Results for 'Bruno Quélennec'

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  1.  17
    The present of the Historik: historicizing Koselleck's theory of historical times.Bruno Godefroy & Bruno Quélennec - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):48-55.
    Many recent attempts to define the current historical period presuppose a crisis of historical consciousness. Concepts such as ‘postmodernity’ or ‘posthistory’ entail the idea that the period is ch...
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    Introduction à « Ernst Simmel et la philosophie freudienne » de Max Horkheimer.Bruno Quelennec - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (1):139-144.
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    Les Allemands ne pardonneront jamais Auschwitz aux Juifs » (Zvi Rex). Genèse, portée et limites du concept d’« antisémitisme secondaire.Bruno Quelennec - 2021 - Cités 3:33-50.
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    Interprétations, usages et appropriations de Leo Strauss.Bruno Quelennec - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (2):5-11.
    Résumé Partant du principe que les raisons de la politisation (ou non) de la référence théorique « Leo Strauss » ne peuvent être élucidées qu’en considérant ensemble les écrits du philosophe et les processus de réception dont ils font l’objet, cette contribution propose quelques éléments de biographie intellectuelle, distinguant six « séquences » puis elle met en lumière l’aspect « polyphonique » de l’oeuvre straussienne, semblant autoriser les lectures les plus contradictoires. Suit une exposition de deux paradigmes opposés de réception (...)
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    ‘Light on the enlightenment’ or ‘counter-enlightenment’?: Rereading Reinhart Koselleck’s Critique and Crisis in its context(s).Bruno Quélennec - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (1):56-71.
    This article tackles the political implications of Reinhart Koselleck’s first work, Kritik und Krise, re-questioning its relationship to the ‘Enlightenment’ and the ‘Counter-Enlightenment’. Rather than establishing the semantic contents of this pair of antonymic concepts in an abstract way, I believe that we must study the concrete uses to which they are put, that is, the discursive strategies of the actors themselves showing, in each case, the specific adversaries against whom they are mobilized and the specific ends to which they (...)
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    Maria Muhle , Eine Genealogie der Biopolitik. Zum Begriff des Lebens bei Foucault und Canguilhem (Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2008), ISBN: 978-3899428582. [REVIEW]Bruno Quélennec - 2011 - Foucault Studies 11:222-225.
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    Modernité, tyrannie et crise.Kai Marchal & Bruno Quelennec - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 2:63-89.
    Cet article se demande si un dialogue entre la civilisation chinoise et Leo Strauss est possible et à quelles conditions. Il décrit le contexte d’introduction de Strauss en Chine, en se concentrant sur Liu Xiaofeng, l’un des straussiens les plus influents de la Chine contemporaine. L’analyse de son interprétation de la critique straussienne de la modernité occidentale fait ressortir deux distorsions fondamentales : là où Strauss considérait l’« enseignement tyrannique » comme quelque chose de théorique, Liu en fait un plan (...)
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  8. Locke's Answer to Molyneux's Thought Experiment.Mike Bruno & Eric Mandelbaum - 2010 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2):165-80.
    Philosophical discussions of Molyneux's problem within contemporary philosophy of mind tend to characterize the problem as primarily concerned with the role innately known principles, amodal spatial concepts, and rational cognitive faculties play in our perceptual lives. Indeed, for broadly similar reasons, rationalists have generally advocated an affirmative answer, while empiricists have generally advocated a negative one, to the question Molyneux posed after presenting his famous thought experiment. This historical characterization of the dialectic, however, somewhat obscures the role Molyneux's problem has (...)
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    An Experimental Study of the Emergence of Human Communication Systems.Bruno Galantucci - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (5):737-767.
    The emergence of human communication systems is typically investigated via 2 approaches with complementary strengths and weaknesses: naturalistic studies and computer simulations. This study was conducted with a method that combines these approaches. Pairs of participants played video games requiring communication. Members of a pair were physically separated but exchanged graphic signals through a medium that prevented the use of standard symbols (e.g., letters). Communication systems emerged and developed rapidly during the games, integrating the use of explicit signs with information (...)
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  10. True exceptions : defeasibility and particularism.Bruno Celano - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti, The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. pp. 268--287.
  11. rational self-commitment.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - In Fabienne Peter, rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA.
    Abstract: The standard picture of rationality requires that the agent acts so as to realize her most preferred alternative in the light of her own desires and beliefs. However, there are circumstances where such an agent can predict that she will act against her preferences. The story of Ulysses and the Sirens is the paradigmatic example of such cases. In those circumstances the orthodoxy requires the agent to be ‘sophisticated’. That is to say, she should take into account her expected (...)
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  12. Belief, information and reasoning.Bruno Whittle - 2012 - Philosophical Perspectives 26 (1):431-446.
    Here are two plausible ideas about belief. First: beliefs are our means of storing information. Second: if we believe something, then we are willing to use it in reasoning. But in this paper I introduce a puzzle that seems to show that these cannot both be right. The solution, I argue, is a new picture, on which there is a kind of belief for each idea. An account of these two kinds of belief is offered in terms of two components: (...)
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  13. Aesthetic Value, Intersubjectivity and the Absolute Conception of the World.G. Anthony Bruno - 2009 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 6 (3).
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgment, Kant diagnoses an antinomy of taste: either determinate concepts exhaust judgments of taste or they do not. That is to say, judgments of taste are either objective and public or subjective and private. On the objectivity thesis, aesthetic value is predicable of objects. But determining the concepts that would make a judgment of taste objective is a vexing matter. Who can say which concepts these would be? To what authority does one appeal? (...)
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    Joint Action: Current Perspectives.Bruno Galantucci & Natalie Sebanz - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2):255-259.
    In recent years researchers have begun to investigate how the perceptual, motor and cognitive activities of two or more individuals become organized into coordinated action. In the first part of this introduction we identify three common threads among the ten papers of this special issue that exemplify this new line of research. First, all of the papers are grounded in the experimental study of online interactions between two or more individuals. Second, albeit at different levels of analysis, the contributions focus (...)
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  15. Philosophy's Collision with the Corpse.G. Anthony Bruno - 2011 - Juventas Zeitschrift für Junge Philosophie 1 (1).
    If we accept the Socratic edict that the examined life is the only worth living, we find no examination can exclude that mortal fate of human life. If we define a philosophical problem as, in Hans Jonas’ words, “the collision between a comprehensive view (be it hypothesis or belief) and a particular fact which will not fit into it”, we see there can be no greater problem for materialism or organicism than the corpse. That living things die is a problem (...)
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    Une Introduction — La négation: contre-argumentation et contradiction. Travaux du Centre de Recherches sémiologiques, 57. Université de Neuch'tel.Bruno Callebaut - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (3):355-356.
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    Sull'amore: Jacques Lacan e il Simposio di Platone.Bruno Moroncini - 2005 - Napoli: Cronopio.
  18. Was ist Musik? Ethnomusikologische Perspektive.Bruno Nettl - 2006 - In Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht, Michael Beiche & Albrecht Riethmüller, Musik--zu Begriff und Konzepten: Berliner Symposion zum Andenken an Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht. [Stuttgart]: Franz Steiner.
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    Peeter Torop for Italian science of translation.Bruno Osimo - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (3/4):557-572.
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    The ease of lying.Bruno Verschuere, Adriaan Spruyt, Ewout H. Meijer & Henry Otgaar - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):908-911.
    Brain imaging studies suggest that truth telling constitutes the default of the human brain and that lying involves intentional suppression of the predominant truth response. By manipulating the truth proportion in the Sheffield lie test, we investigated whether the dominance of the truth response is malleable. Results showed that frequent truth telling made lying more difficult, and that frequent lying made lying easier. These results implicate that the accuracy of lie detection tests may be improved by increasing the dominance of (...)
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    Typicality vs. Probability in Trajectory-Based Formulations of Quantum Mechanics.Bruno Galvan - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (11):1540-1562.
    Bohmian mechanics represents the universe as a set of paths with a probability measure defined on it. The way in which a mathematical model of this kind can explain the observed phenomena of the universe is examined in general. It is shown that the explanation does not make use of the full probability measure, but rather of a suitable set function deriving from it, which defines relative typicality between single-time cylinder sets. Such a set function can also be derived directly (...)
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    (2 other versions)Experimental semiotics.Bruno Galantucci & Simon Garrod - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (1):1-13.
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    Repair Avoidance: When Faithful Informational Exchanges Don't Matter That Much.Bruno Galantucci, Benjamin Langstein, Eliyahu Spivack & Nathaniel Paley - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (10):e12882.
    Common‐sense intuition suggests that, when people are engaged in informational exchanges, they communicate so as to be reasonably sure that they perform the exchanges faithfully. Over the years, we have found evidence suggesting that this intuition, which is woven into several influential theories of human communication, may be misleading. We first summarize this evidence and discuss its potential limitations. Then, we present a new study that addresses the potential limitations. A confederate instructed participants to “pick up the skask” from a (...)
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  24.  50
    Model theory of deduction: a unified computational approach.Bruno G. Bara, Monica Bucciarelli & Vincenzo Lombardo - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (6):839-901.
    One of the most debated questions in psychology and cognitive science is the nature and the functioning of the mental processes involved in deductive reasoning. However, all existing theories refer to a specific deductive domain, like syllogistic, propositional or relational reasoning.Our goal is to unify the main types of deductive reasoning into a single set of basic procedures. In particular, we bring together the microtheories developed from a mental models perspective in a single theory, for which we provide a formal (...)
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  25.  58
    The Authority of Norms.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (3):245 - 258.
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    On the Normativity of Intentions.Bruno Verbeek - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):87-101.
    Suppose you intend now to φ at some future time t. However, when t has come you do not φ. Something has gone wrong. This failing is not just a causal but also a normative failing. This raises the question how to characterize this failing. I discuss three alternative views. On the first view, the fact that you do not execute your intention to φ is blameworthy only if the balance of reasons pointed to φ-ing. The fact that you intended (...)
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  27. Endogenous versus exogenous change: Change detection, self and agency.Bruno Berberian & Axel Cleeremans - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):198-214.
    The goal of this study is to characterize observers’ abilities to discriminate between endogenous and exogenous changes. To do so, we developed a new experimental paradigm. On each trial, participants were shown a dot pattern on the screen. Next, the pattern disappeared and participants were to reproduce it. Changes were surreptuously introduced in the stimulus, either by presenting participants anew with the dot pattern they had themselves produced on the previous trial or by presenting participants with a slightly different dot (...)
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  28. Mensenwerk en Moraal: David Hume & het Kwaad.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - In Andreas Kinneging & R. T. P. Wiche, Van kwaad tot erger: het kwaad in de filosofie. Utrecht: Spectrum. pp. 186-206.
    In this paper, I summarize Hume's moral theory as it is developed in the Treatise on Human Nature and pay particular attention to the question how evil is possible in Hume's theory.
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    Der menschliche Mensch: Aufsätze zur Metaethik und zur Sprache der Moral.Bruno Schüller - 1982 - Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag.
  30. Volksabstimmungen, Politische Ökonomie und Diskursethik.Bruno S. Frey & Gebhard Kirchgässner - 1993 - Analyse & Kritik 15:129-149.
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  31. Die Idee.Bruno Bauch - 1926 - Leipzig,: E. Reinicke.
    Idee und Sein.--Idee und Geltung.--Die Idee in Wirklichkeit und Geltung.
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    La théorie des complexes et des assomptions de Meinong (I).Bertrand Russell & Bruno Langlet - 2020 - Philosophie 146 (3):11-25.
    This journal issue opens with Bruno Langlet’s French translation of the first section of Bertrand Russell’s article “Meinong’s theory of complexes and assumptions” (1904). Russell, a defender of logical realism, provides an analysis of Meinong’s thoughts at the turn of the century - thoughts which ultimately lead to Object Theory. Russell aknowledges the deep agreement between himself and Meinong, at this period in time, concerning several principles, arguments and theses. In this first section of his article, Russell discusses Meinong’s (...)
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    La théorie des complexes et des assomptions de Meinong (II-III).Bertrand Russell & Bruno Langlet - 2020 - Philosophie 147 (4):3-33.
    This journal issue opens with Bruno Langlet and Jean-François Rosecchi’s French translation of the second and third sections of Bertrand Russell’s article “Meinong’s theory of complexes and assumptions (1904).” Russell, a defender of logical realism, provides an analysis of Meinong’s thoughts at the turn of the century - thoughts that ultimately lead to Object Theory. Russell aknowledges the deep agreement between himself and Meinong, at this period in time, concerning several principles, arguments and theses. In these sections of his (...)
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    L'enseignement secondaire français et les sciences au début du XXe siècle. La réforme de 1902 des plans d'études et des programmes.Bruno Belhoste - 1990 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 43 (4):371-400.
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    Explorer les contradictions du capitalisme en Afrique.Nicolas Pons-Vignon & Bruno Tinel - 2022 - Actuel Marx 72 (2):11-18.
    Après avoir identifié quelques-uns des multiples biais intellectuels qui obèrent trop souvent l’analyse de la réalité économique africaine, cette introduction précise la perspective de ce numéro. Il tente de définir l’esprit d’une économie politique lucide appliquée aux pays d’Afrique, avant de présenter brièvement les articles du dossier.
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    Les causes de l’adhésion aux théories du complot.Jean-Bruno Renard - 2016 - Diogène n° 249-250 (1):107-119.
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    Correction to: The Dead-Alive Physicist Experiment: A Case-Study Against the Hypothesis that Consciousness Causes the Wave-Function Collapse in the Quantum Mechanical Measurement Process.Carlo Roselli & Bruno Raffaele Stella - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-2.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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  38. Observações sobre “O Ramo Dourado” de Frazer.Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bruno Monteiro, João José Almeida & Nuno Venturinha (eds.) - 2011 - Porto: Deriva.
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    La memoria y el río. Sobre Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata (2013) de Eduardo Navarro.Iván Wrobel & Paula Bruno Garcén - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e128.
    ¿El agua recuerda? ¿Cómo es posible visualizar y sanar su memoria? En el año 2013 el artista Eduardo Navarro presentó su obra Tratamiento homeopático del Río de la Plata en el Parque de la Memoria - Monumento a las Víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado, como parte de la exhibición Aquella mañana fue como si recuperara, si no la felicidad, sí la energía, una energía que se parecía mucho al humor, un humor que se parecía mucho a la memoria, bajo la (...)
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    Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transition.Bruno Amable - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book analyses the evolution of the French model of capitalism in relation to the instability of socio-political compromises. In the 2010s, France was in a situation of systemic crisis, namely, the impossibility for political leadership to find a strategy of institutional change, or more generally a model of capitalism, that could gather sufficient social and political support. This book analyses the various attempts at reforming the French model since the 1980s, when the left tried briefly to orient the French (...)
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    Economics and psychology: Imperialism or inspiration?Bruno S. Frey & Matthias Benz - unknown
    Economics and psychology are both sciences of human behaviour. This paper gives a survey of their interaction. First, the changing relationship between the two sciences is discussed: while economics was once imperialistic, it has become a science inspired by psychological insights. In order to illustrate this, recent developments and evidence for three major areas are presented: bounded rationality, non-selfish behaviour, and the economics of happiness.
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    ‘‘Change of Mind’’ within and between nonconscious and conscious visual processing.Bruno G. Breitmeyer & Wahab Hanif - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):254-266.
    We examined the updating of decisions made during visuo-motor processing when two sequentially presented stimuli, Prime1 and Prime2, primed discriminative responses to a following probe. In Experiment 1, the visibility of the two primes was suppressed or left intact by varying the stimulus onset asynchrony of the stimuli immediately following them. In Experiment 2, the visibility of Prime2 was suppressed or left intact by varying its spatial separation from the following probe. We found that Prime2 dominated the effects of Prime1; (...)
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  43.  18
    Rethinking Critical Sociology, Transcending the Transcendental.Bruno Frère & Daniel Jaster - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (3):37-54.
    This article calls for a rethinking of critical sociology. Representing classical critical sociology, the Bourdieusian paradigm illustrated domination, but its negative foundation removed actors’ power, privileging sociological knowledge as capable of identifying (social) transcendental categories of thought. Latour’s constructivism challenged this privilege, giving actors the political power of aggregating collectives around their common concerns at the cost of emphasizing domination and critique. We propose a critical approach that evades a transcendental perspective reliant on pure negation, producing a more positive critical (...)
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    Usurpation de non-identité. Ce que les productions générées par l’IA disent du rapport de l’art à ses objets.Bruno Trentini - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 33 (1):69-80.
    Cet article part d’un constat : certains objets produits par des IA génératives ressemblent à des œuvres d’art qui existent déjà et renversent de ce fait les problématiques liées à l’indiscernabilité entre l’art et le non-art. La facilité avec laquelle ces objets sont acceptés comme œuvre d’art semble reposer sur cette ressemblance qu’il s’agit dès lors d’interroger. Elle semble en effet subrepticement redonner de l’importance à l’objet et son apparence. Les productions issues d’IA permettent ainsi de réfléchir sur le rapport (...)
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    (1 other version)Selbstbewußtsein und Selbsterkenntnis bei Kant.Bruno Liebrucks - 1976 - Kant Studien 67 (1-4):442-465.
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    Les ménages au cœur de la financiarisation. Sur Risking Together, de D. Bryan et M. Rafferty.Bruno Tinel - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):149-167.
    Dans Risking together, Bryan et Rafferty pensent à la manière de la finance comportementale, mais ils pensent contre elle et inventent la Marxian behavioural finance. Ils montrent en quoi les ménages, amenés à penser à la manière de la finance dans leur vie quotidienne, sont devenus malgré eux un acteur clé du processus de production des produits dérivés. Les ménages sont désormais intégrés à la finance du côté offre, par la titrisation de leur dette mais aussi de leurs paiements, et (...)
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    Albert le Grand: De ce qui vient avant la logique.Bruno Tremblay - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (3):165-203.
    Le premier tractatus du commentaire d'Albert le Grand à l'Isagoge de Porphyre consiste en une manière de proème ou d'introduction à l'ensemble de la logique. Comme la plupart des textes d'Albert le Grand, ce traité est d'une très grande richesse, qu'atténuent toutefois son manque d'ordre et son obscurité d'expression. Étant donné que les aspects fondamentaux de la logique y sont touchés—son statut scientifique et philosophique, son utilité, son sujet, sa division, sa relation aux sciences du langage, etc.—, ce petit ouvrage (...)
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    Institutionalization and autonomy of art: Can socially engaged art be institutionalized?Bruno Trentini - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):25-39.
    This paper deals with the autonomy of art and more specifically with the autonomy of socially engaged art once it is institutionalized. The originality of the article is its use of Goodman's terminology to theorize socially engaged art. By comparing two works of art from the same collective, the main issue is to defend the hypothesis that artistic consecration prevents an emancipatory action from functioning as art or prevents an action from functioning as socially engaged art. Thus, in the context (...)
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  49. Empirische Rechtswissenschaft und Naturrecht.Bruno Urbaschek - 1966 - Meisenheim a. Glan,: A. Hain.
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  50. Obilježavanje Dana filozofije u Zadru.Bruno Ćurko - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):842-842.
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