Results for 'Brianna Lopez'

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  1.  62
    Origin, Impact, and Reaction to Misogynistic Behaviors.Brianna Lopez & Kate A. Manne - 2021 - Stance 14 (1):147-167.
    Kate A. Manne is an associate professor at the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University, where she has been teaching since 2013. Before that, she was a junior fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, did her graduate work at MIT, and was an undergraduate at the University of Melbourne, where she studied philosophy, logic, and computer science. Her current research is primarily in moral, feminist, and social philosophy. She is the author of two books, including her first book (...)
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    Approaching the Discriminatory Work Environment as Stressor: The Protective Role of Job Satisfaction on Health.Donatella Di Marco, Rocio López-Cabrera, Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Giulio Arcangeli & Nicola Mucci - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Enhanced but Indeterminate? How Attention Colors our World.Azenet L. Lopez & Eliska Simsova - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1349-1373.
    Attention makes things look brighter and more colorful. In light of these effects, representationalist philosophers propose that attentive experiences represent more determinate color properties than inattentive experiences. Although this claim is appealing, we argue that it does not hold for one of our best conceptualizations of content determinacy, according to which an experience has more determinate contents if it represents a narrower range of values within the relevant dimension. We argue that our current empirical evidence fails to show that attention (...)
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  4. Alternative cosmologies.Martín López Corredoira - 2025 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2948:012001.
    A few remarkable examples of alternative cosmological theories are shown, ranging from a compilation of variations on the Standard Model (inhomogeneous universe, Cold Big Bang, varying physical constants or gravity law, zero-active mass, Milne cosmology, cyclical models), through the more distant quasi-steady-state cosmology, plasma cosmology, or universe models as a hypersphere such as the Dynamic Universe, to the most exotic cases including static models with non-cosmological redshifts of galaxies. -/- Most cosmologists do not usually work within the framework of alternative (...)
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  5. The Break-Up Check: Exploring Romantic Love through Relationship Terminations.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):689-703.
    People who experience love often experience break-ups as well. However, philosophers of love have paid little attention to the phenomenon. Here, I address that gap by looking at the grieving process which follows unchosen relationship terminations. I ask which one is the loss that, if it were to be recovered, would stop grief or make it unwarranted. Is it the beloved, the reciprocation of love, the relationship, or all of it? By answering this question I not only provide with an (...)
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    Derecho y argumentación.Eduardo López Villegas - 2001 - Bogotá: Universidad de Manizales.
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    The Perils of Freethinking According to George Berkeley (1685–1753).Alberto Luis López - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Christianity 11 (2):355-375.
    George Berkeley’s (1685–1753) condemnation of freethinking arose from the social, political, and, above all, moral repercussions that he believed this heterogeneous group was bringing about in British society. In the first part of this paper, I set out the challenges posed by the freethinking movement, drawing extensively on Berkeley’s Alciphron. In the second part, I address both the reasons behind his aversion to freethinking and his response, which involved advocating for the union of Church and state and while rejecting secular (...)
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    Social and Emotional Competences in Spain: A Comparative Evaluation Between Spanish Needs and an International Framework Based on the Experiences of Researchers, Teachers, and Policymakers.Pilar Aguilar, Isabel Lopez-Cobo, Francisco Cuadrado & Isabel Benítez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Critical aspects in the field of education are currently related to low levels of socioemotional competences and high rates of school dropouts. However, there are no standard practices or guidelines for helping countries to assess and train social and emotional competences. To overcome this limitation, the project Learning to be (L2B) aims to propose a comprehensive model of the assessment and development of social and emotional competences that bring together policymakers, researchers, teachers, school authorities and learners from different participating countries: (...)
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    Health assessment and the capability approach.Rodrigo López Barreda, Joelle Robertson-Preidler & Paula Bedregal García - 2019 - Global Bioethics 30 (1):19-27.
    Health has an important role in the achievement of a good quality of life. Many public policies intended to enhance individual and population health. Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) offers a framework to assess well-being, as well as interventions seeking to increase it. There are, however, important practical challenges that must be faced before applying CA to concrete situations, such as health. One of these challenges is defining whether it is functioning or a capability that is the feature to be (...)
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  10. El conocimiento animal en Aristóteles y Avicena.Luis Xavier López Farjeat - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (1):125-144.
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    Los filòsofos estoicos.Antonio Diogenes Laertius & López Eire - 1990 - Barcelona: PPU. Edited by Antonio López Eire.
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    Interview with Prof. Dr. Ilja Srubar (Prague, Konstanz, Erlangen).Anush Yeghiazaryan, Daniela Griselda López & Ilja Srubar - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:17-28.
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  13. Juan Márquez (1565-1621): Influjo y proyección historiográfica de "El Gobernador Cristiano".Francisco Javier López de Goicoechea Zabala - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (112):93-132.
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    Relational Primitivism About the Direction of Time.Cristian Lopez & Michael Esfeld - forthcoming - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science:1-17.
    Primitivism about the direction of time is the thesis that the direction of time does not call for an explanation because it is a primitive posit in one’s ontology. In the literature, primitivism has generally come with a substantival view of time according to which time is an independent substance. In this paper, we defend a new primitivist approach to the direction of time—relational primitivism. According to it, time is primitively directed because change is primitive. By relying on Leibnizian relationalism, (...)
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    School Achievement and Performance in Chilean High Schools: The Mediating Role of Subjective Wellbeing in School-Related Evaluations.Verónica López, Juan C. Oyanedel, Marian Bilbao, Javier Torres, Denise Oyarzún, Macarena Morales, Paula Ascorra & Claudia Carrasco - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  16.  9
    The Social Sciences and the A Priori.Cristian Lopez & Michael Esfeld - unknown
    The paper makes a novel case to vindicate social sciences as substantially a priori against the mainstream view that rejects apriorism as unscientific. After a brief review of the state of the art and the open options to defend a science that is a priori, we lay out a methodological dualism according to which human action is not accessible to the methods of empirical science but requires a normative stance to identify its subject matter as the expression of intentional action. (...)
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    Cornelius de Pauw on Indigenous Americans: Naturalism and Dehumanization in the Eighteenth-Century Enlightenment.Alberto Luis-López - 2023 - Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 23 (1-2):106-127.
    Cornelius de Pauw was very well known in the last decades of the eighteenth century for his Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains. That work was developed on a naturalist hypothesis that asserted that nature conditioned all living beings. From this, he analyzed and compared American nature, including its animals and inhabitants, and concluded that it was degenerated and inferior in all fields to that of the Old World. This article contends with an author that represents a central link in the (...)
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    El cultivo de la sensibilidad imaginativa como responsabilidad de la vida fenomenológica.Orlando Ortega-Chacón & Daniel Guio-López - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):215-227.
    Este artículo analiza la función de la imaginación moral en la enunciación de problemas morales que permitan el reconocimiento de la alteridad. El elemento transversal es la necesidad de promover la actitud fenomenológica de examinar las verdades sobre las que se erige la vida cotidiana para evitar la repetición de las violencias implícitas de lo aparentemente sobreentendido. La tesis central sostiene que la educación de la sensibilidad imaginativa establece las condiciones necesarias para permitir el florecimiento [eudaimonía] de la vida del (...)
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    fecundidad de la fenomenología genética en el siglo XXI.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:119-150.
    Este artículo constata la generatividad de la fenomenología en nuestro siglo y la atribuye a su “movimiento”. Explicita la doble concepción del mismo y, tras discutir ciertos aspectos de la generatividad, describe algunos campos de acción de la fenomenología generativa como la intersubjetividad, el interculturalismo y la generatividad artística (poiesis). El artículo introduce, además, el cuerpo vivido, como núcleo de la generatividad humana y de las investigaciones de la fenomenología feminista sobre los problemas de la generatividad a los que ya (...)
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    Martí y los conocimientos médicos.Sonia Socarrás Sánchez & Graciela López-Chávez Martínez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (3):0-0.
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    Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs by Manuel Fasko, and Peter West (eds.).Alberto Luis-López - 2024 - International Philosophical Quarterly 64 (1):85-89.
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    Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory.María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.) - 2020 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Critique has been a central theme in the German philosophical tradition since the eighteenth century. The main goal of this book is to provide a history of this concept from its Kantian inception to contemporary critical theory. Focusing on both canonical and previously overlooked texts and thinkers, the contributors bring to light alternative conceptions of critique within nineteenth- and twentieth-century German philosophy, which have profound implications for contemporary philosophy. By offering a critical revision of the history of modern European philosophy, (...)
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    Inteligencia Artificial guiada por una Inteligencia Humana.Sheila López-Pérez - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (2):11-15.
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    The Role of the Inductive Method as a Link BetweenEducational Theories and Classroom Practices.Luis Rodolfo López-Morocho & Christian Paul Jaramillo Baquerizo - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:51-77.
    Este estudio aborda la problemática en torno a la relación de las teorías y modelos pedagógicos,centrándose en su vínculo con la investigación educativa y la práctica en el aula. En este sentido, elobjetivo principal es analizar el rol del método inductivo en la relación entre las teorías y modelospedagógicos desde la praxis en el aula, utilizando la metainvestigación y la crítica reflexiva basada enla teoría fundamentada. De este modo, se exploran las definiciones de teorías y modelos pedagógicos,el rol histórico del (...)
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  25. Tests and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology.Martín López-Corredoira - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (6):711-768.
    The main foundations of the standard \CDM model of cosmology are that: the redshifts of the galaxies are due to the expansion of the Universe plus peculiar motions; the cosmic microwave background radiation and its anisotropies derive from the high energy primordial Universe when matter and radiation became decoupled; the abundance pattern of the light elements is explained in terms of primordial nucleosynthesis; and the formation and evolution of galaxies can be explained only in terms of gravitation within a inflation (...)
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    María Virginia Casaurang (Compilación). Una vida para la libertad. Lou Andreas-Salomé. Musa de Nietzsche, Rilke y Freud.Diana María López - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0099.
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    Instrucciones para fugarse de la ciudadanía.Daniel J. García López - 2025 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 59.
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    Editorial: Psychological Factors in Physical Education and Sport.Marianna Alesi, Manuel Gómez-López & Carla Chicau Borrego - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  29. Análisis de fallas en engranes helicoidales utilizados en transmisiones automotrices.Marco Antonio Zamora Antuñano & José Antonio Cano López - 2006 - Episteme 2 (7).
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  30. Aspectos éticos en torno a la clonación.Eduardo López Azpitarte - 2003 - Revista Agustiniana 44 (134):489-520.
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  31. Conocer y sentir.Alfonso LÓpez QuintÁs - 1967 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 26 (100/103):215.
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  32. Are Mental State Welfarism and Our Concern for Non‐Experiential Goals Incompatible?Eduardo Rivera-lópez - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (1):74-91.
    The question I address in this paper is whether there is a version of mental state welfarism that can be coherent with the thesis that we have a legitimate concern for non‐experiential goals. If there is not, then we should reject mental state welfarism. My thesis is that there is such a version. My argument relies on the distinction between “reality‐centered desires” and “experience‐centered desires”. Mental state welfarism can accommodate our reality‐centered desires and our desire that they be objectively satisfied. (...)
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    Language as a Threat: Multimodal Evaluation and Interventions for Overwhelming Linguistic Anxiety in Severe Aphasia.María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, José Paredes-Pacheco, Núria Roé-Vellvé, Marc S. Dawid-Milner & Marcelo L. Berthier - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. Notas sobre la mecanización de las deducciones lógicas.José Antonio López Brugos - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:83-92.
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    Does Prefrontal Glutamate Index Cognitive Changes in Parkinson’s Disease?Isabelle Buard, Natalie Lopez-Esquibel, Finnuella J. Carey, Mark S. Brown, Luis D. Medina, Eugene Kronberg, Christine S. Martin, Sarah Rogers, Samantha K. Holden, Michael R. Greher & Benzi M. Kluger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionCognitive impairment is a highly prevalent non-motor feature of Parkinson’s disease. A better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology may help in identifying therapeutic targets to prevent or treat dementia. This study sought to identify metabolic alterations in the prefrontal cortex, a key region for cognitive functioning that has been implicated in cognitive dysfunction in PD.MethodsProton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy was used to investigate metabolic changes in the PFC of a cohort of cognitively normal individuals without PD, as well as PD participants (...)
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    Frontal and executive dysfunction is a central aspect of ADHD.Ximena Carrasco, Vladimir López & Francisco Aboitiz - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):427-428.
    In the target article, Sagvolden and collaborators propose that attentional-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the result of a general behavioral deficit which is mainly caused by a hypofunctioning mesolimbic dopaminergic system. Although we partly agree with this view, we think that it tends to overlook the dysfunction of prefrontal and frontostriatal executive functions by considering them to be a consequence of alterations in reward and extinction mechanisms. Rather, we believe that ADHD is the result of an overall cognitive and behavioral condition, (...)
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    Análisis de las adicciones comportamentales en el siglo XXI.Soledad Quero Castellano, Juana María Bretón López, Cristina Botella Arbona, Rosa María Baños Rivera & Azucena García-Palacios - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:34-43.
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  38. La situación educativa en el contexto actual: condicionantes y efectos.Myriam López de la Nieta - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):29-33.
    Los efectos beneficiosos que tiene la educación sobre la calidad de vida de las personas es un hecho evidente ya que las carencias en este terreno suelen colocar a los individuos en posiciones de desventaja dentro de los sistemas sociales actuales. Bien es cierto que la "falta de formación" se relaciona con los estándares educativos socialmente establecidos que, a su vez, vienen determinados por la adquisición como mínimo de una enseñanza básica cuya duración ha ido variando con el tiempo hasta (...)
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  39. Reflexiones sobre la historia para "tiempos posthistóricos".Virginia E. López Domínguez - 1998 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 32:305-322.
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    The Vesalian Movement in Sixteenth-Century Spain.José M. López Piñero - 1979 - Journal of the History of Biology 12 (1):45 - 81.
  41. John Rawls: De “A Theory of Justice” a “Political Liberalism”.Justino López Santamaría - forthcoming - Estudios Filosóficos.
  42. La estrategia de la deconstrucción. In memoriam de Jaques Derrida.Justino López Santamaría - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (156):357-362.
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    ¿Por qué son necesariamente inútiles las virtudes específicamente religiosas?Gerardo López Sastre - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (1).
    The moral value of Religion could be doubtful from an utilitarian evaluative standpoint. J. S. Mill analysis about that question in Utility of Religion is well-known.However Hume's similar study in his Enquiry Concerning the Principies of Morals is not known in the same degree. There Hume writes that we consider something a virtue when (1) it is useful to others; (2) it is useful to the subject himself; (3) it is immediately agreeable to others; or ( 4) it is immediately (...)
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    Divine comedy in the work of Gillian Rose.Daniel Andrés López - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    This article reconstructs Gillian Rose's idea of ‘divine comedy’, from its first articulation in Hegel Contra Sociology (2009) to the development of the idea in later works; most importantly, Love’s Work (1995). This analysis demonstrates that Rose implicitly shifted away from her earlier, pessimistic, Hegelian account of the end of art and her insistence on the ‘severe style’. Divine comedy, it is argued, may satisfy the requirements that Rose articulates for speculative thought, by traversing the constitutive dichotomies of modern life (...)
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    On Aesth-ethic Activism as Epistemic Resistance in Conversation with José Medina.María Del Rosario Acosta López - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    This paper engages in a dialogue with José Medina’s work on epistemic activism, adding the notion of ‘aesth-ethic activism’ to highlight the role aesthetics play in epistemic forms of resistance. Drawing from María Lugones’s concept of ‘transgressive hearing’ and my work on ‘grammars of listening’, the paper proposes that ‘radical listening’, in dialogue with Medina’s ‘radical testimony’, requires not only rendering voices audible but subverting the very criteria that govern audibility. Aesthetic resistance is seen as essential for this task. Through (...)
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    The detached subject or the subject with identity: ethical-political discussions on national minorities and their incorporation into Latin American constitutions.Julián Sarmiento-López & Jaime Yáñez-Canal - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):51-72.
    This research analyzed the ethical-political discussions of distributive justice in national minorities and its incorporation into the Constitutions of Latin American countries. Ethics stands out in its search to dignify the human being, finding two immeasurable positions: (a) the deontological models of justice and equality and their detached subjects, and (b) the communitarian models that rescue the identity contingencies of the subjects. The latter have allowed reflections that recognize the defense of cultural, territorial and linguistic identity as fundamental issues. Finally, (...)
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    Filosofía y sistema en Leibniz.Alberto Luis López - 2024 - Philosophia 83 (1):9-26.
    El concepto ‘sistema’, central en filosofía, sobre todo a partir de Brucker, tuvo un especial impulso con Leibniz, quien lo concibió como un conjunto de postulados organizado según principios taxonómicos que seguían el modelo del cálculo. En el sistema de Leibniz, Dios jugó un papel central al tratarse del ser que posibilitaba comprender el mundo y construir el conocimiento humano. Este artículo se propone mostrar, mediante un panorama amplio, qué se entiende por sistema leibniziano, cómo está configurado dicho sistema y (...)
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  48. Sustainable internationalization?: measuring the diversity of internationalization at higher education institutions.Miguel Rodriguez Lopez, Benjamin R. K. Runkle, Stefan Roski, Jana Stöver, Kerstin Jantke, Manuel Gottschick & Delf Rothe - 2016 - In [no title].
    Sustainability and internationalization are considered to be core values of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), but their relationship is rarely investigated. The current study develops a framework to create a sustainable internationalization policy for an HEI; it analyzes how to measure the sustainability of an internationalization policy in two steps. First, this study presents a theoretical framework for a cost-benefit analysis of HEIs’ sustainable internationalization policies using three sustainability pillars (economic, ecological, and social), each with examples for their own measurable indicators. (...)
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  49. Contextualizing Neuroprotection: Latin American Perspectives on the Impact of Neurotechnological Development in Life and Society.Pablo Lopez-Silva (ed.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  50. Una concepción inferencial de los sistemas-objetivo en la práctica de modelización científica.Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana & Juan Redmond - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:273-289.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar un enfoque sobre modelización en ciencia que permite distinguir el sistema-objetivo de los fenómenos a los cuales se dirige un modelo. Para ello nos serviremos de nuestra formulación dinámica e interactiva del razonamiento sustituto. En efecto, la perspectiva que considera la generación de hipótesis a partir de un modelo como la generación de una interacción lógica entre dos pruebas, nos permitirá formular una comprensión inferencial de los sistemas-objetivos y poder distinguirlos así de los (...)
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