Results for 'Brain Richards'

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  1. Mind, Brain, and Free Will.Richard Swinburne - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Swinburne presents a powerful new case for substance dualism and for libertarian free will. He argues that pure mental events are distinct from physical events and interact with them, and claims that no result from neuroscience or any other science could show that interaction does not take place. Swinburne goes on to argue for agent causation, and claims that it is we, and not our intentions, that cause our brain events. It is metaphysically possible that each of us (...)
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  2. Brain Bisection: Philosophy Meets Science.Richard Double - 1984 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 19 (43):39.
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    The Brain is the Milieu: Speed, Politics and the Cosmopolitan Screen.Richard Smith - 2004 - Theory and Event 7 (3).
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  4. Better brains, better selves? The ethics of neuroenhancements.Richard H. Dees - 2007 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 17 (4):371-395.
    : The idea of enhancing our mental functions through medical means makes many people uncomfortable. People have a vague feeling that altering our brains tinkers with the core of our personalities and the core of ourselves. It changes who we are, and doing so seems wrong, even if the exact reasons for the unease are difficult to define. Many of the standard arguments against neuroenhancements—that they are unsafe, that they violate the distinction between therapy and enhancements, that they undermine equality, (...)
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    Liberal Arts Education and Brain Plasticity.Richard A. Smith & John R. Leach - 2010 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 17 (2):119-130.
    This paper addresses what some view as a progressive and decades-long devaluing of the liberal arts in our educational institutions and society at large. It draws attention to symptoms of this trend and possible contributing factors, identifies benefits commonly attributed to the liberal arts, and then shows how insights from recent research on neuroplasticity provide good reason to believe that a traditional liberal education has positive effects on a person's brain. The paper supports the thesis that well-designed liberal arts (...)
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  6. Embodied tools, cognitive tools and brain-computer interfaces.Richard Heersmink - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (1):207-219.
    In this paper I explore systematically the relationship between Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and their human users from a phenomenological and cognitive perspective. First, I functionally decompose BCI systems and develop a typology in which I categorize BCI applications with similar functional properties into three categories, those with (1) motor, (2) virtual, and (3) linguistic applications. Second, developing and building on the notions of an embodied tool and cognitive tool, I analyze whether these distinct BCI applications can be seen as (...)
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  7. (1 other version)What brains won't tell us about the mind: A critique of the neurobiological argument against representational nativism.Richard Samuels - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (4):548-570.
    In their recent and influential book Rethinking Innateness, Jeffrey Elman and his co‐authors argue that evidence from neurobiology provides us with grounds to reject representational nativism (RN). I argue that Elman et al.’s argument fails because it makes a series of unwarranted assumptions about RN and about the extent to which neurobiological data constrain claims about the innateness of mental rep‐resentations. Moreover, I briefly discuss how we ought to understand RN and argue that on two prima facie plausible approaches, far (...)
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  8. Mind-on-the-drive: real-time functional neuroimaging of cognitive brain mechanisms underlying driver performance and distraction.Richard A. Young, Li Hsieh, Francis X. Graydon, I. I. Richard Genik, Mark D. Benton, Christopher C. Green, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran & Norman Tepley - manuscript
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  9. What is a brain state?Richard Brown - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (6):729-742.
    Philosophers have been talking about brain states for almost 50 years and as of yet no one has articulated a theoretical account of what one is. In fact this issue has received almost no attention and cognitive scientists still use meaningless phrases like 'C-fiber firing' and 'neuronal activity' when theorizing about the relation of the mind to the brain. To date when theorists do discuss brain states they usually do so in the context of making some other (...)
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  10. Gaze-fixation, brain activation, and amygdala volume in unaffected siblings of individuals with autism.Richard Davidson - manuscript
    Background: The broad autism phenotype includes subclinical autistic characteristics found to have a higher prevalence in unaffected family members of individuals with autism. These characteristics primarily affect the social aspects of language, communication, and human interaction. The current research focuses on possible neurobehavioral characteristics associated with the broad autism phenotype. Methods: We used a face-processing task associated with atypical patterns of gaze fixation and brain function in autism while collecting brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and eye tracking (...)
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  11. The Brain and its States.Richard Brown - 2012 - In Shimon Edelman, Tomer Fekete & Neta Zach, Being in Time: Dynamical Models of Phenomenal Experience. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 211-238.
    In recent times we have seen an explosion in the amount of attention paid to the conscious brain from scientists and philosophers alike. One message that has emerged loud and clear from scientific work is that the brain is a dynamical system whose operations unfold in time. Any theory of consciousness that is going to be physically realistic must take account of the intrinsic nature of neurons and brain activity. At the same time a long discussion on (...)
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    Brain Death: Still A Puzzle After All These Years.Richard Maundrell - 2022 - Neuroethics 16 (1):1–9.
    The definition of death as “irreversible coma” was introduced in 1968 by the Harvard University Medical School. It was developed largely in diagnostic terms as the “irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brainstem.” In its review of brain death in 1981, The President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine argued that brain death is consonant with circulatory death because the loss of certain brain functions results in the “loss (...)
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    Quantum Brain States.Richard A. Mould - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (4):591-612.
    If conscious observers are to be included in the quantum mechanical universe, we need to find the rules that engage observers with quantum mechanical systems. The author has proposed five rules that are discovered by insisting on empirical completeness; that is, by requiring the rules to draw empirical information from Schrödinger's solutions that is more complete than is currently possible with the (Born) probability interpretation. I discard Born's interpretation, introducing probability solely through probability “current.” These rules tell us something about (...)
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  14. Skepticism Revisited: Chalmers on The Matrix and brains-in-vats.Richard Hanley - 2017 - Cognitive Systems Research 41 (March 2017):93-98.
    Thought experiments involving The Matrix, brains-in-vats, or Cartesian demons have traditionally thought to describe skeptical possibilities. Chalmers has denied this, claiming that the simulations involved are real enough to at least sometimes defeat the skeptic. Through an examination of the meaning of kind terms in natural language I argue that, though the Chalmers view may be otherwise attractive, it is not an antidote to skepticism.
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  15. (1 other version)The brain as hardware, culture as software.Richard Rorty - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (3):219-235.
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    3 Will the Mind Become the Brain in the 21st Century?Richard F. Thompson - 1999 - In Robert L. Solso, Mind and Brain Sciences in the 21st Century. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 39.
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    Lateral specialization in the human brain: speculations concerning its origins and development.Richard J. Davidson - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):291-291.
  18. (1 other version)Free choice and the human brain.Richard E. Passingham & Hakwan C. Lau - 2004 - In Susan Pockett, Does consciousness cause behaviour? Mit Press. pp. 53-72.
  19. Developmental structure in brain evolution.Barbara L. Finlay, Richard B. Darlington & Nicholas Nicastro - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):263-278.
    How does evolution grow bigger brains? It has been widely assumed that growth of individual structures and functional systems in response to niche-specific cognitive challenges is the most plausible mechanism for brain expansion in mammals. Comparison of multiple regressions on allometric data for 131 mammalian species, however, suggests that for 9 of 11 brain structures taxonomic and body size factors are less important than covariance of these major structures with each other. Which structure grows biggest is largely predicted (...)
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    Culture, Trance, and the Mind‐Brain.Richard J. Castillo - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (1):17-34.
    Trance phenomena result from the behavior of intense focusing of attention, which is the key psychological mechanism of trance induction. Adaptive responses, including institutionalized forms of trance, are "tuned" into neural networks in the brain and depend to a large extent on the characteristics of culture. Culture‐specific organizations exist in the structure of individual neurons and in the organizational formation of neural networks.
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    Individual Differences in Brain Responses: New Opportunities for Tailoring Health Communication Campaigns.Richard Huskey, Benjamin O. Turner & René Weber - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:565973.
    Prevention neuroscience investigates the brain basis of attitude and behavior change. Over the years, an increasingly structurally and functionally resolved “persuasion network” has emerged. However, current studies have only identified a small handful of neural structures that are commonly recruited during persuasive message processing, and the extent to which these (and other) structures are sensitive to numerous individual difference factors remains largely unknown. In this project we apply a multi-dimensional similarity-based individual differences analysis to explore which individual factors—including characteristics (...)
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    Does electroconvulsive therapy cause brain damage?Richard D. Weiner - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):1-22.
    Although the use of ECT has declined dramatically from its inception, this decrease has recently shown signs of leveling out because of ECT's powerful therapeutic effect in severely ill depressed individuals who either do not respond to pharmacologic alternatives or are too ill to tolerate a relatively lengthy drug trial. Notwithstanding its therapeutic benefits, ECT has also remained a controversial treatment modality, particularly in the eye of the public. Given the unsavory qualities associated with the word “electroconvulsive,” claims of possible, (...)
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    Elevated Inter-Brain Coherence Between Subjects With Concordant Stances During Discussion of Social Issues.Christian Richard, Marija Stevanović Karić, Marissa McConnell, Jared Poole, Greg Rupp, Abigail Fink, Amir Meghdadi & Chris Berka - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Social media platforms offer convenient, instantaneous social sharing on a mass scale with tremendous impact on public perceptions, opinions, and behavior. There is a need to understand why information spreads including the human motivations, cognitive processes, and neural dynamics of large-scale sharing. This study introduces a novel approach for investigating the effect social media messaging and in-person discussion has on the inter-brain dynamics within small groups of participants. The psychophysiological impact of information campaigns and narrative messaging within a closed (...)
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    Searching the Brain: The Fourth Amendment Implications of Brain-Based Deception Detection Devices.Richard G. Boire - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):62-63.
  25. Dolphin social intelligence: complex alliance relationships in bottlenose dolphins and a consideration of selective environments for extreme brain size evolution in mammals.Richard C. Connor - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith, Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
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    Shaping the Effects of Associative Brain Stimulation by Contractions of the Opposite Limb.Richard G. Carson & Michelle L. Rankin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Philosopher with Two Brains.Richard Smith - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (2).
    'Gilles Deleuze: A Reason to Believe in this World' Special Issue edited by Reda Bensmaia and Jalal Toufic _Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture_ vol. 20 no. 3, Fall 1998 ISSN 0730-1081 249 pp.
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    A variety of brains?Richard A. Harshman - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):193-194.
  29. Varieties of artifacts: Embodied, perceptual, cognitive, and affective.Richard Heersmink - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science (4):1-24.
    The primary goal of this essay is to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the various relations between material artifacts and the embodied mind. A secondary goal of this essay is to identify some of the trends in the design and use of artifacts. First, based on their functional properties, I identify four categories of artifacts co-opted by the embodied mind, namely (1) embodied artifacts, (2) perceptual artifacts, (3) cognitive artifacts, and (4) affective artifacts. These categories can overlap and (...)
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    Brain functional connectivity, dopamine and the default mode network in ADHD.Silberstein Richard, Pipingas Andrew, Stough Con, Camfield David & Farrow Maree - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  31. Repetition and the brain: neural models of stimulus-specific effects.Kalanit Grill-Spector, Richard Henson & Alex Martin - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (1):14-23.
  32. The Evolution of Morality.Richard Joyce - 2005 - Bradford.
    Moral thinking pervades our practical lives, but where did this way of thinking come from, and what purpose does it serve? Is it to be explained by environmental pressures on our ancestors a million years ago, or is it a cultural invention of more recent origin? In The Evolution of Morality, Richard Joyce takes up these controversial questions, finding that the evidence supports an innate basis to human morality. As a moral philosopher, Joyce is interested in whether any implications follow (...)
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    Mirror neurons: From origin to function.Richard Cook, Geoffrey Bird, Caroline Catmur, Clare Press & Cecilia Heyes - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):177-192.
    This article argues that mirror neurons originate in sensorimotor associative learning and therefore a new approach is needed to investigate their functions. Mirror neurons were discovered about 20 years ago in the monkey brain, and there is now evidence that they are also present in the human brain. The intriguing feature of many mirror neurons is that they fire not only when the animal is performing an action, such as grasping an object using a power grip, but also (...)
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  34. The reductionist ideal in cognitive psychology.Richard Montgomery - 1990 - Synthese 85 (November):279-314.
    I offer support for the view that physicalist theories of cognition don't reduce to neurophysiological theories. On my view, the mind-brain relationship is to be explained in terms of evolutionary forces, some of which tug in the direction of a reductionistic mind-brain relationship, and some of which which tug in the opposite direction. This theory of forces makes possible an anti-reductionist account of the cognitive mind-brain relationship which avoids psychophysical anomalism. This theory thus also responds to the (...)
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    The evolution of computation in brain circuitry.Richard Granger - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):17-18.
    The attempt to derive mental function from brain structure is highly constrained by study of the allometric changes among brain components with evolution. In particular, even if homologous structures in different species produce similar computations, they may be constituents of larger systems (e.g., cortical-subcortical loops) that exhibit different composite operations as a function of relative size and connectivity in different-sized brains. The resulting evolutionary constraints set useful and specific conditions on candidate hypotheses of brain circuit computation.
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    Searle and the special powers of the brain.Richard Rorty - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):445-446.
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    Mind In Science: A History Of Explanations In Psychology And Physics.Richard Langton Gregory - 1981 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  38. Epistemological and phenomenological issues in the use of brain-computer interfaces.Richard Heersmink - 2011 - In C. Ess & R. Hagengruber, Proceedings of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy 2011 (pp. 98-102). MV-Wissenschaft.
    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are an emerging and converging technology that translates the brain activity of its user into command signals for external devices, ranging from motorized wheelchairs, robotic hands, environmental control systems, and computer applications. In this paper I functionally decompose BCI systems and categorize BCI applications with similar functional properties into three categories, those with (1) motor, (2) virtual, and (3) linguistic applications. I then analyse the relationship between these distinct BCI applications and their users from an (...)
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  39. Putnam’s Argument that the Claim that We are Brains-in-a-vat is Self-Refuting.Richard McDonough - 2018 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 10 (1):149-159.
    In Reason, Truth and History, Putnam provides an influential argument for the materialist view that the supposition that we are all “actually” brains in a vat [BIV’s] is “necessarily false”. Putnam admits that his argument, inspired by insights in Wittgenstein’s later views, is “unusual”, but he is certain that it is a correct. He argues that the claim that we are BIV’s is self-refuting because, if we actually are BIV’s, then we cannot refer to real physical things like vats. Although (...)
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    Extended mind and artifactual autobiographical memory.Richard Heersmink - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (4):659-673.
    In this paper, I describe how artifacts and autobiographical memory are integrated into new systemic wholes, allowing us to remember our personal past in a more reliable and detailed manner. After discussing some empirical work on lifelogging technology, I elaborate on the dimension of autobiographical dependency, which is the degree to which we depend on an object to be able to remember a personal experience. When this dependency is strong, we integrate information in the embodied brain and in an (...)
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    A Developmental Neural Model of Visual Word Perception.Richard M. Golden - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (3):241-276.
    A neurally plausible model of how the process of visually perceiving a letter in the context of a word is learned, and how such processing occurs in adults is proposed. The model consists of a collection of abstract letter feature detector neurons and their interconnections. The model also includes a learning rule that specifies how these interconnections evolve with experience. The interconnections between neurons can be interpreted as representing the spatially redundant, sequentially redundant, and transgraphemic information in letter string displays. (...)
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    The clinician's paradox: Believing those you must not trust.Richard Cytowic - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (9-10):9-10.
    Clinicians have a convention whereby symptoms are subjective statements 'as told by' patients, whereas signs are outwardly observable facts. Yet both first-person reports and third-person observations are theory laden and can bias conclusions. Two aspects of the oft-mentioned unreliability of reports are the subject's interpretation of them and the experimenter's assumptions when translating introspective reports into scientifically useful characterizations. Meticulous training of introspectors can address their mischief, whereas investigators can become more attentive to their own theory-laden biases. In the case (...)
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  43. Preserving narrative identity for dementia patients: Embodiment, active environments, and distributed memory.Richard Heersmink - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (8):1-16.
    One goal of this paper is to argue that autobiographical memories are extended and distributed across embodied brains and environmental resources. This is important because such distributed memories play a constitutive role in our narrative identity. So, some of the building blocks of our narrative identity are not brain-bound but extended and distributed. Recognising the distributed nature of memory and narrative identity, invites us to find treatments and strategies focusing on the environment in which dementia patients are situated. A (...)
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    The Argument to the Soul from Partial Brain Transplants.Richard Swinburne - 2018 - Philosophia Christi 20 (1):13-19.
    Suppose we transplant the left hemisphere of one person, Alexandra, into the skull of another person, Alex, from whom both cerebral hemispheres have been removed; and transplant Alexandra’s right hemisphere into the skull of another person, Sandra, both of whose cerebral hemispheres have been removed. Both of the resulting persons will then have some of Alexandra’s brain and probably almost all of her memories and character. But since at most only one of them can be Alexandra, being Alexandra must, (...)
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  45. Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal, and the process of change in psychotherapy: New insights from brain science.Richard D. Lane, Lee Ryan, Lynn Nadel & Leslie Greenberg - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e1.
    Since Freud, clinicians have understood that disturbing memories contribute to psychopathology and that new emotional experiences contribute to therapeutic change. Yet, controversy remains about what is truly essential to bring about psychotherapeutic change. Mounting evidence from empirical studies suggests that emotional arousal is a key ingredient in therapeutic change in many modalities. In addition, memory seems to play an important role but there is a lack of consensus on the role of understanding what happened in the past in bringing about (...)
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    What is Special About the Human Brain?Richard Passingham - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    The mental gap between man and ape is immense. As the brain is the organ of the mind, we must assume that throughout evolution there were changes in the brain that created this gap. This book is a search for those changes. Written in a lively style, the book is a far-reaching andrexciting quest for those things that make humans unique.
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  47. The narrative self, distributed memory, and evocative objects.Richard Heersmink - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1829-1849.
    In this article, I outline various ways in which artifacts are interwoven with autobiographical memory systems and conceptualize what this implies for the self. I first sketch the narrative approach to the self, arguing that who we are as persons is essentially our life story, which, in turn, determines our present beliefs and desires, but also directs our future goals and actions. I then argue that our autobiographical memory is partly anchored in our embodied interactions with an ecology of artifacts (...)
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    Sensations and Brain‐Events.Richard Swinburne - 1986 - In The Evolution of the Soul. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    If we are to give a full history of the world, we need to count two properties as distinct, if possession of one does not entail possession of the other. Hence, mental properties are distinct from physical properties, and so mental events including sensations are distinct from physical events. So functionalism is rejected. And mental events do not supervene on, are not constituted by, or realized in, physical events.
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    Value, variable, and coarse coding by posterior parietal neurons.Richard A. Andersen - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):90-91.
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    Are We Bodies or Souls?Richard Swinburne - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What makes us human? Richard Swinburne presents new philosophical arguments, supported by modern neuroscience, for the view that we are immaterial souls sustained in existence by our brains.
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