Results for 'Biographie Biografie biography'

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  1.  9
    Antonie Doležalová and Mikuláš Teich 2021. Mikuláš Teich: Moje století (1918–2018). Intelektuální biografie v dialogu [Mikuláš Teich: My Century (1918–2018). Intellectual Biographies in Dialogue]. [REVIEW]Jan Jakub Surman - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (2):193-195.
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    Theodor Echtermeyer (1805-1844): Biographie und Quellenteil mit unveröffentlichten Texten.Martin Hundt - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese Biografie ist der erste Versuch, Leben und Wirken des fast vergessenen fuhrenden Junghegelianers Theodor Echtermeyer zu rekonstruieren. Obgleich infolge seines fruhen Todes viele entscheidende Quellen nicht uberliefert sind, gelingt es dem Autor, ein schlussiges Bild von Echtermeyers Personlichkeit zu entwerfen, seine Rolle als Initiator und Mitherausgeber der -Hallischen Jahrbucher- zu zeigen und seine bedeutende konzeptionelle Leistung anzudeuten. Ein Anhang von Texten, darunter drei Erstveroffentlichungen, unterstutzt dieses Anliegen.".
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    Bolland: een biografie.W. Otterspeer - 1995 - Amsterdam: Bert Bakker.
    Biografie van de Nederlandse filosoof G.J.P.J. Bolland (1854-1922).
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    Sokrates: Versuch einer Biografie.Johannes Irmscher - 1982 - Leipzig: Reclam.
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    Werke und Freuden: Michel Foucault - eine Biografie.Michael Fisch - 2011 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Diese Biographie entwirft ein neuartiges Bild von einem der bedeutendsten Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erstmals werden darin die reichen Editionen kürzerer Texte und Vorlesungen Michel Foucaults, die seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre entstanden sind, biographisch ausgewertet und für neue Einsichten in den Zusammenhang von Leben und Werk des einflussreichen Theoretikers fruchtbar gemacht. Stärker als die gängigen biographischen Deutungen lässt diese Biographie Foucaults Texte und seine Stimme selbst sprechen und wird so einem Leben, das im Medium des Denkens nach (...)
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    SAK: Søren Aabye Kierkegaard: en biografi.Joakim Garff - 2000 - København: Gads forlag.
    En kompleks biografi om filosoffen, forfatteren og privatpersonen Søren Kierkegaards (1813-1855) liv og forfatterskab med en sanset og indlevet skildring af hans samtid og tankeverden.
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    Filosofen i exil: publicisten och folkbildaren Alf Ahlberg: en intellektuell biografi.Kjell Krantz - 1989 - Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
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    Der unhandliche Philosoph: Berichte zur Biografie des Sokrates.Johanna Braun & Günter Braun - 1983 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Günter Braun.
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    H.J. Pos, 1898-1955, objectief en partijdig: biografie van een filosoof en humanist.Peter Derkx - 1994 - Hilversum: Verloren.
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    Wandelen met G'd: een theologische biografie van Franz Rosenzweig.Frits Kuiper - 1996 - Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
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  11. Tomás de Aquino: circunstancia y biografía.Joaquín Llanos Entrepueblos - 1982 - Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás, Centro de Enseñanza Desescolarizada.
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    Ve věci Heidegger: problém Heideggerovy biografie.Ivan Dubský - 1997 - Praha: OIKOYMENH.
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  13. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-iv).Nietzsche Biographies & Dichtung und Wahrheit - 2011 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 42 (1).
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    Cultures of Dissection and Anatomies of Generation.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):439-444.
  15. Mencwel A., pietrzycka a.Biography Spiritual - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (9-10):225-228.
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    Representing Wonch'uk.Buddhist Biographies - 2002 - In Benjamin Penny (ed.), Religion and Biography in China and Tibet. Curzon Press. pp. 74.
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    Social Aspects of Science.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):453-455.
  18.  14
    Ludwig Wittgenstein: sein Leben in Bildern und Texten.Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michael Nedo & Michele Ranchetti (eds.) - 1983 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Uit familie-foto's en tekstfragmenten van brieven en aantekeningen samengestelde biografie van de Joods-Oostenrijkse, later in Engeland gevestigde wijsgeer (1889-1951).
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  19.  21
    Kants Leben und Werk in neuen Darstellungen. Uber: Gerd Irrlitz: Kant-Handbuch; Manfred Kuhn: Kant. A Biography; dt.: ders.: Kant. Eine Biographie; Manfred Geier: Kants Welt. Eine Biographie; Steffen Dietzsch: Immanuel Kant. Eine Biographie.Georg Mohr - 2004 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (6):1007.
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    Red mda'ba, Buddhist yogi-scholar of the fourteenth century: the forgotten reviver of Madhyamaka philosophy in Tibet.Jampa Tsedroen - 2009 - Wiesbaden: Reichert.
    English description: Red mda' ba gZhon nu blo gros (1348-1412) played a pivotal role in the history of Tibetan Buddhists' engagement with Indian Madhyamaka, especially with regard to Candrakirti's interpretation of Nagarjuna. The lasting impact of this historical figure on the shape of Buddhist philosophy in Tibet - and particularly that of Madhyamaka - has been highly underestimated to date. Red mda' ba was an important teacher of scholastic Buddhist philosophy to the three main founders of Tibetan dGe lugs tradition. (...)
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  21. Die Welt der Philosophin.Ursula I. Meyer - 1995
    Der vierbändige Titel Die Welt der Philosophin liefert eine anschauliche Darstellung vom Leben einzelnen Philosophinnen, die als Repräsentantinnen ihrer Zeit zu sehen sind. Mit Auszügen aus ihren Texten (zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung), ausführlichen Einführungen in die historische Epoche mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lage der Frauen und einer ausführlichen Biografie bieten die Bände spannenden Einblicke in das Leben von Philosophinnen. The four-volume title The World of the Female Philosopher provides a vivid account of the lives of individual female (...)
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  22. Giordano Bruno giovane ad Andria. Luci sugli anni di formazione del filosofo.Guido Del Giudice - 2020 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (1):25-36.
    L’articolo si propone di chiarire uno dei punti oscuri della biografia di Giordano Bruno. Nel 1571 il Capitolo generale dei Domenicani di Roma lo assegnò come studente formale allo Studio di Andria. Secondo i suoi più importanti biografi, il Nolano non ci sarebbe mai andato. Attraverso l’accurata analisi dei documenti relativi al corso di studi, e il riscontro delle citazioni contenute in alcune opere, l’ipotesi che Bruno abbia soggiornato ad Andria per circa un anno appare, invece, estremamente probabile. The article (...)
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    A Life in Science, Philosophy, and the Public Domain: Three Biographies of PoincaréJeremy J. Gray. Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. Pp. xii+592. $35.00/£24.95 .Ferdinand Verhulst. Henri Poincaré: Impatient Genius. New York: Springer, 2012. Pp. xi+260. $49.95 ; $39.95 .Jean-Marc Ginoux and Christian Gerini. 2012. Henri Poincaré: Une biographie au quotidien. Paris: Ellipses, 2012. Pp. iv+298. €24.00 . [Henri Poincaré: A Biography through the Daily Papers. Singapore: World Scientific, 2013. Pp. 260. $29.00 ; $22.00 .]. [REVIEW]David J. Stump - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):309-318.
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    Hārūn al-Rashīd e al-Muqtadir. Come distinguere un buon califfo da un cattivo califfo.Letizia Osti - 2009 - Doctor Virtualis 9:1-18.
    In questo articolo ci si occupa di come il regno e la vita di due califfi abbasidi siano ritratti e valutati dalle fonti narrative arabe medievali. Hārūn al-Rashīd e al-Muqtadir divennero, pochi decenni dopo la loro morte, il paradigma del buono e del cattivo califfo rispettivamente; tuttavia, i loro lunghi califfatia le loro biografie personali presentano diversi elementi comuni. Un'analisi di temi simili presenti nelle rappresentazioni dei due sovrani illustrano mezzi e strategie narrativi impiegati dalle fonti, nel tentativo di (...)
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    Animal Biographies: Beyond Archetypal Figures.Violette Pouillard - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (2):172-178.
    The biographies of animal celebrities published by the historians John Simons and Eric Baratay aim to place animals in and of themselves at the center of academic narratives. Both excavate the lived experiences concealed behind official discourses and collective representations, notably by relying on cross-fertilization with ethological research. They unveil the ways in which information was reshaped in order to portray animal celebrities as benevolent members of human-animal communities, and thereby shed light on the mechanics of animal commodification. The close (...)
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  26. Auto-biography: On the Immanent Commodification of Personal Infor-mation.Kenneth C. Werbin - 2012 - International Review of Information Ethics 17:07.
    In the last years, a series of automated self-representational social media sites have emerged that shed light on the information ethics associated with participation in Web 2.0. Sites like,, and not only continually mine and aggregate personal information and biographic data from the web and beyond to automatically represent the lives of people, but they also engage algorithmic networking logics to represent connections between them; capturing not only who people are, but whom they are connected to. (...)
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    Przezwyciężenie metafizyki, przezwyciężenie polityki. Martina Heideggera droga do i od narodowego socjalizmu.Radosław Strzelecki - 2022 - Principia 69 (Tom 69, Polityka i zło):57-75.
    Artykuł ma na celu wskazanie filozoficznych źródeł zarówno akcesu Martina Heideggera do ruchu nazistowskiego, jak i późniejszego zerwania przez myśliciela z zaangażowaniem politycznym. Drogę Heideggera do i od narodowego socjalizmu należy uchwycić nie tylko poprzez biografię filozofa, lecz przede wszystkim na szerszym tle procesu kształtowania się jego rozumienia polityki jako obszaru bytu wydzielonego i zagospodarowanego przez zachodnią metafizykę, co stanowi przejaw wypełnienia istoty metafizyki jako zapomnienia o byciu. Filozofię Heideggera wielokrotnie diagnozowano (por. np. Löwith, Adorno) jako głęboko powiązaną ze światopoglądem (...)
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    Biography, or Life as a Story.Arthur Tatossian & R. Scott Walker - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (139):95-103.
    Biography is a story, and a story is something that is meant to be told. It is thus quite evident that biography is the tale of a life: a life-story (Lebensgeschichte in German). But then the question arises as to what exactly is a story and how apt is it for representing life within the limits of this representation as compared to other representations of life: the painted or written portrait, the private diary, the oral or tape-recorded interview, (...)
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    Biographies of Scientific Objects.Lorraine Daston (ed.) - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    Why does an object or phenomenon become the subject of scientific inquiry? Why do some of these objects remain provocative, while others fade from center stage? And why do objects sometimes return as the focus of research long after they were once abandoned? Addressing such questions, _Biographies of Scientific Objects_ is about how whole domains of phenomena—dreams, atoms, monsters, culture, society, mortality, centers of gravity, value, cytoplasmic particles, the self, tuberculosis—come into being and sometimes pass away as objects of scientific (...)
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  30. (2 other versions)Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation.Donald Wayne Viney & George W. Shields - 2015
    Charles Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation Charles Hartshorne is widely regarded as having been an important figure in twentieth century metaphysics and philosophy of religion. His contributions are wide-ranging. He championed the aspirations of metaphysics when it was unfashionable, and the metaphysic he championed helped change some of the fashions of philosophy. He counted … Continue reading Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation →.
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  31. Care biography: A concept analysis.Matthew Tieu, Regina Allande-Cussó, Aileen Collier, Tom Cochrane, Maria A. Pinero de Plaza, Michael Lawless, Rebecca Feo, Lua Perimal-Lewis, Carla Thamm, Jeroen M. Hendriks, Jane Lee, Stacey George, Kate Laver & Alison Kitson - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    In this article, we investigate how the concept of Care Biography and related concepts are understood and operationalised and describe how it can be applied to advancing our understanding and practice of holistic and person‐centred care. Walker and Avant's eight‐step concept analysis method was conducted involving multiple database searches, with potential or actual applications of Care Biography identified based on multiple discussions among all authors. Our findings demonstrate Care Biography to be a novel overarching concept derived from (...)
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    (2 other versions)Living biographies of great philosophers.Henry Thomas - 1941 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Perma Giants. Edited by Dana Lee Thomas.
    Short biographies of twenty world famous philosophers.
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    La biographie d'Empédocle.Joseph Bidez - 1894 - New York,: G. Olms.
    La vie d'Empédocle par Diogène Laërce (Hippobotos).--Histoire de la tradition.--Biographie d'Empédocle.
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  34. Ancient Biographies of Pythagoras and Epicurus as Models of the Philosophical Life.Dominic J. O’Meara - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:151-165.
    Cet article a pour objet le rapport éventuel entre la biographie épicurienne, dans sa fonction de proposer des modèles de félicité humaine, et la biographie telle qu’elle est pratiquée dans le platonisme de l’Antiquité tardive, notamment dans le De vita Pythagorica de Jamblique. Il est montré que des traits du portrait de Pythagore, tel que Jamblique le représente, le mode de vie qu’il cultivait et qu’il enseignait à ses disciples, évoquent des éléments spécifiques à l’éthique d’Épicure. La manière (...)
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    Energy Biographies: Narrative Genres, Lifecourse Transitions, and Practice Change.Nick Pidgeon, Karen Parkhill, Catherine Butler, Fiona Shirani, Karen Henwood & Christopher Groves - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (3):483-508.
    The problem of how to make the transition to a more environmentally and socially sustainable society poses questions about how such far-reaching social change can be brought about. In recent years, lifecourse transitions have been identified by a range of researchers as opportunities for policy and other actors to intervene to change how individuals use energy, taking advantage of such disruptive transitions to encourage individuals to be reflexive toward their lifestyles and how they use the technological infrastructures on which they (...)
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    Collective Biography and Europe’s Cultural Legacy.Joseba Agirreazkuenaga & Mikel Urquijo - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (4):373-388.
    From the 1990s onwards there has been growing interest in the study of biography. As opposed to those who are skeptical of the biographical method, we defend the historiographical importance of collective biographies by contrasting them with biographical collections. By discussing the historical background of biography as a branch of history, and by focusing on the aims, methodology and outcomes of collective biographies, we attempt to show how they both extend and deepen our concept of historical research.
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    Reading biography.Michael Benton - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):77-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading BiographyMichael Benton (bio)Biographer, Biography, and the ReaderBiography is a hybrid. It is history crossed with narrative. The biographer has to present the available facts of the life yet shape their arbitrariness, untidiness, and incompleteness into an engaging whole. The readerly appeal lies in the prospect both of gaining documentary information, scrupulously researched and plausibly interpreted, and of experiencing the aesthetic pleasure of reading a well-made work of (...)
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  38. Can Biography Benefit from a Marxist Theory of Individuality? Lucien Sève’s Contribution to Biographical Theory.Julian Roche - 2018 - Rethinking Marxism 30 (2):291-306.
    This article examines the theory of personality compatible with Marxism developed by the French Marxist philosopher Lucien Sève, examines his view of how a Marxist biography should be written and how actual biographies should be evaluated. The conclusion is that Marxist biography should be distinctive, and that Sève has presented a plausible sketch of what a Marxist biography should look like. But he has also laid down an incredibly difficult set of criteria for success in which even (...)
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    Adorno: A Biography.Stefan Müller-Doohm - 2005 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    A comprehensive biography which covers Adorno's life, work and times: from childhood, through to his student years, his years in emigration, his return to post-war Germany, his time in Frankfurt, his role as a public intellectual, and his ...
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  40. Biographies of Scientific Objects. [REVIEW]Lorraine Daston - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (3/4):551-551.
    Why does an object or phenomenon become the subject of scientific inquiry? Why do some of these objects remain provocative, while others fade from center stage? And why do objects sometimes return as the focus of research long after they were once abandoned? Addressing such questions, _Biographies of Scientific Objects_ is about how whole domains of phenomena—dreams, atoms, monsters, culture, society, mortality, centers of gravity, value, cytoplasmic particles, the self, tuberculosis—come into being and sometimes pass away as objects of scientific (...)
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    Biographies of scientists and public understanding of science.Sugiyama Shigeo - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (1-2):124-134.
    In referring to biographies of Edison as examples, the following are shown: the image of a scientist or an engineer in biographies has dramatically changed over time; the images produced anew in each period fitted well to the social milieu of the day; biographies therefore acquired a large readership and contributed to informing to the public of the value of science and technology and the necessity of promoting them. It is also pointed out that a new image of scientist or (...)
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    Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy.James Carl Klagge (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of essays deals with the relationship between Wittgenstein's life and his philosophy. The first two essays reflect on general problems inherent in philosophical biography itself. The essays that follow draw on recently published letters as well as recently published diaries from the 1930s to explore Wittgenstein's background as an engineer and its relation to the Tractatus, the impact of his schizoid personality on his approach to philosophy, his role as a diarist, letter-writer and polemicist, and finally the (...)
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    Biographies indiennes.Romain Rolland - 2022 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Catherine Clémentin-Ojha, Sophie Dessen & Annie Montaut.
    In these three Indian biographies dating from the 1920s, Romain Rolland introduces the French reader to Gandhi's political struggle and to the spiritual careers of Ramakrishna and his disciple Vivekananda, while revealing the deep meaning of his attraction to Hindu India at this time of his life.
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    Scientific Biography: History of Science by Another Means?Mary Nye - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):322-329.
    Biography is one of the most popular categories of books—and indeed the most popular category among nonfiction books, according to one British poll. Thus, biography offers historians of science an opportunity to reach a potentially broad audience. This essay examines approaches typical of different genres of scientific biography, including historians’ motivations in their choices of biographical subject and their decisions about strategies for reconstruction of the biographical life. While historians of science often use biography as a (...)
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    Biography of God.Skip Heitzig - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers.
    The Biography of God offers a personal encounter with God-one that is uplifting, instructive, and practical for every area of life. This is a very conversational-style book that inspires, encourages, and enables readers to know God better.
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    Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history.Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K. - 1985 - Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.
    Prof. Iyengar's biography of Sri Aurobindo, long a standard reference work, is now in its fifth edition. The author's subtitle indicates the depth and breadth of the book, as it links the life of Sri Aurobindo, who played for our age the crucial role of leader of humanity's evolving destiny , with the history of India and the world. It also provides detailed discussions of Sri Aurobindo's writings, from the early poems and plays to the politics of Bande Mataram, (...)
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    Auguste Comte: an intellectual biography.Mary Pickering - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book constitutes the first volume of a projected two-volume intellectual biography of Auguste Comte, the founder of modern sociology and a philosophical movement called positivism. Volume One offers a reinterpretation of Comte's "first career," (1798-1842) when he completed the scientific foundation of his philosophy. It describes the interplay between Comte's ideas and the historical context of postrevolutionary France, his struggles with poverty and mental illness, and his volatile relationships with friends, family, and colleagues, including such famous contemporaries as (...)
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  48. Poetical biographies of Dharmakirti and the Tenth Karma-pa Chos-dbyings-rdo-rje: with a collection of instructions on Buddhist practice.ʼjam-DbyaṅS Dpal-Ldan-Rgya-Mtsho - 1982 - Thimphu, Bhutan: Tango Monastic Community.
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    Biography as Cultural History of Science.Mary Terrall - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):306-313.
    Taking off from reflections about the relation of biographical writing to fiction, this essay considers the ways in which scientific biography can explore the cultural dynamics of science. The author examines her own experience in using biography to write history of science and refers to several other examples of biographies of eighteenth‐century figures that raise issues specific to the persona of the man of science and his audiences in this period.
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    German Biographies of Marx between the Two World Wars: A Comparative Study.Feixia Ling - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (8):852-870.
    This article offers a comparative study of seven German biographies of Karl Marx (1818–1883) that were published between the two world wars. The interpretations of Marx’s theory of historical materialism presented in these biographies fall into three groups or approaches: the orthodox, the neo-Kantian, and the psychological. Some biographies place Marx the revolutionary above Marx the theorist, while others reverse this order. Similarly, some of the biographies explain the relationship between Marx’s life and thought by adopting the “experience–psychology–thought” framework. The (...)
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