Results for 'Bruno Seys'

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    André Glucksmann, La fêlure du monde.Bruno Seys - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (4):642-642.
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    An arithmetical view to first-order logic.Seyed Mohammad Bagheri, Bruno Poizat & Massoud Pourmahdian - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (6):745-755.
    A value space is a topological algebra equipped with a non-empty family of continuous quantifiers . We will describe first-order logic on the basis of . Operations of are used as connectives and its relations are used to define statements. We prove under some normality conditions on the value space that any theory in the new setting can be represented by a classical first-order theory.
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  3. Facing Gaia: eight lectures on the new climatic regime.Bruno Latour - 2017 - Medford, MA: Polity. Edited by Catherine Porter.
    The emergence of modern sciences in the seventeenth century profoundly renewed our understanding of Nature. For the last three centuries new ideas of Nature have been continuously developed by theology, politics, economics, and science, especially the sciences of the material world. The situation is even more unstable today, now that we have entered an ecological mutation of unprecedented scale. Some call it the Anthropocene, but it is best described as a new climatic regime. And a new regime it certainly is, (...)
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  4. Fair, Transparent, and Accountable Algorithmic Decision-making Processes: The Premise, the Proposed Solutions, and the Open Challenges.Bruno Lepri, Nuria Oliver, Emmanuel Letouzé, Alex Pentland & Patrick Vinck - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):611-627.
    The combination of increased availability of large amounts of fine-grained human behavioral data and advances in machine learning is presiding over a growing reliance on algorithms to address complex societal problems. Algorithmic decision-making processes might lead to more objective and thus potentially fairer decisions than those made by humans who may be influenced by greed, prejudice, fatigue, or hunger. However, algorithmic decision-making has been criticized for its potential to enhance discrimination, information and power asymmetry, and opacity. In this paper, we (...)
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  5. Brouwer's Intuition of Twoity and Constructions in Separable Mathematics.Bruno Bentzen - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):341-361.
    My first aim in this paper is to use time diagrams in the style of Brentano to analyze constructions in Brouwer's separable mathematics more precisely. I argue that constructions must involve not only pairing and projecting as basic operations guaranteed by the intuition of twoity, as sometimes assumed in the literature, but also a recalling operation. My second aim is to argue that Brouwer's views on the intuition of twoity and arithmetic lead to an ontological explosion. Redeveloping the constructions of (...)
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    The Experimenter's Museum: GenBank, Natural History, and the Moral Economies of Biomedicine.Bruno J. Strasser - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):60-96.
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    Philosophical Lectures on Probability: Collected, Edited, and Annotated by Alberto Mura.Bruno de Finetti - 2008 - Springer.
    The book contains the transcription of a course on the foundations of probability given by the Italian mathematician Bruno de Finetti in 1979 at the a oeNational Institute of Advanced Mathematicsa in Rome.
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    Uterus Transplantation: The Ethics of Using Deceased Versus Living Donors.Bethany Bruno & Kavita Shah Arora - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):6-15.
    Research teams have made considerable progress in treating absolute uterine factor infertility through uterus transplantation, though studies have differed on the choice of either deceased or living donors. While researchers continue to analyze the medical feasibility of both approaches, little attention has been paid to the ethics of using deceased versus living donors as well as the protections that must be in place for each. Both types of uterus donation also pose unique regulatory challenges, including how to allocate donated organs; (...)
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  9. Serious Actualism and Higher-Order Predication.Bruno Jacinto - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):471-499.
    Serious actualism is the prima facie plausible thesis that things couldn’t have been related while being nothing. The thesis plays an important role in a number of arguments in metaphysics, e.g., in Plantinga’s argument for the claim that propositions do not ontologically depend on the things that they are about and in Williamson’s argument for the claim that he, Williamson, is necessarily something. Salmon has put forward that which is, arguably, the most pressing challenge to serious actualists. Salmon’s objection is (...)
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  10. Facticity and Genesis: Tracking Fichte’s Method in the Berlin Wissenschaftslehre.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:177-97.
    The concept of facticity denotes conditions of experience whose necessity is not logical yet whose contingency is not empirical. Although often associated with Heidegger, Fichte coins ‘facticity’ in his Berlin period to refer to the conclusion of Kant’s metaphysical deduction of the categories, which he argues leaves it a contingent matter that we have the conditions of experience that we do. Such rhapsodic or factical conditions, he argues, must follow necessarily, independent of empirical givenness, from the I through a process (...)
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    The Dividual: Digital Practices and Biotechnologies.Fernanda Bruno & Pablo Manolo Rodríguez - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):27-50.
    This article revisits the concept of the dividual, taking as a starting point Deleuze’s diagnosis about the relevance that dividual practices have gained with the advent of biotechnology and digital culture. Although we agree with this diagnosis, we highlight the intersections between the dividual and the individual both in Modernity and in the present time. The contemporary dividual is in tension with the modern individual, but not as a substitution, division or duplication of the individual. Rather, we state a complex (...)
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  12. Luck and normative achievements: Let not safety be our guide.Bruno Guindon - forthcoming - Episteme:1-20.
    It is a well-worn platitude that knowledge excludes luck. According to anti-luck virtue epistemology, making good on the anti-luck platitude requires an explicit anti-luck condition along the lines of safety: S knows that p only if S’s true belief that p could not have easily been mistaken. This paper offers an independent, virtue epistemological argument against the claim that safety is a necessary condition on knowledge, one that adequately captures the anti-luck platitude. The argument proceeds by way of analogy. I (...)
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    Cambio teórico y semántica histórica.Bruno Borge - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    En una serie de trabajos, Pablo Melogno sienta las bases para la formulación de criterios racionales de elección entre teorías inconmensurables procurando compatibilizar la noción kuhniana de inconmensurabilidad con reconstrucciones racionalistas de los procesos de cambio teórico. Uno de los ejes de ese proyecto se enfoca en los aspectos semánticos de la inconmensurabilidad, en particular, en el desarrollo de una semántica histórica que relativiza los alcances del holismo semántico. En el presente trabajo, profundizo y extiendo el proyecto de Melogno considerando (...)
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    War of the Worlds: What about Peace?Bruno Latour & John Tresch - 2002 - Prickly Paradigm.
    Bruno Latour is best known for his work in the cultural study of science. In this pamphlet he turns his attention to another worthy pursuit: the project of peace. As one might expect, Latour gives us a radically different picture of this project than Kant or the philosophes, asserting that the West has been in a constant state of war both with other cultures and its own—although unwittingly so. Read through the lens of his trademark take on "the modern," (...)
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  15. Schelling’s Philosophical Letters on Doctrine and Critique.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan, Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 133-154.
    Kant’s critique/doctrine distinction tracks the difference between a canon for the understanding’s proper use and an organon for its dialectical misuse. The latter reflects the dogmatic use of reason to attain a doctrine of knowledge with no antecedent critique. In the 1790s, Fichte collapses Kant’s distinction and redefines dogmatism. He argues that deriving a canon is essentially dialectical and thus yields an organon: critical idealism is properly a doctrine of science or Wissenschaftslehre. Criticism is furthermore said to refute dogmatism, by (...)
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    The Prince and the Wolf: Latour and Harman at the LSE.Bruno Latour, Graham Harman & Peter Erdélyi (eds.) - 2011 - Zero Books.
    The Prince and the Wolf contains the transcript of a debate which took place on February 5, 2008 at the London School of Economics (LSE) between the prominent French sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher Bruno Latour and the Cairo-based American philosopher Graham Harman.
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  17. Post-Kantian Idealism and Self-Transformation.G. Anthony Bruno - 2023 - In G. Anthony Bruno & Justin Vlasits, Transformation and the History of Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    While the idea that philosophy requires self-transformation is historically pervasive, it exerts considerable influence on the post-Kantians who first aim to systematize Kant’s idealism by grounding it on a first principle. In the 1790s, Fichte and Schelling offer competing accounts of the self-transformation that they regard as essential to positing a first principle. Their accounts raise two central questions. First, what makes this kind of self-transformation possible? Second, are there different possible expressions of philosophical self-transformation? In what follows, I will (...)
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    Is Re-modernization Occurring - And If So, How to Prove It?Bruno Latour - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):35-48.
    On the face of it, there is no connection between the social theory developed by Ulrich Beck under the name of `second modernization' and the post-ethnomethodological argument developed by Bruno Latour and his colleagues under the name of actor-network theory. Yet they are both concerned with empirical evidence of a major shift in modernity. Hence the idea of elaborating an empirical test to probe the extent to which `second modernization' is a real phenomenon, or rather, as is suggested here, (...)
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  19. Metametaphysical Monism, Dualism, Pluralism, and Holism in the German Idealist Tradition.G. Anthony Bruno - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1:1-15.
    During his Jena period, Fichte endorses a curious dictum: ‘the kind of philosophy one chooses depends on the kind of person one is’. How can Fichte’s dictum support a vindication of German idealism over Spinozism, which he also calls ‘dogmatism’? I will show that the answer to this seemingly straightforward question reveals a rather complex series of metametaphysical objections that shape the development of the entire German idealist tradition. Ultimately, as I will suggest, the series of metametaphysical questions that shape (...)
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  20. Must We Worry About Epistemic Shirkers?Daniele Bruno - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-26.
    It is commonly assumed that blameworthiness is epistemically constrained. If one lacks sufficient epistemic access to the fact that some action harms another, then one cannot be blamed for harming. Acceptance of an epistemic condition for blameworthiness can give rise to a worry, however: could agents ever successfully evade blameworthiness by deliberately stunting their epistemic position? I discuss a particularly worrisome version of such epistemic shirking, in which agents pre-emptively seek to avoid access to potentially morally relevant facts. As Roy (...)
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  21. Freedom and Pluralism in Schelling’s Critique of Fichte’s Jena Wissenschaftslehre.G. Anthony Bruno - 2013 - Idealistic Studies 43 (1-2):71-86.
    Our understanding of Schelling’s internal critique of German idealism, including his late attack on Hegel, is incomplete unless we trace it to the early “Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism,” which initiate his engagement with the problem of systematicity—that judgment makes deriving a system of a priori conditions from a first principle necessary, while this capacity’s finitude makes this impossible. Schelling aims to demonstrate this problem’s intractability. My conceptual aim is to reconstruct this from the “Letters,” which reject Fichte’s claim (...)
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    The Comparative and the Exemplary: Revisiting the Early History of Molecular Biology.Bruno J. Strasser & Soraya de Chadarevian - 2011 - History of Science 49 (3):317-336.
  23. The Facticity of Time: Conceiving Schelling’s Idealism of Ages.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In Schelling’s Philosophy: Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity. Oxford University Press.
    Scholars agree that Schelling’s critique of Hegel consists in charging reason with an inability to account for its own possibility. This is not an attack on reason’s project of constructing a logical system, but rather on the pretense of doing so with complete justification and so without presuppositions, as if it were obvious why there is a logical system or why there is anything meaningful at all. Scholars accordingly cite the question ‘why is there something rather than nothing’ as emblematic (...)
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    A Religião nos Limites da Simples Razão - Immanuel Kant (Estudo Introdutório [extrato]).Bruno Cunha - 2024 - Xx.
    Na Religião nos Limites da Simples Razão, Kant se propõe a investigar o núcleo racional da religião e sua relação com a religião histórica. O ponto de vista da filosofia crítico-transcendental e os princípios da religião racional-moral desenvolvidos nas três Críticas são apresentados como a base de uma análise da religião histórica, sobretudo da religião cristã. Com efeito, o conjunto de dogmas e estatutos da religião cristã é interpretado como um conjunto de símbolos que representam os meios pelos quais os (...)
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  25. Kant e Leibniz sobre o problema da teodiceia.Bruno Cunha - 2024 - Kant Em Diálogo.
    O pensamento de Leibniz foi, sem dúvida, essencial para o desenvolvimento das linhas fundamentais da filosofia crítico-transcendental de Kant. A interlocução entre Kant e Leibniz é evidente no decorrer do pensamento kantiano, seja diretamente, nos diversos momentos em que Kant busca um enfrentamento explícito com seu predecessor, seja indiretamente, quando Kant discute com os autores da escolástica alemã que são considerados discípulos de Leibniz Pretendo observar, em particular, que uma das discussões pouco noticiadas, mas de grande relevância para o desenvolvimento (...)
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  26. Political Anarchism and Raz’s Theory of Authority.Bruno Leipold - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (3):309-329.
    This article argues that using Joseph Raz’s service conception of authority to reject philosophical anarchism can be affected by political anarchism. Whereas philosophical anarchism only denies the authority of the state, political anarchism claims that anarchism is a better alternative to the state. Raz’s theory holds that an institution has authority if it enables people to better conform with reason. I argue that there are cases where anarchism is an existing alternative to the state and better fulfils this condition. Consequently, (...)
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  27. “Neuroscience is Relevant for Philosophy”.Bruno Mölder & Patricia Churchland - 2015 - Problemos (88):176-186.
    This is an interview with Professor Patricia S. Churchland. It covers themes such as eliminative materialism, folk psychology, neurophilosophy, the relationship between philosophy and science, moral norms as well as the criticism of contemporary analytic philosophy.
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    Problems of the Sculptor.Bruno Adriani - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 3 (11/12):114.
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    Phénoménologie et sociologie.Jocelyn Benoist & Bruno Karsenti - 2001 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Bruno Karsenti.
    Les sciences sociales, depuis le structuralisme, se sont développées en France sur fond d'ignorance ou de rejet déclaré de la philosophie de type phénoménologique. De son côté, celle-ci a pris un tour qui l'a de plus en plus éloignée des sciences positives en général et des sciences humaines en particulier. Pourtant, lorsque la sociologie, comme c'est le cas aujourd'hui, cherche à cerner la figure de l'acteur social et à interroger les conditions de sa subjectivation - de sa constitution comme sujet (...)
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    On Magic: An Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 52, Part 1.Godefroid de Callataÿ & Bruno Halflants (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Ikhwan al-Safa (Brethren of Purity), the anonymous adepts of a tenth-century esoteric fraternity based in Basra and Baghdad, hold an eminent position in the history of science and philosophy in Islam due to the wide reception and assimilation of their monumental encyclopaedia, the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity). This compendium contains fifty-two epistles offering synoptic accounts of the classical sciences and philosophies of the age; divided into four classificatory parts, it treats themes in mathematics, logic, (...)
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    An intuitionistic interpretation of Bishop’s philosophy.Bruno Bentzen - 2024 - Philosophia Mathematica 32 (3):307-331.
    The constructive mathematics developed by Bishop in Foundations of Constructive Analysis succeeded in gaining the attention of mathematicians, but discussions of its underlying philosophy are still rare in the literature. Commentators seem to conclude, from Bishop’s rejection of choice sequences and his severe criticism of Brouwerian intuitionism, that he is not an intuitionist–broadly understood as someone who maintains that mathematics is a mental creation, mathematics is meaningful and eludes formalization, mathematical objects are mind-dependent constructions given in intuition, and mathematical truths (...)
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    Finitary Upper Logicism.Bruno Jacinto - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1172-1247.
    This paper proposes and partially defends a novel philosophy of arithmetic—finitary upper logicism. According to it, the natural numbers are finite cardinalities—conceived of as properties of properties—and arithmetic is nothing but higher-order modal logic. Finitary upper logicism is furthermore essentially committed to the logicality of finitary plenitude, the principle according to which every finite cardinality could have been instantiated. Among other things, it is proved in the paper that second-order Peano arithmetic is interpretable, on the basis of the finite cardinalities’ (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Loont besturen? Electorale voor-en nadelen van bestuursdeelname bij gemeenteraadsverkiezingen.Jan Vermeir & Bruno Heyndels - 2007 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 1:113.
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  34. Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Contingency in German Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - In Robert H. Scott, The Significance of Indeterminacy: Perspectives From Asian and Continental Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This paper addresses debates in German idealism that arise in response to the modal shift in logic, proposed by Kant, from a logic of thinking to a logic of experience. With the Kantian logic of experience arises a problem of radical contingency or 'rhapsodic determination' for logic. While Fichte and Hegel attempt to resolve the problem of contingency by constructing rational systems aimed at established the grounds for logic, I show how Schelling brings into view, in a proto-existentialist movement, the (...)
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    Isolationism, instrumentalism and fiscal policy.Bruno Verbeek - 2025 - Economics and Philosophy 41 (1):79-97.
    When reading contemporary theories of distributive justice, one could easily get the impression that questions of fiscal design are normatively speaking merely instrumental for realizing the distributive ideal. Once the overall conception of justice is settled upon, questions of how the state should arrange its institutions and policies are settled if they effectively and efficiently promote the preferred distribution. I argue that such pure instrumentalism is mistaken in the context of fiscal policy. As a result, there is nothing problematic or (...)
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    Propositional dynamic logic for searching games with errors.Bruno Teheux - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (4):377-394.
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  37. L'analogie thomiste face à la thèse de l'identité de l'être et du devenir.L. Bruno Puntel - 2011 - Revue Thomiste 111:141-150.
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    Poznání a vizualizace aneb jak myslet očima a rukama.Bruno Latour - 2008 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 30 (2):33-90.
    Bruno Latour’s article challenges the preconceived notions with which the scholars have approached the Great Divide between prescientific and scientific cultures. In order to account for the immense eff ects of science and technology without assuming a single grand cause for them, he suggests to focus on many, small unexpected and practical sets of skills to produce images, and to read and write about them. However, only those changes that intervene favorably in the agonistic situation in science should be (...)
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  39. Skepticism, Deduction, and Reason’s Maturation.G. Anthony Bruno - 2017 - In G. Anthony Bruno & A. C. Rutherford, Skepticism: Historical and Contemporary Inquiries. New York: Routledge. pp. 203-19.
    A puzzle arises when we consider that, for Kant, the categories are 'original acquisitions' of our understanding to which we must nevertheless prove our entitlement via 'deduction', on pain of dogmatism. I resolve this puzzle by articulating skepticism’s role in the transcendental deduction, drawing on Kant’s construal of the skeptical 'question quid juris' in the juridical terms of entitlement to property. I then situate skepticism’s transformative potential within what Kant regards as reason’s 'maturation' from dogmatism toward self-knowledge. Finally, I contrast (...)
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    How philosophical models explain time consciousness.Bruno Mölder - 2014 - Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 126:48-57.
    This paper analyses explanations provided by current philosophical models of time consciousness. These models attempt to explain temporal experience by describing the mechanisms of time consciousness in experiential terms. I criticize this practice on two grounds; firstly, it relies upon folk notions that have no clear individuation conditions and secondly because it often merely names, but does not explain the phenomena.
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    Modalidad en mecánica cuántica.Bruno Borge & Olimpia Lombardi - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:25-48.
    En este trabajo, proponemos un marco metafísico naturalista para una variante del posibilismo basada en una concepción bilocalizada de la modalidad. Luego de revisar problemas característicos de posiciones alternativas, exploramos la aplicación de este marco al caso de la interpretación modal-hamiltoniana de la mecánica cuántica. Finalmente, revisamos problemas previos a la luz de esta nueva propuesta.
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  42. Meillassoux, Correlationism, and the Ontological Difference.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - PhaenEx 12 (2):1-12.
    Meillassoux defines “correlationism” as the view that we can only access the mutual dependence of thought and being—specifically, subjectivity and objectivity—which he attributes to Heidegger. This attribution is inapt. It is only by accessing being—via existential analysis—that we can properly distinguish beings like subjects and objects. I propose that Meillassoux’s misattribution ignores the ontological difference that drives Heidegger’s project. First, I demonstrate the inadequacy of Meillassoux’s account of correlationism as a criticism of Heidegger and dispense with an objection. Second, I (...)
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    Objects and Pseudo-Objects Ontological Deserts and Jungles from Brentano to Carnap.Bruno Leclercq, Sébastien Richard & Denis Seron (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: de Gruyter.
    Which entities should be accepted as part of the furniture of the world, and which not? What are pseudo-objects, if they are not properly objects? This collection explores the answers given to these questions by some key philosophers throughout the 20th century. It brings together essays by leading scholars on a subject of central importance to both metaphysics and the history of philosophy.".
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  44. De Samenstelling van de Regering en het Belgische Belastingbeleid. Een Empirisch Onderzoek over de Periode 1965-1995.Frank Van Driessche & Bruno Heyndels - 1999 - Res Publica (Misc) 1:3-14.
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    Modal Definability Based on Łukasiewicz Validity Relations.Bruno Teheux - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (2):343-363.
    We study two notions of definability for classes of relational structures based on modal extensions of Łukasiewicz finitely-valued logics. The main results of the paper are the equivalent of the Goldblatt-Thomason theorem for these notions of definability.
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    Founding Phenomenological Sociology With Alfred Schütz and Max Scheler.Bruno Frère & Sébastien Laoureux - 2024 - Studia Phaenomenologica 24:59-79.
    In this paper we want to re-examine the traditional belief that phenomenological sociology owes its pedigree primarily to Alfred Schütz. More specifically, we will try to show that Max Scheler is equally worthy of the title of founder of phenomenological sociology. Our argument has three interlocking themes. First of all, we will recognize, like many others before us, the undoubtedly essential contribution made by Schütz, who is generally viewed as the father of phenomenological sociology. Our second step, however, will be (...)
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    Rejoicing: or The Torments of Religious Speech.Bruno Latour & Julie Rose - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press Ltd. Edited by Julie Rose.
    Bruno Latour’s long term project is to compare the felicity and infelicity conditions of the different values dearest to the heart of those who have ‘never been modern’. According to him, this is the only way to develop an anthropology of the Moderns. After his work on science, on technology and, more recently, on law, this book explores the truth conditions of religious speech acts.Even though there is no question that religion is one of the values that has been (...)
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    La question juive des modernes: philosophie de l'émancipation.Bruno Karsenti - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    Depuis l'entrée dans l'âge moderne de l'émancipation, c'est-à-dire depuis l'époque des Lumières et de la Révolution française, on admet en général que les juifs ont brisé un carcan qui les confinait dans des communautés fermées pour participer à la modernité européenne sans se renier et tout en restant juifs. Comment ce cheminement a-t-il eu lieu? Qu'a-t-il réellement impliqué, à la fois pour les juifs et pour les sociétés auxquelles ils s'intégraient? Bruno Karsenti reprend le fil de ce récit. Sous (...)
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    Physics in crisis: from multiverses to fake news.Bruno Mansoulié - 2022 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    Today's physics has led to incredible advances in the technology we use in daily life - from cell phones and GPS systems to PET scans and more. Current theories in physics have been amazingly effective in practical terms. Yet all is far from well: the two foundational concepts in physics - Quantum Theory and General Relativity - are incompatible with each other, and observations of the universe show that our theories are incomplete - at best. While physicists have tried to (...)
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  50. Varieties of Transcendental Idealism: Kant and Heidegger Thinking Beyond Life.G. Anthony Bruno - 2015 - Idealistic Studies 45 (1):81-102.
    In recent work, William Blattner claims that Heidegger is an empirical realist, but not a transcendental idealist. Blattner argues that, unlike Kant, Heidegger holds that thinking beyond human life warrants no judgment about nature's existence. This poses two problems. One is interpretive: Blattner misreads Kant's conception of the beyond-life as yielding the judgment that nature does not exist, for Kant shares Heidegger's view that such a judgment must lack sense. Another is programmatic: Blattner overstates the gap between Kant's and Heidegger's (...)
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