdan Sonea - 2011 - Cluj-Napoca: Limes.
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    Damascius et l’ineffable. Récit de l’impossible discours.Marilena Vlad - 2019 - Paris, France: J. Vrin.
    Cet ouvrage part d’une question simple dans son énoncé et pourtant complexe dans sa solution : c’est la question du principe unique et absolu du tout. Pourquoi et comment en parler? En quoi résident sa nécessité, son importance et son sens pour la pensée? Cette question trouve une réponse radicale à la fin de la tradition néoplatonicienne, notamment chez Damascius, dans son Traité des premiers principes. Bien que ce problème ait toujours été présent sous le calame des philosophes héritiers de (...)
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  39. Les techniques de classe discursives–quelles retombées sur l'enseignement du FLE?M. Vlad - 2006 - Diálogos (Maringa) 10:33-41.
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  40. Neizbježni totalitet: Damaskije i aporija principa iznad svega.Marilena Vlad - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (1):141-157.
    Dans cet article, nous discutons la première partie de l’aporie du principe premier énoncée par Damascius dans son Traité des premiers principes. La question qui se pose est de savoir quelle est la source de cette aporie qui met face à face le principe et le « tout » de la pensée et de la réalité. L’hypothèse que nous allons argumenter consiste à dire que c’est précisément le sens spécifique du « tout » chez Damascius qui est responsable pour cette (...)
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    The Second Waive—Why Is US Higher Education Changing?Vlad Wielbut - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (1-2):101-108.
    The beginning of the current decade witnessed the collapse of many ambitious and costly initiatives in distance learning, but that does not mean that this was just a short-lived fad, and that the march of change was halted. There appeared on stage forces and processes that work more slowly than decisions of university administrators, but that are also much more difficult to ignore or reverse. This article describes these change factors and the how they influence American higher education.
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  42. Descartes and Pascal on the eucharist.Vlad Alexandrescu - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (4):434-449.
    Within Descartes' philosophy, the problem of the Eucharist provides scholars the occasion to investigate a nexus of questions belonging to different domains of his thought. In taking up this problem, about which there has been much written in the past few decades , I hope first of all to discern some order in the texts themselves, as well also as in their various interpretations, and then, from there, to propose a new perspective.
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    Quantum Analysis of $$k=-1$$ k = - 1 Robertson–Walker Universe.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina-Aura Dariescu - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1495-1513.
    The \\)-Robertson–Walker spacetime is under investigation. With the derived Hamilton operator, we are solving the Wheeler–De Witt Equation and its Schrödinger-like extension, for physically important forms of the effective potential. The closed form solutions, expressed in terms of Heun’s functions, allow us to comment on the occurrence of Universe from highly probable quantum states.
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    Juguetes, infancia y educación filosófica.Ciprian Vălcan & Miguel Ángel Gómez Mendoza - 2023 - Revista Disertaciones 12 (2):139-149.
    Nadie ha logrado explicarme de manera convincente por qué a los soldados de plástico de mi infancia todo el mundo los llamaba "indios". Algunos me dijeron que las figuras que representaban a los indios debían haber sido las más numerosas y populares desde el comienzo y que, por esta razón, el término que los designaba se había extendido a toda esta clase de juguetes. Otros propusieron la hipótesis de que el nombre en cuestión había adquirido tanta aceptación debido a que (...)
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  45. Planary symmetric static worlds with massless scalar sources.Ciprian Dariescu - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (8):1069-1080.
    Motivated by the recent wave of investigations on plane domain wall spacetimes with nontrivial topologies, the present paper deals with (probably) the most simple source field configuration which can generate a spatially planary symmetric static spacetime, namely a minimally coupled massless scalar field that depends only upon a spacelike coordinate. z. It is shown that the corresponding exact solutions (ℳ. g±) are algebraically special, type D-[S-3T] (in11), and represent globally pathologic spacetimes with a G4-group of motion acting on R2 × (...)
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    SU(2) ×U(1) Gauge theory of bosonic and fermionic fields inS 3 ×R space-time.Ciprian Dariescu & Marina -Aura Dariescu - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1577-1582.
    The tetradic Lorentz-gauge invariant formulation of the SU(2) × U(1) theory in S3 × R space-time is presented and the general gauge covariant Dirac-Klein-Gordon-Maxwell-Yang-Mills equations are derived. A direct comparison of these equations to those of the SU(2) × U(1) gauge theory on Minkowskian background points out major differences effectively induced by the minimally coupling to S3 × R gravity.
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  47. Quelques éléments préparatoires pour une théorie de l’interprétation chez Nietzsche.Ciprian Jeler - 2010 - Hermeneia:19-34.
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    Immunity: A Conceptual Analysis for France and Romania.Ciprian A. Negoiţă - 2015 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 10 (1):89-109.
    This article aims to investigate, from an interdisciplinary point of view, the concept of parliamentary immunity. The main objective of this inquiry is to identify the historical premises and the political, linguistic, and legal instruments that determined the conceptualization of parliamentary immunity in light of the main intellectual events in Romania and France. Embracing Reinhart Koselleck's working methods, this research will develop _in extenso_ a comparative conceptual analysis based on methodological rigor, emphasizing not only the importance of the concept after (...)
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    Gender Equality and Conflicting Attitudes Toward Women in Post-Communist Romania.Vlad Oprica - 2008 - Human Rights Review 9 (1):29-40.
    The idea of gender equality has been and still is an exogenous concept in Romanian culture. Initially introduced and institutionalized by communist ideology after World War II along with other utopian egalitarian principles, gender equality remains to this day a somewhat alien concept in practice for the majority of the Romanian population. Nevertheless, in the early twenty-first century, with renewed economic growth and more liberal governance in Romania, the gender equality debate has intensified, and multiple advocacies now compete on the (...)
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  50. Social Freedom and The Politics of Emancipation.Ciprian Turčan - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):25-38.
    The study focuses on the theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of social freedom as a special concept of individual autonomy in relation to the social conditions of its applicability. The aim of the analysis is to reveal and clarify the main political implications and normative claims that result from it for political theory. The thesis is formulated and argued in the article that the philosophical concept of social freedom in its applicability programmatically leads to a model of the politics of (...)
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