Results for 'Gunilla Bohlin'

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  1.  41
    Emotion processing facilitates working memory performance.Björn R. Lindström & Gunilla Bohlin - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1196-1204.
  2.  22
    Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: postmodern perspectives.Gunilla Dahlberg - 1999 - Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press. Edited by Peter Moss & Alan R. Pence.
    With places at nursery school promised for every child above the age of four, this book raises the stakes by looking at the quality of what is provided, and how that compares to what should be provided. Beyond Quality In Early Childhood Education and Care challenges received wisdom and the tendency to reduce philosophical issues of value to purely technical issues of measurement and management. In its place, it offers alternative ways of understanding early childhood, early childhood institutions and pedagogical (...)
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    Infants’ imitative learning from third-party observations.Gunilla Stenberg - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (3):464-483.
    In two separate experiments, we examined 17-month-olds’ imitation in a third-party context. The aim was to explore how seeing another person responding to a model’s novel action influenced infant imitation. The infants watched while a reliable model demonstrated a novel action with a familiar (Experiment 1) or an unfamiliar (Experiment 2) object to a second actor. The second actor either imitated or did not imitate the novel action of the model. Fewer infants imitated the model’s novel behavior in the non-imitation (...)
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  4. Groundless Knowledge: A Humean Solution to the Problem of Skepticism, Stockholm Studies in Philosophy, 19.Henrik Bohlin - 1997
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    The Medical Risks of Life.Gunilla Liddle - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (3):149-149.
  6.  36
    Uncovering tacit caring knowledge.Gunilla Carlsson Rn Mnsc, Nancy Drew Rn Phd, Karin Dahlberg Rn Phd & Kim Lützen Rn Phd - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):144–151.
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    Uncovering tacit caring knowledge.Gunilla Carlsson, Nancy Drew, Karin Dahlberg & Kim Lützen - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):144-151.
    The aim of this article is to present re-enactment interviewing and to propose that it can be used to reveal tacit caring knowledge. This approach generates knowledge not readily attainable by other research methods, which we demonstrate by analysing the epistemological and methodological underpinnings of re-enactment interviewing. We also give examples from a study where re-enactment was used. As tacit knowledge is often characteristic of care, re-enactment interviewing has the potential to engage the informant in a holistic mode and thereby (...)
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    The situational context and the reliability of an adult model influence infants’ imitation.Gunilla Stenberg - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (2):375-390.
    Four studies examined 15- to 16-month-olds’ imitation of a model’s novel action with a familiar or an unfamiliar object. The infants observed a reliable or an unreliable model demonstrating a novel action with the object in a solitary observational or in an interactive context. The model’s reliability was manipulated by having the model acting competently or incompetently with different familiar objects. In two out of four studies infants imitated the model’s behavior when the model had previously shown to be reliable (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Languages of Evaluation.Gunilla Dahlberg - 1999 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Edited by Peter Moss & Alan R. Pence.
    What this book is about -- Theoretical perspectives : modernity and postmodernity, power and ethics -- Constructing early childhood institution : what do we think it is? -- Constructing the early childhood institution : what do we think they are for? -- Beyond the discourse of quality to the discourse of meaning making -- The stockholm project : constructing a pedagogy that speaks in the voice of the child, the pedagogue and the parent -- Pedagogical documentation : a practice for (...)
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  10.  20
    Heritigization and foreign diplomacy.Gunilla Gunner & Carola Nordbäck - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (2):40-56.
    The article investigates the complex negotiation process regarding the renovation of St Catherine’s church in St Petersburg. Additionally, the goal is to gain novel understanding of how former religious spaces can be transformed and highlight the various significances these structures may possess in different contexts, particularly at the junction of religion and cultural heritage. Built in 1865, the church served as a place of worship for the Swedish-speaking congregation for nearly eighty years before being repurposed as a sports school. Recently, (...)
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  11. Empirismen och dess kritiker.Henrik Bohlin - 1989 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 10 (3):1.
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  12.  6
    Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm studies in philosophy.Henrik Bohlin - 1957 - Almqvist & Wiksell International.
  13.  17
    On the evclides latinvs in ms verona, biblioteca capitolare xl , as a witness to the greek text of the elements.Erik Bohlin - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):724-741.
    In his paper ‘The wrong text of Euclid: on Heiberg's text and its alternatives', published in 1996, W.R. Knorr resuscitated the debate which had taken place in the 1880s between the orientalist M. Klamroth and the editor of Euclid's Elements, J.L. Heiberg. In nuce the debate concerned the fundamental question of which manuscript tradition of the Elements should be assigned textual anteriority: the Greek tradition or the Arabic tradition. Whereas Klamroth argued for the latter position, Heiberg, whose view became the (...)
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    The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities.Ray Bohlin - 2000 - Philosophia Christi 2 (1):142-144.
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  15.  18
    Sanglyrik, populærkultur og verdenslitterære læsninger.Gunilla Hermansson - 2022 - Agora 40 (2-3):64-90.
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  16.  30
    The caring encounter in nursing.Gunilla Holopainen, Lisbet Nyström & Anne Kasén - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):7-16.
    Background: The concept ‘encounter’ occurs in caring literature as a synonym for dialogue and relation describing deeper levels of interaction between patient and nurse. In nursing and caring research, the concept ‘caring encounter’ is often used without further reflection on the meaning of the concept. Encounters are, however, continuously taking place in the world of caring, which calls for a clarification of the concept. Objectives: This study is an analysis of the concept of caring encounter in nursing from the patients’ (...)
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    Gender as headline and subtext: problematizing the gender perspective in an occupational health project.Gunilla Olofsdotter & Angelika Sjöstedt Landén - 2014 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 5.
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  18.  18
    Do 12-month-old infants maintain expectations of contingent or non-contingent responding based on prior experiences with unfamiliar and familiar adults?Gunilla Stenberg - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (1):1-23.
    The current study examined whether infants use previous encounters for maintaining expectations for adults’ contingent responding. An unfamiliar adult responded contingently or non-contingently to infant signaling during an initial play situation and 10 min later presented an ambiguous toy while providing positive information (Experiment 1; forty-two 12-month-olds). The infants in the contingent group looked more at the adult during toy presentation and played more with the toy during the concluding free-play situation than the infants in the non-contingent group. When the (...)
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  19.  26
    Being heard – Supporting person‐centred communication in paediatric care using augmentative and alternative communication as universal design: A position paper.Gunilla Thunberg, Ensa Johnson, Juan Bornman, Joakim Öhlén & Stefan Nilsson - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12426.
    Person‐centred care, with its central focus on the patient in partnership with healthcare practitioners, is considered to be the contemporary gold standard of care. This type of care implies effective communication from and by both the patient and the healthcare practitioner. This is often problematic in the case of the paediatric population, because of the many communicative challenges that may arise due to the child's developmental level, illness and distress, linguistic competency and disabilities. The principle of universal design put forth (...)
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  20.  27
    Infant imitation in a third-party context.Gunilla Stenberg - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (3):387-411.
    The present study examined 17-month-olds’ imitation in a third-party context. In four experiments, the infants watched while a reliable or an unreliable model demonstrated a novel action with an unfamiliar (Experiments 1 and 3) or a familiar (Experiments 2 and 4) object to another adult. In Experiments 3 and 4, the second adult imitated the model’s novel action. Neither the familiarity of the object or whether or not the second adult copied the model’s behavior influenced the likelihood of infant imitation. (...)
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  21.  51
    Effects on the Mind as Objects of Reasoning: A Perspectivist Reading of the Reason–Passion Relation in Hume's Ethics.Henrik Bohlin - 2014 - Hume Studies 40 (1):29-51.
    Hume’s ethics is concerned not only with the metaphysical status of moral qualities but equally, if not more, with the problem of determining to what extent and under what conditions issues of moral disagreement and inquiry can be decided by rational argumentation. This paper argues that Hume’s solution to the second problem is a form of perspectivism: the rational decidability of moral issues depends on the existence of shared perspectives, or sets of assumptions and correlated dispositions to feelings, and is (...)
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  22.  30
    Intuitvely Assessed Reasonableness as a Criterion of Validity in Empathetic Understanding.Henrik Bohlin - 2009 - SATS 10 (1):107-131.
  23.  7
    Sören Kierkegaards etiska åskådning med särskild hänsyn till begreppet "den enskilde"..Torsten Bohlin - 1918 - Stockholm,: A.-b. Svenska kyrkans diakonistyrelses bokförlag.
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    The Dynamics of Belief Systems: A Wittgensteinian view.Henrik Bohlin - unknown
    In On Certainty, Wittgenstein argues both that certain propositions belong to our “frame of reference” and are “exempt from doubt,” and that this “river-bed of thoughts” can change. Exploring this seeming contradiction, I argue that such changes can take place as the result of rational argumentation, although of a highly indirect nature, and suggest that something like this can hold for argumentation between cultures.
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    David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature, edited by David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007.Henrik Bohlin - 2008 - SATS 9 (1).
  26.  22
    Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth: Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong.Raymond G. Bohlin - 2002 - Philosophia Christi 4 (1):271-276.
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  27.  19
    On the geometrical term radius in ancient latin.Erik Bohlin - 2013 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 157 (1):141-153.
    According to major Latin dictionaries, the word radius is attested as a terminus technicus for the geometrical concept ‘radius’ in Cicero’s Timaeus 17. In this study, however, it is argued that there is good reason to believe that Cicero did not use the word in this sense, but in a metaphorical expression in which radius mainly carries the well-attested sense of ‘rod ’: paribus radiis attingi literally = ‘to be touched by equal rods’, that is to say, ‘to be equidistant’. (...)
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  28.  42
    Perspective-dependence and Critical Thinking.Henrik Bohlin - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (2):189-203.
    Recent theories of critical thinking have stressed the importance of taking into consideration in critical enquiry the perspectives, or presuppositions, of both the speaker whose statements are under scrutiny and the critic himself. The purpose of the paper is to explore this idea from an epistemological (rather than a pedagogical or psychological) point of view. The problem is first placed within the general context of critical thinking theory. Three types of perspective-dependence are then described, and the consequences of each for (...)
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  29.  15
    ‘You’re doing everything just fine’: Praise in residential care settings.Gunilla Jansson - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (1):64-86.
    This study examines the use of praise in caregiving of nursing home residents with dementia in Sweden. The data consist of video-recordings of staff–resident interaction in residential care settings where caregivers assist residents with personal hygiene. High-grade assessments accomplishing praise or a compliment such as ‘jättebra’ are routinely used online, simultaneously with the care activity, by the caregiver when the residents are requested to undertake manual tasks on their own, such as tooth brushing, washing, dressing, and getting out of bed. (...)
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  30. Filosofi, förnuft och samhälle.Henrik Bohlin - 1992 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 3.
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  31.  32
    Dealing with troubled conscience in municipal care of older people.Eva Ericson-Lidman & Gunilla Strandberg - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (3):300-311.
    Troubled conscience may jeopardize the health of healthcare personnel and, hence, the quality of care provided. Learning more about how personnel deal with their troubled conscience therefore seems important. The aim of this study was to describe personnel’s experiences of how they deal with troubled conscience generated in their daily work in municipal care of older people. Interviews were conducted with 20 care providers and analysed with a thematic content analysis. The findings show that in order to deal with troubled (...)
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  32.  43
    Peter G. Walsh and Christopher Husch, eds. and trans., One Hundred Latin Hymns: Ambrose to Aquinas. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012. Pp. xxv, 517. $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-05773-9. [REVIEW]Gunilla Iversen - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):839-841.
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  33.  51
    ‘Being appropriately unusual’: a challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families.Eva Gunilla Benzein, Margaretha Hagberg & Britt-Inger Saveman - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):106-115.
    This study describes the theoretical assumptions and the application for health‐promoting conversations, as a communication tool for nurses when talking to patients and their families. The conversations can be used on a promotional, preventive and healing level when working with family‐focused nursing. They are based on a multiverse, salutogenetic, relational and reflecting approach, and acknowledge each person's experience as equally valid, and focus on families’ resources, and the relationship between the family and its environment. By posing reflective questions, reflection is (...)
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  34. Universal Moral Standards and the Problem of Cultural Relativism in Hume's ‘A Dialogue’.Henrik Bohlin - 2013 - Philosophy 88 (4):593-606.
    An interpretation and critical re-construction is offered of David Hume's argument on cultural relativism in the essay ‘A Dialogue’. For any issue of moral disagreement, Hume contends, either one side can be shown right and the other wrong, or imprecision in moral principles leaves room for more than one reasonable view, or the disagreement concerns a morally indifferent aesthetic matter, or it is caused by ‘artificial’ moral sentiments. In each case, relativism is the wrong view. Following an analysis of each (...)
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  35.  58
    David Hume.Henrik Bohlin - 2008 - SATS 9 (1):158-160.
  36.  44
    Formalizing Syntheses of Medical Knowledge: The Rise of Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews.Ingemar Bohlin - 2012 - Perspectives on Science 20 (3):273-309.
  37. ‘Om att säga ba’ – Davidsons analys av direkt anföring.Henrik Bohlin - 2009 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 3.
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  38. Sympathy, Understanding, and Hermeneutics in Hume’s Treatise.Henrik Bohlin - 2009 - Hume Studies 35 (1-2):135-170.
    With his theory of sympathy in the Treatise of Human Nature, Hume has been interpreted as anticipating later hermeneutic theories of understanding. It is argued in the present article that Hume has good reasons to consider a hermeneutic theory of empathetic understanding, that such a theory avoids a serious difficulty in Hume’s “official,” positivist theory of sympathy, that it is compatible with the complex and subtle form of positivism, or naturalism, developed in Book 1 of the Treatise, and that his (...)
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  39.  18
    Three notes on the euclides latinus preserved in the verona manuscript, biblioteca capitolare xl.Erik Bohlin - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):455-459.
    Six palimpsest folios – or, to be accurate, three bifolios – of the Verona manuscript, Biblioteca Capitolare XL, contain fragments of a Latin translation of Euclid's Elements: fols. 331v–r and 326v–r, 341r–v and 338r–v, 336r–v and 343r–v. The folios are dated to around a.d. 500, and the text is written in capital script in two columns. Unfortunately the folios have suffered severe damage from various chemical substances, which were used by nineteenth-century scholars in attempts to retrieve the underlying text. Nevertheless, (...)
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  40. Governing the Child in the New Millennium.Kenneth Hultqvistand Gunilla Dahlbetg - 2001 - In Kenneth Hultqvist & Gunilla Dahlberg, Governing the Child in the New Millennium. Routledge.
  41.  41
    Reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care of patients with acute stroke.Åsa Rejnö, Gunilla Silfverberg & Britt-Marie Ternestedt - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):100-110.
    Background: Ethical problems are a universal phenomenon but rarely researched concerning patients dying from acute stroke. These patients often have a reduced consciousness from stroke onset and thereby lack ability to convey their needs and could be described as ‘incompetent’ decision makers regarding their own care. Objective: The aim of the study was to deepen the understanding of stroke team members’ reasoning about truth-telling in end-of-life care due to acute stroke. Research design: Qualitative study based on individual interviews utilizing combined (...)
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  42.  75
    DIS/Empowering pursuits: The promise of literacy and the patterns of school practice. [REVIEW]Gunilla Holm, Julie Kaufman & Paul Farber - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14 (1):63-74.
  43.  38
    How do prescribing doctors anticipate the effect of statins?Per Lytsy, Gunilla Burell & Ragnar Westerling - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (3):420-428.
  44.  1
    Ethical Coffee Room: An international collaboration in learning ethics digitally.Katri Manninen, Gunilla Björling, Jelena Kuznecova & Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (8):1655-1668.
    Background: Ethics is a fundamental part of health care professionals’ competence and one of the major quality factors in good nursing care. Research shows challenges in learning and applying ethics. Ethical Coffee Room (ECR) is an electronic platform, where the students, nurses and teachers discuss anonymously ethical issues during students’ clinical practice. ECR offers 1 credit (27 working hours) for the students. This work included reading theoretical material, contributions for discussion of ethical dilemmas and reflection of one’s own learning. Every (...)
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    Robert J. Richards, The Meaning of Evolution: The Morphological Construction and Ideological Reconstruction of Darwin's Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992. Pp. xv + 205. ISBN 0-226-71202-8. £15.95, $19.95. [REVIEW]Ingemar Bohlin - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (1):106-108.
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    Lorraine Daston , biographies of scientific objects. Chicago and London: University of chicago press, 2000. Pp. X+308. Isbn 0-226-13672-8. £13.50, $19.00. [REVIEW]Ingemar Bohlin - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Science 34 (3):341-373.
  47.  27
    The hide-and-seek game: Men’s perspectives on abortion and contraceptive use within marriage in a rural community in zimbabwe.Jeremiah Chikovore, Gunilla Lindmark, Lennarth Nystrom, Michael T. Mbizvo & Beth Maina Ahlberg - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (3):317-332.
  48.  26
    Peter J. Bowler, Darwinism. Twayne's Studies in Intellectual History. New York: Twayne, 1993. Pp. xii + 118. ISBN 0-8057-8613-9, $24.95 (hardback); 0-8057-8638-4, $14.95 (paperback). [REVIEW]Ingemar Bohlin - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Science 28 (1):117-119.
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    Dignity at stake: Caring for persons with impaired autonomy.Åsa Rejnö, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Lennart Nordenfelt, Gunilla Silfverberg & Tove E. Godskesen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):104-115.
    Dignity, usually considered an essential ethical value in healthcare, is a relatively complex, multifaceted concept. However, healthcare professionals often have only a vague idea of what it means to respect dignity when providing care, especially for persons with impaired autonomy. This article focuses on two concepts of dignity, human dignity and dignity of identity, and aims to analyse how these concepts can be applied in the care for persons with impaired autonomy and in furthering the practice of respect and protection (...)
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  50.  62
    Ethical aspects of diagnosis and interventions for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their families.Gert Helgesson, Göran Bertilsson, Helena Domeij, Gunilla Fahlström, Emelie Heintz, Anders Hjern, Christina Nehlin Gordh, Viviann Nordin, Jenny Rangmar, Ann-Margret Rydell, Viveka Sundelin Wahlsten & Monica Hultcrantz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1.
    Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is an umbrella term covering several conditions for which alcohol consumption during pregnancy is taken to play a causal role. The benefit of individuals being identified with a condition within FASD remains controversial. The objective of the present study was to identify ethical aspects and consequences of diagnostics, interventions, and family support in relation to FASD. Ethical aspects relating to diagnostics, interventions, and family support regarding FASD were compiled and discussed, drawing on a series of discussions (...)
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