Results for 'Chris Pratt'

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  1.  36
    The effect of oral vocabulary on reading visually novel words: a comparison of the dual-route-cascaded and triangle frameworks.Meredith McKague, Chris Pratt & Michael B. Johnston - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):231-262.
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    The Essential Mozi: Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings.Chris Fraser & Mo Zi - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The Mòzǐ is among the founding texts of the Chinese philosophical tradition, presenting China's earliest ethical, political, and logical theories. The collected works introduce concepts, assumptions, and issues that had a profound, lasting influence throughout the classical and early imperial eras. Mòzǐ and his followers developed the world's first ethical theory, and presented China's first account of the origin of political authority from a state of nature. They were prominent social activists whose moral and political reform movement sought to improve (...)
  3.  74
    What is a “Democratic Experiment”?Chris Ansell - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (2):159-180.
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  4. Logics for the relational syllogistic.Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Lawrence S. Moss - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):647-683.
    The Aristotelian syllogistic cannot account for the validity of certain inferences involving relational facts. In this paper, we investigate the prospects for providing a relational syllogistic. We identify several fragments based on (a) whether negation is permitted on all nouns, including those in the subject of a sentence; and (b) whether the subject noun phrase may contain a relative clause. The logics we present are extensions of the classical syllogistic, and we pay special attention to the question of whether reductio (...)
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    Philosophy and the Social Sciences.Vernon Pratt - 1978 - London: Routledge.
    Published in the year 2004, Philosophy and the Social Sciences is a valuable contribution to the field of Sociology.
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  6. The Philosophy of the Social Sciences.Vernon Pratt - 1981 - Mind 90 (357):149-151.
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  7. Inconsistent mathematics.Chris Mortensen - 2008 - Studia Logica.
  8.  20
    Mental images: Should cognitive science learn from neurophysiology?Chris Mortensen - 1989 - In Peter Slezak, Computers, Brains and Minds. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 123--136.
  9. Enhancing the Species: Genetic Engineering Technologies and Human Persistence.Chris Gyngell - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):495-512.
    Many of the existing ethical analyses of genetic engineering technologies (GET) focus on how they can be used to enhance individuals—to improve individual well-being, health and cognition. There is a gap in the current literature about the specific ways enhancement technologies could be used to improve our populations and species, viewed as a whole. In this paper, I explore how GET may be used to enhance the species through improvements in the gene pool. I argue one aspect of the species (...)
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  10.  33
    Conscious decisions.Chris Mortensen - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):548-549.
  11. Ancillary Care: From Theory to Practice in International Clinical Research.B. Pratt, D. Zion, K. M. Lwin, P. Y. Cheah, F. Nosten & B. Loff - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):154-169.
    How international research might contribute to justice in global health has not been substantively addressed by bioethics. This article describes how the provision of ancillary care can link international clinical research to the reduction of global health disparities. It identifies the ancillary care obligations supported by a theory of global justice, showing that Jennifer Ruger’s health capability paradigm requires the delivery of ancillary care to trial participants for a limited subset of conditions that cause severe morbidity and mortality. Empirical research (...)
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    Cognitive Diversity and Moral Enhancement.Chris Gyngell & Simon Easteal - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):66-74.
  13.  59
    Teaching business-communication ethics with controversial films.Jason Berger & Cornelius B. Pratt - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (16):1817-1823.
    Two recent films by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, David Mamet, can provide opportunities for observing student reactions to ethically troublesome situations and for discussing business-communication ethics in the classroom. The key question addressed in this article is whether business-communication courses, for example, those in public relations, can encourage students to make the "metaphoric leap" and apply Mamet's messages to class readings and discussions on ethical problems or challenges. Through showing two films in their entirety and conducting focus groups among upper-level undergraduates, (...)
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  14.  44
    The role of convention in the communication of private events.Chris Moore - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):656-657.
  15.  32
    Are You Ready for Some Football? A Monday Night Documentary?Henry John Pratt - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (2):213-223.
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  16.  78
    Aristotle's thesis in consistent and inconsistent logics.Chris Mortensen - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):107 - 116.
    A typical theorem of conaexive logics is Aristotle''s Thesis(A), (AA).A cannot be added to classical logic without producing a trivial (Post-inconsistent) logic, so connexive logics typically give up one or more of the classical properties of conjunction, e.g.(A & B)A, and are thereby able to achieve not only nontriviality, but also (negation) consistency. To date, semantical modellings forA have been unintuitive. One task of this paper is to give a more intuitive modelling forA in consistent logics. In addition, while inconsistent (...)
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  17.  54
    The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives.Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon (eds.) - 2001 - Erlbaum.
    This book brings together the leading researchers on these issues and for the first time in literature, illustrates how a unified approach based on the idea of ...
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  18.  19
    How should communities be meaningfully engaged (if at all) when setting priorities for biomedical research? Perspectives from the biomedical research community.Josephine Borthwick, Natalia Evertsz & Bridget Pratt - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-15.
    Background There is now rising consensus that community engagement is ethically and scientifically essential for all types of health research. Yet debate continues about the moral aims, methods and appropriate timing in the research cycle for community engagement to occur, and whether the answer should vary between different types of health research. Co-design and collaborative partnership approaches that involve engagement during priority-setting, for example, are common in many forms of applied health research but are not regular practice in biomedical research. (...)
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  19. Notes on the radical politics of urban education.Chris Amiraidt - 2002 - Radical Philosophy Review 5 (1/2):141-147.
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    Notes on the Radical Politics of Urban Education.Chris Amirault - 2002 - Radical Philosophy Review 5 (1-2):141-147.
  21.  59
    Aphrodite's children: Hopeless love, historiography, and benjamin's dialectical image.Chris Andre - 1998 - Substance 27 (1):105.
  22.  13
    Business ethics.Chris Moon (ed.) - 2001 - London: Economist.
  23.  9
    The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education.Chris Steyaert, Timon Beyes & Martin Parker (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education_ retraces the many external crises that have increasingly confronted business schools in recent years. With greater emphasis being placed on ranking and research output at the detriment of teaching, learning and education, this companion will work as a handbook, guiding teachers on how to integrate the humanities and social sciences into their course design and classroom practice. Arranged in five sections covering Histories, Philosophies, Concepts, Classrooms and Programmes, this volume presents and examines the (...)
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  24.  28
    Perceived and Received Dimensional Support: Main and Stress-Buffering Effects on Dimensions of Burnout.Chris Hartley & Pete Coffee - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25. The Religious Consciousness.James Bissett Pratt - 1922 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 93:325-326.
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    Peeking at the Impossible.Chris Mortensen - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (4):527-534.
    The question of the interpretation of impossible pictures is taken up. Penrose's account is reviewed. It is argued that whereas this account makes substantial inroads into the problem, there needs to be a further ingredient. An inconsistent account using heap models is proposed.
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    The Subject of Human Being.Chris Haley - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _ The Subject of Human Being_ discusses the basic powers of human kind arising from the foundation of the biological brain and manifesting in extraordinary psychological and social capacities and developments. The book consolidates theoretical insights into social ontology from several thinkers, whose profound advances toward understanding the relationship between individuals and society ought to revolutionize social theory as understood and practiced in the social sciences and humanities. Drawing from critical realist social theory developed by Bhaskar and Margaret Archer, John (...)
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  28. Managing cross cultural business ethics.Chris J. Moon & Peter Woolliams - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):105 - 115.
    The Trompenaars database (1993) updated with Hampden-Turner (1998) has been assembled to help managers structure their cross cultural experiences in order to develop their competence for doing business and managing across the world. The database comprises more than 50,000 cases from over 100 countries and is one of the world's richest sources of social constructs. Woolliams and Trompenaars (1998) review the analysis undertaken by the authors in the last five years to develop the methodological approach underpinning the work. Recently Trompenaars (...)
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  29.  23
    The Dynamics of Class and the “New Middle Class”.Chris Starrs - 1983 - Social Theory and Practice 9 (1):85-114.
  30. With leadership comes responsibility.Chris Stankovich - 2019 - In Marty Gitlin, Athletes, ethics, and morality. New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
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    A Critical Discussion of Sartre on Love.Chris Stevens - 2008 - Stance 1:2-7.
    Pessimism about the stability of intra-personal relationships runs deeply in the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. I begin by examining how this pessimism arises from Sartre’s ontology, particularly considering the attitude of love towards the Other. I then suggest that there may be space within Sartre’s philosophy for a defense of love as a positive relation to the Other which need not be destined to cycle into attitudes toward the Other such as hate or masochism.
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  32.  20
    Response to Holmes: which reality and who decides?Chris Stevenson & Dee Aldridge - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):30-31.
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    Commentary: Can Ordinary People Detect Deception after All?Chris N. H. Street & Miguel A. Vadillo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The bending deformation of magnesium oxide.A. A. Bruneau & P. L. Pratt - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (83):1871-1885.
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    The Persistence of the Sacred in Modern Thought.Chris L. Firestone & Nathan Jacobs (eds.) - 2012 - Notre Dame University Press.
    In _The Persistence of the Sacred in Modern Thought,_ Chris L. Firestone, Nathan A. Jacobs, and thirteen other contributors examine the role of God in the thought of major European philosophers from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. The philosophers considered are, by and large, not orthodox theists; they are highly influential freethinkers, emancipated by an age no longer tethered to the authority of church and state. While acknowledging this fact, the contributors are united in arguing that this is (...)
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  36.  23
    Building blocks of ‘free will’: In conversation with Dick Swaab.Chris Jones & Dawie J. van den Heever - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    The issue of free will is a complex one that has occupied the minds of many theologians and philosophers through the ages. The two main aspects of free will are the freedom to do otherwise and the power of self-determination. This means that an agent must be able to choose from alternative possibilities and that he or she must be the author or source of that choice. Defined as such, it is clear that the issue of free will is undeniably (...)
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  37. The nature and utility of the temporally extended self.Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon - 2001 - In Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon, The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Erlbaum. pp. 1--14.
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  38. Paraconsistency and C1.Chris Mortensen - 1989 - In Graham Priest, Richard Routley & Jean Norman, Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 289--305.
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  39. A Topological Constraint Language with Component Counting.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3-4):441-467.
    A topological constraint language is a formal language whose variables range over certain subsets of topological spaces, and whose nonlogical primitives are interpreted as topological relations and functions taking these subsets as arguments. Thus, topological constraint languages typically allow us to make assertions such as “region V1 touches the boundary of region V2”, “region V3 is connected” or “region V4 is a proper part of the closure of region V5”. A formula f in a topological constraint language is said to (...)
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  40. A sequence of normal modal systems with non-contingency bases.Chris Mortensen - 1976 - Logique Et Analyse 19 (74):341-344.
  41.  83
    Relevance and verisimilitude.Chris Mortensen - 1983 - Synthese 55 (3):353-364.
    Popper's definition looked initially promising provided that the restriction of classical logic was removed. As we have seen, this promise is not fulfilled. The search for a satisfactory verisimilitude ordering must therefore be pursued along more mainstream lines. The present exercise ought, however, to make us aware of the possibility that breakdowns of proposed definitions might only occur because of strictly classical assumptions.
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  42.  20
    The building blocks of art and its accompanying role and meaning.Chris Jones & Juri Van den Heever - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    In this article, focusing on the building blocks of art with its concomitant role and meaning, we commence with a brief evolutionary overview of the origin of land vertebrates, which culminated in the rise of our species as we view it. We then review three iconic phases of human evolution, colloquially designated as the Neanderthals, the San and the Cro-Magnons, as manifested by their artistic endeavours. We are well aware that the Cro-Magnons are currently regarded as not sufficiently distinct from (...)
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  43.  65
    How Many Impossible Images Did Escher Produce?Chris Mortensen, Steve Leishman, Peter Quigley & Theresa Helke - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (4):425-441.
    In this article we address the question of how many impossible images Escher produced. To answer requires us first to clarify a range of concepts, including content, ambiguity, illusion, and impossibility. We then consider, and reject, several candidates for impossibility before settling on an answer.
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  44.  19
    Environment and Philosophy.Vernon Pratt (ed.) - 1999 - Routledge.
    Environment and Philosophy provides an accessible introduction to the radical challenges that environmentalism pose to concepts that have become almost second nature in the modern world. Written in an accessible way for those without a background in philosophy, this text examines ways of thinking about ourselves, nature and our relationship with nature.
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  45.  30
    The fluted fragment revisited.Ian Pratt-Hartmann, Wiesław Szwast & Lidia Tendera - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1020-1048.
    We study the fluted fragment, a decidable fragment of first-order logic with an unbounded number of variables, motivated by the work of W. V. Quine. We show that the satisfiability problem for this fragment has nonelementary complexity, thus refuting an earlier published claim by W. C. Purdy that it is in NExpTime. More precisely, we consider ${\cal F}{{\cal L}^m}$, the intersection of the fluted fragment and the m-variable fragment of first-order logic, for all $m \ge 1$. We show that, for (...)
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  46.  41
    Canon, criterion and circularity: An analysis of the epistemology of canonical theism.Daniel J. Pratt Morris-Chapman - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):9.
    In recent years, William J. Abraham has suggested the creation of a new subdiscipline for examining the epistemology of theology. This article provides an overview of this proposal, highlighting some of the philosophical concepts, such as ‘Aristotelian epistemic fit’ and particularism, that Abraham drew upon when formulating this approach. It then proceeds to an examination of Abraham’s application of these ideas to his preferred theological scheme, canonical theism. Limitations and challenges to Abraham’s position are discussed as well as ways in (...)
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  47.  27
    immunity, Racism, and Crisis: From the Biopolitical to the Allopolitical.Chris Hall - 2019 - Substance 48 (3):82-100.
    We are, at present, at a crisis point where the rhetoric and policy practices surrounding the preservation of the American state, as espoused by its highest-ranking officials, has ceased to mask the racism and xenophobia that have long characterized it. Faced with a state politics that is more than ever desirous of visiting its fears upon the most vulnerable, an intervention in the political via critical practice—practice capable of lending nuance to the conception of the political and exposing its vulnerabilities—is (...)
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  48. The Politics of Disjunction.Scott L. Pratt - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2):202-220.
    In his 1905 work on the logical foundations of geometry, Royce proposed a logic based on the “obverse” or O-relation that could provide a means of understanding any system of order. Royce explains that this relation, which he calls the O-relation, “in logical terms,... is the relation in which (if we were talking of the possible chances [choices] open to one who had to decide upon a course of action) any set of exhaustive but, in their entirety, inconsistent choices would (...)
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  49. Arguing for Universals.Chris Mortensen - 1987 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 (1):97.
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  50.  71
    Motion perception as inconsistent.Chris Mortensen - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (6):913-924.
    This paper offers an inconsistent model of motion perception. It was prompted by work on inconsistent motion due to Hegel and, following him, Priest. But the paper skirts Hegel's full scale idealism, by proposing that the inconsistency is with the cognitive contents of motion perception. The paper draws on work in the psychology of perception, and in the theory of inconsistency. I begin by noting the prima facie argument that temporal change threatens inconsistency, and canvassing ways in which this might (...)
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