Results for 'Ushtana Antia'

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  1.  22
    Human Sensory LTP Predicts Memory Performance and Is Modulated by the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism.Meg J. Spriggs, Chris S. Thompson, David Moreau, Nicolas A. McNair, C. Carolyn Wu, Yvette N. Lamb, Nicole S. McKay, Rohan O. C. King, Ushtana Antia, Andrew N. Shelling, Jeff P. Hamm, Timothy J. Teyler, Bruce R. Russell, Karen E. Waldie & Ian J. Kirk - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ontología Deleuzeana.Antía Piñeiro Balvís - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:73-99.
    En el presente artículo pretendemos presentar las características fundamentales de la ontología deleuzeana. Para ello, tomaremos como texto fundamental su obra Diferencia y repetición, aunque también trabajaremos con otros textos del autor. Propondremos entonces un posible recorrido a realizar a la hora de comprender el sistema deleuzeano. Partiendo de la formulación de un concepto de diferencia, nos dirigiremos hacia las bases ontológicas de nuestro autor: la inmanencia y la univocidad del Ser. De ahí, explicitaremos el funcionamiento de una suerte de (...)
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    Mapping the Boundaries of Musical Culture in the International Baccalaureate High School Curriculum.Antía González Ben - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (1):58-78.
    In recent years, the study of musical cultures has gained popularity as a curricular intervention for increasing cultural diversity in school music curricula. Informed by Michel Foucault’s analytics of power-as-effects, this paper examines some of the underlying epistemic premises of the notion of musical culture as it operates in music curricula. Additionally, it considers how this construct’s discursive effects align with or contradict its presumed contribution to cultural inclusivity. I use the International Baccalaureate high school music curriculum as my exemplar (...)
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  4. Text annotations : examining evidence for a multisemiotic instinct and the intertextuality of the sign in a database of pristine self-directed communication.Bassey E. Antia & Lynn Mafofo - 2021 - In Sinfree B. Makoni & Deryn P. Verity (eds.), Integrational Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in the Global South. New York: Routledge.
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    Here is the Other, Coming/Come In: An Examination of Spain's Contemporary Multicultural Music Education Discourses.Antía González Ben - 2018 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 26 (2):118.
    Abstract:In the last two decades, Spain’s general music education curriculum has moved beyond the exaltation of so-called Western art music to also include some instances of non-Western musical traditions. This process of diversification is often articulated as entirely positive. The present paper interrogates such discourses, following a post-structural, socio-historical approach. It looks into the circumstances surrounding the emergence of Spain’s multicultural music education as a field of study, paying special attention to the inherent limitations and (contradictory) effects it produced. It (...)
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    Response to Alexandra Kertz-Welzel, “Daring to Question: A Philosophical Critique of Community Music”.Antía González Ben - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (2):220.
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    A Case Study of Teaching Social Responsibility to Doctoral Students in the Climate Sciences.Tom Børsen, Avan N. Antia & Mirjam Sophia Glessmer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1491-1504.
    The need to make young scientists aware of their social responsibilities is widely acknowledged, although the question of how to actually do it has so far gained limited attention. A 2-day workshop entitled “Prepared for social responsibility?” attended by doctoral students from multiple disciplines in climate science, was targeted at the perceived needs of the participants and employed a format that took them through three stages of ethics education: sensitization, information and empowerment. The workshop aimed at preparing doctoral students to (...)
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  8.  23
    Physical ‘strength’ of the multi‐protein chain connecting immune cells: Does the weakest link limit antibody affinity maturation?Rajat Desikan, Rustom Antia & Narendra M. Dixit - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (4):2000159.
    The affinities of antibodies (Abs) for their target antigens (Ags) gradually increase in vivo following an infection or vaccination, but reach saturation at values well below those realisable in vitro. This ‘affinity ceiling’ could in many cases restrict our ability to fight infections and compromise vaccines. What determines the affinity ceiling has been an unresolved question for decades. Here, we argue that it arises from the strength of the chain of protein complexes that is pulled by B cells during the (...)
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  9. Sexual rights and reproductive rights: challenges for contemporary feminism.Cedano Garcia My, P. A. Akwara, N. J. Madise, A. Hinde, G. Andrew, V. Patel, J. Ramakrishna, B. E. Antia, B. A. Omotara & A. I. Rabasa - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (3):56-66.
  10.  17
    Soluciones y consecuencias de la enseñanza síncrona remota y formas de comunicación asíncrona.Rubén Alexander More Valencia, Juan Manuel Tume Ruiz & Antia Rangel Vega - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-10.
    La existencia de sentimientos de pertenencia y compromiso, evidenciados como mensajes comunicación directa o síncrona, fueron fundamento de relaciones entre docentes y estudiantes en una situación difícil por pandemia; para el entorno de la enseñanza, los estudiantes sintieron la responsabilidad y sobrecarga académica, con poco tiempo de resolución de deberes, altos niveles de esfuerzo y esmero por buenas calificaciones, que fueron afectados por las distracciones generadas por las redes sociales, chats y videojuegos. Los estudiantes del estudio autoevaluaron consecuencias y las (...)
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  11.  21
    Antiae.J. W. Pirie - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (3-4):195-.
    The Dative or Ablative of this ‘plurale tantum’ was used by one of the earlier Republican writers. It is quoted by Ps.-Placidus from a MS. which had the marginal note ‘capillis muliebribus ante, id est a fronte, pendentibus.’ These marginal notes were often direct traditions from the earliest glossographi, the ‘glossematum scriptores,’ who provided material also for Varro and Verrius Flaccus, either directly or through the writings of earlier grammatici.
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  12.  39
    The fragments of Furius Antias.W. W. Batstone - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (02):387-.
    Between Ennius and Vergil the Latin epic hexameter underwent dramatic changes in both prosody and diction.1 The precise history of these changes remains obscure, although it is clear from Catullan spondiazontes and Lucretian archaisms, from variation in the use of enjambment and the history of Hermann's bridge, that the versatile and expressive instrument the hexameter was to become in Vergil's hands was not the result of linear development. In fact, despite the pivotal role often assigned to Cicero, 2 in many (...)
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  13.  10
    Die Annalen des Furius Antias.Hans Lucas - 1937 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 92 (1-4):344-348.
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    Development of the Latin Suffixes -antia and -entia in Romance Languages, with Special Regard to Ibero-Romance.Leo Spitzer & Yakov Malkiel - 1946 - American Journal of Philology 67 (4):380.
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  15. NeutroAlgebra is a Generalization of Partial Algebra.Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 2 (1):8-17.
    In this paper we recall, improve, and extend several definitions, properties and applications of our previous 2019 research referred to NeutroAlgebras and AntiAlgebras (also called NeutroAlgebraic Structures and respectively AntiAlgebraic Structures). Let <A> be an item (concept, attribute, idea, proposition, theory, etc.). Through the process of neutrosphication, we split the nonempty space we work on into three regions {two opposite ones corresponding to <A> and <antiA>, and one corresponding to neutral (indeterminate) <neutA> (also denoted <neutroA>) between the opposites}, which (...)
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  16. Neutrosophic Actions, Prevalence Order, Refinement of Neutrosophic Entities, and Neutrosophic Literal Logical Operators.Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 10:102-107.
    In this paper, we define for the first time three neutrosophic actions and their properties. We then introduce the prevalence order on {T, I, F} with respect to a given neutrosophic operator “o”, which may be subjective - as defined by the neutrosophic experts; and the refinement of neutrosophic entities <A>, <neutA>, and <antiA> . Then we extend the classical logical operators to neutrosophic literal logical operators and to refined literal logical operators, and we define the refinement neutrosophic literal (...)
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    Used Forms of Latin Incohative Verbs.O. A. W. Dilke - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):400-402.
    The grammarian Caesellius Vindex, writing under Trajan, criticized Furius Antias for his newly coined verbs lutescere, noctescere, opulescere and vīrescere. Their meanings in classical Latin are classified by Nicolaie as follows: becoming, the intensification of a quality, the acquisition of a quality. Their number increases in post-classical Latin, in which we also find them used causatively as transitive verbs, e.g. innotescere ‘make known’; Gellius' causative use of inolesco is mentioned below. Incohative verbs descend to Romance languages, where forms in -o (...)
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  18.  22
    The Republican Ludi Saeculares as a Cult of the Valerian Gens.Susan Bilynskyj Dunning - 2020 - História 69 (2):208.
    Republican sacrifices held at the Tarentum in the Campus Martius constitute part of the lineage of the imperial ludi saeculares. Through an investigation of fragmentary and sometimes corrupt historical texts pertaining to the ludi saeculares, especially Verrius Flaccus, Varro, Valerius Antias, Valerius Maximus, Zosimus, and Plutarch, this article demonstrates that the Tarentum sacrifices were originally called ludi Tarentini, and were a cult of the Valerian gens that came under civic supervision in 249 bce. These ludi Tarentini were not associated with (...)
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  19.  29
    Plutarch's Biographical Sources in the Roman Lives.R. E. Smith - 1940 - Classical Quarterly 34 (1-2):1-.
    The object of this article is to set forth certain evidence that emerges from a study of three of Plutarch's Lives, the Titus, the Paullus, and the Cato Maior, evidence which indicates that these Lives are based upon a definite type of biographical composition, and to suggest its possible origin and date. Since E. Meyer's article on the Cimon of Nepos and Plutarch, biographical sources have generally been assumed for the Greek Lives, and there has been a tendency to make (...)
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  20.  37
    The Wife and Children of Romulus.T. P. Wiseman - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (02):445-.
    Some say that only 30 were seized, and that the Curiae were named after them, but Valerius Antias [fr. 3P] says there were 527, Juba [FGrH275F23] that there were 683. They were virgins, which was Romulus' main justification: no married women were taken – except one, Hersilia, by mistake - since it was not in wanton violence or injustice that they resorted to rape, but with the intention of bringing the two peoples together and uniting them with the strongest ties. (...)
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