Results for 'Brett Diaz'

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  1.  55
    (In)justice on Ice: Valieva and International Sport Governing Bodies’ Justice Duties Toward Underage Athletes.Brett Diaz, Marcus Campos, Matija Škerbić, Cam Mallett & Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):70-84.
    After two years of discussions and revisions, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code on June 16, 2020. Among the most significant additions to this iteration of the Code was the inclusion of new categories of athletes subject to differential treatment by WADA, including the “protected person” category. In this paper, we examine the recent case of figure skater Kamila Valeryevna Valieva, the first athlete given differential treatment due to her being categorized as a “protected person.” (...)
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    A Framework to Evaluate Justice Claims in the Russian State-Led Doping Case.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Brett Diaz & Rachel Park - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):427-442.
    In this article, we examine scholarly analyses of justice and develop a framework that can help assess the claims from the parties in the Russian state-led doping scandal, including, but not limited to, Russian athletes, non-Russian athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and sport governing bodies. The two key components of this justice framework are pluralism and relationality/contextuality. We argue that a justice framework built upon these elements better captures the nature of justice. We conclude that no party in the Russian (...)
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    Testing for Athlete Citizenship: Regulating Doping and Sex in Sport.T. Rachel Park, Emmanuel Macedo, Brett A. Diaz & Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):153-157.
    In Testing for Athlete Citizenship: Regulating Doping and Sex in Sport, Kathryn E. Henne provides ‘a genealogical account of anti-doping regulation by questioning the meanings we take from sport’ (...
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  4. Typical Subjectivity.Emiliano Diaz - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (1):1-21.
    Husserl’s theory of types is most often associated with his account of perception. Here, types operate as pre-predicative frames of experience that guide the perception of objects. In this paper, I will argue that Husserl’s theory of types is also central to his account of intersubjectivity. More specifically, I will show that a foundational kind of typical subjectivity is entailed by his discussion of the sphere of ownness. It is by way of this type that even a solitary subject can (...)
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  5. The Meta-Problem of Consciousness and the Phenomenal Concept Strategy.E. Diaz-Leon - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (5-6):62-73.
    The hard problem of consciousness is about how we could explain in physicalist terms why we are conscious. The meta-problem of consciousness is about how we could explain why we have a hard problem of consciousness. In this note I argue that the phenomenal concept strategy can in principle provide a satisfactory solution to the meta-problem.
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    Evidence of different models of socially responsible HRM in Europe.Rosalia Diaz‐Carrion, Macarena López‐Fernández & Pedro M. Romero‐Fernandez - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):1-18.
    Socially responsible human resource management (SR‐HRM) is becoming increasingly important for academics and managers. The interface between HRM and corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the subject of analysis in this article. It adopts a contextual perspective to analyze whether the institutional context influences the implementation of socially responsible HRM (SR‐HRM). Considering the differences in the national institutional contexts across Europe, this study explores the different models of SR‐HRM in that region. The research is focused on a sample of 153 companies (...)
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  7.  54
    The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences.B. Alexander Diaz, Sophie Van Der Sluis, Jeroen S. Benjamins, Diederick Stoffers, Richard Hardstone, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Eus J. W. Van Someren & Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    A resource‐based view on the role of universities in supportive ecosystems for social entrepreneurs.Abel Diaz-Gonzalez & Nikolay A. Dentchev - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (3):537-590.
    This paper investigates the role that universities play in supporting social entrepreneurs (SEs) across their ecosystem. Adopting the resource-based view (RBV) approach, we argue that universities attract, mobilize, and deploy multiple resources that benefit SEs through four main mechanisms (i.e., teaching, research, outreach, and the development of partnerships). We use a qualitative approach of 62 semi-structured interviews and 8 focus groups in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia. Our contribution shows that employing different resources and engaging in supportive activities of universities towards (...)
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  9.  30
    Strengthening Our Cities: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, and Social Innovation in Revitalizing Urban Environments.Michael L. Barnett, Brett Anitra Gilbert, Corinne Post & Jeffrey A. Robinson - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):647-653.
    Currently more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. This is expected to rise to more than two-thirds by mid-century. Thus, our economic, social, and environmental challenges mostly and increasingly play out in urban settings. How can cities be strengthened to address the growing challenges they face? This special issue addresses the ethical implications of revitalizing urban environments, and the roles that diversity and inclusion, as well as social innovation, play in this process. The five papers herein show (...)
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  10.  26
    The challenge of neuropsychological assessment of visual/visuo-spatial memory: A critical, historical review, and lessons for the present and future.Unai Diaz-Orueta, Bronagh M. Rogers, Alberto Blanco-Campal & Teresa Burke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A proliferation of tests exists for the assessment of auditory-verbal memory processes. However, from a clinical practice perspective, the situation is less clear when it comes to the ready availability of reliable and valid tests for the evaluation of visual/visuo-spatial memory processes. While, at face value, there appear to be a wide range of available tests of visual/visuo-spatial memory, utilizing different types of materials and assessment strategies, a number of criticisms have been, and arguably should be, leveled at the majority (...)
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  11.  16
    Topics in the Logic of Relevance.M. Richard Diaz - 1981 - Philosophia Verlag.
  12.  20
    Jumping to conclusions is differently associated with specific subtypes of delusional experiences: An exploratory study in first-episode psychosis.L. Diaz-Cutraro, H. Garcia-Mieres, R. Lopez-Carrilero, M. Ferrer, M. Verdaguer-Rodriguez, M. L. Barrigon, A. Barajas, E. Grasa, E. Pousa, E. Lorente, I. Ruiz-Delgado, F. Gonzalez-Higueras, J. Cid, C. Palma-Sevillano, S. Moritz, Group Spanish Metacognition & S. Ochoa - 2021 - Schizophrenia Research 228:357–359.
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  13.  19
    Consideraciones sobre el dolor desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.Paula Diaz Romero - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23):89-106.
    El presente artículo trata sobre cómo la fenomenología del dolor físico puede entablar un dialogo con las ciencias médicas, brindando, por un lado, un marco teórico sobre la relación mente-cuerpo que no sea reduccionista y, por otro lado, algunos aspectos que mejoren la posibilidad de la cuantificación del dolor mediante test de evaluación del dolor, a partir del refinamiento de los reportes subjetivos. El artículo que divide en tres secciones: la consideración fenomenológica del dolor; la consideración médica del dolor y (...)
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  14.  22
    Factors Influencing Right Hemisphere Engagement During Metaphor Comprehension.Michele T. Diaz & Anna Eppes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  15. The stream revisited: A process model of phenomenological consciousness.J. Diaz - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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  16.  23
    An Interview with Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre on Enrichment: A Critique of Commodities.Rainer Diaz-Bone - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):17-32.
    In this interview, Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre introduce their book Enrichment and core concepts for the analysis of new developments in contemporary capitalism. The study focuses the analysis of the enrichment economy, which is grasped as a new form to explore and exploit ‘the past’ as a source for capitalist profits. The interview presents forms of valuation, which are more general principles of how value and prices can be ascribed to goods. The approach of Boltanski and Esquerre assumes an (...)
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  17. Arqueology of the Transcendental Question. About Michel Foucault.Marco Diaz Marsa - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):1099-1126.
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    Cognitive Benefits From a Musical Activity in Older Adults.Veronika Diaz Abrahan, Favio Shifres & Nadia Justel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Consideraciones críticas de la noción de cuerpo propio.Paula Diaz Romero - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):187-203.
    El trabajo ofrece un análisis crítico a la noción de cuerpo propio (Leib) en M. Merleau-Ponty, como superación del dualismo cuerpo-mente. Se amplía dicha noción para integrar las experiencias del cuerpo físico (Körper) y posibilitar el diálogo entre fe-nomenología y medicina, al proponer una fenomenología del organismo doliente.
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  20. Centenario de la revista Ciencia Tomista Mesa Redonda en las XXXVIII Conversaciones de San Esteban.Jesús Diaz Sariego - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (1):183-196.
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  21.  44
    Continuing education in neurosurgery: calendar of events.Fernando G. Diaz, S. C. Hilton Head Island, Robert Iskowitz, Steven R. Jarrett, Gerald M. Fenichel, Ms Sher Reed, Albert J. Finestone, U. T. Snowbird, Michael Brant-Zawadzki & M. Peter Heilbrun - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  22.  26
    Cuerpos, territorios y gubernamentalidad neoliberal. Miradas sobre los regímenes extractivistas desde la epistemología feminista.Martín Ezequiel Diaz & María Belén Alvaro - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 25:249-273.
    En este trabajo, analizamos los efectos de los regímenes extractivistas en los territorios y los cuerpos desde el lugar situado de las mujeres. Centramos el análisis en la ciudad de Allen (Río Negro), a partir de la conversión de su territorio frutícola en área de extracción de hidrocarburos no convencionales. Hipotetizamos que la gubernamentalidad neoliberal que se impone en estos territorios arrasados genera una crisis de la reproducción social que impacta en el trabajo vivo útil para la producción y reproducción (...)
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  23.  25
    Dialectics and Typology: Narrative Structure in Hegel and Collingwood.R. Diaz-Maldonado - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (1):113-138.
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  24.  18
    Del cuerpo o el combate del pensamiento. Notas agónicas entre filosofías y deportes.Santiago Diaz - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:413-426.
    El cuerpo es el espacio de pensamiento que permite acercar la actividad del pensamiento filosófico y la reflexión deportiva. Este trabajo no trata de elaborar una tesis sobre la filosofía del deporte, sino encontrar un agón común que motive a pensar tanto en la filosofía como en el deporte. Con esto se intenta proponer, a partir de las filosofías de Gilles Deleuze y de Michel Serres, que el cuerpo es una fuerza que libera un combate sobre el pensamiento, sea en (...)
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  25.  19
    ‘Enrichment’ as a Pragmatist and Structuralist Contribution to Economic Sociology: Perspectives on the Approach of Economics and Sociology of Conventions.Rainer Diaz-Bone - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):5-16.
    The article discusses main contributions and results of the monograph Enrichment: A Critique of Commodities, written by the French sociologists Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre. Boltanski and Esquerre focus on the strategy to transform ‘the past’ (patrimony, luxury objects, tradition, collections) into new sources of richness. The book focuses on valuation forms and valuation discourses. Enrichment links Boltanski’s work again to the socio-economic movement of the economics and sociology of conventions (in short, EC/SC), which is part of the new French (...)
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  26. El arte es un juego : el desplazamiento cultural de los videojuegos de artefactos cotidianos a objetos de arte contemporáneo legitimados.Romano Ponce Diaz - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán, Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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    El bien universal y la buena conciencia: análisis de los conceptos de la conciencia del deber puro y la conciencia moral actuante en la Fenomenología del espíritu y la Filosofía del derecho de Hegel.Maverick Díaz - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:11-41.
    The present work aims to analyse the dynamics between the concepts at stake within the transition from morality to ethical life in Hegel’s “Philosophy of Objective Spirit”. Our hermeneutical and conceptual resource consists in the complementary readings of the dialectical movements of “morality” in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and in his Phenomenology of Spirit. First of all, we will examine the concepts of abstract good and conscience that appear in the Philosophy of Right. Secondly, we will examine the meaning of (...)
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  28.  15
    El genio y lo genuino que hay en nosotros, vigencia del pensamiento educativo en Nietzsche.Andrea Marta Diaz Genis - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (1):21.
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  29. El impacto de la música ambiental en la productividad laboral (The impact of environmental music on work productivity).H. Diaz, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):223-259.
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  30.  19
    El proceso de visibilización de las mujeres con discapacidad: Diferencia y perfil.Alicia Diaz Balado - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    En las últimas décadas, se viene abordando, en el marco de los Estudios de Género, la invisibilidad de las mujeres como grupo y de forma vinculada, el posterior reconocimiento de la diferencia femenina. Se ha estudiado el proceso de discapacitación que ha afectado a las mujeres de forma colectiva. A este respecto, resulta de interés la observación de las mencionadas circunstancias en el colectivo de las mujeres con discapacidad, grupo que ha sido sujeto central de análisis en los Estudios de (...)
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    (1 other version)Foucault E Gadamer: Entre a hermenêutica E a ética do cuidado de si.Rodrigo Diaz De Vivar Y. Soler - 2017 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 8 (15):01-11.
    Nosso ensaio procura explorar as relações entre os pensamentos de Foucault e Gadamer nos contextos da hermenêutica e da ética do cuidado de si. Num primeiro momento apresentamos os desdobramentos do cuidado de si e os exercícios espirituais da filosofia antiga e o acesso à verdade como forma de vida. O segundo momento é dedicado a elaborar uma leitura sobre a hermenêutica compreendida como uma experiência ética originária baseadas nas contribuições de Gadamer, Heidegger e Schmidt. Nossas considerações finais são dedicadas (...)
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  32. Fusings".Natalie Diaz - 2023 - In Dele Adeyemo, Natalie Diaz, Nadia Yala Kisukidi, Rinaldo Walcott & Christina Elizabeth Sharpe, Borders, human itineraries, and all our relation. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  33.  8
    Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo.Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.) - 2018 - General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    Gender Mainstreaming.Victor Rego Diaz - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):247-250.
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  35. Husserl y la identidad de la cultura Europea: La impugnaciôn «Eurocéntrica» del eurocentrismo.Jm Diaz Alvarez - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:185-191.
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  36. Le comportement dynamique du bâtiment et ses effets sur les collections.Pierre Diaz-Pedregal - 2000 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 11:109-116.
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    Les Cadres sociaux de l'ontologie sartrienne..Raymond Diaz - 1975 - Paris: diffusion H. Champion.
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  38. La doctrina del derecho subjetivo (en pro de la independencia de la ciencia juridica y del mantenimiento de sus conceptos fundamentales).Mario Diaz Cruz - 1947 - Madrid,: Instituto editorial Reus.
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  39.  16
    Legalidad-legitimidad en el socialismo democrático.Elías Díaz - 1978 - Madrid: Cívitas.
  40. La Palabra de Dios en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia XII Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos.Jesus Diaz Sariego - 2008 - Ciencia Tomista 135 (1):167-175.
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  41.  10
    La regla del reconocimiento y los contenidos mínimos de derecho natural en Herbert L.A. Hart.Ubaldina Diaz & Ubaldina Díaz Romero - 2020 - Dissertation,
    Problema de investigación abordado en esta tesis de grado, fue el de explorar el alcance que tendría la conexión entre la tesis de la regla de reconocimiento y la tesis de los contenidos mínimos de derechos natural en la teoría de H.L.A. Hart. Se indaga a partir de las referencias directas y no directas, la contextualización histórica con escuelas o tendencias activas en el período de elaboración de "El Concepto de Derecho". para identificar los puntos relevantes que permiten desarrollar los (...)
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  42. La teologia fundamental y los signos de los tiempos in Teologia fundamental.J. Diaz Murugarren - 1988 - Ciencia Tomista 115 (1):5-27.
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  43.  22
    Learning the Hard Way: Lessons on Gender and Power.Diaz–Tello Farah - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):200-202.
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    Medical Aid-in-Dying is an Ethical and Important End-of-Life Care Option.Dan Diaz - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):8-9.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 8-9.
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  45. Mutua influencia del entendimiento y la voluntad en el acto libre.Jm Diaz Torres - 1994 - Sapientia 49 (191-92):143-152.
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    Nicolas Bourguinat (dir.).Delphine Diaz - 2015 - Clio 41:333-333.
    Placé sous la direction de Nicolas Bourguinat, le livre collectif Voyageuses dans l’Europe des confins, xviiie-xxe siècles rassemble plusieurs communications prononcées lors d’une journée d’études organisée à l’Université de Strasbourg en 2010. L’ouvrage permet de relier les travaux sur le voyage et la différence des sexes, deux thématiques de plus en plus associées dans l’historiographie depuis une trentaine d’années. Le livre se distingue d’abord par la diversité des espaces abordés par les...
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    On Kids and Robots.Patricia Diaz-Herrera - 2022 - Questions 22:29-32.
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    Privacy preserving electronic petitions.Claudia Diaz, Eleni Kosta, Hannelore Dekeyser, Markulf Kohlweiss & Girma Nigusse - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):203-219.
    We present the design of a secure and privacy preserving e-petition system that we have implemented as a proof-of-concept demonstrator. We use the Belgian e-ID card as source of authentication, and then proceed to issue an anonymous credential that is used to sign petitions. Our system ensures that duplicate signatures are detectable, while preserving the anonymity of petition signers. We analyze the privacy and security requirements of our application, present an overview of its architecture, and discuss the applicability of data (...)
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  49.  10
    Per una storia illuministica.Furio Diaz - 1973 - Napoli,: Guida.
  50.  16
    Protestantismo y Concilio Vaticano II: una original tesis de Alberto Methol Ferré.Bárbara Diaz Kayel & José Ramiro Podetti - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (173):1-18.
    Durante buena parte de los últimos 500 años, católicos y protestantes han vivido ajenos unos de otros, cuando no llenos de mutua hostilidad. No obstante, un cambio profundo se operó con el Concilio Vaticano II. El pensador latinoamericano contemporáneo Alberto Methol Ferré considera que la Iglesia católica se había colocado, inicialmente, a la defensiva frente a dos grandes desafíos de la Modernidad –la Reforma y la Ilustración–, pero modificó su postura a partir del Vaticano II, asumiendo lo más valioso de (...)
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