Results for 'Debra Burke'

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  1. A Social Concept in Decline.Debra A. Arvanites & Burke T. Ward - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics.
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    Inequity in Education: A Historical Perspective.Debra Meyers & Burke Miller (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Inequity in Education represents the latest scholarship investigating issues of race, class, ethnicity, religion, gender, and national identity formation that influenced education in America throughout its history. This exciting collection of cutting-edge essays and primary source documents represents a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives that will appeal to both social and cultural historians as well as those who teach education courses, including introductory surveys and foundations courses.
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    Legal and Regulatory Education and Training Needs in the Healthcare Industry.Steve W. Henson, Debra Burke, Stephen M. Crow & Sandra J. Hartman - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (4):114-118.
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    Where’s the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field.Joshua Hanan - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (2):218-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Where's the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field by S. Scott GrahamJoshua HananWhere's the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field. By S. Scott Graham. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2020. 194 pp. Paperback $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-8142-5771-5.The proliferation of materialist perspectives in rhetorical studies has generated feelings of disciplinary crisis and fragmentation. Early materialist formulations of rhetoric, such as those put forward by Michael Calvin McGee and Raymie McKerrow, conceptualized materiality (...)
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  5. Some fundamental aspects of catholic higher education in the magisterium of the venerable Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI'.Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (4):499-513.
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    The Heterogeneity of Board-Level Sustainability Committees and Corporate Social Performance.Udi Hoitash, Rani Hoitash & Jenna J. Burke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1161-1186.
    This paper explores an increasingly prevalent element of board-level commitment to sustainability. We propose a theoretical framework under which the existence and associated actions of board-level sustainability committees are motivated by shared value creation, where the interests of a diverse group of stakeholders are satisfied and sufficient profit is achieved. Using hand-collected data, we find that sustainability committees are heterogeneous in focus and vary in their effectiveness. Specifically, we disaggregate the sustainability committee construct based on stakeholder group focus and find (...)
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    Engaging with Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought.Carolyn Burke, Naomi Schor & Margaret Whitford - 1994 - Columbia University Press.
    The authors of these essays--including Judith Butler, Elizabeth Weed, and Rosi Braidotti--shed new light on the relationship of Irigaray to many of the philosophers she has "romanced," from Aristotle to Deleuze.
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    Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research‐Clinical Divide.Susan M. Wolf, Wylie Burke & Barbara A. Koenig - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):486-501.
    Both bioethics and law have governed human genomics by distinguishing research from clinical practice. Yet the rise of translational genomics now makes this traditional dichotomy inadequate. This paper pioneers a new approach to the ethics of translational genomics. It maps the full range of ethical approaches needed, proposes a “layered” approach to determining the ethics framework for projects combining research and clinical care, and clarifies the key role that return of results can play in advancing translation.
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    Mainsprings of Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policies.Marcus F. Franda & S. M. Burke - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):351.
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    A determination of the elastic energy of dislocation loops from coarsening kinetics.J. Powell & J. Burke - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (4):943-951.
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    ‘A vision of paradise lost’: coaching as a grasshopper rather than an ant.Michael Burke - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (1):52-67.
    The work of Bernard Suits continues to be discussed in the sports philosophy field, over forty years after the publication of his brilliant book, The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia. Much of t...
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    Confidentiality in End-of-Life and After-Death Situations.Rebekah J. Bardash, Caroline Burke & James L. Werth - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (3):205-222.
    Confidentiality is one of the foundations on which psychotherapy is built. Limitations on confidentiality in the therapeutic process have been explained and explored by many authors and organizations. However, controversy and confusion continue to exist with regard to the limitations on confidentiality in situations where clients are considering their options at the end of life and after a client has died. This article reviews these 2 areas and provides some suggestions for future research.
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    Presentazione.Renaud Barbaras & Patrick Burke - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:15-16.
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    Transmission electron microscopy of oxide-dispersion strengthened molybdenum: effects of irradiation on material microstructure.R. Baranwal * & M. G. Burke - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):519-531.
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    Dementia and the Paradigm of the Camp: Thinking Beyond Giorgio Agamben’s Concept of “Bare Life”.Lucy Burke - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):195-205.
    This essay discusses the use of analogies drawn from the Holocaust in cultural representations and critical scholarship on dementia. The paper starts with a discussion of references to the death camp in cultural narratives about dementia, specifically Annie Ernaux’s account of her mother’s dementia in I Remain in Darkness. It goes on to develop a critique of Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s work on biopolitics and “bare life,” focusing specifically on the linguistic foundations of his thinking. This underpins a consideration of (...)
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    Autobiographical memory and clinical anxiety.Miriam Burke & Andrew Mathews - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (1):23-35.
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    Introduction: Genres of Blur.Martin Jay, Ermanno Bencivenga, Peter Burke, Christopher P. Jones, Ardis Butterfield, Mercedes García-Arenal, Avinoam Rosenak & Francis X. Clooney - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):220-228.
    Ever since Clifford Geertz urged the “blurring of genres” in the social sciences, many scholars have considered the crossing of disciplinary boundaries a healthy alternative to rigidly maintaining them. But what precisely does the metaphor of “blurring” imply? By unpacking the varieties of visual experiences that are normally grouped under this rubric, this essay seeks to provide some precision to our understanding of the implications of fuzziness. It extrapolates from the blurring caused by differential focal distances, velocities of objects in (...)
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    A grammar of motives, and A rhetoric of motives.Kenneth Burke - 1962 - Cleveland,: World Pub. Co..
  19. (1 other version)A grammar of motives.Kenneth Burke - 1945 - New York,: Prentice-Hall.
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    The Historical Empathy Measurement Tool (HEMT).Helen Crompton, Katherina Nako & Diane Burke - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (3-4):161-172.
    This study is unique in that it presents the first empirically developed framework for use as a tool for measuring historical empathy. The Historical Empathy Measurement Tool (HEMT) was developed using a design-based research method with three iterative macrocycles of design, experiment, and retrospective analysis. The study involved question responses from 276 students in grade 8 studying WWI trench warfare. The research resulted in a framework of seven levels. (0) Non-response, (1) Facts, (2) Assumptions and Deficits, (3) General Comparison of (...)
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    Addictive agents and intracranial stimulation:Daily amphetamine and hypothalamic self-stimulation.Ricardo De Obaldia, Debra J. Magnuson & Larry D. Reid - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (5):377-379.
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    Failures of reproduction: problematising ‘success’ in assisted reproductive technology.Kathleen Peters, Debra Jackson & Trudy Rudge - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):125-131.
    This paper scrutinises the many ways in which ‘success’ is portrayed in representing assisted reproductive technology (ART) services and illuminates how these definitions differ from those held by participant couples. A qualitative approach informed by feminist perspectives guided this study and aimed to problematise the concept of ‘success’ by examining literature from ART clinics, government reports on ART, and by analysing narratives of couples who have accessed ART services. As many ART services have varying definitions of ‘success’ and as statistics (...)
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    A Strict Finite Foundation for Geometric Constructions.John R. Burke - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):499-527.
    Strict finitism is a minority view in the philosophy of mathematics. In this paper, we develop a strict finite axiomatic system for geometric constructions in which only constructions that are executable by simple tools in a small number of steps are permitted. We aim to demonstrate that as far as the applications of synthetic geometry to real-world constructions are concerned, there are viable strict finite alternatives to classical geometry where by one can prove analogs to fundamental results in classical geometry. (...)
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    Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays.Donald Burke, Colin J. Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek & Jonathan Short (eds.) - 2007 - University of Toronto Press.
    This collection of essays, though dealing with different topics from section to section, is unified by the idea that, at least in the English-speaking world, ...
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    A Survey Of The Popularity Of Ancient Historians, 1450-1700.Peter Burke - 1966 - History and Theory 5 (2):135-152.
    Analysis of editions of classical historians-both in original and vernacular languages-as given in F.L.A. Schweiger's Handbuch der classischen Bibliographie, indicates variations in taste for models of historical writing. Many more Roman than Greek historians were reprinted: Sallust was the most popular author, but almost all the Romans were reprinted more often than any of the Greeks. National preferences can be seen in statistics of vernacular editions arranged by place of publication. Scholarly readers show a different pattern of preference. Introductions to (...)
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    Cognitive Control of Episodic Memory in Schizophrenia: Differential Role of Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex.John D. Ragland, Charan Ranganath, Joshua Phillips, Megan A. Boudewyn, Ann M. Kring, Tyler A. Lesh, Debra L. Long, Steven J. Luck, Tara A. Niendam, Marjorie Solomon, Tamara Y. Swaab & Cameron S. Carter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Historia cultural como historia polifónica.Peter Burke - 2010 - Arbor 186 (743):479-486.
    En este texto se ofrece una reflexión sobre el origen y actual desarrollo del campo de la historia cultural a través de una comparación con el término que ha dado título a este seminario: “historia polifónica”. El autor propone un recorrido por las áreas temáticas que han conformado la estructura del seminario (la historia de las representaciones, la historia del cuerpo y la historia cultural de la ciencia) con el objeto de explicitar y explicar esta pluralidad de voces en el (...)
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  28. Recent publications.Signe Burke Goldstein - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (3):457.
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    A Reappraisal of Female Adolescent Participation in Drug Clinical Trials.Terry M. VandenBosch, Becky G. Ward & Debra Mattison - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (1):1.
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    Reading impairments in schizophrenia relate to individual differences in phonological processing and oculomotor control: Evidence from a gaze-contingent moving window paradigm.Veronica Whitford, Gillian A. O'Driscoll, Christopher C. Pack, Ridha Joober, Ashok Malla & Debra Titone - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):57.
  31.  66
    Lessons learned from ethics in the classroom: Exploring student growth in flexibility, complexity and comprehension. [REVIEW]Patricia J. Carlson & Frances Burke - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1179-1187.
    This study shows the link between teaching ethics in a college setting and the evolution of student thinking about ethical dilemmas. At the beginning of the semester, students have a rigid "black and white" conception of ethics. By the end of the semester, they are thinking more flexibly about the responsibilities of leaders in corporate ethical dilemmas, and they are able to appreciate complex situations that influence ethical behavior. The study shows that education in ethics produces more "enlightened" consumers of (...)
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    Anonymous Temporality and Gender: Rereading Merleau-Ponty.Megan M. Burke - 2013 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 3 (2):138-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anonymous Temporality and Gender:Rereading Merleau-PontyMegan M. BurkeThis Essay Provides a Feminist reading of Merleau-Ponty’s notion of anonymity in order to show that it is a critical resource for a feminist account of gender. For Merleau-Ponty, anonymity is a structure of temporality that is prior to the cogito; it is a time that actualizes the reflective self. It gestures away from ontological commitments rooted in presence and calls attention to (...)
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    Perception, Theory and Commitment. The New Philosophy of Science.Burke Townsend - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (3):496-498.
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    G. H. Mead and the problem of metaphysics.Richard Burke - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (1):81-88.
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    An Exploration of Jamaican Mothers’ Perceptions of Closeness and Intimacy in the Mother–Child Relationship during Middle Childhood.Taniesha Burke, Leon Kuczynski & Sonja Perren - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    What evidence is required to determine whether infants infer the kinship of third parties? A commentary on Spokes and Spelke.Joseph Billingsley, Beverly Boos & Debra Lieberman - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103976.
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    Stem cell research in a catholic institution: Yes or no?Michael R. Prieur, Joan Atkinson, Laurie Hardingham, David Hill, Gillian Kernaghan, Debra Miller, Sandy Morton, Mary Rowell, John F. Vallely & Suzanne Wilson - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (1):73-98.
    : Catholic teaching has no moral difficulties with research on stem cells derived from adult stem cells or fetal cord blood. The ethical problem comes with embryonic stem cells since their genesis involves the destruction of a human embryo. However, there seems to be significant promise of health benefits from such research. Although Catholic teaching does not permit any destruction of human embryos, the question remains whether researchers in a Catholic institution, or any researchers opposed to destruction of human embryos, (...)
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    Dramatism and development.Kenneth Burke - 1972 - Barre, Mass.,: Clark University Press.
  39. Extended Mind and Representation.Tom Burke - 2014 - In John R. Shook & Tibor Solymosi, Pragmatist Neurophilosophy: American Philosophy and the Brain. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  40. [no title].Patrick Burke & Jan van der Venken (eds.) - 1993 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  41. [no title].T. Burke & K. Skwronski (eds.) - 2013 - Lexington Books.
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  42. Afterword.Peter Burke - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    Athens after the Peloponnesian War: Restoration Efforts and the Role of Maritime Commerce.Edmund M. Burke - 1990 - Classical Antiquity 9 (1):1-13.
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    An Approach to Humanism.Francis Burke - 1931 - New Scholasticism 5 (4):312-331.
  45. A civil tongue: Language and politeness in early modern Europe.Peter Burke - 2000 - In Peter Burke & Brian Harrison, Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas. Oxford University Press. pp. 31--48.
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    A Disability Response to Surrogate Decision Making in the Internet Age.Teresa Blankmeyer Burke - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (10):36-37.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 10, Page 36-37, October 2012.
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    Archbishop Oscar Romero.Kevin F. Burke - 2003 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 13 (2):105-124.
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    Aristotle on the limits of argument.Richard J. Burke - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (3):386-400.
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    Audience of the Other.Karen Burke - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (1):50-63.
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    A Philosophy of Submission.James L. Burke - 1949 - New Scholasticism 23 (2):249-251.
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