Results for 'Callie McNally'

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  1.  29
    The Real W almart.Juan Morillo, Callie McNally & Walter E. Block - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (3):385-408.
    The Walmart Company is one of the favorite punching bags of market critics. They accuse this firm of underpaying employees, dealing unfairly with customers, exploiting suppliers, and bankrupting small competitors. Various political jurisdictions have banned this firm from their environs, either implicitly or explicitly. The present article offers a more nuanced position on the behemoth from Arkansas. Although it has some flaws, there is an overwhelming case to be made in its behalf as an employer, competitor, purchaser, benefactor of customers.
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  2. Dummett's radical conventionalist reading of Wittgenstein.Thomas McNally - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):111-124.
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  3. Why future-bias isn't rationally evaluable.Callie K. Phillips - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (4):573-596.
    Future-bias is preferring some lesser future good to a greater past good because it is in the future, or preferring some greater past pain to some lesser future pain because it is in the past. Most of us think that this bias is rational. I argue that no agents have future-biased preferences that are rationally evaluable—that is, evaluable as rational or irrational. Given certain plausible assumptions about rational evaluability, either we must find a new conception of future-bias that avoids the (...)
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    Climate Engineering: A Normative Perspective.Daniel Edward Callies - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Should we research, develop, and deploy climate engineering technology? Drawing upon contemporary moral and political theory, this book offers a normative perspective on such questions, ultimately making the case in favor of research and regulation guided by norms of legitimacy, distributive justice, and procedural justice.
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    Value-based interpretationism.Callie K. Phillips - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-28.
    In this paper I sketch a novel interpretationist account of linguistic content that has important consequences for thinking about intentionality. I solve the challenge presented by a foundational indeterminacy of reference argument to the effect that the meaning of linguistic expressions is radically indeterminate. Happily, my solution doesn’t require positing natural properties as “reference magnets”. Non-deflationist rivals to interpretationist metasemantics include various kinds of causal theories such as Fodor-style asymmetric-dependence accounts and Millikan-style teleosemantics. These accounts face their own indeterminacy challenges (...)
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    Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Language: The Legacy of the Philosophical Investigations.Thomas McNally - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Throughout his philosophical development, Wittgenstein was more concerned with language than with any other topic. No other philosopher has been as influential on our understanding of the deep problems surrounding language, and yet the true significance of his writing on the subject is difficult to assess, since most of the current debates regarding language tend to overlook his work. In this book, Thomas McNally shows that philosophers of language still have much to learn from Wittgenstein's later writings. The book (...)
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  7.  10
    Chaadayev and his friends.Raymond T. McNally - 1971 - Tallahassee, Fla.,: Diplomatic Press.
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    Challenging the utility of polygenic scores for social science: Environmental confounding, downward causation, and unknown biology.Callie H. Burt - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e207.
    The sociogenomics revolution is upon us, we are told. Whether revolutionary or not, sociogenomics is poised to flourish given the ease of incorporating polygenic scores (or PGSs) as “genetic propensities” for complex traits into social science research. Pointing to evidence of ubiquitous heritability and the accessibility of genetic data, scholars have argued that social scientists not only have an opportunity but a duty to add PGSs to social science research. Social science research that ignores genetics is, some proponents argue, at (...)
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    Justifying an Intentional Species Extinction: The Case of Anopheles gambiae.Daniel Edward Callies & Yasha Rohwer - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (2):193-210.
    Each year, over 200 million people are infected with the malaria parasite, nearly half a million of whom succumb to the disease. Emerging genetic technologies could, in theory, eliminate the burden of malaria throughout the world by intentionally eradicating the mosquitoes that transmit the disease. In this paper, we offer an ethical examination of the intentional eradication of Anopheles gambiae, the main malaria vector of sub-Saharan Africa. In our evaluation, we focus on two main considerations: the benefit of alleviating the (...)
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  10.  81
    The Dual Form of Labour in Capitalist Society and the Struggle over Meaning: Comments on Postone.David McNally - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (3):189-208.
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  11. Aesthetic Adjectives.Louise McNally & Isidora Stojanovic - 2017 - In James O. Young (ed.), The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Among semanticists and philosophers of language, there has been a recent outburst of interest in predicates such as delicious, called predicates of personal taste (PPTs, e.g. Lasersohn 2005). Somewhat surprisingly, the question of whether or how we can distinguish aesthetic predicates from PPTs has hardly been addressed at all in this recent work. It is precisely this question that we address. We investigate linguistic criteria that we argue can be used to delineate the class of specifically aesthetic adjectives. We show (...)
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  12. Why is There Something Rather than Nothing? The Substantivity of the Question for Quantifier Pluralists.Callie K. Phillips - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):551-566.
    Many have argued that the question, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” (henceforth: the Question) is defective in some way. While much of the literature on the Question rightly attends to questions about the nature and limits of explanation, little attention has been paid to how new work in metaontology might shed light on the matter. In this paper I discuss how best to understand the Question in light of the now common metaontological commitment to quantifiers that vary in (...)
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  13.  64
    Moving Beyond Context: Reassessing Privacy Rights in the Neurotechnology Era.Callie Terris - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):144-146.
    Neurotechnologies are revolutionizing our ability to monitor and modify the brain. As these technologies gather more data, many seek to understand whether brain data raises novel privacy concerns a...
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    Miss, What's My Name? New teacher identity as a question of reciprocal ontological security.Jim Mcnally & Allan Blake - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):196-211.
    This paper extends the dialogue of educational philosophy to the experience of beginners entering the teaching profession. Rather than impose the ideas of any specific philosopher or theorist, or indeed official standard, the exploration presented here owes its origins to phenomenology and the use of grounded theory. Working from a narrative data base and focussing on the knowing of name in the first instance, the authors develop their emergent ideas on self and identity in relation to children taught, through connection (...)
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  15. Learning from the Retrospective Case Studies : A Synthesis of lessons for the PROTEE Instrument. European Commission. Framework Programme Final Report.Ruth McNally & Steve Woolgar - unknown
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  16. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol 100.Louise McNally & Zoltan Szabo (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  17.  42
    Ethical considerations in the application of preconditioning to solid organ transplantation.S. J. McNally - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11):631-634.
    The shortage of organs for transplantation has led researchers to look for new techniques to expand the donor pool. Preconditioning strategies have the potential to protect organs from transplant associated injury or may improve the function of substandard organs so that they become suitable for transplantation. Translating this type of technology to the clinical setting raises ethical issues, particularly relating to the deceased donor. It is important that society has the opportunity to discuss the issues raised by implementation of preconditioning (...)
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  18.  30
    Monuments of Bronze: Roman Legal Documents on Bronze Tablets.Callie Williamson - 1987 - Classical Antiquity 6 (1):160-183.
  19.  38
    Language, Praxis and Dialectics: Reply to Collins.David McNally - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (2):149-167.
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    The Slippery Slope Argument against Geoengineering Research.Daniel Edward Callies - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (4):675-687.
    With the lack of progress there has been so far on climate change, some have begun researching the potential of geoengineering to allay future climatic harms. However, others contend that such research should be abandoned. One of the most‐cited reasons as to why research into geoengineering should be abandoned is the idea that such research sits at the top of slippery slope. The Slippery Slope Argument warns that even mere research into geoengineering will create institutional momentum, ultimately leading to the (...)
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  21. Aesthetic Adjectives Lack Uniform Behavior.Shen-yi Liao, Louise McNally & Aaron Meskin - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (6):618-631.
    The goal of this short paper is to show that esthetic adjectives—exemplified by “beautiful” and “elegant”—do not pattern stably on a range of linguistic diagnostics that have been used to taxonomize the gradability properties of adjectives. We argue that a plausible explanation for this puzzling data involves distinguishing two properties of gradable adjectives that have been frequently conflated: whether an adjective’s applicability is sensitive to a comparison class, and whether an adjective’s applicability is context-dependent.
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  22.  70
    The ethical landscape of gene drive research.Daniel Edward Callies - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1091-1097.
    Gene drive technology has immense potential. The ability to bypass the laws of Mendelian inheritance and almost ensure the transmission of specific genetic material to future generations creates boundless possibilities. But alongside these boundless possibilities are major social and ethical issues. This article aims to introduce gene drive technology, some of its potential applications, and some of the social and ethical issues that arise during research into the technology. For example, is investigation into gene drives hubristic? Would applications of gene (...)
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  23.  13
    Cultural evolutionary theory is not enough: Ambiguous culture, neglect of structure, and the absence of theory in behavior genetics.Callie H. Burt - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e157.
    Uchiyama et al. propose a unified model linking cultural evolutionary theory to behavior genetics (BG) to enhance generalizability, enrich explanation, and predict how social factors shape heritability estimates. A consideration of culture evolution is beneficial but insufficient for purpose. I submit that their proposed model is underdeveloped and their emphasis on heritability estimates misguided. I discuss their ambiguous conception of culture, neglect of social structure, and the lack of a general theory in BG.
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  24.  80
    Institutional Legitimacy and Geoengineering Governance.Daniel Edward Callies - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (3):324-340.
    ABSTRACT: There is general agreement amongst those involved in the normative discussion about geoengineering that if we are to move forward with significant research, development, and certainly any future deployment, legitimate governance is a must. However, while we agree that the abstract concept of legitimacy ought to guide geoengineering governance, agreement surrounding the appropriate conception of legitimacy has yet to emerge. Relying upon Allen Buchanan’s metacoordination view of institutional legitimacy, this paper puts forward a conception of legitimacy appropriate for geoengineering (...)
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  25. Color, context, and compositionality.Christopher Kennedy & Louise Mcnally - 2010 - Synthese 174 (1):79-98.
    Color adjectives have played a central role in work on language typology and variation, but there has been relatively little investigation of their meanings by researchers in formal semantics. This is surprising given the fact that color terms have been at the center of debates in the philosophy of language over foundational questions, in particular whether the idea of a compositional, truth-conditional theory of natural language semantics is even coherent. The challenge presented by color terms is articulated in detail in (...)
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  26.  28
    Why and how science students in the United States think their peers cheat more frequently online: perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic.Kristine L. Callis-Duehl, Emma R. Wester, Swapnil Moon, Jaskirat S. Sodhi, Ashish D. Borgaonkar, Christina M. Zambrano-Varghese, Deborah A. Lichti & Lisa L. Walsh - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Academic integrity establishes a code of ethics that transfers over into the job force and is a critical characteristic in scientists in the twenty-first century. A student’s perception of cheating is influenced by both internal and external factors that develop and change through time. For students, the COVID-19 pandemic shrank their academic and social environments onto a computer screen. We surveyed science students in the United States at the end of their first COVID-interrupted semester to understand how and why they (...)
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  27.  26
    Spectral Productances and Color Primitivism.Callie McGrath - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):509-534.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spectral Productances and Color PrimitivismCallie McGrathViews about the metaphysics of color can be divided broadly into realist and antirealist positions. In the realist camp are views that regard colors as instantiated; the pretheoretic appearance of the world as really being colored is correct. In the antirealist camp are views that regard this appearance as illusory.Realist views can be divided into reductionism and primitivism. The former has it that for (...)
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  28.  19
    pandemic daydreams: Artist's Statement.Callie Danae Hirsch - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):327-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 327 Callie Danae Hirsch pandemic daydreams Artist’s Statement I am a painter who works in oils and acrylics on canvas and found objects. I am also a photographer as part of my daily practice. My work is an exploration of everything that surrounds me in my daily life, observing the overlooked, honing in and reimagining it. I (...)
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    Stories of moving on HASS PhD graduates’ motivations and career trajectories inside and beyond academia.Cally Guerin - 2019 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 19 (3):304-324.
    It is widely accepted that the academic job market is very limited and unlikely to expand any time soon, yet enrolments in PhDs continue to rise. If the PhD is no longer preparation for academia, w...
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  30.  16
    Experimental studies of bias: Imperfect but neither useless nor unique.Callie H. Burt & Brian B. Boutwell - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Cesario provides a compelling critique of the use of experimental social psychology to explain real-world group disparities. We concur with his targeted critique and extend “the problem of missing information” to another common measures of bias. We disagree with Cesario's broader argument that the entire enterprise be abandoned, suggesting instead targeted utilization. Finally, we question whether the critique is appropriately directed at experimental social psychologists.
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  31.  20
    All that glisters is not gold: Genetics and social science.Callie H. Burt - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e186.
    In their target article, Madole & Harden offer an account of “what it means for genes to be causes” of social outcomes to bolster their claim that genetics should be incorporated into social science with practical implications. Here I object to several key features of their arguments, their representation of the state of science, and claims about the utility of genetics for social science and society.
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    Polygenic scores for social science: Clarification, consensus, and controversy.Callie H. Burt - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e232.
    In this response, I focus on clarifying my arguments, highlighting consensus, and addressing competing views about the utility of polygenic scores (PGSs) for social science. I also discuss an assortment of expansions to my arguments and suggest alternative approaches. I conclude by reiterating the need for caution and appropriate scientific skepticism.
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    Frankenstein’s Creature.David McNally - 2017 - Listening 52 (3):144-152.
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  34. The Emergence and Spread of H1N1v Pandemic Influenza.Alan Mcnally - 2010 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1 (1):01-05.
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  35. The Unreformed Church.Robert E. McNally - 1965
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  36. Dissenting Opinions: Peer Disagreement on Moral Matters.Callie Phillips - 2022 - In Brett Coppenger, Joshua Heter & Daniel Carr (eds.), Better Call Saul and Philosophy: I Think Therefore I Scam. United States: Carus Books.
    When we first meet Kim Wexler in Better Call Saul we see someone who appears to offer a moral counterbalance to Jimmy McGill. She encourages him to stay within the boundaries of the law, and to stop committing trademark infringement to spite Howard from HHM, for example. With each season we get to know Kim better and gradually we see that Kim’s real objections to Jimmy’s lies and scams are often more practical than moral. However, there are a number of (...)
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  37.  17
    Responsiveness of the Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life Cognition Banks in Recent Brain Injury.Callie E. Tyner, Pamela A. Kisala, Aaron J. Boulton, Mark Sherer, Nancy D. Chiaravalloti, Angelle M. Sander, Tamara Bushnik & David S. Tulsky - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patient report of functioning is one component of the neurocognitive exam following traumatic brain injury, and standardized patient-reported outcomes measures are useful to track outcomes during rehabilitation. The Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life measurement system is a TBI-specific extension of the PROMIS and Neuro-QoL measurement systems that includes 20 item banks across physical, emotional, social, and cognitive domains. Previous research has evaluated the responsiveness of the TBI-QOL measures in community-dwelling individuals and found clinically important change over a 6-month assessment (...)
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  38. Vagueness and crispness in the verbal domain.Louise McNally - unknown
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  39.  97
    Shrieking sirens: Schemata, scripts, and social norms. How change occurs.Cristina Bicchieri & Peter McNally - 2018 - Social Philosophy and Policy 35 (1):23-53.
    :This essay investigates the relationships among scripts, schemata, and social norms. The authors examine how social norms are triggered by particular schemata and are grounded in scripts. Just as schemata are embedded in a network, so too are social norms, and they can be primed through spreading activation. Moreover, the expectations that allow a social norm’s existence are inherently grounded in particular scripts and schemata. Using interventions that have targeted gender norms, open defecation, female genital cutting, and other collective issues (...)
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  40. The Major Works of Peter Chaadaev. A Translation and Commentary.Raymond T. Mcnally & Mary-Barbara Zeldin - 1970 - Studies in Soviet Thought 10 (3):262-264.
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    The Sandaikō Debate: The Issue of Orthodoxy in Late Tokugawa Nativism.Mark Mcnally - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (3-4):359-378.
  42.  31
    The Ethics of Geoengineering.Daniel Edward Callies - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 919-937.
    Defined as the “deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment in order to counteract anthropogenic climate change,” geoengineering is an umbrella term that captures a variety of different technologies. This chapter will offer a concise overview of geoengineering as a response to anthropogenic climate change, with a primary focus on the ethical aspects this grouping of technologies engenders. We will start by exploring why it is that we are even considering these technologies rather than just doubling down on mitigation and (...)
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  43.  25
    Art Essay.Callie Danae Hirsch - 2005 - Feminist Studies 31 (3):604.
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  44.  13
    A Semantics for the English Existential Construction.Louise McNally - 1997 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997, this book addresses the question: What is the interpretation of English there-existential construction? One of the principal goals is to develop an interpretation for the construction that will specifically address other properties of the postcopular DP. After outlining the problem, the author goes on to present a syntactic motivation for the claim that the postcopular DP is the sole complement to the existential predicate, as well as for the claim that the optional final phrase is a (...)
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    A simple faith in a complicated world: one Quaker's journey through doubt to faith.Kate McNally - 2003 - Alresford: Christian Alternative Books.
    Making sense of religion in a world where Christianity seems to have forgotten the message of Jesus.
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    Chains of Custody: Visualization, Representation and Accountability in the Processing of Forensic DNA Evidence.Ruth McNally & M. Lynch - 2005 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 38 (3-4).
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    (1 other version)Significant revelations in chaadaev's letters to A. I. turgenev.Raymond McNally - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (4):321-339.
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  48. The Sandaikõ Debate.Mark Mcnally - 2002 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 29 (3-4):3-4.
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    Ariadne and Others: Images of Sleep in Greek and Early Roman Art.Sheila McNally - 1985 - Classical Antiquity 4 (2):152-192.
  50.  77
    Existential Sentences without Existential Quantification.Louise McNally - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (4):353-392.
    Presents a set-theoretic version of the analysis of "there be" as predicating instantiation of a property, a property-theoretic version of which was developed in McNally 1992. This paper provides a solution to the criticism that McNally 1992's analysis could not account for sentences in which postverbal nominal contains a monotone decreasing or nonmonotonic determiner.
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