Results for 'Cheng-Shi Liu'

976 found
  1.  53
    Trial Equation Method Based on Symmetry and Applications to Nonlinear Equations Arising in Mathematical Physics.Cheng-Shi Liu - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):793-804.
    To find exact traveling wave solutions to nonlinear evolution equations, we propose a method combining symmetry properties with trial polynomial solution to nonlinear ordinary differential equations. By the method, we obtain some exact traveling wave solutions to the Burgers-KdV equations and a kind of reaction-diffusion equations with high order nonlinear terms. As a result, we prove that the Burgers-KdV equation does not have the real solution in the form a 0+a 1tan ξ+a 2tan 2 ξ, which indicates that some types (...)
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  2.  39
    Association Between Internet Addiction and the Risk of Musculoskeletal Pain in Chinese College Freshmen – A Cross-Sectional Study.Guang Yang, Jianhua Cao, Yingke Li, Peng Cheng, Bin Liu, Zongji Hao, Hui Yao, Dongzhe Shi, Li Peng, Liya Guo & Zhongyu Ren - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3.  7
    Chemical Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotent Stem Cells.Jingyang Guan, Guan Wang, Jinlin Wang, Zhengyuan Zhang, Yao Fu, Lin Cheng, Gaofan Meng, Yulin Lyu, Jialiang Zhu, Yanqin Li, Yanglu Wang, Shijia Liuyang, Bei Liu, Zirun Yang, Huanjing He, Xinxing Zhong, Qijing Chen, Xu Zhang, Shicheng Sun, Weifeng Lai, Yan Shi, Lulu Liu, Lipeng Wang, Cheng Li, Shichun Lu & Hongkui Deng - forthcoming - Nature:1–7.
    Cellular reprogramming can manipulate the identity of cells to generate the desired cell types1– 3. The use of cell intrinsic components, including oocyte cytoplasm and transcription factors, can enforce somatic cell reprogramming to pluripotent stem cells4– 7. By contrast, chemical stimulation by exposure to small molecules offers an alternative approach that can manipulate cell fate in a simple and highly controllable manner8– 10. However, human somatic cells are refractory to chemical stimulation owing to their stable epigenome2,11,12 and reduced plasticity13,14; it (...)
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  4.  16
    Dao de chuan cheng: Zhu Xi dui Kongzi men ren yan xing de quan shi.Gongnan Liu - 2011 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi dao de chuan cheng wei shi jiao,cong yan hui zhi le yu xian, zi gong zhi zhi yu yan, zi lu zhi zhi yu zheng, zi xia zhi xue yu ren si ge fang mian, lun shu zhu xi dui kong zi men ren yan xing de quan shi,cong er jie shi zhu xi dui "Lun yu" zhe yi jing dian suo fan ying de sheng huo shi jie de li jie ji qi he si kao (...)
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  5. Zhongguo zhe xue shi jiao cheng.Hongzhang Liu, Yunlong Fu & Jicheng Shu (eds.) - 1988 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  6.  9
    Jiao shi zou xiang cheng gong de 22 tiao "jun gui".Jinghua Liu - 2006 - Changchun: Jilin ta xue chu ban she.
    本书从教师职业素质和专业发展的角度出发,参考借鉴了网络上颇为流行的《做教师的22条军规》的部分条款,分成运筹职业:三尺讲台与你一生有约;决胜课堂:让你的教学充满激情与诗意;倾情心田:让爱做主,剑指未来 :让你的教师生涯洒满阳光四个部分。.
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  7.  18
    Zhong wan Ming shi ren de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou: yi Li Cai (1529-1607) wei zhong xin de yan jiu.Yong Liu - 2015 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Ben shu yi Ming ru Li Cai de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou wei zhong xin, tan tao cong shi liu shi ji chu dao shi qi shi ji mo li xue qun ti zhong xin xing xue shuo he xue pai de chan sheng, chuan bo, kuo zhan yu chuan cheng de mo shi, bing zhuo zhong cong si xiang shi de jiao du jie shi zhe zhong mo shi chan sheng he yun xing (...)
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  8.  8
    Quan shi xue yu xian Qin ru jia zhi yi yi sheng cheng: "Lun yu", "Mengzi", "Xunzi" dui gu dai chuan tong de jie shi.Yunhua Liu - 2002 - Shanghai: Shanghai yi wen chu ban she.
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  9.  41
    (1 other version)A Research Review on the Silk Book Entitled Huangdi shu from a Han Dynasty Tomb at Mawangdui.Liu Xiang - 1989 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 20 (4):72-90.
    From the end of 1973 to early 1974, silk books from the Han dynasty were unearthed from tomb no. 3 at Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan. After reorganizing and piecing them together, there were a total of twenty-eight kinds of silk books, of which four are copies of ancient books that are no longer in existence.1 They are: Jing fa, Shi liu jing, Cheng, and Dao yun, with a total of more than eleven thousand characters. These books were written before (...)
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  10. Wang Yangming: Zhongguo shi liu shi ji de wei xin zhu yi zhe xue jia.Junmai Zhang - 1991 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao san min shu ju gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Rixin Jiang.
    Ben shu shi zuo zhe yi ying wen xie cheng er quan mian lun shu yang ming zhe xue de zhuan zhu.
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  11.  9
    Liang ge ren di shi jie: ai qing shen mei shuang xiang liu cheng.Bin Hong - 1988 - Changchun Shi: Jilin sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  12.  17
    "Zhuzi yu lei" wen xian yu yan yan jiu =.Jie Liu - 2018 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang gong shang da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen shang xia liang ge bu fen,Shang bian shi zhu zi yu lei wen xian yan jiu,Xia bian shi zhu zi yu lei ci hui yan jiu.Quan shu yi gong fen wei 9 zhang.Di yi zhang xu lun,Shou xian jie shao le zhu xi yu zhu zi yu lei,Qi ci jin xing le xue shu hui gu,Zong jie le jin 20 nian lai(jie zhi 2009 nian)Guo nei wai zhu zi yu lei yan jiu de sheng kuang he qu (...)
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  13.  14
    Ming ru xue mai yan jiu: yi Wu Kangzhai dao Liu Niantai de shi cheng wei xian suo = The academic progress of Ming confucian scholars from Wu Kangzhai to Liu Niantai.Jianfeng Zou - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    在宋儒學脈自二程至黃幹一系師承的啟發下,本書稿連續性地縱觀明儒學脈的師承進路,延著吳溥、楊溥—吳康齋—陳白沙—湛甘泉—唐一庵—許敬庵—劉念台不間斷的時間線索,圍繞明代諸儒的核心範疇與核心概念“至善性體 ”展開,試圖在陽明心學于明朝大瀾、大明與大傳播的框架外,找尋明儒學脈的新線索,發現有明一朝中國學術內在邏輯成長的新視野。.
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  14.  20
    Bacterial microcompartments: their properties and paradoxes.Shouqiang Cheng, Yu Liu, Christopher S. Crowley, Todd O. Yeates & Thomas A. Bobik - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1084-1095.
    Many bacteria conditionally express proteinaceous organelles referred to here as microcompartments (Fig. 1). These microcompartments are thought to be involved in a least seven different metabolic processes and the number is growing. Microcompartments are very large and structurally sophisticated. They are usually about 100–150 nm in cross section and consist of 10,000–20,000 polypeptides of 10–20 types. Their unifying feature is a solid shell constructed from proteins having bacterial microcompartment (BMC) domains. In the examples that have been studied, the microcompartment shell (...)
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  15.  30
    Promoting employees’ pro-environmental behaviour through empowering leadership: The roles of psychological ownership, empowerment role identity, and environmental self-identity.Zhihui Cheng, Wenxing Liu, Kong Zhou, Yujie Che & Yi Han - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):604-618.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  16.  38
    Spotlight on the Effect of Workplace Ostracism on Creativity: A Social Cognitive Perspective.Ming Tu, Zhihui Cheng & Wenxing Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  11
    Study on Survival and Sustainable Development of Small- and Medium-Sized Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises in Macao Based on Regional Soft Environment and Competitive Advantage.Dongshu Cheng, Kunyuan Liu, Zichao Qian, Ziyang Chen & Honglin Mao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The small- and medium-sized tourism and hospitality enterprises are the main forms of enterprises in Macao. This study put forward a new framework of survival and sustainable development from the perspective of competitive advantage and regional soft environment, which significantly holds theoretical and practical research value. The study obtained cross-sectional data of 317 small- and medium-sized tourism and hospitality enterprises in Macao through a large-scale questionnaire survey. This article used exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to test the reliability (...)
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  18.  17
    Supervisor’s Negative Mood and Healthcare Workers’ Voice Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model.Ping Yuan, Yuan Cheng, Yanbin Liu & Shifeng Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Healthcare workers’ voice is of importance in decreasing medical accidents and improving the efficacy of hospital units. To investigate the impact and the underlying mechanisms of supervisors’ negative mood on healthcare workers’ voice behavior, based on the mood contagion perspective, we designed a cross-sectional study, with 299 healthcare workers from mainland China completed the questionnaires. The results indicated supervisors’ negative mood was positively related to healthcare workers’ negative mood, which further led to less constructive voice and more defensive voice. Moreover, (...)
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  19.  17
    Different Patterns of Relationships Between Principal Leadership and 15-Year-Old Students’ Science Learning: How School Resources, Teacher Quality, and School Socioeconomic Status Make a Difference.Cheng Yong Tan, Peng Liu & Wai Lun Vincent Wong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study critically evaluates whether school leadership influences student learning homogenously regardless of school contexts. It examined relationships between four principal leadership variables (envisioning, instructional management, promoting professional development, empowerment) and two types of student outcomes (enjoyment in learning science, science achievement,) in different school contexts (in terms of the availability of science resources, quality of science teachers, and school socioeconomic status (SES)). The sample comprised 248,620 students and 9,370 principals in 35 developed countries who participated in the Programme (...)
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  20.  12
    Teamwork Competence in Journalism Education: Evidence From TV Organizations’ News Team in Taiwan.Cheng-Hui Wang, Gloria Hui-Wen Liu & Chia-Dai Yen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The rapid development of digital technologies has transformed the world but can be a double-edged sword. We study the interaction of important variables that affect individual news reporters’ performance in which digital technology is the dominant feature. A multilevel model illustrates how transactive memory and job competence affect individual performance. The empirical study includes data from 19 teams of news reporters and 211 valid survey responses, applying hierarchical linear modeling to analyze the data. The results indicate that transactive memory and (...)
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  21.  10
    Transformation of educational philosophy: an evaluation of higher education management innovation against the background of Big Data.Zichen Xu & Shi Cheng - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400162.
    Resumo: Com o rápido desenvolvimento da sociedade da informação moderna, o Big Data (BD) trouxe grande comodidade à vida dos residentes. No contexto do BD, a aplicação da tecnologia da informação em diversas áreas tornou-se uma tendência. Através da transformação da filosofia educacional, a Gestão do Ensino Superior também assumiu novas características e gerou novos rumos de desenvolvimento. Este artigo explora as deficiências e razões do trabalho tradicional de Gestão de Esino Superior, aponta problemas atuais e explica a necessidade de (...)
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  22.  21
    Sustaining eSports Industry and Regulatory Focus: Empirical Evidence From Chinese Universities.Gongyan Zhao, Yue Cheng, Xinggue Liu & Wentao Meng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the factors that affect the attitude and behavioral intentions toward electronic sports among students of higher education institutions based on the technology acceptance model. The conditional impact of preventive regulatory focus was analyzed in various aspects developed on the regulatory focus theory. These aspects comprised of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on the attitude toward eSports. Accordingly, data were collected from 293 students of higher education institutions in China's Henan Province, presenting a 54.56% (...)
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  23.  10
    Job Burnout Is Associated With Prehospital Decision Delay: An Internet-Based Survey in China.Han Yin, Cheng Jiang, Xiaohe Shi, Yilin Chen, Xueju Yu, Yu Wang, Weiya Li, Huan Ma & Qingshan Geng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPrehospital delay is associated with non-modifiable factors such as age, residential region, and disease severity. However, the impact of psychosocial factors especially for job burnout on prehospital decision delay is still little understood.MethodThis internet-based survey was conducted between 14 February 2021 and 5 March 2021 in China through the Wechat platform and web page. Self-designed questionnaires about the expected and actual length of prehospital decision time and the Chinese version of Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey, Type D Personality Scale-14, and Social (...)
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  24.  42
    Are past and future symmetric in mental time line?Xianfeng Ding, Ning Feng, Xiaorong Cheng, Huashan Liu & Zhao Fan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  25.  18
    Mechanisms of False Alarm in Response to Fear Stimulus: An Event-Related Potential Study.Xiai Wang, Jicheng Sun, Jinghua Yang, Shan Cheng, Cui Liu, Wendong Hu & Jin Ma - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background and ObjectiveThere is a paucity of research that has explored “False Alarm” mechanisms. In order to remedy this deficiency in knowledge, the present study used event-related potential technology to reveal the mechanisms underlying False Alarm in response to fear stimuli.MethodsThis study selected snakes as experimental materials and the “oddball paradigm” was used to simulate the conditions of False Alarm. The mechanism underlying False Alarm was revealed by comparing cognitive processing similarities and differences between real snakes and toy snakes.ResultsEvent-related potential (...)
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  26.  82
    Neural Biomarkers Distinguish Severe From Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder Among High-Functioning Individuals.Di Chen, Tianye Jia, Yuning Zhang, Miao Cao, Eva Loth, Chun-Yi Zac Lo, Wei Cheng, Zhaowen Liu, Weikang Gong, Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian & Jianfeng Feng - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Several previous studies have reported atypicality in resting-state functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder, yet the relatively small effect sizes prevent us from using these characteristics for diagnostic purposes. Here, canonical correlation analysis and hierarchical clustering were used to partition the high-functioning ASD group into subgroups. A support vector machine model was trained through the 10-fold strategy to predict Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule scores within the ASD discovery group, which was further validated in an independent sample. The neuroimage-based partition derived (...)
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  27.  21
    Moxibustion for Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Meta-Analysis.Yuanen Huang, Jingping Wu, Hongbin Cheng & Yanling Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    Background. Herpes zoster is a disease that mainly causes severe segmental neuralgia and vesicles after infection with herpes zoster virus. At the same time, more than 9 to 34 percent of patients have postherpetic neuralgia present with chronic pain for months or even years. Moxibustion has been used to treat herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia for many years; however, there has been no comprehensive study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of moxibustion in the treatment of herpes zoster and postherpetic (...)
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  28.  34
    Low-rank decomposition meets kernel learning: A generalized Nyström method.Liang Lan, Kai Zhang, Hancheng Ge, Wei Cheng, Jun Liu, Andreas Rauber, Xiao-Li Li, Jun Wang & Hongyuan Zha - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 250 (C):1-15.
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  29.  39
    Acute Exercise Improves Inhibitory Control but Not Error Detection in Male Violent Perpetrators: An ERPs Study With the Emotional Stop Signal Task.Chia-Chuan Yu, Chiao-Yun Chen, Neil G. Muggleton, Cheng-Hung Ko & Suyen Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Violence has been linked to the co-occurrence of cognitive dysfunction and altered activations in several brain regions. Empirical evidence demonstrated the benefits of acute exercise on motor inhibition and error detection and their neuronal processing. However, whether such effects also hold for the population with violent behaviors remains unknown. This study examined the effects of acute aerobic exercise on inhibitory control and error monitoring among violent offenders. Fifteen male violent offenders were counterbalanced into experimental protocols, which comprised a 30-min moderately (...)
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  30.  20
    Formation-Containment Control of Second-Order Multiagent Systems via Intermittent Communication.Mao-Dong Xia, Cheng-Lin Liu & Fei Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  31.  25
    Li shi xu wu zhu yi pi pan wen xuan.Bing Zhou (ed.) - 2018 - Beijing: Hong qi chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen wu ge zhuan ji,Xuan lu le wang wei guang,Zhang quan jing,Tian xin ming,Liang zhu,Li shen ming,Liu run wei,Zhou xin cheng deng fa biao zai deng qi kan shang de pi pan li shi xu wu zhu yi de wen zhang,Zhi zai yin dao guang da dang yuan gan bu shen ke ren shi li shi xu wu zhu yi de wei hai,Shi zhong jian chi wei wu shi guan,Jian jue fan dui li shi xu wu zhu (...)
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  32.  23
    Remembering the Present: Mindfulness in Buddhist Asia, by Julia L. Cassaniti.Jian Cheng Shi - 2019 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (1):131-134.
    Remembering the Present: Mindfulness in Buddhist Asia, by Julia L. Cassaniti. Cornell University Press, 2018. 297pp. Hb. $27.95. ISBN-13: 9781501707995.
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  33.  30
    Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition and Conflict Control on Facial Expressions.Tongran Liu, Tong Xiao & Jiannong Shi - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  34.  14
    Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth of Patients With Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China: The Mediating Effect of Recovery.Jing Shi, Kristin K. Sznajder, Shuo Liu, Xinyue Xie, Xiaoshi Yang & Zhen Zheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    PurposeThis study aims to examine the mediating role recovery plays in the relationship between resilience and posttraumatic growth among breast cancer patients.MethodsA cross-sectional study design was implemented between January 02, 2021 and April 29, 2021. A total of 789 breast cancer patients from eight hospitals in Liaoning province were selected for participation in this study. These participants completed questionnaires, which included the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory, EGO Resilience Scale and the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery. The associated factors of PTG (...)
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  35.  81
    Effects of ownership expressed by the first-person possessive pronoun.Zhan Shi, Aibao Zhou, Wei Han & Peiru Liu - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):951-955.
    The present study examined the behavioral effects of the first-person possessive pronoun. In each trial, a noun was presented to participants after visual presentation of a possessive pronoun “wo de” or “ta de” , which formed ownership. Half participants were assigned to contextual encoding condition in which they were required to judge whether they liked the item expressed by a noun from the first or third-person perspective. The rest were assigned to perceptual encoding condition in which they were asked to (...)
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  36.  42
    Self-construal priming selectively modulates the scope of visual attention.Zhuozhuo Liu, Menxue Cheng, Kaiping Peng & Dan Zhang - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  37. Beyond the binary: Inferential challenges and solutions in cognitive archaeology.Cheng Liu & Dietrich Stout - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e13.
    We welcome Stibbard-Hawkes's empirical contributions and discussion of interpretive challenges for archaeology, but question some of his characterizations and conclusions. Moving beyond critique, it is time to develop new research methods that eschew simplistic modern/premodern binaries. We advocate an inductive, probabilistic approach using multiple lines of evidence to infer the causes and consequences of behavioral variability across time and space.
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    Yu yan pi pan: Weitegensitan mei xue si xiang yan jiu.Cheng Liu - 2009 - Wuhan Shi: Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  39. Delay-Range-Dependent Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control for Industrial Processes with Uncertainties and Unknown Disturbances.Huiyuan Shi, Ping Li, Limin Wang, Chengli Su, Jingxian Yu & Jiangtao Cao - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
    A fuzzy predictive fault-tolerant control scheme is proposed for a wide class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with uncertainties, interval time-varying delays, and partial actuator failures as well as unknown disturbances, in which the main opinions focus on the relevant theory of FPFTC based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model description of these systems. The T-S fuzzy model represents the discrete-time nonlinear system in the form of the discrete uncertain time-varying delay state space, which is firstly constructed by a set of local linear (...)
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    Comment on “ Evaluation on the interaction between Chinese traditional philosophical culture and higher education ideas ”.Liu Cheng - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e02400302.
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    Application of Transtheoretical Model on Behavioral Changes, and Amount of Physical Activity Among University’s Students.Kien Ting Liu, Yee Cheng Kueh, Wan Nor Arifin, Youngho Kim & Garry Kuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A Techno-Philosophical Perspective on How Acceleration Becomes Autopoietic.Yu-Cheng Liu - 2019 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 23 (2):204-231.
    This study examines mainly two subjects: “Why do we accelerate?” and “How does acceleration become autopoietic?” The answers to these questions may be derived from technical, social, or psychological approaches. However, they provide only an incomplete picture if a perspective from the philosophy of technology is not considered alongside. In addition to offering different viewpoints on the essence of technology, technics, or technē, this study will focus on the notion of distance as a key to answering the above questions. Conventionally, (...)
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  43.  21
    Relationship Between Hardiness and the Mental Health of Funded Chinese College Students: The Mediating Role of Social Support and the Moderating Role of an Only-Child Status.Jingxuan Liu, Xiaoshuang Cheng & Jun Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    According to the hardiness model and the perspective of different treatment by parents, this study developed and validated a moderated mediation model to explore the direct effect of hardiness on the mental health of Chinese funded college students, the mediating role of social support, and the moderating role of only-child /non-only-child status. A hardiness scale, mental health scale, and perceived social support scale were used to examine information on 673 Chinese FCSs. Hardiness had a significantly positive effect on the mental (...)
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  44.  29
    Teaching Reform to the Biology Major During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of the Method of Teaching Industrial Innovation and Entrepreneurial Talents.Zhe Liu, Jingwei Wang, Zhiming Liang, Hongbo An, Liyang Li, Zhongjing Zang, Jing Li, Yang Xi, Tong Han, Shaobin Liu & Cheng-Hao Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The biology major has developed rapidly in recent years. Biology is a science that penetrates every aspect of human life and is one of the core majors in most agricultural colleges and universities. However, many teachers lack practical experience in the subject. To overcome this problem, in recent years, we have been trying to introduce new reforms into our teaching. This article provides some insight into the way that biology majors have been reformed, which will help educators in agricultural colleges (...)
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  45.  59
    When Crises Hit Home: How U.S. Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times.Brooke Fisher Liu, Duli Shi, JungKyu Rhys Lim, Khairul Islam, America L. Edwards & Matthew Seeger - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):353-368.
    Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, this study investigates how U.S. higher education leaders have centered their crisis management on values and guiding ethical principles. We conducted 55 in-depth interviews with leaders from 30 U.S. higher education institutions, with most leaders participating in two interviews. We found that crisis plans created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic were inadequate due to the long duration and highly uncertain nature of the crisis. Instead, higher education leaders applied guiding principles on the fly (...)
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    Effects of minor Cu addition on glass-forming ability and magnetic properties of FePCBCu alloys with high saturation magnetization.Minjie Shi, Ran Li, Jianfeng Wang, Zengqian Liu, Xuekun Luo & Tao Zhang - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (17):2182-2189.
  47.  2
    How does unconscious processing promote creative problem-solving? An examination using priming methods.Chengzhen Liu, Shen Tu, Jinliang Guan, Zhihao Zhou, Jing Ma & Zifu Shi - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
    This study investigated the effect of unconscious processing on creative problem solving (CPS) by combining a revised priming paradigm that manipulated the content of unconscious processing together with remote association tests (RAT). In the real world, most CPS is facilitated by unconscious information processing after a problem is represented. However, most previous studies have focused on priming subthreshold stimuli before the problem presentation, with few exploring unconscious priming after the problem is presented, even though different prime timings might involve distinct (...)
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  48.  18
    Users' Feedback on COVID-19 Lockdown Documentary: An Emotion Analysis and Topic Modeling Analysis.Xiaochuan Shi, Miaoyutian Jia, Jia Li, Quiyi Chen, Guan Liu & Qian Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Conducting emotion analysis and generating users' feedback from social media platforms may help understand their emotional responses to video products, such as a documentary on the lockdown of Wuhan during COVID-19. The results of emotion analysis could be used to make further user recommendations for marketing purposes. In our study, we try to understand how users respond to a documentary through YouTube comments. We chose “The lockdown: One month in Wuhan” YouTube documentary, and applied emotion analysis as well as a (...)
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  49.  58
    Automatic Change Detection to Facial Expressions in Adolescents: Evidence from Visual Mismatch Negativity Responses.Tongran Liu, Tong Xiao & Jiannong Shi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Voluntary Vaccination through Perceiving Epidemic Severity in Social Networks.Benyun Shi, Guangliang Liu, Hongjun Qiu, Yu-Wang Chen & Shaoliang Peng - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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