Results for 'Bjørn Sætrevik'

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  1. Against the de minimis principle.Björn Lundgren & H. Orri Stefánsson - 2020 - Risk Analysis 40 (5):908-914.
    According to the class of de minimis decision principles, risks can be ignored (or at least treated very differently from other risks) if the risk is sufficiently small. In this article, we argue that a de minimis threshold has no place in a normative theory of decision making, because the application of the principle will either recommend ignoring risks that should not be ignored (e.g., the sure death of a person) or it cannot be used by ordinary bounded and information-constrained (...)
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  2. Chapter One Virtual Survey on North Mesopotamian Tell Sites by Means of Satellite Remote Sensing Bjorn H. Menze, Simone Muhl.Bjorn H. Menze - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.), Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 5.
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    Managing Value Tensions in Collective Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Temporal, Structural, and Collaborative Compromise.Björn C. Mitzinneck & Marya L. Besharov - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):381-400.
    Social entrepreneurship increasingly involves collective, voluntary organizing efforts where success depends on generating and sustaining members’ participation. To investigate how such participatory social ventures achieve member engagement in pluralistic institutional settings, we conducted a qualitative, inductive study of German Renewable Energy Source Cooperatives. Our findings show how value tensions emerge from differences in RESCoop members’ relative prioritization of community, environmental, and commercial logics, and how cooperative leaders manage these tensions and sustain member participation through temporal, structural, and collaborative compromise strategies. (...)
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    Mendelssohns diskrete Religion.Björn Pecina - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The fact that rationalization and self-reflection were possible even across denominational boundaries is one of the fascinating characteristics of the period of enlightenment. This often led to a more flexible understanding of the concept of religion, which proved to be very open to being integrated into the debate. In his study, Bjorn Pecina develops just such an understanding of religion by evaluating the works of two outstanding scholars: Moses Mendelssohn and Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem. German description: Es gehort (...)
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    Against AI-improved Personal Memory.Björn Lundgren - 2020 - In Aging between Participation and Simulation. pp. 223–234.
    In 2017, Tom Gruber held a TED talk, in which he presented a vision of improving and enhancing humanity with AI technology. Specifically, Gruber suggested that an AI-improved personal memory (APM) would benefit people by improving their “mental gain”, making us more creative, improving our “social grace”, enabling us to do “science on our own data about what makes us feel good and stay healthy”, and, for people suffering from dementia, it “could make a difference between a life of isolation (...)
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  6. Constructing Cut Free Sequent Systems with Context Restrictions Based on Classical or Intuitionistic Logic.Björn Lellmann & Dirk Pattinson - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya (ed.), Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 148--160.
  7. Analysis of Generative Mechanisms.Björn Blom & Stefan Morén - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):60-79.
    The focus of this article is the analysis of generative mechanisms, a basic concept and phenomenon within the metatheoretical perspective of critical realism. It is emphasized that research questions and methods, as well as the knowledge it is possible to attain, depend on the basic view – ontologically and epistemologically – regarding the phenomenon under scrutiny. A generative mechanism is described as a trans empirical but real existing entity, explaining why observable events occur. Mechanisms are mostly possible to grasp only (...)
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  8. Das Böse als Exzess der Selbstsorge. Ein Kapitel einer Phänomenologie der Normativität.Björn Freter - 2017 - In Ana Honnacker & Eicke Brock (eds.), Das Böse erzählen. Perspektiven aus Philosophie, Film und Literatur. Berlin: Lit. pp. 41-61.
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  9. Consciousness without a cerbral cortex: A challenge for neuroscience and medicine.Bjorn Merker - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):63-81.
    A broad range of evidence regarding the functional organization of the vertebrate brain – spanning from comparative neurology to experimental psychology and neurophysiology to clinical data – is reviewed for its bearing on conceptions of the neural organization of consciousness. A novel principle relating target selection, action selection, and motivation to one another, as a means to optimize integration for action in real time, is introduced. With its help, the principal macrosystems of the vertebrate brain can be seen to form (...)
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    Utilitarianism for Sinners.Björn Eriksson - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):213 - 228.
    It is argued that utilitarianism should be reformulated as a scalar theory admitting of degrees of wrongdoing. It is also argued that the degree of wrongness of an action should be sensitive both to the relative valueloss the action results in and to the difficulty of having acted better. A version of utilitarianism meeting these specifications is forumalted.
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    Fichtes Gott: vom Sinn der Freiheit zur Liebe des Seins.Björn Pecina - 2007 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Bjorn Pecina reconstructs Fichte's philosophy of religion in its evolution from a practical self-consciousness to the theory of love and affects, which he developed late in life.
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    Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic: Foundations and Applications of Transparent Intensional Logic.Marie Duží, Bjorn Jespersen & Pavel Materna - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The book is about logical analysis of natural language. Since we humans communicate by means of natural language, we need a tool that helps us to understand in a precise manner how the logical and formal mechanisms of natural language work. Moreover, in the age of computers, we need to communicate both with and through computers as well. Transparent Intensional Logic is a tool that is helpful in making our communication and reasoning smooth and precise. It deals with all kinds (...)
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    Är juridiken en vetenskap?Björn Ahlander - 1950 - Stockholm,: H. Geber.
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    The methods of ethics. Conflicts built to last.Björn Eriksson - unknown
    An impressive amount of evidence from psychology, cognitive neurology, evolutionary psychology and primatology seems to be converging on a ‘dual process’ model of moral or practical (in the philosophical sense) psychology according to which our practical judgments are generated by two distinct processes, one ‘emotive-intuitive’ and one ‘cognitive-utilitarian’. In this paper I approach the dual process model from several directions, trying to shed light on various aspects of our moral and practical lives.
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    1:st person impressions of akrasia: Troubleshooting.Björn Petersson - unknown
    1. Formal arguments against full 1:st person knowledge of motivation. 2. Empirical evidence against 1:st person knowledge of motivation. 3. Sensitivity to background factors. 4. Individuation of options. 5. Charitable or paternalistic interpretation. 6. The role of self-diagnosis in deliberation. 7. Conclusions.
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  16. Useful Science and Scientific Openness: Baconian Vision or Faustian Bargain?Bjorn Wittrock - 1985 - In Michael Gibbons & Björn Wittrock (eds.), Science as a commodity: threats to the open community of scholars. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman. pp. 156.
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  17. Sequent Systems for Lewis' Conditional Logics.Björn Lellmann & Dirk Pattinson - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 320--332.
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    From probabilities to percepts.Bjorn Merker - 2012 - In Shimon Edelman, Tomer Fekete & Neta Zach (eds.), Being in Time: Dynamical Models of Phenomenal Experience. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 88--37.
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    Prestigious Science Journals Struggle to Reach Even Average Reliability.Björn Brembs - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Dialogues with Children and Adolescents: A Psychoanalytic Guide.Björn Salomonsson & Majlis Winberg-Salomonsson - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalytic work with children is popular, but the sophisticated language used in psychoanalytic discourse can be at odds with how children communicate, and how best to communicate with them. _Dialogues with Children and Adolescents: A Psychoanalytic Guide _shows how these aims can be achieved for the most effective clinical outcome with children from infancy up to late adolescence. _Björn Salomonsson_ and _Majlis Winberg Salomonsson_ draw on extensive case material which reveals the essence of communication between child and therapist. They enfranchise (...)
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    Moral Practice after Error Theory: Negotiationism.Björn Eriksson & Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Richard Garner & Richard Joyce (eds.), The End of Morality: Taking Moral Abolitionism Seriously. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 113-130.
    We first deal with a few preliminary matters and discuss what-if any-distinct impact belief in moral error theory should have on our moral practice. Second, we describe what is involved in giving an answer to our leading question and take notice of some factors that are relevant to what an adequate answer might look like. We also argue that the specific details of adequate answers to our leading question will depend largely on context. Third, we consider three extant answers to (...)
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  22. Brill Online Books and Journals.Björn Arp - 2005 - Journal of Critical Realism 4 (1).
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    Philosophy of Computing. Themes from IACAP 2019.Lundgren Björn & Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features a unique selection of works presented at the 2019 annual international conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP). Every contribution has been peer-reviewed, revised, and extended. The included chapters are thematically diverse; topics include epistemology, dynamic epistemic logic, topology, philosophy of science and computation, game theory and abductive inferences, automated reasoning and mathematical proofs, computer simulations, scientific modelling, applied ethics, pedagogy, human-robot interactions, and big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. The volume is a testament (...)
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    Both Reaction Time and Accuracy Measures of Intraindividual Variability Predict Cognitive Performance in Alzheimer's Disease.Björn U. Christ, Marc I. Combrinck & Kevin G. F. Thomas - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  25.  15
    Materialism and Selection Bias: Political Psychology from a Radical Constructivist Perspective.Björn Goldstein - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):327-338.
    Context: Political psychology rests on the assumption of the existence of a world outside and independent of consciousness. This ontological materialism is hardly spoken of within the field, as it ….
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    Dana Villa: Socratic Citizenship, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2001.Björn Hammar - 2002 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 2:163-165.
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    Nested Sequents or Tree-Hypersequents—A Survey.Björn Lellmann & Francesca Poggiolesi - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 243-301.
    This paper presents an overview of the methods of nested sequents or tree-hypersequents that were originally introduced to provide a comprehensive proof theory for modal logic. The paper retraces the history of how these methods have developed. Its aim is also to present, in an unified and harmonious way, the most recent results that have been obtained in this framework. These results encompass several technical achievements, such as the interpolation theorem and the construction of countermodels. Special emphasis is also given (...)
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  28. Den moraliska asymmetrin mellan lycka och lidande.Björn Petersson - 1993 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 1993 (4).
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    Verkligheten öppnar sig: läsning och uppenbarelse i Paul Ricoeurs bibelhermeneutik.Björn Vikström - 2000 - Åbo: Åbo Akademis Förlag = Åbo Akademi University Press.
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    Derrida and Technology: Life, Politics, and Religion: Translated by Stephen Donovan.Björn Sjöstrand - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first monograph that takes a comprehensive approach to Jacques Derrida as a philosopher of technology. It refines and complements his mainstream image as a philosopher of language and deconstructionist of classical literary and philosophical texts. This volume outlines the key features of Derrida’s alternative philosophy of technology, a philosophy which Sjöstrand argues, avoids the problems associated with, on the one hand, a Heideggerian orientation, which completely separates thinking and technology and, on the other, an empirically oriented (...)
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    Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers.Björn Vickhoff, Helge Malmgren, Rickard Åström, Gunnar Nyberg, Seth-Reino Ekström, Mathias Engwall, Johan Snygg, Michael Nilsson & Rebecka Jörnsten - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  32. Co-responsibility and Causal Involvement.Björn Petersson - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):847-866.
    In discussions of moral responsibility for collectively produced effects, it is not uncommon to assume that we have to abandon the view that causal involvement is a necessary condition for individual co-responsibility. In general, considerations of cases where there is “a mismatch between the wrong a group commits and the apparent causal contributions for which we can hold individuals responsible” motivate this move. According to Brian Lawson, “solving this problem requires an approach that deemphasizes the importance of causal contributions”. Christopher (...)
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    Human Rights in the Void? Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.Björn Fasterling & Geert Demuijnck - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):799-814.
    The ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ (Principles) that provide guidance for the implementation of the United Nations’ ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ framework (Framework) will probably succeed in making human rights matters more customary in corporate management procedures. They are likely to contribute to higher levels of accountability and awareness within corporations in respect of the negative impact of business activities on human rights. However, we identify tensions between the idea that the respect of human rights is a perfect (...)
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  34. The liabilities of mobility: A selection pressure for the transition to consciousness in animal evolution.Bjorn H. Merker - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (1):89-114.
    The issue of the biological origin of consciousness is linked to that of its function. One source of evidence in this regard is the contrast between the types of information that are and are not included within its compass. Consciousness presents us with a stable arena for our actions—the world—but excludes awareness of the multiple sensory and sensorimotor transformations through which the image of that world is extracted from the confounding influence of self-produced motion of multiple receptor arrays mounted on (...)
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  35. The integrated information theory of consciousness: A case of mistaken identity.Bjorn Merker, Kenneth Williford & David Rudrauf - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e41.
    Giulio Tononi's integrated information theory (IIT) proposes explaining consciousness by directly identifying it with integrated information. We examine the construct validity of IIT's measure of consciousness,phi(Φ), by analyzing its formal properties, its relation to key aspects of consciousness, and its co-variation with relevant empirical circumstances. Our analysis shows that IIT's identification of consciousness with the causal efficacy with which differentiated networks accomplish global information transfer (which is what Φ in fact measures) is mistaken. This misidentification has the consequence of requiring (...)
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  36. Collective Omissions and Responsibility.Björn Petersson - 2008 - Philosophical Papers 37 (2):243-261.
    Sometimes it seems intuitively plausible to hold loosely structured sets of individuals morally responsible for failing to act collectively. Virginia Held, Larry May, and Torbj rn T nnsj have all drawn this conclusion from thought experiments concerning small groups, although they apply the conclusion to large-scale omissions as well. On the other hand it is commonly assumed that (collective) agency is a necessary condition for (collective) responsibility. If that is true, then how can we hold sets of people responsible for (...)
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    Decolonization of the West, Desuperiorisation of Thought, and Elative Ethics.Björn Freter - 2019 - In Elvis Imafidon (ed.), Handbook on African Philosophy of Difference. Springer. pp. 1-24.
    Through the vehicle of Nicolas Sarkozy’s so-called “Dakar Address” we will analyse the West’s persisting lack of insight into the need for a Western decolonization. We will try to identify the dangers that come from this refusal, such as the abidance in colonial patterns, the enduring self-understanding as superior com-pared to Africa, and the persisting unwillingness to accept the colonial guilt. Decolonization has to be understood as a two-fold business. Decolonization is over-coming endured and perpetrated violence. It is not only (...)
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    Emotion processing facilitates working memory performance.Björn R. Lindström & Gunilla Bohlin - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1196-1204.
  39. Disease, illness, and sickness.Bjorn Hofmann - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    On the need for a global AI ethics.Björn Lundgren, Eleonora Catena, Ian Robertson, Max Hellrigel-Holderbaum, Ibifuro Robert Jaja & Leonard Dung - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):330-342.
    The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is not only global but globally varied. Yet, AI ethics is all too often overly localised. This paper discusses the potential of a global AI ethics, highlighting several important variables that it should take into account if it is to be as successful an enterprise as it needs to be.
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    Hearsay in European languages: toward an integrative account of grammatical and lexical marking.Björn Wiemer - 2010 - In Gabriele Diewald & Elena Smirnova (eds.), Linguistic Realization of Evidentiality in European Languages. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 49--59.
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  42. Collectivity And Circularity.Björn Petersson - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (3):138-156.
    According to a common claim, a necessary condition for a collective action (as opposed to a mere set of intertwined or parallel actions) to take place is that the notion of collective action figures in the content of each participant’s attitudes. Insofar as this claim is part of a conceptual analysis, it gives rise to a circularity challenge that has been explicitly addressed by Michael Bratman and Christopher Kutz.1 I will briefly show how the problem arises within Bratman’s and Kutz’s (...)
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    Music, bonding, and human evolution: A critique.Bjorn Merker - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e83.
    Savage et al. propose that music filled a hypothetical “bonding gap” in human sociality by Baldwinian gene-culture coevolution (or protracted cognitive niche construction). Both these stepping stones to an evolutionary account of the function and origin of music are problematic. They are scrutinized in this commentary, and an alternative is proposed.
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    Structure induction in diagnostic causal reasoning.Björn Meder, Ralf Mayrhofer & Michael R. Waldmann - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (3):277-301.
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    Modernismens åldrande: Theodor W. Adorno och den moderna konstens kris.Björn Billing - 2001 - Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposium.
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  46. An Evolutionary Perspective on Happiness and Mental Health.Bjorn Grinde - 2012 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 33 (1-2).
    The purpose of this article is to present a model of well-being based on current research in neurobiology and psychology, integrated in an evolutionary perspective of the human mind. Briefly, the primary purpose of nervous systems is to direct an animal toward behavior should be conducive to survival and procreation, and as a rule of thumb this implies either approach or avoidance. While behavior originally was based on reflexes, in humans the brain contains a system of negative and positive affect. (...)
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  47. Islamism: Cromwell's Ghost in the Middle East'.Björn Olav Utvik - 1997 - In Stein Tønnesson (ed.), Between national histories and global history. Helsingfors: FHS.
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  48. And global history: The three cultural crystallisations.Bjorn Wittrock - 2001 - In Aleksander Koj & Piotr Sztompka (eds.), Images of the world: science, humanities, art. Kraków: Jagiellonian University. pp. 123.
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    Going beyond hate speech: The pragmatics of ethnic slur terms.Björn Technau - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):25-43.
    Ethnic slur terms and other group-based slurs must be differentiated from general pejoratives and pure expressives. As these terms pejoratively refer to certain groups of people, they are a typical feature of hate speech contexts where they serve xenophobic speakers in expressing their hatred for an entire group of people. However, slur terms are actually far more frequently used in other contexts and are more often exchanged among friends than between enemies. Hate speech can be identified as the most central, (...)
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  50. Team Reasoning and Collective Intentionality.Björn Petersson - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2):199-218.
    Different versions of the idea that individualism about agency is the root of standard game theoretical puzzles have been defended by Regan 1980, Bacharach, Hurley, Sugden :165–181, 2003), and Tuomela 2013, among others. While collectivistic game theorists like Michael Bacharach provide formal frameworks designed to avert some of the standard dilemmas, philosophers of collective action like Raimo Tuomela aim at substantive accounts of collective action that may explain how agents overcoming such social dilemmas would be motivated. This paper focuses on (...)
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