Results for 'Benno Landsberger'

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  1.  18
    The Third Tablet of the Series Ea A N'quThe Third Tablet of the Series Ea A Naqu.Benno Landsberger - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1):133.
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    Unknown Benno Landsberger: A Biographical Sketch of an Assyriological Altmeister’s Development, Exile, and Personal Life; and Bernard V. Bothmer, Egyptologist in the Making, 1912 through July 1946: With Bothmer’s Own Account of His Escape from Central Eur. [REVIEW]Gary Beckman - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2):502.
    The Unknown Benno Landsberger: A Biographical Sketch of an Assyriological Altmeister’s Develop- ment, Exile, and Personal Life. By Ludĕk Vacín. Leipziger Altorientalische Studien, vol. 10. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018. Pp. xvi + 132, illus. €39. And: Bernard V. Bothmer, Egyptologist in the Making, 1912 through July 1946: With Bothmer’s Own Account of His Escape from Central Europe in October 1941. By Marianne Eaton-Krauss. Investgatio Orientis, vol. 3. Münster: Zaphon, 2019. Pp. 174, illus. €59.
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  3. Einleitung.Benno Erdmann - 1878 - In [no title].
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    Gambling on God.P. T. Landsberg - 1971 - Mind 80 (317):100-104.
  5. Husserl et l'idée de la philosophie.Paul-Ludwig Landsberg - 1939 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1:317-325.
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  6. Rembrandt, the Jews and the Bible.Franz Landsberger - 1946
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    China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequences of Global Restructuring.Martin Hart-Landsberg & Paul Burkett - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (3):3-43.
  8. The concept of judgment on the legal stage : an alternative view of Hegel's theory of freedom.Benno Zabel - 2020 - In Jiří Chotaš & Tereza Matějčková, An Ethical Modernity?: Hegel’s Concept of Ethical Life Today. Boston: BRILL.
  9.  27
    Can the Excluded Criticize? On the (Im)possibilities of Formulating and Understanding Critique.Benno Herzog - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (1):9-20.
    If critique does not want to be more than just a ‘passion of the head’ it has to engage in dialogue with the worst-off in society. However, there are several mechanisms that hinder the excluded from giving words to their suffering. Furthermore, there are processes of invisibilization that impede even the perception of the excluded and their critique in the public space. The aim of this article is to conceptually explore the mechanisms of formulating critique by the excluded and of (...)
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    Immanuel Kant's Kritik der Urtheilskraft, herausgegeben von Benno Erdmann.Immanuel Kant & Benno Erdmann - 1880
  11. (2 other versions)Historische Untersuchungen über Kants Prolegomena.Benno Erdmann - 1904 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 12 (5):8-8.
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  12. Righteousness in Matthew and His World of Thought.Benno Przybylski - 1980
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    Society action and space: an alternative human geography.Benno Werlen - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    What is space? And why are questions of space important to social theory? Society, Action and Space is the first English translation of a book which has been widely recognized in Europe as a major contribution to the interface between geography and social theory. Benno Werlen focuses on the issues which are at the heart of the most important debates in human and social geography today. One of the most significant recent developments in social analysis has been the increasing (...)
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  14.  33
    A Statistical Method for Recovering Unknown Parameters from Medieval Astronomical Tables.Benno Dalen - 1989 - Centaurus 32 (2):85-145.
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    On Ptolemy's Table for the Equation of Time.Benno van Dalen - 1994 - Centaurus 37 (2):97-153.
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    Verankerung von Kinderrechten im Grundgesetz gescheitert.Benno Hafeneger - 2021 - Polis 25 (3):4-6.
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    Participatory Extension as Basis for the Work of Rural Extension Services in the Amazon.Benno Pokorny, Guilhermina Cayres & Westphalen Nunes - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):435-450.
    Public extension services play a key role in the implementation of strategies for rural development based on the sustainable management of natural resources. However, the sector suffers from restricted financial and human resources. Using experiences from participatory action research, a strategy for rural extension in the Amazon was defined to increase the efficiency and the relevance of external support for local resource users. This strategy considered activities initiated and coordinated by local people. Short-term facilitation visits provided continuous external support for (...)
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  18.  11
    Sozialgeographie alltäglicher Regionalisierungen.Benno Werlen - 1995 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
    Bd. 1. Zur Ontologie von Gesellschaft und Raum -- Bd. 2. Globalisierung, Region und Regionalisierung -- Bd. 3. Ausgangspunkte und Befunde empirischer Forschung.
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  19.  16
    Autonomie und Autorität.Benno Zabel - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (4):525-537.
    In the foreground stands the idea to decipher law as starting point of continuous emancipation and alientation processes. Emancipation and alienation refer to an ethos of specific societies including forms of rational knowledge and inherited convention as much as individual needs and techniques securing domination. Insofar, law is no postulated „fact“ only to be discovered or (de-)constructed. We rather should understand it as dense texture of interests and convictions, theories and practices. The meaning of this can be illustrated with the (...)
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  20.  13
    Besprechungsaufsatz zu Christoph Menke, Kritik der Rechte.Benno Zabel - 2017 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 124 (1):111-117.
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    Legitime Gewalt? Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Strafkritik.Benno Zabel - 2023 - Philosophische Rundschau 70 (4):423.
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  22. Free will in a mechanistic universe?P. T. Landsberg & D. A. Evans - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):343-358.
  23.  86
    Bourgeois revolution, state formation and the absence of the international.Benno Teschke - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (2):3-26.
  24.  75
    Invisibilization and Silencing as an Ethical and Sociological Challenge.Benno Herzog - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (1):13-23.
    Excluded and/or marginalized social groups frequently face problems involving representation in the public sphere. Moreover, the very notion of exclusion typically refers to communicatively or discursively produced mechanisms of being considered irrelevant in public processes of communication. Exclusion and marginalization, understood as processes of silencing or invisibilizing social groups, are particularly serious in cases involving social suffering, i.e. socially produced suffering and/or suffering that can be eliminated or alleviated socially. Making silence heard, giving voice to the silenced and bringing the (...)
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  25.  19
    Heterogeneity in Risk-Taking During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From the UK Lockdown.Benno Guenther, Matteo M. Galizzi & Jet G. Sanders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In two pre-registered online studies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the early 2020 lockdown (one of which with a UK representative sample) we elicit risk-tolerance for 1,254 UK residents using four of the most widely applied risk-taking tasks in behavioral economics and psychology. Specifically, participants completed the incentive-compatible Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART) and the Binswanger-Eckel-Grossman (BEG) multiple lotteries task, as well as the Domain-Specific Risk-Taking Task (DOSPERT) and the self-reported questions for risk-taking used in the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) (...)
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  26.  10
    Kants Kriticismus in der Ersten und in der Zweiten Auflage der Kritik der Reinen Vernunft: Eine Historische Untersuchung.Benno Erdmann (ed.) - 1999 - L. Voss.
    This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by Leopold Voss in Leipzig, 1878.
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  27.  14
    Über voreuklidische „Elemente“, deren Autor Proportionen vermied.Benno Artmann - 1985 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 33 (4):291-306.
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    Geopolitics.Benno Teschke - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):327-335.
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    Philosophische abhandlungen: Christoph Sigwart zu seinem siebzigsten geburtstage 28. märz 1900.Benno Erdmann - 1900 - J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck).
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  30. Reflexionen Kants zur kritischen Philosophie. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1882/1884.Benno Erdmann & Norbert Hinske - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):159-160.
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    Importance of amygdala noradrenergic activity and large-scale neural networks in regulating emotional arousal effects on perception and memory.Benno Roozendaal, Laura Luyten, Lycia D. de Voogd & Erno J. Hermans - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  32. Adam ʻim ʻatsmo.Benno Rothenberg - 1958 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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  33. Darkhe maḥshavah ḥadashim.Benno Rothenberg - 1949 - [Tel Aviv]: ha-Agudah ha-filosofit.
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  34.  40
    Zur krise der wissenschaft und ueber den logistischen neo-positivismus.Benno Rothenberg - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):376 - 385.
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    Prosthetic Memory: Total Recall and Blade Runner.Alison Landsberg - 1995 - Body and Society 1 (3-4):175-189.
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  36. Euclid: The Creation of Mathematics.Benno Artmann - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (3):448-448.
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  37. Martin Knutzen und seine Zeit.Benno Erdmann - 1876 - Hildesheim,: H. A. Gerstenberg.
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  38. Discussion: The uncertainty principle as a problem in philosophy.P. T. Landsberg - 1947 - Mind 56 (223):250-256.
  39. (1 other version)Logik.Benno Erdmann - 1892 - Mind 1 (2):265-271.
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  40. Toward a developmental foreign policy? Challenges for South Africa's diplomacy in the second decade of liberation.Chris Landsberg - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (3):723-756.
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    La critique kantienne de la connaissance: Comme synthèse du rationalisme et de l'empirisme.Benno Erdmann - 1904 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 12 (3):445 - 475.
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  42. Philosophiegeschichtliche Darstellungen des 19. Und Frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.Benno Erdmann & Heike Menges - 1992 - Verlag Dietmar Klotz.
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    Zur Methode der Geschichte der Philosophie.Benno Erdmann - 1894 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 7 (3):342-349.
  44.  50
    Approaching Aisthetics Or: Installation Art and Environmental Aesthetics as Investigative Activity.Benno Hinkes - 2017 - Espes 6 (2):62-71.
    The article discusses installation art and its potential contribution to a transdisciplinary research practice, in which not only artistic, but also aesthetic theoretical approaches could play a central role. However, as the article shows, this firstly requires a change in perspective concerning the way we approach art. Secondly, it entails changes to a common understanding of aesthetic theory and, thereby, philosophy. A term of central significance in this context is the notion of aisthesis. The article will illustrate these thoughts through (...)
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  45.  22
    Marx y el problema del hombre.Paul Ludwig Landsberg - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:83-95.
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    Schwerpunkt: Angstverfassungen. Über die affektiven Untergründe des Rechts.Benno Zabel & Ino Augsberg - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (3):425-429.
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    Die Skrif is aan ons toevertrou: Die implikasie van τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ in Romeine 3:2.Benno A. Zuiddam - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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  48. Die Axiome der Geometry Eine Philosophische Untersuchung der Riemann-Helmholtz'schen Raumtheorie.Benno Erdmann - 1877 - L. Voss.
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    The Dark Triad and the PID-5 Maladaptive Personality Traits: Accuracy, Confidence and Response Bias in Judgments of Veracity.Benno G. Wissing & Marc-André Reinhard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:273619.
    The Dark Triad traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy—have been found to be associated with intra- or interpersonal deception production frequency. This cross-sectional study ( N = 207) investigated if the Dark Triad traits are also associated with deception detection accuracy, as implicated by the recent conception of a deception-general ability. To investigate associations between maladaptive personality space and deception, the PID-5 maladaptive personality traits were included to investigate if besides Machiavellianism, Detachment is negatively associated with response bias. Finally, associations between the (...)
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    Propaganda, psychological warfare and communication research in the USA and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.Benno Nietzel - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):59-76.
    This article discusses the role of communication research in the Cold War, moving from a US-centered to a comparative-transnational point of view. It examines research on prop-aganda and mass communication in the United States and the Soviet Union, focusing not only on the similarities and differences, but also on mutual perceptions and transnational entanglements. In both countries, communication scientists conducted their research with its benefits for propaganda practitioners and waging the Cold War in mind. It has been suggested that after (...)
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