Results for 'C. Blok'

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    Different Elements for a General Science of Culture.C. Blok - 1990
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    Responsible Innovation? Towards a Critique of the Concept of Innovation.V. Blok, H. Belt & P. C. Lemmens - unknown
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    Parasitism genes and host range disparities in biotrophic nematodes: the conundrum of polyphagy versus specialisation.Vivian C. Blok, John T. Jones, Mark S. Phillips & David L. Trudgill - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):249-259.
    This essay considers biotrophic cyst and root‐knot nematodes in relation to their biology, host–parasite interactions and molecular genetics. These nematodes have to face the biological consequences of the physical constraints imposed by the soil environment in which they live while their hosts inhabit both above and below ground environments. The two groups of nematodes appear to have adopted radically different solutions to these problems with the result that one group is a host specialist and reproduces sexually while the other has (...)
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  4. Digging beneath rules and similarity.Arthur B. Markman, Sergey Blok, Kyungil Kim, Levi Larkey, Lisa R. Narvaez, C. Hunt Stilwell & Eric Taylor - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):29-30.
    Pothos suggests dispensing with the distinction between rules and similarity, without defining what is meant by either term. We agree that there are problems with the distinction between rules and similarity, but believe these will be solved only by exploring the representations and processes underlying cases purported to involve rules and similarity.
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  5. L22000. 00.Peter Achinstein, Brian Barry, Clarendon Press Oxford, John Bigelow, Robert Pargetter, Cambridge Uni Cambridge, H. James Birx, Richard J. Blackwell, Univer Indiana & C. Blok - 1991 - Mind 100:399.
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  6. Being-in-the-World as Being-in-Nature: An Ecological Perspective on Being and Time.Vincent Blok - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:215-235.
    Because the status of nature is ambiguous in Being and Time, we explore an ecological perspective on Heidegger’s early main work in this article. Our hypothesis is that the affordance theory of James Gibson enables us to a) to understand being-in-the-world as being-in-nature, b) reconnect man and nature and c) understand the twofold sense of nature in Being and Time. After exploring Heidegger’s concept of being-in-the-world and Gibson’s concept of being-in-nature, we confront Heidegger’s and Gibson’s conception of being-in-the-world and being-in-nature. (...)
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    Simple Logics for Basic Algebras.Ja̅nis Cı̅rulis - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (3/4):95-110.
    An MV-algebra is an algebra (A, ⊕, ¬, 0), where (A, ⊕, 0) is a commutative monoid and ¬ is an idempotent operation on A satisfying also some additional axioms. Basic algebras are similar algebras that can roughly be characterised as nonassociative (hence, also non-commutative) generalizations of MV-algebras. Basic algebras and commutative basic algebras provide an equivalent algebraic semantics in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi for two recent logical systems. Both are Hilbert-style systems, with implication and negation as (...)
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  8. Towards an hyperalgebraic theory of non-algebraizable logics.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana C. Golzio - 2016 - CLE E-Prints 16 (4):1-27.
    Multialgebras (or hyperalgebras) have been very much studied in the literature. In the realm of Logic, they were considered by Avron and his collaborators under the name of non-deterministic matrices (or Nmatrices) as a useful semantics tool for characterizing some logics (in particular, several logics of formal inconsistency or LFIs) which cannot be characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by any method, including Blok and Pigozzi general theory. Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a (...)
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    The universal modality, the center of a Heyting algebra, and the Blok–Esakia theorem.Guram Bezhanishvili - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):253-267.
    We introduce the bimodal logic , which is the extension of Bennett’s bimodal logic by Grzegorczyk’s axiom □→p)→p and show that the lattice of normal extensions of the intuitionistic modal logic WS5 is isomorphic to the lattice of normal extensions of , thus generalizing the Blok–Esakia theorem. We also introduce the intuitionistic modal logic WS5.C, which is the extension of WS5 by the axiom →, and the bimodal logic , which is the extension of Shehtman’s bimodal logic by Grzegorczyk’s (...)
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    An Algebraic Investigation of the Connexive Logic $$\textsf{C}$$.Davide Fazio & Sergei P. Odintsov - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):37-67.
    In this paper we show that axiomatic extensions of H. Wansing’s connexive logic $$\textsf{C}$$ ( $$\textsf{C}^{\perp }$$ ) are algebraizable (in the sense of J.W. Blok and D. Pigozzi) with respect to sub-varieties of $$\textsf{C}$$ ( $$\textsf{C}^{\perp }$$ )-algebras. We develop the structure theory of $$\textsf{C}$$ ( $$\textsf{C}^{\perp }$$ )-algebras, and we prove their representability in terms of twist-like constructions over implicative lattices (Heyting algebras). As a consequence, we further clarify the relationship between the aforementioned classes. Finally, taking advantage (...)
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    Behavioral algebraization of da Costa's C-systems.Carlos Caleiro & Ricardo Gonçalves - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2):127-148.
    It is well-known that da Costa's C-systems of paraconsistent logic do not admit a Blok-Pigozzi algebraization. Still, an algebraic flavored semantics for them has been proposed in the literature, namely using the class of so-called da Costa algebras. However, the precise connection between these semantic structures and the C-systems was never established at the light of the theory of algebraizable logics. In this paper we propose to study the C-systems from an algebraic point of view, and to fill in (...)
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    Dinamikler, Norm ve Konjonktür: Eritre’nin Kırk Yıl Arayla Deneyimlediği İki Farklı Bağımsızlık Gündeminin Karşılaştırılması.Ahmet Göksel Uluer - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):265-284.
    Bu çalışma, Afrika Boynuzu’nda yer alan Eritre devletinin bağımsızlığı konusunun uluslararası alanda gündeme geldiği iki tarih olan 1950 ve 1990’ların başlarını odağa alarak, 1950’lerde onaylanmayan bağımsızlığın 1990’larda onaylanmış olmasını sorun edinmektedir. Bu açıdan, çalışmanın ilgi alanını bağımsızlık gündemine taraf devlet ve örgütlerin faaliyetleri oluşturur. Eritre’nin bağımsızlığı meselesinin kırk yıl ara ile farklı kararlarla sonuçlanmasının, bölgede çıkarları bulunan uluslararası aktörlerin tutumları, Birleşmiş Milletler’in rolü ve kararları ve bölge ülkelerinin iç dinamikleriyle doğrudan ilintili olduğu öne sürülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Etiyopya ve Eritre’nin tarihsel (...)
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  13. Are events ontologically basic?Sibel Kibar - 2009 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (3):4.
    After Einstein presented his “special theory of relativity” with its marvelous principles, “principle of relativity” and “the constant speed of light”, it led to bizarre implications, such as, time dilation, length contraction, energy-mass conversion, and invariance of the space-time interval, we had trouble to understand these stunning consequences with our very classical ontology, which can be regarded as Aristotelian ontology. Thus, both physicists and philosophers have required a new kind of ontology, capable of explaining the new phenomena. Hermann Minkovski proposed (...)
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    Philosophical Potencies of Postphenomenology.Martin Ritter - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1501-1516.
    As a distinctive voice in the current philosophy of technology, postphenomenology elucidates various ways of how technologies “shape” both the world and humans in it. Distancing itself from more speculative approaches, postphenomenology advocates the so-called empirical turn in philosophy of technology: It focuses on diverse effects of particular technologies instead of speculating on the essence of technology and its general impact. Critics of postphenomenology argue that by turning to particularities and emphasizing that technologies are always open to different uses and (...)
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  15. Özgürlük Üzerine Bir Deneme.Soner Soysal & Herbert Marcuse - 2013 - İstanbul, Turkey: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
    Frankfurt Okulu'nun kurucu üyelerinden ve 20. yüzyıl eleştirel düşünce dünyasının köşe taşlarından biri olan Herbert Marcuse'nin 1969 yılında, bütün dünyanın halk ayaklanmalarıyla ve toplumsal hareketlerle çalkalandığı sıcak günlerde yayımlanan kitabı Özgürlük Üzerine Bir Deneme ele aldığı konuları ve tespitleriyle günümüzde de önemini koruyor. Bu kısa ama çarpıcı makale, Sol'un teorik ve pratik yeniden inşası ve eleştirel düşüncenin doğru mecralarda ilerleyişinin sağlanması açısından mutlaka okunması ve derinlemesine irdelenip tartışılması gereken eserlerin başında gelir. İleri endüstri toplumuyla rekabete giren sosyalist blok, bu (...)
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    An Abstract Algebraic Logic Study of da Costa’s Logic and Some of its Paraconsistent Extensions.Hugo Albuquerque & Carlos Caleiro - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):477-528.
    Two famous negative results about da Costa’s paraconsistent logic ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ (the failure of the Lindenbaum–Tarski process [44] and its non-algebraizability [39]) have placed ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ seemingly as an exception to the scope of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL). In this paper we undertake a thorough AAL study of da Costa’s logic ${\mathscr {C}}_1$. On the one hand, we strengthen the negative results about ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ by proving that it does not admit any algebraic semantics whatsoever in the sense of (...) and Pigozzi (a weaker notion than algebraizability also introduced in the monograph [6]). On the other hand, ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ is a protoalgebraic logic satisfying a Deduction-Detachment Theorem (DDT). We then extend our AAL study to some paraconsistent axiomatic extensions of ${\mathscr {C}}_1$ covered in the literature. We prove that for extensions ${\mathcal {S}}$ such as ${\mathcal {C}ilo}$ [26], every algebra in ${\mathsf {Alg}}^*({\mathcal {S}})$ contains a Boolean subalgebra, and for extensions ${\mathcal {S}}$ such as,, or [16, 53], every subdirectly irreducible algebra in ${\mathsf {Alg}}^*({\mathcal {S}})$ has cardinality at most 3. We also characterize the quasivariety ${\mathsf {Alg}}^*({\mathcal {S}})$ and the intrinsic variety $\mathbb {V}({\mathcal {S}})$, with,, and. (shrink)
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  17. Individual Competencies for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature and Practice Perspective.E. R. Osagie, R. Wesselink, V. Blok, T. Lans & M. Mulder - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):233-252.
    Because corporate social responsibility can be beneficial to both companies and its stakeholders, interest in factors that support CSR performance has grown in recent years. A thorough integration of CSR in core business processes is particularly important for achieving effective long-term CSR practices. Here, we explored the individual CSR-related competencies that support CSR implementation in a corporate context. First, a systematic literature review was performed in which relevant scientific articles were identified and analyzed. Next, 28 CSR directors and managers were (...)
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  18. The Phenomenal Woman (PA Sayre).C. Battersby - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:113-114.
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    Semisimplicity and Congruence 3-Permutabilty for Quasivarieties with Equationally Definable Principal Congruences.Miguel Campercholi & Diego Vaggione - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (3):723-733.
    We show that the properties of [relative] semisimplicity and congruence 3-permutability of a [quasi]variety with equationally definable [relative] principal congruences (EDP[R]C) can be characterized syntactically. We prove that a quasivariety with EDPRC is relatively semisimple if and only if it satisfies a finite set of quasi-identities that is effectively constructible from any conjunction of equations defining relative principal congruences in the quasivariety. This in turn allows us to obtain an ‘axiomatization’ of relatively filtral quasivarieties. We also show that a variety (...)
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    Les élections européennes de 1989 : Analyse des résultats pour la Belgique.William Fraeys - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (4):551-564.
    Organized for the third time, the elections for the European Parliament at direct universal suffrage, in June 1989, had the following main characteristics: a still weak turnout, a progress for the socialist parties in most countries, a rather distinct rise of the Environmentalists and an indisputable rise of some far-right parties.In Belgium, the results cannot be compared exclusively with those of the 1984 European election. They must be seen in the continuation of the 1985 and 1987 general elections.Then, the main (...)
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    Psychology and the Natural Law of Reparation.C. Fred Alford - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Are there universal values of right and wrong, good and bad, shared by virtually every human? The tradition of natural law argues that there is. Drawing on the work of psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, whose analyses have touched upon issues related to original sin, trespass, guilt, and salvation through reparation, in this 2006 book C. Fred Alford adds an extra dimension to this argument: we know natural law to be true because we have hated before we have loved and have wished (...)
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    Cation self-diffusion in MgO up to 2350°c.B. C. Harding & D. M. Price - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (1):253-260.
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    Zur Textgeschichte Xenophons. Axel W. Von Persson. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup. 1915.E. C. Marchant - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (08):254-.
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    Монографія "функціональність релігії: Український контекст".Cергій Присухін - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:155-156.
    Монографія "Функціональність релігії: український контекст".
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  25. Mind and the World-order. By G. W. Cunningham. [REVIEW]C. I. Lewis - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 40:550.
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  26. Lire Ernst Troeltsch en France aujourd'hui: Science des religions ou théologie?C. Froidevaux - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (2):213-222.
    La réception tardive de l'oeuvre de Ernst Troeltsch en France nous a privés d'une analyse du christianisme originale et féconde. Elle nuance et enrichit ce que nous savons, au travers de la réflexion wébérienne notamment, des relations de la religion chrétienne à la modernité. Contre les interprétations usuelles qui datent l'émergence de cette dernière de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, Troeltsch insiste sur la centralité des Lumières comme marquant la fin de la civilisation ecclésiastique ; c'es l'évanouissement de la (...)
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  27. 11 c-flumazenil positron emission tomography demonstrates reduction of both global and local cerebral benzodiazepine receptor binding in a patient with stiff person syndrome.N. Galldiks, A. Thiel, C. Haense, G. R. Fink & R. Hilker - 2008 - Journal of Neurology 255 (9).
    Stiff Person Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder associated with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase, the key enzyme in γ -aminobutyric acid synthesis. In order to investigate the role of cerebral benzodiazepinereceptor binding in SPS, we performed [ 11 C]flumazenil positron emission tomography in a female patient with SPS compared to nine healthy controls. FMZ is a radioligand to the postsynaptic central benzodiazepine receptor which is co-localized with the GABA-A receptor. In the SPS patient, we found a global reduction of (...)
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    Women as Whistleblowers.C. Fred Alford - 2003 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 22 (1):67-76.
  29. Felipe II envía unas láminas de El Escorial al papa Sixto V.C. Alonso - 1992 - Ciudad de Dios 205 (1):183-194.
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    Quantum Theory Without Hilbert Spaces.C. Anastopoulos - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (11):1545-1580.
    Quantum theory does not only predict probabilities, but also relative phases for any experiment, that involves measurements of an ensemble of systems at different moments of time. We argue, that any operational formulation of quantum theory needs an algebra of observables and an object that incorporates the information about relative phases and probabilities. The latter is the (de)coherence functional, introduced by the consistent histories approach to quantum theory. The acceptance of relative phases as a primitive ingredient of any quantum theory, (...)
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  31. The perception and memory of objects and their parts.C. Ankrum & J. Palmer - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):496-496.
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    Estetika moderne.Stefan Çapaliku - 2006 - Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese e Librit Universitar.
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    Estetika moderne: doracak.Stefan Çapaliku - 2004 - Tiranë: Ombra GVG.
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    Partial recursive functions and ω-functions.C. H. Applebaum & J. C. E. Dekker - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):559-568.
  35. Eugenics in Spain.C. W. Armstrong - 1928 - The Eugenics Review 20 (2).
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  36. A Most Peculiar Failure: How neoclassical economics turns theoretical failure into academic and political power.C. Arnsperger & Y. Varoufakis - unknown
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  37. Meredith Williams, Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning: Toward a Social Conception of Mind.C. Athanasopoulos - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (3):419-422.
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    Hamilton and the Law of Varying Action Revisited.C. D. Bailey - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9):1385-1406.
    According to history texts, philosophers searched for a unifying natural law whereby natural phenomena and numbers are related. More than 2300 years ago, Aristotle postulated that nature requires minimum energy. More than 220 years ago, Euler applied the minimum energy postulate. More than 200 years ago, Lagrange provided a mathematical “proof” of the postulate for conservative systems. The resulting Principle of Least Action served only to derive the differential equations of motion of a conservative system. Then, 170 years ago, Hamilton (...)
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    Lucretius, i. 744.C. Bailey & P. Maas - 1943 - The Classical Review 57 (01):14-.
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    Augustine and the Shape of the Earth.C. P. E. Nothaft - 2011 - Augustinian Studies 42 (1):33-48.
  41. The zen clown ikkyu, a cross-cultural-study of a symbol of disorder.C. Olson - 1988 - Journal of Dharma 13 (2):147-163.
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  42.  44
    De crisis der logica.C. H. Os - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):319 - 336.
  43. Awakening to the Good, Psychological or Religious? An Autobiography.C. M. OWENS - 1958
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    A Message for the Whole Person.C. René Padilla - 1993 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 10 (3):1-4.
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    Psychology and theory.C. J. Adcock - 1977 - Wellington: Price Milburn for Victoria University Press.
    least this was his later view. He had begun with the more obvious but more naive view that need was the key to the process and that removal of the need ...
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    Hobbes and 'The Beautiful Axiom'.C. A. J. Coady - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (251):5 - 17.
    The ‘beautiful axiom’ to which Dickens refers is a central feature of Thomas Hobbes' thinking but its precise role in his moral philosophy remains unclear. I shall here attempt both to dispel the unclarity and to evaluate the adequacy of the position that emerges. Given the high level of contemporary interest in Hobbes' thought, both within and beyond philosophical circles, this is an enterprise of considerable importance. None the less, my interest is not merely interpretative, since the assessment of Hobbes' (...)
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  47. The Crooked Oar, The Moon’s Size and The Necker Cube. Essays on the Illusions of Outer and Inner Perception.C. Calabi & K. Mulligan (eds.) - 2012
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    Nature's Education of Man Some Remarks on the Philosophy of Wordsworth.C. Clarke - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (87):302 - 316.
    The author examines "the prelude" by wordsworth in order to illuminate precisely how wordsworth believed the spirit, Particularly as it manifested itself in the works of nature, Could influence and shape the mind of man. (staff).
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    Critical notices.C. Lloyd Morgan - 1903 - Mind 12 (1):103-109.
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  50. Development of role-play scenarios for teaching responsible conduct of research.C. Loui - unknown - Science and Engineering Ethics.
    We describe the development, testing, and formative evaluation of nine role-play scenarios for teaching central topics in the responsible conduct of research to graduate students in science and engineering. In response to formative evaluation surveys, students reported that the role-plays were more engaging and promoted deeper understanding than a lecture or case study covering the same topic. In the future, summative evaluations will test whether students display this deeper understanding and retain the lessons of the role-play experience.
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