Results for 'Carolyn Greco'

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  1.  15
    The effects of lag and category membership on recognition memory in very young children.Marvin W. Daehler & Carolyn Greco - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (6):301-304.
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    Effects of posttraining reinforcement upon retention of a passive avoidance task.Nancy A. Marlin, Carolyn Greco & Ralph R. Miller - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (5):295-297.
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    Autonomous nature: problems of prediction and control from ancient times to the scientific revolution.Carolyn Merchant - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction:Can nature be controlled?. Autonomous nature -- Greco-Roman concepts of nature -- Christianity and nature -- Nature personified : Renaissance ideas of nature -- Controlling nature. Vexing nature : Francis Bacon and the origins of experimentation -- Natural law : Spinoza on natura naturans and natura naturata -- Laws of nature :Lleibniz and Newton -- Epilogue : rambunctious nature in the twenty-first century.
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  4. Virtue Epistemology: Contemporary Readings.John Greco & John Turri (eds.) - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Virtue epistemology is a diverse and flourishing field, one of the most exciting developments in epistemology to emerge over the last three decades. Virtue epistemology begins with the premise that epistemology is a normative discipline and, accordingly, a central task of epistemology is to explain the sort of normativity that knowledge, justified belief, and the like involve. A second premise is that a focus on the intellectual virtues is essential to carrying out this central task. This collection offers some of (...)
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    Idealization in epistemology: a modest modeling approach.Daniel Greco - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    It's standard in epistemology to approach questions about knowledge and rational belief using idealized, simplified models. But while the practice of constructing idealized models in epistemology is old, metaepistemological reflection on that practice is not. Greco argues that the fact that epistemologists build idealized models isn't merely a metaepistemological observation that can leave first-order epistemological debates untouched. Rather, once we view epistemology through the lens of idealization and model-building, the landscape looks quite different. Constructing idealized models is likely the (...)
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    Selecting the Right Tool For the Job.Arthur L. Caplan, Carolyn Plunkett & Bruce Levin - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):4-10.
    There are competing ethical concerns when it comes to designing any clinical research study. Clinical trials of possible treatments for Ebola virus are no exception. If anything, the competing ethical concerns are exacerbated in trying to find answers to a deadly, rapidly spreading, infectious disease. The primary goal of current research is to identify experimental therapies that can cure Ebola or cure it with reasonable probability in infected individuals. Pursuit of that goal must be methodologically sound, practical and consistent with (...)
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    Experiences at a Federally Qualified Health Center Support Expanded Conception of the Gifts of Precision Medicine.Johanna Tayloe Crane & Carolyn P. Neuhaus - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):70-72.
    In “Obligations of the Gift,” Lee argues that ethical thinking regarding return of genetic research results has been too narrowly focused on individual consent and participants’ “right to kn...
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    Mergers and Acquisitions.Salima Manji Lin, Carolyn Hope Smeltzer & Chuck Thomas - 2000 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 2 (1):8-12.
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  9. Ned Block (massachusetts institute of technology, cambridge, ma) how heritability misleads about race, 99-128.Susan Goldin-Meadow, Carolyn Mylander & Cynthia Butcher - 1995 - Cognition 56:283.
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    Reasoning in transition: Inner dialogue and communication.Sara Greco Morasso - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):535-546.
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    Dissociations in infant memory: Rethinking the development of implicit and explicit memory.Carolyn Rovee-Collier - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (3):467-498.
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    On the complexity of reasoning about opinion diffusion under majority dynamics.Vincenzo Auletta, Diodato Ferraioli & Gianluigi Greco - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 284 (C):103288.
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    Tom Sriver. True Jacob: A Novel. 340 pp., illus. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Fair Oaks, 2009. $25.Diane Greco Josefowicz - 2011 - Isis 102 (2):382-383.
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    The Ordeal of Robert Frost: The Poet and His Poetics.Mark Richardson & Carolyn Richardson - 1997 - University of Illinois Press.
    Through close readings of Frost's poetry and often ignored prose, Mark Richardson argues that Frost's debates with Van Wyck Brooks, Malcolm Cowley, and H. L. Mencken informed his poetics and his poetic style just as much as did his deep identification with earlier writers like Emerson and William James.
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    "A Time to Heal": The Diffusion of Listerism in Victorian Britain. Jerry L. Gaw.Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):414-415.
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    La scienza fra etica e politica: l'eredità di Carlo Bernardini e le prospettive future.Rino Falcone, Pietro Greco & Giulio Peruzzi (eds.) - 2020 - Bari: Edizioni Dedalo.
    Una raccolta di riflessioni originali sul rapporto tra la scienza e la nostra società, a partire dal pensiero del grande fisico e intellettuale Carlo Bernardini.
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  17. Agonia do leviatã: a crise do Estado moderno.Cremilda Medina & Milton Greco (eds.) - 1996 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: ECA/USP/CNPq.
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  18.  31
    Plantinga, Foundationalism, and the Charge of Self-referential Incoherence.John Greco - 1988 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 31 (1):187-193.
    Alvin Plantinga charges classical foundationalism with self-referential incoherence, meaning that that doctrine employs criteria for rationally acceptable propositions which exclude the criteria themselves. More specifically, the charge is that the criteria are neither properly basic nor supported by properly basic propositions. In section 1 the doctrine of classical foundationalism is briefly explained. In section 2, a defense against Plantinga's objection is provided showing how the foundationalist can provide arguments which ground the criteria in question in properly basic propositions.
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    Reply to critics.John Greco - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 53 (3):83-91.
    The author addresses his replies to the issues raised in the comments by Professors Berestov, Butakov, Gaginsky and Maslov. This includes some general points about methodology for skeptical arguments, and a related point about the scope of John Greco's project. Some more specific issues raised by my commentators are then considered.
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  20. Études d'épistémologie génétique. Bibliothèque scientifique internationale.Jean Piaget, P. Gréco, L. Apostel, A. R. Jonckheere & B. Matalon - 1962 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 152:276-277.
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    Nursing Home Infection Control Program Characteristics, CMS Citations, and Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Policies: A National Study.Patricia W. Stone, Carolyn T. A. Herzig, Mansi Agarwal, Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz & Andrew W. Dick - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877863.
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    Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century.Theodore Besterman, Carolyn H. Wilberger & William Randall Womack - 1963 - Voltaire Foundation.
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  23. Clinical management of dementia : an overview (2).Carolyn Chew-Graham Chris Fox, Ian Maidment Emma Wolverson & Andrea Hilton - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron, The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  24. Mario Ricciardi, Diritto e natura. H.L.A. Hart e la filosofia di Oxford. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2009 - Mondoperaio 8:89-91.
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    Charles Larmore, Pratiche dell'io (Roma: Meltemi, 2006). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (1):132-33.
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    Daniel Dubuisson, La formazione dell'io. Dalle saggezze antiche alla conquista della personalità (Bari: Dedalo, 2007). [REVIEW]Lorenzo Greco - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (3):464-65.
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    Henrique J. Ribeiro (ed): Inside Arguments. Logic and the Study of Argumentation: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012, vii + 405 pp. [REVIEW]Sara Greco Morasso - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):453-458.
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  28. Études d'épistémologie génétique, XI. Problèmes de la construction du nombre, XII. Théorie du comportement et opérations, XIII. Structures numériques élémentaires, Épistémologie mathématique et psychologie, essai sur les relations entre la logique formelle et la pensée réelle, XV. La filiation des structures, XVI. Implication, formalisation et logique naturelle, XVII. La formation des raisonnements récurrentiels. [REVIEW]Jean Piaget, P. Gréco, J. Grize, S. Papert, D. E. Berlyne & A. Morf - 1965 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:242-243.
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    On Carolyn Korsmeyer, Things: in touch with the past Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 224.Carolyn Korsmeyer, Massimo Renzo, Zoltán Somhegyi, Larry E. Shiner & James O. Young - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
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  30. Achieving knowledge: a virtue-theoretic account of epistemic normativity.John Greco - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    When we affirm that someone knows something, we are making a value judgment of sorts - we are claiming that there is something superior about that person's opinion, or their evidence, or perhaps about them. A central task of the theory of knowledge is to investigate the sort of evaluation at issue. This is the first book to make 'epistemic normativity,' or the normative dimension of knowledge and knowledge ascriptions, its central focus. John Greco argues that knowledge is a (...)
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  31. Putting Skeptics in Their Place: The Nature of Skeptical Arguments and Their Role in Philosophical Inquiry.John Greco - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, first published in 2000, is about the nature of skeptical arguments and their role in philosophical inquiry. John Greco delineates three main theses: that a number of historically prominent skeptical arguments make no obvious mistake, and therefore cannot be easily dismissed; that the analysis of skeptical arguments is philosophically useful and important, and should therefore have a central place in the methodology of philosophy; and that taking skeptical arguments seriously requires us to adopt an externalist, reliabilist epistemology. (...)
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    Conscientious refusals to provide reproductive health care: Carolyn McLeod: Conscience in reproductive health care: prioritizing patient interests. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 224 pp, £40.00 HB.Carolyn Mason - 2020 - Metascience 30 (1):131-134.
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    Single-Patient Expanded Access Requests: IRB Professionals’ Experiences and Perspectives.Carolyn Riley Chapman, Jenni A. Shearston, Kelly McBride Folkers, Barbara K. Redman, Arthur Caplan & Alison Bateman-House - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):88-99.
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  34. Professor Emeritus, Hunter College 215 E. 68th St. New York, New York 10021.Carolyn Eisele - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Understanding Moral Distress Through the Lens of Social Reflective Equilibrium.Carolyn W. April & Michael D. April - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):25-27.
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  36. Consciousness and Mind.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - forthcoming - In Marcus Rossberg, The Cambridge Handbook of Analytic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
    Some of the oldest and deepest questions in philosophy fall under the umbrella of consciousness and mind: What is the mind and how is it related to the body? What provides our thoughts with content? How is consciousness related to the natural world? Do we have distinctive causal powers? Analytic philosophers have made significant progress on these and related problems in the last century. Given the high volume of work on such topics, this chapter is necessarily selective. It offers major (...)
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  37.  41
    The Transmission of Knowledge.John Greco - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How do we transmit or distribute knowledge, as distinct from generating or producing it? In this book John Greco examines the interpersonal relations and social structures which enable and inhibit the sharing of knowledge within and across epistemic communities. Drawing on resources from moral theory, the philosophy of language, action theory and the cognitive sciences, he considers the role of interpersonal trust in transmitting knowledge, and argues that sharing knowledge involves a kind of shared agency similar to giving a (...)
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  38.  20
    Engaging with Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought.Carolyn Burke, Naomi Schor & Margaret Whitford - 1994 - Columbia University Press.
    The authors of these essays--including Judith Butler, Elizabeth Weed, and Rosi Braidotti--shed new light on the relationship of Irigaray to many of the philosophers she has "romanced," from Aristotle to Deleuze.
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  39. Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy.Carolyn Korsmeyer - 1999 - Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
    Taste, perhaps the most intimate of the five senses, has traditionally been considered beneath the concern of philosophy, too bound to the body, too personal and idiosyncratic. Yet, in addition to providing physical pleasure, eating and drinking bear symbolic and aesthetic value in human experience, and they continually inspire writers and artists. In Making Sense of Taste, Carolyn Korsmeyer explains how taste came to occupy so low a place in the hierarchy of senses and why it is deserving of (...)
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    My Gender Made Me Do it: Gender Identities and the Genetics of Alcoholism.Carolyn McLeod - 2000 - The Bioethics Examiner 4 (1):2, 3, 8.
  41. What is transmission*?John Greco - 2016 - Episteme 13 (4):481-498.
    Almost everyone believes that testimony can transmit knowledge from speaker to hearer. What some philosophers mean by this is ordinary and pedestrian-- they mean only that, in at least some cases, a speaker S knows that p, S testifies that p to a hearer H, and H comes to know that p as a result of believing S's testimony. There is disagreement about how this occurs, but that it does occur is sufficient for the transmission of knowledge in the intended (...)
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    Teleological Realism: Mind, Agency, and Explanation.Carolyn Price - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):501-503.
  43. Functions in Mind: A Theory of Intentional Content.Carolyn Price - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (210):129-132.
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    Things: In Touch with the Past.Carolyn Korsmeyer - 2019 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Things: In Touch with the Past explores the value of artifacts that have survived from the past and that can be said to "embody" their histories. Such genuine or "real" things afford a particular kind of aesthetic experience-an encounter with the past-despite the fact that genuineness is not a perceptually detectable property.
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  45. Radical Ecology.Carolyn Merchant - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (1):120-123.
  46. Testimonial Knowledge and the Flow of Information.John Greco - 2015 - In David K. Henderson & John Greco, Epistemic Evaluation: Purposeful Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter reviews a number of related problems in the epistemology of testimony, and suggests some dilemmas for any theory of knowledge that tries to solve them. Here a common theme emerges: It can seem that any theory must make testimonial knowledge either too hard or too easy, and that therefore no adequate account of testimonial knowledge is possible. The chapter then puts forward a proposal for making progress. Specifically, an important function of the concept of knowledge is to govern (...)
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  47.  24
    The Decline of Cartesianism in Mechanics: The Leibnizian-Cartesian Debates.Carolyn Iltis - 1973 - Isis 64 (3):356-373.
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    Fifty Miles From Home: Riding the Long Circle on a Nevada Family Ranch.Carolyn Dufurrena & Linda Dufurrena - 2011 - University of Nevada Press.
    Exploring a fifty-mile territory, Linda and Carolyn Dufurrena vividly depict the heart of the West and its fabled ranch culture in a beautiful collaboration of essays and full color images.
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  49. Self-Trust and Reproductive Autonomy.Carolyn McLeod - 2002 - MIT Press.
    The power of new medical technologies, the cultural authority of physicians, and the gendered power dynamics of many patient-physician relationships can all inhibit women's reproductive freedom. Often these factors interfere with women's ability to trust themselves to choose and act in ways that are consistent with their own goals and values. In this book Carolyn McLeod introduces to the reproductive ethics literature the idea that in reproductive health care women's self-trust can be undermined in ways that threaten their autonomy. (...)
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    Professional values in student nurse education: An integrative literature review.Carolyn Antoniou, Ross Clifton & Valerie Wilson - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1323-1340.
    Aim The aim is to understand current research into the impact of undergraduate nursing education on the development of professional values. Background Values are evident in the professional standards for nurses and the guidelines and healthcare policies of many countries. These professional values guide decisions and behaviour and are recognised as an essential component in the professions ability to provide safe and professional care. This literature review presents the current research on the impact of education on professional values in undergraduate (...)
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