Results for 'Catherine Kirchner-Blanchard'

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  1. A Subject in Search of Meaning: Frailty and Dignity in Very Old Age.F. Blanchard, F. Duarte & F. Munsch - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):84-93.
    An ageing population and increased life expectancy are a characteristic of the Western world. Nevertheless, as Roger Fontaine writes, “although we should be glad about this fact, it should also be stressed that old age reveals profound discrepancies between individuals. In fact, we should not speak of ‘old age’ but ‘old ages’. Specialists make a distinction between normal old age, successful old age, and pathological old age.”Catherine Guchet points out that, at the end of the twentieth century, two images (...)
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    Fanon and the New Paraphilias: Towards a Trans of Color Critique of the DSM-V.Stephanie Hsu - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (1):53-68.
    This essay places psychiatrist and philosopher Frantz Fanon’s anti-colonial, anti-racist message from Peau Noire, Masques Blancs/Black Skin, White Masks in conversation with the new diagnoses of “Gender Dysphoria” and “Transvestic Disorder” in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Specifically, the essay discusses sexologist Ray Blanchard’s controversial theory of autogynephilia alongside Fanon’s ambivalent rendering of transgender desire and interracial trans phenomenology in a crucial but frequently overlooked passage in Black Skin. Fanon’s anti-colonial critique of (...)
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  3. La liberté sexuelle.Catherine Millet - 2005 - Comprendre 6.
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  4. La géométrie algébrique. Recherches historiques, coll. « Sciences dans l'histoire ».Christian Houzel, Roshdi Rashed & Albert Blanchard - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (2):242-243.
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  5. Acht Abhandlungen Herrn Professor Dr. Karl Ludwig Michelet Zum 90. Geburtstag Als Festgruss Dargereicht von Mitgliedern der Philosophischen Gesellschaft.Adolf Lasson, Gustav Engel, Friedrich Kirchner, Wilhelm Paszkowski & Max Runze - 1892 - C.E.M. Pfeffer.
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    Provider, patient and public benefits from a NICE appraisal of bevacizumab (Avastin).Catherine Rhodes, John Harris, John Sulston & Catherine Spanswick - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):187-189.
    There are several good reasons for the UK Department of Health to recommend the appraisal of bevacizumab for the treatment of eye conditions by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. These reasons will extend to other drugs when similar situations arise in the future.
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    Using Multimedia to Teach Computer Literacy.Catherine Ricardo & Frances Bailie - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (2):89-91.
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    The importance of ecological validity, ultimate causation, and natural categories.Catherine A. Salmon & Jessica A. Hehman - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article raises important questions about the applicability of experimental social psychology research on topics with policy implications. This commentary focuses on the importance of attending to a variety of factors to improve ecological validity as well as considering the ultimate factors shaping behavior and the role of natural categories in the stability of stereotypes and their influence.
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    Marie Buscatto, Femmes du Jazz : Musicalités, féminités, marginalisations.Catherine Monnot - 2009 - Clio 29.
    L’ouvrage de Marie Buscatto constitue une riche contribution à l’étude des rapports sociaux de sexe à l’intérieur du monde du travail et de l’art. Au travers d’une étude ethnographique de près de dix ans dans le milieu du jazz français, par des entretiens, des questionnaires et l’analyse de la presse spécialisée, l’auteur met en lumière la double ségrégation dont les artistes féminines (seulement 8% de la « population jazz ») font l’objet au sein de ce microcosme. Ségrégation de type horizont...
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    Transnational and Transcultural Positionality in Globalised Higher Education.Catherine Montgomery (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Transnational higher education, where students study on a ‘foreign’ degree programme whilst remaining in their home country, has seen exponential development over the last decade. In addition to the increase in students engaged in TNHE across the globe, the involvement of university teachers in TNHE has also risen in response to the demand for this form of international education. Although research into transnational education has doubled since 2006, there is a paucity of research focusing on transnational teacher education, especially outside (...)
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  11. A preliminary view.Catherine Morgan - 1997 - In Lynette G. Mitchell & P. J. Rhodes, The development of the polis in archaic Greece. New York: Routledge. pp. 168.
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  12. A reading of Schleiermacher's 'life of Jesus' lectures.Catherine L. Kelsey - 2008 - In Hermann Patsch, Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice & Wolfgang Virmond, Schleiermacher, romanticism, and the critical arts: a festschrift in honor of Hermann Patsch. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
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    Phénoménologie et christianisme chez Michel Henry: les derniers écrits de Michel Henry en débat.Philippe Capelle & Yves-Marie Blanchard (eds.) - 2004 - Paris: Cerf.
    En 1997 et en 2001, Michel Henry vint débattre à l'Institut catholique de Paris des thèses exposées dans ses ouvrages sur la philosophie du christianisme. Outre la reprise de ses deux interventions, l'ouvrage réunit en dialogue des contributions sur les rapports entre phénoménologie et vérité, phénoménologie et incarnation, phénoménologie et paroles du Christ.
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    Carnival of the Unconscious: On Shohei Imamura.Catherine Cullen - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (1).
    _Shohei Imamura_ Edited by James Quandt Toronto: Toronto International Film Festival Group, 1997 ISBN 0-9682969-0-4 183 pp.
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    Happy is easy: the influence of affective states on cognitive control and metacognitive reports.Catherine Culot & Wim Gevers - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-8.
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    Algunas Observaciones Acerca de Los Fundamentos Antropologicos de la Concepcion Aristotelica de la Felicidad.C. Beatriz & Bossi de Kirchner - 1989 - Méthexis 2 (1):41-50.
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    James Joyce and the Matter of Paris.Catherine Flynn - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In James Joyce and the Matter of Paris, Catherine Flynn recovers the paradigmatic city of European urban modernity as the foundational context of Joyce's imaginative consciousness. Beginning with Joyce's underexamined first exile in 1902–03, she shows the significance for his writing of the time he spent in Paris and of a range of French authors whose works inflected his experience of that city. In response to the pressures of Parisian consumer capitalism, Joyce drew on French literature to conceive a (...)
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    Readings in Mental Hygiene.Ernest R. Groves & Phyllis Blanchard - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):119-120.
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    Le grand dégrisement.Catherine Chalier - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):539-551.
    Cet article analyse pourquoi le paganisme, en son lien au sacré et au mythe, maintient l’homme dans un assujetissement immoral selon Levinas. Il montre comment affronter l’épreuve de l’athéisme métaphysique – de la séparation, de l’éloignement de Dieu – est une nécessité pour la foi monothéiste, une foi adulte et responsable. Il réfléchit à l’amour de la Torah dans un monde où l’homme éprouve que Dieu s’est voilé la Face.
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    L'optique des Jésuites et celle des médecins.Catherine Chevalley - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (3):377-382.
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  21. At the bedside of the sick.Catherine Jésus Chrisdet - 1951 - Westminster, Md.,: Newman Press.
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    Richard Kearney’s endless morning.Catherine Keller - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (7):890-896.
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    Bulletin de philosophie ancienne.Catherine Collobert, Benoît Castelnérac, Gabriela Cursaru, Marianne Garin, Elsa Grasso, Francesca Masi & Robert Zaborowski - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):389.
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    Review of Catalin Partenie, Tom Rockmore (eds.), Heidegger and Plato: Toward Dialogue[REVIEW]Catherine Zuckert - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (2).
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    Stephen Gaukroger. The Natural and the Human: Science and the Shaping of Modernity, 1739–1841. vii + 402 pp., illus., bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £30. [REVIEW]Catherine Abou-Nemeh - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):198-199.
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    Education - (F.) Bellandi, (R.) Ferri (edd.) Aspetti della scuola nel mondo romano. Atti del Convengo (Pisa, 5–6 dicembre 2006). (Supplementi di Lexis 51.) Pp. ii + 343. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert, 2008. Paper, €76. ISBN: 978-90-256-1233-7. [REVIEW]Catherine M. Chin - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):244-246.
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  27. Kirchner's Wörterbuch der philosophischen Grundbegriffe.Friedrich Kirchner - 1911 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Carl Michaëlis.
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  28. Physics and Causation.Thomas Blanchard - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (5):256-266.
    More than a century ago, Russell launched a forceful attack on causation, arguing not only that modern physics has no need for causal notions but also that our belief in causation is a relic of a pre-scientific view of the world. He thereby initiated a debate about the relations between physics and causation that remains very much alive today. While virtually everybody nowadays rejects Russell's causal eliminativism, many philosophers have been convinced by Russell that the fundamental physical structure of our (...)
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  29. Age differences in short-term retention of rapidly changing information.Wayne K. Kirchner - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (4):352.
  30. Cause without Default.Thomas Blanchard & Jonathan Schaffer - 2017 - In Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Huw Price, Making a Difference: Essays on the Philosophy of Causation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 175-214.
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  31. Richard M. Lerner Catherine E. Barton.Catherine E. Barton - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 420.
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  32. Stability, breadth and guidance.Thomas Blanchard, Nadya Vasilyeva & Tania Lombrozo - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (9):2263-2283.
    Much recent work on explanation in the interventionist tradition emphasizes the explanatory value of stable causal generalizations—i.e., causal generalizations that remain true in a wide range of background circumstances. We argue that two separate explanatory virtues are lumped together under the heading of `stability’. We call these two virtues breadth and guidance respectively. In our view, these two virtues are importantly distinct, but this fact is neglected or at least under-appreciated in the literature on stability. We argue that an adequate (...)
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    The power of ethical management.Kenneth H. Blanchard - 1988 - New York: W. Morrow. Edited by Norman Vincent Peale.
    Ethics in business is the most urgent problem facing America today. Now two of the best-selling authors of our time, Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, join forces to meet this crisis head-on in this vitally important new book. The Power of Ethical Management proves you don't have to cheat to win. It shows today's managers how to bring integrity back to the workplace. It gives hard-hitting, practical, ethical strategies that build profits, productivity, and long-term success. From a straightforward (...)
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  34. The Problem of Unwelcome Epistemic Company.Joshua Blanchard - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):529-541.
    Many of us are unmoved when it is objected that some morally or intellectually suspect source agrees with our belief. While we may tend to find this kind of guilt by epistemic association unproblematic, I argue that this tendency is a mistake. We sometimes face what I call the problem of unwelcome epistemic company. This is the problem of encountering agreement about the content of your belief from a source whose faults give you reason to worry about the belief's truth, (...)
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  35. Melis Erdur’s Moral Argument Against Moral Realism.Joshua Blanchard - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):371-377.
    In a previous volume of Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, Melis Erdur defends the provocative claim that postulating a stance-independent ground for morality constitutes a substantive moral mistake that is isomorphic to the substantive moral mistake that many realists attribute to antirealists. In this discussion paper I reconstruct Erdur’s argument and raise two objections to the general framework in which it arises. I close by explaining why rejecting Erdur’s approach doesn’t preclude normative criticism of metaethical theories.
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  36. Moral Realism and Philosophical Angst.Joshua Blanchard - 2020 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics Volume 15. Oxford University Press.
    This paper defends pro-realism, the view that it is better if moral realism is true rather than any of its rivals. After offering an account of philosophical angst, I make three general arguments. The first targets nihilism: in securing the possibility of moral justification and vindication in objecting to certain harms, moral realism secures something that is non-morally valuable and even essential to the meaning and intelligibility of our lives. The second argument targets antirealism: moral realism secures a desirable independence (...)
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    Marx et la religion.Yvon Blanchard - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):592-602.
    Parmi les lieux communs qui souvent véhiculent la multitude des interprétations de la pensée de Marx, il n'en est pas de plus tenaces ni de plus injustes que ceux qui concernent la religion. Ainsi, faire de Marx l'ennemi numéro I de la religion parce qu'on trouve à la lettre dans son œuvre écrite l'expression « la religion est l'opium du peuple » équivaut à une simplification bien accordée à l'objectif de traquer Marx pour le prendre en défaut. Ou encore, proposer (...)
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  38. Contemplación y Dios en Aristóteles.Beatriz Bossi De Kirchner - 1990 - Sapientia 45 (77):189.
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  39. Notas sobre la fundamentación de la ética aristotélica.Beatriz Bossi De Kirchner - 1985 - Sapientia 40 (56):89.
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  40. The body in psychotherapy : Calatonia and subtle touch techniques.Anita J. Ribeiro-Blanchard, Leda Perillo Seixas & Ana Maria Galrao Rios - 2011 - In Raya A. Jones, Body, mind and healing after Jung: a space of questions. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Autonomous weapon systems and jus ad bellum.Alexander Blanchard & Mariarosaria Taddeo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-7.
    In this article, we focus on the scholarly and policy debate on autonomous weapon systems and particularly on the objections to the use of these weapons which rest on jus ad bellum principles of proportionality and last resort. Both objections rest on the idea that AWS may increase the incidence of war by reducing the costs for going to war or by providing a propagandistic value. We argue that whilst these objections offer pressing concerns in their own right, they suffer (...)
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    The causal efficacy of composites: a dilemma for interventionism.Thomas Blanchard - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2685-2706.
    This paper argues that the interventionist account of causation faces a dilemma concerning macroscopic causation – i.e., causation by composite objects. Interventionism must either require interventions on a composite object to hold the behavior of its parts fixed, or allow such interventions to vary the behavior of those parts. The first option runs the risk of making wholes causally excluded by their parts, while the second runs the risk of mistakenly ascribing to wholes causal abilities that belong to their parts (...)
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  43. Explanatory Abstraction and the Goldilocks Problem: Interventionism Gets Things Just Right.Thomas Blanchard - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):633-663.
    Theories of explanation need to account for a puzzling feature of our explanatory practices: the fact that we prefer explanations that are relatively abstract but only moderately so. Contra Franklin-Hall ([2016]), I argue that the interventionist account of explanation provides a natural and elegant explanation of this fact. By striking the right balance between specificity and generality, moderately abstract explanations optimally subserve what interventionists regard as the goal of explanation, namely identifying possible interventions that would have changed the explanandum.
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    Ethical governance of artificial intelligence for defence: normative tradeoffs for principle to practice guidance.Alexander Blanchard, Christopher Thomas & Mariarosaria Taddeo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The rapid diffusion of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the defence domain raises challenges for the ethical governance of these systems. A recent shift from the what to the how of AI ethics sees a nascent body of literature published by defence organisations focussed on guidance to implement AI ethics principles. These efforts have neglected a crucial intermediate step between principles and guidance concerning the elicitation of ethical requirements for specifying the guidance. In this article, we outline the key normative (...)
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    Mechanizing principia logico-metaphysica in functional type theory.Daniel Kirchner, Christoph Benzmüller & Edward N. Zalta - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-13.
    Principia Logico-Metaphysica contains a foundational logical theory for metaphysics, mathematics, and the sciences. It includes a canonical development of Abstract Object Theory [AOT], a metaphysical theory that distinguishes between ordinary and abstract objects. This article reports on recent work in which AOT has been successfully represented and partly automated in the proof assistant system Isabelle/HOL. Initial experiments within this framework reveal a crucial but overlooked fact: a deeply-rooted and known paradox is reintroduced in AOT when the logic of complex terms (...)
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    Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism.Kathryn D. Blanchard - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (4):574-578.
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    A Problemática do Tempo na Conferência Heideggeriana "Der Begriff der Zeit".Renato Kirchner - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (1):105-123.
    Para compreender a trajetória da elaboração heideggeriana do conceito de tempo é fundamental analisar a conferência O conceito de tempo (Der Begriff der Zeit). Entendemos que, embora o tempo seja tematizado em vários outros textos da juventude ou mesmo em obras heideggerianas mais tardias, é visível nesta conferência de 1924 a preocupação do pensador em conceber, de uma maneira tematicamente explícita, um novo conceito de tempo. Nossa proposta inicial restringe-se, por um lado, em avistar e evidenciar as ideias condutoras da (...)
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    (1 other version)Wörterbuch der philosophischen grundbegriffe.Friedrich Kirchner - 1903 - Leipzig,: Dürr. Edited by Michaëlis, Carl & [From Old Catalog].
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  49. Best-System Laws, Explanation, and Unification.Thomas Blanchard - 2023 - In Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks, Humean Laws for Human Agents. Oxford: Oxford UP.
    In recent years, an active research program has emerged that aims to develop a Humean best-system account (BSA) of laws of nature that improves on Lewis’s canonical articulation of the view. Its guiding idea is that the laws are cognitive tools tailored to the specific needs and limitations of creatures like us. While current versions of this “pragmatic Humean” research program fare much better than Lewis’s account along many dimensions, I will argue that they have trouble making sense of certain (...)
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    A propos d'une philosophie du travail.Yvon Blanchard - 1964 - Dialogue 3 (2):176-185.
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