Results for 'Christine Rozance'

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  1.  77
    Ethics Committees at Work: A Different Kind of “Prisoner's Dilemma”.Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Nancy S. Jecker, Christine Rozance, Arlene Judith Klotzko & Birgit Friedl - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):530.
    A referral was made to our Cardiac Transplant Program for a patient who was in the New Jersey Prison System. The Medical Director of the New Jersey Department of Corrections called regarding a 39-year-old inmate who was being treated in a New Jersey hospital that has a unit for prisoners from a nearby cor- rectional facility. The referring physician described the patient to our Medical Director of heart transplantation as a “murderer” who had been incarcerated since 1987 and sentenced to (...)
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  2. The sources of normativity.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Onora O'Neill.
    Ethical concepts are, or purport to be, normative. They make claims on us: they command, oblige, recommend, or guide. Or at least when we invoke them, we make claims on one another; but where does their authority over us - or ours over one another - come from? Christine Korsgaard identifies four accounts of the source of normativity that have been advocated by modern moral philosophers: voluntarism, realism, reflective endorsement, and the appeal to autonomy. She traces their history, showing (...)
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    Perspectives on Equality: Constructing a Relational Theory.Christine M. Koggel - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Beginning with liberalism's foundational idea of moral equality as the basis for treating people with equal concern and respect, Christine Koggel offers a modified account of what makes human beings equal and what is needed to achieve equality. Koggel utilizes insights from care ethics but switches the focus from care as a moral response within personal relationships to the broader network of relationships within which care is given or withheld. The result is an account of moral personhood and agency (...)
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  4. Emotions and Wellbeing.Christine Tappolet & Mauro Rossi - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):461-474.
    In this paper, we consider the question of whether there exists an essential relation between emotions and wellbeing. We distinguish three ways in which emotions and wellbeing might be essentially related: constitutive, causal, and epistemic. We argue that, while there is some room for holding that emotions are constitutive ingredients of an individual’s wellbeing, all the attempts to characterise the causal and epistemic relations in an essentialist way are vulnerable to some important objections. We conclude that the causal and epistemic (...)
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    Susan Sontag: Standpunkt beziehen. Fünf Essays.Rudolf Piston & Christine Eckhardt - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (4):357-358.
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    A Longitudinal Study of Significant Change in Stakeholder Management.Christine Shropshire & Amy J. Hillman - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):63-87.
    Despite rich theoretical development, empirical research on stakeholder management is scant, save its relationship with financial performance. Recent research shows significant intrafirm variability in stakeholder management across time. This study seeks to explain why firms would experience significant changes in stakeholder management. Adapting Wood’s framework to discuss three principles of stakeholder management, the authors identify antecedents of change at the institutional, organizational, and executive levels. Pressures for legitimacy at the institutional level suggest that firm age and size, along with industry (...)
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    Film Studies and The Biocultural Turn.David Andrews & Christine Andrews - 2012 - Philosophy and Literature 36 (1):58-78.
    Film studies has largely avoided the biocultural turn that has swept through other areas of the humanities. This resistance may be understood in terms of the field’s recent distaste for grand theory—and in terms of the loose, social-constructionist thinking that is one residue of that distaste. Fortunately, a biocultural approach to cinema can offer film studies a necessary and defensible set of assumptions. It can also offer interpretive tools and potential ways of conceptualizing perennial concerns like authorship and genre. This (...)
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    Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema.Christine A. Holmlund & Teresa de Lauretis - 1985 - Substance 14 (2):102.
  9.  35
    The sequential cuing effect in speech production.Christine A. Sevald & Gary S. Dell - 1994 - Cognition 53 (2):91-127.
  10.  22
    Valent Representations, Bodily Feelings, and Social Norms.Christine Sievers & Rebekka Hufendiek - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 5 (2):24-29.
    In this commentary, we discuss Tom Cochrane’s theory of emotions. Cochrane offers an appealingly unified account of valent representations, ranging from simple responses to complex representations within a mechanistic framework. This offers some guidance as to how we might conceive of emotions as simple action-guiding responses in infants and animals, as well as context-sensitive evaluative states. While Cochrane argues for the centrality of bodily feelings, he does not consider his approach to be embodied in the narrower sense. We question his (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Myth of Egoism.Christine Korsgaard - 2004 - In Peter Baumann & Monika Betzler, Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 57.
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1999, given by Christine Korsgaard, an American philosopher.
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    Perceived Coach Support and Concussion Symptom-Reporting: Differences between Freshmen and Non-Freshmen College Football Players.Christine M. Baugh, Emily Kroshus, Daniel H. Daneshvar & Robert A. Stern - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (3):314-322.
    Concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury that has been defined as a “trauma-induced alteration in mental status that may or may not involve loss of consciousness.” Terms such as getting a “ding” or getting your “bell rung” are sometimes used as colloquialisms for concussion, but inappropriately downplay the seriousness of the injury. It is estimated that between 1.6 and 3.8 million concussions occur annually in the United States as a result of participation in sports or recreational activities. To (...)
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  13.  58
    Requiring Athletes to Acknowledge Receipt of Concussion-Related Information and Responsibility to Report Symptoms: A Study of the Prevalence, Variation, and Possible Improvements.Christine M. Baugh, Emily Kroshus, Alexandra P. Bourlas & Kaitlyn I. Perry - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (3):297-313.
    State concussion laws and sport-league policies are important tools for protecting public health, but also present implementation challenges. Both state laws and league policies often require athletes provide written acknowledgement of having received concussion-related information and/or of their responsibility to report concussion-related symptoms. This paper examines these requirements in two ways: an analysis of the variation in state laws and sport-league policies and a study of their effects in a cohort of collegiate football players.
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  14.  37
    Priming psychic and conjuring abilities of a magic demonstration influences event interpretation and random number generation biases.Christine Mohr, Nikolaos Koutrakis & Gustav Kuhn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  15. Introducing the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database: a validated set of non-acted affective sounds from human infants, adults, and domestic animals.Christine E. Parsons, Katherine S. Young, Michelle G. Craske, Alan L. Stein & Morten L. Kringelbach - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92322.
    Sound moves us. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our responses to genuine emotional vocalizations, be they heartfelt distress cries or raucous laughter. Here, we present perceptual ratings and a description of a freely available, large database of natural affective vocal sounds from human infants, adults and domestic animals, the Oxford Vocal (OxVoc) Sounds database. This database consists of 173 non-verbal sounds expressing a range of happy, sad, and neutral emotional states. Ratings are presented for the sounds on a (...)
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  16.  63
    Contextual-Hierarchical Reconstructions of the Strengthened Liar Problem.Christine Schurz - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (5):517-550.
    In this paper we shall introduce two types of contextual-hierarchical approaches to the strengthened liar problem. These approaches, which we call the ‘standard’ and the ‘alternative’ ch-reconstructions of the strengthened liar problem, differ in their philosophical view regarding the nature of truth and the relation between the truth predicates T r n and T r n+1 of different hierarchy-levels. The basic idea of the standard ch-reconstruction is that the T r n+1-schema should hold for all sentences of \. In contrast, (...)
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  17.  34
    Minding gaps on the skin: Opposite bisection biases on forehead and back of one’s head.Bigna Lenggenhager, Christine Busch & Peter Brugger - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:9-14.
  18.  13
    Management behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of healthcare middle managers.Marie-Christine Mackay, Marie-Hélène Gilbert, Pierre-Sébastien Fournier, Julie Dextras-Gauthier & Frédéric Boucher - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe spread of COVID-19 has disrupted the lifestyles of the world’s population. In the workplace, the pandemic has affected all sectors and has changed the way work is organized and carried out. The health sector has been severely impacted by the pandemic and has faced enormous challenges in maintaining healthcare services while providing care to those infected by the virus. At the heart of this battle, healthcare managers were key players in ensuring the orchestration of operations and the physical and (...)
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  19.  7
    L'éloquence du sage: Platonisme et rhétorique dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle.Christine Noille-Clauzade - 2004 - Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur.
    "Élève-toi, mon éloquence, j'aperçois Platon qui s'élève au-dessus de l'homme! C'est sur sa bouche que les abeilles ont fait leur miel, que les rossignols ont chanté, que la déesse de la persuasion a élu son siège..." Le jésuite Nicolas Caussin témoigne ici pour nous de la mémoire du platonisme qui est celle du XVIIe siècle: un portrait de Platon en philosophe orateur s'y affirme, où la figure du Sage s'allie au prestige de l'écrivain pour consacrer comme modèle rhétorique celui que (...)
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  20. Newtonianism in Scottish universities in the seventeenth century.Christine M. Shepherd - 1982 - In Campbell & Skinner, The Origins and Nature of the Scottish Enlightenment. pp. 65--85.
  21. Masculine Marx.Christine Di Stephano - 1991 - In Carole Pateman & Mary Lyndon Shanley, Feminist interpretations and political theory. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
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    Filled with Prophecy: Revelatory and Representational.Christine Falk Dalessio - 2018 - Listening 53 (1):31-47.
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    Daniel Berlyne and psychonomy: The beat of a different drum.John J. Furedy & Christine P. Furedy - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):203-205.
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  24. Empathie mit dem Tier.Christine Noll Brinckmann - 1997 - Cinema 42:60-69.
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  25. Le vocabulaire de Teilhard de Chardin.Marie Christine Deckers - 1968 - Gembloux,: J. Cuculot.
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  26.  50
    Implicit learning of sequential bias in a guessing task: Failure to demonstrate effects of dopamine administration and paranormal belief☆.John Palmer, Christine Mohr, Peter Krummenacher & Peter Brugger - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):498-506.
    Previous research suggests that implicit sequence learning is superior for believers in the paranormal and individuals with increased cerebral dopamine. Thirty-five healthy participants performed feedback-guided anticipations of four arrow directions. A 100-trial random sequence preceded two 100-trial biased sequences in which visual targets on trial t tended to be displaced 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise from those on t − 1. ISL was defined as a positive change during the course of the biased run in the difference between pro-bias and counter-bias (...)
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  27.  13
    Nietzsche, lecteur de Dostoïevski.Florian Tomasi & Christine Noël-Lemaître - 2020 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 70 (3):19-31.
    Si l’œuvre de Nietzsche présente une familiarité étonnante avec la pensée de Dostoïevski, le rapport du philosophe allemand au romancier russe est plus complexe qu’il n’y paraît. En effet, Nietzsche découvre par un heureux hasard, vers la fin de sa vie, les écrits de Dostoïevski. En quelques mois, il passe d’un enthousiasme absolu à l’aveu d’une déception à l’égard de celui qu’il considère comme un simple décadent chrétien. Comment interpréter ce retournement de Nietzsche vis-à-vis de Dostoïevski? Est-ce simplement un nouvel (...)
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  28.  39
    Reluctant Entrepreneurs: Patents and State Patronage in New Technosciences, circa 1870–1930.Christine Macleod - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):328-339.
    At a time when neoliberalism and financial austerity are together encouraging academic scientists to seek market alternatives to state funding, this essay investigates why, a century ago, their predecessors explicitly rejected private enterprise and the private ownership of ideas and inventions available to them through the patent system. The early twentieth century witnessed the success of a long campaign by British scientists to persuade the state to assume responsibility for the funding of basic research : their findings would enter the (...)
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  29. Ecological Thinking and Epistemic Location: The Local and the Global.Christine M. Koggel - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (1):177-186.
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    Gender Justice and Development: Local and Global.Cynthia Bisman & Christine Koggel - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (3):213-215.
  31.  10
    Autorinnen und Autoren.Tim Kammasch & Christine Abbt - 2009 - In Christine Abbt & Tim Kammasch, Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich?: Geste, Gestalt und Bedeutung philosophischer Zeichensetzung. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 243-248.
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    Correction in response to the review of ethical issues in international biomedical research.James Lavery, Christine Grady, Elizabeth Wahl & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):167-167.
  33.  37
    A. Mele, M. Tortorelli Ghidini, Epimenide cretese.Marie-Christine Leclerc - 2003 - Kernos 16:367-368.
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    Where Id Was: Challenging Normalization in Psychoanalysis. Disseminations, Psychoanalysis in Contexts.Anthony Molino & Christine Ware (eds.) - 2001 - Wesleyan University Press.
    A unique authoritative analysis of the individual an social concerns informing the politics of contemporary psychoanalysis.
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  35. Do-not-resuscitate orders and redirection of treatment.Jeffrey P. Burns & Christine Mitchell - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm, End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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    Science and empire in the nineteenth century: a journey of imperial conquest and scientific progress.Catherine Delmas, Christine Vandamme & Donna Spalding Andréolle (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The issue at stake in this volume is the role of science as a way to fulfil a quest for knowledge, a tool in the exploration of foreign lands, a central paradigm in the discourse on and representations of Otherness. The interweaving of scientific and ideological discourses is not limited to the geopolitical frame of the British empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but extends to the rise of the American empire as well. The fields of research tackled (...)
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  37. „Hier bitte einen Satz zu Kompetenzen einfügen“. Kompetenzorientierung, gesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme und Homogenisierung in Universitäten Curricular am Beispiel Führungsverantwortung.Philipp Richter, Marie-Christine Fregin, Benedikt Schreiber, Stefanie Wüstenhagen, Julia Dietrich, Rolf Frankenberger, Uwe Schmidt & Peter Walgenbach - 2016 - Das Hochschulwesen 4:117-123.
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    Discussion and reports: Color-introspection on the part of the Eskimo.Christine Ladd Franklin - 1901 - Psychological Review 8 (4):396-402.
  39. Framing the Postcolonial Sexual Contract: Democracy, Fraternalism, and State Authority in India.Christine Keating - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (4):130-145.
    This essay examines the reconfiguration of the racial and sexual contracts underpinning democratic theory and practice in the transition to independence in India. Drawing upon the work of Carole Pateman and Charles Mills, Keating argues that the racialized fraternal democratic order that they describe was importantly challenged by nationalist and feminist struggles against colonialism in India, but was reshaped into what she calls a postcolonial sexual contract by the framers of the Indian Constitution.
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    Outcomes from the workshop 'Putting Complexity to Work – Supporting the Practitioners': implications for health care.Patrick Beautement & Christine Broenner - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):190-194.
  41.  12
    La fraternité, entre mythe et espérance: actes de la journée d'étude de la Faculté de philosophie de l'Université catholique de Lyon (juin 2021).Christine Bouvier-Müh & Riccardo Rezzesi (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Engels et la philosophie marxiste.Christine Buci-Glucksmann - 1971 - Paris,: Éditions de "la Nouvelle critique,".
  43. Wirklichkeit, die sein lässt : Meister Eckharts Anregungen zu einer Theologie des Lassens und der Gelassenheit.Christine Büchner - 2018 - In Christine Büchner, Verschieden im Einssein: eine interdisziplinare Untersuchung zu Meister Eckharts Verstandnis von Wirklichkeit. Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  44. (1 other version)When The Guns Fall Silent: Towards an Adequate Theory of Jus Post Bellum.Mark Evans & Christine Stender - 2008 - Ethics 6 (1):65-86.
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    Rules of the Game: Regulation of the Text.Gerard Genot & Christine Wadleigh - 1977 - Substance 6 (17):75.
  46.  15
    Histoire des techniques.Chantal Grell, Christine Blondel & Andrew J. Butrica - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4):567-571.
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    Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch.Steffen Greschonig & Christine S. Sing (eds.) - 2004 - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.
    Die Beiträge aus den unterschiedlichsten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zeigen, dass Ideologien von jeher Wahrheitsansprüche formulierten, die im Verlauf ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte entweder als Irrtümer buchstäblich "Lügen gestraft" wurden oder von zeitgenössischen ideologischen Gegenentwürfen als solche bezeichnet wurden.
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  48. Time and Testimony: The Ethical in Fear and Trembling.Anne-Christine Habbard - 2002 - In Jon Stewart & NJ Cappelorn, Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook. De Gruyter. pp. 165--87.
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    Bildung-Intersektionalität-Othering: pädagogisches Handeln in widersprüchlichen Verhältnissen.Christine Riegel - 2016 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
  50.  29
    Tensions et contradictions dans la répartition des places et des rôles autour de l'enfant.Christine Castelain-Meunier - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 165 (3):33-44.
    Dans une société où l’enfant peut être pris dans la confusion identitaire comme support d’affirmation des adultes, qu’il s’agisse de la mère ou du père, un meilleur accompagnement de la prise de place de l’homme dans l’univers de la petite enfance constitue une garantie pour l’avenir. Le fait que le père prenne sa place aux côtés du tout-petit permettra au garçon devenu adulte de ne pas chercher éternellement la mère derrière la femme et à la petite fille de ne pas (...)
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