Results for 'Christina Burke'

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  1.  20
    Immersive Technology for Cognitive-Motor Training in Parkinson’s Disease.Justin Lau, Claude Regis, Christina Burke, MaryJo Kaleda, Raymond McKenna & Lisa M. Muratori - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Background: Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease in which the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons leads to initially sporadic and eventually widespread damage of the nervous system resulting in significant musculoskeletal and cognitive deterioration. Loss of motor function alongside increasing cognitive impairment is part of the natural disease progression. Gait is often considered an automatic activity; however, walking is the result of a delicate balance of multiple systems which maintain the body’s center of mass over an ever-changing base of support. (...)
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    (1 other version)Chronique de jurisprudence de responsabilité civile médicale.Christina Corgas-Bernard - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (76):25-34.
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    Inequity in Education: A Historical Perspective.Debra Meyers & Burke Miller (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Inequity in Education represents the latest scholarship investigating issues of race, class, ethnicity, religion, gender, and national identity formation that influenced education in America throughout its history. This exciting collection of cutting-edge essays and primary source documents represents a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives that will appeal to both social and cultural historians as well as those who teach education courses, including introductory surveys and foundations courses.
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  4. Tacit knowledge.Christina Graves, Jerrold J. Katz, Yuji Nishiyama, Scott Soames, Robert Stecker & Peter Tovey - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (11):318-330.
  5.  14
    Paul Ricœur, philosophical hermeneutics, and the question of revelation.Christina M. Gschwandtner (ed.) - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This collection highlights the important role of the topic of revelation in the work of Paul Ricœur. It discusses his biblical hermeneutics and his philosophical hermeneutics of the self on such topics as identity, trauma, or forgiveness, and also puts him in conversation with other thinkers on the topic of revelation.
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    Postmodern Apologetics?:Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of Continental philosophy of religion by treating the philosophical thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the US. Part I provides a context to the field by looking at the religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Lévinas, and Jacques Derrida. It contends that although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously motivated (...)
  7. What is phenomenology of religion? (Part I): The study of religious phenomena.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (2):e12566.
    Phenomenology of religion can refer to three distinct groups of phenomenological projects reflecting on religion. The term is used in the field of religious studies to designate the search for patterns of religious experiences or practices across traditions and to the methodology that shows religion to be a unique human experience deserving its own field of study. Philosophical phenomenology in the Husserlian tradition also engages religious questions at times. Finally, there is a group of contemporary French philosophers who advocate a (...)
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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Athletes Pre- and Post-Season Demonstrates Consistent Pattern of Frontal Cortical Activation with King-Devick Testing.Kristy Arbogast, Christina Master, Fairuz Mohammed, Eileen Storey, Olivia Podolak, Shelly Sharma, Catherine McDonald & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Wessen Wissen?: Materialität und Situiertheit in den Künsten.Kathrin Busch, Christina Dörfling, Kathrin Peters & Ildikó Szántó (eds.) - 2018 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    'Wessen Wissen?' ist einerseits eine Frage nach Akteur-innen, Körpern, Materialien und Technologien, die in künstlerischen Produktions- und Wissensprozessen miteinander interagieren. Diese lassen sich als Übersetzungen und Transformationen beschreiben, in denen Künstler-nnen längst nicht mehr die einzigen Subjekte des Wissens sind. Denn in den künstlerischen Praktiken des Entwerfens, Skizzierens, Modellierens, Probens und Experimentierens entfalten Medien und Materialien ihre je eigene agentielle Kraft. 'Wessen Wissen?' ist andererseits eine Frage nach der Heterogenität von Wissensformationen in ihren partikularen und partialen Perspektiven, also nach situated (...)
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  10. Ulf Hannerz and the militant middle ground.Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten & Shalini Randeria - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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    Some other differences between philosophy and science.Signe Burke Goldstein - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (3):452-455.
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    (1 other version)Freundschaft und Freiheit.Christina Thürmer-Rohr - 2009 - In Gerhard Kraiker, Michael Daxner & Waltraud Meints, Raum der Freiheit: Reflexionen Über Idee Und Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 33-56.
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    Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change.Radhika Iyengar & Christina T. Kwauk (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    _Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action_ offers researchers, practitioners, donors, and decisionmakers insights into entry points for education systems change needed to reorient human society’s relationship with our planetary systems.
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    Studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre: Von der Theorie Zur Praxis.Jörg Noller, Christina Beitz-Radzio, Daniela Kugelmann, Sabrina Sontheimer & Sören Westerholz (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Der Sammelband geht den Fragen nach, was eigentlich studierendenzentrierte Lehre ist, welche konkreten Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung einer studierendenzentrierten Lehre auftreten und wie eine solche Lehre angesichts dieser Herausforderungen umgesetzt werden kann. Aber auch: Welche Hürden haben sich bisher als unüberwindbar erwiesen, und wie können Lehrende damit umgehen?
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    Africanity and research: A case study in rural South Africa.Christina Landman & Hannelie Yates - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-9.
    In the first part of this article, Africanity as a concept within research methodology is explored in the dialogical spaces between the binaries of racial identity and group identity, indigenous and traditional values, post-colonialism and post-racialism, blackness and African, as well as eliminativist and conservationalist. In the second part, the research carried out in two townships in the eMakhazeni Local Municipality in Mpumalanga, South Africa's most eastern province, is described in terms of parameters and process. The townships involved are Sakhelwe (...)
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  16. Marion and Negative Certainty.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (3):363-370.
  17.  20
    Actual and Perceived Knowledge About COVID-19: The Role of Information Behavior in Media.Julia S. Granderath, Christina Sondermann, Andreas Martin & Martin Merkt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic poses a health threat that has dominated media coverage. However, not much is known about individual media use to acquire knowledge about COVID-19. To address this open research question, this study investigated how the perceived threat is linked to media use and how media use is associated with perceived and actual knowledge about COVID-19. In a German online survey conducted between April 16 and April 27, 2020, N = 952 participants provided information on their perceived threat and (...)
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    Legal and Regulatory Education and Training Needs in the Healthcare Industry.Steve W. Henson, Debra Burke, Stephen M. Crow & Sandra J. Hartman - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (4):114-118.
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    Negação e diferença em Platão.Eliane Christina de Souza - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1):1-18.
    Platão, ao tratar da negação no diálogo Sofista, afirma que sempre que enunciamos o que não é, não enunciamos algo contrário ao que é, mas algo diferente. A negação significa cada parte da natureza da diferença em antítese ao que é. Tal tratamento da negação resulta da necessidade de resolver alguns problemas colocados pelo eleatismo. Propõe-se indicar esses problemas e examinar o tratamento que Platão dá ao nãoser como diferença.
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    Ser E discurso no parmênides de platão.Eliane Christina Souza - 2010 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):87-118.
    The Parmenides is known as the dialogue in which Plato makes a criticism of his theory of forms. Through paradoxes, the character Parmenides criticizes the theory of forms presented by Socrates in the dialogue, targeting the relation they have with sensibles and with each other, call for participation, and the discoursive consequences of this relation. I present a reading of the Parmenides that suggests that the self-criticism points out inconsistencies in the Platonic theory of participation as it is presented in (...)
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    Interacting neural networks and the emergence of social structure.Christina Stoica-Klüver & Jürgen Klüver - 2007 - Complexity 12 (3):41-52.
  22.  40
    European Reference Index for the Humanities.Warren Breckman, Martin J. Burke, Anthony Grafton & Ann E. Moyer - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):349-349.
  23.  11
    The Cultural Politics of Queer Theory in Education Research.Christina Gowlett & Mary Lou Rasmussen (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Cultural Politics of Queer Theory in Education Research_ represents the editors’ intention to disrupt cycles of thinking about the place of queer theory in educational research. The book aims to encourage dialogue about the objects and subjects of queer research, the forms of politics incited by the use of queer theory in education, and the methodological approaches used by scholars when queering. The contributions to this book come from those who find queer theory problematic, as well as from those (...)
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  24.  44
    William Carlos Williams Poetry Winners.Nitin K. Ahuja, Christina Crumpecker & Chris Marett - 2010 - Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (4):319-320.
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    A Conexão Entre Reflexão Filosófica e Pesquisa Social Empírica Como Práxis Na Teoria Crítica da Sociedade.Deborah Christina Antunes - 2014 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 22:24-42.
    A Teoria Crítica nasceu da reformulação da relação entre a filosofia e pesquisa social empírica, no Instituto de Pesquisa Social de Frankfurt, em 1931, quando Horkheimer defendeu a reorientação da agenda de pesquisa do Instituto, bem como a substituição de sua abordagem pelo que ficou conhecido como materialismo interdisciplinar. Ele conectou reflexão teórica, baseada no marxismo filosófico, e ciência social empírica, em resposta a outras interpretações do marxismo ortodoxo. Desde as primeiras pesquisas e elaborações teóricas do Instituto nessa época, Horkheimer (...)
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    A Critical Dialogue with Veritatis Splendor and a Proposal New Ground for Discussion.Ma Christina A. Astorga - 1999 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 3 (2 & 3):29-50.
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    Introduction.Renaud Barbaras & Patrick Burke - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:13-14.
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  28. To megalo mou pisteuō.Christina Euangelou-Karageōrgou - 1978 - Athēna: Euangelou.
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  29. Neue Formen von Solidarität? : sozialethische Thesen zur Weiterentwicklung caritativer Arbeit.Johannes Eurich & Anika Christina Albert - 2018 - In Bernhard Emunds & Friedhelm Hengsbach, Christliche Sozialethik--Orientierung welcher Praxis?: Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zu Ehren. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    l3: Self-Determination Theory and Participation Motivation Research in the Sport and Exercise Domain.Christina M. Frederick-Recascino - 2002 - In Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan, Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press. pp. 277.
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  31. Ethical and Clinical Deliberations on Protecting Community Mental Health Outreach Workers from Second Hand Smoke.Margaret Gehrs, Christina Van Sickle & Samuel Law - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3 (1):8.
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    Youth Voices, Public Spaces, and Civic Engagement.Stuart Greene, Kevin Burke & Maria McKenna (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    This collection of original research explores ways that educators can create participatory spaces that foster civic engagement, critical thinking, and authentic literacy practices for adolescent youth in urban contexts. Casting youth as vital social actors, contributors shed light on the ways in which urban youth develop a clearer sense of agency within the structural forces of racial segregation and economic development that would otherwise marginalize and silence their voices and begin to see familiar spaces with reimagined possibilities for socially just (...)
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    Road Atlas: Street Photography From Helen Levitt to Pieter Hugo.Beate Kemfert & Christina Leber (eds.) - 2011 - Hirmer Publishers.
    Streets have always drawn the attention of photographers. As both defining features of urban landscapes and places for all varieties of chance encounter, they offer a nearly endless combination of static and moving elements that are the stuff of stunning photography--as the photographers in Road Atlas show brilliantly. From classic New York City street scenes by Helen Levitt to the works of the more contemporary street photographers, including, among others, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Beat Streuli, and Pieter Hugo, Road Atlas presents a (...)
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  34.  21
    Topology, computational models, and social‐cognitive complexity.Jürgen Klüver & Christina Stoica - 2006 - Complexity 11 (4):43-55.
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  35. The contemplative conditions of a moral action.Christina Schües - 2007 - In Helen Fielding, Hiltmann Gabrielle, Olkowski Dorothea & Reichold Anne, The other: feminist reflections in ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  36. Wittgenstein on Reading: A Stylistic, Structural, and Methodological Study of Investigations ##156-178.Britt-Marie Christina Schiller - 1985 - Dissertation, Washington University
    The main objective of this study is to eliminate the obstacles that the stylistic, structural, and methodological aspects of the text place in the way of reading and understanding Ludwig Wittgenstein's later work. The characteristic features of these elements are developed and discussed in the context of a close reading of the short section on reading in the Philosophical Investigations. Wittgenstein's aim in this section is the negative one of completely undermining explanatory accounts of the meaning of reading in terms (...)
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    Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume two: Dreaming.Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    "The trilogy Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition investigates how Aristotle and his ancient and medieval successors understood the relation between the external world and the human mind. It gives an equal footing to the three most influential linguistic traditions - Greek, Latin, and Arabic - and offers insightful interpretations of historical theories of perception, dreaming, and thinking. This first volume focuses on sense perception and discusses philosophical questions concerning the external senses, their classification, and their functioning, from Aristotle (...)
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  38.  17
    Befreiung – wer, von was, wohin?Christina Thürmer-Rohr - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):392-402.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 392-402.
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    ‘Remedium repraesaliarum’: The Medieval and Early Modern Practice and Theory of Reprisal within the Just War Doctrine.Philippine Christina Van den Brande - 2020 - Grotiana 41 (2):305-329.
    Centuries before being included in Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis and De iure praedae, the subject of reprisal was already being discussed in medieval literature. The aim of this paper is to examine the medieval and early modern practice and theory of reprisal as it developed before and during Grotius’s lifetime. Its first part investigates a number of important foundational elements, such as the issues of definition and terminology, and the common characteristics of a reprisal case. In the (...)
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    The persistence of precarity: youth livelihood struggles and aspirations in the context of truncated agrarian change, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.Christina Griffin, Nurhady Sirimorok, Wolfram H. Dressler, Muhammad Alif K. Sahide, Micah R. Fisher, Fatwa Faturachmat, Andi Vika Faradiba Muin, Pamula Mita Andary, Karno B. Batiran, Rahmat, Muhammad Rizaldi, Tessa Toumbourou, Reni Suwarso, Wilmar Salim, Ariane Utomo, Fandi Akhmad & Jessica Clendenning - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):293-311.
    Processes of rapid and truncated agrarian change—driven through expanding urbanisation, infrastructure development, extractive industries, and commodity crops—are shaping the livelihood opportunities and aspirations of Indonesia’s rural youth. This study describes the everyday experiences of youth as they navigate the changing character of agriculture, aquaculture, and fishing livelihoods across gender, class, and generation. Drawing on qualitative field research conducted in the Maros District of South Sulawesi, we examine young people’s experiences of agrarian change in a landscape of entangled rural, coastal and (...)
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    Queer(y)ing New Schooling Accountabilities Through My School: Using Butlerian Tools to Think Differently About Policy Performativity.Christina Gowlett - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (2):159-172.
    This article takes the role of provocateur to ‘queer(y)’ the rules of intelligibility surrounding new schooling accountabilities. Butler’s work is seldom used outside the arena of gender and sexualities research. A ‘queer(y)ing’ methodology is subsequently applied in a context very different to where it is frequently associated. Empirical data from a case study secondary school in Australia are used to contextualise the use of queer theory in thinking differently about new schooling accountabilities and how they can unfold in ways that (...)
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  42.  16
    Self-Owning, Self-Transparency, and Inner Nudity.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2023 - In Elodie Boublil & Antonio Calcagno, _Rethinking Interiority: Phenomenological Approaches_ , eds. Élodie Boublil and Antonio Calcagno. Book selected for special book session by the Centro Italiano di Ricerche Fenomenologiche, Rome, Italy, June 15, 2024. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 55-69.
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  43. What about Non-Human Life? An "Ecological" Reading of Michel Henry's Critique of Technology.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2):116-138.
    This paper takes its departure from Michel Henry’s criticism of a technological view that “extends its reign to the whole planet, sowing desolation and ruin everywhere” ( I am the Truth , 271). It argues that although Henry’s critique of technology is helpful and important, it does not go far enough, inasmuch as it excludes all non-human beings from the Truth of “Life” he advocates against the destructive truths of technology and therefore cannot fully articulate the way in which technology (...)
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  44. Values and Goals of Florida Farm Women.Christina H. Gladwin - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz, Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press. pp. 250.
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    Ethics, Eros, or Caritas? Levinas and Marion on Individuation of the Other.Christina Gschwandtner - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (1):70-87.
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    6. Phenomenology and Catholic Thought: Unfolding the logos of the Logos.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2020 - In Gregory P. Floyd & Stephanie Rumpza, The Catholic Reception of Continental Philosophy in North America. University of Toronto Press. pp. 146-177.
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    Phenomenology and Ritual Practice.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2019 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 1 (1):43-70.
    This paper highlights several problems in the contemporary phenomenological analysis of religious experience in Continental philosophy of religion, especially in its French iteration, as manifested in such thinkers as Jean-Luc Marion, Michel Henry, Jean-Yves Lacoste, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Emmanuel Falque, and others. After laying out the main issues, the paper proposes a fuller investigation of religious practices, such as liturgy or ritual, as a fruitful way to address some of the identified limitations. The final section of the paper assesses what questions (...)
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    Paul Ricœur and the Relationship Between Philosophy and Religion in Contemporary French Phenomenology.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):7-25.
    In this paper I consider Ricœur’s negotiation of the boundary or relationship between philosophy and religion in light of the larger debate in contemporary French philosophy. I suggest that contrasting his way of dealing with the intersection of the two discourses to that of two other French thinkers (Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry) illuminates his stance more fully. I begin with a brief outline of Ricœur’s claims about the distinction or relation between the discourses, then reflect on those of Marion (...)
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    Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Religion: Rebirth of the Capable Self. By Brian Gregor.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):237-240.
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  50. Friedrich Eduard Beneke, the man and his philosophy: an introductory study.Francis Burke Brandt - 1895 - New York: Macmillan.
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