Results for 'C. Avicenna'

936 found
  1. al-Shifāʼ.C. Avicenna, Georges Ibrahim Anawati, Sa id Madkur, Muhammad Yusuf Zayid & Sulayman Musá - 1952 - Qum, Īrān: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī. Edited by Ibrāhīm Madkūr, Georges C. Anawati, Maḥmūd Muḥammad Khuḍayrī & Aḥmad Fuʼād Ahwānī.
    [1] al-Manṭiq. 1. al-Madkhal. 2. al-Maqūlāt. 3. al-ʻIbārah. 4. al-Qiyās. 5. al-Burhān. 6. al-Jadal. 7. al-Safsaṭah. 8. al-Khaṭābah. 9. al-Shiʻr (4 v.) -- [2] al-Ṭabīʻīyat. 2. al-Samāʼ wa-al-ʻālam. 3. al-Kawn wa-al-fasād. 4. al-Afʻāl wa-al-infiʻālāt. 5. al-Maʻādin wa-al-āthār al-ʻulwīyah. 6. al-Nafs. 7. al-Nabāt -- [3] al-Riyāḍīyāt. [1] Uṣūl al-handasah. 2. al-Ḥisāb. 3. Jawāmiʻ ʻilm al-mūsīqá. [4] al-Ilāhīyāt.
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    La Métaphysique du Shifāʼ.Avicenna & Georges C. Anawati - 1978 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Georges C. Anawati.
    [1] Livres I à V.--t. 2. Livres de VI à X.
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  3. Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on Intellect: Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect.Richard C. Taylor & Herbert A. Davidson - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (3):482.
    After a very brief introduction, Davidson begins with an informed and detailed account of the views of Aristotle and his major commentators, whose writings had enormous influence on the development of the medieval traditions. Davidson's account is supplemented with a critical exposition of the relevant teachings from the Plotiniana Arabica, from al-Kindi, and from a treatise on the soul attributed to Porphyry in the Arabic tradition. Impressive as all this is, it is simply stage setting for Davidson's detailed accounts of (...)
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    Ibn Sina risâleleri.Avicenna, Qustạ̄ ibn Lūqā & Abū al-Faraj ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Tayyib - 1953 - Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
    1. Uyun al-hikma, et l'opuscule d'Abu'l Faraj et la réfutation d'Ibn Sina, édité et annoté par H.Z. Ülken.--2. Les opuscules d'Ibn Sina, et Le livre de la différence entre l'esprit et l'âme, par Qosta b. Luqa; édité, étudié et onnoté [sic] par H.Z. Ülken.--3. Aşkın mâhiyeti hakkında risâle, neşreden ve Türkçeye çeviren A. Ateş.
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  5. Avicenna, Healing: metaphysics.Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland - 2011 - In Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland, Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebook. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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  6.  10
    al-F'r'bi and Avicenna: Two Recent Contributions.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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  7.  31
    Remarks on the Importance of Albert the Great’s Analyses and Use of the Thought of Avicenna and Averroes in the De homine for the Development of the Early Natural Epistemology of Thomas Aquinas.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
  8.  9
    Traités mystiques d'Avicenne: Abou Alî al-Hosain ben Abdallah ben Sînâ (980-1037/A.H. 370-428), philosophe et médecin islamique en Perse: textes arabes, publiés d'après les manuscrits du British Museum, de Leiden et de la Bodleian Library, avec des explications et des traductions partielles en français, des notes et précédés d'analyses critiques.Avicenna - 1889 - Amsterdam: Philo Press. Edited by A. F. Mehren.
    L'allégorie mystique Hay ben Yaqzân -- Les trois dernières sections de l'ouvrage al-Ishârât wa-t-Tanbîhât sur la doctrine Çoufique -- Le traité mystique at-Thair -- Traité sur l'amour -- Traité sur la nature de la prière -- Missive sur l'influence produite par la fréquentation des lieux saints et les prières qu'on y fait -- Traité sur la délivrance de la crainte de la mort -- Traité sur le destin.
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  9. A New Standard for Avicenna StudiesIbn Sina, lettre au vizir Abu Sad: Editio princeps d'apres le manuscrit de Bursa.David C. Reisman & Yahya Michot - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):562.
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  10.  15
    Herbert A. Davidson's Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroes on Intellect: A Critical Review.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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    12. Maimonides and Aquinas on Divine Attributes: The Importance of Avicenna.Richard C. Taylor - 2019 - In Josef Stern, James T. Robinson & Yonatan Shemesh, Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation: A History From the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 333-364.
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    Maimonides and Aquinas on Divine Attributes the Importance of Avicenna.Richard C. Taylor - 2019 - In Josef Stern, James T. Robinson & Yonatan Shemesh, Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation: A History From the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 333-363.
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  13. Alfarabi, The attainment of happiness ; Alfarabi, Plato's Laws ; Avicenna, On the divisions of the rational sciences.Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland - 2011 - In Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland, Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebook. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  14.  12
    Review of Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on Intellect: Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect by Herbert A. Davidson. [REVIEW]Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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  15.  40
    Aquinas and 'the Arabs': Aquinas's First Critical Encounter with the Doctrines of Avicenna and Averroes on the Intellect, IN 2 SENT. D. 17, Q. 2, A.1. [REVIEW]Richard C. Taylor - unknown
  16.  7
    Ontologie et Théologie chez Avicenne. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):626-626.
    The metaphysics of Avicenna is subjected to an analytical, historical and comparative method of study. The analysis is only a summary of selected doctrines of Avicenna; no argument for the various interpretations is discernible. The historical and comparative parts suffer from a dependence on general studies. The result is a superficial account of Avicenna's metaphysics.--C. E. B.
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  17.  32
    Medieval Political Philosophy, A Sourcebook. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):638-638.
    The main thrust of this book, novel and yet convincing, is that medieval philosophy cannot be studied without noting the importance its participants paid to political matters. The selections are mostly whole sections of different works, thus enabling the reader to form his own judgments without fear that he is reading the philosophical interpretations of the editors. Writings of al-Fârâbî, Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, Abravenel, Aquinas, Roger Bacon and Dante are among the twenty-five entries.--C. E. B.
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  18.  51
    Maimonides on the Scope of Divine and Human Self-Knowledge.Edward C. Halper - 2015 - Quaestio 15:299-308.
    Maimonides’ claim, in Guide of the Perplexed I.68, that our intellect, like God’s, becomes one with the object it knows would seem to be at odds with his injunction to his readers to set their “thought to work on the first intelligible” and to “rejoice in what [it] apprehends”. The former passage supposes that we grasp individual essences by themselves, whereas the latter supposes that such essences are known only through their first cause. Since we cannot grasp the first cause, (...)
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  19.  21
    Potentialität und Possibilität: Modalaussagen in der Geschichte der Metaphysik.Thomas Buchheim, C. H. Kneepkens & Kuno Lorenz (eds.) - 2001 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Die Frage, wie sich Aussagen uber Fahigkeiten von Personen zu Aussagen uber Moglichkeiten von Zustanden in der Welt verhalten, ist fur unser menschliches Selbstverstandnis zentral. Der vorliegende Band versammelt unter dieser Frage durchweg Originalbeitrage in historisch-systematischer Absicht; sie behandeln die Geschichte der Metaphysik und Ontologie von Parmenides bis Heidegger.INHALT: VORWORT - Klaus Jacobi: Das Konnen und die Moglichkeiten. Potentialitat und Possibilitat - Mischa von Perger: Moglichkeit, Parmenideisch - Ulrich Nortmann: 'Das Saatkorn ist dem Vermogen nach eine Pflanze'. Uber ontologische und (...)
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  20.  37
    Avicennae De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum. E. J. Holmyard, D. C. Mandeville.George Sarton - 1928 - Isis 11 (1):134-135.
  21.  55
    Thomas Aquinas: Soul and Intellect (Fall 2012).Richard C. Taylor, Andrea Robiglio & Luis X. López-Farjeat - unknown
    The Arabic philosophical tradition played an important role in the formation of theological, philosophical and scientific thought in medieval Europe subsequent to the translations from Arabic into Latin in the 12th and 13th centuries. The influence of that Arabic classical rationalist tradition in works by al-Farabi, Avicenna, Averroes and the Liber de causis is evident in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, though the breadth and depth of that influence is often insufficiently noted and explained by scholars of Aquinas. This (...)
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  22. Uluslararası İbn Sînâ Sempozyumu: bildiriler: 22-24 Mayıs 2008, İstanbul = International Ibn Sina Symposium papers: May 22-24, 2008, Istanbul.Nevzat Bayhan, Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya & Raşit Küçük (eds.) - 2008 - Zeytinburnu, İstanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür A.Ş. Yayınları.
    Avicenna, 980-1037; Islamic scholar; criticism and interpretation; Islamic philosophy; congresses.
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  23.  26
    Gotthard Strohmaier. Avicenna. 183 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 1999. €12.50.Amos Bertolacci - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):649-649.
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    Does God Know the Occurrence of a Change Among Particulars? Avicenna and the Problem of God’s Knowledge of Change.Amirhossein Zadyousefi - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (4):621-652.
    (i) God is omniscient; therefore, for any change, C, among particulars, God knows the occurrence of C. (ii) If God knows the occurrence of C, then X. (iii) not-X. It is clear that the set of propositions (i)—(iii) is inconsistent. This is the general form of two problems—which I call the ‘problem of change in knowledge’ (PCK) and the ‘problem of change in essence’ (PCE)—for Avicenna concerning God’s knowledge of particulars. No work in the secondary literature has discussed exactly (...)
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  25.  22
    Avicenna's Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology by Riccardo Strobino.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):326-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Avicenna's Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology by Riccardo StrobinoThérèse-Anne DruartRiccardo Strobino. Avicenna's Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology. Oakland: University of California Press, 2021. Pp. xvi + 428. Hardback, $95.00.Strobino's remarkable book does not simply present Avicenna's theory of science; it also highlights the importance of demonstration not only for logic but also for metaphysics and epistemology. Hence, Strobino's work is essential to appreciate (...)
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  26.  82
    Aquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x+ 212. Price not given. Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al. [REVIEW]Rahim Leiden, Islamic Humanism By Lenn E. Goodman & Letting Go - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAquinas on Being. By Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Pp. x + 212. Price not given.Before and after Avicenna: Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Edited by David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al Rahim. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Pp. xix + 302. Price not given.Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha. Edited by Harold (...)
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  27. Logic and Science: The Role of Genus and Difference in Avicenna's Logic, Science and Natural Philosophy.Jon Mcginnis - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:165-186.
    Il naturale senso della logica in relazione alla scienza è quello di fornire un linguaggio alle acquisizioni epistemologiche: tale sembra essere il senso assegnatogli anche da Avicenna in al-Mantiq. La questione in realtà è molto più profonda: quale relazione c'è fra gli universali predicabili e gli oggetti della scienza? Attraverso l'esame della questione quale è delineata nel Madkhal, in particolare in merito al genere e alla differenza, e il loro ruolo nelle scienze in alcuni passaggi del Kitab al-Burhan, l'A. (...)
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  28.  39
    Exercising impartiality to favor Aristotle: Avicenna and “the accomplished anatomists”.Tommaso Alpina - 2022 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 32 (2):137-178.
    RésuméCet article analyse Ḥayawān III, 1 d'Avicenne, qui traite du désaccord bien connu entre médecins et philosophes sur l'origine des vaisseaux sanguins et des nerfs. Cependant, l'analyse proposée ne se limite pas à ce chapitre et à son sujet principal. L'objectif plus général de cet article est de reconstruire le contexte psycho-médical dans lequel s'inscrit l'exposé d'Avicenne, c'est-à-dire l'unicité de l’âme et les conditions qui en découlent pour l'animation du corps. L'article expose ensuite la stratégie par laquelle Avicenne présente des (...)
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  29. Peter Lombard on the doctrine of creation: A discussion of sentences Bk II, D. 1, C. 1-3.Brandon Zimmerman - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (1):83.
    The purpose of this brief study is to ascertain Peter Lombard's understanding of what the Christian doctrine of creation means and his judgment about whether pagan philosophers were able to reach this doctrine through the light of natural reason. Lombard's views on creation set the foundation for thirteenth-century discussions of creation, since all the scholastic masters of Oxford and Paris commented on Lombard's 'Sentences' and thus recorded their agreement or disagreement with him. Lombard's views are of especial importance for understanding (...)
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  30.  2
    An annotated bibliography on Ibn Sīnā: first supplement (1990-1994).Jules L. Janssens - 1999 - Louvain-la-Neuve [Belgium]: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
    This first supplement to my An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sînâ , published in 1991, informs the reader about all new studies on Ibn Sînâ published in the period 1990-1994, and also offers corrigenda and addenda to the former bibliography. Also in the supplement, attention is paid to Western, and to non-Western publications. Moreover, it has been tried to be even more exhaustive by including publications, which have not Ibn Sînâ in the title, but which nevertheless are offering important and (...)
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    Al-Ghazālī.Saja Paravizian - 2024 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Al-Ghazālī (c. 1056–1111) Al-Ghazālī did not regard himself as a philosopher, given that during his period in Islamic intellectual history, philosophy was associated with the Aristotelian tradition promulgated primarily by Avicenna (Ibn Sina), and, for al-Ghazālī, Avicenna was undoubtedly considered to be an unbeliever whose philosophical views (such as his commitment to the eternity of … Continue reading Al-Ghazālī →.
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    (1 other version)Monopsychism, mysticism, metaconsciousness.Philip Merlan - 1963 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    Part of the material contained in the present book was presented in the form of a lecture course given by me at the University of Oxford in I962 as a Fulbright Senior Lecturer. Scripps College and the Claremont Graduate School contributed to the cost of research and publication. The staff of the Honnold Library, Claremont, California, was extremely obliging in matters concerning inter-library loans. The page proofs were read in part by Professor Richard Walzer, the University of Oxford. Mr. Salih (...)
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  33.  10
    The Constitution of the Intellect and the Farabian Doctrine of First and Second Intention.Nicholas A. Oschman - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):46-60.
    This article examines Abu Nasr al-Farabı (c. 872–950/1) on the topic of intentionality, with particular focus on how intentionality is integral for the constitution of the intellect within his psychology. Unfortunately, targeted study of al-Farabı’s doctrine of intentionality has been largely neglected since Kwame Gyekye’s 1971 essay, The Terms ‘Prima Intentio’ and ‘Secunda Intentio’ in Arabic Logic. Gyekye showed that the Arabic (and thus the Latin) doctrine of first and second intention originated within the texts of al-Farabı,not the texts of (...)
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    Al-miklātī, a twelfth century ašʿarite reader of averroes.Yamina Adouhane - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (2):155-197.
    The aim of this article is to present a new witness of Averroes' reception in the Muslim world, in the years that immediately followed his death. Indeed Abū al-Ḥağğāğ al-Miklātī is an Ašʿarite theologian, who was born in Fez. He is the author of a Quintessence of the Intellects in Response to Philosophers on the Science of Principles in which he aims at refuting the Peripatetic philosophers in their own field, using their own weapons. This article will first attempt to (...)
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  35.  87
    Varieties of Necessity in John Buridan : Logic and Natural Philosophy in the Late Middle Ages.Guido Alt - 2023 - Dissertation, Stockholm University
    This dissertation is a study of John Buridan's (c.1300-c.1361) conception of modalities. Modal concepts - concepts of necessity, possibility, impossibility, and contingency - describe the ways in which things could and could not be otherwise. These concepts became notoriously central for philosophical discourse in the late Middle Ages. In recent years, Buridan's philosophy and modal theory have received sophisticated scholarly attention. The main contribution of the dissertation is to show new ways in which Buridan's modal theory is embedded in its (...)
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  36. A brief history of cosmological arguments.Dcwtd S. Oderberg - unknown
    There is no such thing as the cosmological argument. Rather, there are several arguments that all proceed from facts or alleged facts concerning causation, change, motion, contingency, or Hnitude in respect of the universe as a whole or processes within it. From them, and from general principles said to govern them, one is led to deduce or infer as highly probable the existence of a cause of the universe (as opposed, say, to a designer or a source of value). Such (...))
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  37.  26
    God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham by Carl A. Vater (review).Benjamin R. DeSpain - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):373-375.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham by Carl A. VaterBenjamin R. DeSpainVATER, Carl A. God’s Knowledge of the World: Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. xi + 294 pp. Cloth, $75.00Carl Vater skillfully blends historical and constructive concerns in his study of medieval theories of the divine ideas. (...)
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    Qualification in Philosophy.Boris Hennig - 2023 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):183-205.
    Qualifiers such as “insofar as” and “in itself” have always been important ingredients in key philosophical claims. Descartes, for instance, famously argues that insofar as he is a thinker, he is not made of matter, and Kant equally famously argues that we cannot know things in themselves. Neither of these claims is meant to be true without qualification. Descartes is not simply denying that humans consist of matter, and Kant is not simply denying that we know things. Therefore, we cannot (...)
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    Philosophy: a beginner's guide to the ideas of 100 great thinkers.Jeremy Harwood - 2010 - London: Quercus.
    From philosophy's founding fathers - Thales, Socrates, Plato... to great minds of the post-modern era - Satre, Ayer, Feyerabend... this concise new guide presents 100 of the world's most influential thinkers. Arranged from the ancient world to the present day, each philosopher's key ideas, notable works and pronouncements are encapsulated in a series of succinct biographies, accompanied by illustrations, at-a-glance fact panels and thought-provoking quotations. Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide uncovers the fundamental concepts of this fascinating discipline, explaining the diverging schools (...)
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    Aspectos da ética no Islã.Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira - 2010 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 17:102-130.
    The plurality of discussions and the diversity with which the main ethical questions were approached permit the separation of relative theories elaborated in Islam into three distinct dimentions: religious morality, theological ethics and philosophical ethics. Religious morality was elaborated based exclusively on the precepts of the Koran, and on the teachings of the Tradition (Hadīth). This morality establishes the fundamentals to determine: a) the nature of what is correct, and of what is iniquous; b) that which is within the law (...)
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  41. Meaning of (f) the text. Communicative meaning of sounds in radio.C. Aberg - 2001 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 69:135-158.
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  42. Unsettling the memes of neoliberal capitalism through administrative pragmatism.C. F. Abel & Karen Kunz - 2018 - In Margaret Stout, From austerity to abundance?: creative approaches to coordinating the common good. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
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    10. Italienische briefe.C. Abicht - 1857 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 12 (1-4):201-208.
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    20. Zu Herodot.C. Abicht - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):565-567.
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    29. Zu Herodotus.C. Abicht - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):709-712.
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  46. Virtues of Authenticity: Essays on Plato and Socrates. By Alexander Nehamas.C. D. Acampora - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):97-97.
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  47. Crónica científico-social de Inglaterra.C. A. - 1931 - Ciencia Tomista 43:250-264.
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  48.  11
    Praxis y educación: ensayo sobre praxis pedagógica, formación de docentes y educación popular.Jairo Acevedo C. - 1985 - Medellín, Colombia: [Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, Centro de Investigaciones Educativas].
  49. Thoughts about education administration and improvement.C. M. Achilles - 2003 - Journal of Thought 38 (4):105-122.
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  50.  19
    Naming God: Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.Neil A. Stubbens - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):229-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NAMING GOD: MOSES MAIMONIDES AND THOMAS AQUINAS NEIL A. 8TUBBENS The Methodist Ohurch Barnsley Oircuit, South Yorkshire MOSES MAIMONIDES (1135-U04) and Thomas Aquinas (c. U~5-1274), two of the greatest theologians of the Jewish and Christian faiths, had much in oommon.1 Like other Ohristian.writers, Aquinas made several criticisms of Maimonides' views on divine predication. In this article l will discuss these criticisms and evaluate them by means of a detailed (...)
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