Results for 'Brian Edgar'

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  1.  58
    World and life as one: Ethics and ontology in Wittgenstein's early thought, by Martin Stokhof.Brian Armstrong & Edgar Morscher - 2007 - European Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):297–301.
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    Further investigation of viewing conditions on standard pseudoisochromatic tests.Gerald M. Long, Brian J. Lyman, Edward P. Monaghan, David L. Penn, Hope A. Brochin & Edgar B. Morano - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (6):525-528.
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  3. Religious perspectives on embryo donation and research.Ian H. Kerridge, Christopher F. C. Jordens, Rod Benson, Ross Clifford, Rachel A. Ankeny, Damien Keown, Bernadette Tobin, Swasti Bhattacharyya, Abdulaziz Sachedina, Lisa Soleymani Lehmann & Brian Edgar - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (1):35-45.
    The success of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) worldwide has led to an accumulation of frozen embryos that are surplus to the reproductive needs of those for whom they were created. In these situations, couples must decide whether to discard them or donate them for scientific research or for use by other infertile couples. While legislation and regulation may limit the decisions that couples make, their decisions are often shaped by their religious beliefs. Unfortunately, health professionals, scientists and policy-makers are often (...)
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  4. On behalf of St Anselm.Edgar Danielyan - 2015 - Analysis 75 (3):405-407.
    Brian Garrett claims, in defence of Gaunilo’s Perfect Island and contra Plantinga, that ‘Properly understood, the great-making qualities of an island are maximal’. This article demonstrates that they are not, thus ‘the greatest conceivable island’ remains an incoherent concept and Gaunilo’s parody fails.
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    The Fiction of Evil.Peter Brian Barry - 2016 - Routledge.
    What makes someone an evil person? How are evil people different from merely bad people? Do evil people really exist? Can we make sense of evil people if we mythologize them? Do evil people take pleasure in the suffering of others? Can evil people be redeemed? Peter Brian Barry answers these questions by examining a wide range of works from renowned authors, including works of literature by Kazuo Ishiguro, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, and Oscar Wilde (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VI.P. Marshall - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 150.
    Peter Brian Herrenden Birks 1941-2004Hugh Redwald Dacre 1914-2003William Hugh Clifford Frend 1916-2005John Andrew Gallagher 1919-1980Philip Grierson 1910-2006Stuart Newton Hampshire 1914-2004William McKane 1921-2004John Malcolm Sabine Pasley 1926-2004Benjamin John Pimlott 1945-2004Robert Duguid Forrest Pring-Mill 1925-2005John Edgar Stevens 1921-2002Peter Strawson 1919-2006Henry William Rawson Wade 1918-2004Alan Harold Williams 1927-2005Bernard Arthur Owen Williams 1929-2003John James Wymer 1928-2006.
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    Materialized ideology and environmental problems: The cases of solar geoengineering and agricultural biotechnology.Brian Petersen, Diana Stuart & Ryan Gunderson - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):389-410.
    This article expands upon the notion of ideology as a material phenomenon, usually in the form of institutionalized, taken-for-granted practices. It draws on Herbert Marcuse and related thinkers to conceptualize technological solutions to environmental problems as materialized ideological responses to social-ecological contradictions, which, by concealing these contradictions, reproduce existing social conditions. This article outlines a method of technology assessment as ideology critique that draws attention to: (1) the social determinants of the given technology; (2) whether the technology conceals or masks (...)
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  8. Why Can't We be Satisfied?Brian Domino - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesse R. Steinberg & Abrol Fairweather, Blues - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Bigelow's worries about Scientific Essentialism.Brian Ellis - 1999 - In Howard Sankey, Causation and Laws of Nature. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 61--75.
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    Taking Things for Granted.Brian Evenson - 2006 - Symploke 14 (1):323-327.
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  11. How I left my PhD in English behind and learned to love the stacks.Brian Flota - 2018 - In Joseph Fruscione & Kelly J. Baker, Succeeding outside the academy: career paths beyond the humanities, social sciences, and STEM. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
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  12. Religion, Politics, and Nonviolence.Brian Muldoon - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:225-230.
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  13. Technical publication.Brian Vitalis, Phillip J. Hunt & Cheif Engineer - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2005.
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  14. After Wittgenstein.Brian Klug - 1992
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  15. The Essential Moral Handbook: A Guide to Catholic Living [Book Review].Brian Lewis - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (1):122.
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  16. The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 2: Metaphysics.Brian Loar - 1999 - Philosophy Documentation Center.
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  17. The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming [Book Review].Brian Lucas - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (1):124.
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  18. Ronald Beiner and William James Booth, eds., Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy Reviewed by.Brian Orend - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (4):241-243.
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  19. A multidisciplinary approach to managing and resolving environmental conflicts.Brian Polkinghorn - 1999 - In Robert Frodeman & Victor R. Baker, Earth Matters: The Earth Sciences, Philosophy, and the Claims of Community. Prentice-Hall.
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    The bias of science.Brian Martin - 1979 - Canberra: Society for Social Responsibility in Science.
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    Rawls, Democracy, and Ideology.Brian Powell - unknown
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    Charity and usury: Jewish and Christian lending in Renaissance and early modern Italy.Brian Pullan - 2004 - In Pullan Brian, Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures. pp. 19-40.
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    Semiotics and heraldry.Brian Abel Ragen - 1994 - Semiotica 100 (1):5-34.
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    War machine: the rationalisation of slaughter in the modern age.Brian Holden Reid - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (6):1029-1030.
  25.  51
    Medical humanities: lineage, excursionary sketch and rationale.Brian Hurwitz - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (11):672-674.
    Medical Humanities the journal started life in 2000 as a special edition of the JME. However, the intellectual taproots of the medical humanities as a field of enquiry can be traced to two developments: calls made in the 1920s for the development of multidisciplinary perspectives on the sciences that shed historical light on their assumptions, methods and practices; refusals to assimilate all medical phenomena to a biomedical worldview. Medical humanities the term stems from a desire to situate the significance of (...)
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    Onora O’Neill, "Constructing Authorities: Reason, Politics and Interpretation in Kant’s Philosophy." Reviewed by.Brian Baer - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):92-93.
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    Bonhoeffer's Intellectual Formation. Edited by Peter Frick.Brian Gregor - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):530-531.
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    Commentary on Duran.Brian MacPherson - unknown
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    Conquest, Control, and the Cross: Paul's Self-Portrayal in 2 Corinthians 10–13.Brian K. Peterson - 1998 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 52 (3):258-270.
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    Idealism in Education.Brian Holmes - 1967 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (1):100-110.
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    Causality and development: Past, present and future.Brian Hopkins - 2004 - In Alberto Peruzzi, Mind and Causality. John Benjamins. pp. 1-18.
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  32. part 2. Conflict and violence. War and terrorism.Brian Orend - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows, The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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  33. Pragmatic Liberalisms: Embedding Toleration in Polycultural Societies.Brian D. Walker - 1994 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    This thesis is about toleration as a modality of citizenship for pluralistic societies. Its central argument is that the current dissatisfaction with "mere" toleration which we find so broadly represented in our public and scholarly cultures is based on an underestimation of the capacities and attitudes that toleration entails. The liberal recasting of toleration, sophisticated and indeed invaluable though it is abets this devaluation by focusing too exclusively on public justification and on the Lockean stream of the tradition from which (...)
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    Theodor Adorno and film theory: the fingerprint of spirit.Brian Wall - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction: the fingerprint of spirit -- The subject/object of cinema: The Maltese falcon -- "A deeper breath": from body to spirit in Kiss me deadly -- Negative dioretix: Repo man -- "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women!": two types of fetishism in The big Lebowski.
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    Missing Pieces in the Emotion Construction Kit.Brian Parkinson - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):305-306.
    This reply considers how my article’s approach might be extended by attention to individual, contextual, and ecological processes. I agree that individual learning and agency play important roles in ontogeny; that sociologists have conducted informative work about the interpersonal and institutional contexts shaping on-line emotion construction; and that consideration of the relational niches in which discrete emotions consolidate can help to clarify their abstract structure. Emotion construction works with nonsocial as well as social materials.
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    The Myrmidon vs. the Abbess.Brian P. Quaranta - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):183-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Myrmidon vs. the AbbessHow Contrasting Mechanisms to Resolve Mimetic Contagion in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and Comedy of Errors Stand as a Warning Against the Rejection of Christianity in Favor of Resurgent Homeric EthosBrian P. Quaranta (bio)This investigation started with a question: Why does Shakespeare hate the Iliad?The question arose after first reading Troilus and Cressida (T&C), Shakespeare's play set during the Trojan War. In his retelling, all (...)
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  37.  20
    Bioethics, General Ethics and CAM.Brian Kaplan - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):231-231.
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    The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde by crowther, paul.Brian Watkins - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (2):244-247.
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    By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed by Edward Feser and Joseph Bessette.Brian Welter - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (4):848-852.
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    Sloughing One’s Skin.Brian Bowles - 1999 - Southwest Philosophy Review 15 (2):25-38.
    Nietzsche's perspectivism can be seen as a two-leveled cure for dogmatism. On the one hand, perspectivism amounts to the dismissal of the metaphysical world and the acknowledgement of the esential incompleteness of all knowledge insofar as knowledge is only and always perspectival. On the other hand, perspectivism is an affirmation of the central role the affects play in all interpretations of the world; consequently, it presents itself as a summary rejection of the notion of disinterested contemplation or knowledge. Nietzsche's theory (...)
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  41. J.J. Valberg, "The Puzzle of Experience".Brian O' Connor - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1):176.
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  42. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola on virtue, happiness, and magic.Brian Copenhaver - 2019 - In Stephen Gersh, Plotinus' Legacy: The Transformation of Platonism From the Renaissance to the Modern Era. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The iron Triangle: Why The Wildlife Society Needs to Take a Position on Economic Growth.Brian Czech, Eugene Allen, David Batker, Paul Beier, Herman Daly, Jon Erickson, Pamela Garrettson, Valerius Geist, John Gowdy, Lynn Greenwalt, Helen Hands, Paul Krausman, Patrick Magee, Craig Miller, Kelly Novak, Genevieve Pullis, Chris Robinson, Jack Santa-Barbara, James Teer, David Trauger & Chuck Willer - 2003 - Wildlife Society Bulletin 31 (2):574-577.
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    Response to Richard Cross on “Are Names Said of God and Creatures Univocally?”.Brian Davies - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (2):333-336.
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  45. New Berco Manuscript.Brian Dutton (ed.) - 1982 - University of Exeter Press.
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    Human Agency, Realism and the New Essentialism.Brian Ellis - unknown
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    Beauty, Ornament, and Style.Brian K. Etter - 1999 - The Owl of Minerva 30 (2):211-235.
  48. Local groups: Bristol, liverpool, York, oxford.Brian Fay - 1976 - Radical Philosophy 14:42.
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  49. REPORTS: Oxford Festival, Open Meeting.Brian Fay - 1976 - Radical Philosophy 14:40.
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  50. War : the ethics of war : three recent controversies.Brian Orend - 2007 - In Jesper Ryberg, Thomas S. Petersen & Clark Wolf, New waves in applied ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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