Results for 'Carolyn Beasley'

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  1.  91
    Research ethics and journalism in the academy: Identifying and resolving a conflict of culture.Carolyn Beasley & Lyndon Walker - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (3):129-140.
    The difficulty faced by research ethics committees in evaluating ethical conduct in journalism can be considered a recent conundrum. Journalistic investigation has traditionally been seen as residing outside the need for ethics clearances owing to debates around its status as research and to the reluctance of journalism practitioners to subject their investigations to committee evaluation. The inclusion of creative industries in revamped definitions of research, however, means that if journalistic inquiry is to be tallied under national research reward schemes, it (...)
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    A Perfect Storm for Epistemic Injustice.Heather Stewart, Emily Cichocki & Carolyn McLeod - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Over the past decade, feminist philosophers have gone a long way toward identifying and explaining the phenomenon that has come to be known as epistemic injustice. Epistemic injustice is injustice occurring within the domain of knowledge (e.g., knowledge production and transmission), which typically impacts structurally marginalized social groups. In this paper, we argue that, as they currently work, algorithms on social media exacerbate the problem of epistemic injustice and related problems of social distrust. In other words, we argue that algorithms (...)
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    Posthegemony: Political Theory and Latin America.Jon Beasley-Murray - 2010 - University of Minnesota Press.
  4.  62
    Organizational ethics canadian style.Nuala P. Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, Carolyn Ells & Chris MacDonald - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (2):141-148.
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    Ethics in corporate research and development: can responsible research and innovation approaches aid sustainability?Bernd Stahl, Kate Chatfield, Carolyn Ten Holter & Alexander Brem - 2019 - Journal of Cleaner Production 239.
    An increase in the number of companies that publish corporate social responsibility (CSR) statements, and a rise in their ‘sustainability’ research, reflects a growing acceptance that broad ethical considerations are key for any type of company. However, little is known about how companies consider moral objectives for their research and development (R&D) activities, or the basis upon which these activities are chosen. This research involves qualitative investigation into Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, (...)
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  6. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by bioethics researchers working closely with an (...)
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    Moral Distress Under Structural Violence: Clinician Experience in Brazil Caring for Low-Income Families of Children with Severe Disabilities.Ana Carolina Gahyva Sale & Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):231-243.
    Rigorous attention has been paid to moral distress among healthcare professionals, largely in high-income settings. More obscure is the presence and impact of moral distress in contexts of chronic poverty and structural violence. Intercultural ethics research and dialogue can help reveal how the long-term presence of morally distressing conditions might influence the moral experience and agency of healthcare providers. This article discusses mixed-methods research at one nongovernmental social support agency and clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Chronic levels of moral (...)
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  8. Naturalism without a subject: Huw Price's pragmatism.Brandon Beasley - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):1793-1820.
    Huw Price has developed versions of naturalism and anti-representationalism to create a distinctive brand of pragmatism. ‘Subject naturalism’ focuses on what science says about human beings and the function of our linguistic practices, as opposed to orthodox contemporary naturalism’s privileging of the ontology of the natural sciences. Price’s anti-representationalism rejects the view that what makes utterances contentful is their representing reality. Together, they are to help us avoid metaphysical ‘placement problems’: how e.g. mind, meaning, and morality fit into the natural (...)
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    Human Sensory LTP Predicts Memory Performance and Is Modulated by the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism.Meg J. Spriggs, Chris S. Thompson, David Moreau, Nicolas A. McNair, C. Carolyn Wu, Yvette N. Lamb, Nicole S. McKay, Rohan O. C. King, Ushtana Antia, Andrew N. Shelling, Jeff P. Hamm, Timothy J. Teyler, Bruce R. Russell, Karen E. Waldie & Ian J. Kirk - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10.  31
    On Carolyn Korsmeyer, Things: in touch with the past Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 224.Carolyn Korsmeyer, Massimo Renzo, Zoltán Somhegyi, Larry E. Shiner & James O. Young - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
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    9/11 Impact on Teenage Values.Edward F. Murphy, Mark D. Woodhull, Bert Post, Carolyn Murphy-Post, William Teeple & Kent Anderson - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (4):399-421.
    Did the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. cause the values of teenagers in the U.S. to change? Did their previously important self-esteem and self-actualization values become less important and their survival and safety values become more important? Changes in the values of teenagers are important for practitioners, managers, marketers, and researchers to understand because high school students are our current and future employees, managers, and customers, and research has shown that values impact work and consumer-related attitudes and (...)
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  12.  35
    RePAIR consensus guidelines: Responsibilities of Publishers, Agencies, Institutions, and Researchers in protecting the integrity of the research record.Alice Young, B. R. Woods, Tamara Welschot, Dan Wainstock, Kaoru Sakabe, Kenneth D. Pimple, Charon A. Pierson, Kelly Perry, Jennifer K. Nyborg, Barb Houser, Anna Keith, Ferric Fang, Arthur M. Buchberg, Lyndon Branfield, Monica Bradford, Catherine Bens, Jeffrey Beall, Laura Bandura-Morgan, Noémie Aubert Bonn & Carolyn J. Broccardo - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    The progression of research and scholarly inquiry does not occur in isolation and is wholly dependent on accurate reporting of methods and results, and successful replication of prior work. Without mechanisms to correct the literature, much time and money is wasted on research based on a crumbling foundation. These guidelines serve to outline the respective responsibilities of researchers, institutions, agencies, and publishers or editors in maintaining the integrity of the research record. Delineating these complementary roles and proposing solutions for common (...)
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    Developing more useful equity measurements for flood-risk management.Adam Pollack, Casey Helgeson, Carolyn Kousky & Klaus Keller - 2024 - Nature Sustainability 7:823–832.
    Decision-makers increasingly invoke equity to motivate, design, implement, and evaluate strategies for managing flood risks. But there is no objective definition of equity. This pluralistic setting calls for transparency about underlying values, but this practice is uncommon. Here, we review how equity is measured by surveying peer-reviewed publications that explicitly state an interest in equity in the context of flood-risk management. We develop a simple taxonomy for how transparent measurements can be defined. We map reviewed measurements to this taxonomy. Finally, (...)
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  14. What should the idealist critique of naturalism be? Hegel, Smithson, and liberal naturalism.Brandon Beasley - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):903-916.
    In this journal, Robert Smithson argues that considerations stemming from Kantian and post-Kantian idealism undermine naturalistic arguments that seek to debunk elements of the ‘manifest image’ in favour of the ‘scientific image’. The idealist tradition, on this view, holds that philosophy’s task is to uncover and clarify the principles and norms which underlie different forms of inquiry, and is thus well placed to dispel the apparent ‘placement’ problems that stem from the collision of our ordinary worldview with contemporary philosophical naturalism. (...)
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  15. Appreciating the Mind of a Friend: A Josiah Royce Autograph Inscription About William James.Brandon Beasley - 2024 - William James Studies 19 (2):84-92.
    I provide a transcription of an inscription written by Josiah Royce in a copy of his The Spirit of Modern Philosophy which pertains to William James’ opinion of that book and of Royce’s work in general, followed by some brief remarks thereon.
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    Risk of Death or Life-Threatening Injury for Women with Children Not Sired by the Abuser.Emily J. Miner, Todd K. Shackelford, Carolyn Rebecca Block, Valerie G. Starratt & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (1):89-97.
    Women who are abused by their male intimate partners incur many costs, ranging in severity from fleeting physical pain to death. Previous research has linked the presence of children sired by a woman’s previous partner to increased risk of woman abuse and to increased risk of femicide. The current research extends this work by securing data from samples of 111 unabused women, 111 less severely abused women, 128 more severely abused women, and 26 victims of intimate partner femicide from the (...)
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  17.  52
    Toward a neuroscience of interactive parent–infant dyad empathy.James E. Swain, Sara Konrath, Carolyn J. Dayton, Eric D. Finegood & S. Shaun Ho - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):438-439.
    In accord with social neuroscience's progression to include interactive experimental paradigms, parents' brains have been activated by emotionally charged infant stimuli including baby cry and picture. More recent research includes the use of brief video clips and opportunities for maternal response. Among brain systems important to parenting are those involved in empathy. This research may inform recent studies of decreased societal empathy, offer mechanisms and solutions.
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    The 'Healthy' Embryo: Social, Biomedical, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis, Isabel Karpin, Carolyn McLeod & Roxanne Mykitiuk (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Public attention on embryo research has never been greater. Modern reproductive medicine technology and the use of embryos to generate stem cells ensure that this will continue to be a topic of debate and research across many disciplines. This multidisciplinary book explores the concept of a 'healthy' embryo, its implications on the health of children and adults, and how perceptions of what constitutes child and adult health influence the concept of embryo 'health'. The concept of human embryo health is considered (...)
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    Japanese Ink Paintings from American Collections: The Muromachi Period, An Exhibition in Honor of Shūjirō ShimadaJapanese Ink Paintings from American Collections: The Muromachi Period, An Exhibition in Honor of Shujiro Shimada.Donald F. McCallum, Yoshiaki Shimizu & Carolyn Wheelwright - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):334.
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    “It was like you were being literally punished for getting sick”: formerly incarcerated people’s perspectives on liberty restrictions during COVID-19.Minna Song, Camille T. Kramer, Carolyn B. Sufrin, Gabriel B. Eber, Leonard S. Rubenstein, Chris Beyrer & Brendan Saloner - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (3):155-166.
    Background COVID-19 has greatly impacted the health of incarcerated individuals in the US. The goal of this study was to examine perspectives of recently incarcerated individuals on greater restrictions on liberty to mitigate COVID-19 transmission.Methods We conducted semi-structured phone interviews from August through October 2021 with 21 people who had been incarcerated in Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facilities during the pandemic. Transcripts were coded and analyzed, using a thematic analysis approach.Results Many facilities implemented universal “lockdowns,” with time out of the (...)
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  21.  19
    An Experimental Study of a Change in Professional Accountants’ Code of Ethics: The Influence of NOCLAR on the Duty to Report Illegal Acts to an External Authority.Linda Thorne, Krista Fiolleau, Carolyn MacTavish, Pier-Luc Nappert & Sameera Khatoon - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
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  22.  6
    What's care go to do with it? Feminism and the uncertain radical potential of care.Christine Beasley & Pam Papadelos - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 183 (1):12-32.
    Feminist uses of the term ‘care’ actively contribute to ongoing debates about the kind of world we currently live in, as against the one we want to inhabit in the future – a contribution directed towards effecting positive change in the world. Unsurprisingly, the various ways feminists employ the term ‘care’ entail benefits and problems, as well as being the subject of intense debate. This paper aims to summarise and critically assess the main conceptual frameworks and associated debates within feminist (...)
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  23. The range of autonomy: Informed consent in medicine.Alfred D. Beasley & Glenn C. Graber - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (1).
    On the basis of the characterization of autonomy set out by Beauchamp and Childress in Principles of Biomedical Ethics, we first explore some of the parameters along which autonomy may vary in degree through a series of hypothetical examples drawn from various settings; and, second and in more detail, we examine how the range of autonomy is affected through informed consent to various medical diagnostic tests. Our conclusions are (1) that there are significant implications for patient autonomy inherent in new (...)
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    ANTI-FASCISM AS CHILD'S PLAY: the political line in the laurels of lake constance.Jon Beasley-Murray - 2001 - Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6 (1):185-196.
  25. England, whose England?Jon Beasley-Murray - 2005 - Radical Philosophy 134:2.
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    Subalternity and affect.Jon Beasley-Murray & Alberto Moreiras - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (1):1 – 4.
  27.  33
    Single-Patient Expanded Access Requests: IRB Professionals’ Experiences and Perspectives.Carolyn Riley Chapman, Jenni A. Shearston, Kelly McBride Folkers, Barbara K. Redman, Arthur Caplan & Alison Bateman-House - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):88-99.
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    bOOkS IN SUmmary.Carolyn Dinshaw Durham - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (2):473-476.
    James A. Diefenbeck, Wayward Reflections on the History ofPhilosophyThomas R. Flynn Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason. Volume 1:Toward an Existential Theory of HistoryMark Golden and Peter Toohey Inventing Ancient Culture:Historicism, Periodization and the Ancient WorldZenonas Norkus Istorika: Istorinis IvadasEverett Zimmerman The Boundaries of Fiction: History and theEighteenth‐Century British Novel.
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  29.  14
    Summaries of selected works on the leisurely attitude.Carolyn Gratton - forthcoming - Humanitas.
  30.  23
    No Exceptionalism: Norms of Inquiry in the Science of Animal Consciousness.Charles Aaron Beasley - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):7-31.
    While the science of animal consciousness has seen a surge of new work, its most basic methodology remains highly disputed. In this paper I identify four candidate norms of inquiry that have been implicitly introduced in the recent literature. I call these (1) expansive theorizing, (2) indirect inquiry, (3) lowering epistemic standards, and (4) inflating epistemic standards. In each section, an instantiation of the norm of inquiry is discussed, and the broader lessons that can be taken from avoiding it are (...)
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    Functions in Mind: A Theory of Intentional Content.Carolyn Price - 2001 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    In this adventurous contribution to the project of combining philosophy and biology to understand the mind, Carolyn Price investigates what it means to say that mental states--like thoughts, wishes, and perceptual experiences--are about things in the natural world. Her insight into this deep philosophical problem offers a novel teleological account of intentional content, grounded in and shaped by a carefully constructed theory of functions. Along the way she defends her view from recent objections to teleological theories and indicates how (...)
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  32.  78
    Teleological Realism: Mind, Agency, and Explanation.Carolyn Price - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):501-503.
  33.  28
    Conscientious refusals to provide reproductive health care: Carolyn McLeod: Conscience in reproductive health care: prioritizing patient interests. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 224 pp, £40.00 HB.Carolyn Mason - 2020 - Metascience 30 (1):131-134.
  34. The subject of attention.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - 2012 - Synthese 189 (3):535-554.
    The absence of a common understanding of attention plagues current research on the topic. Combining the findings from three domains of research on attention, this paper presents a univocal account that fits normal use of the term as well as its many associated phenomena: attention is a process of mental selection that is within the control of the subject. The role of the subject is often excluded from naturalized accounts, but this paper will be an exception to that rule. The (...)
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  35. Consciousness and Mind.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - forthcoming - In Marcus Rossberg, The Cambridge Handbook of Analytic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
    Some of the oldest and deepest questions in philosophy fall under the umbrella of consciousness and mind: What is the mind and how is it related to the body? What provides our thoughts with content? How is consciousness related to the natural world? Do we have distinctive causal powers? Analytic philosophers have made significant progress on these and related problems in the last century. Given the high volume of work on such topics, this chapter is necessarily selective. It offers major (...)
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  36.  16
    How Black Lives Matter: Alice Walker, Alasdair Macintyre, and the Moral Significance of Enacted Narrative.Brett Beasley - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (2):421-438.
    What does it mean to claim that "lives" should be the cornerstone of ethical analysis and reflection? This question has been raised by the Black Lives Matter movement. However, public discussions of the movement have often devolved into rhetorical battles that elide the movement's central moral claims. This paper investigates the question by examining the role of "lives" in the Black womanist ethical tradition and in neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics. I argue that these two traditions, despite their differences, can illuminate one (...)
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    A homeric echo in catullus 51.Thomas Beasley - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):862-863.
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  38. Between Touchstones and Touch Screens: What Counts as Contemporary Political Rhetoric?V. B. Beasley - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly, SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 587--603.
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  39. REVIEWS-Patrick Barrett, Daniel Chavez and Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito, eds, The New Latin American Left: Utopia Reborn.Jon Beasley-Murray - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 155:48.
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    The κριος in Greek States other than Athens.T. W. Beasley - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (05):249-253.
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    (1 other version)What is feminism anyway?: understanding contemporary feminist thought.Chris Beasley - 1999 - St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  42. Professor Emeritus, Hunter College 215 E. 68th St. New York, New York 10021.Carolyn Eisele - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    My Gender Made Me Do it: Gender Identities and the Genetics of Alcoholism.Carolyn McLeod - 2000 - The Bioethics Examiner 4 (1):2, 3, 8.
  44. Summaries of selected works on aging gracefully.Carolyn Qratton - 1977 - Humanitas 13:121.
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    International plovers or just dump brids?Carolyn A. Ristau - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):373-375.
  46.  26
    Olmec sculptures of the human fetus.Carolyn Tate & Gordon Bendersky - 1998 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 42 (3):303-332.
  47.  42
    Business Ethics as a Field of Teaching, Training, and Research in Central Asia.Carolyn Erdener - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (S1):7-18.
    Central Asia presents a unique configuration of historical experience and societal responses that have been interacting and evolving for thousands of years. The current era of economic, political, and societal transformation in Central Asia began with the peaceful devolution of the Soviet Union and transition to the Commonwealth of Independent States in December 1991. Expectations about the natural social order based on western beliefs and experience may not apply in this part of the world, for—like all transitional and emerging market (...)
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  48.  44
    Explaining human movements and actions: Children's understanding of the limits of psychological explanation.Carolyn A. Schult & Henry M. Wellman - 1997 - Cognition 62 (3):291-324.
  49. Self-Trust and Reproductive Autonomy.Carolyn McLeod - 2002 - MIT Press.
    The power of new medical technologies, the cultural authority of physicians, and the gendered power dynamics of many patient-physician relationships can all inhibit women's reproductive freedom. Often these factors interfere with women's ability to trust themselves to choose and act in ways that are consistent with their own goals and values. In this book Carolyn McLeod introduces to the reproductive ethics literature the idea that in reproductive health care women's self-trust can be undermined in ways that threaten their autonomy. (...)
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  50. Cognitive Ethology: The Minds of Other Animals.Carolyn A. Ristau (ed.) - 1991 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
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