Results for 'Bryant Boutwell'

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  1.  53
    The Health Professional Ethics Rubric: Practical Assessment in Ethics Education for Health Professional Schools. [REVIEW]Nathan Carlin, Cathy Rozmus, Jeffrey Spike, Irmgard Willcockson, William Seifert, Cynthia Chappell, Pei-Hsuan Hsieh, Thomas Cole, Catherine Flaitz, Joan Engebretson, Rebecca Lunstroth, Charles Amos & Bryant Boutwell - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):277-290.
    A barrier to the development and refinement of ethics education in and across health professional schools is that there is not an agreed upon instrument or method for assessment in ethics education. The most widely used ethics education assessment instrument is the Defining Issues Test (DIT) I & II. This instrument is not specific to the health professions. But it has been modified for use in, and influenced the development of other instruments in, the health professions. The DIT contains certain (...)
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    Cathodoluminescence of ytterbium-implanted zinc telluride.F. J. Bryant & J. Nahum - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (6):1229-1238.
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    For an Apocalyptic Pedagogy.Levi R. Bryant - 2015 - Chiasma: A Site for Thought 2 (6):46-60.
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  4. Mental Association Investigated by Experiment.Sophie Bryant, G. F. Stout, F. Y. Edgeworth, E. P. Hughes & C. E. Collet - 1889 - Mind 14 (54):230-250.
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  5. Justice and power in law and society research: On the contested careers of core concepts.Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat - 1998 - In Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat, Justice and power in sociolegal studies. [Chicago, Ill.]: American Bar Foundation. pp. 1--18.
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  6. That ye might have joy.Bryant Stringham Hinckley - 1958 - Salt Lake City,: Bookcraft.
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    “Towards Responsible Relations in Mission”: A Response.Bryant L. Myers - 1993 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 10 (3):19-20.
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    Self and nation, war and peace.Bryant Wedge - 1979 - World Futures 16 (1):29-41.
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    Why the CLASH model is an unconvincing evolutionary theory of crime.Brian B. Boutwell & Bo Winegard - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  10. Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali.Edwin Bryant - 2011 - In James Fieser & Bradley Dowden, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
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    Philosophy and Cybernetics.C. J. Bryant - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):375-376.
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    Seeing, Knowing and Believing: A Study of the Language of Visual Perception.C. J. Bryant - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (68):274-275.
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    Onto-Cartography: An Ontology of Machines and Media.Levi R. Bryant - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Defends and transforms naturalism and materialism to show how culture itself is formed by nature. Bryant endorses a pan-ecological theory of being, arguing that societies are ecosystems that can only be understood by considering nonhuman material agencies such as rivers and mountain ranges alongside signifying agencies such as discourses, narratives and ideologies.
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    Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior and Positive Leader–Employee Relationships.Will Bryant & Stephanie M. Merritt - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (4):777-793.
    Unethical pro-organizational behaviors are unethical, but prosocially-motivated, acts intended to benefit one’s organization. This study examines the extent to which employees are willing to perform UPB to benefit a liked leader. Based on social exchange theory, we hypothesized that LMX would mediate the association of interpersonal justice with UPB willingness. Moral identity and positive reciprocity beliefs were examined as moderators. Higher LMX was significantly and positively related to UPB willingness, and the indirect effect of interpersonal justice on UPB via LMX (...)
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  15. Verbal irony in the wild.Gregory A. Bryant - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (2):291-309.
    Verbal irony constitutes a rough class of indirect intentional communication involving a complex interaction of language-specific and communication-general phenomena. Conversationalists use verbal irony in conjunction with paralinguistic signals such as speech prosody. Researchers examining acoustic features of speech communication usually focus on how prosodic information relates to the surface structure of utterances, and often ignore prosodic phenomena associated with implied meaning. In the case of verbal irony, there exists some debate concerning how these prosodic features manifest themselves in conversation. A (...)
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  16. Not by bread alone.Bryant S. Hinckley - 1955 - Salt Lake City,: Bookcraft.
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  17. Locating objects from memory or from sight.D. J. Bryant & B. Tversky - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):529-529.
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  18. Naturalizing grounding: How theories of ground can engage science.Amanda Bryant - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (5):e12489.
    This paper surveys some of the grounding literature searching for points of contact between theories of ground and science. I find that there are some places where a would-be naturalistic grounding theorist can draw inspiration. I synthesize a list of recommendations for how science may be put to use in theories of ground. I conclude that the prospects for naturalizing the metaphysics of ground are bright.
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    Global Economic Integration in Developing Countries: The Role of Corruption and Human Capital Investment.Charles E. Bryant & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):437-450.
    Globalization is multifaceted and involves the interaction among businesses, services, governments, and societies beyond national borders. As a result, the flow of foreign direct investment, international trade in goods and services, and the economic interdependence of the nations of the world have been increasing. At the same time, much attention has been paid to the effect of corruption prevalent within many cultures and societies, and its impact on the economies, especially developing economies. This paper examines the relationship between human capital (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel on classic art.William M. Bryant - 1878 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12 (3):277-296.
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    Aspects of adaptive reconfiguration in a scalable intrusion tolerant system.Stephanie Bryant & Feiyi Wang - 2003 - Complexity 9 (2):74-83.
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  22. DISCUSSION-Criticisms by S. H. Hodgson and E. C. Benecke.Bryant Bryant - 1902 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2:134.
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  23. Of Parts and Politics: Onticology and Queer Politics.Levi R. Bryant - 2011 - Identities 16:13-28.
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    Review Wolf Marvin Garry Reaktion Books London England.John Bryant - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (2):204-206.
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  25. The Other Face of God: Lacan, Theological Structure, and the Accursed Remainder.Levi R. Bryant - 2012 - Speculations:69-98.
  26.  36
    Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances Response Selection During Sequential Action.Bryant J. Jongkees, Maarten A. Immink, Alessandra Finisguerra & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  27.  51
    Vocal Emotion Recognition Across Disparate Cultures.Gregory Bryant & H. Clark Barrett - 2008 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 8 (1-2):135-148.
    There exists substantial cultural variation in how emotions are expressed, but there is also considerable evidence for universal properties in facial and vocal affective expressions. This is the first empirical effort examining the perception of vocal emotional expressions across cultures with little common exposure to sources of emotion stimuli, such as mass media. Shuar hunter-horticulturalists from Amazonian Ecuador were able to reliably identify happy, angry, fearful and sad vocalizations produced by American native English speakers by matching emotional spoken utterances to (...)
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  28. Representing Space in Language and Perception.David J. Bryant - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (3-4):239-264.
    Space can be understood through perception and language, but are the processes that represent spatial information the same in both cases? This paper reviews psychological evidence for the functional equivalence of spatial representations based on perceptual and linguistic inputs. It is proposed that spatial information is processed by a specialised spatial representation system (SRS) that creates geometric representations of space. The SRS receives inputs from perceptual and linguistic systems and uses these basic inputs to construct mental spatial models of the (...)
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    Justice and power in sociolegal studies.Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat (eds.) - 1998 - [Chicago, Ill.]: American Bar Foundation.
    Justice and Power in the Sociolegal Studies asks what interdisciplinary work in the law and society tradition tells us about the relationship of law and justice, as well as the way power operates in and through law. The fundamental concepts of justice and power provide points of departure for leading scholars to explore the various domains of socio-legal research. As they note the explicitness of the engagement with issues of power and the relative silence about -- or indirectness in taking (...)
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    Aristotle Didn’t Heed the Tortoise.David Bryant - 1972 - New Scholasticism 46 (4):461-465.
  31. Ethics and the new education.William McKendree Bryant - 1894 - Chicago,: S.C. Griggs & co..
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    Life, death and immortality.William McKendree Bryant - 1898 - New York,: The Baker and Taylor co..
    Life, death and immortality.--Oriental religions.--Buddhism and Christianity.--Christianity and Mohammedanism.--The natural history of church organization.--The heresy of non-progressive orthodoxy.--Miracles.--Christian ethics as contrasted with the ethics of other religions.--Eternity; a thread in the weaving of a life.
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    Liquid Modernity, Complexity and Turbulence.Antony Bryant - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):127-135.
    The main ideas underlying Bauman’s liquid modernity are explained and then extended to incorporate current ideas about complexity and turbulence. This combination is used to argue that although Bauman himself refuses to offer any resolution to the paradoxes of liquid modernity, complexity theory may be useful: in particular the argument that the seemingly chaotic may actually result in some sort of order. The section also points to the ways in which liquid modernity provides a constant reminder of the underside of (...)
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    Pour une éthique du pli.Levi R. Bryant - 2016 - Multitudes 65 (4):90-96.
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    Romans 12:1–8.Robert A. Bryant - 2004 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 58 (3):287-290.
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    Rêves de Franz Kafka.Sarah Bryant-Bertail - 1987 - Semiotics:321-333.
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    Travels of the Blemmye-Folke’: A Previously Unknown Middle English Poem in the Collection of Miskatonic University.Brantley L. Bryant & Asa Simon Mittman - 2017 - Listening 52 (3):117-126.
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    How does law matter?Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat (eds.) - 1998 - Evanston, Ill.: American Bar Foundation.
    The essays in this collection show how law is relevant in both an "instrumental" and a "constitutive" sense, as a tool to accomplish particular purposes and as ...
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    The logic of relative modality and the paradoxes of deontic logic.John Bryant - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (1):78-88.
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    Demystifying the capitalistic mentality: Reconciling Adorno and Fromm on the psycho‐social reproduction of capitalism.Bryant William Sculos - 2018 - Constellations 25 (2):272-286.
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    The dialectics of global justice: from liberal to postcapitalist cosmopolitanism.Bryant William Sculos - 2022 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Draws on Marx and the first-generation Frankfurt School to make the case that cosmopolitanism must become a postcapitalist political theory.
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    Evolved computers with culture. Commentary: From computers to cultivation: reconceptualizing evolutionary psychology.Gregory A. Bryant - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Great Walls of Discourse, and Other Adventures in Cultural China.Daniel Bryant & Haun Saussy - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):411.
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    The Philosophy of Mind.C. J. Bryant - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (69):365-366.
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    Experimental studies of bias: Imperfect but neither useless nor unique.Callie H. Burt & Brian B. Boutwell - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Cesario provides a compelling critique of the use of experimental social psychology to explain real-world group disparities. We concur with his targeted critique and extend “the problem of missing information” to another common measures of bias. We disagree with Cesario's broader argument that the entire enterprise be abandoned, suggesting instead targeted utilization. Finally, we question whether the critique is appropriately directed at experimental social psychologists.
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    The interdependence of teaching and learning.Bryant Griffith & Douglas J. Loveless (eds.) - 2013 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
    The varied chapters of this book seek to capture the complexities of teaching and learning in today's schools, and they share an interest in exploring the influences of knowledge construction in the moment and over time. Teaching and learning are human processes, interrelated and dynamic. We assembled this collection to unpack what it means to teach and to learn, teasing out some of the implications and challenges of such complicated educational processes that are often misconstrued as causal or linear. As (...)
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    The church and transformationa development.Bryant L. Myers - 2000 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 17 (2):64-67.
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    Thermoelectric power of ice containing HF or NH3.G. W. Bryant & N. H. Fletcher - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (115):165-176.
  49. Ancient Greek and Roman Rhetoricians: A Biographical Dictionary.Donald C. Bryant, Robert W. Smith, Peter D. Arnott, Erling Holtsmark & Galen O. Rowe - 1970 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 3 (1):63-64.
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    How Did Britain Develop? Adaptive Social Systems and the Development of Nations.Bryant L. Myers - 2016 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 33 (2):136-147.
    The economic development of the West is under examined in terms of lessons there may be for development strategies employed in the global South today. This article examines the emergence of sustained change in economic growth in Britain in the 19th century, in light of the normative poverty eradication strategies of today. The article focuses not so much on what happened in Britain and why, as on what did not happen during this period of rapid economic development. The purpose of (...)
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