Results for 'Catherine Demure'

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  1.  84
    Models as Felicitous Falsehoods.Catherine Elgin - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (1):7-23.
    I argue that models enable us to understand reality in ways that we would be unable to do if we restricted ourselves to the unvarnished truth. The point is not just that the features that a model skirts can permissibly be neglected. They ought to be neglected. Too much information occludes patterns that figure in an understanding of the phenomena. The regularities a model reveals are real and informative. But many of them show up only under idealizing assumptions.
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  2. Talent, Skill, and Celebrity.Catherine M. Robb & Alfred Archer - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (1):33-63.
    A commonly raised criticism against celebrity culture is that it celebrates people who become famous without any connection to their skills, talents or achievements. A culture in which people become famous simply for being famous is criticized for being shallow and inauthentic. In this paper we offer a defence of celebrity by arguing against this criticism. We begin by outlining what we call the Talent Argument: celebrity is a negative cultural phenomenon because it creates and sustains fame without any connection (...)
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    Is jealousy justifiable?Catherine Wesselinoff - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):703-710.
    Jealousy has been disparaged as psychologically debilitating and morally flawed since well before Shakespeare wrote Othello and is indeed represented—particularly well—as far back as in Homer's portrayal of gods and goddesses in The Iliad. According to some of these traditional views, often shared by philosophers, psychologists and the general public, jealousy is the sign, if not of an irredeemably corrupt mind, then at least of an excessively possessive and insecure character. But does jealousy always indicate some sort of flaw or (...)
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    Thinking about the Institutionalization of Care with Hannah Arendt: A Nonsense Filiation?Catherine Chaberty & Christine Noel Lemaitre - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):51.
    In recent decades, some feminists have turned to the writings of Hannah Arendt in order to propose a truly emancipatory ethic of care or to find the principles that could lead to the political institutionalization of care. Nevertheless, the feminist interpretations of Hannah Arendt are particularly contrasted. According to Sophie Bourgault, this recourse to Hannah Arendt is deeply problematic, mainly because of her strong distinction between the private and public spheres. This article discusses the relevance of using Arendt’s concepts to (...)
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  5. Persistent Disagreement.Catherine Elgin - 2010 - In Richard Feldman & Ted A. Warfield, Disagreement. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  6.  55
    Reducing Constitution to Composition.Catherine Sutton - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (1):81-94.
    I propose that constitution is a case of composition in which, for example, the lump of clay composes the statue. In other words, we can reduce constitution to composition. Composition does all of the work that we want from an account of constitution, and we do not need two separate relations. Along the way, I offer reasons to reject weak supplementation. Acknowledgments (which by my mistake were not included in the journal publication): Many people have given me feedback over the (...)
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  7. A Higher-Order Approach to Diachronic Continence.Catherine Rioux - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):51-58.
    We often form intentions to resist anticipated future temptations. But when confronted with the temptations our resolutions were designed to withstand, we tend to revise our previous evaluative judgments and conclude that we should now succumb—only to then revert to our initial evaluations, once temptation has subsided. Some evaluative judgments made under the sway of temptation are mistaken. But not all of them are. When the belief that one should now succumb is a proper response to relevant considerations that have (...)
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    Beyond the Information Given: Teaching, Testimony, and the Advancement of Understanding.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):17-34.
    Teaching is not testimony. Although both convey information, they have different uptake requirements. Testimony aims to impart information and typically succeeds if the recipient believes that informationon account of having been told by a reliable informant. Teaching aims to equip learners to go beyond the information given—to leverage that information to broaden, deepen, and critique their current understanding of a topic. Teaching fails if the recipients believe the information only because it is what they have been told.
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    Skilled performance in Contact Improvisation: the importance of interkinaesthetic sense of agency.Catherine Deans & Sarah Pini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-17.
    In exploring skilled performance in Contact Improvisation, we utilize an enactive ethnographic methodology combined with an interdisciplinary approach to examine the question of how skill develops in CI. We suggest this involves the development of subtleties of awareness of intra- and interkinaesthetic attunement, and a capacity for interkinaesthetic negative capability—an embodied interpersonal ‘not knowing yet’—including an ease with being off balance and waiting for the next shift or movement to arise, literally a ‘playing with’ balance, falling, nearly falling, momentum and (...)
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    Curating duplicates: operationalizing similiarity in the Smithsonian Institution with Haida rattles, 1880–1926.Catherine A. Nichols - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (3):341-363.
    In the late nineteenth century, the anthropology curators of the Smithsonian Institution consulted their cataloguing systems and storerooms, assessing specimens in order to determine which could be designated as duplicate specimens and exchanged with museums domestically and abroad. The status of ‘duplicate’ for specimens was contingent on conceptions of similiarity impacted by disciplinary classification praxis, with particular emphasis on object nomenclature and formal attributes. Using rattles from Haida Gwaii collected between 1881 and 1885 by James Swan for the Smithsonian Institution, (...)
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  11.  21
    Dual Minds: Lessons from the French Context of Hume's Social Theory.Catherine Dromelet - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (3):203-217.
    Hume's theory of mind is often interpreted in associationist terms, portraying the mind as psychological and social. It is also argued that in his most famous philosophical works Hume has an irreligious agenda. These views are problematic because they overlook the issue of social obedience to political authority. By contrast, I examine the connections between Hume's works and those of Bayle and Montaigne. I argue that the French context of Hume's social theory sheds a new light on the dual mind. (...)
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  12.  23
    Empowerment and Interconnectivity: Toward a Feminist History of Utilitarian Philosophy.Catherine Villanueva Gardner - 2012 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Examines the work of three nineteenth-century utilitarian feminist philosophers: Catharine Beecher, Frances Wright, and Anna Doyle Wheeler.
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    The Roman Senate and the post-Sullan res publica.Catherine Steel - 2014 - História 63 (3):323-339.
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    Political Memory and the Aesthetics of Care: The Art of Complicity and Resistance.Catherine Guisan - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (1):160-163.
  15.  31
    Dérider le quotidien : un lien opératoire dans le couple.Catherine Fischhof - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 210 (4):33-44.
    L’auteur, psychologue clinicienne et thérapeute familiale psychanalytique, a placé son travail sous le signe du lien et de l’intersubjectivité. Illustré par le récit d’une psychothérapie de couple, l’article vise à décrire, à l’aide de concepts propres à la psychanalyse des liens, comment le rire et l’humour, quand ils surgissent de manière inattendue dans l’espace transférentiel pluri-subjectif, permettent de déliter les éléments les plus mortifères, encryptés dans les liens opératoires et la dépressivité. Ils restaurent la capacité de rêver et se mettent (...)
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    L'accompagnement d'un parent 'gé à domicile : entre passion et tendresse.Catherine Caleca & Élise Jonchères - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2:85-96.
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    Freak, not Sage: An Exploration into Freakishness in Modern Jewish Culture.Catherine Hezser - 2013 - Culture and Dialogue 3 (1):51-71.
    The images of the clown and the freak and representations of the grotesque body are recurrent motifs in modern Jewish literature, film, art, theatre and dance. Kafka’s novella Metamorphosis is an early prototype of the changeling who leaves conventional human appearance behind and is gradually transformed into an insect-like creature. The story served as a prototype for Woody Allen’s film Zelig, in which the main protagonist adopts a variety of different personas, amongst them a Nazi in the Third Reich. The (...)
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  18.  13
    “Leading to God’s Deepening Life”: Considerations of Saint Ignatius of Loyola as Spiritual Guide for Ongoing Transformation in Christ.Catherine Looker - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (1):6-29.
    This article seeks to explore the spiritual guidance of Saint Ignatius of Loyola as a worthy spiritual guide for our time as we consider some ways that we might seek to more clearly understand and authentically live out the call of Christ in our life journey. In this context of considering the work of Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises as a viable tool for such interior conversion, it is necessary for the work of this article to take a closer look at some (...)
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    Dirk Vanderbeke and Brett Cooke, eds. Evolution and Popular Narrative.Catherine Salmon - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):141-144.
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    The lex Pompeia de provinciis of 52 B.C.: a reconsideration.Catherine Steel - 2012 - História 61 (1):83-93.
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    Are Movement Disorders and Sensorimotor Injuries Pathologic Synergies? When Normal Multi-Joint Movement Synergies Become Pathologic.Marco Santello & Catherine E. Lang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:109123.
    The intact nervous system has an exquisite ability to modulate the activity of multiple muscles acting at one or more joints to produce an enormous range of actions. Seemingly simple tasks, such as reaching for an object or walking, in fact rely on very complex spatial and temporal patterns of muscle activations. Neurological disorders such as stroke and focal dystonia affect the ability to coordinate multi-joint movements. This article reviews the state of the art of research of muscle synergies in (...)
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    L'Ashram de l'Amour: Le Gandhisme et l'Imaginaire.Karine Schomer & Catherine Thomas - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):809.
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    Albert Lautman et le souci logique.Catherine Chevalley - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (1):49-77.
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    Spatial affect learning restricted in major depression relative to anxiety disorders and healthy controls.Jackie K. Gollan, Catherine J. Norris, Denada Hoxha, John Stockton Irick, Louise C. Hawkley & John T. Cacioppo - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (1):36-45.
  25. Family and Healthcare Decision Making : Cultural Shift from the Individual to the Relational Self.Joseph Tham & Marie Catherine Letendre - 2022 - In Joseph Tham, Alberto García Gómez & Mirko Daniel Garasic, Cross-cultural and religious critiques of informed consent. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  26. De Ipsa Natura. Sources of Leibniz's Doctrines of Force, Activity and Natural Law.Catherine Wilson - 1987 - Studia Leibnitiana 19 (2):148-172.
    Leibniz beschreibt sein philosophisches Anliegen oft als Versuch, bestimmte Formen, die von den modernen Philosophen verbannt waren, wieder herzustellen. Dieser Aufsatz erörtert den historischen Gang dieser Verbannung und Leibniz' Bemühen um eine Rehabilitierung der Begriffe Natur, Form und Kraft, wobei er jedoch okkulte, “barbarische” und überflüssige Zutaten zur Naturphilosophie vermeidet.
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    Le nouveau cadre juridique de la biologie médicale.Marie-Catherine Chemtob-Concé - 2010 - Médecine et Droit 2010 (102):96-104.
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  28. (1 other version)Theater and living spectacle. Contemporary mutations.Andre Helbo, Catherine Bouko & Elodie Verlinden - 2011 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 255 (1):85-101.
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    Did Diodorus Siculus take over Cross–References from His Sources?Catherine Rubincam - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):67-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Did Diodorus Siculus take over Cross–References from His Sources?Catherine RubincamA systematic answer to the question posed in the title of this article requires, first, a careful analysis of the implications of various different formulations of the question and, second, a thorough discussion of the evidence relating to all the cross–references in the Bibliotheca. No such systematic approach has ever been attempted, to my knowledge. It will emerge that (...)
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    L'eugénisme, la science et le droit.Catherine Bachelard-Jobard - 2001 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Catherine Bachelard-Jobard a choisi une approche pluridisciplinaire afin de comprendre, sans aucun manichéisme, si notre société est réellement en marche vers l'eugénisme. En d'autres termes, sommes-nous en train de nous diriger vers un monde d'enfants parfaits procédant de la sélection pré-natale, décidée par les parents et autorisée par la loi? Les parents peuvent-ils encore choisir de mettre au monde un enfant différent? Enfin, les barrières posées par le législateur aux désirs individuels sont-elles suffisantes? C'est ce débat passionnant que l'auteur (...)
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    “All Human Beings, by Nature, Seek Understanding.” Creating a Global Noosphere in Today’s Era of Globalization.Martha Catherine Beck - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):148-161.
    This paper describes many connections between the wisdom literature of the Ancient Greeks and the work of contemporary scholars, intellectuals and professionals in many fields. Whether or not they use the word nous to refer to the highest power of the human soul, I show that their views converge on the existence of such a power. The paper begins with a brief summary of Greek educational texts, including Greek mythology, Homer, tragedy, and Plato’s dialogues, showing that they are designed to (...)
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  32. L'INTRODUCTION À LA PHILOSOPHIE D'AUBRY DE REIMS: Présentation et traduction.Catherine König-Pralong - 2012 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 144 (2):97-118.
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    Olivi et le formalisme ontologique. Lectures d’Aristote, d’Averroès, et critique d’Albert?Catherine König-Pralong - 2010 - In Catherine König-Pralong, Olivier Ribordy & Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Pierre de Jean Olivi - Philosophe Et Théologien: Actes du Colloque de Philosophie Médiévale, 24 - 25 Octobre 2008, Université de Fribourg. De Gruyter. pp. 135-168.
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    Educational Issues in the Learning Age.David Matheson & Catherine Matheson - 2000 - Burns & Oates.
    This work explores a wide range of issues and questions in education, such as - how does education define the way people see themselves culturally? The authors discuss such topics as education and training, reflective practice and governance.
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  35. Woman and cosmos.Catherine R. O'Connor - 1971 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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    Huldyrch Zwingli’s contribution to the Reformation.Jerry Pillay & Catherine McMillan - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    Huldyrch Zwingli, the first Swiss reformer in Zurich, made significant contributions to the 16th-century Reformation, yet he remains relatively unknown, if not forgotten. He is generally overshadowed by other reformers, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin. This article attempts to bring Zwingli to the surface by examining some of his contributions in Zurich which impacted the Reformation at large. This is especially significant because 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of Zwingli. The aim of the article is to provide an (...)
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  37. A bibliography of philosophy for 1933.Carol Catherine Schneider (ed.) - 1934 - New York,: New York.
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    Online Interaction and" Real Information Flow": Contrasts Between Talking About Interdisciplinarity and Achieving Interdisciplinary Collaboration.Janet Smithson, Catherine Hennessy & Robin Means - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (1):Article - P1.
    In this article we study how members of an interdisciplinary research team use an online forum for communicating about their research project. We use the concepts of "community of practice" and "connectivity" to consider the online interaction within a wider question of how people from different academic traditions "do" interdisciplinarity. The online forum for this Grey and Pleasant Land project did not take off as hoped, even after a series of interventions and amendments, and we consider what the barriers were (...)
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    Critical Response I: A Response to Benedict S. Robinson, “The True Story of Fictionality”.Catherine Gallagher - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (4):771-776.
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  40. Maïmonide, nature, histoire et messianisme.Amos Funkenstein, Catherine Chalier & Roland Goetschel - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (3):384-385.
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    Aspects de la Fatigue Dans L’anthropologie Médiévale.Catherine Kônig-Pralong - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (4):529-547.
    Symptôme psychosomatique de la condition pécheresse de l’âme humaine, processus d’usure naturel et progressif de la machinerie psychique ou corporelle, propriété exclusive du monde des corps ou lieu de la ligature obligée de l’intellect au corps, la fatigue traverse la littérature philosophique et théologique médiévale. Les divers traitements de la fatigue peuvent à leur tour valoir comme symptômes pour différencier les approches anthropologiques médiévales. Cet article en présente quatre figures: l’anthropologie du danger élaborée par Augustin, le diagnostic médical grec et (...)
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  42. Technology and Nature.Raphaël Larrère & Catherine Larrère - 2018 - In Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, Xavier Guchet & Sacha Loeve, French Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary Approaches. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Listening-Based Communication Ability in Adults With Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review of Existing Measures.Katie Neal, Catherine M. McMahon, Sarah E. Hughes & Isabelle Boisvert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionHearing loss in adults has a pervasive impact on health and well-being. Its effects on everyday listening and communication can directly influence participation across multiple spheres of life. These impacts, however, remain poorly assessed within clinical settings. Whilst various tests and questionnaires that measure listening and communication abilities are available, there is a lack of consensus about which measures assess the factors that are most relevant to optimising auditory rehabilitation. This study aimed to map current measures used in published studies (...)
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    Behind the scenes of research ethics committee oversight: a qualitative research study with committee chairs in the Middle East and North Africa region.Catherine El Ashkar, Rima Nakkash, Amal Matar & Jihad Makhoul - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Research cites shortcomings and challenges facing research ethics committees in many regions across the world including Arab countries. This paper presents findings from qualitative in-depth interviews with research ethics committee (REC) chairs to explore their views on the challenges they face in their work with the oversight of research involving human populations. Virtual in-depth interviews were conducted with chairs (n = 11) from both biomedical and/or social-behavioral research ethics committees in six countries, transcribed, coded and subject to thematic analysis for (...)
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  45. Art or Cartography? The Wrong Question.Catherine Delano-Smith - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (1):89-93.
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    Découverte et colonisation françaises de la philosophie médiévale.Catherine König-Pralong - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (4):663.
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    COVID-19 and the Burden of Confinement on Women’s Health: A Comparison between France and the United States.Jennifer Merchant & Catherine Vidal - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):119-122.
    At the Inserm Ethics Committee's annual conference in October 2021, the "Gender and Health Research" working group presented a study comparing the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in France and the United States. This comparison highlights the dysfunction of public policies in the United States regarding equitable access to healthcare for women and minorities, in contrast to France where the public authorities have taken exceptional measures, notably to guarantee access to abortion and care for victims of violence.In France, during the (...)
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    Contesting Democracy: HIV/AIDS and the Achievement of Gender Equality in South Africa.Catherine Albertyn - 2003 - Feminist Studies 29:595-615.
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    Fouilles à Helléniko (Eua de Thyréatide).Catherine Abadie-Reynal & Théodore Spyropoulos - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):385-454.
    Deux nécropoles ont été mises au jour, au cours de fouilles d'urgence, à Helléniko (site présumé de l'ancienne Eua de Thyréatide), à quelques kilomètres d'Astros, sur la route Astros-Tripolis. Fouillées par le Service archéologique grec, 41 tombes ont livré un matériel abondant : tandis que quelques tombes romaines du IIe s. après J.-C. contenaient surtout des objets en verre, la plus grande partie des trouvailles de céramique date du ive s. avant J.-C. et du début du ine s. Or, par (...)
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    La correspondance de René-François et Pascal Lefèbvre de Sluse.Anne Catherine Bernes - 1986 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 39 (1):35-69.
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