Results for 'Carla Galfione'

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  1.  18
    Un reloj por un escudo: Diálogo epistolar entre José Ingenieros y Ricardo Rojas.María Carla Galfione - 2014 - Cuyo 31 (2):63-86.
    La transmisión de la filosofía al continente americano puede rastrearse materialmente por medio del examen de las redes comerciales que procuraron la numerosa llegada de libros que alimentaron a las primeras bibliotecas coloniales. En ellas se resguardaron variadas obras filosóficas y humanísticas que fueron fundamentales en la promoción y el desarrollo de la cultura escrita y la educación. Al revisar algunos aspectos centrales del comercio, el control librario y la colección de obras afines en las primeras bibliotecas privadas y religiosas, (...)
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    Lenguaje y política en Esteban Echeverría, Juan Bautista Alberdi y Francisco Bilbao.María Carla Galfione - 2010 - Cuyo 27:33-51.
    Echeverría, Alberdi y Bilbao pueden ser considerados tres de los pensadores más representativos de las lecturas que el siglo XIX hiciera sobre la Revolución independentista en América. Sus construcciones teóricas fueron elaboradas a la luz de las consecuencias políticas de la Revolución, pero también a partir de la lectura de una serie de teóricos políticos franceses que, de manera contemporánea, pensaban el proceso revolucionario francés. Situar a estos autores en el contexto de los debates intelectuales del momento es un modo (...)
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    Introducción.Carla Galfione, Alejandra Mailhe & Clara Ruvituso - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 49 (1):020-020.
    Introducción Dossier Reformismo universitario en Argentina: transformaciones y debates en torno a la filosofía y sus fronteras.
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    "Criminal", "abnormal" and "dangerous": conceptual bases for the clinic intervention of the criminality in José Ingenieros.María Carla Galfione - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):9-21.
    Hacia fines del siglo XIX y principio del XX se desarrolla en la Argentina un importante debate en torno al derecho penal, en el que muchos intelectuales, formados bajo la influencia del biologicismo darwiniano, intervienen para cuestionar el Código Penal, vigente desde 1887. En nuestro trabajo analizamos los desarrollos de José Ingenieros sobre el tema, profundizando el estudio de los conceptos que propone y atendiendo a la transformación radical que éstos implican en lo que hace a la comprensión del derecho, (...)
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    Disputar la reforma, disputar la filosofí­a: Valoraciones y la Revista de Filosofí­a.María Carla Galfione - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 49 (1):022-022.
    The university reform can be considered as the favorable scenario for the explanation of some supposed of the university philosophy. The definitions that were operated at the beginning of the century may have been the basis on which the discourse of university reformism was constructed. In one way or another, both elements are linked. In the article we approach the question from the reading and review of the editorial, philosophical and university proposal of the Revista de Filosofí­a. Cultura, ciencia, educación (...)
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  6. Respuestas a la encuesta sobre canón filosófico e historia de la filosofía.Silvia Manzo - 2023 - In María Carla Galfion & Facundo José Moine (eds.), La inquietud por la filosofía. Ensayos sobre canon, historia y crítica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. pp. 278-282.
    En estas páginas se publican mis respuestas a una encuesta incluida en el libro Galfione, María Carla y Moine, Facundo José, eds., La inquietud por la filosofía. Ensayos sobre canon, historia y crítica, Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, 2023, pp. 178-182. Las preguntas de la encuesta son las siguientes: 1. ¿Cree que tiene sentido hacer hoy historia de la filosofía, como objeto de investigación y/o enseñanza? ¿Por qué y cómo?; 2. ¿Pueden ayudar las (...)
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    The influence of democratic racism in nursing inquiry.Carla T. Hilario, Annette J. Browne & Alysha McFadden - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12213.
    Neoliberal ideology and exclusionary policies based on racialized identities characterize the current contexts in North America and Western Europe. Nursing knowledge cannot be abstracted from social, political and historical contexts; the task of examining the influence of race and racial ideologies on disciplinary knowledge and inquiry therefore remains an important task. Contemporary analyses of the role and responsibility of the discipline in addressing race‐based health and social inequities as a focus of nursing inquiry remain underdeveloped. In this article, we examine (...)
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  8.  18
    El arte moderno en disputa. apariencia y reconciliación.María Verónica Galfione - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):75-99.
    En el presente artículos analizaremos el modo en que Dieter Henrich interpreta la concepción estética de Hegel. Como veremos, el autor considera que, durante los últimos años de su vida, Hegel revisó su posición contraria al arte moderno y desarrolló una interpretación positiva del mismo. Henrich descubre en las intuiciones de Hegel acerca del humor objetivo un punto de partida adecuado tanto para pensar una visión no soberana de la subjetividad, como para desarrollar una estética de la verdad de carácter (...)
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    Las aporías de la apariencia Modernidad y estética en el pensamiento de Kant.Verónica Galfione - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):429-453.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar, en primer lugar, que el problema de la verdad no se encuentra completamente ausente en la estética kantiana y que no lo está, en segundo lugar, porque la autonomización de la dimensión estética es pensada a partir de una experiencia de la unidad de la subjetividad. A los fines de demostrar estos dos puntos, procuro reconstruir, en primer lugar, el contexto epistémico de la KU. En un segundo momento, me remito a la delimitación (...)
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    Emotion and Morality in Psychopathy and Paraphilias.Carla L. Harenski & Kent A. Kiehl - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):299-301.
    Understanding the role of emotion in moral judgment has been an active area of investigation and debate. Here we comment on this topic by examining the interaction between emotion and moral judgment in certain psychopathological groups that are characterized by abnormalities in emotion processing, such as psychopaths and sexual offenders with paraphilic disorders.
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    Examining Workplace Ostracism Experiences in Academia: Understanding How Differences in the Faculty Ranks Influence Inclusive Climates on Campus.Carla A. Zimmerman, Adrienne R. Carter-Sowell & Xiaohong Xu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Visual.vs. phonemic contributions to the importance of the initial letter in word identification.Carla J. Posnansky & Keith Rayner - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (3):188-190.
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    Estética y política: el debate contemporáneo en torno a las formas de la representación.María Verónica Galfione - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (1):223-246.
    Tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como desde una perspectiva práctica, el fenómeno de la "estetización" no parece ser portador de buenos augurios. En el ámbito teórico, la estetización ha sido vinculada con la crisis de los discursos orientados en términos de verdad, mientras que en el terreno práctico, ella ha sido asociada a ciertos procesos culturales que conducirían a la debacle de los principios normativos. Dejando de lado la problemática teórica, el presente trabajo se concentra en el debate (...)
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    Modernidad, estética y subjetividad. Una reconstrucción histórico-conceptual de las reapropiaciones del pensamiento de Friedrich Schlegel en el marco de la filosofía alemana contemporánea.Verónica Galfione - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (1):43-70.
    “Modernity, Aesthetics and Subjectivity. A Historical-conceptual Reconstruction of the Reappropriations of Friedrich Schlegel’s Thought Within the Framework of Contemporary German Philosophy”. In this paper we analyze the interpretation of Friedrich Schlegel’s romantic thought developed by K. H. Bohrer and M. Frank. The aim is to show how, through this historical reference, the aforementioned authors reconstruct a conception of subjectivity that breaks with the modern postulate of an instituting subject and that allows to overcome the poststructuralist thesis of the death of (...)
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    Legal philosophical library : an international bibliography of philosophy and theory of law.Carla Faralli & Enrico Pattaro - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffre.
  16.  69
    Global Strategic Partnerships between MNEs and NGOs: Drivers of Change and Ethical Issues.Carla C. J. M. Millar, Chong Ju Choi & Stephen Chen - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):395-414.
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    Nursing care in mental health: Human rights and ethical issues.Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura, Wendy Austin, Bruna Sordi Carrara & Emanuele Seicenti de Brito - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (4):463-480.
    People with mental illness are subjected to stigma and discrimination and constantly face restrictions in the exercise of their political, civil and social rights. Considering this scenario, mental health, ethics and human rights are key approaches to advance the well-being of persons with mental illnesses. The study was conducted to review the scope of the empirical literature available to answer the research question: What evidence is available regarding human rights and ethical issues regarding nursing care to persons with mental illnesses? (...)
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  18.  54
    El concepto de subjetividad estética en el planteamiento de Karl Heinz Bohrer.María Verónica Galfione - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (167):81-102.
    Se analiza la reconstrucción del pensamiento romántico de Karl Heinz Bohrer y de su concepción estética de la subjetividad. Se expone el modo en que esta aparece en la reflexión estética de Friedrich Schlegel y se revisan las críticas de Bohrer a la tendencia de Schlegel a reinstaurar una imagen mítica de las relaciones subjetivas. Se examina la forma en que la segunda generación romántica supera este peligro y, por último, se indaga hasta qué punto la concepción de la subjetividad (...)
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  19. I know you see it wrong! Children use others’ false perceptions to predict their behaviors.Carla Krachun & Robert Lurz - 2016 - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 150:380-395.
    Research on children’s ability to attribute false mental states to others has focused exclusively on false beliefs. We developed a novel paradigm that focuses instead on another type of false mental state: false perceptions. From approximately 4 years of age, children begin to recognize that their perception of an illusory object can be at odds with its true properties. Our question was whether they also recognize that another individual viewing the object will similarly experience a false perception. We tested 33 (...)
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    Spirituality in nursing: A concept analysis.Carla Murgia, Ippolito Notarnicola, Gennaro Rocco & Alessandro Stievano - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1327-1343.
    Background: Spirituality has always been present in the history of nursing and continues to be a topic of nursing interest. Spirituality has ancient roots. The term ‘spirituality’ is interpreted as spirit and is translated as breath and soul, whereas spirituality (immateriality) is spiritual nature. Historically, the term spirituality is associated with the term religiosity, a definition that persists today, and often the two terms are used interchangeably. In the healthcare context, the construct is still. Objective To clarify the concept of (...)
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  21.  43
    Smoke and mirrors: Testing the scope of chimpanzees’ appearance–reality understanding.Carla Krachun, Robert Lurz, Jamie L. Russell & William D. Hopkins - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):53-67.
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  22.  25
    Temporal Dissonance: South African Historians and the ‘Post-AIDS’ Dilemma.Carla Tsampiras - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):153-169.
    While foregrounding the historiography of HIV and AIDS in the South African context, this article analyses AIDS as simultaneously existing in three spheres: first, virtually – as the subject matter of electronically measurable research; second, academically – as a topic of research in the discipline of History; and third, actually – as a complex health concern and signifier that, via the field of Medical and Health Humanities, could allow for new collaborations between historians and others interested in understanding AIDS. Throughout, (...)
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    Sex Differences in Gains Among Hispanic Pre-kindergartners’ Mental Rotation Skills.Carla Abad, Rosalie Odean & Shannon M. Pruden - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La experiencia moderna de la temporalidad. Naturaleza e historia en el pensamiento del joven Herder= The modern experience of temporality. Nature and history in young Herder's thought.María Verónica Galfione - 2013 - Endoxa (32):33.
  25.  29
    La inasible experiencia de la modernidad: Ensayo e ironía de F. Schlegel a G. Lukács.María Verónica Galfione - 2009 - Tópicos 17:0-0.
    In the present work, our aim is to emphasize the tensions between the concepts of irony and essay which Lukács uses in The soul and the Forms, and the way in which such concepts were used by Friedrich Schlegel at the end of the 18th. century. With that purpose, we will utilize the categories of "modern episteme" and "episteme of the forms" as they are formulated by Elías Palti. We believe that these categories will allow us to detect certain breaks (...)
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    Políticas de saúde quilombola no Brasil: gênese, desenvolvimento e avaliação.Carla dos Anjos Siqueira & Adna Cândido de Paula - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):180-202.
    Quilombo designa uma herança cultural e material tendo como referência presencial o sentimento de pertencimento a um lugar e à formação de um novo grupo social, pois não são definidos somente como espaço de resistência guerreira, mas também como representantes de recursos radicais de sobrevivência em grupo. No entanto, há uma desqualificação histórica que tem estigmatizado as comunidades quilombolas, o que contribui para as dificuldades de acesso a bens e serviços, gerando desigualdades, propulsoras de adoecimento que persistem até os dias (...)
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    Corporate Governance and Institutional Transparency in Emerging Markets.Carla Cjm Millar, Tarek I. EldomIaty, Chong Ju Choi & Brian Hilton - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):163-174.
    This paper posits that differences in corporate governance structure partly result from differences in institutional arrangements linked to business systems. We developed a new international triad of business systems: the Anglo-American, the Communitarian and the Emerging system, building on the frameworks of Choi et al. (British Academy of Management (Kynoch Birmingham) 1996, Management International Review 39, 257–279, 1999). A common factor determining the success of a corporate governance structure is the extent to which it is transparent to market forces. Such (...)
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  28. Explanations of the evolution of sex: A plurality of local mechanisms.Carla Fehr - 2006 - In Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino & C. Kenneth Waters (eds.), Scientific Pluralism, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Vol 19). University of Minnesota Press. pp. 167-189.
    The evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction is a case of explanatory pluralism of central importance to evolutionary biology. I analyze this pluralism from an epistemological perspective. My thesis is that the various explanations of sex are explanatory by virtue of local factors and hence are importantly distinct from one another and cannot be subsumed under a single unifying framework. A critic may argue that philosophical accounts of mechanism can provide just such a framework. I show that this attempt at unification (...)
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  29.  54
    Can chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) discriminate appearance from reality?Carla Krachun, Josep Call & Michael Tomasello - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):435-450.
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    Imagining Disability Futurities.Carla Rice, Eliza Chandler, Jen Rinaldi, Nadine Changfoot, Kirsty Liddiard, Roxanne Mykitiuk & Ingrid Mündel - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (2):213-229.
    This article explores twelve short narrative films created by women and trans people living with disabilities and embodied differences. Produced through Project Re•Vision, these micro documentaries uncover the cultures and temporalities of bodies of difference by foregrounding themes of multiple histories: body, disability, maternal, medical, and/or scientific histories; and divergent futurities: contradictory, surprising, unpredictable, opaque, and/or generative futures. We engage with Alison Kafer's call to theorize disability futurity by wrestling with the ways in which “the future” is normatively deployed in (...)
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  31. Ethical decision making in intensive care units: a burnout risk factor? Results from a multicentre study conducted with physicians and nurses.Carla Teixeira, Orquídea Ribeiro, António M. Fonseca & Ana Sofia Carvalho - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):97-103.
    Background Ethical decision making in intensive care is a demanding task. The need to proceed to ethical decision is considered to be a stress factor that may lead to burnout. The aim of this study is to explore the ethical problems that may increase burnout levels among physicians and nurses working in Portuguese intensive care units . A quantitative, multicentre, correlational study was conducted among 300 professionals.Results The most crucial ethical decisions made by professionals working in ICU were related to (...)
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  32.  25
    ¿Es posible una normatividad autorreflexiva? Reflexiones acerca de la estética moderna.Verónica Galfione - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:75-99.
    Este artículo se propone indagar hasta qué punto la definición de la negatividad en términos de fuerza, que propone Christoph Menke en el marco de sus reflexiones estéticas, logra superar las coordenadas a partir de las cuales este concepto había sido pensado por la tradición. Mi hipótesis es que Menke se aleja de la inclinación metafísica a identificar la negatividad con el espíritu, pero tiende a reproducir el mismo esquema dualista por medio del cual la interpretación tradicional había establecido la (...)
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    On my right or on your left? Spontaneous spatial perspective taking in blind people.Carla Tinti, Silvia Chiesa, Roberta Cavaglià, Serena Dalmasso, Lorenzo Pia & Susanna Schmidt - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:1-8.
  34.  91
    Kant's intervention in the debate about race in the late eighteenth century.María Verónica Galfione - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (1):11-43.
    El presente trabajo reconstruye algunos de los momentos principales del debate acerca del concepto de "raza humana" que tuvo lugar hacia finales del siglo xviii entre Kant, Forster y Herder. El objetivo de esta reconstrucción es mostrar, en una primera instancia, que esa polémica se hallaba determinada por la necesidad de adaptar las herramientas histórico-naturales heredadas a la emergencia de una concepción irreversible de la variable temporal. En un segundo momento, es analizada la posición asumida por Kant frente a los (...)
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  35.  39
    Engaging Epistemically with the Other: Toward a More Dialogical and Plural Understanding of the Remedy for Testimonial Injustice.Carla Carmona - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):871-900.
    The concept of testimonial injustice (TI) has been expanded considerably since Fricker's groundbreaking original formulation. Testimonial void (TV), as well as other kinds of TI identified in the last decade, encourage the idea that the virtue of testimonial justice (TJ) is not the appropriate remedy to battle against injustice in our testimonial exchanges. This paper contributes to the existing literature on the limitations of TJ as the remedy for TI by drawing attention to its shortcomings in the context of other (...)
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    Dionísio e o crucificado: estudo sobre o divino a partir das perspectivas trágica e ascética segundo Nietzsche.Carla Oliveira - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):804-805.
    Dissertação de Mestrado OLIVEIRA, Carla Bianca Costa de. Dioniso e o crucificado : estudo sobre o divino a partir das perspectivas trágica e ascética segundo Nietzsche. 2012. 142 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte. Palavras-chave : Filosofia trágica. Ascetismo. Dionisíaco. Deus. Nietzsche. Religião e contemporaneidade. Keywords : Philosophy tragic. Asceticism. Dionysiac. God. Nietzsche. Religion and contemporaneity.
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  37. Three Women.Carla Hesse & Foucault Kant - 1994 - In Jan Goldstein (ed.), Foucault and the writing of history. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    Estética y filosofía: El poder de lo bello en la perspectica de Christoph Menke.María Verónica Galfione - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (2):347-358.
    El presente estudio se encuentra orientado a repensar las potencialidades críticas de la experiencia estética. A tales efecto, reconstruye la concepción estética de Christoph Menke, determinando el modo en que esta articula, por una lado, una determinada reconstrucción de la modernidad estética con un posicionamiento actual acerca del hecho estético, y por el otro una defensa radical de la negatividad estética con el resguardo de las instancias sociales de carácter normativo. En este sentido, el planteo de Menke supone tanto una (...)
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  39. Effective teaching results in increased science achievement for all students.Carla C. Johnson, Jane Butler Kahle & Jamison D. Fargo - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):371-383.
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    Finding Philosophy in Plato’s Apology.Carla A. H. Johnson - 2016 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 2:44-62.
    Students in introductory philosophy courses bring with them varied preconceptions about philosophy and its place in their education and their lives. Rather than assuming we all agree on what it is we are doing when we do philosophy, it can be effective to problematize the discussion from the start. Plato’s Apology of Socrates is a useful tool for this. While interpreted by some philosophers as not particularly philosophical, recent approaches by Sellars and Peterson suggest that the Apology is rich with (...)
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    The Autonomous Virtue of Mercy.Carla A. H. Johnson - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):179-196.
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    Case Study: Dirty Blood.Carla C. Keims, Susan Dorr Goold, Elisa J. Gordon & Christopher James Ryan - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Illusions of Certainty.Carla C. Keirns - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (3):210-212.
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    A legitimidade dos atos de desobediência civil do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem Terra sob O enfoque da teoria de Hannah Arendt.Carla Simone Silva - 2013 - Synesis 5 (1).
    Nesse trabalho será analisado o tratamento teórico apresentado por Hannah Arendt sobre o tema da desobediência civil em sua obra Crises da República, traçando um paralelo com as práticas do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra no que tange à legitimidade dos seus atos de desobediência civil. Sob esse enfoque a luta pelo acesso a terra se apresenta como uma possibilidade de que seus integrantes integrem-se em comunidade fundando um espaço público e desenvolvendo sua capacidade de ação política, característica essencial da (...)
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    Partir da Inf'ncia Ou a Arché Do Pensamento.Carla Patrícia Silva - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-28.
    Desde o lugar de nascimento da infância, este texto busca, através de Giorgio Agamben (2005), Heráclito (fragmento 52) e Paulo Freire (1982;1986; 2001; 2015), elucidar a coexistência entre infância e tempo. Desse modo, trabalha com a hipótese de que infância e tempo são indefiníveis conceitualmente e diluidoras da ideia de estabilidade, a qual escapa à compreensão de continuidade. É nesse sentido que o presente texto parte da leitura de que a infância é, fundamentalmente, condição de existência da história da humanidade, (...)
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    Il corpo disperso dell'arte.Carla Subrizi - 2000 - Roma: Lithos.
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    (1 other version)A cognitive framework for understanding genre.Carla Vergaro - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):430-458.
    The purpose of this paper is to apply theEntrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model(EC-Model hereafter; seeSchmid 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018;Schmid & Mantlik 2015) of language knowledge to genre, with the aim of showing how a unified theory of the relation between usage and linguistic knowledge and convention can shed light on the way genre knowledge becomes entrenched in the individual and shared conventional behavior in communities. The EC-Model is a usage-based and emergentist model of language knowledge and convention rooted in cognitive linguistics and usage-based approaches. It sees (...)
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  48. A emergência da análise de necessidades de formação de professores: pesquisas afins // The urgent need for analyzing the teachers' formation: related researches.Carla Regina Calone Yamashiro & Yoshie Ussame Ferrari Leite - forthcoming - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação.
    Esta pesquisa tem como tema a prática da análise de necessidades de formação de professores, e como principal objetivo compreender as condições que favorecem essa prática a se tornar um referencial de saberes para a legitimação das práticas de formação continuada para professores. Para alcançar esse objetivo, serão utilizadas as ferramentas teórico-metodológicas foucaultianas próprias da genealogia e arqueologia na análise de documentos pertencentes ao âmbito da atual política educacional brasileira e de trabalhos científicos sobre a análise de necessidades de professores. (...)
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    Isaiah Berlin's anti-reductionism: The move from semantic to normative perspectives.Carla Yumatle - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (4):672-700.
    Against the standard reading of Isaiah Berlin's thought that drives a wedge between his early and subsequent work, this article suggests that his late normative anti-reductionism has roots in the early writings on meaning, semantics and truth. Berlin's anti-reductionist objection to logical positivists in the realm of semantics evince a sensitivity to reductionism, a recognition of the irreducibility of propositional meaning, a plea for the embededness of language in a temporal continuum, an anti-dualist call, and a celebration of the plural (...)
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    La mente moral. Una invitación a la relectura de Iris Murdoch.Carla Bagnoli - 2013 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 60:39-54.
    Este artículo sostiene que Iris Murdoch se opone al no-cognitivismo porque este no tiene en cuenta los fenómenos morales dinámicos que son clave en cualquier exploración filosófica de la vida moral adecuada, es decir, la experiencia subjetiva de la moralidad, la diferencia y el cambio. El argumento de Murdoch pone en cuestión la dicotomía hecho/valor y cognitivo/emotivo, y propone un modelo de la mente complejo, sensible al tiempo y dinámico que se centra en el cambioy la transición. En este modelo (...)
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