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Thomas R. Cole [10]Thomas Cole [8]Thomas J. B. Cole [2]
  1.  38
    Medical Humanities: An Introduction.Thomas R. Cole, Nathan Carlin & Ronald A. Carson - 2014 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Nathan Carlin & Ronald A. Carson.
    This textbook brings the humanities to students in order to evoke the humanity of students. It helps to form individuals who take charge of their own minds, who are free from narrow and unreflective forms of thought, and who act compassionately in their public and professional worlds. Using concepts and methods of the humanities, the book addresses undergraduate and premed students, medical students, and students in other health professions, as well as physicians and other healthcare practitioners. It encourages them to (...)
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    The Journey of Life: A Cultural History of Aging in America.J. Grimley Evans & Thomas R. Cole - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (2):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Journey of Life: A Cultural History of Aging in America. by Thomas R. Cole.
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    Democritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology.Thomas Cole - 1967 - Oup Usa.
  4.  21
    Democritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology.George Boas & Thomas Cole - 1969 - American Journal of Philology 90 (1):127.
  5.  35
    Tacitus’ Critique of Republicanism in His Germania.Thomas J. B. Cole - 2023 - Polis 40 (3):514-538.
    Although Tacitus began his writing career during the Principate at the end of the first century CE, the dominant approach to thinking about political life was still guided by Republicanism, a constellation of concepts from the mid-first century BCE Roman Republic. Republicanism held that there was only one type of monarchy and that it necessarily precluded libertas. Tacitus, who was living under different iterations of monopolistic power in the Principate, questions this tenet by examining various Germanic tribes. The Germania explores (...)
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    Collected Papers.Thomas Cole & A. M. Dale - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (4):718.
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    The 'Enlightened' View of Aging: Victorian Morality in a New Key.Thomas R. Cole - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):34-40.
  8.  35
    Our Aging Society: Paradox and Promise.Ronald Blythe, Thomas R. Cole, Sally Gadow, Alan Pifer & Lydia Bronte - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (4):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: What Does It Mean to Grow Old? Reflections from the Humanities. By Thomas R. Cole and Sally Gadow Our Aging Society: Paradox and Promise. Alan Pifer and Lydia Bronte.
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    1+ 1= 3: Studies in Pindar's Arithmetic.Thomas Cole - 1987 - American Journal of Philology 108 (4).
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  10.  25
    My Left Hip.Thomas R. Cole - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (4):473-478.
  11.  28
    No Country for Old Men: Four Challenges for Men Facing the Fourth Age.Thomas R. Cole & Ben Saxton - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (4):607-614.
    "That is no country for old men." So declared William Butler Yeats in "Sailing to Byzantium", a poem picturing "the young in each other's arms." Almost 80 years later, Cormac McCarthy titled his 2005 novel No Country for Old Men to emphasize the plight of Ed Tom Bell, an aging sheriff who retires when faced with violence, drug trafficking. and moral chaos in a small West Texas town. As the lawman of Terrell County, Texas, for over 30 years, Bell has (...)
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    Spirituality and.Thomas R. Cole - 2002 - In Lars Andersson, Cultural Gerontology. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 25.
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  13.  29
    The Tyrant's Writ: Myths and Images of Writing in Ancient Greece (review).Thomas Cole - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):145-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Tyrant’s Writ: Myths and Images of Writing in Ancient GreeceThomas ColeDeborah T. Steiner. The Tyrant’s Writ: Myths and Images of Writing in Ancient Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. xiv + 279 pp. Cloth, price not stated.Literacy, as the author correctly points out in her introduction (5), tends to be seen nowadays as “a tool of cultural progress, of rational thought, of scientific analysis, a critical marker (...)
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  14.  58
    The Health Professional Ethics Rubric: Practical Assessment in Ethics Education for Health Professional Schools. [REVIEW]Nathan Carlin, Cathy Rozmus, Jeffrey Spike, Irmgard Willcockson, William Seifert, Cynthia Chappell, Pei-Hsuan Hsieh, Thomas Cole, Catherine Flaitz, Joan Engebretson, Rebecca Lunstroth, Charles Amos & Bryant Boutwell - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):277-290.
    A barrier to the development and refinement of ethics education in and across health professional schools is that there is not an agreed upon instrument or method for assessment in ethics education. The most widely used ethics education assessment instrument is the Defining Issues Test (DIT) I & II. This instrument is not specific to the health professions. But it has been modified for use in, and influenced the development of other instruments in, the health professions. The DIT contains certain (...)
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    A revised translation of cicero's de re publica and de legibus - (j.E.g.) Zetzel (trans.) Cicero: On the commonwealth and on the laws. Second edition. Pp. lx + 212. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2017 (first edition 1999). Paper, £17.99 (cased, us$54.99). Isbn: 978-1-316-50556-4 (978-1-107-14006-6 hbk). [REVIEW]Thomas J. B. Cole - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):377-378.
  16.  58
    Bryan S. Turner: Can We Live Forever? A Social and Moral Inquiry. [REVIEW]Thomas R. Cole - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (3):301-303.
    Bryan S. Turner: Can We Live Forever? A Social and Moral Inquiry Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 301-303 DOI 10.1007/s12376-009-0024-6 Authors Thomas R. Cole, University of Texas-Houston School of Medicine McGovern Center for Health, Humanities, and the Human Spirit Houston TX 77030 USA Journal Medicine Studies Online ISSN 1876-4541 Print ISSN 1876-4533 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number 3.
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  17.  20
    When Conservative Medicine Triumphed and Feminist Values Failed. [REVIEW]Thomas R. Cole - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (4):43.
    Book reviewed in this article: A Calculus of Suffering: Pain, Professionalism and Anesthesia in Nineteenth Century America. By Martin S. Pernick. Sympathy and Science: Women Physicians in American Medicine. By Regina Markell Morantz‐Sanchez.
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